#whoever gets grossed out because theres an ant here
particlexxdealer · 8 months
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im making a separate post because i hate your stupid screen caps
whoever told you that humans dont eat bugs is probably either a) a white american or b) a white european because those are the people who dont eat bugs (that they know of) and are also self centered enough to think that everyone else on the planet does shit exactly the same as they do when theres 7 billion of us like yeah sure susan youre right im sure no one out here be eatin some bugs specifically cuz you think its gross yep mhm anyway heres a short list of places on earth where humans eat bugs
in thailand you can buy deep fried crickets from street food vendors
in ghana people grind termites into flour for baking
various kinds of candy coated chocolate covered and buttered insects in mexico
insects are a delicacy in china and some people will actually eat live scorpions (i know thats not an insect but bear with me here)
if you go to a street fair with lots of food vendors literally anywhere in the united states youll probably find someone selling chocolate covered ants or crickets on a stick and some teenagers daring each other to eat them AMERICA YOU AINT SPECIAL
im not gonna make a full list cuz itd be way long but you get the idea
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