#who knows maybe he wanted reva to succeed even
fakeoldmanfucker · 2 years
Thinking about Vader taking Reva in as an inquisitor not because he didn't remember her, or because he thought her rage would be useful, but because maybe some small part of him wanted to keep what was left of his family close to him (albeit, a subset of the population that was more vulnerable to manipulation due to their young age). Not out of guilt, but as possession under the guise of responsibility.
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What do you think of the actor's portrayal of TGI and what do you have a different opinion now about the TGI's design? What do you think about Reva so far?
If she wants to fight my mans I mean we’re going to have a problem
I have a lot of mixed feelings so far. Seeing the Inquisitors use of the force and little bits of combat have been cool. The opening speech in the bar was odd to me because isn’t the Inquisitorius supposed to be a secret? Like in Rebels, don’t the Ghost crew know nothing about the Inquisitorius? But they’re just walking around announcing themselves and some random guy in a bar is like “you’re Inquisitors!”
The voice of the Grand Inquisitor and the eyes bothered me a little bit at first but after a little bit, idk, I kind of got used to it I guess. I guess again, I would rather see good characterization and action and it doesn’t matter as much although it would have been a nice gesture to the fans. I liked the cape a lot. The chest piece bothers me because the way it is shaped, he wouldn’t be able to bend over without it cutting into his gut. So it just feels like there’s a little lack of love here, you know? Especially when later in the evening I’m watching the Celebration recap and I see the Jedi: Survivor trailer and it looks AMAZING and the Grand Inquisitor looks absolutely fabulous in it! Menacing and 100% Pau’an! The only scene I like, LOVE loved was the one where he confronts the kidnapper. The final scene was so baffling because it literally makes no sense, and I’m not talking about the conclusion of the scene, because I’m expecting a kind of Duncan Idaho situation there, but like, how was that the correct course of action? And why didn’t it result in an actual fight? How was he overpowered so easily??? Idk.
The Fifth Brother is kind of stealing the show. He is not quite as physically large as I would have hoped but man his voice is imposing and he looks GREAT. His body language and acting are so very good. 10/10.
Reva. Uh. Okay. So her design looks really cool. I am, really kind of confused about her character? So on one hand, I obviously want to like her 1) because she is an Inquisitor and 2) because she clearly has a tragic backstory. But also? Other than her kickass backflip sequence over the buildings on that neon planet, the show portrays her in a way that is kind of unlikeable from both the perspective of someone who likes the Inquisitorius and from someone who likes Obi Wan, right? Like she is so ruthless to the people on Tattooine and threatens to kill people and their whole families and wants to straight up murder people in the street and the rest of the Inquisitorius is like “hey, that’s not what we do, not cool”. Objectively she is correct that she can draw out Obi Wan effectively and that would advance her position as an Inquisitor. And the Inquisitors are dicks and racist? Speciesist? Classist? Towards her? It is the correct move for her motives. But also as a viewer, I like Obi Wan and want to see him succeed, and I like the Inquisitors we’ve seen in works past and have attachments to those characters. So when a character comes in and is a ruthless murder machine and antagonizes characters we love on both ends of the spectrum, including antagonists who were keeping her from MURDERING RANDOM CIVILIANS???
I really don’t know what I’m supposed to think at this point. I’d like to see more before forming a solid opinion. It’s very rare there’s a villain in media who is just totally ruthless and evil to the bone with no redeeming qualities or moral line whatsoever. Maybe it was because the Inquisitorius found her so young and manipulated her and corrupted her so young with that harsh hazing that we saw. Maybe that made her that way and that would be a very interesting story. But maybe show us that then, because that’s what would make the character more compelling.
You know what else is wild? The only person it actually shows the other Inquisitors killing is a human trafficker so it’s like
Grand Inquisitor: 1
Child Trafficker: 0
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Felassan/f!Lavellan: Ar Lasa Mala Revas
Chapter 27 of The Love That Grows From Violence (post-Trespasser Felassan x Tamaris Lavellan) is posted!
100% fluff, smut, and more feelsy fluff. ALSO GIFT ART, which needs its own post because I am beside myself with feels. 😭❤️
~9700 words so long omfg. Only the first part is posted here. Read the whole thing on AO3. 
A few days later, when the sky was a curtain of deep midnight blue studded with stars, Tamaris sat on the roof curled into Felassan’s shoulder, watching as the smoke of their shared joint drifted from his mouth in delicate wisps and curls. 
He offered her the joint, and she took it and brought it to her lips. “What do you think we should do when we finally leave this house?” she asked.
He leaned back casually on one hand. “It depends on what’s happening in the world by the time we are ready to leave. Who knows? Maybe the qunari will start moving south by then. Or maybe Tevinter will succeed at pushing the qunari back.” He smiled cheekily. “Maybe someone will assassinate the Emperor of Orlais in a sudden coup d’état.”
Tamaris lifted an eyebrow and blew out a stream of smoke. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to set up for such a coup.”
“Would that I had the resources to set up something so devious,” he said. “But that would probably plunge your world into even more chaos, so I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Thank you for that very wise spy advice,” she said wryly.
He nodded politely. “You’re very welcome.”
She smirked and took another drag from the joint, then blew out a little cloud of smoke and held out the joint. “Seriously though. Isn’t there anything you want to do? Barring the stuff that we might have to do. Isn’t there anywhere you’d like to travel to?”
He took the joint. “It would be interesting to visit the Arbour Wilds — to see the Temple of Mythal again.”
She raised an eyebrow. “There’s no one there anymore.”
“Exactly,” he said. “It’s perfect for scavenging. There might be clues as to where Mythal’s dragon or her amulet are being kept, or whether her dragon is even alive anymore. It is possible that the Well of Sorrows was not the only sacred treasure they were guarding.”
Tamaris raised her eyebrows. “Oh shit. That’s true. Okay, we should go there.”
“We could,” Felassan said. “Or we could go somewhere else.”
She gave him a chiding look, and he smiled unconcernedly and handed her the joint. “Where do you want to go, avise? Which direction would we strike out in if you were given the choice?”
She sighed and gazed idly at the smouldering tip of the joint. “I… ah, I’ve been thinking for a while that I should go see my clan. Those who aren’t in Wycome still, I mean.”
“Where are they now?”
“They’re a short ways from Starkhaven right now,” she said. “It’s not that far from Kirkwall, so I don’t really have an excuse.”
He cocked his head. “You were avoiding them?”
She hesitated. She genuinely hadn’t had time to go see her clan after the explosion at the Conclave, and things had only gotten busier from a political and peacekeeping standpoint after Corypheus was dead. 
But if Tamaris was honest, it was more than just Inquisition business that had stopped her from visiting her clan. And there was a reason she had volunteered to spy on the Conclave in the first place, all those years ago.
She brought the joint to her lips. “I was avoiding them, yeah.”
“I was…” She sighed, then gave Felassan a hard look. “I love my clan, all right? I love them, and I think they’re great. But Dalish clans grow up knowing every bit of each other’s business. We’re very close, and it’s very hard to keep secrets. It’s part of what makes us such a tight community — the entire clan is really just one big family. There are no strangers in a clan, only family.” She ran her hand through her hair. “But it also makes it difficult to… to forget when something bad happens to someone.”
He tilted his head. “You were constantly reminded of Marin.”
“Yes,” she said. “And – look, it’s not that I want to forget him. I – I’ll never forget him. He’s been dead for years and I still think of him almost every day. But it’s one thing to think of him randomly because something reminds me of him, and it’s another thing to think of him because he’s all anyone ever sees when they look at me. When he’s all I ever thought about when I looked at my parents.” She exhaled hard and rubbed her forehead. “The Inquisition was a pain in the ass a lot of the time, but I was able to… I wasn’t ‘poor Marin’s sister’ anymore, and that was… gods, I feel like an asshole saying it, but it was a relief.”
“You had a chance to start over,” Felassan said.
She looked at him. His tone was neutral but his eyes were warm, and her shoulders loosened at his lack of judgment. “Yes,” she said. “I was able to… to be someone who wasn’t forever tied to my failure to protect my family. And as the Inquisitor, I became the opposite. I was the person they saw as the one who protected everyone.” She snorted and lifted the joint to her mouth once more. “Fucking ironic, isn’t it?”
“Did your clan really see you as someone who failed to protect your family?” he asked.
She blew out a mouthful of smoke. “I was someone who failed to protect my family. He got dragged off because I couldn’t talk the Templars into calming down.”
Felassan smiled faintly. “I hardly believe that the Templars were inclined to listen. Especially if Marin had already hurt some of them.”
Tamaris swallowed hard. “He, uh… he killed one of them, actually. And hurt a couple more. But he didn’t mean to.”
Felassan nodded an acknowledgement. “If that’s the case, his fate was sealed, and not by you. That wasn’t your fault.” He took the joint from her fingers.
She frowned at him. “What do you mean, his fate was sealed? You really think there was nothing I could have done?”
“Oh, something could certainly have been done,” Felassan said. “But I doubt your clan was willing or ready to start a war against the Chantry.”
Tamaris stared at him as he brought the joint to his lips. “You’re being pretty cold-hearted about this,” she accused.
He released a mouthful of smoke before replying. “Cold-heartedness is not my intention. My intention is to point out that it was not your fault. Look at the bigger picture, and you’ll realize that short of pitting your clan against the Templar Order, there was little you could have done.” He held out the joint to her.
She glared at him, then looked away and took a breath to calm herself. He wasn’t saying anything she hadn’t told herself at one point or another, though she never quite believed her own pep talks in this regard.
She believed Felassan, though. Galling as it was to admit, it meant more to hear him saying this than telling it to herself. 
He was still talking. “There was little you could have done at that time, at least. From what I read in This Shit Is Weird, you certainly had a hand in what happened to the Templar Order after the Conclave.”
She frowned slightly as she took the joint from him. “What do you mean?”
“You publicly supported the mages over the Templars,” he said. “The Templars’ ranks were decimated, save for those who came over to your side.”
“Yeah, but the Templars still exist,” Tamaris said.
“You tore them down to their foundations,” he said. “And the person who ultimately controls them now is your former spymaster. They may have taken Marin from you, but you saw that they were taken to heel. It took time, but you got your justice in the end. The hottest flames take some time to build, avise,” he said knowingly. He pulled from the joint, then exhaled the smoke and shot her a sly smile. “Some might even say you took the Vir’Felassan.”
The way of the slow arrow, she thought. She gazed at him with a combination of exasperation and affection. Trust him to find some way of seeing her haphazard stumbling with the Inquisition as a convoluted but purposeful path toward a bigger goal.  
She pulled from the joint, then let out a sigh of smoke and leaned into his side once more. “Anyway, that’s, um… yeah. That’s part of the reason I haven’t been back to see my clan.”
“What’s the rest of the reason?” he asked.
She lifted an eyebrow sardonically. “Um, that I was fucking the Dread Wolf and didn’t know it?”
He snorted a laugh. “Letting the Dread Wolf take you would have caused a stir, I imagine.”
Tamaris smirked and held out the joint, and his fingers brushed hers as he took it. “Are there none in your clan who joined his ranks?”
She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “There were some. Maybe a dozen in total.”
Felassan smiled faintly. “Whatever happened to ‘the clan is family’?”
Tamaris tsked and punched him lightly in the arm. “Don’t be an asshole. We’re a family, not a bunch of single-minded drones like the qunari. If some of them got swayed by the messages that  Solas’s operatives were putting out, I can’t blame them.” She shot him a resentful look. “You know what does piss me off, though? Solas looked down on the Dalish so much, then he goes and recruits us anyway. That’s pretty fucking manipulative.”
“It is, yes,” Felassan said.
She frowned. “That’s all you have to say about it?”
He gave her a knowing look that was tinted with melancholy. “Don’t tell me you never manipulated anyone during your time as the Inquisitor. Don’t tell me such a lie.”
She wilted. “Fine, fine, you have a point.” Truthfully, she didn’t have it in her to be particularly angry anymore about the little things Solas had done. With everything that was brewing across the continent these days, it almost felt like she should save her anger for when it would serve her the most.
There was another brief and slightly morose pause as they passed the joint back and forth. Then, as usual, Felassan broke the silence. “So you want to go visit your clan, then?”
“I should,” she said.
He nodded and blew out some smoke, and there was another pause — one that felt loaded this time. As the silence stretched between them to an increasingly awkward degree, Tamaris’s heart began to thrum with nerves. 
Just fucking ask, she scolded herself. She chewed the inside of her cheek, then took a deep breath. “Felassan, will you come visit my clan with me?”
“Of course,” he said easily. “What else would I be doing?”
Her heart flipped in her chest. She stared incredulously at him until his lips curled in a smile. “Why are you gaping at me?” he asked.
“I…” She trailed off for a second, then gave him a skeptical look. “What, no questions, no complaints? Just yes?”
He lifted one eyebrow. “Was I unclear when I said we would be travelling together when we leave this house? If you’re going to see your clan, then so am I.”
A warm feeling spread through her ribcage and up to her cheeks. “But you don’t like the Dalish,” she said weakly. “You think we’re close-minded and all that shit.”
He shrugged and extinguished the butt of the joint on the roof. “It’s possible that I was wrong. About your clan, at the very least.”
She scoffed. “Possible, huh?”
He gave her a chiding smirk. “I can eat my own words, avise. They’re especially tasty when you slather them with evidence of the ways that I was wrong.”
She grinned goofily at him, then laughed and tucked a stray lock of hair over her ear. “A man who happily admits when he was wrong? What a catch. Maybe I shouldn’t take you back to the clan. All the unattached hunters will try to snap you up.”
“They can’t snap me up,” he said. “You’ve already caught me.”
Her heart leapt. She suddenly remembered the conversation she’d had with Dorian — that conversation where she’d described her feelings for Felassan: he caught me thoroughly. Now, to hear Felassan describing himself in a similar way…
He chuckled. “Tamaris, if you smile any wider, your face may split in two.”
She laughed giddily and shoved him. “Fuck you.”
He hooked his arm around her neck and pulled her close to kiss her temple, and they scuffled playfully for a moment before settling together once more.
Tamaris sighed happily and patted his thigh. “My mother might ask what your intentions are for me.”
“Hm,” he murmured thoughtfully. “Then I should probably come up with an answer that won’t make your face turn a deep and charming shade of red.”
She scoffed. “You’re such a fucking menace.”
“Thank you, Tamaris,” he said pleasantly. “I try.”
She beamed at him, then settled snugly against his side. They were quiet for a moment, and Tamaris indulged herself in a girlish fantasy of Felassan meeting her parents and telling half-sarcastic stories to her clan, then curling up with her in an aravel in the fragrant quiet of the woods: a stolen moment of peace before they went on to do more important things. 
She eventually squeezed his thigh. “Is there anything else you want to do when we leave the house? Like… trying to find Briala, maybe?”
He huffed in amusement. “You really want me to find her, don’t you?”
“I just think it’s sad that she doesn’t know you’re okay. Or that you’re even alive,” Tamaris said. “Whether you think she needs your help or not, I bet she’d want to hear from you.”
“She will,” Felassan assured her. “We’ll get a message to her.”
“How?” Tamaris asked.
“I was thinking of scratching obscure symbols into trees for her to find.” He smirked at Tamaris. “It’s the kind of thing she used to think the Dalish would do.”
She gave him a chiding look. “Felassan.”
He sighed dramatically. “All right, since you insist. I was thinking about coded letters, sent to different places where her most loyal cells used to be. The code would have to be premised on knowledge that she and I share, but not something Fen’Harel would know as well.”
She straightened with interest. “Do you have a code like that already?”
“Not exactly,” he said. “But I’ll think of something.”
Tamaris nodded, then hesitated before asking her next question. “Do you miss her?”
“Does a dandelion miss its seeds when they drift away to conquer new fields?”
Tamaris tsked. “You’re dodging.”
He smiled faintly, then leaned back casually on his palms. “Truthfully, I didn’t have time to miss her. I was made Tranquil the same night that I left her. Then I had no capacity to miss anyone or anything. When Cassandra restored me, I was… I felt too much of everything. How can I know if I missed her when I was caught in a cycle of euphoria and misery and rage?” He glanced at Tamaris. “A better question might be whether I thought of her, and the answer is yes; I thought of her often.”
Tamaris nodded. “I bet she misses you.”
Felassan gave her a chiding smile, and she nudged him with her shoulder. “I’m serious. I bet she would love to see you.”
“She doesn’t need to see me,” Felassan said. “I taught her to stand proudly on her own bare little feet.”
“Who cares about needing to see you?” Tamaris retorted. “I’m sure she wants to see you. Besides, you can’t possibly think the only value you had to her was as her teacher.”
Felassan made a mock-sad face. “That almost feels like an insult to my value as a teacher.”
Tamaris turned to face him fully. “You’re not just a tool, Felassan,” she said fiercely. “You’re not just here to be useful to people. There’s no way Briala spent sixteen years learning from you and didn’t give a shit about you.” She lifted her chin belligerently. “I think we should find her.”
Felassan smiled. “Is this going to be your mission, then? To broker a reunion between me and Briala?”
“If that’s what it’ll take for you to see that you’re worth more than your value as a spy or a teacher or a source of fucking information, then yes,” she snapped.
His smile softened, and he gently chucked her chin. “Easy, avise. You’ll set your hair on fire if you burn any brighter than this.”
She glared at him, irritated by how dismissive he was being. “You’re important, okay? And not because you’re a good spy or a useful ancient elf or any of that shit.”
His eyebrows rose. “Only a good spy? You wound me.”
“Shut the fuck up, will you?” she snapped. “I don’t care about the spy stuff or the mage stuff or the fact that you know shit about the past. I… those things don’t matter. You’re…”
She faltered, feeling awkward about the depth of her feelings, but Felassan’s smile only grew wider. “Go on,” he said. “Don’t stop yourself before you get to the good bit.”
She curled her lip. “Are you looking for me to list all your best qualities?”
“If you’re so inclined, I wouldn’t say no,” he replied.
She scoffed. He was so annoying. “You want me to jack you off while I’m at it?” she said snidely.
He burst out laughing. “How can I say no to a seductive offer like that?”
The treasured sound of his laughter rang straight to her heart. She tutted and folded her arms, and Felassan chuckled and pulled her against his side. “Are you aware that your pouting just makes you more charming?” he said.
“You’re smart, all right?” she burst out. “You’re so smart and perceptive. You can see both sides of things — well, most of the time at least, and when you don’t, you own up when you’re wrong. You make me laugh and you’re so fucking patient and–”
Felassan laughed and wrapped his arm around her. “Tamaris, you can stop. You don’t have to do this.”
“Yes I do, because you need to hear it,” she snapped. “Your value isn’t what you can do for people. It’s who you are. I don’t give a fuck if you never became a spy again or if you couldn’t cook or if you can’t totally control your magic. I’d still love you anyway.”
He grinned at her, and Tamaris’s heart somersaulted in her chest; his mouth was curled with mirth, but his beautiful violet eyes were glittering. 
He smoothed his hand over her hair. “Affectionate and abrasive at the same time. That is one of the reasons that I love you.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to shut the fuck up. Instead, she cradled his cheek in her palm and kissed him. He pulled her closer as he returned her kiss, and by the time he broke their kiss to pant against her parted lips, she was practically sitting in his lap. 
He brushed his lips to hers. “Let’s go inside,” he murmured.
Read the rest on AO3 because I’m a monster and a horrible tease. 😂
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