#who i see as being the absolute mvp as a wingman
In the shattered glass au. What if SG Soundwave and Starscream get the idea to send Rodimus and Soundwave somewhere on a date. That way they can relax after everything that's happened. They can also get away for a while and Baseline Optimus can hang out with baseline Megatron while they are gone. Drift of course gives them the talk not that Rodimus is interested in anything because of *TRAUMA*
Awww that's adorable, especially on how they're both encouraging soundrod and megop
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fleetofshippyships · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: 5 Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Tagged by @inessencedevided and @rockmarina =)
Yay, AO3 is back up so I can do this now XD cos the brain fog is thick and I couldn’t even remember 5 titles let alone my favs 😅 and I wrote a lot of little things while fogged this year and never posted them, or thought I did only to find out later I didn’t, or just...forgot they existed entirely, and a few things posted here on tumblr but not AO3, so...I’m very confused and needed help remembering 😅 I plan on sorting that mess out soon
This year has been my worst and least productive from when I first started posting fic years ago, but that’s okay, my health has been rock bottom this year so it’s to be expected, so every drabble and fic is something to be proud of!!
But, my favs, let’s see...after I scroll my own AO3 to remind myself what I wrote not much 😅 but also crap I was so ready to link my sangxian fic but that was posted late 2019 😭
A Dream Made Real (Wangxian, Merfolk AU, Tears of Pearl Part  6)
I never meant for this merfolk AU to be more than that first part of the series but whoops, it got away from me XD I really miss writing it, hopefully I can get more done this year!
Side note: also A Charming Distraction which is set in the same setting but not quite a part of the series (although I’m going to work it in after thinking about it, so yes this happens at some point after part 6) because really, what is the point of having a merman boyfriend if you don’t use him like a banana boat to lazily float down the river? (also this was a collab with @sweetlittlevampire, and she enabled me wonderfully when I had this idea of Lan Zhan dropping a water whale on Wei Wuxian’s head and then she drew it so beautifully (the moment before Wei Wuxian got drenched, which is beautiful and not as ridiculous as it sounds XD)
Never Again (Nie Huaisang/Jiang Cheng, unhappy ending)
I’m still so happy with the angst in this, and cos my friend who loves angst prompted me I was able to just go hard and not tone it down (I LOVE angst XD) and then she cussed me out for how painful it was, which was the most fun part XD but I love the (so deliciously painful) idea of Huaisang pushing Jiang Cheng away to keep him safe but also being absolutely fucking brutal because he knows Jiang Cheng’s most painful weaknesses and also knows nothing short of total brutality will keep Jiang Cheng far enough away to not notice everything that follows in canon, and cos Jiang Cheng just won’t take the hint 😭
An untitled Soulmate AU I’m working on for the Touken Ranbu fandom (Kurikasen ship, WHY ARE THEY A RAREPAIR I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND) which so far exists online only as this WIP wednesday snippet post. It’s not finished yet (or is it? endings are hard) but I wrote 9k of it in 2020 so it counts right? XD
Now and Always (Jin Ling/Lan Sizhui)
This was just purely self-indulgent. I just wanted to write Sizhui trying to make Yanli’s soup for Jin Ling, I have big feelings about Sizhui having tried it but not Jin Ling. Also, literally nothing would happen in this fic without Jingyi, he is the true MVP, the ultimate wingman, and he deserves an award!
Putting to Rights (Poly Junior Quartet with Jin Ling/Jingyi focus)
I just like writing the juniors but also I’ll never not love the moment Jin Ling rushes to his feet to go off at Sizhui and Zizhen only to get yanked back down because his hand is still all tangled with Jingyi’s by the forehead ribbon XD
Okay, I’m not gonna tag anyone cos I’m late doing this and everyone has probably already been tagged and I’ve been offline so long I feel weird tagging anyone anyway XD
But if any content creators see this and wanna do it but weren’t tagged, PLEASE DO IT, you can say I tagged you =)
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verannaca · 5 years
Major Frozen 2 Spoilers Below!
You’d never be able to tell by reading this that I’m a whole-ass adult, AND a writer :’)
• Vuelie smacked with nostalgia holy sHIT • Pretty snowflakes proves this movie is Frozen • BABY ANNA • "wait, what?" • baby anna with attitude • snuggles • iduna/ERW has an amazing voice?? • "you'll be drowned" foreshadowing?? • Elsa freezes the railing and just awkwardly leaves it?? a queen • ANNNAAA • Anna and Olaf • Olaf being poetic?? • poor sweet anna isnt lonely anymore :') • SOOMMEE THINGS NEVER CHANGE this was catchy as heck • "holding on tight to you" that kristanna twirl SENT ME • "irredeemable monster" "greatest mistake of your life" "WOULDNT EVEN KISS YOU" • AURORA • Kristoff getting prepared to spend a LONG time in that room, if u know what im saying ;;;))) • bedtime snuggles and it's now canon that EA call each other "Darling" • anna representing women who drool n snore, and elsas a FUCKING MOUTH BREATHER • elsa's grumpy face >:(      (she’s so cute what the heck) • INTO THE UNKNOOOWWNNNN ft aurora • uh oh kingdom's in danger again THANKSELSA • KA helping the citizens as a true Queen and King would (sPOILERS) • "youve been hearing this voice and u didnt think to tell me" the offence is beautiful • elsa's pouty hesitation before she tells anna what happened • ELSA'S FACE the entire time KA & Olaf plan to go with her on the adventure, she was NOT having any of it • olaf being annoying for x minutes straight • anna ready to get dicked up on a sleigh ride even tho her sis is sleeping 5 feet away from her lmao MOOD • "crazy? you didnt say i was crazy - you think im c R A Z Y?" HER FACE SENT ME • kristoff bumbling everything RIP • aurora is back • elsa runs in heels through rocky land and somehow doesnt break her ankles, 10/10 (i mean anna did the same but it’s expected of her lmao) • olaf being annoying pt2 (sorry, he’s cute ig) • anna getting mad at the mist • anna walking towards the cliff to view the dam and looking like an autumn goddess • sven is a terrible wingman • "WE WILL DIE" good job kristoff • elsa not caring about anna's worry • olaf had a song here i think?? • WIND • elsa looks good when messy idc idc • "THAT'S MY SISTER" that's an outtake line from Frozen!!!! • surprise statues • anna rips a sword out of ice with her bare hands n no one thinks anything of it • northuldra ppl • honeymaren eyefucking elsa (we see u) • olaf's funniest scene lmao • "one with power, and one powerless" ANNAS FACE OF OFFENCE HAHAHAHA IT'S OKAY BB YOU HAVE THE POWER OF LOVE • "oh, anna" oh mattias, we feel u • fire spirit • ANNA COUGHING • BRUNNIIIIIII • bruni & elsa head tilts • "they're all looking at us, arent they" yes elsa because ur talking to a fucking salamander • anna gets mad cuz elsa gets mad cuz anna ran into fire cuz elsa ran into fire • iduna was northuldra (neat) • vuelie but different??? • kristoff made a friend!! • insecure anna + a mutual lacking communication = :( • a sad failed proposal • A SHIPWRECK¿? • this is v dark for disney holy shi • the horror in elsa's voice "what were they doing in the dark sea?!" • they watch their parent's final moments • the horror in iduna's voice "the waves are too high" • this is a kid's movie, yes? • elsa flees, anna follows • THE GUILT ohmygosh poor elsa :( • anna tries v hard, but i can only imagine her own agony??? she's tryna take care of elsa but who's taking care of anna?? :(((( • elsa becomes manipulative?? JUST EXPLAIN THAT IT'S DANGEROUS AND REQUIRES MAGIC • elsa does the thing • anna and olaf are v angry (same) • anna loses her cloak & shows her beautiful jacket?? thank u anna • DARK SEA • elsa battles the ocean that swallowed her parents • Nokk tries to drown her?? dragging her through the water by her hand was INTENSE • i know she doesnt get cold n thats fine but damn homegirl must REALLY workout at home (the shoulders prove it) but she swam for how long and didn't lose energy??? • SHOW YOURSELF I CRIED • the ice was so beautiful and she looked so free n happy, loose hair n no shoes • the song was amazing holy heck • IDUNA WAS THE SIREN, I CALLED IT, HELLO THANK U • elsa's literally like "ok boomer" at her grandfather who's an ass • she goes too far into ahtohallen • inappropriate but ohmygod the ice detail on her skin when she was freezing was crazy??? her hair got whiter n all that BUT THE SNOWFLAKES ON HER SKIN, that was unbelievable • surprise surprise old white guy in power kills innocent poc • elsa freezes like anna did, cuz anna was frozen and elsa is frozen 2 (heh) • back to the cave with anna and olaf • anna knows what has to be done to set things right because she’s the hero and always has to make the painful sacrifices • anna sets off to do whats right but OLAF • rip olaf • anna sits in the cold ALL FUCKING NIGHT DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT, I AM NOT OKAY • the next right thing B R O K E me. kbell captures such agony so beautifully ohmygod, it was incredible. easily the best song in the franchise. • "SO I'LL WALK THROUGH THIS NIGHT, stumbling blindly towards the light" her voice • anna finds her courage to leave the cave • "when it's clear that everything will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN" CAN YOU HEAR ME SOBBING AT THE ABSOLUTE ANGUISH IN HER VOICE • this woman has lost everything and SHES STILL GOING, YES ANNA, GO • giants!!! • anna mimicking the behaviour she was against for most of the movie • "I'M HERE, WHAT DO YOU NEED?" this is so important • no questions asked, this is what's happening, kristoff is the real mvp • mattias lets anna destroy the dam • anna becomes suicidal?????? girl stop i- • the dam falls • ANNA ALMOST FALLS- • wait mattias has her • and kristoff has her!! • and she looks ready to keep crying now that the adrenalin is gone • ELSA THAWS but does she REALLY do the right thing??? idk i think she should've let the wave destroy whatever was in its path, otherwise whats the point? wouldve had better symbolism • the Northuldra people are free and happy but poor anna is still sad :( idk why people were saying she got over elsas death too quickly when homegirl was never gonna smile again • "i'm sorry i left you behind. i was just so desperate to protect her." • "it's okay. my love is not fragile." • anna tries to continue on, imagine what was going through her head AHHH • wait there she is • e l s a • on a horse • anna slides down the cliffside, elsa slides off that horse in a v godly manner • ANNA REPRESENTS WOMEN WHO UGLY CRY, THANK U ANNA • elsa is lowkey emotionless but honestly do we expect anything else from her by this point? (no shade hahahaha) • "a bridge has two sides, and mother has two daughters" yes thank u for making anna important • so is elsa a ghost now orrrr • WHO CARES, KRISTANNA PROPOSAL • we were v robbed of that kiss tho • anna's squeal of pure joy when asked • sven representing all of us • "do u wanna build a snowman" bitch it's been like 16 years, ur a bit late but OKAY • olaf is back • GROUP HUG • honeymaren wants elsa to stay "because it's where she belongs" ;;;;)))))) • elsa realises anna would be a better queen • QUEEN ANNA • Q U E E N  A N N A • YESSSSSS • we're robbed of the coronation but that's fine ig • kristoff in fancy clothes??? • "i prefer you in leather anyway" so anna is a top, nice to know • olaf's comment on kristoff probably not being able to "last an hour" ;;;))))) not if annas a top LMAO STOP • mattias found his person, congrats • anna is the people's queen • a statue is revealed, baby iduna is v cute • elsa is in the forest with bruni n everyone else • friday is gamenight • elsa rides off into the sunset i guess?? • THE END • oh and olaf has an ending scene • "elsa DEAD" • "olaf DEAD" • "anna cries" • everyone cries
okay thanks for reading lmao bye
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