#who cannot fathom this scotus decision
angelsaxis · 2 years
idk like sex workers trans people indigenous americans and Black radicals (or even just the average Black politically-aware person) have been warning about this wave of white supremacist legislative violence for years. if you can understand that serial killers get away with their deeds by attacking the least popular members of society--the marginalized--before "move up" to targets like white women, then you can understand that for years members of congress have been attacking sex workers, trans people's rights, indigenous people, and Black people in sometimes subtle but other times not subtle ways. but because sex workers, native americans, Black people, and trans people are so unpopular--and god forbid if anyone is all of these at once--many many many white liberals especially, regardless of their other social classes, were fine with ignoring the signs that crept up on them. they want order more than they want justice. i won't lie and act like there wasn't a time where I thought things would stay permanently good after 2015's obergefell ruling, but me being 15 and hopeful is leagues away from liberals now acting shocked that the loaded gun aimed at their head was actually fired.
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madtastically · 2 years
In light of the Roe v Wade SCOTUS leak, I am reading so many tweets, posts, and articles about all the horrible, scary, unfortunate situations that could happen with an abortion ban. I understand the rhetoric, go to the worse case to try and highlight how dangerous an abortion ban is.
I am exactly the type of case people do not use in their pro-choice examples. The person who is married, financially stable, has family, but does not want children. Sometimes that feels extreme for none of the reasons either side suggestions. it feels extreme because unlike some of the examples of pregnancy because of assault or health issues for the parent, I do not want a child, not just this child, any child.
The truth is I do not want kids because I do not want kids. It is alarming how difficult that is for some people to swallow. Total strangers who cannot fathom why someone wouldn't want to spend the rest of their lives as a parent. Who doesn't want to put their bodies through the turmoil and risk that is pregnancy. Who, for any number of reasons, have decided children are not for them. People will try to convince and coax and doubt this, even when they are in no way affected by ones decision to or not to have kids.
If lack of a desire to be a parent isn't enough, I would also be a bad mom. I am not emotionally consistent enough to be as patient as I know I would need to be. I know what kind of parent I would want to be and also that I would not be that parent.
If I were to say this to nosey people they would no doubt offer platitudes about me or my situation and how untrue it is that I would be a bad mom and how I'll feel different after I have kids.
Personally, I feel neutral on it. I’m not mad or sad that I don’t feel like I have the temperament to be a good mom. It doesn't mean I’m a bad person or have some horrible lifestyle, I just don’t handle annoyance well and I do not like being tied to things that kids generally benefit from (Like a school district or staying near relatives, etc).
This may sound shallow, but we shouldn't need some tragic story or unbeatable circumstance for adults to see how damaging it would be to adults and children to force people to parent children they do not want for the remainder of their lives (because parenting absolutely does not stop at 18 years old). Parental neglect is harmful enough to kids who's parents could not wait to bring them into the world. There are too many resentful parents walking around miserable already.
When it's all said and done, I like my life as is. It's the best I could ask for given the circumstances. I am loving and loved, I have work, and my needs are met. I have so much love for the people who are willing to share their trauma to try and appeal to others, but it is irritating that so many feel they need to because just wanting to live a childfree life isn't a compelling enough reason to not force somoeone to have children, raise children, or be a parent.
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