#who'd be thrilled with the results regardless of what Pharma had hoped for
transingthoseformers · 8 months
Pharma doesn't find out about Rung immediately like. In canon, Rung and Ratchet know about each other before the Lost Light and were friendly. Rung, being a good older figure, who knew and liked Ratchet, makes a point to stop in and check on Pharma which is how they first meet. Rung immediately clocks a.) Trepan is a shady bastard, b.) Pharma is going through it and fucking young and still in need of a mentor, and c.) nobody else seems to have the time to keep an eye on this situation (he had not yet met Orion Pax). Rung figures "well I have no social life and I think it is about time to go full busybody" and starts making a point to act like a nosey grandma who keeps visiting Pharma and inviting him out to eat (he is neglecting himself) and "running into him" which Pharma accepts at face value and allows himself to be gently bullied by the ever polite Rung. Eventually, they spend enough time together Pharma remembers him.
Rung uses medical texts to lure him into socializing since Pharma genuinely enjoys learning, introducing him to Pyschology which he mostly ignored but figures is an off shot of mnemosurgery especially when Rung the origins or it related to his field and how he'd originally been enthusiastic for the benefits of it being used sparingly. He also lets Pharma edit his in progress papers to give him something just new and demanding enough to distract him.
Pharma, over the years, discovers both Rung's regenerative capabilities and the Rung Conspiracy in some Conspiracy forums that trace back Rung's appearance and in photographs of every major event of their species. Pharma, in his pursuit for necromancy, gets involved in some pretty esoteric stuff including disgraced doctors and scientists works either because they were genuinely mad or "unqualified" or the government didn't agree, small cults following particular interpretations of Primus, research into the history of the Matrix and ancient legends and stories, and "magic books" and the records and essays of "sorcerers and warlocks". He eventually realizes that the interpretation of the Matrix and therefore Primus as a healing god, unpopular in modern times but a formally popular sect, is more likely and actually theological historians that study those ages show some things. He gets really into Vector Sigma and other stuff and eventually does some math, goes just a little off the wall, sees Rung's alt-mode, and inspects the Matrix and comes to the conclusion that it was physical made from a cast not just presented by Primus and figures why not go for it.
Pharma, to be clear, is not entirely stable about this and it is a process of centuries and becomes well established as a doctor with "quirks" due to his "interest" in fringe religions as he got deeply involved in a cult of Mortilus for similar reasons and met a very interesting mech named Mesothulas and they became penpals. Meso is delighted by it all and helps Pharma get concrete proof or conceptualize his more interesting ideas. He is directly involved in the Wrenchening.
Rung is much more deeply entrenched in Pharma's life by the time the kidnapping occurs and is very sympathetic to his self-assigned grandchild.
And, yep, hard agree, Wrench is to be beloved and cherished and Pharma does with conviction. That is his fucking baby. Everyone loves Wrench and is protective of him. He is the same age as Hot Rod and Deadlock, who gets involved with this later, because Trepan's unwilling redemption causes spiraling changes, is very protective as well as he'd never quite forgiven himself for not being able to pay back Ratchet. 
Makes sense makes sense, Trepan is indeed a shady bastard and if anyone's gonna realize it's Rung
Yesss on Rung deciding to be the nosy grandma because yeah
He's got the time
Look I just got the hilarious image of Rung literally waving a textbook and yes
Yes he is
Okay sdfhi tracks that there's a Rung Conspiracy because YEAH. He's always there, even if just as an observer or prop. He's always there. And makes sense Pharma would encounter this eventually considering how deep he's diving for a way to get Ratchet back.
Honestly I feel like we do not abuse the connection between the Matrix, Primus, and healing/creation/ life enough. Pharma certainly is.
oh Pharma, you're losing it yet again. at least this time you've got mecha looking out for you.
Ooo and ties to the cult of Mortilus and to Mesothulas??? Intriguing, intriguing.
Meso would be delighted and all too willing to help
Of all the things Rung could've been kidnapped for he admits there's worse (examples including taking a look at the Functionist universe), and he's thoroughly invested now.
OWO on Wrench later on meeting Hot Rid and Deadlock
Fascinating the changes that are occurring in everyone, that's my favorite part about aus: the butterfly effect and how seemingly small decisions can change history.
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