#who else is on our teammmm
leondraisaitlsglove · 6 years
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⤷ Islanders @ Oilers | Feb 21st 2019
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A Whole New World Pt.4
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I groan loudly as I hear a knock on my door and I roll over and put a pillow over my head “Go awayyyy” I say feeling exhausted from last nights endeavors....last night... “Ahhhh” I groan louder this time my face flushing with embarrassment as I remember “Laxus” I whisper and giggle, “ugh stop you are acting so dumb you don’t even know him, sure he saved you from those dudes but still...He probably just felt sorry for you and he probably saves girls all the time. Bleh with his looks he probably has lots of girls... Probably has herpes too.” Still I can’t help but giggle and squeeze my pillow thinking about him, but immediately drop my smile “stop acting like a little girl” I whisper to myself
“Hannah if you don’t get up and out here I’m going to burn this door down, it’s 12pm I’ve been trying to get you up for like two hours but we don’t have phones here so I can’t text or call you. Get your ass up!!” Aaliyah yells through my door
I groan again but reluctantly roll out of bed and put on my old clothes, God we have got to get a job today and get money to go shopping, our clothing probably smells gross. We have worn and sweated in them one day too long. I open the door and stick my tongue out at Aaliyah who is waiting for me outside with her arms crossed, “well lets go get a job and get that bag” I say while walking out the exit with her.
We walk in and my stomach immediately starts rumbling, “dude we need food money asap” I say as we walk towards the bar and take our seats, I smile at Mirajane “Hi Hannah and Aaliyah it’s good to see you both, I hope you both slept well in your new rooms, also come to take me up on the free food order?” 
My eyes light up “Oh yes please, I thought you might have been joking yesterday but I’m so glad you weren’t, we haven’t gone on a job yet so we are currently broke, haha” I say scratching the back of my head and grinning. She smiles back “I don’t joke about helping two newcomers out, give me a few minutes and I’ll be out with something for you both” She says with a wink.
“Damn, I think I have a girl crush on her dude.” I say to Aaliyah and we both laugh. A few minutes pass and Mirajane brings us two plates with sausage eggs and toast. My mouth waters “Thank you so much Mirajane” I say with a few dramatic tears in my eyes as I eat the delicious food. “You can call me Mira” Her smile seemed so sweet and pure, wow I really like it here, I wonder if everyone else is as nice as this. I look up at the second floor “Hey, Mira what’s up there? Is the second floor off limits, I don’t see anyone up there?” I ask while nibbling some of my toast. She nods while cleaning some drink glasses “Mm yes, the second floor has the S class job requests which is a rank you achieve by doing a promotion trial, its a series of tasks and compete against other wizards to test if you have the ability, talent and of course strength to get the title of S class. So far we only have three current S class wizards, four if you count me but I don’t really count myself since I don’t do those jobs. They are Gildarts who is always traveling on hard jobs and is almost never here, Erza who is also known at Titania and our strongest female wizard, not counting myself, and of course our masters grandson Laxus, he’s a bit distant from people not on his team but hes a softie deep down, don’t tell him I told you that.” She winked at me. “But S class jobs are usually much harder and more dangerous, but the reward is always much better, I always say the harder the task the more the jewels.” 
I laugh and continue to eat my food, hmm s class jobs maybe I can use my camouflage to sneak up there and take a peek. I giggle to myself and Aaliyah gives me a look I just wave her off, we could use the money but I guess we can take a regular job today so we can at least have money for new clothing. 
We are finishing up our food and a man with black hair and a chilly vibe comes and sits next to me “Hey, the names Gray, I haven’t seen you two around so I thought I would introduce myself. I’m an ice make wizard.” I shake his hand and smile “I’m Hannah and shes Aaliyah, I have erm, nature magic. And she has fire magic.” I say being vague with our powers just to keep it lowkey, don’t want everyone knowing we have origin magic, it might cause trouble. 
When I look back at him after looking at Aaliyah while introducing her I make the biggest ‘WTF’ face ever “Ummm, you seem to have... lost your clothing...” I say awkwardly trying to not look at his damn six pack right in front of me while blushing. Gray looks down a yells “Damnit sorry not again!” I give a little snort, I guess this guy strips, what, unconsciously? “Pfft” These people are something else. I giggle blushing at his crazy antics and then suddenly a dark shadow casts over me and a man steps right in between my stool and grays blocking my sight of him “Oh Laxus you are back, how was the job” I look up and my blush gets ten times worse just looking at him and remembering last night too.
I turn back in my seat back to my food, staring at my plate “It was fine, normal stuff, boring mostly.” He says nonchalantly and I risk sneaking a peak at him and we make eye contact and for a split second I see a small smirk on his face before he looks away. I huff in annoyance, jeez whats with this dude he might be hot but hes kind of annoying me, he seems so arrogant and full of himself, probably a leo too. “Hey Gray go put clothes on I’m gonna sit here.” He says as his presence alone causes Gray to move out of his chair and just nod. I raise my eyebrows and turn back to my food trying to finish faster. I turn away from Laxus to Aaliyah and she gives me a look “I’ll tell you later” I whisper and I grab her arm “time to get a job for once in our lives” I say as I jump off my stool and pull Aaliyah along with me to the request board. I can’t even be around him without feeling crazy, hmph I’ll just avoid him then, easy enough thanks to jobs.
We walk over to the bulletin board with job flyers all over it and a man standing staring at them, I smile “Hi I’m Hannah and this is Aaliyah, we are new” We both smile at him “are you looking for a job too, we’ve never taken a job before” I say to him as I look them over. “Hah, yeah right Nab never takes a job he just stands there all day staring.” A man shouts from a table near the board. Nab turns around “Yeah right Max I’m going to take a job one of these days I’m just waiting for one that only I can do!” I giggle at them and Nab turns to me “So what kind of magic do you two use” He asks “well, I use nature magic and she uses fire magic” He looks around and grabs one “This one might be a good one for your first job, not too hard but the pay is decent” I look at the flyer ‘Need help relighting our magic lanterns with long lasting fire, reward 100,000 jewels’ I hand it to Aaliyah “I think you can do it, I mean the pay is good to we split it and both get 50,000.” Aaliyah looks at me “Why would we split it I’d be doing all the work” I give her a fake shocked look “Oh my my, but we are a teammmm we are traveling together, teams split the reward, besides next time we will get a job that uses my magic and I’ll split it with you too.” I grin “Lets go, thanks Nab! I hope you find that job and it was good to meet you” I say waving and he smiles back “You too Hannah, Aaliyah, just clear the job with Mirajane before you go!” 
I rush over to Mira and hold out the flyer to her while purposely pretending Laxus wasn’t sitting right there and forcing myself not looking at him. Just act like he doesn’t exist then everything is fine, I keep chanting that to myself. Mira smiles and hands the flyer back to me “It looks good for you two good luck on your first job and don’t push yourself too hard!” Me and Aaliyah thank her and wave goodbye as we leave.
Mira watches as Hannah and Aaliyah stroll out of the guild hall to their first job “My, what strange girls, and their magic power... It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before” She says to herself before looking at Laxus with a raised eyebrow “What was that then hmmm” She says slyly while grinning “Does the big bad Laxus Drayer have an interest in our newcomer Hannah” He just stars at her before scoffing and downing the rest of his drink, standing up and walking away. Mira giggles “Oh this is very interesting” She says to herself while cleaning Laxus mug.
“SO! The village is just up a few mile north of Magnolia, jeez as soon as we make money we can take a train next time, no wonder everyone here is so fit looking they work out doing jobs and hiking around towns. My legs are gonna be so dead by the time we get there. God I bet it looks beautiful in the fall and winter though, I can’t wait.” I say while smiling and me and Aaliyah walk down the dirt path towards a small town called Aspen village. 
When we reach the town we see the flyer said to go to the mayors house so we ask around until someone tells us where it is. We knock on the door and a tall elderly man answers the door. “Hello sir, we are wizards from Fairy Tail here to do the job you requested!” I say and me and Aaliyah smile at him. 
“Ah yes, thank you, every year or so we need wizards to relight them with special long lasting fire instead of wasting money on resources for the lights. Just go around and light each one then come back and I’ll have your reward.It interesting to have a different fire wizard this time, we usually have a very destructive but boisterous young man who comes, it’s good to see new faces though, you Fairy Tail wizards are always so kind. ” He says to us and we smile then head out into the town again.
“Hmm looks like you have competition for best fire wizard in the guild then, we haven’t met him yet he sounds.. Interesting, I’ll try not to judge before meeting him.” I say poking Aaliyah in the side. 
She laughs “yeah okay he’s probably better than me right now, but we just got here, he’s been here his whole life, probably learning magic since he was little, so it’s not exactly fair to compare yet, but hey Ignis said our origin magic has the potential to be stronger than any wizard in this world if we train enough. So eventually I can probably beat him if I had to.” I nod at her words
We walk along the street, Aaliyah lighting each street light as we come across them. “Hm, it is weird, to know you control such powerful magic, I could sense Laxus’s power last night, honestly it was the most intense thing I have ever felt, I don’t want to get on his bad side, I guess that means they can sense our magic too then. I wonder if it feels strong or weak right now, pfft my guess is weak, at least for now.” 
Aaliyah is about to light another street light but she stops and turns to me “wait what do you mean Laxus last night? What the hell, tell me everything right now”
“AHG” I say forgetting I hadn’t told her yet about last night events “crap, I forgot to tell you, I was going to but then he showed up this morning and distracted the pants off of me, not in a sexual sense, well kind of, but also that other dudes pants too. Wow this is a weird world man.” I say while laughing really loud. Aaliyah laughs with me as we keep walking and she works on the street lights “Soooo stop avoiding it what happened, you two didn’t....Hook upppp did you??” 
My face flushes “WHAT, oh my lord stop playing around, a man like that would never want a girl like me, I mean get real did you see the girls around the guild, they all look so much better than me and I mean him and Mira would make such a good match, shes an S class, or former S class wizard and he is too, I mean I heard that her and this other girl Erza are the two most powerful girls in the guild. They would make a great couple, I can’t compete with that, and I bet he has hordes of girls and fans who he could have any time he wants.” I say fake smiling “Besides I don’t like him, I just think hes hot, I don’t even know the man.” 
Aaliyah looks at me “Righhhhht, first off you are gorgeous, stop acting like you aren’t, the other girls might be pretty too but that doesn’t make you any less hot, stop putting yourself down, and pffft who cares about being powerful besides the fact that we ARE strong, Ignis and Terra told us we are remember we have origin magic which is apparently I don’t know TERRIFYING, we just need to train! And don’t you like being weaker than the man, who knows maybe he wants a girl he can protect and be strong for.” She says while throwing up another flame into the street light. “NOW stop avoiding the subject and making me go off on a rant, what happened last night!”
I sigh and dip my head and retell the events of last night. She looks shocked “Are you serious, you went out alone, at night, in a city we just got to, and you got lost HAHA, oh man I’m sorry I shouldn’t laugh, that sucks I would have beat those dudes down. I guess its good Laxus was there, man why didn’t you use your magic?” I let out another dramatic sigh 
“I don’t knooooow, I was just so terrified it’s like my brain stopped working, I’m really glad he was there, who knows what would have happened, God it’s kinda cliche though isn’t it. Like a damn movie.” I say rolling my eyes but blush thinking about how it ended. “Still I think he might like you, that little way he teased you when he brought you back, now I would have killed to see your face when he did that, I bet you were so embarrassed, honestly it’s weird that he heard you though, we were pretty far away from him when you said it... Maybe it’s part of his magic?” She adds. 
“Eh?” I furrow my brows “But he has lightning magic how does advanced hearing go with that” She shrugs “Maybe lightning is just his main magic, and he has some other abilities too, you make him sound strong enough to take down this whole town, who knows what he has under his sleeve.” I giggle.
“Oh I KNOW he has GODLY biceps I haven’t seen him shirtless but I just know, under that sexy coat he always wears he has the biggest arms that could rival The Rocks.” Aaliyah looks at me, “Hannah you are drooling.” I quickly whip my hand up to my face “Oh haha, nice one, I can’t wait till you see a hot magic wizard man and I get to tease you about it.” 
“So far not one man has caught my eye I’ll tell you that.” She says and I hum “Suree, just wait it’ll happen and when it does I’ll be righhhht there waiting.” I cross my arms as I walk beside her, “there we go, that should be the last one I think, I tried to think in my head burn for a very long time please, while lighting each one. I hope they actually stay for a while or I’ll feel pretty shitty.” 
I laugh “who knows with our origin magic you might have accidentally made them burn forever and then we won’t ever get to come back and make more money here.” Her eyes widen “Do you think I could actually do that, that’s kind of scary.” 
“Pffff, who knows, we honestly don’t know our true strength yet, I mean I can do camouflage why couldn’t you create I don’t know, infinity flames.” I say while waving my hands dramatically.
We walk back to the mayors house and get our reward, 50,000 jewels each. We wave goodbye to the mayor and head off back to Magnolia.
“Look we can take the train now, but we should probably buy a bag or purse to keep our money in when we get back. Hey are you okay?” I say to Aaliyah and she nods “Yeah just glad we can take the train, using all that magic really drained me, I don’t think I could walk back home.” 
We buy our train tickets and board, “Gosh, we really need to train, we can’t save the world if this drains us, maybe we can get a mentor? Someone who can teach us how to use our magic” I suggest 
“Yeah but we could just call up the origin ghosts, they said we could contact them if we had questions, I mean they are ghosts what else do they have to do all day.” Aaliyah says looking sleepy. “Hm, yeah but I think It would be better if we got someone actually living, maybe we can ask who we should ask to be our mentors though, I bet they know a bunch of powerful wizards with the same kind of magic as us.” Aaliyah just nods and we eventually reach Magnolia.
“Okay, I know you are tired but we should go shopping, we really need new clothing, and a bag and some food, then we go home.” I say as we get off the train.
We walk through the streets of Magnolia until we find a clothing shop and I drag Aaliyah inside. We both go around the shop and I find a cute olive green romper with a matching headband, “Hmm, 10,000 jewels, I’ll take it” I buy the outfit and buy a bag to go with the outfit and to keep my money in. Aaliyah picks out a cute black tank top with red pants, a matching black bag and “Ohh look at us we both have headbands, we are so cute. Come on food is next!” I say hurriedly as we run off to the market.
We both pick out different ingredients and two different cook books to use, I go to reach for a bag of chips that look yummy but my hand connects with someone else reaching for the same bag. An electric current runs all the way up my arm “Jesus, you scared me sorry I mean you can take them.” I look up at him and I fidget looking down at some other snacks as he grabs the bag of chips and buys them. “Here” he says as he hands them to me and walks off down the street. 
I blink a few times... “Uhm, thanks..” I can feel the heat in my face again, but he was already gone. “Stop stop, it was just a weird conicidence and he was just being nice.” I say smacking myself in the face a few times and Aaliyah walks over looking at me weird “Stop looking at me like that!!” I snap “AHG sorry god he always has to show up at weird times doesn’t he.” 
“Dude Laxus again?!” Aaliyah says “What happened now?” 
“BAH he tried to grab a bag of chips I was also trying to grab to buy and duh our stupid hands touched, dumbass lightning wizard I got shocked. And then he bought them after I said he could have them and he gave them to me, the nerve!” I say with a huff. Aaliyah laughs “Oh man, this is so funny, you like him so bad it hurts.” I glare at her “Hell no, come on lets go home”
I turn around and walk back towards Fairy Hills. We both go into my dorm “I’ll cook tonight I think i got some good stuff, and this cookbook has so many recipes I’m excited to try!” 
We get to work in the kitchen and make braised fish with miso soup. We eat and laugh together, “man I feel more like an adult here than I ever did back home” I say while eating some soup.
“I mean we are only 18 it’s not like we had to instantly become adults at 18″ Aaliyah says and I sigh “I know I know but I just feel like at least I’m accomplishing something, I never felt like I did anything in our world, I feel like I have a purpose here, and I’m glad we came to this world together, I don’t know if I could have been here by myself.” We both smile and I add “hey I wonder what the drinking age is here.” Aaliyah scoffs “of course you would want to know”
“Come onnnn it could be funn, I wonder what wizard alcohol tastes like, haha oh I bet they have hot springs we can visit, ohhh I’m so excited even though the world is gonna end and we have to stop it and we need to train, I don’t care right now. I’m just excited to explore and have fun too!” We both laugh and talk the rest of the night, just like back home.
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