#and taking on reva was probably one of them
apas-75 · 4 months
My take on the Inquisitor number is that it's completely arbitrary; I know there's a sourcebook somewhere that says it's based on initiation order but that's just flagrantly Not True, unless you expect me to believe that Trilla was the second one inducted. (Always take lore details where the source is just one obscure sourcebook with a HUGE grain of salt.)
It's not a rank thing either—no way does the Inquisitorius have any strictly defined hierarchy, because that's antithetical to the whole point, Palps wants them squabbling with each other so they don't become a threat. Reva (the youngest, who definitely didn't get initiated as a full Inquisitor at twelve years old and yet has the super low number of Third) obviously doesn't have authority over Fifth.
So my point is: the numbers mean nothing, they're completely arbitrary and not assigned in order, but the Grand Inquisitor doesn't tell THEM whether or not they mean anything. Does having a lower number indicate higher status? Probably not...unless? They're always glancing at each other and wondering and driving knives into each others' backs about it.
And that's the point, because the overall management style of the Inquisitorius is just summed up perfectly by that cage fight in Barriss's first episode: the Sith turning a bunch of captive surviving Jedi against each other and making them fight each other to earn the right to keep living on their terms.
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
I just can't help feeling that Solas taking Lavellan's vallaslin and then leaving them is so cruel. I know he doesn't mean to be cruel. I know he doesn't even mean to do it like that; he wants to share the truth about himself, and he just can't, and it's that realization that pushes him to end the relationship, because of how close he comes to telling everything to this person he loves. I know that he loves Lavellan and wants to share just one piece of the truth, even if he can't share all of it.
He sees right away how much the revelation about the origins of the blood writing has hurt Lavellan. And if Lavellan pushes back on the idea of removing them, he drops it immediately. He never forces the issue.
But it's still such a sudden decision for Lavellan to make, after such a painful revelation. And what if they do end up regretting it? What's going to happen if they return to their clan, or try to make contact with another if Clan Lavellan has been lost? How will they begin to explain this to their fellow Dalish elves (keeping in mind that they don't yet know who Solas is)?
"I met a lone elven apostate, and it turns out he's a Dreamer, and he told me that one of our most sacred traditions is actually a mark of slavery. And I believed him. And I let him remove my vallaslin."
I think the decision might be easier for Lavellan whose clan is still alive and well, if they know they still have a home and a family to return to. For a Lavellan who has lost everything, their home, their family and friends, who has probably had to fight to maintain their identity and their beliefs in the Inquisition even if they've also made friends and found community--the choice is heartwrenching.
In taking the vallaslin, Solas takes from Lavellan the most obvious sign of Dalish identity, community, culture, and tradition. And then he breaks up with them. Lavellan can't even say "I've lost everything but at least I have you."
Every time I see gifs or videos of that scene, of Solas gently saying, "Ar lasa mala revas," literally I give you your freedom, it just breaks my heart, because I know he means it. I know he wants to give them that.
But what kind of freedom is it? And at what cost?
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thedinanshiral · 29 days
What's in a name? A (very) simple guide to find your Rook's name.
I’ve seen some people are wondering how some of us already have named Rooks, others have no idea how to get names or which names could be good, and since i kinda overdid it and have 11 Rooks already planned and named i thought i’d share some of my process and drop some ideas. This works for me, but maybe it can help others find their Rook’s name(s).
Keep in mind these are also fantasy names, they don’t have to make sense or have a specific meaning, you can literally make them up. I also take into consideration known naming conventions, for example in Elven we have Solas and Abelas’ names, with specific meanings (Pride, Sorrow) and judging by what Solas tells Abelas, it’d seem ancient elvhen would change their names according to roles or events in their life. Similarly in the Qun, we know their names aren’t names as we understand them but simply descriptors of the role that is assigned to them within the Qun.
It’s probably easier when it comes to human nations in Thedas: Orlesians are likely to have French names, Fereldans to have anglo names, Antivans to have Spanish and Italian names. Tevinter is a bit trickier because it’s based on the Roman empire and Latin is a pretty dead language, but they sure liked to make records so we have names there too.
Elvhen names:
I literally opened a tab with the Elven language DA wiki page and read everything -for the bazillionth time tbh-; DA elven language is a cipher, not a conlang, so feel free to make things up because we don’t have the full cipher -i’m not even sure BW does- .
For Elven names i check the wiki for words that i like the sound of, the meaning of, ideally both. If i feel something is “missing” i may add a letter or combine different words into a new one.
Here are some examples:
Athima, from athim, humility
Atisha, from Atish'an, atisha is peace
Sethena, from Sethen'a or Setheneran, land of waking dreams or where the veil is thin, aka the Fade.
Revaren, from Revas, freedom, and Renan, voice.
Alasan, from alas, earth/dirt, and suffix an, place.
Sulahni, from sulahn, sing.
Samahli, from samahl, laughter.
Vardanehn, lit. Our little joy.
Mir'as, Banal'ras is shadows, implying ras refers to light, Mir is mine. Lit. "my light".
Qunlat names:
Same process as elven, but trying to modify as less as possible, keeping in mind the Qunari are very rigid in their ways and can be very literal as well.
Anaan, victory
Asaarash, rivaini horsebreed used by the antaam.
Kaaras, navigator.
Asaara-kaaras, wind navigator, wind rider.
Saar, dangerous. Saar-asaara, dangerous wind. Saar-meraad, dangerous tide.
Sata-kasi, mauler.
Vattic-kos, vat is fire, tic is cold and kos refers to nature damage, all three words are in reference to damage done with a mage staff. So Vattic-kos could be elemental damage.
Shokra, shok is struggle or war, shokrakar is rebel.
Antivan names:
These were way easier as i’m Latina of Spanish and Italian descent which in this case feels a bit like cheating. I think any Spanish and Italian name could work, these are just some i like.
Tevinter names:
I literally googled for Latin names for this one, and also checked previous Tevinter characters’ names. Some of this could also work for an Antivan Rook.
Fausto, Faustino, Faustus
Urbano, Urbanus
Virgilio, Virgil
I’m leaving out the numerals like Primo, Segundo, Quintus, Octavio... check Cesars' names, that could work too. I think you could just search the scientific name of any fauna (hello House Pavus) or flora and pick whatever sounds nice too. Also we recently got a new Magister’s name in the Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance trailer, Magister Andante. Y’know what “Andante” means? Walking. Magister Walking. Fear nothing and go wild with these names, seriously.
You could also check other cultures and native names, respectfully of course. Here are some guaraní and mapuche names i like, i didn’t modify these at all.
Kerana, guaraní “goddess of sleep”, or sleepy one.
Karai, guaraní, “respectable man”.
Luriel, guaraní, “lord of the wind”.
Amaru, guaraní, “rain”.
Anahí, guaraní, from a legend, the name of a young woman burned at the stake by the conquistadors, after which she is transformed into the flowering tree.
Newén, mapuche, "strength"
Nahuel, mapuche, “jaguar”
Ayelén, mapuche, “laughing”.
Tahiel, mapuche, “hombre libre”
For Dwarven names, i am deeply sorry i haven't decided on a Dwarf Rook yet so i haven't done my dwarven research, but the same process applies: check the canon dwarf names we got so far, if the lore says anything about dwarven naming conventions, if they're a commoner or noble, if there are caste-specific names too, and so on. And if you want to name your dwarf Rook Bob, that's fine too! ( if DUNE can have Paul and Jessica, why couldn't we have a dwarf named Bob?? like i said, go wild, name freely, be happy)
I understand some people don't want to or aren't sure about naming their Rooks until we learn what the different canon surnames will be, and i totally get that, i felt the same way. But i couldn't resist until we got that info so i overdid it, particularly with my Tevinter-Nevarran mage whose name i picked clearly inspired by Cassandra's full name, only for me to end up calling her by the first of her five names that i kinda struggle to remember. So far we've only seen one canon surname, "Thorne", and since surnames are defined by factions, Thorne seems to be the Grey Wardens' canon surname. The elf Grey Warden champion seen in the recent high-level combat gameplay is named Esha Thorne.
I think maybe surnames should depend on what they're now calling lineage (elven, qunari, human, dwarf) rather than on factions, or they could have offered options, one per lineage and one per faction, and let us decide which one to keep. An elf named Thorne sounds a bit odd to me, even if they're a Grey Warden. Will any of my chosen names match the canon surnames? Probably not, but at least i had fun while naming them. My only GW for now is Favian and Favian Thorne doesn't sound bad.
Anyway, I hope this helps those who are a bit lost to find names that works for you and your Rooks, have fun!
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antianakin · 4 months
Hey there! Do you have any good anti-Vader/Vader critical during the Original Trilogy/ with the OT group? I don't know if it is the tags I use or anything, but most of the fics I find with the OT group + Vader tends to go towards being nice to Vader, with a 'Good Parent Vader' and all.
I'm going to assume this is asking about fic recs. I don't tend to read as much with the OT characters, I'm just less invested in them, but I have a few that might fall into this category. I don't have any way of helping you look for fics via tags, but I can recommend the same trick I always do which is to find fics you like that ARE more critical towards Anakin/Vader and then go through that author's other work and bookmarks and just keep moving forward from there. If they write Anakin critical stuff, chances are pretty high that they probably read it, too.
Ahsoka is Mace's Padawan series (Stintless Stars) by SkyeBean: The last fic in this series is set during ROTJ at the last strategy meeting the Rebels have about the battle on Endor. It's definitely meant more as an end to this series to just wrap up a lot of the character development for Ahsoka and give a glimpse at how she and Mace and the Jedi have changed things in the decades leading up to ROTJ, so I don't truly recommend reading the last fic without having read the rest of the series which is (obviously) more Prequels/TCW focused. The fic does sort-of briefly touch on Luke and Leia, but it's told through Ahsoka's perspective. Luke is, as usual, more positive towards Anakin, but Leia is not. The entire series is Anakin critical (as well as Padme and Anidala critical), but the focus isn't on the OT or its characters.
Meet in the Middle by BilbosMum: Luke and Leia connect with Obi-Wan and Rex through a shared dream that will allow them to meet each other through the power of love. This is set somewhere between ROTS and ANH and mostly focuses on Obi-Wan and Rex's relationship, but there is some discussion of Anakin and his current decision-making in there.
may you inherit his light by notbecauseofvictories: Leia reflects on Bail and Anakin and her feelings about both of them and how her two fathers have shaped who she has become after ROTJ. This fic is definitely critical of Anakin and immensely positive towards Bail, but it's not what I would call ANTI Anakin. It's honestly my favorite Leia fic I've ever read, it really digs into her and while it sort-of touches on the "Leia is angry like Anakin" trope, it goes deeper than that and considers WHY Leia might be angry and whether it truly is anything like Anakin's anger at all.
that was a spring of storms by blackkat: Leia accidentally time travels herself, Bail, and Luke back in time to the first year of the Clone War. This fic is VERY much a WIP, there's only 2 chapters of it and it hasn't been updated in quite a while, but the concept still really appeals to me a lot. This is cheating in terms of your prompt since the majority of the fic is obviously going to take place within the Prequels/TCW era, but it obviously is dealing with a Luke and Leia from ANH, so I'm letting it count.
ring the bells that can still ring by rain_sleet_snow: Reva trains Luke and Leia post-ANH. Reva is not an OT character, but it's set in that time period and Reva is having to interact with multiple OT characters and isn't exactly someone who is going to be positive about Anakin.
Compromise by gaeasun: Dogma reflects on his life during the celebration on Endor as he speaks with Rex and Leia. This one's stretching the definition of being Anakin critical, Dogma makes a single comment that sort-of discusses his feelings about Jedi in general as he looks at the bonfire for Anakin's body, and Dogma is obviously not an OT character at all, but I like the concept of how much Dogma would have had to grow over the decades since the war and the hint of his relationship with Leia.
finally cleaning, cleaning my closet by dee_lirious: Leia deals with Anakin's ghost trying to interact with her post-ROTJ. It's a really interesting exploration of what Leia WANTS Anakin to be to her and what she starts to decide he ACTUALLY is to her. It's a look at what forgiveness is and how it might look for Leia. It's not precisely positive towards Anakin, but it does ultimately recognize that what is causing Leia's anger is fear that stems from an unimaginable loss. It's perhaps more positive towards Anakin at the end than you might want, but it's left relatively open-ended, as well.
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inquisitor-apologist · 7 months
hi I would personally LOVE to read thousands of essays on your thoughts about the inquisitors, so if you feel comfy posting them just know they will be received with gratitude :)
Alright, I’ve got a 4-hour car ride, so nothing but time.
The first thing that I’d say is absolutely essential to my understanding of/obsession with the Inquisitorius is that they’re expendable. Both in-text and out-of-text, they’re disposable and that is absolutely essential to their whole existence.
On the Doylist level, the Rebels team created them/reincorporated them to canon to be the replaceable early series antagonists. They're there to build the characters up to face the real threats of Maul’s temptation to the dark and Thrawn’s existential threat to the Rebel cause. The rest of the Star Wars media that shows them only reinforces this.
In Kenobi, they're there in the background, to set up Reva (who is, in the show, functionally not an Inquisitor) and Vader, in J:FO they're scary bad guys meant to be defeated and killed for Cal's growth (though, notably, J:FO is one of the only pieces of Inquisitor media that views them as victims worthy of empathy), and, while I haven't read (all of) the Vader comics, they're in the Vader comics, not in their own stories.
On the Watsonian level, they’re a sort of… buffer between the true power of the Sith and the public. They’re the one attacking the regular Force-sensitives and taking babies (someone much more qualified than me could probably talk a LOT about the very interesting ways the Jedi, Empire, and Inquisition (like, come on) parallel and draw from Judaism and historical antisemitism) and they’re the ones the Rebellion direct their anger about the Jedi Purge at. It’s easy for the two masterminds and main perpetrators to hide behind the atrocities of a dozen faceless subordinates.
This is really clearly shown in Kenobi, where the Inquisitors are dismissed as “Jedi who turned to the dark side. Now, they hunt their own kind”. They’re not seen as victims who’ve been forced into self-destructive monsters, but as the perpetrators of their own genocide, personas that they readily claim. I mean, Reva is literally a survivor of the Temple Massacre who was turned into one of the Inquisitors that Obi-Wan dismisses as traitors. They’re very convenient, effective, scapegoats.
That’s honestly a very underrated part of Palpatine’s genius; one of his most important traits is his ability to manipulate the media. By creating the Inquisitors and delegating most of the work of completing the Purge to them, he distances both himself and Vader from any public outcry against the actions of the Inquisitorius (and, to some extent, their own actions), allowing Vader to be seen as a more legitimate military officer and extension of the Emperor’s will, which is itself legitimized by that distance.
The lines between the Emperor, Vader, and the Inquisitors are also very important. There's a very clear distinction between the Sith and the Inquisitors in of autonomy, which is the second thing that defines my view of the Inquisitors. The Inquisitors are largely pawns for Palpatine’s ends, manipulated and indoctrinated kids, and as such there’s kind of a spectrum of the Empire’s Force-sensitive hierarchy between Sidious, Vader, and the Inquisitors.
Sidious is the first extreme, where he chose everything; he Fell on purpose, became a Sith on purpose, consolidated power and killed the Jedi on purpose, became Emperor on purpose. And then there’s Vader, who very much chose to Fall, kill the Jedi, and become a Sith, but he was manipulated and pushed to it by Sidious. He chose, but Sidious kind of underlies all those choices, driving him to them. Lastly, the Inquisitors chose nothing; they were hunted and persecuted by Vader and the Sith, then tortured and indoctrinated to serve Sidious, brainwashed into continuing to serve. It’s really a gradient of autonomy, if you think about it; Sidious is the only Dark Sider afforded full choice, both by the narrative and in-universe.
The Inquisitors are, fundamentally, kids ripped from their family and people, tortured and indoctrinated into self-loathing and anger. They don’t get names; they’re told they were born wrong and tortured until they believe it, then pressed into service, because, while they might have been born wrong, they were also born useful.
This is why I kind of hate the idea of Inquisitors who choose to join, and one of the reasons I’m not particularly inclined to read the new Inquisitor book (also it apparently implies that the tortured inquisitors were actually just. Force-brainwashed??). One of the most interesting and most fundamental things about them is that they are victims of horrific genocide coerced into becoming their own oppressors. If you take that away, you make them so much less interesting—they turn into stock evil traitors.
The protagonist of the new Inquisitor book is, from what I’ve gathered, a jerk who was already half-fallen in the Clone Wars and who seized the chance to gain more power with the Empire. That’s just diet Vader, and I, personally, have seen too much of both real Vader and diet vaders, so I’m not interested.
So, uh, @stellanslashgeode, you asked me for my thoughts on Iskat Akaris, here they are. Sorry it’s probably not what you wanted.
So, like, there’s my opinion on the fandom-and-canon obsession with Inquisitors who chose the Empire. We literally haven’t seen pretty much anything about how the normal inquisitors join, can we focus on the actually interesting stuff? The Inquisitors' lack of autonomy, their lack of choice, is a huge part of what fascinates me so much about them, because it's very unique. Let's not take that away.
Another piece of why I think the Inquisitors are so interesting is how their abuse at the hands of the Empire shapes them, though this part has more speculation than the stuff above due to lack of clear information.
In canon, we know that inquisitors go through fucking hellish initiation criteria (“Isolation! Torture! Mutilation!”), stuff that absolutely breaks them until they no longer believe that the Empire can be stopped at all (“You can’t stop the Empire!” “She said something about becoming an Inquisitor… like it’s inevitable”). We also know that, however it happens, it's very fast and effective. The Vader Comics are set just months after Order 66, and there's already at least ten fully initiated Inquisitors.
Unfortunately, we never directly see the exact initiation protocols the Inquisitors are subject to, but we do get quick glimpses, like in the flashbacks from J:FO, and with Reva in Kenobi. Right now, I want to look at what those flashbacks from J:FO, together with the dialogue above, tells us about what exactly happens to Inquisitors.
In the flashback, we see Trilla, strapped to the torture chair that Cere's in later in the flashback, being subjected to Star Wars' favorite kind of torture, weird electricity chairs. I'm going to call them shockseats, just to distinguish them from real-life electric chairs. We transition from the torture to some time later, when Second Sister has been fully turned, wearing the Inquisitor uniform and everything.
That, annoyingly enough, is all we get to work with. It's basically the "Being tortured makes you evil" trope, but Ninth Sister's dialogue gives it some nuance. She says "Isolation! Torture! Mutilation!", and, well, we just saw the torture part, and I'm guessing the mutilation is the whole thing in the comics where Vader teaches the Inquisitors by cutting their limbs off, so that leaves isolation, which I think is probably a very significant part of the process.
Based on the vault vision and the Fortress Inquisitorius section in J:FO, most of the Fortress's prison has a kind-of panopticon feel, with see-through energy shields, guards everywhere, and several prisoners in one cell, so I'm guessing there are probably some deeper isolation cells. The isolation is probably where most of the indoctrination happens, because we never hear anyone saying anything during the torture scenes.
This is mostly headcanon from the scraps we get, but I'd say initiation probably goes something like this: 1. a survivor is captured 2. They're taken to Nur, and tortured on the way there (per Rebels) 3 The timeline here is annoyingly unclear but I think the ‘isolation’/indoctrination comes before the rest? 4. They're tortured in an attempt to get them to turn to the Dark Side 5. They're somehow fully initiated into the Inquisitorius with their full title and uniform 6. They're trained ('mutilation') 7. They're a full Inquisitor
obv I have headcanons (ie a full-on not-really canon-compliant system that I think works better than the disjointed 'being tortured makes you evil' bits we have now, but I'm trying to stay as canon-compliant here as possible) but I think this is about what we get in canon, and it’s kind of necessary to have a vague idea about what probably happens in order to understand them, and dang is this very important to basically their entire self-concepts.
In Kenobi, Third Sister is hated by all the others, probably for not going through what they did. We see throughout the show that she’s just as good, or better, than most of them, but because she wasn’t tortured (or, at least, not to the same extent), the rest despise her. She does the exact same things we've consistently seen all the other Inquisitor's do, but she's punished and derided for it. In J:FO, Second Sister goes out and threatens civilians in order to draw Cal out, and everyone’s fine with it, but when Reva does it, everyone hates her.
There’s no rational reason; she does exactly what they do , what she’s been taught to do, but she’s treated differently. The only reason for this, in-universe, is that she’s the only Inquisitor we know of that wasn’t brought in for being a Jedi—she explicitly hides that she was one. The rest of the Inquisitors clearly do hate each other, but it’s on a different level with her, because they do not see her as one of them. She wasn’t a Jedi, and thus she didn’t go through the same things they did. There seems to be a sort-of trauma-induced bond between the other Inquisitors. They hate each other, but they all see each other as Inquisitors, largely the same as them. They don’t share that with Reva because whatever happened to them didn’t happen to her, to the same extent.
Connecting to my earlier point about Inquisitors who chose to join, I think that that's WAY more interesting than a bunch of jerk coworkers who just decided to be evil.
These people were family in the Jedi, and then their whole family died as they watched and heard and felt it in their brains, and they were chased and hunted and tortured until they broke and brought back together, warped and different and told to call each other siblings—and at this point, aren’t they? They were raised together in the bowels of Nur, subjected to the same horror and misery; they’ve been through everything together, in the worst way possible, constantly competing and fighting and killing for anything they can get. Who else could understand them in any meaningful way?
I'm getting off-topic, but the physical abuse and torture of the Inquisitors seems fundamental to their identity, even if we don't know exactly what it entailed. 
So, with the isolation and indoctrination, I think it's fair to say that there's probably quite a lot of mental abuse there. The Dark Side, in itself, is pretty horrible mental health-wise (the Jedi actively use cognitive behavioral therapy just to prevent the possibility of the Dark) and being literally tortured and forced into it must be like. so much worse. Plus, isolation has been shown to be really fucking awful for your brain and the Inquisitor’s utter hopelessness (they literally do not believe that the Empire can be stopped and are really angry at anyone who tries) kind of seems like the whole being unable to believe that things can be better and getting angry at people who try to help part of depression? 
Basically I don’t really know enough about mental health to say definitively, but I’m guessing a core part of Inquisitor Initiation is like. Insane mental abuse to get them to crack.
This last bit is less supported, and I know even less about it, so I’m going to keep this real brief, but I think there’s a possibility of some sexual abuse as well? This is a pretty big thing in fanon with the Grand Inquisitor, and then there’s all the creepy pervy stuff with Seventh Sister that she did not learn from the Jedi, but that’s as much as I’ll say for that because I know nothing about this kind of thing.
So, those are really the three things that define the Inquisitors to me: their expendability, lack of autonomy, and how their abuse defines them. I could write more on this, but this post took a fucking month already, so I’ll stick to those points.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
marriage of convenience and hair brushing/braiding for rexwalker, if you feel up to it?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
52. Marriage of Convenience 94. Hair Brushing/Braiding 
Is it bad that my first thought is actually inspired by the Ob*kin fic Their fragrance came from you? There's a whole thing about Tatooine marriage braids that my mind immediately jumps to lmao
I think... let's say modern AU. Anakin is a single dad, has been for a few years. Padme died in childbirth, and while her will was made out in favor of Anakin and the kids, the executor of her will was her lawyer-mentor, Palpatine, who couldn't touch the trust funds set up for the twins (which are very large, and will become available when they turn 25, but can only be accessed for education costs before then), but did manage to somehow take almost all the liquid assets left for Anakin in bogus fees.
Anakin's still got the house, but as time passes, he's having more and more trouble with paying the property taxes. He's still managing, but the money Padme left for him is slowly dwindling, and the kids are going to start costing more as they get older, and he's already got Ahsoka living with him (she helps out with the kids so he can work, coding from home, since he's paying for her college tuition; she doesn't have to pay rent since she's a commuter student, and she's got a partial scholarship, but that's still a few thousand a year coming out of Anakin's pocket to put his little sister through underrad). Obi-Wan offered to help, but Obi-Wan lives on the other side of town and even tenured professors don't earn that much, compared to Coruscant's standard cost of living, especially since Obi-Wan adopted recently, a little girl called Reva, and--
Anakin's struggling financially, basically, which isn't a new circumstance, but he really doesn't want to lose Padme's house. Worst comes to worst, he can probably sell it back to Sola so it stays in the Naberrie family, and she'll let him keep living there, but... that's not a sure bet. The Naberries are comfortably wealthy, but it's still an entire house.
Rex, a college friend of Anakin's that went to the same aerospace program, comes back to town. He was on a military tour overseas, but got honorably discharged due to a head injury. Anakin offers to let hm sleep in the guest room, since Padme's house (it's still Padme's, in Anakin's mind), is a lot bigger than Cody's apartment, even if there are toddlers at large. Rex initially promises that he'll only stay long enough to find an apartment of his own, except he overhears Anakin on the phone with Obi-Wan about the finance stuff one day, and reaches out to a few people who have been in town more consistently for a better idea of what's going on without getting too deep into Anakin's business.
Rex manages to get a job locally; there's an airfield for hobbyists a few miles out of town, and the place is looking to hire a new engineer on staff to do repairs and checks on the small planes they keep on site. He starts making noises about moving out, and then, 'subtly,' suggests he just stay at Anakin's place and pay rent.
Anakin does not like the idea of Rex paying rent; friends don't do that! Anakin isn't going to make Rex pay rent in Anakin's home.
They don't talk about it for a few days, and then there's... IDK a night 'off,' where Obi-Wan or Sola or Aayla or Beru takes the twins for an evening, and Ahsoka goes out with friends, so Anakin can take some time off from being a Dad and just Relax.
He and Rex break out the wine, get tipsy not truly drunk, and Rex pokes at the 'just stay here' option again. The house is closer to the airfield than most apartments, and Rex can help take some of the weight off of Anakin and Ahsoka's shoulders with regards to childcare! Even if Anakin won't accept him paying rent!
Anakin argues this. Anakin's kids aren't Rex's responsibility, and Anakin doesn't need his charity (which is, of course, how he views Rex's suggestion). They go back and forth on the topic a few times, and then Rex throws out something about getting married 'for lower taxes' and 'it's not rent if it's my house too, right?' and it's. It's a joke.
Except they're both still thinking about it the next morning, with faint (but not faint enough) memories of a tipsy kiss before bed, and--
Months pass with the two of them circling around each other and Rex never quite moves out, and tax season rolls around, and Anakin is stretched so thin, even with all the cuts for children and covering a dependent's tuition and so on.
Rex quietly floats the idea of a convenience marriage again. It doesn't have to mean anything, if Anakin doesn't want it to. It's not an insult to Padme's memory, just a way of keeping her children in the house she chose for them. And it's not charity, because Rex will get tax cuts too, and better health insurance once Anakin can put him on the family plan he's got. It won't do anything for this year, but by the time the next year rolls around, Anakin will have less of a problem paying those taxes, even if that promotion he's been hoping for doesn't come through.
Anakin, eventually, agrees.
Just four months later, they tie the knot. It's a small ceremony, more than just a courthouse and a paper, just to... well, Anakin wants Rex to have this. Leia and Luke don't entirely understand what's going on, but Ahsoka told them that it means Rex is going to be staying for a lot longer than they originally planned, and they're pretty excited about that part. They're four, and 'Daddy's friend that we like a lot is staying' is pretty clear.
They don't have a 'traditional' wedding night, because they're still both looking at this as a platonic thing (it won't stay that way, but it still is for now). They do share a bed, because someone is sleeping in their guest room (IDK who, maybe a guest was too drunk post-wedding to get home and they just offered the room). Anakin's hair is long enough for an evening of people and, importantly, sticky toddler hands to have tangled it. He washes it out, comes to the bed, and looks so tired--because he had to wash the toddlers first--that Rex offers to brush it for him.
It's intimate. Gentlemanly, but intimate. They go to bed with warm cheeks and pounding hearts, and eventually, one of them rolls onto their side to cuddle.
Neither of them get much sleep that night.
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0h0possum · 1 year
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A little doodle of cat-ified young adult Kote-Ah and Reva from my ‘Kenobi Family AU’. (Context: This is them probably right after the Empire falls/after the end of episode 6)
While all of Obi-Wan’s kids (Luke, Leia, Reva, and Kote-An) are close, Reva and Kote-Ah definitely have special bond. Even though Reva is the oldest of the kids, and Kote-Ah is the youngest and closer to Luke and Leila’s age, they are especially close.  Part of it was the year before Kote-Ah was born. Reva was helping Obi-Wan take care of the twins. While she loved the twins, a ton, she felt as though Obi-Wan might not care for her as much as them. They were the children of his past Padawan and friend, and she was just a random Jedi initiate he felt obligated to keep safe (this isn’t true and Obi-Wan later tells her so when he finds out she feels this way). But when Kote-Ah is born she is the second person to get to hold him (Obi-Wan first) and he tells her she is his sister. She already conceptually accepted that she was now adopted family to Luke, Leia, and Obi-Wan, but something about getting to hold this new life just after it was brought into the world, after having seen so much death in the past, makes it real for her. So she bonds with Kote-Ah right then and there, and as they grow up they stay bonded.
Though, that doesn’t mean they don’t harass the hell out of each other. Kote-Ah inherited Obi-Wan’s sass and quick wit and Reva is naturally full of sarcasm and has a dead-pan nature. So they regularly snip and sass at each other, and it can come across to outsiders as if they hate each other. But they don’t, they care deeply for one another and they just like to show their care by endlessly ribbing each other (much to Luke and Leia’s chagrin’s. Leia: ‘can you guys please stay on topic and stop bickering for five minutes). 
So long story short: if anyone else except Luke, Leia, or Kote-At tried to put their arm around Reva like this, she would have dislocated their shoulder lol (ALSO DON’T SHIP THEM, THEY SEE EACH OTHER AS SIBLINGS)
(sorry I still haven’t fully plotted out the lore/plot of this AU during episodes 4-6, so I can’t write any of it down in detail yet)
Extra: also yes, they both have some facial scars from the rebellion/events of episode 4-6 Extra Extra: ALSO, yes Kote-Ah has two ear piercings. Luke, Leia, and him all got their ears pierced together (they tried to convince Reva to do it too but she was not-having-it™)
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ct-hardcase · 7 months
In terms of Inquisitor stories I'm hoping that we potentially get someday, I'm looking forward to seeing how the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother's dynamic got established. While we don't know much about them as a duo before rebels, it's been established that if they're in the same room, they're near each other (be it fighting or just in each other's presence), and they also hate the other's guts. We also know, based on their sparring together in Vader (2017) and their appearance in Rise of the Red Blade (also sparring together and/or Seventh heckling Fifth while around Iskat) that they've been at it since 19BBY and kept it up until 3BBY, which, especially considering the backstabby nature of the inquisitorius, is a long time!
I do ship them, so clearly my questions about/view of them has a bit of a romantic and/or sexual tinge to it, but even completely in the context of a platonic relationship, the question of why those two gravitate to each other fascinates me, given everything else we know about them as characters and how they interact with the other inquisitors.
There's quite a bit of evidence for this on Fifth's end—he doesn't take shit from Reva or Iskat, and the only inquisitor he shows true fealty/respect to is the Grand Inquisitor. Seventh, whether or not you take stock in the numerical rank system, doesn't outrank him, and she'll also openly confront him, so there are similarities among her, Reva, and Iskat in that none of the three of them are doormats. Notably, one could also assume Fifth's attitude skews a bit misogynistic, as he doesn't seem to have the same issues with Eighth or Tualon based on what little we get of those dynamics, but that's a different post.
We've gotten less of Seventh's dynamic with a variety of inquisitors given her comparative lack of content compared to him (not that I'm bitter), but she's clearly headstrong, smart, cruel, and isn't afraid to push others under the bus in order to gain the upper hand in a situation for revenge. Given all this, it's notable that despite their arguing, she consistently works with Fifth and spars with him (which, even Iskat notes that sparring with Seventh is sort of terrifying). Clearly, Seventh's willing to put up with him as much as he's willing to put up with her. Since she isn't that different from Reva and Iskat, all things considered, what was The Thing that did makes Seventh and Fifth tolerate, and even gravitate toward, each other?
Obviously, I have my own ideas for why (up to and including "they want to jump each other's bones about it"), but in terms of guessing what canon may do? I'd estimate that when the two first meet (and they're probably among the earliest to do so/the earlier initiates), Seventh takes Fifth's surliness less personally than the other inquisitors and makes it more into banter, keeps pushing him back. This pisses him off, but the fact that she doesn't back down draws him in, both as a rival and otherwise. Given the fact that he's dyed-in-the-wool committed to the inquisitor cause and less fazed about evildoing, her propensity for cruel and unusual violence may not bother him as much as it would the others. The two of them coming as a set may be process of elimination as much as it is being drawn to the other, honestly.
This bit also didn't really fit anywhere else, but what cements their dynamic as different to me is something I noticed while watching Rebels, where despite the fact that Seventh almost always takes point on missions (and in notable contrast to owk, he usually lets her), the two have what seems to be an unspoken agreement that Fifth is the one interacting with imperial leadership and Vader. By the end, they clearly know each other, even through pointed barbs.
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
OC Fandom Asks! For Kayla and Siv please
1, 3, 7, 10, 15, 19, and 29?
1: Was your OC influenced or inspired by any particular fictional character(s) when you made them?
Kayla is loosely based on the ORIGINAL-original version of Siv, the one from 14-year-old me's DC/Marvel/Percy Jackson/Star Wars crossover. I had some really cool concepts for the later chapters of that one, and I decided to recycle them into a whole new character.
Siv is quite literally the product of a dream I had when I was 13, but overall, while I mostly base my characters' stories and personalities off their playlists, her personality has been influenced by a whole lot of characters. They were influenced by Cassandra from Tangled: The Series, Natasha Romanoff, Reva from Kenobi, Adrien from Miraculous, and a whole lot of other characters from fandoms I've been into over the 7+ years I've had them.
3: What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
Kayla would absolutely SUCK in a rom-com. First of all, she aroace-spec, second of all, she does not know how to talk to girls- at all. It would low-key be pretty funny to watch her fumble around like that.
Siv would loathe being in a Regency period drama. All those rules and restrictions for how you have to be- she wouldn't be able to stand it. She'd probably end up going apeshit and destroying the castle.
7: If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose?
Kayla normally isn't the cosplaying type, but I think she'd have a lot of fun dressed up as Sam from Totally Spies.
Siv would probably dress up as some kind of creature from Star Trek. I'm not sure what, but they'd pull it off really well nonetheless.
10: How would your OC do in the last book/movie/tv show/game/etc. you read/watched/played?
Oooh I watched Birds of Prey yesterday with my Grandma (it is her favorite movie) so this will be fun-
Kayla absolutely slays. She's got that vaguely morally gray component to her character that means that she'll probably get along with most of the main cast. Though Harley's personality would probably give her a headache.
I'm actually planning an arc where Siv has to team up with Harley and the Birds of Prey for... plot reasons! I feel like she'd get along best with Dinah and Helena for obvious reasons, but ngl I'm mostly planning this arc because I have the idea of Siv snapping at Harley and telling her to shut up/stop being annoying/etc, and Harley goes all psychiatrist on her.
15: How well would your OC do in a standard slasher movie?
Kayla, being a secret agent, would fare pretty well. Her skills in recognizing patterns and taking down supervillains would be invaluable in a slasher film.
Siv, if they weren't the slasher themself, would definitely make it to the end, and probably end up slashing the slasher.
19: If your OC was in Star Trek’s Starfleet, what would be their role/position? Or, if that doesn’t really fit your OC: why would they get kicked out of Starfleet?
Kayla, being a biomedical engineer in real life, would probably be either the chief medical officer or an engineer in Starfleet.
Siv would get thrown out of Starfleet for starting too many fights and overwhelming her ship's medical supplies with all the injuries she's caused.
29: Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
I don't even know if Kayla really knows what a fursona is, but if she had to chose, I think she'd go with some kind of bird. Like maybe a blue jay or some other kind of corvid?
Siv isn't a furry, but she made up a fursona as a joke with her friends in high school. It's a lynx that wields a giant battle axe.
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kanansdume · 2 years
I've been thinking about the immense difference on Obi-Wan's face when he reacts to the revelation that Anakin survived versus how he reacted to just seeing Quinlan's name on a wall and getting confirmation from Tala that he was alive. Neither reaction is hugely effusive, but the difference is so stark.
With Anakin, it's all negative. There is literally nothing positive about the idea of Anakin being alive, Anakin's continued presence in his life is a net negative, his survival is a curse. His face goes through shock, grief, and horror fairly quickly.
With Quinlan, all it took was a name on a wall, and Obi-Wan nearly lit up. Everything about it is positive, it's a blessing, and even if he never gets to see Quinlan again in their lifetimes, just knowing Quinlan survived and is out there somewhere brings a quick smile to Obi-Wan's face, starts to fill him with real hope for the first time since Order 66. His entire being seems to soften, just for a few moments as he registers this unexpected news.
Reva asks if Obi-Wan truly wants Anakin dead and when he can't answer her, she takes that as a sign that he doesn't. And I'm sure the part of him that does still love who Anakin used to be probably DOESN'T want him dead, but more accurately I think he just doesn't want to have to be the one who kills him. His life would've been so much simpler if Anakin had died ten years ago on Mustafar and just never come back, the galaxy might be a better safer place without him in it, and Obi-Wan cannot muster even a single ounce of relief upon hearing that Anakin was alive.
And maybe that's why he so quickly accepts Anakin's declaration that he killed "Anakin Skywalker" and "Darth Vader" is all that remains. Some part of him does want that to be true. Some part of him wishes Anakin hadn't survived. He can't be the one to kill him, and he lets go of Anakin more easily if he tells himself that the boy he raised is dead anyway. He can move on from Anakin if he's dead, remember the good parts that used to exist so he can tell them to Luke in nine years.
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ma1dmer · 11 months
Star Wars - Reva NSFW
girlfriend matterial, i read a fanfic with her that inspired some of these headcanons
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): she likes to simply lie there, face to face maybe trailing her fingers across your cheek and jaw when she thinks you are asleep, she'll get up to take a shower before joining you again when she is clean, if you are not asleep she tells you she has left warm water for you to go shower as well
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): your back and the line of your shoulders, its such an odd fascination, the way your shoulders tremble as you are about to cum or when she has you bent over trailing kisses and bite marks down your spine , she loves marking you up as well ,they don't have to show, they are for her to look at and admire after all, so the back is just the most perfect spot
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): she is really really into edging, will get you just close enough to cumming around her fingers or tongue or strap and immediately stop and send you off to go about your day frustrated and aching for her
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): how touch starved she is ,sometimes she slips up and she'll simply grab your hand and kiss your knuckles or she'll pretend to be asleep as you play with her hair ,she wants to keep her distance and admitting that you make her melt just with a simple brush of your fingers to her cheek isn't working for her image
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): some one time encounters in all the years travelling around, but its hard to trust people so they are few and far between
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): she wants you folded up, grabs your legs and pushes your knees up to your chest until you whine for her
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): she is very serious , she usually initiates things to burn out her frustration so she is generally more serious, very intense as well, few words exchanged before she's kissing you with intent
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): she keeps everything clean ,might trim if she knows she'll be seeing you the next day
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): she is intense and passionate but you can't say she is romantic, everything is done with a sort of detachment and the softer moments are kept for after, when you both unwind and sit in silence
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): she likes to watch you please yourself for her, wants you to call out her name and cum for her ,she likes knowing she has that power over you,  won’t even touch you ,but might use the force for some, help
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): some light choking, clothed sex, edging of course etc
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): prefers her own private quarters but is not above some more risque places, usually when she's away from base, never in base though
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): arguing, its not the healthiest thing, but it really gets her ,just let her unwind a bit after a petty argument or a stressful day, give her an excuse to let out her anger and then she is as soft as a kitten
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): she can't fully let you take control ,she still has issues with her past and it makes her panic and puts her in a really bad place
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): she likes to give ,its not so much just about giving you pleasure but also controlling when and how you cum, she likes edging you and denying you for as long as possible
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): Slow but rough, she finds the spots that make you moan the loudest or twitch against her and she works you relentlessly until you feel sore
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): Absolutely and she is not really shy about what or when you do something, she'll pull you straight out of a meeting to push you in a dark corridor or alley to work you with her fingers while growling about what angered her in the meeting
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): she randomly gets ideas that she wants to try out ,its usually all in the heat of the moment though, nothing too thought out or planned out
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): she has the training to go for a long long long time, she is usually just very busy 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): she doesn't own any but she wouldn't mind you having some ,she wants you to surprise her, bring out something she can use on you 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): she is a meanie, she'll coo for you and call you baby as you plead ,for her to let you cum, and then just keep going the same exact way, growling for you to take what she is giving you, calling you greedy
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): she is relatively quiet save for some broken whines when she gets close to cumming ,its cute how she falters and drops the tough and scary inquisitor persona in the throes of pleasure
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): let’s just say she is, familiar with ,unconvential uses of the force
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): a very average to low drive, but she is overcompensating with how touch starved she is
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): she is absolutely a little spoon, she comes to bed at absurd hours and immediately turns her back to you almost expecting for you to come cling to her, she falls asleep and wakes up silently ,and she also sleeps very lightly, every noise making her open her eyes and reaching for her saber
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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GEORGIE PARSONS and REVA ROVERE-PARSONS seem to be quite different at first glance. Georgie’s much more reserved and measured than Reva, who takes after her father, Angelo (@potionboy3), in terms of countenance. However, Georgie and Reva both hold a strong ambition to show the world that women are more than the home. Georgie and Reva have always been close and they just seem to click. Perhaps it’s because Georgie has a little sister or maybe it’s just that they understand each other.
RORY and MILES O’NEILL have a strong relationship. Rory raised Miles by himself for nearly a decade, and Miles is a big reason that Rory didn’t lose himself after losing his wife. The song “Dear Theodosia” from Hamilton represents Rory’s view on fatherhood and his son quite well. Miles adores his father quite a bit, eagerly looking up to the man. Given that it was just the two of them for awhile, they formed a close bond. Miles couldn’t have asked for a better father.
TADHG LYNCH and RICHARD SAPIEHA might look similar, but their personalities couldn’t be more different… at least on the surface. Tadhg’s a known jokester and troublemaker, while Richard’s serious and a rule follower. Despite this, the grandfather and grandson are a lot more similar than one would expect. They’re both on the quieter side and prefer to have time alone.
BARNABY and DECLAN O’DONNELL-LEE have a good yet complicated relationship. They’re actually quite similar, even though it’s not always the most evident. However, they struggle to connect and understand this. It’s hard considering that Barnaby’s other three children are extremely fascinated and into magical creatures, a topic that Barnaby is always confident in. Declan, on the other hand, isn’t overly interested in magical creatures, preferring to spend his time on athletic pursuits and Barnaby isn’t as confident in that realm.
MICHAEL O’DONNELL, KEIRA KHANNA-O’DONNELL, and VIOLET O’DONNELL-LEE are a chaotic trio of cousins. All three were born in 2003 and attend Hogwarts together, albeit in different houses… which was probably for the best. Violet and Keira take turns being the voice of reason as it depends on the situation. Michael is generally always attracting (or causing) trouble. Despite having a wide group of friends outside of the family, Michael, Keira, and Violet often find themselves coming back together to hang out.
HUGH WHITTEN, LEO EASTERBROOK-WHITTEN, and TOMMY MARCH-WHITTEN are also a chaotic trio of cousins and attend Hogwarts together. However, Hugh and Leo are both first cousins, while Tommy is their second cousin. Tommy is very much the voice of reason and is more interested in music, while Hugh and Leo are trouble magnets and are very taken with athletic pursuits. Despite their noticeable differences in interests, Hugh, Leo, and Tommy have always had a close relationship. From the moment Tommy joined the Whitten family, Hugh and Leo made him feel like he was part of the family.
↳ for @endlessly-cursed’s fankid appreciation event
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missmoondalorian · 10 months
Chapter Seven - How It's Always Been
    Ugh. You need a bath yourself. Once he was in his room with the door closed. You took the opportunity of the empty inn to prepare your own bath.
    The warm water felt so amazing. You can't remember the last time you were able to enjoy a bath without having to rush to prepare something for someone. You closed your eyes and let your mind wander. Caspian in the room next door, in the bath... his long wet hair falling over his face... You recalled the image of his lower abdomen peeking under his lifted shirt. Him telling you not to argue... forcing you to obey...
    Would he become more forceful if you behaved more stubbornly? "I might test that" you thought to yourself. See how far you can push him. When he slammed his hand on the table...the passion in his voice...wait. Did you want to see him angry? What is wrong with you?
You opened your eyes, and scolded yourself. He doesn't need you to make his life more difficult.
    But the way his eyes darkened when he spoke about the Calormene... an involuntary shiver ran down your spine. Your hand began to wander up your thigh...
"No." You said quietly to yourself, and moved your hand away. Anyone could be back any minute. 
    You finished up, got dressed, and just for good measure sprayed on some of your mother's perfume. Just a note of lilac. 
You were dumping out the water when Sis came running up.
"There you are." You greeted her.
"Where have you been?"
"Oh Mrs. Genova took me shopping! Look at what she bought me!"
She pulled a pretty blue dress out of her basket. 
"She said it was a 'thank you' gift for helping her run errands."
"Oh wow, she really didn't need to do that..." You felt a bit awkward. It was a very nice gift. 
"I know. I told her that. But she said she didn't have grandkids of her own so she wanted to treat me like one. But we also got you something."
"What?! Why?"
"Because I didn't want you to feel left out. Plus the dress shop said they'd price it down if we bought two, so... here! "
She handed you a package wrapped in twine. You opened it to see a stunning green dress with black and silver lace framing the corset style top. 
"Sis. I... It's beautiful." 
You were at a loss for words. 
"This looks way too expensive though... we have to take it back tomorrow."
"Mrs. Genova said I earned them. She also said you deserved something nice. And I agree. "
    You gave her a huge hug. Never in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine owning a dress this beautiful. You'll have to thank Mrs. Genova profusely next time you see her. 
"Why do you smell so nice?" Sis asked as you guided her back inside.
"As opposed to normally?" You laughed.
"Well yea," she laughed "you normally smell ok, but today you smell REALLY good."
" I used some of mother's perfume after my bath today. "
" Oooohhhh. Whyyyy?" She taunted.
" Because I felt like it. " 
" Yea right. You did it for King Caspian. "
You blushed. 
" What makes you say that? "
"Oh come on. I saw how you guys were acting last night."
" You're imagining things. " 
" Am not. "
" Are too. And since when do you notice things like that anyway? "
" I notice a lot of things. " She responded proudly. " Like Sir Tavros always flicks his ears when he eats something he thinks is really yummy."
You laughed, " really? "
" Mhm. And you put your hands on your hips when you're trying to concentrate. "
" Do I? "
" And Reva from down the street sneezes twice in a row whenever she goes outside for the first time."
"Ok, ok. You proved your point." You laughed. "Wow. Next time I need some spying done I'll ask you. "
" Oh! One more. " 
" Ok, one more. "
" King Caspian looks at you, a lot, when he thinks you're not looking. "
* * *
    Once inside you sent her to hang up your dresses in the bedroom. You couldn't imagine when you would ever wear it but, it'll be nice to look at at least. 
    You realized Caspian had still not come out of his room. You battled with your instinct to check on him. "He probably wants privacy after being surrounded by people for over a year" you tell yourself. But you would also be in a lot of trouble if the King fell and hurt himself...or something worse...on your watch. 
You decided to knock and just check...
"Uhm. Your Majesty? I was just checking to make sure you were alright..." You called through the door.
The latch moved and the door opened.
He stood there, his wet hair dripping water which ran down his bare chest. He wore his pants, loosely laced, but nothing else.
His arm reached up to lean against the top of the doorframe. 
"Oh." You gasped and felt your face turn red. You averted your eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."
He smiled down at you. "Not at all."
"You were just... in there quite a while... and I just wanted to see if you needed anything... make sure you didn't drown or...something..." you stammered.
"I'd be a poor sailor if I drowned in a copper tub after being at sea for a year." He chuckled. "I actually dozed off in the bath. There is a scent in this room that is just...very relaxing." He looked back into the room, as if trying to find he smell. "I couldn't help myself."
"Oh, yes," you still couldn't look directly at him, "that's the eucalyptus. It grows everywhere on this part of the island."
"Mmm." He thought aloud, "We must be sure to take some back with us."
"I'll... let you finish getting dressed then?" You're not sure why you asked...as if he would invite you in to watch.
"You're very sweet to check on me, thank you. I will be out shortly." He smiled. You nodded while looking down, and hurriedly walked back down the hall. You heard the door latch closed behind you. 
You barely reached the end of the hall before Sis popped out of your bedroom.
"TOLD YOU." She mocked and folded her arms across her chest. 
"Shut up." You murmured, and went into the kitchen. 
She followed.
"You never check on ME when I take too long in the bath."
"That's because I enjoy my alone time and want you to take forever." You teased while preparing some lunch.
"Orrrrr it's because you liiiike him."
"OR it's because I don't want anything to happen to the KING while he's in our inn."
"When you get married, that'll make me a princess."
"IF I get married, it will be to a man on OUR island who is unassuming and ordinary. Just like everyone else around here."
You sighed. "Here, go set this on the table." You handed her a platter of meats, cheeses, and bread. 
"Why can't you admit he's handsome, and you like him?" She half whined as she took the tray.
"Because, nothing can come of it." You prepared another tray with a pitcher of mead and mugs.
"Soooo there is something to admit then?" She smiled up at you.
"No." You grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. "Go." You gave her a gentle push towards the table. 
You followed with the tray of drinks.
"Ok. ok. So if there WAS something to admit, why could nothing come of it? I thought if two adults liked each other, they could get married."
You sighed again. "I wish is was that simple." You placed the tray on the table. "You have to understand, there are different stations in life, for adults."
She placed hers down as well, and sat on the long bench opposite of you. Then waited silently for you to continue.
"You know there are royals, and nobles, like the King and his Knights, yes?"
She nodded.
"Then there are...lower classes...commoners. That's us. The adults from the upper classes, have to marry other adults from the upper classes. And adults from the lower classes, marry others from their same class. Understand?"
"Kind of...." she scrunched up her face, thinking very hard. "but... why?"
"It's just the rules." You shrugged. "How it's always been."
"That's kind of dumb..." 
You laughed. "Maybe. But it's not really our place to question it. Plus we have waaay more important things to worry about."
"Like what?"
"Well, like I was thinking of baking a pie to go after dinner tonight. But I have no idea what kind of pie the boys would like..."
Her face lit up.
" Blueberry!" 
"And cream?" you smiled.
"Oh YES!" she jumped up. 
"Can I go pick them?!?!"
You laughed again. "Sure."
"Can I ask Reva if she wants to come?"
"Sounds great. Just make sure you start heading back before it starts to get dark." You gave her a knowing look. 
"oookaaayy." she smiled. She ran into the room to get her cloak, and you went into the kitchen to grab a basket. 
    You handed it to her, and stood at the doorway to watch her go down the street and ask her friend to come blueberry picking with her. 
Seeing her able to enjoy a normal childhood made you happier than you thought it would. Things you were afraid she would never get to experience. You owe it all to King Caspian and his men.
"Did I hear something about blueberry pie?" A voice came from behind you, and made you jump.
"SHIT." You placed you hand over your heart. "You SCARED me."
He laughed out loud. "I'm so sorry."
You gave him a little glare. "I have a feeling you did it on purpose."
Still laughing, he shook his head. "Really, I thought you knew I was standing here." 
"Were you there the whole time?"
"Not the whole time, I had just emerged from my quarters about the point where you told Sisni 'you had more important things to worry about'. And of course, when I heard 'pie' I had to come out and investigate."
You giggled softly. "I hoped it would be a surprise." 
"It still will be. May I help with anything around here?" 
You were surprised by the offer.
"Oh... no. Thank you. I've left some lunch out for you and your men. I assumed you would have plans to make. I just need to step out and do some laundry."
"May I join you?"
"To...do laundry???"
"If you'll allow me." He laughed at your confusion. "I want to go out and experience your island for myself, as it is for you in the day to day. See how I can improve things for you all. Plus, I like to keep my hands busy."
"Uhm. Yea...sure? If you really want to?"
"As long as I am not bothering you."
"No, no. The company would be nice I just...didn't think anyone would ever want to do laundry..." you chuckled.
"Only when it is in your company." He smiled.
You blushed. "Well... in that case..." you motioned towards the back of the hall. "Let's grab the baskets."
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selchwife · 2 years
i have some basic bits of revas' backstory already sort of picked out (his mom was one of the girls at the blooming rose, she abandoned him when it became obvious he was a mage, he maybe ?? got involved in crime & had some ??? sort of traumatic experience with a templar i'm having trouble deciding) but like. the specifics are giving me trouble. -_-
ultimately it's hard bc the theme i want to work on through him is like, isolation and neglect. so i feel pretty limited in terms of giving him any pivotal relationships or like, Big Events that would take the focus away from that. and i guess i worry about repeating myself bc i don't want to make his backstory too similar to the diminutive rake's, bc i feel like i'm already straddling the line with the whole Crime(?) Urchin angle. but i suppose there's nothing wrong with repeating myself, it's my story for me and i do love writing a good longshanks
there's also the issue of logistics ig bc revas has never been to the circle, but any templar who would target him knowing he's a mage would be more likely to just take him to the circle. i guess they don't HAVE to know he's a mage though, i'm under the impression the templars in kirkwall just did whatever the fuck they wanted because they were templars and could, which is really the reason revas hates them anyway. so that would probably be the move to make thematically, given that's the issue i actually want to showcase with the mage-templar conflict
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antianakin · 7 months
In response to your previous post, why do you think people still love Anakin despite all the selfish and violent things he has done?
Just for archival sake, this is the post I assume you're responding to.
I love when you guys force me to drop the bitter old hag act and be more legitimately analytical about characters I dislike lol.
The somewhat less analytical response to this post is that people like him due to protagonist bias, Hayden Christensen being considered attractive, and Darth Vader having a lot of nostalgia from the OT.
However, while I think those things are always a major aspect in why people like the character, the more analytical version is that Anakin is a character created to be relatable. He's got flaws that most of us can look at and recognize in ourselves and even though he does become a monster because of them, he is also capable of saving himself in the end and doing something heroic despite that, he is allowed to get better and stand next to confirmed good guys like Yoda and Obi-Wan as what seems to be equals, he is capable of being loved by someone as kind and good as Luke Skywalker DESPITE his many flaws and heinous choices. And like... that's an impressively compelling character journey, to see someone become the worst version of themselves it is possible to be and still be loved enough to make the choice to be better.
And it's not like I haven't enjoyed my fair share of selfish characters who do heinous things in my day, even within Star Wars itself. Some of my favorite characters include people like Saw Gerrera and Luthen Rael and Cassian Andor and Reva Sevander, ALL of whom made some pretty nasty choices or acted selfishly at some point or another. Reva is literally built to be a parallel and then foil FOR ANAKIN.
So it's not like I don't necessarily see the appeal of Anakin as this massively flawed character with sympathetic motivations for his immensely awful choices, someone who wanted to be good and, for a little while, WAS good, but who was led towards a dark path that he knew he shouldn't take but took anyway because he let his fears control him. Anakin making the mistakes he does is literally a cautionary tale, you're SUPPOSED to relate to him and see yourself in him, the story kind-of doesn't work if you don't in some ways.
So I think a lot of people who like him probably just see a lot of themselves in him, both good and bad. They project onto Anakin and sympathize with his motives and his struggles and, even though they know he's a screw-up, they root for him. They want him to get better because if someone like Anakin can get better, then so can they, so can we all. Anakin is a cautionary tale saying that even those of us with the best of intentions can lead ourselves down a road of selfishness if we aren't careful about our motives, but he's also a hopeful tale saying that even the WORST of us can lead ourselves back to a road of selflessness if we're willing to put in the effort. So you can feel sympathy for the first half and take strength from the second half of his story, depending on where you are in your life.
This is obviously all sort-of said in like the best faith interpretation of why people might like Anakin. There's plenty of people who like him as a power fantasy, people who see Anakin as this impressive strong character who takes down his abusers and takes control of his narrative by defying the prophecy and killing the Jedi. And, you know, everyone gets to take what they want out of stories of course, but boy do these people and I take VERY different things out of Star Wars. I curate my internet experience so I never have to have anything to do with these people, but they absolutely exist.
And at the end of the day, all of that is wrapped up in a character who, in one trilogy, is played by a very classically attractive actor who gets to kiss Natalie Portman and is occasionally funny, and in the other trilogy, is represented as this cool-looking villain in an imposing black costume with a skull helmet and cape and some memorable quotes. So while the deeper reasons for people's enjoyment of his character definitely exist, the surface-level ones are still there and can enhance that enjoyment a lot.
And I'm sure there's any number of other, smaller things that impacted people's reactions to Anakin. He was introduced as a child in TPM and so people who were expecting this young adult character already in the throes of darkness might've ended up seeing him very differently and relating to him on a whole different level. People might've ended up rooting for him because the representation of the Jedi was so far away from what they THOUGHT Jedi would be that they ended up liking Anakin simply because he's pitted against the Jedi they didn't like. Maybe some people didn't like him until TCW and they really appreciate THAT version of Anakin quite a lot, maybe especially his relationship with Ahsoka. Maybe some people just really fell for the doomed romance plotline with Padme. Maybe some people like him because Obi-Wan and Luke like him and those dynamics are intriguing to them.
But for me, Anakin has just never felt all that compelling. I was introduced to the Prequels first as a kid and I was far more invested in Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon (who were way funnier than Anakin ever was) and Padme (who had really pretty costumes). I didn't HATE Anakin by any means, but he wasn't all that funny, he didn't have the cooler action scenes for the first two films, and the romance plotline didn't hook me. I didn't mind Anakin as an accessory to Obi-Wan, but that was about as far as I went.
As I got older and more into the fandom, though, I started learning a lot more about the Jedi and why they WEREN'T the true villains of the Prequels the way everyone said they were and what Lucas's messages had actually been intended to be, and the romance with Padme just kept aging like milk, and my investment in the Jedi often meant defending them AGAINST people who saw them as no more than Anakin's abusers at worst, or a repressive society that unintentionally led Anakin to darkness at best. Arguing FOR the Jedi usually meant arguing AGAINST Anakin and pointing out all of the places HE was wrong and selfish and why the Jedi were RIGHT not to trust him. And the more passionate I got about defending the Jedi, the less and less I ended up liking Anakin. I wasn't overly invested in him in the first place, so it wasn't hard to take me from neutral to decidedly negative. Had I enjoyed him more as a kid, either in the Prequels or the Original Trilogy, maybe I would've landed in a different place with him, but I didn't. It didn't feel like any great loss to decide I didn't like him that much anymore. By comparison, I liked Padme a lot more as a kid and so even though I often find her just as selfish as Anakin, I like her a lot more usually.
So I get why people find him compelling, I really do, but he just doesn't speak to me. I highly doubt he ever will anymore.
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I divide music into stuff I can passively listen to for actually writing, and stuff I can actively listen to for inspiration, introspection or a mood boost. When writing, I avoid Star Wars soundtracks unless I want to invoke the associated canon moment(s).
I've had Anchor by Blue Stahli on loop most often lately. I really love the whole Quartz/Bronze/Obsidian era and can't recommend it enough for fellow Star Wars peoples.
My most looped instrumental song is probably "Weeping Ghost" by John Carpenter.
Some of my go-to passive listening music:
> Master Boot Record (music for people who miss floppy disks and CRT monitors)
> Gost (not to be confused with Ghost)
>Horror movie/horror game soundtracks
> Very technical electric guitars
> Ivan Torrent and similar artists who blend a kind of cyber or futuristic sound with a more choral/orchestral/"epic fantasy" sort of feel
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Since I voice type bc pain, my rough drafts go to a dictation app called Speechnotes. It's the only voice typing app I know of that allows continuous dictation (including with the screen shut off), doesn't lock all its good features behind a paywall, and is relatively good at handling things like background noise or murmured speech. I then use Google docs to edit.
For the dirty work of plotting, outlining, and keeping notes, I use mostly physical media: post-it notes, lined index cards, large spiral sketchbooks, colour codable folders, Bristol board. This allows me to take in everything at once more easily.
I do use one Android app, called Writer's Companion, to keep a shortened version of each multi chap story's timeline handy.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Honestly most of Laugh Lines. Partly, when I took on the prompt I didn't realize how unsuited my writing tendencies are for a full "nothing bad ever happened" route.
Also embarrassed by how the darn thing just kind of ran away from me, like, Ahsoka and Reva were supposed to have bigger roles but Sors kriffing Bandeam overtook them both??? How did it take me almost 2k words just to get Anakin and Obi-Wan alone together???
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I think. I kinda think having Sors as Anakin's padawan counts. Just. Watch the creche scene again but with a magic crystal ball in your hand that insists that would've been Anakin's second padawan if he'd stayed a Jedi. Then try to imagine how I sleep at night lmao.
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