#wholesale dance wear
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The Varied Dance Costumes Complementing Exquisite Dance Styles
From salsa to ballroom, dancing is fun when you wear the right dance costume for your dance form. So read on to this blog to know which is the perfect one for your particular dance form.
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alanicglobal · 7 months
What To Wear For The Ballet
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Congratulations on enrolling your daughter in ballet training! Even if they don't become the next Royal Ballet star, we guarantee that attending these programs will provide them with far more than just the opportunity to learn to dance.
As the new semester begins, many parents will have their children join dancing classes for the first time. We thought it might be useful to put together some ideas for what your child will need for class.
We recommend checking with the school where your daughter has recently enrolled: do they have a specific school uniform, any recommendations for uniforms, or is it totally up to you? Your teacher will be able to assist you with this.
Leotards and Tutus
Ballet leotards and tutus come in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes. Leotards, which are often worn by older, more accomplished pupils, have a more classical appearance than tutus and reflect a more serious-minded dancer.
However, the tutu is ideal for preschool classrooms since there are several exciting patterns available that include frills, ribbons, and glitter.
Tights and Socks
Ballet socks and tights are must-haves for both warmth and comfort. Ballet tights similar to wholesale running apparel are ideal for the cold months, and socks are essential for every aspiring dancer.
Ballet Shoes
Ballet shoes are the most crucial and beloved item in each dancer's luggage. There are a variety of materials and fittings to pick from.
Ballet shoes are often available in leather, satin, and canvas. Shoes with patterned soles and sparkling ballet shoes have recently gained popularity, especially among young pupils.
Ballet shoes give support and comfort to the dancer, while also helping with technique and alignment. When selecting ballet shoes for your child, the fit is really important.
Although you may allow for growing room in your child's everyday shoes, ballet shoes must be a snug fit so that your youngster does not trip over excess shoes while dancing. If the shoe is excessively big, the foot may begin to move around inside it, allowing it to rest in unsupported positions.
Due to the superfluous information, the dance teacher is unlikely to notice and fix this.
Business owners and retailers, if you wish to further expand your stock, feel free to reach out to manufacturers dealing in wholesale dancewear.
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shrekgogurt · 3 months
Ten Questions for Writers
Thank you for the tags! @artsyunderstudy @roomwithanopenfire @youarenevertooold @emeryhall @monbons @larkral I'm eating up reading your answers because we're all so DIFFERENT.
How many works do you have on AO3? 9 (technically 10 but we orphaned one of them out of shame)
What’s your total AO3 word count? 99,978 (mine) + 7,531 (shared) + 9,991 (someone else's) = 117, 500 (total)
What fandoms do you write for? presently, Carry On but back during my high school ff.net days I did some Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus (Percabeth and some separate OCs), Alex Rider (OCs), The 100 (as an elaborate prank), Harry Potter (literally just a My Immortal parody), and Divergent (OCs) and if they weren't oneshots they were never finished.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? YES! I'm currently behind on my replies, but it's so fun! It's like a book club but for stuff I created!!???? Shit rocks. I fully didn't expect anyone to read IKABIKAM (my first fic on ao3) when I first published it and so every comment still feels like a miracle.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I love collaborating because it gives me something to bounce off of. A scene partner. A ticking timer. It's like lifting a heavy object by yourself versus getting someone else to bear some of the weight with you. It's easier. I also find myself constantly seeking collaboration with other people even with my solo fics. I'm all up in those DMs pestering people both as motivation and as external processing. And by GOD, do you fuckers have some good ideas. Y'all make me exponentially better.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? SnowBaz but also in a very real sense...Percabeth. (You never forget your first.)
What are your writing strengths? I got my start with rping, so dialogue is really comfortable for me. I also think my training in other art forms (dance, music, theatre, film, academia) positively influence my approach. When writing action, I often mentally frame it as 'blocking' the scene or 'choreographing' the movement. When crafting sentences, I'm constantly evaluating the rhythm and rhyme and repetition (not to mention alliteration) as if it's a song, always searching for the perfect word or metaphor. I also listen to actual songs and pull the emotion from them, using them as character studies or a musical soliloquy. I imagine shots and then write what I see from the perspective of a director explaining the actor’s motivating thoughts. I constantly revisit my thesis, grounding the narrative in callbacks and a cohesive structure like it's an academic paper. And all those things combined create this kinetic cause and effect style I'm really proud of and tangibly improves every time I write something new.
What are your writing weaknesses? I do not have a firm grasp on proper grammar. I'm also really slow and inconsistent with my output because my process is so physically disorganized and meticulous which often frustrates me. I'm also impatient. I don't do wholesale messy drafts; I edit as I go and when I'm done I want it published immediately. I also fall victim to the white room syndrome with physical descriptions. Establishing shots? Don't know them. What a guy looks like? What they're wearing? Sorry, I haven't told you because it felt weird to jam in there. Outside of fanfiction, I also struggle with creating something from nothing. I'm a theologian rather than a god. I much prefer playing in a sandbox and exegeting meaning from someone else's grunt work rather than conjuring the wood and the sand myself. My writing is also incredibly referential to pop culture which I'm not sure would translate outside of fanfic, but I guess I'll cross that bridge if I ever get to it.
First fandom you wrote for? Divergent (big cringe)
Now tagging! @onepintobean @cutestkilla @theearlgreymage @thewholelemon @mooncello @brilla-brilla-estrellita @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @urban-sith @prettygoododds @valeffelees @ileadacharmedlife TELL ME HOW YOU WRITE YOU GENIUSES
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scotianostra · 8 months
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15th January 1923 saw the birth of the wonderfully eccentric and very funny Ivor Cutler.
Born Isadore Cutler in Govan, Glasgow, into a middle-class Jewish family of Eastern European descent. His father Jack Moris Cutler was a wholesale jeweller and had premises at 85 Queen Street. He cited his childhood as the source of his artistic temperament, recalling a sense of displacement when his younger brother was born: "Without that I would not have been so screwed up as I am, and therefore not as creative." And creative he was!
Ivor was educated at the Shawlands Academy.[4] In 1939 Cutler was evacuated to Annan. He joined the Royal Air Force as a navigator in 1942 but was soon grounded for "dreaminess", apparently more interested in looking at the clouds from the cockpit window than locating a flight path, and worked as a storeman. After the war he studied at Glasgow School of Art and became a schoolteacher.
Working at a school in Paisley, however, did not agree with Cutler. He hated discipline that required the strap, having received it more than 200 times himself, and in a dramatic gesture took the instrument from his desk, cut it into pieces and dispensed them to the class.
Leaving Scotland was, he claimed, "the beginning of my life". He settled in London for a time teaching music, dance, drama and poetry to 7- to 11-year-olds. Oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in on of his classrooms.
His dour recordings bely his existence growing up in Glasgow and seeing his peers arriving at school with bare feet - a fact which, he later claimed, helped form his leftwing political views, aged five - appeared in his hilarious writings, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room Volume 2. With lines such as "Voiding bowels in those days was unheard of. People just kept it in," he used a string of fantastical untruths to expose the reality of his life and the Spartan - and sometimes sadistic - Scottish existence.
He also taught for a time at A S Neil's Summerhill school. Dubbed a hippy academy where a different approach to education was fostered, Summerhill was run with rules agreed between staff and pupils, and the premise was to educate the whole person. This alternative philosophy appealed to Cutler. He lived in the grounds of the school. Ivor married for a time, but his parenting skills did not go down too well with his then wife, they had two sons, he sent one, on his first day at school wearing a kilt, I can see that going down well in England! His son remembers his father once taking him fake fishing,taking him out in the street, with a stick and bit of string and a fork tied on the end dangling in a puddle, being his fishing line, he also says "I couldn't say I was pleased when he felt the need to walk down the street with a carpet sample in place of a tie."
During the late 50's and into the 60's he mixed his teaching with that of entertainment, managing to secure a slot on Acker Bilk Show and Late Night Line-Up. On one such appearance he was spotted by Paul McCartney, who invited Cutler to appear in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour where he played the bus conductor Buster Bloodvessel, and yes the lead singer of Bad Manners took his name from this and was also a fan of Cutler.
Through music, poetry and children’s books the songwriter, poet and “unjoiner” of thoughts perfected a brand of eccentric mischief that made him a favourite of many.
His absurdist songs – sung in dour Glaswegian tones with a wheezing harmonium for company – were an ever-present on John Peel’s radio shows, second only in rotation to The Fall. His darkly whimsical eye can be seen in contemporary British artists like David Shrigley and Martin Creed. And yet Cutler remains something of a marginal figure, known only to a devoted few.
For the latter part of his career, Cutler lived on his own in a flat on Parliament Hill Fields, north London, which he found by placing an ad in the New Statesman saying "Ivor Cutler seeks room near Heath. Cheap!". There he would receive visitors, and his companion Phyllis King, in a reception room filled with clutter, pictures and curios, including his harmonium, some ivory cutlery (a pun, of course) and a wax ear stapled to the wall with six-inch nails - proof of his dedication to the Noise Abatement Society, because of which he forbade his audience ever to whistle in appreciation at his work. The bicycle was his preferred mode of transport, its cow-horn handlebars in the sit-up-and-beg position in line with his Alexander technique practice.
He could quote from Homer, taught himself Chinese and was in the habit of frequenting Soho's Chinatown, where he could display his knowledge - although, typically, he chose Chinese above Japanese because the textbooks were cheaper. With the onset of old age he was increasingly worried about losing his memory, given that his father and brother had both developed Alzheimer's disease. It was a fear that was to be tragically fulfilled. He retired from the stage at the age of 82.
His main champion in the late 70's and 80's John Peel once remarked that Cutler was probably the only performer whose work had been featured on Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Ivor Cutler died after a massive stroke on March 3rd 2006 aged 83.
I could no doubt find many stories about Ivor online but will give you some of his own whimsical word instead, first up is
I Ate a Lady’s Bun
I got taken to gaol.
I ate a lady’s bun.
On her head.
She got a fright.
It was a surprise.
Do not worry I said.
I am eating your bun.
I am hungry for a bun.
Police she cried a good
neighbour heard her
and phoned the
You must not eat a lady’s bun even
if you are hungry.
And I am in jail.
And some of his advice......
5 Wise Saws
1. Do not kick a grocer
on the leg.
2. If you kick a grocer
on the leg, make sure
it’s not a green grocer.
3. If you throw a ball,
it moves in the air.
4. You can not erase a
love letter with a
nipple, no matter how
5. If you empty your bowels
at night, a shepherd
will have a red face
in the morning. -*
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ourcaptainisabelle · 3 months
Character/costume design tip:
look at character concept work and the traditional clothing of different cultures. Concept art is really just the artist having fun, playing with shape/color/texture to get a feel for their own world and character. Looking at other cultures lets you understand how clothing works on the human body, especially for clothing that isn’t familiar with what you wear. It is also great for shape/color/texture learning, and getting a broader understanding of what's possible to create! Obviously, don’t copy either option wholesale (that's either intellectual property theft or cultural appropriation) but it will help you get ideas and guidelines to work with! 
Right now, I’m working on a character that needs a lot of drapey layers, so I’m looking at older Egyptian folk and belly-dancing outfits as they have a similar silhouette to what I want. I’m not going to copy them, but I get to see how real people arranged a combination of pants and skirts with a longer dress or tunic. Also, some clothing is just pretty to look at, like the colors and patterns on saris or the arrangement of robes on ancient Chinese court dress.
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gamesception · 1 year
rgu manga, chapter 9 part 2
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We left off last time in the middle of chapter nine, with Utena accepting her role as a duelist, even if she’s still weirded out by the whole ‘betrothal’ aspect.  For his part Saionji (whose name I’m just now realizing I’ve been misspelling since forever) reacted to Utena’s resolve by backing down instead of issuing the anime canon’s challenge to proper rematch.  This time, we apparently have that proper dance, with Touga gifting Utena a dress, something that happened in... checking the tapes... episode 3 of the anime?  Huh, I misremembered that as happening later on.  Well anyway, yeah, we seem to have skipped the episode 2 duel and jumped into episode 3.
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Utena has no interest in Touga’s dress and doesn’t want to go to this party, but she does want Anthy to go and make friends.  I doubt Anthy will go without her though, which gets them both to the party easily enough.  And, of course, she’ll have to wear the dress because she doesn’t have any fancy party clothes in her normal boyish style.
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And, of course, Touga immediately shows up to rub her nose in it.
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Oh, I guess we’re doing Nanami’s Disintigrating Dress plan after all, even though we haven’t really taken the time to introduce her yet.
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Juri and Miki show up.  Apparently Saionji’s been sulking.  Which gang of girls start harassing Anthy over (with the traditional physical assault) the moment Touga manages to lure Utena away from her.
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But unexpectedly Saionji shows up to chase them away.  Have you decided to grow as a human being and become a less shitty person than your anime counterpart, Manga Saionji?
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Not especially.  Also I guess we’re not doing the disintegrating dress bit after all.  Also, is it just me, or did he absolutely steal the idea to send Anthy a dress from Touga?  Like, the idea never entered his head until he heart Touga talking about the dress he bought for Utena, and then he immediately rushed out to copy the gesture wholesale.
Anyway, Saionji pushes Anthy out a side door while Utena is distracted by Touga, and this whole party situation is going very wrong very fast.
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Utena tries to ask Touga about this ‘End of the World’ person who organized the whole rose duel thing - oh yeah, didn’t Touga say he would be here?  I haven’t noticed him in the crowd panels, but I wasn’t exactly looking...
Touga’s not really being helpful, and before Utena can manage to focus his attention she finally manages to notice Saionji and Anthy:
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And his training sword was hiding an actual sword!
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Um, is Saionji planning on just murdering Utena?  I’m pretty sure that’s against The Rules(tm) and will mostly just result in him going to regular jail.  Also if the plan is to kill her while she’s unarmed then it might have been better to not have Anthy right there.  Though I guess I don’t know if she can do the whole magic sword thing outside of the official dueling arena...
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Whoops, I spoke too soon.  Guess Saionji had that thought at near about the same moment I did.
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Some questionable translation choices here, but I love the matter of fact “That’s not my problem!” at the end there.
In terms of accelerating anime plot points, this is certainly a lot earlier than Saionji’s “let’s just kidnap Anthy / murder Utena” moment in the anime, but the situation here is so different that I really don’t know where the manga’s going here, so that’s cool.  I will point out that anime Saionji didn’t get to this point on his own either, he had to be sort of manipulated into it by Touga.  Manga Saionji on the other hand seems to just be Like That on his own.
This is a pretty dramatic cliff hanger to end chapter 9 on, though.
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chansitrendz · 2 months
Gorgeous Sangeet Outfits For Brides and Bridesmaids
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Sangeet Sandhya is one of the most joyous pre-wedding events in Indian weddings. It is all about music, dance, glitzy decoration and of course gorgeous outfits. And if you are the bride-to-be, you need to dress up in the most stunning and unique way since every eye will set on you. From traditional sarees to magical gowns and modern Indo-Western outfits, there are too many sangeet outfit ideas for brides.
You need to choose the best one from those unlimited sangeet outfit ideas for brides that will bring out your inner diva look. But hey! Don’t let them make you so confused about what to wear to a sangeet night as we are here with a list of some showstopping sangeet dress for brides. So, be ready to rock your sangeet night as a dazzling and attractive dancing queen with these latest and unique sangeet outfit ideas for brides.
Ever imagine yourself rocking the dance floor with a spark and fantastic dance moves? Turn your imagination into reality on your sangeet night by wearing a fashionable and ultra-gorgeous sangeet dress. Can’t select the perfect one from the vast options? Don’t worry, we have got your back! We have curated a list of top trending sangeet outfit ideas for brides with their names and images. This will help you find the ideal one in a few seconds. Check out these trendsetting sangeet outfit ideas for brides and choose the one that matches your style preferences and skin tone well.
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Sarees are never old-fashioned. Whether it’s the main wedding event, reception or any pre-wedding event like sangeet, you can always be the talk of the town if you choose the right saree. If you are thinking wearing a saree in sangeet is now backdated, look at the Bollywood celebrities for some great sangeet outfit ideas for brides. Priyanka Chopra, the talented and super hot Bollywood and now Hollywood actress became an absolute stunner on her Sangeet night in a sparkling sequin saree with a combination of gold and silver colour.
Even Vidya Balan, the beautiful Bollywood actress created a very elegant style on her sangeet night with a designer saree which she draped like Bengali style. If saree is such a backdated sangeet outfit for bride, then why these celebrities chose to wear it instead of a modern outfit? Just think about it!
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Thinking about what to wear to sangeet to glam it up with a dazzle? We will suggest wholesale Sangeet sandhya lehenga. If you are a Bollywood lover, you may dress up as Kiara Advani’s sangeet look in the same sequinsed lehenga in golden color. This will help you rock the stage with an unmatched royal glam. You may also go for a designer lehenga or printed lehenga to set all the eyes on you.
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What can be more magical sangeet outfit ideas for brides than the pretty long ethnic gowns wholesale? There are so many options for ethnic gowns such as designer gowns, silk ethnic gowns, breezy organza or net gowns and pretty printed gowns. Choose anyone that is comfortable for you and see how it instantly creates a fairytale vibe around you by making you a pretty princess.
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Tired of those same sangeet looks? Looking for some out of the box sangeet outfit ideas for brides? Why don’t you keep a stunning and stylish Indo Western lehenga wholesale in your bridal wear collection? Indo Western lehengas come in a blend of Indian and Western styles, which is perfect for creating a statement look.
This fashionable Indo Western dress for sangeet is now become a personal favourite of B-town ladies. This outfit basically features a Western-style top and a traditional-style skirt or lehenga. You may also find the bottom part in abstract cuts, designs and geometric prints and many more unique styles also. Such Indo Western sangeet outfits let the brides set up a unique fashion game to be the centre of attention.
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Another fantastic one on our list of modern and unique sangeet outfit ideas for brides is the chic and cool Indo-Western gown. Those fashion frick ladies who always want to flaunt their fashion sense in the most unique way and want to be extraordinary in the fashion game, Indo Western gowns are their best pick for sangeet night. You can definitely steal the show with a uniquely designed Indo-Western gown in some uncommon color combinations.
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Sharara set wholesale has been in fashion for a long time and it is perfect for a royal, traditional-theme based sangeet night. Sharara sets are the 3 piece dress combination, featuring a long or mid length designer kameez, a pair of very wide sharara pants and designer dupatta 
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Looking for a light and breezy but gorgeous sangeet outfit ideas for brides to dance freely on stage? Go for the evergreen and royal Anarkali Kurta set. You can get inspiration from Shilpa Shetty, the famous Bollywood diva who was glowing like a queen on her sangeet night in a golden yellow designer Anarkali Kurta set. When you twirl and dance on the floor, the beautiful umbrella cut of the Anarkali Kurta set will create a magical vibe around you, making you feel like a queen. Because of its free-flowing nature, you can dance very comfortably and freely to the end.
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Sangeet and co-ord set? Sounds weird right? But the famous Ishqbazz actress Surbhi Chanda slayed her hot sangeet look in a glamorous black co-ord set recently. It’s time to ditch the typical tradition and try something ultra modern sangeet outfits like this to look out of the box. If you are looking for some celebrity-inspired sangeet outfit ideas for brides, this is the one you should bookmark.
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Palazzo suits are a chic and comfortable alternative of heavy designer outfits, perfect for showcasing your unique style and rocking the dance floor on a sangeet. If you are looking for some simple sangeet outfit ideas for brides which has to be comfortable and stylish at the same time, palazzo suits are good to go. If you want to create a fusion look, you may pair your palazzo with a crop top, or pair your traditional kameez with a printed palazzo pant. 
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Whether you are a saree lover or a huge fan of lehenga or love both the outfits a lot, no other sangeet dress for bride can be a better option than a lehenga saree. Those who are confused between saree and lehenga for their sangeet event, a lehenga saree comes as the biggest saviour since they are a combination of two popular outfits, saree and lehenga. You can find this attire in several lightweight fabric options like georgette, net, chiffon etc. This ingenious fusion outfit can create a flattering silhouette and give you the spotlights you need on your special night. So, when confused about what to wear on sangeet, go for a lehenga saree. 
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Tips to Wear heels with Style and Comfort – Style Guide by Cindy
When party season approaches, the dreaded issue of heel rubbing is a top concern for many. Blisters can quickly ruin a night of dancing and fun, leaving you hobbling to find a plaster. But fear not! With the return of dressing up, there’s no need to sacrifice comfort for style.
After months of slippers and trainers, transitioning back into heels might cause some discomfort, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Luckily, there are plenty of products and hacks available to make wearing high heels a more comfortable experience.
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Here are some top tips and tricks to prevent heels from rubbing and ensure you can strut your stuff pain-free all night long as shared by Ms. Shradha Wadhwa, CEO of Cindy Footwears, the leading shoe wholesaler for heeled slippers and wedge heel sandals in India.
Read Here: https://cindyfootwears.com/Blog/fashion-tips-heels-sandal-shoes-wholesaler/
Cindy Footwears
Ms. Shradha Wadhwa is the dynamic and young entrepreneur of Cindy Footwears. Cindy Footwears is a top-notch Indian footwear wholesaler and supplier that facilitates footwear fashion and retail needs for every shoe retailer in India and abroad. Cindy holds all the expertise and experience needed to help footwear retailers create a niche for themselves in their respective markets. Cindy Footwear’s unique design and manufacturing capabilities enable the organization to offer tailored and seamless solutions to anyone looking to purchase shoes in large quantities.
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zhongxin-cosmetic · 7 months
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Looking for a reliable waterproof mascara supplier? Look no further! We are committed to providing you with the highest quality waterproof mascaras that won't let you down. Our formulas are designed to withstand even the toughest conditions, ensuring smudge-proof and long-lasting wear. Whether you're hitting the beach or dancing the night away, our waterproof mascaras will keep your lashes looking flawless. Trust us to deliver the perfect waterproof solution for your lashes. Try our waterproof mascaras today and never worry about panda eyes again! #WaterproofMascara #SmudgeProof #LongLasting
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sino-glow12345 · 8 months
wholesale glow sticks
Light Up Your Business: A Guide to Wholesale Glow Sticks
Glow sticks: those vibrant tubes of chemical magic that transform any event into a spectacle of luminous fun. But what if you want to go beyond party favors and light up your business world with the power of glow? Enter the realm of wholesale glow sticks, where bulk brilliance awaits!
Unleashing the Glowing Potential:
Whether you're a party planner extraordinaire, a festival organizer with dreams of neon rainbows, or a retailer looking to add a touch of luminescence to your shelves, wholesale glow sticks offer a plethora of possibilities. Let's dive into the glowing heart of this market:
Party Powerhouse: From classic single-color sticks to dazzling LED bracelets and pulsating glow necklaces, wholesale glow sticks are the secret weapon of epic parties. Imagine the joy of handing out a vibrant rainbow of luminescence to your guests, transforming your event into a glowing wonderland.
party with people wearing glow sticks
Festival Flair: Elevate your festival experience from ordinary to extraordinary with wholesale glow sticks. Imagine crowds pulsing with vibrant colors, creating a mesmerizing sea of light under the night sky. Equip attendees with glow necklaces, LED headbands, or even glow-in-the-dark body paint, and let the luminous party begin!
festival with people using glow sticks
Retail Renaissance: Breathe new life into your store with the allure of wholesale glow sticks. Stock your shelves with an array of glowing wonders, from novelty shapes to flashing party packs. Attract customers seeking luminous fun and watch your sales take flight.
store shelf stocked with glow sticks
Beyond the Celebration: The magic of wholesale glow sticks isn't limited to festive occasions. Think emergency preparedness packs, campsite illumination, and even creative marketing campaigns. Glow sticks can add a touch of fun and practicality to almost any scenario.
Navigating the Glowing Galaxy:
With so many dazzling options, navigating the world of wholesale glow sticks can be overwhelming. Worry not, glow-wielding entrepreneurs! Here's your guide to finding the perfect luminous partners:
Variety is Key: Look for suppliers offering a diverse range of glow sticks, catering to different needs and budgets. From classic tubes to LED marvels, the more variety you offer, the wider your customer base.
Brightness Matters: Not all glow sticks are created equal. Research different options in terms of intensity and duration. High-intensity sticks might cost more but create a bigger impact, while long-lasting sticks are perfect for extended events.
Safety First: Always prioritize safety! Choose high-quality, non-toxic glow sticks that comply with safety regulations. This is especially important if children will be using them.
Price Point Perfection: Find the sweet spot between quality and affordability. Consider your target audience and their budget when choosing your wholesale glow stick partners.
Bulk Brilliance: Remember, buying in bulk often offers significant discounts. Calculate your needs and negotiate with suppliers to secure the best deals and illuminate your business without burning a hole in your pocket.
Glowing Beyond the Stick:
Think outside the tube! The potential of wholesale glow sticks extends far beyond the standard plastic cylinder. Consider these glowing possibilities:
Glow-in-the-Dark Products: Expand your luminous offerings with glow-in-the-dark paint, stickers, and even clothing. Imagine the excitement of offering customers the chance to customize their own glowing gear!
glowinthedark paint and stickers
Interactive Glow Experiences: Take your event to the next level with interactive glow installations. Imagine glow walls, light-up dance floors, or even glow-stick battles! Let your creativity shine and watch your customers' faces light up with wonder.
Sustainability in the Spotlight: Embrace eco-friendly options! Look for suppliers offering glow sticks made from recycled materials or biodegradable alternatives. Light up your business while staying conscious of the planet.
Embrace the Glow:
Wholesale glow sticks are more than just party favors; they're a gateway to a world of luminous possibilities. Embrace the magic of glow, illuminate your business with vibrant creativity, and watch your customers shine with delight. Remember, the true power of glow lies not just in the light it emits, but in the joy it sparks. So, go forth, glow-wielding entrepreneurs, and light up the world with your radiant vision!
Bonus Tip: Research online reviews and compare prices before choosing your wholesale glow stick supplier. Remember, quality, safety, and customer satisfaction are your glowing ingredients for success!
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Some Points to Remember Before Choosing Aerobics Wear
You should know how to choose the right aerobics wear to get the most out of it. This blog contains some basic suggestions about it. Have a look please!
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scotianostra · 2 years
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15th January 1923 saw the birth of the wonderfully eccentric and very funny Ivor Cutler.
I first found out about the wonderful nonsensical wit of Ivor Cutler somtime in the early 80's. My best friend had the album, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2 and he played it one day when we were vidsiting his mum in the North of England, I asked "Where is voliume 1" "There isn't one" was the reply, and after hearing this and the album, it actually made sense to me, you just accept it.
The poems and stories from the album were also published as a book in 1984. The album was recorded by Pete Shipton of Radio Clyde at the 3rd Eye Centre, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, on the 7th, 8th, 9th of July, 1977.
So who was Ivor?
Born Isadore Cutler in Govan, Glasgow, into a middle-class Jewish family of Eastern European descent. His father Jack Moris Cutler was a wholesale jeweller and had premises at 85 Queen Street. He cited his childhood as the source of his artistic temperament, recalling a sense of displacement when his younger brother was born: "Without that I would not have been so screwed up as I am, and therefore not as creative." And creative he was!
Ivor was educated at the Shawlands Academy.[4] In 1939 Cutler was evacuated to Annan. He joined the Royal Air Force as a navigator in 1942 but was soon grounded for "dreaminess", apparently more interested in looking at the clouds from the cockpit window than locating a flight path, and worked as a storeman. After the war he studied at Glasgow School of Art and became a schoolteacher.
Working at a school in Paisley, however, did not agree with Cutler. He hated discipline that required the strap, having received it more than 200 times himself, and in a dramatic gesture took the instrument from his desk, cut it into pieces and dispensed them to the class.
Leaving Scotland was, he claimed, "the beginning of my life". He settled in London for a time teaching music, dance, drama and poetry to 7- to 11-year-olds. Oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in on of his classrooms.
His dour recordings bely his existence growing up in Glasgow and seeing his peers arriving at school with bare feet - a fact which, he later claimed, helped form his leftwing political views, aged five - appeared in his hilarious writings, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room Volume 2. With lines such as "Voiding bowels in those days was unheard of. People just kept it in," he used a string of fantastical untruths to expose the reality of his life and the Spartan - and sometimes sadistic - Scottish existence.
He also taught for a time at A S Neil's Summerhill school. Dubbed a hippy academy where a different approach to education was fostered, Summerhill was run with rules agreed between staff and pupils, and the premise was to educate the whole person. This alternative philosophy appealed to Cutler. He lived in the grounds of the school. Ivor married for a time, but his parenting skills did not go down too well with his then wife, they had two sons, he sent one, on his first day at school wearing a kilt, I can see that going down well in England! His son remembers his father once taking him fake fishing,taking him out in the street, with a stick and bit of string and a fork tied on the end dangling in a puddle, being his fishing line, he also says "I couldn't say I was pleased when he felt the need to walk down the street with a carpet sample in place of a tie."
During the late 50's and into the 60's he mixed his teaching with that of entertainment, managing to secure a slot on Acker Bilk Show and Late Night Line-Up. On one such appearance he was spotted by Paul McCartney, who invited Cutler to appear in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour where he played the bus conductor Buster Bloodvessel, and yes the lead singer of Bad Manners took his name from this and was also a fan of Cutler.
Through music, poetry and children’s books the songwriter, poet and “unjoiner” of thoughts perfected a brand of eccentric mischief that made him a favourite of many.
His absurdist songs – sung in dour Glaswegian tones with a wheezing harmonium for company – were an ever-present on John Peel’s radio shows, second only in rotation to The Fall. His darkly whimsical eye can be seen in contemporary British artists like David Shrigley and Martin Creed. And yet Cutler remains something of a marginal figure, known only to a devoted few.
For the latter part of his career, Cutler lived on his own in a flat on Parliament Hill Fields, north London, which he found by placing an ad in the New Statesman saying "Ivor Cutler seeks room near Heath. Cheap!". There he would receive visitors, and his companion Phyllis King, in a reception room filled with clutter, pictures and curios, including his harmonium, some ivory cutlery (a pun, of course) and a wax ear stapled to the wall with six-inch nails - proof of his dedication to the Noise Abatement Society, because of which he forbade his audience ever to whistle in appreciation at his work. The bicycle was his preferred mode of transport, its cow-horn handlebars in the sit-up-and-beg position in line with his Alexander technique practice.
He could quote from Homer, taught himself Chinese and was in the habit of frequenting Soho's Chinatown, where he could display his knowledge - although, typically, he chose Chinese above Japanese because the textbooks were cheaper. With the onset of old age he was increasingly worried about losing his memory, given that his father and brother had both developed Alzheimer's disease. It was a fear that was to be tragically fulfilled. He retired from the stage at the age of 82.
His main champion in the late 70's and 80's John Peel once remarked that Cutler was probably the only performer whose work had been featured on Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Ivor Cutler died after a massive stroke on March 3rd 2006 aged 83.
I could no doubt find many stories about Ivor online but will give you some of his own whimsical word instead, first up is
Born Isadore Cutler in Govan, Glasgow, into a middle-class Jewish family of Eastern European descent. His father Jack Moris Cutler was a wholesale jeweller and had premises at 85 Queen Street. He cited his childhood as the source of his artistic temperament, recalling a sense of displacement when his younger brother was born: "Without that I would not have been so screwed up as I am, and therefore not as creative." And creative he was!
Ivor was educated at the Shawlands Academy.[4] In 1939 Cutler was evacuated to Annan. He joined the Royal Air Force as a navigator in 1942 but was soon grounded for "dreaminess", apparently more interested in looking at the clouds from the cockpit window than locating a flight path, and worked as a storeman. After the war he studied at Glasgow School of Art and became a schoolteacher.
Working at a school in Paisley, however, did not agree with Cutler. He hated discipline that required the strap, having received it more than 200 times himself, and in a dramatic gesture took the instrument from his desk, cut it into pieces and dispensed them to the class.
Leaving Scotland was, he claimed, "the beginning of my life". He settled in London for a time teaching music, dance, drama and poetry to 7- to 11-year-olds. Oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in on of his classrooms.
His dour recordings bely his existence growing up in Glasgow and seeing his peers arriving at school with bare feet - a fact which, he later claimed, helped form his leftwing political views, aged five - appeared in his hilarious writings, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room Volume 2. With lines such as "Voiding bowels in those days was unheard of. People just kept it in," he used a string of fantastical untruths to expose the reality of his life and the Spartan - and sometimes sadistic - Scottish existence.
He also taught for a time at A S Neil's Summerhill school. Dubbed a hippy academy where a different approach to education was fostered, Summerhill was run with rules agreed between staff and pupils, and the premise was to educate the whole person. This alternative philosophy appealed to Cutler. He lived in the grounds of the school. Ivor married for a time, but his parenting skills did not go down too well with his then wife, they had two sons, he sent one, on his first day at school wearing a kilt, I can see that going down well in England! His son remembers his father once taking him fake fishing,taking him out in the street, with a stick and bit of string and a fork tied on the end dangling in a puddle, being his fishing line, he also says "I couldn't say I was pleased when he felt the need to walk down the street with a carpet sample in place of a tie."
During the late 50's and into the 60's he mixed his teaching with that of entertainment, managing to secure a slot on Acker Bilk Show and Late Night Line-Up. On one such appearance he was spotted by Paul McCartney, who invited Cutler to appear in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour where he played the bus conductor Buster Bloodvessel, and yes the lead singer of Bad Manners took his name from this and was also a fan of Cutler.
Through music, poetry and children’s books the songwriter, poet and “unjoiner” of thoughts perfected a brand of eccentric mischief that made him a favourite of many.
His absurdist songs – sung in dour Glaswegian tones with a wheezing harmonium for company – were an ever-present on John Peel’s radio shows, second only in rotation to The Fall. His darkly whimsical eye can be seen in contemporary British artists like David Shrigley and Martin Creed. And yet Cutler remains something of a marginal figure, known only to a devoted few.
For the latter part of his career, Cutler lived on his own in a flat on Parliament Hill Fields, north London, which he found by placing an ad in the New Statesman saying "Ivor Cutler seeks room near Heath. Cheap!". There he would receive visitors, and his companion Phyllis King, in a reception room filled with clutter, pictures and curios, including his harmonium, some ivory cutlery (a pun, of course) and a wax ear stapled to the wall with six-inch nails - proof of his dedication to the Noise Abatement Society, because of which he forbade his audience ever to whistle in appreciation at his work. The bicycle was his preferred mode of transport, its cow-horn handlebars in the sit-up-and-beg position in line with his Alexander technique practice.
He could quote from Homer, taught himself Chinese and was in the habit of frequenting Soho's Chinatown, where he could display his knowledge - although, typically, he chose Chinese above Japanese because the textbooks were cheaper. With the onset of old age he was increasingly worried about losing his memory, given that his father and brother had both developed Alzheimer's disease. It was a fear that was to be tragically fulfilled. He retired from the stage at the age of 82.
His main champion in the late 70's and 80's John Peel once remarked that Cutler was probably the only performer whose work had been featured on Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Ivor Cutler died after a massive stroke on March 3rd 2006 aged 83.
I could no doubt find many stories about Ivor online but will give you some of his own whimsical word instead, first up is
Born Isadore Cutler in Govan, Glasgow, into a middle-class Jewish family of Eastern European descent. His father Jack Moris Cutler was a wholesale jeweller and had premises at 85 Queen Street. He cited his childhood as the source of his artistic temperament, recalling a sense of displacement when his younger brother was born: "Without that I would not have been so screwed up as I am, and therefore not as creative." And creative he was!
Ivor was educated at the Shawlands Academy.[4] In 1939 Cutler was evacuated to Annan. He joined the Royal Air Force as a navigator in 1942 but was soon grounded for "dreaminess", apparently more interested in looking at the clouds from the cockpit window than locating a flight path, and worked as a storeman. After the war he studied at Glasgow School of Art and became a schoolteacher.
Working at a school in Paisley, however, did not agree with Cutler. He hated discipline that required the strap, having received it more than 200 times himself, and in a dramatic gesture took the instrument from his desk, cut it into pieces and dispensed them to the class.
Leaving Scotland was, he claimed, "the beginning of my life". He settled in London for a time teaching music, dance, drama and poetry to 7- to 11-year-olds. Oh how I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in on of his classrooms.
His dour recordings bely his existence growing up in Glasgow and seeing his peers arriving at school with bare feet - a fact which, he later claimed, helped form his leftwing political views, aged five - appeared in his hilarious writings, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room Volume 2. With lines such as "Voiding bowels in those days was unheard of. People just kept it in," he used a string of fantastical untruths to expose the reality of his life and the Spartan - and sometimes sadistic - Scottish existence.
He also taught for a time at A S Neil's Summerhill school. Dubbed a hippy academy where a different approach to education was fostered, Summerhill was run with rules agreed between staff and pupils, and the premise was to educate the whole person. This alternative philosophy appealed to Cutler. He lived in the grounds of the school. Ivor married for a time, but his parenting skills did not go down too well with his then wife, they had two sons, he sent one, on his first day at school wearing a kilt, I can see that going down well in England! His son remembers his father once taking him fake fishing,taking him out in the street, with a stick and bit of string and a fork tied on the end dangling in a puddle, being his fishing line, he also says "I couldn't say I was pleased when he felt the need to walk down the street with a carpet sample in place of a tie."
During the late 50's and into the 60's he mixed his teaching with that of entertainment, managing to secure a slot on Acker Bilk Show and Late Night Line-Up. On one such appearance he was spotted by Paul McCartney, who invited Cutler to appear in the Beatles' film Magical Mystery Tour where he played the bus conductor Buster Bloodvessel, and yes the lead singer of Bad Manners took his name from this and was also a fan of Cutler.
Through music, poetry and children’s books the songwriter, poet and “unjoiner” of thoughts perfected a brand of eccentric mischief that made him a favourite of many.
His absurdist songs – sung in dour Glaswegian tones with a wheezing harmonium for company – were an ever-present on John Peel’s radio shows, second only in rotation to The Fall. His darkly whimsical eye can be seen in contemporary British artists like David Shrigley and Martin Creed. And yet Cutler remains something of a marginal figure, known only to a devoted few.
For the latter part of his career, Cutler lived on his own in a flat on Parliament Hill Fields, north London, which he found by placing an ad in the New Statesman saying "Ivor Cutler seeks room near Heath. Cheap!". There he would receive visitors, and his companion Phyllis King, in a reception room filled with clutter, pictures and curios, including his harmonium, some ivory cutlery (a pun, of course) and a wax ear stapled to the wall with six-inch nails - proof of his dedication to the Noise Abatement Society, because of which he forbade his audience ever to whistle in appreciation at his work. The bicycle was his preferred mode of transport, its cow-horn handlebars in the sit-up-and-beg position in line with his Alexander technique practice.
He could quote from Homer, taught himself Chinese and was in the habit of frequenting Soho's Chinatown, where he could display his knowledge - although, typically, he chose Chinese above Japanese because the textbooks were cheaper. With the onset of old age he was increasingly worried about losing his memory, given that his father and brother had both developed Alzheimer's disease. It was a fear that was to be tragically fulfilled. He retired from the stage at the age of 82.
His main champion in the late 70's and 80's John Peel once remarked that Cutler was probably the only performer whose work had been featured on Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Ivor Cutler died after a massive stroke on March 3rd 2006 aged 83.
I could no doubt find many stories about Ivor online but will give you some of his own whimsical words......... first up, here’s some wise advice from Mr Cutler.
5 Wise Saws
1. Do not kick a grocer on the leg.
2. If you kick a grocer on the leg, make sure it’s not a green grocer.
3. If you throw a ball, it moves in the air.
4. You can not erase a love letter with a nipple, no matter how rubbery.
5. If you empty your bowels at night, a shepherd will have a red face in the morning.
Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol 2 Episode 6.
’Scotland gets its brains from the herring,’ said Grandpa, and we all nodded our heads with complete incomprehension. Sometimes, for a treat, we got playing with their heads; glutinous bony affairs, without room for brains, and a look of lust on their narrow soprano jaws.
The time I lifted the lid of the midden on a winter night,   and there,   a cool blue gleam – herring heads . . .  Other heads do not gleam in the dark. So perhaps Grandpa was right.
To make sure we ate the most intelligent herring, he fished the estuary. Planted a notice, ‘Literate herring this way!‘ below the water-line at the corner where it met the sea. The paint for the notice was made of crushed heads. Red-eyed herring, sore from  reading, would round the corner, read the notice and sense the estuary water, bland and eye-easing. A few feet brought them within the confining friendliness of his manilla net and a purposeful end.
There was only one way to cook it: a deep batter of porridge left from breakfast was patted round and it was fed on to the hot griddle athwart the coal fire. In seconds, a thick aroma leaned around and bent against the walls. We lay down and dribbled on the carpet. Also, the air was fresher. Time passed. In exactly twenty-five minutes the porridge cracked, and juice steamed through with a glad fizz. We ate the batter first to take the edge off our appetites, so that we could eat the herring with respect. Which we did,  including the bones.
After supper, assuming the herring to have worked, we were asked questions. In Latin, Greek and Hebrew, we had to know the principal parts of verbs. In Geography, the five main glove-manufacturing towns in the Midlands, and in History, the development of Glasgow’s sewage system.
There’s nothing quite like a Scotch education. One is left with an irreparable debt. My head is full of irregular verbs still.
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kaashusa1 · 10 months
Gilded Gatherings: Elevate Your Jewelry Collection with Gold Plated Earrings
In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion, gold plated jewelry stands as a timeless expression of elegance and personal style. Among the plethora of options available, earrings hold a unique allure. These exquisite pieces not only captivate with their radiance but also offer an affordable way to indulge in luxury. In this blog, we delve into the world of gilded gatherings, exploring the charm of gold plated earrings wholesale and how they can elevate your gold plated jewelry collection.
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Top 10 Tips for Elevate Your Jewelry Collection with Gold Plated Earrings
1. The Allure of Gold Plated Earrings Wholesale
Gold plated earrings wholesale introduce a fascinating fusion of affordability and opulence. These earrings are created by applying a thin layer of gold onto a base metal, resulting in a piece that mirrors the brilliance of solid gold. The wholesale aspect ensures that you can expand your collection without breaking the bank, making these earrings an attractive option for both enthusiasts and retailers.
2. Unveiling the Craftsmanship: Gold Plated Jewelry's Artistic Essence
The creation of golden earrings involves a delicate dance between artistry and technique. Skilled artisans meticulously apply a thin layer of gold onto base metals like brass or sterling silver, crafting earrings that not only dazzle the eyes but also showcase a commitment to craftsmanship. The result is a pair of earrings that seamlessly blends elegance with affordability.
3. Wholesale Radiance: Dazzling Designs for Every Style
Gold plated earrings wholesale aren't just limited to a few designs; they boast a vast array of styles catering to diverse tastes. From classic hoops to intricate studs, and from minimalist designs to statement pieces, there's a pair for every occasion and personal style. Wholesale collections allow you to curate a versatile assortment that can take you from casual outings to formal soirées.
4. Affordable Luxury:
One of the most appealing aspects of gold plated earrings wholesale is their accessibility. Luxury should not be exclusive, and these earrings embody that philosophy by offering a budget-friendly alternative to solid gold. Now, you can adorn yourself with the luster of gold without compromising on your financial goals.
5. Elevate Your Style:
Earrings possess a remarkable versatility that makes them a staple in any jewelry collection. Whether you prefer a subtle touch of elegance or a bold statement piece, these earrings effortlessly elevate your style. Mix and match them with other metals or wear them solo—the adaptability of gold earrings ensures they complement any outfit.
6. The Power of Bulk: Creating Impactful Collections
For retailers and fashion-forward individuals alike, the concept of gold plated earrings wholesale opens up exciting possibilities. Buying in bulk allows you to create impactful collections, whether you're looking to start your own jewelry business or simply enhance your personal gold plated jewelry wardrobe. The ability to acquire a variety of designs at a cost-effective price is a game-changer in the world of fashion accessories.
7. Gilded Gatherings: Perfect for Special Occasions
Gold plated earrings wholesale collections are not just for everyday wear; they also make for stunning accessories during special occasions. Imagine adorning yourself with a pair of intricately designed earrings for a wedding, a gala, or any other significant event. These earrings have the power to transform your look and make you feel like the belle of the ball.
8. Trendsetting with Gold Plated Earrings Wholesale
Fashion is an ever-evolving landscape, and gold plated earrings wholesale keep you at the forefront of trends. Stay on-trend with the latest designs, whether it's geometric shapes, nature-inspired motifs, or vintage-inspired pieces. Wholesale collections allow you to experiment with new styles without a significant financial commitment.
9. A Golden Business Opportunity:
For entrepreneurs with an eye for fashion, diving into the world of retailing gold plated earrings wholesale can be a lucrative venture. The demand for affordable yet stylish gold plated jewelry is on the rise, and offering a diverse collection of earrings can set your business apart. It's a golden opportunity to turn passion into a thriving enterprise.
10. Caring for Your Earrings: Maintenance Tips
To ensure the longevity and luster of your gold plating earrings, proper care is essential. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, and avoid contact with harsh chemicals. Gently clean them with a soft cloth and mild soap to remove any dirt or oils. With a little care, your earrings will continue to shine and be a cherished part of your collection.
Gilded gatherings are not just about adorning yourself with earrings; they're a celebration of affordable luxury, versatility, and timeless style. Whether you're looking to expand your personal collection or venture into the world of retail, earrings in wholesale offer a golden opportunity to make a statement, one pair at a time. Elevate your gold plated jewelry collection, embrace the gilded allure, and let each pair of gold plated earrings wholesale tell a story of elegance, individuality, and enduring beauty.
Read Also: Shine Bright: Exploring the World of Wholesale Gold Plated Pendants
Most Frequently Inquired About:
Are there different styles and designs available in Oro Laminado? A: Yes, Oro Laminado offers a wide array of styles and designs to suit various tastes. From classic pieces like hoops and chains to more intricate designs, Oro Laminado caters to a diverse range of fashion preferences.
Can I expect quality craftsmanship in wholesale gold plated bracelets design? A: Absolutely. Wholesale gold plated bracelets design often emphasizes quality craftsmanship, ensuring that each piece meets high standards. This commitment to excellence allows retailers to offer customers not only stylish designs but also well-crafted and durable accessories.
0 notes
to-all-the-girls · 10 months
To All The Girls I've Loved Before (A serial novel)
Chapter 1
The first girl who ever got me into trouble was Marsha Setney. I was 12 years old and in the sixth grade. She lived four houses down on the same side of the street as us, in tiny Mt. Carmel, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati.
We had a riding mower. Dad had a green thumb, so we always had shit growing in our yard. There were peach trees and grapes in the backyard, two prize rosebushes in the front. In the winter, dad rented a big truck, drove to North Carolina, and bought fresh Christmas trees wholesale. He brought them back and sold them in the front yard. We strung bright lights above the trees so people could stop day or night and pick out their own Christmas tree. For the entire month of December, the place smelled like pine. When it snowed all over the trees, they were beautiful. It was a good place for three brothers to play hide and seek.
It was a hot summer day, and I finished cutting the huge backyard with the new riding mower. As I drove to the front, I saw someone running down the road in front of our house. It was Marsha Setney. Marsha was on the 9th grade track team, so she was always running up and down the road.
She was wearing tight yellow gym shorts. Her white t-shirt, drenched with sweat, left little to the imagination. As she passed by our yard, she glanced over at me, waved, and smiled, then broke into a trot again.
As she waved, I ran over one of dad’s rose bushes. The sound, as pieces of the rosebush and bright, red petals flew out from under the mower, made me sick to my stomach.
I stopped and turned off the mower. Picking up pieces of the rosebush, I tried to prop it all up together so that it looked normal. I picked up the petals on the ground and jammed them in my pocket. My head swiveled, making sure nobody had seen me.
My hands shook as I tried to fix the damage. I pictured dad yelling and screaming at me if he noticed the accident. Followed by a serious ass whipping with a switch. I jumped back on the mower, fired it up, and kept mowing the front yard. Joe Tekulve, our neighbor, walked over to ask dad about our grapevines. One thing led to another and dad started escorting Joe around to the front yard, proud of his gardening work. When I saw them, I drove the mower over to the driveway, shut it down, and waited.
“Jimmy!” I heard him yell a minute or two later.
My heart sank, and I felt nauseated. I got off the mower and walked around to the front yard. I looked at the repaired rosebush. Green leaves and bright red petals drooping in the summer heat.
“Yes?” I answered as I walked to where they were standing.
“Son, what the hell happened to my roses?”
I stared at the rosebush. “I don’t know,” I lied.
“Did you run over it with the mower?”
“No,” I lied again. “I don’t think so!”
“You don’t think so? Weren’t you paying attention to where you were driving?”
“Well, you weren’t! Goddammit Jimmy!”
I stood staring at the dying rosebush.
“Jim, I need to get back over to the house,” Joe said, wanting to exit the situation.
“See ya later, Joe. I’ll bring some of that fertilizer over for you.”
Once Joe was around the corner of the garage, dad continued.
“Go put the mower in the garage and meet me in the basement.”
Dad had this thing that he did whenever one of us kids pissed him off and he decided you needed a whipping. He would tell you to meet him in the basement. Then he would go out to the backyard, rip a nice, long switch from the tree, and meet you in the basement.
“You know why I’m whipping you, don’t you?” he asked.
“Because I ran over the roses?”
“Jimmy, I couldn’t give a good goddamn about the fucking rosebush! I’m whipping your ass because you lied to me about running over it. You did, didn’t you?”
I nodded.
“Then why didn’t you tell me it was an accident?”
I shrugged my shoulders. He started the switching.
“I don’t know why in the fuck you kids have to lie about anything!” he said, as he danced me around in a circle until the switch broke in half.
“Your goddamn mother lied to me every goddamn day, and you’re getting to be like her!”
In a few minutes, it was over. The switch broke. He kept preaching to me and cussing all the way up the basement steps. I sat down on those steps and dried my tears. That was the last time he ever whipped me. He smacked the shit out of me a few times one Sunday, but that’s a future chapter.
As I got older, the whippings stopped. The punishments then meant getting grounded. No roller skating on the weekends. No spending the night at Jeff Kring’s house. My siblings continued to do the switch dance when they pissed him off and needed an ass-whipping. The punishment we got as kids back then would send him to jail today if anybody ever found out about it. But hey, that was then, and this is now. Shit happens.
I didn’t know it, but Marsha Setney was my messenger of fate. Letting me know that, while delicious, women are trouble, and it’s best to leave them alone.
0 notes
chansitrendz · 7 months
30+ Different Types of Lehengas for Different Traditional Occasions Ladies Need in Their Wardrobe
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Lehengas have been a major part of rich Indian culture for many years. Despite of being an age-old ethnic wear option, different types of lehengas are still giving a tough competition to all other modern ethnic outfits. They are cherished by everyone because of their striking all-over designs, vibrant tones, mesmerizing cuts and patterns.
We all know that in India, occasions are just endless. And for those countless traditional occasions, lehengas are the well-suited outfits after saree. Earlier, there were only a few options of lehengas available in the fashion industry. But recently, Indian fashion designers have taken the lehenga trend to the next level by crafting different types of lehengas that range from traditional to modern styles. We know that it isn’t an easy game for anyone to choose the perfect one from the unlimited lehenga designs for women. To get some idea, you can check this blog as we are mentioning here 30+ different types of lehengas with names and images.
Different Types of Lehengas You Must Try to Take Your Ethnic Look to the Next Level
Be it your own D-day, a wedding ceremony of your dear sister or best friend, pre-wedding events or an Indian festival, the evergreen and royal lehengas create a win-win situation for you on every occasion. Ask any Indian lady about her outfit choice for a traditional occasion, and she will definitely give a high preference to lehenga after saree. Because of this urge of ladies to wear lehenga on any special event in India, lehenga manufacturers and suppliers in India produce and present unlimited different types of lehengas for women.
Are you trying to choose the best lehenga choli for women? Then let’s dive into the world of different types of lehengas with us and pick the suitable one for a particular occasion.
1. Bridal Lehenga
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Most of the Indian brides can’t imagine their wedding without an intricately woven and rich bridal lehenga. Featuring heavy and elaborate embroidery, zari or other embellishments, rich and magical color combinations, and rich fabrics, these are the best ever bridal outfit. Indian fashion designers have mastered the art of producing different types of lehengas for wedding.
You can find several manufacturers, wholesalers and suppliers these days in several states, especially in Surat textile market. But to find out the best one for your big day, all you have to do first is to contact the most trusted bridal lehenga supplier in Surat, India.
2. Haldi Lehenga
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For the most vibrant event in an Indian wedding, Haldi ceremony, what would be better than a ravishing Haldi lehenga? Though they basically come in vibrant yellow shades, now you can find different types of lehengas for Haldi ceremony in some unique color combinations and even in contemporary or fusion styles. If you want some more brightness to your Haldi look, then a pure yellow colored lehenga with stunning designs and details is definitely the best option for you. But for a very distinct Haldi look, you may try an Indo-fusion lehenga design instead of the typical yellow lehenga.
3. Mehendi Function Lehenga
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Another very important and gorgeous pre-wedding ritual is the mehendi ceremony in which the bride-to-be must need to wear a very vibrant colored outfit. To vibe with the color of your dark green mehendi, choose a green mehendi function lehenga from different types of lehengas.
4. Sangeet Sandhya Lehenga
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Sangeet Sandhya is the most joyous celebration night before the wedding. This function is all about music and dance so you need some stunning, stylish yet comfortable outfit option to dance comfortably and set the stage on fire. Sangeet sandhya lehengas are available in several lightweight fabrics like net, organza and more and you can get several dazzling embellishments on them also.
Among all the different types of lehengas, a sangeet sandhya lehenga with some sequins or any other eye-catching design is the best option for the sangeet night. Since sangeet night is full of lights always, you will shine like a star when all those lights will fall on your gorgeous lehenga choli.
5. Siders Lehenga
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Right after the bride’s lehenga selection, choosing the lehenga for the bridesmaid is the second most important task. Since bridesmaids are the third important person in a wedding, they also have the right to look ravishing. Thinking about them, lehenga manufacturers in India are creating adorable siders lehengas. Whether you are the sister of the bride or her best friend, siders lehenga is an ideal choice to turn some heads towards you.
6. Sequinsed Lehenga
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Looking forward to get some ravishing party wear ethnic garment options for an engagement or reception party of your own or anyone else? Sequinsed lehenga is definitely a striking option for you as its dazzling sequins will make you shine the most among all and help you get the spotlights on you immediately after you enter the party. To get the highest quality sequin lehenga at affordable pricing, go and buy your lehenga from the best sequinsed lehenga supplier in Surat.
7. Ethnic Lehenga
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Ethnic lehenga is basically that age-old traditional style of lehengas. Whether it is a Diwali or Navratri celebration or a full traditional wedding ceremony, ethnic lehenga is the go-to option for any kind of traditional Indian event.
To collect the finest quality ethnic lehenga in the utterly gorgeous designs and everlasting color, you need to give your order to a leading ethnic lehenga wholesaler in Surat.
8. Girlish Lehenga
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Have you lost your feminine charm? Get it back with the latest girlish lehengas. Thanks to the Indian fashion designers these days multiple different types of lehengas are available in the market, but no one has such amazing feminine beauty like the pretty girlish lehenga. There is no restriction to wear this one, you can try it on any occasion you want to flaunt your feminine beauty. Find a famous girlish lehenga supplier in Surat and pick your favourite style from that supplier’s latest girlish lehenga collection.
9. Indo Western Lehenga
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Sometimes, it’s better to try any uncommon style rather than that typical boring style. Stay out of the very common ethnic look this season by experimenting with a unique and super stylish Indo Western lehenga. You may take inspiration from Sara Ali Khan’s Indo Western lehenga design and try the same style or find something more unique from different types of lehengas in India.
10. Navratri Lehenga Choli
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11. Designer Lehenga Choli
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12. Bollywood Lehenga Choli
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13. Half Saree Lehenga
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14. Silk Lehenga
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15. Velvet Lehenga
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925-silver-jewelry · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know about Cubic Zirconia!
In this busy jewelry world, there’s a special gem called Cubic Zirconia (AKA American Diamond), or CZ for short. CZ is not a natural gem; while it is man-made in a lab, it has the unique feature of looking almost identical to a real diamond, but priced at a much lower cost! This makes it an excellent choice for customers who want to make a style statement without spending a fortune.
Here, we’re going to explore everything you need to know about CZ, every week from where it comes from to what makes it special. And also, how it pairs harmoniously with our Wholesale 925 Silver Jewelry.
How Does It Look?
Imagine looking through a super clear window on a sunny day – that’s how CZ appears. It’s like having a piece of crystal-clear ice that never melts. This clearness makes CZ a great choice for everyday jewelry. Whether you’re wearing it to work or to a party, CZ always shines bright.
But CZ isn’t just clear; it’s also a master at playing with light. Think of how a disco ball reflects light and makes it look like it’s dancing. CZ does something similar, creating a dazzling sparkle. What makes CZ special is that it can sparkle like the best diamonds out there. When light hits CZ, it shines intensely, just like those expensive diamonds.
here's a point-by-point comparison between diamonds and cubic zirconia (CZ):
Composition: Diamonds are composed of carbon, while cubic zirconia is composed of zirconium oxide (ZrO2).
Origin: Diamonds are formed deep in the Earth's mantle over millions of years through natural geological processes, whereas cubic zirconia is lab-created and does not occur naturally.
Hardness (Mohs Scale): Diamonds are extremely hard, scoring a 10 on the Mohs Scale, making them the hardest natural substance, while cubic zirconia is relatively durable but not as hard as diamonds, scoring 8.5 on the Mohs Scale.
Refractive Index: Diamonds have a high refractive index of 2.42, contributing to their exceptional sparkle, and cubic zirconia also has a high refractive index, ranging from 2.15 to 2.18, resulting in remarkable brilliance and fire.
Brilliance and Fire: Both diamonds and cubic zirconia exhibit exceptional sparkle, fire, and brilliance, making them visually stunning gemstones.
Color Variability: Diamonds occur in various colors, with colorless diamonds being the most valuable, while cubic zirconia offers a wide range of colors, including colorless options.
Inclusions and Flaws: Diamonds may have natural inclusions or blemishes that affect their clarity, whereas cubic zirconia is virtually flawless and free from inclusions.
Durability and Resistance: Diamonds are highly durable and resistant to scratching, contributing to their longevity, whereas cubic zirconia is relatively durable and can withstand everyday wear, although it is not as scratch-resistant as diamonds.
Price: Diamonds are generally expensive due to their rarity and desirability, whereas cubic zirconia is much more affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of consumers.
Ethical Considerations: Diamonds may raise ethical concerns related to mining practices, such as conflict diamonds, while cubic zirconia is often considered an ethical choice since it is lab-created and reduces the demand for mined gemstones.
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