#who's thoughts are not constantly consumed by theories and analysis of sonic and tails being brothers
playertwotails · 2 years
Okay so thinking about Sonic Frontiers scenes again and definate spoilers ahead.
Before Sonic leaves Ares Island he stops and talks to Knuckles
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(Screen shots from Sirlion on youtube cause I don’t wanna replay the whole game for this one screen grab right now)
When Sonic says how worried about Tails he is, they don’t show his eyes at all and that is clearly a very deliberate decision on the devs side. And for a sec when I first saw this I wasn’t sure why...then I saw Knuckles reaction
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 Knuckles looks kinda shocked at what expression he sees on Sonic’s face here. Sure right after he starts grinning, tells Sonic, Tails will “be alright” and immediately starts teasing him again. But he still had that second of shocked pikachu going on here.
I think Sonic was looking furious when he said this, like beyond pissed, and Knuckles had that moment of “oh he mad mad right now” when he looked at Sonic. A state of anger they rarely see him in. They’ll see him determined and upset but rarely do they see an actually angry Sonic.
And Sonic being mad would make sense. Up to this point Sonic has found Amy and Knuckles (who he didn’t know was even there) but his little bro’ has yet to be found. And the whole time he’s asked his two found friends what their digitized states were like while they were trapped and both tell him their less than pleasant experiences stuck like that...and he still hasn’t located Tails or know if he’s even okay.
So now, he’s just thinking about how he still at this point has no idea where Tails is, his friends relay to him a terrible time stuck in cyberspace, and Tails has now been stuck in there alone maybe the longest time now (we have no idea how long Knuckles was stuck for though so Tails might be in second place on this). Sonic just has no idea what kinda state Tails may be in or how cyberspace is affecting him.    
Plus he’s been constantly blocked by Sage from getting answers, he’s starting to be in pain (or numb and brain fog? both??), and he still doesn't know if what he’s doing is even helping to save his friends. Sonic’s also not known for his patience and I think here it’s really starting to run out cause he’s found all this other info but nothing on where Tails is.
Idk this is just how I read that scene let me know if ya’ll think of anything else I love theories and analysis’.
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