dylanrussell-rpg · 11 years
.......so what the hell is this about ancient chambers and sitting and beauties? I have no idea what to make of this one.
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elise-quinn-blog · 11 years
This is all just so terrible
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I hate it
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clara-woodsxx · 11 years
Clara's eyes fell onto the scared list immediately, she found Hazel's name and her hands covered her mouth. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move. Clara was frozen. Her best friend could die next. Hazel could be next. The one who had been there for Clara through thick and thin. Hazel had been more than a best friend to Clara, she had been Clara's sister. Although still in complete and utter shock, she was happy to see that Jaden was okay, she didn't even think of anyone else. Clara had been so terrified she'd see his name on the scared list so when she had seen Hazel's it completely froze her. She knew someone here would have to end up dying, they were simply pawns in a cruel game subject to death no matter which way they turned. Clara was relieved to know that Jaden along with herself were granted another week, she only hoped Hazel would be able to make it through the up coming week with them.
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jadenernisse · 11 years
What to do when stuck in a mansion...
Hmm maybe we should have a movie night to pass the time. Anyone seen a theater of some kind anywhere?
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hannah-holt · 11 years
Hannah & ~Filled~
It's going to be okay, Hannah kept telling herself but each time she wouldn't believe it, no matter how many times she told it to herself.  She wanted to talk to everyone else, she wanted to see if Elise was okay, she wanted to call the police, she wanted to see the scene of the crime, she wanted to go to her room but she was even too scared to go to her room because ever since the body was found she was too scared to even move, knowing there was a killer somewhere in the house she didn't want to even move an inch.  Even though it's been a day she hasn't got hardly any sleep except for nodding off and on.  Her nose was totally stuffed from crying so much and her eyes puffy and painful.  She takes a shaky deep breath in and out, wiping away the small amount of tears from her eyes, she hadn't cried in awhile but for the past hour she had been a bit teary now and then.  She just didn't understand why this select group of people, what kind of person would do that, and she couldn't believe an innocent little girl had to have her life taken, she could've had a whole brilliant life ahead of her full of exciting fun with friends she'll never make, secret nights with crushes she'll never have, acing classes she'll never take, finally finding a place that will never be hers, everything that could've happened but won't because someone was so cruel to take her life away.  
Hannah decided that she should try to find the others to finally do something, break her fear.  She crawled out of her hiding spot in one of lounges and tried to control her breathing as she walked quickly, remembering which way she ran when she found this hiding spot, she didn't even try to hide the fact that she had been crying, it was way too obvious.  
She was was a bit lost and could feel the tears coming on again, "H-hello?" she called out, scared of how loud her voice was, she was alone and scared, the killer could be anywhere, "Wh-where are you guys?" she hugged herself, she couldn't even figure out which way she came from, too overwhelmed by everything, starting to panic, when suddenly it dawned on her, the killer could be any of the people attending too, now she wasn't sure if she wanted to be with everyone else or not.  Her breath started to quicken as she just crouched down on the floor against the wall and sobbed in her hands.  She was lost, lonely, scared, confused, overwhelmed and the fact that she hadn't gotten any sleep wasn't helping.
"Someone help," she whimpered to herself and continued to cry.
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Overcome by hunger as he tossed and turned through the night; Jack reluctantly decided his tastebuds needed pleasing. Carefully and silently creeping his way down the corridors, making extra sure he was discretely pressing his feet over the ancient and creaky floorboards, he made his way to the kitchen. Using the low glimmer of the light on his phone, Jack searched for the light switch, and upon flipping it up, weirdness set in. Flickering on and off with pace, the various lamps and light fittings around the kitchen buzzed and illuminated the room for barely a second before darkness consumed his eyes once more. "Shit, stupid old house." Moaning quietly under his breath, Jack shuffled across the tiles, his phone providing only adequate light for him to reach the fridge. "Beautiful!" Upon opening the large door, his eyes hungrily scoured the contents as his tummy began to rumble. Hands filled with snacks and treats, and an all you can carry mentality, Jack once again shuffled towards the counter top. Startled by an almighty wailing piercing the silence, the contents of ingredients he was carrying crashed in a calamitous explosion on the floor, but the noise he made was nothing to the impaling screeching that continued to fill the air. Frozen in shock, Jack remained quiet, but knew he had to react when he heard the response of commotion and lights flickering on.  
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I have so much energy right now it's unbelievable. I feel like a teenager.
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dylanrussell-rpg · 11 years
I hate that we all have to play right into his game. Here we all are, scared for our damn lives and this guy, girl, whoever is just sitting back laughing at us. I hate it so much.
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clara-woodsxx · 11 years
Good luck everyone.
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jadenernisse · 11 years
Maybe cookies are the solution
We've all been understandably stressed lately so I think we should do as Clara suggested and bake cookies. I'm going to go get started. Someone might want to come help me soon before I burn the kitchen down.
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hannah-holt · 11 years
I love looking at all the neat things around.
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Did anyone else hear that thumping coming from the basement?
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God, this all looks so good.
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clara-woodsxx · 11 years
I just want to tell you all that I love you. We still have 3 days guys, we can do this.
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I'm exhausted.
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I just want to crawl into bed already.
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