#who wants to avenge his fallen king LOL
cnwolf-brainrot · 1 month
For the writers ask meme: 2, 4, and 7?
OOOOH, these are good ones!! Thank you so much for sending them in!!
2 - talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
So. So. So many times. Hmm, since a lot of people are reading Weapon by Name right now, I’ll say that Kurt’s identity was supposed to start solidifying after the first Rogue interaction! For reference, that would have put Logan learning Kurt’s name in chapter 12, which at the time was chapter 9 because there were a few chapters I ended up adding before it. I started writing the name scene and I literally felt Kurt turn to me, shaking, and said in a tiny little voice “I’m not ready for that”. That was the moment that I really realized this story was going to be a slowburn, and that I was too far in to escape.
4 - what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
OH MAN, I’ve been dying to write this one for about five years!! It’s a Medieval Marvel AU with the OG Avengers as the main cast and Clint Barton as the focus character. It follows a similar vibe to Narnia; the world has been cursed into eternal winter for the last hundred years by the Frost King (Loki) and there is a prophecy that his reign will end when five warriors from the time of his invasion return. Clint basically decides that the prophecy is stupid and they need to stop waiting around for these “Avengers” and decides to go punch Loki in the face himself. The story then follows him running into Natasha, who leads him to Tony, who leads him to Thor, etc, until Clint realizes that these guys ARE the prophesied warriors, and they were cursed with immortality until they defeat Loki but have fallen apart over the last hundred years. It has themes of destiny versus drive, grief/loss, moving forward, immortality being awful, etc. For now it’s titled “Hello My Old Heart” after the song by The Oh Hellos, but the title might change; the chapter titles would be after lines from the song “Dead Wormwood” though. There’s particularly important story beats with the repeating theme of “I know who you are now”, and I listen to the song at least weekly thinking about this fic.
Honestly, I’m not sure why I haven’t written it. I love the story and I’ve had it outlined for at least four years now… maybe part of it is the fear that no one will read it right now, since the OG Avengers era has somewhat passed. But at the same time I want to read this fic, which means I need to write it, which means… I need time, lol 😂
7 - tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
Hmmm, I’m trying to remember… I’ve been writing fanfic for a long, LONG time, but I think the first big one I remember working on was one called “Re-Tournament” that I wrote when I was 10! It was a self-insert Ninjago OC story that I actually wrote with my brother; we each wrote our own “book” following the same story, so we had two different copies each from our OC’s POVs. I don’t even remember our characters’ names at this point (mine might have had moon powers?) but I have a few very distinct memories of laying on my parent’s floor with him after we moved into our new house, two binders full of notebook paper spread between us, our pencils racing as we copied down lines from the show between our own original scenes. It was a season 4 fanfic so honestly 70% of what we wrote was just directly copying canon scenes, but it was still an absolute blast and I think we got a good couple chapters in!! Definitely a fun memory!
Thank you so much for sending these in!!
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