#whoops!! how sad😉😉
just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
here have something to eat while i work on something bigger🫶🏽🫶🏽
fic is from @staggersz “taking whats not yours” (if my emmeory’s right lmao)
(also i know that fror the first one they fall in the snow but my hands refused to draw limbs so now theyre standing👍👍 also bruce goijg apeshit>>>>)
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The First Night In Rio (Oneshot)
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Summary: Last year you had more losses than wins, so when the opportunity to go to Carnival in Brazil came along, it was the healing getaway you needed. Along the way, you meet a beautiful stranger at the club who provides you with the sexual healing you also needed.
**I’m terrible with summaries but you get the gist. 😉
Warnings: Drinking, Swearing, Peeping Tom Behaviour, Unprotected sex, SMUT, interactive, public sex, cheating
Word count: 7.7K
Paring: Alfred Enoch x Reader
(Only slightly edited | only proofread once!)
Thank heavens, the year was finally over. 2022 was filled with nothing but heartbreak, worrisome regrets, and waves of pain that kept you up every night, leaving puddles of tears on your childhood plushies that always knew how to soothe you. Without your plushies, your go-to sappy playlist on Spotify, and your favorite California red wine, you were sure the earth would've swallowed you whole.
In March, your fiancé of two years, Elijah, called off the engagement without explanation or closure. He left you standing there speechless, surrounded by the half-empty apartment the two of you shared, with just a brief goodbye and dirty dishes in the sink.
 "I think it's best this way. We were never gonna make it," he said bluntly.
As Elijah's belongings were already packed and out of sight, you were left to cancel the wedding invitations and hires alone. Elijah didn't even bother to help cancel the suppliers and planner, leaving all the nitty-gritty, heart-aching tasks to you. Your best friend of ten years, Iyana, was by your side the entire time, helping you tick everything off the wedding disaster checklist. That was the easy part.
Administrative tasks come naturally to you, but the hard part was the inevitable loneliness and continuous questioning of "Why?" when you slept on his side of the bed at night, smelling his cologne in the sheets and trying to hold onto what was and the remnants of his love that was no longer there.
The endless headaches from crying and lack of self-care due to the cold sting of depression left you in a mess.
In November, you finally received an answer to your "why" about Elijah. It was during a wine and movie night with your friends, and you were beginning to forget about him, even if only for the moment. That is until Iyalna asked you to call her phone because she thought she had left it in her car.
"Got you, girl. I'll call it now," you said, tapping open your phone and dialing her number.
"Thanks, lovely," Iyalna said as she headed out the door.
You could hear muffled buzzing coming from the kitchen. "Iy, I think it's here!" you called out, but there was no response. "Oh, she can't hear me. She must have gotten on the elevator already..." you thought, following the sound of her phone.
You peeled back a bag of chips that was hiding her phone and pressed down on the home button to turn off the vibration.
Elijah - 2 Messages
Wait, Elijah? Your Elijah? Why would he be texting her?
Two seconds hadn't gone by, and your curiosity got the best of you. You usually respected boundaries and were not a nosy person, but this called for investigation. You unlocked her phone. You didn't know what to expect, but nothing could have prepared you for what you saw next.
"Can't you just cancel on Y/N tonight? I swear she asks to see you almost every week. She's so needy, like a sad little puppy 🙁"
"I miss you. Come home soon."
"Also, I'm staying up for when you get back. I may or may not have bought you something that I want to use on you. 😏"
Hell broke loose when you confronted Iyalna with the texts. Extensions were pulled out, and blood was drawn that night. Your other girlfriends had to pull you off of her. 
It was a nasty sight but you felt no regrets. A good ass-whooping was all the closure you needed. In a way, you were grateful for the falling out. It answered all of your questions and remedied the painful nights you experienced daily. From that moment, you were completely done with fiances, dating, best friends, and overall letting people into your vulnerable and annoyingly soft heart. 
Although you were satisfied with the end result of the whole situation, you felt the burn of two heartbreaks double-time over. You painted on a happy face every day, but you were subconsciously in agony, mourning people who you thought were your soulmates.
Something as devastating as what you experienced called for a life cleanse. By December, you challenged yourself to enjoy life without dating or romance, and without allowing people to toy with or manipulate your heart behind your back. Your emotional wall was up like a barricade on a battlefield.
Sure, this choice of yours had some toxic holes, but it kept you safe. And that's exactly what you wanted: a sense of comfort and "peace".
The agreement you made with yourself did have its perks, you must admit. You learned the beauty of saying "No" to things you had no desire to participate in, whether romantically or platonically. But this boundary was bittersweet; friends started inviting you out less and less, and eventually, you forgot what it was like to be touched by someone with the desire to connect with you on a deeper level.
January was kicking off with a bang. You had taken all your energy and put it into your job at Beleza Do Mar, the most prestigious beauty and wellness company in North and South America. As a social media marketing manager, you spent day and night pushing out magnificent results that exceeded expectations. So much so that work had become your crutch, a rewarding replacement for any kind of relationship.
In fact, you were working so hard that your boss took note and became both pleased and worried. You were working from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., beyond the usual hours. Psyched up on caffeine and adderall, you sometimes even forgot to clock out and return home. But your presence and dedication were definitely noticed.
One afternoon, after another sleepless night at the office, your boss, Maya, called you into her office.
"So, Y/K, your performance has been phenomenal," she said.
"Thank you. I just want to make sure everything is perfect," you replied, your finger jittering with the hem of your skirt due to the five black coffees you've already downed that morning.
"Yes. Everyone appreciates all the work you've been doing. You've raised our sales numbers just from your insight." A thin-lipped smile formed on her lips. "But..." she lingered, her smile slowly fading into a stern gaze.
"Yes?" You knit your eyebrows together in confusion.
"But at Beleza Do Mar, we can't possibly - or legally - allow you to work more than 38 hours a week. I looked at your clock card online, and you've been working 45 hours per week."
"I don't see the issue. I've been acing every project that's come my way, plus handling the extra tasks of everyone in my team and picking up slack in Communications."
"That's the problem. You're working seven hours beyond our full-time employee bandwidth, and that's not even including the wellness seminars and out-of-office engagements that have been assigned to you." She showed a downward smile as her brows narrowed together. It was as if it was painful to present you with this news.
"So...am I...fired? Please don't tell me I'm fired." Your stomach churned. "This job is all I have left." you say, feeling a teensy bit pathetic, but you couldn’t help being so transparent, it was the truth. This job was your be-all and end-all at the moment.
Your boss quickly jumped to your relief. "Y/N, I know you've had a difficult year. I share my sympathy with you. I know things haven't been easy for you. Beleza Do Mar is a wellness company, and we don't find pleasure or joy in overworking our staff..."
You stared at her, eyes wide open and heart racing, waiting for her to continue.
"We are giving you an all-expenses-paid holiday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with three extra invitations for guests of your choosing. It's a yearly trip that the higher-ups go to for Carnival. One of the vice presidents called in sick and couldn't go, so it's been passed down. I figured, out of everyone, you would benefit from the trip the most." She paused, breathing in, and a fixed grin grew on her face. "This is off the record, but my love, you need a break. You've been working yourself to the bone. This would be an enlightening time to go to Rio, smell the flowers, and connect your feet to the welcoming soil of the mother..." She smiled with a glint almost shining off her holy teeth, "Mother Earth, that is."
Of course, she would say that. She's a homeopathic vegan doula turned executive president for a company that was in Forbes' "The Global 200" list. This was something that you could never quite get your head around. She's a product of the company, you guessed.
"I understand...and am extremely grateful. I just can't up and leave my job. I have bills to pay," you said, mumbling the last bit.
"No need to worry about that, flower child. We are covering all the days you are on holiday. You'll be paid for every workday, limitless room service, plus per diems that are quite gracious, if you ask me."
Your posture relaxed in your chair as you heard this. This sounded like a dream. Almost too good to be true.
"What about my projects?"
"Not your problem while on holiday. I'll have Jennie in Socials take care of everything. All you have to worry about is what you're wearing for Carnival and lathering up on Beleza Do Mar 50+ sunscreen while you're there. The South American sun takes no prisoners, trust me." She cheerfully informed you.
You let out a sigh of relief while pondering over your options. Though you had arising work questions and tried to fix made-up dilemmas to protest about, you took a minute to sit on the idea of a holiday. You looked back up to Maya, who had her computer screen turned around to show you the five-star resort you'd be staying at.
A plunge pool and limitless room service didn't sound too bad. You hesitated to respond, quickly gathering your thoughts.
"I mean...I have nothing to lose. Why not..." A thought of consolation eased into your mind as you eyed the kind luxurious bed shown in the photos on the laptop.
You couldn't help the goofy smile as you gave your answer. "Okay, I'll take the holiday."
Maya let out a high-spirited "Fabulous!" followed by reassuring elements about the trip that were sure to put your anxiety-driven mind at bay.
Carnival in Brazil? That was an event you'd always wanted to go to. Once you put your over-eager girl-boss demeanor aside, you were shyly beaming with joy.
What were the odds of this trip falling into your lap? If you needed a sign from God that you deserved some sense of calm after the storm, this was it.
"Okay, and are you wearing the skin-toned sheer tights I bought you with your carnival outfit?" your mom blissfully asks.
"No, Mom. My legs look fine just as they are," you say.
"Sweetie, I told you your cellulite looks like a striped Bengal tiger. It's beautiful, I just love it! Nature, gorgeous. But don't you think you'll catch more bees if your honey is hidden? Or however that saying goes," she blurts out, not even thinking once to mince her words.
"What? I'm only saying what I think is right. Plus, it's your father's fault you have that backside. Those Y/L/N genes are too potent."
"Oh my god, I'm not speaking about this right now," you blatantly state while shaking your head as the bellboy at the luxurious hotel you're staying at packs your bags onto the luggage carrier, guiding your group into the entrance of the accommodation.
February whined around, and eventually, you found yourself in Rio, ready to get blind drunk, dance until your hips go numb, and practice the Portuguese that you've been learning on Duolingo for the past month. Unfortunately, with the price of unbreakable boundaries, you've burned more bridges than you could count on your fingers, so those three extra tickets you were given were going to waste until you mentioned the trip to your family in a group Facetime. By the time you accidentally mentioned that you didn't have anyone to attend Carnival with, your little sister and mother already volunteered themselves to fill the spot, along with your mother's best friend, Tamara. There was no turning back when they decided they were coming, plus you could use the familiar company. You've been lonely in the city for what felt like centuries.
You near the front desk, tapping the bell as no one is around to attend to you.
Your little sister, Nia, already has her phone out, capturing every second to post on her Instagram story.
"Nia, delete that. Now."
"What? No way. This is funny as fuck. It's only going on my close friends."
"We just landed like 30 minutes ago, and you're already airing out my business? You are unbelievable." You aim to take her phone, but her hand slaps your movement out of the way, and suddenly, the two of you were squabbling over her phone, making a scene in front of everyone watching.
Embarrassment was an understatement, but you were more embarrassed at the thought of her friends in your hometown reporting to their older siblings that your whole derriere was up for shits and gigs.
"Girls stop, you're being ridiculous," your mother says as she takes selfies with Aunt Tamara, already basking in the vacation vibes.
Who would have thought you and your 20-year-old sister would already be bickering over Instagram posts at 7 PM in the afternoon of the beautiful paradise that is Brazil? You were grown but not too grown to put your little sister in her place.
From an earshot, you hear the concierge clear their throat and speak out loudly.
"Boa tarde senhorita (Good Afternoon, miss), how may I help you?"
You instantly end the debacle and give your attention to the front desk, straightening out your clothes and readjusting your hair.
You force a toothy smile as you respond, "Hi, I'd like to check in. We are under Y/L/N. There are four of us."
"Si, let me just check…alright, we have you in our presidential suite. I'll just have to grab identification, and I can get the keys for you."
Presidential suite? Maya wasn't lying when she said this was 5-star, damn!
The handover happened swiftly, and soon you and your family were unlocking the door to the suite.
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All you could hear were gasps as you stepped into the room. Soaking in the rich greenery and smell of sea salt water, you run to the deck outside and take in the beautiful scenery. Your heart welled with lovely goodness; this is exactly what you need.
You were a 10-minute stroll from the beach, the sun was setting in a pink-hued orange bake, and the sound of early festive parties for Carnival was all happening on the beach. You were speechless, just in complete awe.
"This is better than I expected. I'll give it to you. This is amazing," Nia says as she comes up from behind you, joining you at the rail of the suite.
She was right; this is beyond amazing.
"Thanks. I'm just happy we're here." You childishly raise a brow and look over at Nia, not being able to hide your giddiness; a smile creeps up on your lips.
"What? Not mad anymore?" She asks.
"How could I be? Do you see this? I'm just…grateful." A single tear escapes your eyes, exhaling out all the stress, worry, and heartache that you carried with you to Brazil, in complete gratitude.
"Aweeee, look at my big baby. It's okay, let it out." Nia wraps her arms around you, embracing you in a tight squeeze as the two of you look out to waves crashing on the shore.
Feelings stirred and brewed in you; you didn't know what it was, but everything coming into place just made you emotional.
"Y'know, even though you're a bitch sometimes, I'm happy you're here. And I love you," you mumble into her hair, hugging her back.
"I know."
"And I know we might both be jet-lagged, but how does 'First night in Rio, getting fucked up off some shots and funk carioca' before Mom and Aunt Tamara crash our night sound to you?"
"I don't know what funk carioca is, but I heard shots, so I'm in." Nia laughs, resting her head on your chest. "And it's better we fuck off before they start getting into the bar. I don't wanna hear Mom singing any Prince to us tonight."
You and Nia giggle to yourselves at the memory of your mom doing karaoke whenever she gets drunk.
"Let's unpack and take showers. Tonight we get fucking scattered." She exclaimed and cheekily smacks Nia's bottom before heading inside to the suite.
Thanks to Nia's research on the best nightclubs in Rio for young people from Tiktok, the two of you were able to find a hidden gem that played tasteful R&B tunes and served delicious cocktails. As most tourists did not know about this club, the Y/L/N girls were able to stand out, and locals were dancing with and buying drinks for you all night.
After three margaritas and three shots, you were feeling your skin and your confidence was skyrocketing in the outfit Nia picked out for you. She suggested ditching the heels for some flats, as this is something true Brazilians would wear to the club. Thank god you listened to her, as all the girls sported sneakers or sandals.
A local boy who had been buying you drinks all night asked if you wanted to dance, but you declined, saying you were taking a break and feeling tired. He nodded and went to dance with his friends. Although he was cute, he was young, and you would pass him off to your sister. Meanwhile, Nia was preoccupied with a girl with sun-beached curls pressed against the wall of the club, trying to lay some game despite not speaking an ounce of Portuguese. You chuckled to yourself, watching the interaction like quality comedy television.
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After a few songs the girl leaves and you mindlessly watch Nia approach the bar, crossing your legs as you waited for her to get you both a drink. A man with a fine muscular build stood next to Nia. He was tall, rocking a bleached platinum blonde buzz cut, wearing green cargo pants and a fitted singlet with a singular necklace hanging off his neck. He was fine.
He said something in Nia's ear, and she laughed. It seemed that this girl was on a roll, as she had almost every good-looking person at the club trying to make a pass at her. Nia listened to him with a look of confusion on her face, turned, and pointed to you, replying back to the man. He nodded and glanced over at you, a sly smirk on his face. You felt heat rise on your cheeks, wondering what they were talking about.
You awkwardly look down at your phone and press away at random apps, distracting yourself from the handsome strangers gaze. Moments later all you hear is rows of drinks being placed on the table in front of you. They looked like nice fancy cocktails, not the cheap stuff. It turned out that the tall guy Nia met at the bar, who was now sitting in VIP, had ordered every cocktail on the menu for you and Nia. He asked Nia what drink you liked, and she told him cocktails so now you were getting a taste of everyone. You were flattered by the gesture.
Looking up at the sexy stranger, you caught him staring you down with a smug smirk on his lips. It was like he knew his attention had you feeling a type of way. You smile and raise one of the drinks up to him, chucking him a thumbs up as if to gesture that it was a good choice. He licked his lips and nodded his head, not sparing you from his effortless sensual gaze.
You clench your thighs together, already feeling your bud starting to buzz. You glance up at him again, but he was no longer sitting at his table. You look around the club, trying to spot his platinum cut, but you couldn't see through the crowd of people. A sigh escapes your lips. "Well, that was nice. For the short time it lasted," you thought.
"I gotta pee, can you mind the drinks?" You ask Nia.
"Of course!" She says, sipping away on a blue cocktail.
You get up from your seat and head to the restrooms, only to find a long line outside the ladies bathroom. You’ve had too many drinks to wait for 20 minutes; you’re just about ready to make a puddle in the club right now.
You decide to make your way to the male bathroom and barge in, throwing the men in the quarters off guard. 
"I’ve seen it all before, there’s nothing you have that could shock me. Eu eu? Eu só tenho que fazer xixi! (Me me? Me just have to pee)" You exclaim as you walk in. You were 100% sure what you said didn’t make sense, but that was the least of your worries.
The male clubgoers in the bathroom remark sentences to you in Portuguese that you couldn’t make out, but they clearly weren’t pleased, apart from the flirty foreign catcalls and whistles in the mix.
Most of the men clear the room when you entered and you lean against the wall next to a urinal, waiting for a free stall. Out of the corner of your eye, you can just make out the frame of a tall somebody.
You dare to look, finding that tall somebody to be the sexy stranger who bought you the row of cocktails. "Oh…my…god. Fuck." You think, as he lines himself up with the urinal right next to you.
You knew he was attractive but didn’t know he was this fine. It was almost criminal how beautiful he was up close. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your core starts setting off fireworks. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to snap yourself back to reality, but your eyes remained on his beauty.
He lifts his shirt, revealing his marbled abs. He was cut to perfection. A body so heavenly sculpted, it would put Michelangelo’s work to shame. Your eyes fall to his curled snail trail as he unbuttons his belt, peeling the hem of his boxers down. 
He stands completely oblivious to you gawking, as if you blended in with the neon lights and concrete restroom wall. A breeze of his vanilla musk cologne sucks you right back in, and that’s all it takes for you to go feral. Your eyes shamelessly flock down to his manhood, catching a glimpse of just how much wood he was packing.
A low gasp leaves your mouth. You couldn’t hold it back. His member was a shocking 9 inches of lust and astonishing girth. Even on soft, he had a weapon that could demolish your walls, which were already flooded with your slick. Your heartbeat begins racing, matching the beat of your pulsing clit, which had become its own entity at this point, yearning to be fiddled with and sucked on by him.
You look away to hold on to whatever was left of your dignity. Yet when you look ahead, you automatically glue to his reflection in the bathroom mirror, his back muscles flexing as he takes care of his business.
You tightly press your thighs together, trying to put a damper on waves of juices drenching your thong. He chuckles, a sly smirk on his lips. You quickly look away, knowing damn well he caught you out. Heat flushes your cheeks as you throw your hand over your face in embarrassment.
“Shit.” you murmur.
"Eu te mostro o meu se você me mostrar o seu. ('ll show you mine if you show me yours.)"
His voice was deep and warm, inviting even. You didn’t understand what he was saying, but whatever it was, you liked it. 
“Oh- I…shit. I’m sorry!” You apologize, not able to find words for your behavior.
He tilts his head and finally looks at you, smug written all over his face while putting his goods away and zipping up.
“I didn’t mean to look.”
You definitely did.
“I’m just waiting to use the toilet. The line for the women's toilet was packed. I, ah… eu preciso urinar? (I need to use the toilet.)”
He shakes his head, laughing at your attempt to speak his language. He walks over to the sink, not saying a word nor responding to your dramatics. Judging by his silence, you can only assume there was a language barrier.
Going off the fact that he or anyone else in the restroom wasn’t processing a single english word you were saying, you thought, “Fuck it. No one's listening anyways,” then went on to babble your train of thoughts out loud.
“Why? Why do these things happen to me? Why couldn’t I just mind my business? No, I had to be nosy.” 
He watches you in the reflection of the mirror while washing his hands with a pleased look plastered on his face. You want to run away and hide, but his gaze is pouring unholy thoughts into your mind and you like all the nasty things he was making you think.
You just want him to take you to an alley behind the club, pull your skirt up and put all his 9 inches inside you. You know it would hurt, he's too big, he’d leave you creamed with rug burns for days - you're sure of it.
You snap back to reality when a door to one of the toilers opens, and a man exits. Still thinking out loud, you drunkenly narrate to yourself, burping out giggles here and there as you enter the stall.
You relieve your bladder and wipe multiple times, having to thoroughly clean up the vat of slick on your slit. The disgustingly horny effect he had on your body was evident. You were a mess. Drenched panties, swollen clit, and stained inner thighs from your juices. Even your asshole was lubed up enough to pop a plug in.
“What the fuck? I must be ovulating because how did he make me this wet?…There’s so much, so much…”
After using a week's worth of toilet paper, you flush and head out. The nameless sex god was still present, adjusting his chain in the mirror.
You sigh in frustration, walking towards the sink furthest away from him. You can’t help but feel the nasty sting of regret from your sloppiness. He was by far the most attractive person you’ve seen in your entire life. You're sure any chance with him is out of the picture, all because of your cocktail-fueled actions. You're gutted. Although, it doesn’t hurt to look at him. Shit, if anything, it feels good to look at him, you thought.
Pressing the dispenser for soap, his reflection in the mirror is all you can focus on. Your mindless narration isn’t done; you still have thoughts that need to be spoken out loud.
“I just know that dick is crazy. I would’ve fucked the breaks off him.”
You hear the beautiful stranger snort.
"For what it’s worth, I’d rate your Portuguese pretty good for a foreigner." He says, this time in clear English, looking back at you in the mirror.
Your muscles tense up, and your breathing comes to a hitch. God, no…he understood English the entire time? What the fuck.
You can’t believe it. The possibility of him listening to every crazy thought you word vomited out was too much to process.
“And,” he walks over to you, nearing so close you were engulfed in his cologne and could feel heat radiating off his body, “I’d fuck the breaks off you too.”
An English accent drips off his words like honey. You're just about filled to the brim with surprises, but you’d let him fill you even more if it meant hearing that sexy accent moan your name.
“I didn’t mean to say that. I thought you didn’t speak English.”
He places his hand on the wall behind you and leans his face down to yours.
“I beg to differ. I think you did mean it.”
“It was an accident.”
“Right. I think I recall hearing, “How’d he get me so wet?” Was that also an accident?”
You swallow hard, feeling the pulse in your core pick back up.
“Acci-Yes. Accident.” You stutter.
His eyes wander down to your nether region.
“Well, I’d love to taste this accident.”
Fuck, he was smooth.
He retracts his hand from behind you with a fist of paper towels and dries his hands.
You're speechless. So much happened in a matter of seconds that you were lost for words, your mouth fell open but not a single word came out.
He laughs and leaves for the door, leaving you there standing in a state of shock. Your gaze shifts back to the mirror, your face was red and you were almost shaking of pure embarrassment. Before you could debrief and gather yourself, you hear his voice again.
“So, you coming or what?” He leans against the door with an awaiting look on his face.
You look around the bathroom to see who else he would be talking to. There was no one else in view, only you. He wanted you and he was making it obviously clear. You point towards your chest and mouth, “Me?”
“Who else, a namorada? (Sweetheart)”
Goddamnit. That's all you needed to hear.
You take no time to jump to the opportunity and follow the stranger out of the bathroom. He takes your hand which was twice the size of yours and leads you through the cramped crowd of the club. You didn’t bother to ask where he was taking you, you’d follow this man anywhere, anyday.
He guides you to a red VIP queue barrier and nods to the security guard.
“She’s with me. Also another girl.”
He scans the crowd behind you and points out Nia in the crowd to which the guard nods and heads in amongst the dancing bodies towards Nia’s direction.
He whispers in your ear, “Your sister, right?”
You smile. How sweet of him to remember Nia, you like that kind of consideration in a man.
“Sim (Yes), little sister. Thanks for inviting her too.”
His hand was still clasped with yours, he gently squeezed it and flashes you a wink.
You wave at Nia who was now following the guard towards the VIP area you were in, she waves back at you and starts giggling once she sees you with the sexy stranger from the bar. She knows your type, so she knows you’ll be glued to him all night.
You bring you attention back to him and he continue walking down a hall behind the section, and guides you to a room. It was empty besides the aisle of liquor on the wall and couches and seats. You let go of his hand and walked in the room, it was much more fancy and well decorated compared to the rest of the club.
“So what’s this room used for?”
“Depends on the occasion.”
“Is this a part of the package for the section you were in?”
“No.” He clicks the door locked.
You walk to the bar, eyeing down your drink of choice.
“So we’re stealing rooms tonight, are we?”
“My best mate owns the club. We can go to any room of your choosing. I just thought a pretty lady like yourself deserved the best one.”
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at his words. He was charming, but there was something genuine about the way he spoke to you that made you feel special…and seen.
"Well, I appreciate the gesture. So what do you recommend we do in this fancy room of yours?"
"I can think of a few things," he murmurs.
Before you could grab yourself a glass, you feel his body near behind you. You were stuck between him and the bar and it felt amazing to be against his body.
Your heart races as he leans in closer. He clearly wanted you right now but you weren’t gonna give it up that easily, you already made it too well known how eager you were in the bathroom, it’s time to slow down this burn. His breath is hot against your ear.
"But first, let's have a drink. What can I get for you?"
He grabs the glass you were going for and digs into the ice bucket in the sink with it.
“Tequila. And let’s start with the basics...names. We don’t even know eachothers names.”
“I mean I was fine with callin’ you a minha rapariga.”
He grabs the bottle of 1800 on the top shelf.
“And that means?”
“My girl. But I’d love to put a name to your beautiful face”
You snort.
“Good one. It’s Y/K.”
“Y/K? Oh Y/K. I like the way that feels on my lips.”
He pours the 1800 into the glass, no mixer.
“And yours?”
He rotates your hips so you were now facing him, a smirk on his face.
“Alfie, my mates call me Al.”
He moves closer to you, his hand resting on the bar beside yours. "You know, I've been watching you all night," he says, his voice low and seductive. "And I have to say, I've never had anyone steal my attention like you."
Alfie pulls your hips closer to his and lifts the drink up to your lips to which you swallow. He doesn't pull away, he continues feeding you the alcohol until it was finished. You shiver at the sensation, feeling a rush of desire wash over you. 
“All, all, all of it. Good girl.”
The alcohol burned your throat but you didn’t wince, there was something about him talking you through it that gave you all the motivation to stomach the tequila.
Alfie places the glass on the counter and leans in, his lips hovering just inches away from yours.
You feel his breath on your skin and your heart races in anticipation.
"Can I kiss you, Y/K?" he whispers, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
You nod your head, unable to find your voice as your eyes lock onto his. With a gentle touch, he cups your face in his hands and presses his lips against yours.
The kiss is fiery, sending a jolt of desire through your body as his tongue traces your lips, seeking entrance. You open your mouth, allowing him to deepen the kiss as he pulls you closer to him.
His hands roam over your body, tracing the curve of your hips and the swell of your breasts through your clothes. You moan softly into his mouth as he pulls away, his eyes dark with desire.
"God, you're so beautiful. I’ve been wanting to do this all night to you" he murmurs, his hands trailing down your body to the hem of your dress. With a swift motion, he pulls it up and over your head, leaving you standing there in your underwear.
You blush at his intense gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable in front of him. But his eyes soften as he takes in the sight of you, his gaze tracing every curve and dip of your body.
"Perfect," he says, his voice filled with admiration.
He steps forward, his hands tracing the outline of your body as he presses his lips to your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. You let out a soft moan, arching your back as he moves lower, his hands trailing down your sides to your hips.
He hooks his fingers into your underwear and pulls them down, leaving you completely exposed to his gaze. You feel a rush of heat between your legs as he dips his head down, his tongue flicking over your clit, overwhelming you in waves of ecstasy.
Your back spans against the bar as you let out a cry of pleasure, your fingers going over his buzz cut hair while he continues to pleasure you, his tongue and fingers working in perfect unison, slurping on your clit and tugging on your g-spot in perfect movement. You feel your body start to tense, your orgasm building as he brings you closer and closer to the edge.
"Alfie," you moan, your hips bucking against his mouth as you finally fall over the edge, your body shaking with pleasure.
He stands up, a satisfied grin on his face as he takes in the sight of you, sated and blissed out.
"Ready for round two, Bebê (Baby)?" he asks, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You nod, unable to resist the allure of this gorgeous stranger as he picks you up from the bench and places you on one of the couches, eager to explore every inch of your body.
You lean in, pressing your lips against his ear, "I want you to make me cream," you whisper.
He grins, "I can do that," he replies before capturing your lips in a kiss.
You can feel his hands sliding down your body, his fingers trailing over every curve and dip. You moan into the kiss as his fingers, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
He breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck as his hands continue to explore your body. You feel his teeth graze against your skin and you let out a whimper, your body already tingling with pleasure.
He pulls back, a wicked grin on his face. "You like that, don't you?" he asks, his voice husky with desire.
You can only nod, lost in a haze of desire and lust.
He leans in, his hot breath caressing your inner thigh before his tongue makes contact with your core. You gasp, your hands gripping onto the cushions as he begins to work his magic.
You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure building inside of you. And just when you think you can't take it anymore, he stops.
You open your eyes, looking down at him with a pleading expression.
"Don't worry, baby," he says, his voice low and seductive. "I'm just getting started."
He stands up, his eyes locked on yours as he starts to undress. Slowly, he removes his shirt, revealing a toned chest and abs that make your mouth water, the way he’s built he definitely had to be an athlete, his arms were chiseled to perfection. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you watch him, feeling a delicious anticipation building inside of you.
He climbs onto the couch, positioning himself above you as he leans in for another kiss. This time it's deeper, more urgent, and you can feel his need for you as his tongue takes over your mouth.
His hands roam over your body, teasing and caressing as he works his way down to your pussy, before positioning himself at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, his body pressing against yours as he begins to move in a steady rhythm. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through you, and you can feel yourself building towards an explosive orgasm already.
“I’m already cumming!” You moan.
“I know baby, I know.” He groans while his eyes are closed shut, lost in the pure pleasure of your sex.
He picks up the pace, his movements becoming faster and more intense as you both reach the brink of release. And when you finally come undone, he's there to catch you, holding you tightly as you ride the waves of ecstasy, grinding against each other's bodies together.
When it's over, you lay there, panting and spent, wrapped in his arms. You look up at him, feeling a deep sense of connection and satisfaction that words could never fully describe. He leans back and looks down between you two, at the mess you made on his dick
"Look at that. That’s all for me, huh?" He says, a smirk spreading across his face.
You look away smiling, feeling vulnerable and whisper, “Yeah, only you.”
He chuckles, his hand stroking your hair. "I aim to please," he replies, a contented look on his face.
Just as Alfie leans back into your slit for round 2, there’s an abrupt knock at the door.
“Fuck!” you mutter under your breath, reaching for your panties and dress which was scattered across the floor.
Alfie stands up and fixes his pants which had a sight of hard pulsating wood. He quickly fixes it so it was tamed down before checking in with you.
“You alright?” He asks.
“Yes, who’s at the door?” You say fixing up your shoulder straps.
Alfie walks to the door, unlocking it to find a security guard waiting.
“Estamos fechando quartos. Só verificando os quartos. Tudo bem Al? (We're closing rooms. Just checking. You all good Al?)” The security asks.
“Sim, estávamos prestes a sair. (Yeah, we was just about to leave.)” Alfie responds while motioning for you to come over to him.
You follow Alfie out the room back to the open space of the club to the VIP area which was filled with Alfie’s friends and Nia, who was busy chatting up with a boy on the couches. This girl was on fire! Well, who are you to be judging, you just got your cat demolished out by a man you just met.
As you walk towards the VIP area, you sit yourself down next to Nia.
“Girl, I know you didn’t just do what I think you did.” Nia says in your ear.
“What are you talking about? We just talked and drank.”
“Oh really?”
Nia catches your eye and gives you a knowing smile, “Babe. Your dress is on inside out.”
You feel a little embarrassed, but more so exhilarated at the thought of people knowing he gave you probably the best dick of your life.
“Oh my god. Okay you got me there!” You laugh off the awkwardness. Nia rubs your back, laughing too.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been there before.”
Alfie makes his way back over to you and introduces you to his friends, who all seem friendly and welcoming. They offer you drinks and chat with you about Carnival and asked questions about America. Most of them spoke English along with Portuguese which made it easy to connect with them, they were lovely and easy to get along with. But your mind keeps drifting back to the intense chemistry you shared with Alfie just a few moments ago.
As the night wears on, you find yourself getting more comfortable around Alfie's friends. They share stories and jokes, and you can't help but laugh and enjoy yourself. But every time Alfie touches you or leans in to whisper something in your ear, you feel a jolt of electricity course through your body.
Eventually, it's time for the club to close. Alfie offers to walk you out, and you gladly accept. As you exit the club, It was almost sun up outside and the nearby cafes and business’s were beginning to open for the day. He takes your hand and pulls you close. "I had a great time tonight," he says, looking deep into your eyes, “I hope to do this with you again sometime, a minha rapariga (My girl)”
"Me too," you reply, feeling your heart rate increase.
Alfie leans in and kisses you, and for a moment, it feels like the world fades away. It's just you and him, lost in each other's embrace amongst the rest of the noise. And as you break the kiss, Nia calls your name.
“Y/K, our ubers here!”
You pull to let go but he hesitates to release his grasp, squeezing your waist tight.
“I have to go…” You shyly say, pulling from his arms. Feeling giddy, you run to the car Nia hopped in and get in the back seat
“Get home safe.” He says, waving you down before throwing his hands in the air and yelling, “Wait, I didn’t even get your number! What’s your instagram?!”
You stick your head outside the window, “It’s Y/KsWorld!”, hoping he heard you. By the smile on his face, it seemed he did because he quickly pulls out his phone and tapped away. Not even 2 seconds later you felt a buzz on your lap and there was a notification: LewisAl88 followed you.
You fall back into the seat, smiling to yourself. You was exhausted and it wasn’t just from the jet-lag, he blew your back out into another time-zone himself. Sure it was just a hook up at the club, which is something you’ve never done before in your life, but you couldn’t deny the tension between the two of you. 
You feel another buzz from your phone.
LewisAl88 sent you a message
When am I gonna see you next? 
You laugh to yourself, here you thought you were the thirsty one yet he was just as keen to be all over you. Ahhh, that feels like balance to me, you thought.
“What’s got you smiling so hard?” Nia asks.
You show her the notifications on your phone screen, she covers her mouth and joins you in laughter.
“Oh he wants you…bad!”
You roll your eyes, but can't help the smile that creeps onto your face. "I don't know," you say, "I just met him. But there was definitely something there."
Nia nods, understanding. "Well, whatever happens, just be safe and have fun," she says, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze.
You nod, grateful for her words of encouragement. As the car drives away from the club, you lean back in your seat and close your eyes, replaying the night's events in your mind.
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
1/3 Alright, my mind is not going where I need it to - you know, somewhere deep and profound 😉 - so I'm sorry if these are a little too easy or predictable. This first one is for Maya and Carina, as I think it kind of seems to be written for them. It's from Sweet Goodbyes by Krezip:
I know how you feel right now Losing dreams you've come to care about I know what you need right now You need to come on home, so I can hold you tight Get you through the night
Curious where these lines, song, vibe, whatever will take you. And - as always - thank you for giving it a try!
You know when you said to keep them short...?! This song gave me a lot of ideas and I ultimately settled for this one - and I should give a content warning here that this one talks about miscarriage. I know it's sad and dark, but it's also a reality for them, especially given Carina's age (even though it's not something we've ever seen them address on the show). There have been several versions of this in my head, especially trying to figure out whose perspective to tell it from.
A link to the song
Maya steps onto the fourth floor and is immediately greeted with the sound of a newborn baby crying. She hears a father whoop with delight and Jo Wilson congratulating the new parents, smiles all round the nurses’ desk at the arrival of another new life into the world.
She doesn’t share the joy. The sound leaves her cold, her broken heart cracking a little more.
They had decided to try one more at-home insemination before looking at other options, both taken by surprise when, fourteen days later, the pregnancy test told them that this one was successful. There had been tears of happiness and relief that, at last, their dreams of becoming moms were coming true.
Jo had confirmed the pregnancy with a blood test one week later, and a scan had followed at week eight. Everything looked good and they had shared the happy news with a few close friends – Bailey and Ben and Andy. They got swept up in making plans for the future. Maya spent her days off clearing out the wardrobes in the spare room, while Carina looked at paint swatches for the nursery.
By week eleven, their little bambino or bambina was the size of a lime – or so said the app on Carina’s phone, which had prompted Maya to remove all such offending items from their fruit bowl out of principle, much to Carina’s amusement.
Their official twelve-week scan was only a few days away when Carina had awoken in the middle of the night, crying out in pain at the stomach cramps that seared through her body, blood soaking into the bedsheets. No-one had to explain it, Maya knew what it meant – and the loss was etched all over Carina’s face.
Teddy was coming out of an emergency surgery when they showed up at the hospital just after three a.m. and ushered them into a side room with only Yasuda in tow, ordering urgent blood tests and demanding a portable ultrasound be brought immediately. The scan confirmed what they already knew and Maya still recoils at the memory of those words coming from Teddy’s mouth.
She had expected Carina to wail and scream, like she did in the days that followed Andrew’s death, but she had fallen quiet, a little more than a whimper escaping from her lips as silent tears had fallen down her cheeks. She has remained that way ever since, returning to work after a couple of weeks and keeping busy with patients and the clinic. She cooks in her free time, like always; she goes to her weekly yoga class, like always; she asks Maya about the fires they fight and Travis’s mayoral campaign and the latest gossip on Vic and Andy’s love lives, trying her best to be interested.
But she doesn’t talk about the baby and she refuses to go into the spare room.  
Maya understands it. It might not have been her body, but it was her baby and her dream too; and her heart is broken into pieces too.
She hadn’t expected to feel so much grief. She had never seen its squished little face, never counted its ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, never heard its cries or seen its smile. She had never held it in her arms and rocked it to sleep, never sung it a lullaby, never read it a story. She had never pushed it on the swings, they had never played soccer in the park.
And yet Maya feels like all these things had been stolen from her, leaving behind a gaping hole that she has no idea how to fill. It sits on her chest, a relentless ache that doesn’t go away, no matter how hard she tries.
When she arrives at Carina’s office, she takes a deep breath before knocking softly on the door.
“Come in.”
Maya opens the door and steps inside. Carina used to light up when she walked into a room but not any more. Despite the smile she paints on her face, her eyes are dull and vacant.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
She stays seated at her desk, not bothering to stand and greet her wife with a kiss.
“It’s almost nine,” Maya says. “You usually text when you’re going to be late home from work.”
“Ah, scusi, I lost track of time,” Carina says.
“It’s late. Come home with me,” Maya says gently. “Please?”
“I can’t just yet, I need to finish some reports,” Carina says, gesturing to her computer screen which Maya can see has fallen dark from inactivity.
“No, you don’t.”
Carina looks up at her, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“You’re sad,” Maya says before she has chance to come up with an excuse. “You’re sad and you’re hurting, because…” She takes a long, shaky breath. “Because we lost our baby.”
“I feel it too,” Maya says.
Carina scowls then. “No, you don’t.”
“I do,” Maya says. “Maybe not in the same way, but it’s my loss too. I’m sad and I’m hurting too. And it would be so much easier to deal with that if I had my wife at home with me.”
She sees a flash of guilt cross Carina’s face and steps further into the room, determined to break down the walls that Carina has built up.
“Please, Carina, please come home and talk to me.”
Carina’s bottom lips wobbles as she shakes her head.
“I can’t,” she whispers.
“Why not?”
Carina closes her eyes. “Too soft.”
Maya walks over to her desk and kneels down beside her chair, spinning it around to make her wife face her.
“Then we’ll scream. We’ll cry and scream and we’ll let it all out but please, Carina… I need you. I can’t do this by myself. And you can’t either; we need to do this together, we need to grieve together.”
She sees Carina wavering and reaches out to clasp her hands, holding them tightly.
“I love you and I loved our little lime.” She lets the tears fall down her cheeks, not trying to hide them. “I know you did too.”
Carina’s face starts to crumple as she nods her head, just slightly.
“Come home and tell me about it?”
Carina’s shoulders sag in defeat and she nods again, definitively this time. “Okay.”
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justfor2am · 1 year
hi my interview has been rescheduled once again because of course it is ^_^ nothing wants me to be interviewed ig ^_^ anyways 🥺😈🛒🎢✨💋🎶⛔🍦🌞💖💌❌🧐🦅👀🤗💞🧠🤩🤯💔🤭 for the fanfic writer asks or wtevr they're called??? didn't realize until just now u even rbed an ask game so apologies 🫡 side note the 💥 emoji is so fun . its just like 💥💥💥💥💥 yk??? also feel free to skip any of those i just threw down the ones i think would be most interesting but as usual there r many
i am manifesting an interview AND a job for u, get that bag king!!!
also waough ty for giving me an excuse to talk abt my blorbos 🥺🥺🥺
and ya 💥 feels like ur comboing someone really well in a fighting game, like 💥💥💥 K.O. yanno?
this is def gonna be a long one tho soooo the rest underneath the cut this goes lmao
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Anything having to do with touch. I'm a sucker for physical gestures, so anything that involves details like brushing someone's hair out of their eyes, hooking a tentative pinky around someone else's hand, it doesn't need to be overt to get me in my feels every single time.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Yes! I threatened a major character death in [though I've closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am] late in the final (12th) chapter lmao
I knew that being that late into the fic most people would've forgotten what the specific tags were and even less would be willing to scrolling all the way back up to check lol
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Like I said in the first Q, touch is a big thing for me. Eyes and anything having to do with vision also tends to be a big one, if you read a fic with both of those elements there's a decent chance I wrote it.
As far as overarching things, I prefer to write scenery over dialogue, and put a heavy emphasis on describing what the characters are feeling/thinking over having them verbally express it.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I wanna say my [detroit become human au] has shit hit the fan pretty quickly. The fic opens with the conflict and it takes a few chapters for the reader to get any context, but once you've got it, going back to the start just makes your heart break.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
booo hiss grrr
no but actually uhhhhhh... I will say that when I've got a good idea rattling around in my head, I can churn out a fic for that premise very quickly. to the point that i accidentally wrote three chapters for one of my fics all within a day, because I'm unhinged like that
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
LOVE but only if they're done right. I appreciate first kiss fics that aren't perfect or a little clumsy, but also i'm a sucker for those picture perfect moments too
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
YA i do my best writing with some music on. I've been listening to a mix of things lately (Love from the Other Side by FOB, that new Shakira collab, and Flowers by Miley Cyrus) but i've also been looping my 14+ hour long exo playlist
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I had a sculk!Grian fic from like, I wanna say October last year that I was 1k words into that just. Disappeared. No clue where it went or how I lost but, but in hindsight, it wasn't my best work.
I'm still a bit sad to have lost it, but considerably more proud of the things I've written since.
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
I have come to the realization that I am horrible at writing fluff without some level of conflict within the fic. Whoops! Closest I've got is a [scarian sick fic] that I wrote recently lmao
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Either while I'm at work when it's dead during the day time, or frantically at like, 11 o'clock p.m., there is no in between.
💖 What made you start writing?
Wayyyyy back when I was 12/13 I used to be big into rp, and I came into the realization that the rps I was doing could just as easily be formatting into fics.
None of those fics were ever published, but getting to learn how to edit and rewrite scenes that had been planned out with another person made me want to start creating stories of my own.
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
Love love LOVE comments and feedback. Literally getting a comment is like a serotonin boost directly into my veins to write more, esp comments that'll point out specific scenes or moments/lines they liked.
someone pointed out that they liked the way I described fresh hickeys like blooming violets and I haven't been able to stop thinking about that comment ever since.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
That's a good question.... I'm trying to think of one that isn't like, a blatantly obvious icky trope.
I'm not sure if it counts as a trope, but Y/N fics. Not only are their primary function to act as fan service, they end up coming off very RPF to me which I'm not a fan of.
Oh, also RPF. Any fic i write has to do 100% with the characters those people portray, not the real person.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Depends on the fic! For my [actor au] I've just been kinda flying by the seat of my pants, doing the occasional googling but not much. The opposite of this would be my [detroit become human au] where I literally rewatched jacksepticeye's d:bh playthrough and scoured wikis to make sure i'm describing androids correctly.
tl;dr: generally no, only as needed unless I get fixated on it.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Fly by the seat of my pants, but i'm trying to change this! For my multi-chaptered fics I've started actually planning out future events, and even for this one big one shot im working on, i've got an outline in the works.
...though generally, i don't plan. it's a bad habit.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
GLADLY so speaking of that big one shot, it's going to be a boatem superhero au, i've started outlining it and getting my concepts together, i'm very excited for it!
here's a snippet:
It was fairly obvious that the Mayor had pulled some strings to get Scar to this stage; once a nobody vigilante who seemed more preoccupied with dazzling the camera over saving lives, Scar's public image had taken a hard left turn during the past few campaigning months.
The situation was more of an open secret— it was all too convenient for Scar, who practically lived in the Mayor's pocket, to be joining the city's most elite crime-fighting team.
it's VERY early in development so don't expect this one for a while tho
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I'd say figure out your character's voice is a big one. It's easy to fall into fanon tropes and while they're fun, they can cause lots of warping in the way you write your own fics, which might make them sound off.
So look out for fanon tropes! Personally I've run into people who make Scar very sweet and innocent, to the point of dusting his hands clean of blame. It's an easy hole to fall into, and no one should fault a writer for falling into tropes.
There's a line to walk, and I find that watching content relating to that character really helps shaping that "inner voice".
Also, get someone to proof read your work who is willing to point out your mistakes. Editing/betaing is never meant to be a personal attack, but rather to make sure that the fic you present to the rest of the world is cohesive and clear.
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
Scar! He just gets me fr. He's one of my favorite guys to write because of how versatile and how much variety he has. He could be a silly salesman one minute, and a quietly scary assassin the next. Whatever the bit or joke is, he fully commits to it, often to the detriment of himself, but god does it make for good content.
Also he has a really good narration voice ok
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
(ty for the speedy discord reply lol)
Grian! my darling baby boy who has every mental illness ever
no but actually, i'd say my favorite grian head canon is anything having to do with him being an alchemist. i want that man brewing potions, getting blown up, and curing all his friends ailments with the most illegal looking brew you've ever seen in your life.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Grian, mostly because he comes easiest to me! There's such a sense of endless potential when I get ready to write him, and like, idk what it is, but longing too?
We've been getting it pretty heavy w/ his whole "I Miss Mumbo" campaign but like, grian to me feels like someone who's always thinking about reaching a hand out, and pulls it back at the last second. It's very relatable.
🤯 What’s a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Weirdly enough, it's fluff. I always feel compelled to write stories with some level of conflict or it's not "satisfying" to me. I love reading the genre, but for whatever reason when I write it, I get in my head about if it's "good enough" or not without conflict. I'm working on that lol
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
EDIT: so i misread this, you get fic recs as a bonus. my proper answer is: [my bad ending fae two shot], it will shatter you as it did me </3
i'm going to give two because i do what i want. the first being [It's Only Logical by TSTrashCaptain] which is a sanders sides fic that to this day, i can only dream of writing something so good. tw for themes of abuse and nsfw at times, but god. just reading the title again puts a knot in my heart in the best way possible.
now, this fic. [your heart rots in my hands by thepigeoncat]. this fic slaughtered me the first time i read it. i left a long ass comment on it. tw for major character death, but this is the perfect last life scarian fic.
it's beautiful, and tragic, and it makes me feel as though the world has truly ended /pos. please go read it.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
my favorite tag for when i post unbetaed work is "no beta we die like scar to the boatem hole"
as far as a REAL tag, hurt/comfort >:))
and my favorite one off funny tag is "i cannot emphasis to you enough how much blood is in this fic"
[fanfic writer emoji asks!]
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Hi Mika, how are you doing?
So since this story is lovely 8k (not complaining at all), I decided to split my comment/reaction into 2 asks, so that I am not forcing you to deal with one long ass ask. If you prefer it in any other way, one long ask or just a shorter one etc, just tell me and I will adjust!
Wednesday, girl, don't lie. You may like being alone in general but you definitely want Rs company!
R being peculiar is just an excuse for Wednesday to get close and engage with her. We all know Wednesday is hooked already.
Find a use for in the future, huh? What use could that may be, Wednesday? Please enlighten us 😉
"Like a winters first sunrise" damn, that was such a good line.
Yes, Wednesday. You only spent time with R and keep her around cause she's strange. Sure girl, keep lying to yourself.
Oooh, Wednesday is whipped! She's got a crush, how sweet. All it took was some torture and a nice thank you from R. #whipped.
Sabotage?? For someone as intelligent as Wednesday, she sure is incredibly dumb. She may not be very confident in feelings but come on, girl. It's love and affection that you are feeling. Surely Wednesday will figure it out soon. She's in a for a big surprise then.
Lol, I love how Xavier is always on Wednesdays suspect list. He definitely deserves it.
Whoop, there it is. You know, Wednesday, taking the plunge and just letting yourself feel isn't the worst. With R by your side you wouldn't drown. Together you can both get to land and be happy.
Oh man. Wednesday is so incredibly confident and sure of herself but at the same time she can be so dense. Avoiding R and consequently her own feelings can and will only lead to disaster. Wednesday is setting herself up for pain and not to mention how it will make R feel. Wednesday really can't deal with emotions well, so her reaction is totally expected.
Aw man, poor R is just accepting Wednesdays behavior. That's so sad.
Well, Wednesday, is Rs reaction bothers you so much why don't you grown some spine and talk to her? That would be a good solution.
Lol, the ego of an old man. Love that line!
Yes Thing, support R and let Wednesday know she fucked up! Good buddy! I would immediately and without question aid Thing in all of his schemes. That guy is hilarious.
Tyler causes negative reactions cause he is a crusty dude. That's why.
Ugh, Wednesday you are so frustrating! Going with Tyler to the dance. Ever thought about how it will affect R?? Of course you didn't.
Oooh, Wednesday is jealous! Tough shit girlie. Either go do something about it or suck it up.
Continuation in part 2!
hi! i'm doing pretty good! hope you're doing well<3 and the way you did it is fine! the two medium sized asks helped me focus on what each was saying instead of me having to keep scrolling up to remember so this was perfect!
wednesday not understanding what's happening until she's neck deep because of her focus on her investigation and general emotional ineptitude was so skdhsfjs to write.
like even i was frustrated at points, but i didn't cut any because it was a necessary evil lmao
"Like a winters first sunrise" damn, that was such a good line.
i will readily admit that i was pretty proud of that line
and yes, xavier is forever a suspect because it's what he deserves<3
Oh man. Wednesday is so incredibly confident and sure of herself but at the same time she can be so dense. Avoiding R and consequently her own feelings can and will only lead to disaster. Wednesday is setting herself up for pain and not to mention how it will make R feel. Wednesday really can't deal with emotions well, so her reaction is totally expected.
i really like the dichotomy of simulatneously booksmart and emotionally illiterate wednesday. because, as you said, she really ends up setting herself up for failure in her human relationships (no matter how little she thinks she needs them).
very interesting to try to write. you talk about this more in the second part, so i'll save my thoughts until then!
Lol, the ego of an old man. Love that line!
another line i liked as well 🙏
Yes Thing, support R and let Wednesday know she fucked up! Good buddy! I would immediately and without question aid Thing in all of his schemes. That guy is hilarious.
so true! reader being friends with thing is becoming a staple in my stories...can't bring myself to stop though. i love the little guy, so you're gonna help him prank people! end of story 🤚
Oooh, Wednesday is jealous! Tough shit girlie. Either go do something about it or suck it up.
will continue my thoughts (and thanks) in the next one!
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
Since you're taking a more retrospective approach, how about 🎢 and ✨
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oh gosh, it depends on what kind of ride we're referring to lol. If you're thinking crack - let's say, Pwimo (catboiPrimo). If you're thinking "Holy heck what is happening??" multiple twists, I'd say Endless Ocean (which look, I did not mean to make it the longest non crossover fic in the fandom - but well fuck) - a modern AU with themes of grief and healing after trauma. If you're looking for the angst train ride of being dragged, I'd vote The Necklace - a precanon potential of what happens with immortal parents taking care of mortal children? Yeah, it got sad fast.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
But butttt humilityyyyy . . . Ah um - okrrr, uh, for me? I think one of my favorite compliments I've ever received was "I love how open you are to people" like welcoming, and inclusive and "hey we don't have to have the same background, same beliefs, etc - I'm going to respect that inherent dignity in you." . . . I'm sure having been othered in the past has helped me develop the skill to hopefully not leave anyone else feeling like that. I mean, I try at least lol.
Besides, imo this whole thing is a journey, and getting to know people from across the world helps me expand my own limited world view, helps me to better practice my empathy, simply by acknowledging I don't know everything and isn't that exciting to realize? To know that there's always going to be something new to learn 💗 I think it would be pretty boring if we were all merely clones of one another. I believe it's in the differences where we can find the humanity to be humble, and practice compassion and mercy - and explore friendships with the things we do have in common. Whoops I went on a tangent lol. Okay on the next part!
As for my writing? Hm I do seem to focus on the dialogue so maybe that? But the comments that have resonated deep within and brought tears to my eyes have been the ones where someone has felt seen and heard as they process grief and loss ~ I'm glad a fic of mine ended up being a safe space for them to process some heavy feelings (with the caveat that of course fic can't be a stand in for therapy and a treatment plan, but I'm glad some fics have found the people they were meant for in some way).
Thanks Astra! And for anyone interested, please free to send me some emojis 😊
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ac3may · 5 months
"Pookie's season review"
(Oscar Piastri x Roo!Reader)
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F1 Requests = Open
The Oscar x Roo AU is a little universe I've had building in my mind the past few weeks and this SMAU is the first intro to it. I hope y'all enjoy!
Description: It's Oscar's first year in Formula One and you, his old school friend, just so happen to be invited to attend the first race in Bahrain. As a travel vlogger you move around a lot. Read to follow the progression of strangers -> old friends -> reconnected friends -> more!
Who I Write For
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RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by williamsracing, oscarpiastri, and others
RoosUser: Heard cars were going VROOM this weekend, thank you so much to @scuderiaferrari for letting me check it all out
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scuderiaferrari it was a pleasure to have you! You're always welcome back!!
user1 Oscar? What are you doing here?!
↪ user2 a guy does one f1 race and thinks he has rizz
logansargeant bestie you look better in blue
↪ RoosUser I did not reconnect with you just for you to start bullying me... again!
↪ williamsracing @RoosUser I think what our driver was trying to say was you'd be welcome in the garage anytime
↪ RoosUser awhhhh admin! I love you! I'd be honoured to come see your tractors in action sometime☺️
user3 the crossover I did not know I needed!!
user4 so logan and y/n know each other? who was gonna tell me??
↪ user2 they met through Oscar when they were karting together
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by oscarpiastri, annaarcherr, and others
RoosUser: What better place to reconnect with old friends than at his hometown race🦘🇦🇺!! WHOOP WHOOP🙌!!! Congrats Pastry boy! Thanks for always treating me as an honorary Aus even though I was born halfway 'round the world
view all 3,524 comments
user5 did you vlog it??
↪ RoosUser i did!! will be out on the channel at 5pm
↪ user1 AHH! Oscar and Logan bts incoming!?!!
oscarpiastri still can't believe mum was more excited to have you visit than me
↪ RoosUser sucks to be you Oz! She's always liked me more😉
↪ logansargeant it's sad because its true
↪ oscarpiastri HEY!!
user4 SORRY WHAT? OZ??!
↪ user2 I'm dead. I'm deceased. I love them😍
landonorris excuse me?! 📸
↪ RoosUser photo creds to @landonorris i guess🙄
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by logansargeat, mclaren, and others
RoosUser: Couldn’t miss my favourite American at his first home race could I?! Good luck Logie-Bear!! Plus it was a great excuse to haul Butterscotch out of storage and treat her to some good ol’ TNC🚐🏵️ Look out for the return of my US Roadtrip series coming soon👀
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williamsracing so we'll be seeing you in blue this weekend?
↪ mclaren um, we think papaya suits you better actually...
↪ RoosUser mum? dad? is this what it feels like to be a child of divorce?!
logansargeant hmmm, nice hoodie in that last slide. who's is it??
↪ RoosUser shhhhhhh!
user3 so excited to see butterscotch back on the road!!
↪ user6 yes! looking forward to the roadtrip vlogs
oscarpiastri how's the knee??
↪ RoosUser just a scrape, thanks for looking out for me!
↪ logansargeant that's not what you said when you were wimpering about it earlier
↪ RoosUser shut! up!
↪ oscarpiastri how about next time you fall you don't give me another heart attack by going out again 5 minutes later
↪ RoosUser now where's the fun in that??😚
logansargeant posted on instagram
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liked by maxfewtrell, williamsracing, and others
logansargeant: Thank you for all your support in my first home race also🦅 thank you to Roo for not inducing anymore heart attacks
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RoosUser awhh Logie-Bear! You love me really
↪ logansargeant yeah, yeah🙄
user10 ummm... who's this chick on Logan's page??
↪ user11 idk... why are they kinda cute tho??
↪ user12 she's pretty well-known too!
↪ user3 she's y/n l/n, she's a travel vlogger who went ot school with Oscar, she's known Logan since they were kids
↪ user7 also she's WAYYYY cuter with Oscar😉
oscarpiastri no more falls then??
↪ RoosUser luckily not! my personal nurse wasn't in attendence
↪ oscarpiastri 😉
↪ user4 UMM EXCUSE ME???
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by oscarpiastri, annaarcherr, and others
RoosUser: I may not be a driver but I will admit getting to attend a home race is something special and I’ll remember it forever💞 Thank you for all your kindness @mclaren
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user7 two hot best friends, what could it mean?
landonorris LETS GOOOOO
↪ RoosUser great racing but better company right😉?
↪ landonorris ...😳
user2 okay but is anyone else shocked nothings ever happened between them??
user8 y/n's mclaren video was the best media all season!!
↪ user2 and the fact Oscar calls her Roo? like exclusively?? ADORABLE
oscarpiastri and to think, a year ago you didn't know a thing about racing
↪ RoosUser what do you mean? i knew all about the different vroom, vrooms and the circle roads
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by lexxhidalgo, logansargeant, and others
RoosUser: Tropical adventures🌺🦜
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user8 anyone else seen the vlogs?? our girl is SOFTLAUNCHING
user4 the morning voice?? haven't seen more than the man's hands and i'm in love
user7 okay but was that not an aussie voice in the vlog??
↪ user9 whoever it was deffo didn't call her y/n, sounded like boo??
oscarpiastri posted on instagram
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liked by mclaren, RoosUser, and others
oscarpiastri: Recharge was fun but now back to work
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user5 y/n and oscar both on beach vacations and both softlaunching??
↪ user8 does this mean what i think it means?
↪ user9 okay but hear me out! the man in her vlog was Oscar calling her Roo not some cringe guy calling her Boo
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and others
RoosUser: I heard cowboys are in this week? Also congrats to my favourite blue steel once again I prove I am always right😉🏆
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landonorris what are you 'right' about this time?
↪ RoosUser Oscar's pookie of the year of course!! World champ is next
↪ macverstappen1 bring it Kangaroo boy
↪ oscarpiastri 😳
oscarpiastri posted on instagram
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, landonorris, and others
oscarpiastri: Thank you Austin, you were beautiful🦅🇺🇸
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user4 was the state really that beautiful though...
↪ user8 deffo talking about the girl in the last slide
user5 y/n's really got oscar committing to the softlaunch
↪ user7 imagine this was just one big joke they're playing
↪ user5 just sat in some hotel room somewhere laughing at us
↪ user6 y/n would SO do that as well
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by mclaren, lilymhe, and others
RoosUser: Always love the chance to see my favourite pookies smash it! Oh, how we’ve grown🥹
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logansargeant oh wow! i wonder who that devishly handsome young man
↪ RoosUser that'd be Ozzie, i heard he's taken sorry man
↪ logansargeant ...yeah that's who i meant
↪ RoosUser oh did you mean the other guy? he likes to hang around always making that ugly squint face
↪ logansargeant damn, i see how it is
oscarpiastri oh god, has mum been showing you the baby books again?
RoosUser posted on instagram
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liked by alex_albon, aussiegrit, and others
RoosUser: Butterscotch is back baby! Miami, New Orleans, Nashville, Austin, Mexico, Arizona, Cali and many more trips through North America this year. Looking forward to rounding it all off in Vegas♦️♣️🎆
view all 2,784 comments
user2 ahhh! the butterscotch roadtrip series has been my favourite!! please bring it back soon
logansargeant how can you have a whole van here and still claim my american roots are "too much"
↪ RoosUser ...because they are?
↪ alex_albon as a man who just watched you inhale an obscene amount of bbq ribs i would have to agree
user4 I thought I was gonna hate all y/n's travels following f1 this year but I'm actually living for it
↪ user9 same!! I had no interest before but now I'm fully invested. I've even got tickets for Austin next year
oscarpiastri posted on instagram
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liked by oscarpiastri, annaarcherr, and others
oscarpiastri: No one else I'd rather celebrate with💕
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user6 OH. MY. GOD.
RoosUser I love you my Ozzie-boy😘🧡
↪ oscarpiastri I believe this is what they call a hard launch?
↪ RoosUser and you did it perfectly baby
↪ oscarpiastri with definitely no assistance whatsoever
user7 we all knew! yet somehow I'm still shocked??
↪ user2 I convinced myself it was an elaborate joke
↪ user3 for real! how'd she do a whole ass vlog series following him around all season and we just though "eh probs only besties tho right"
landonorris oh so now i get to third wheel in public too? yay, I am SO happy for me
↪ logansargeant get used to it brother, been in this game for years
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(Main Face Claim: Dina Denoire. All pictures taken from Pinterest and edited for story purposes and fan consumption)
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chdarling · 3 years
Because I’m greedy...would you possibly grace us with anymore wonderful previews?? I just cannot wait for TLE2!!! Much love :)
Ok ok ok since you twisted my arm. 😉

You have good timing, actually, as I was just saying earlier today that I should post part of a Remus chapter in honor of his birthday. That’s not until March 10th but I am notoriously forgetful when it comes to birthdays (I forgot my own once), and I’m in the mood now, so…happy early birthday to my favorite fictional vessel of feelings, Mr. Moony!!!
I couldn’t decide whether to share Happy Remus or Sad Remus, so I compromised with Tipsy Remus Making Mistakes (with bonus Jily).
It’s rather long and rather spoilery, so...Enjoy 😘
Excerpt from The Last Enemy: Dark Marks (coming soon! ish!)
Peter drained his drink, shot Remus a grin, and took off following Veronica towards the dance floor.
And Remus was on his own again. He reached for the ladle and served himself some of the sickly-sweet smelling punch, careful to only fill his glass half-full, as he knew from experience how generous Sirius could be when tipping the whiskey bottle.
He took a sip and winced. Disgusting. Then, having achieved his quest and feeling only moderately less awkward for it, his eyes scanned the room for the next Holy Grail: an empty armchair.
He did not locate one, however, so he continued to linger by the refreshments table, sipping steadily at the nasty punch. It may not taste very nice, but the effects were undeniably advantageous for the hapless introvert who found himself alone at a post-match party. He was just ladling another glass — and deciding that it wasn’t altogether too strong — when a triumphant roar went up from the crowd, loud enough to shake the walls of the tower itself.
Remus turned to see that the portrait hole had opened and the Gryffindor Quidditch Team was streaming into the common room, led by a grinning James Potter. The whooping, cheering throng seemed to swallow him up as everyone clapped him on the back, demanding play-by-plays and laughing outrageously in response to jokes Remus could not hear. He felt his lips tug into an indulgent smile. It would be a while before James resurfaced again.
Remus glanced around the common room once more, and this time he noticed someone he’d missed: Lily Evans was tucked away in a nook by a window, a safe distance from the hubbub. She was alone, leaning against the ledge of the window she’d cracked open, observing the victory parade with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Gratefully, he crossed the room to her.  “Having fun?”
She jumped a little, then gave him a sheepish grin as her eyes flitted towards her cigarette. “I was trying to sneak a quick ciggy, but you caught me.”
“Yes,” said Remus solemnly, “and as a prefect I feel obliged to remind you that Gryffindor is a proud and honorable house, renowned for our sense of moderation and deep respect for the rules.”
“STOMP THE SNAKES!” screamed Davey Gudgeon from across the room.
“STOMP THE SNAAAAAAKES!” roared the entirety of Gryffindor house in response.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” said Lily, and she took another pleasurable drag on her cigarette.
“Haven’t got a spare, have you?” asked Remus.
She looked up at him, surprised. “You smoke?”
Remus shrugged. He didn’t, really, but it seemed an appealing occupation at the moment. Something to do with his hands other than sip the vile punch whose effects, he had to admit, he was beginning to feel. Remus did not like to get drunk around anyone but his closest friends. It was a control thing, he supposed. He had to be sure to keep the beast in check.
“Sometimes,” he said. “Just don’t tell my mum.”
After half a beat, it occurred to him that perhaps she thought he shouldn’t smoke on account of the ‘mysterious illness’ from which she believed he suffered. Lily was always really good about not asking questions, but he knew she must wonder, even if she never voiced it, and he had admitted last year that he was ‘sick.’
“It doesn’t affect my — er — illness, if that’s what you mean.”
“No,” said Lily quickly. “I was just surprised. It’s more a Muggle habit.” She dug in the pocket of her robes and pulled out a pack of Benson & Hedges. “I’m happy to have the company,” she said, offering him the pack.
Remus thanked her, lit up, and took a long, meditative drag. “Do you ever think that as the senior Gryffindor prefects we maybe ought to do something about…” he waved a hand vaguely at the ongoing revelry; across the room, Davey Gudgeon was attempting to line up a row of shots on a hovering broomstick. “…all this?”
Lily snorted. “I’ve kept my eye on the punchbowl, at least. To make sure no one slips anything in.”
Remus raised his eyebrows and glanced down at his glass. He didn’t think anyone could drink this bile and not realize it was heavily spiked.
“Other than the requisite whiskey, of course,” she added with a slight laugh at his expression. “That’s a given.”
She tapped her cigarette over an ashtray he hadn’t noticed. It was a pretty little crystal thing, sitting on the windowsill and glittering in the weak moonlight; he supposed she’d conjured it herself.
“Personally,” continued Lily, “I’m glad we’ve all just collectively agreed not to enforce the rules during Quidditch celebrations. I like a good party as much as anyone else. It’s almost enough to make a girl care about sports.”
Remus raised his glass in a mock toast. “Go team.”
Lily laughed, took a drink, and wrinkled her nose. “This shit is awful, though. If we’re going to do it, I don’t see why we can’t have a proper bar.”
“I think the general feeling is that we should at least make an effort to pretend like we’re not breaking a hundred school rules. Plausible deniability, and all that. And respect for our esteemed Head of House, of course.”
“McGonagall hasn’t attempted to shut one of these down in years.”
“Ah, yes. Thanks to the Great Glitter Incident of 1973.”
“I heard you had something to do with that.”
“Slander,” said Remus.
Lily laughed again, then emptied her glass in one long swig. She shuddered. “Well, it does the job anyway.”
Remus was on the verge of some witty reply he hadn’t yet invented, when a booming voice interrupted: “Moony!”
And he looked up to see James, fresh from the noisy crowd, a nearly-empty glass in his hand as he pushed his way towards them. He was draped in a Gryffindor banner, his hair even more mussed than usual, and he had the air of one who had just escaped an overly attentive crowd of admirers — which Remus suspected he probably had.
“Been looking f’you everywhere, old man,” he said happily, and Remus could tell from his slightly slurred words that the drink in his hand was not his first. “S’when d’you smoke?”
Then James caught sight of Lily.
“Oh,” he said. “Hey, Evans.”
“Hey yourself,” said Lily. She touched the cigarette to her lips and returned his blatant stare.
Even sober, James Potter had never been particularly good at keeping his feelings to himself; now James was clearly a few drinks in and Remus watched as a hundred different emotions danced a frantic conga line across his face. Abruptly, he turned back to Remus. “Have you seen Padfoot?”
“Lost him in the crowd,” lied Remus, “but I suspect he’s near the bar.”
“Right.” And with a faint grunt, James took off without another word.
Remus watched him go, faintly troubled. “That was weird.”
“Not really,” said Lily. “He hates me.” She exhaled a cloud of smoke from her lips, the very picture of unaffected disdain — and yet, he couldn’t help but notice that the color in her cheeks had risen significantly.
“He doesn’t hate you.”
“It’s okay, Remus. You’re not going to hurt my feelings.”
“He doesn’t though,” Remus insisted. “I think he’s just…a little embarrassed.”
Lily looked skeptical. “About what?”
Remus sipped his drink and shrugged. “Well, you know, I think he’s still getting over the whole public rejection and heartbreak thing. Getting turned down by the girl you fancy is never easy.”
Remus allowed himself another gulp of the punch. It wasn’t too bad, actually, once you’d had enough to convince your tastebuds to take the night off. After a moment, he realized that Lily was staring at him, her lips slightly parted, the ash curling off the end of her cigarette, which she held aloft and forgotten in one hand.
“What?” said Remus, lowering his glass.
“Did you just say ‘fancy’?”
Remus blinked. He’d hardly thought that was news, but something about her expression suggested he had just slipped up. “…No?”
“Yes, you did.”
Remus did some quick thinking, which the punch was making difficult. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say he did some thinking. He thought she knew James fancied her. Everyone knew James fancied her. But if she didn’t know…did he just betray James’s big secret? But it couldn’t be a secret. The idiot had asked her out in front of half the school last year, for the love of Merlin! Lily had been standing right there! Lily had turned him down. But now Lily was staring at him as though he’d just revealed something deeply shocking. Panic rushed through his veins as his moderately-sloshed brain struggled with these calculations.
“I don’t know what I’m talking about,” he said wildly. “I’m…drunk!”
“Remus Lupin, you are not drunk. You said, ‘the girl you fancy.’”
“Did I?”
“Remus, does James…like me?” She looked thunderstruck at the very idea.
“‘Course he likes you. Everyone likes you.”
“I mean,” Lily scoffed, “does he like me like me?”
Remus eyed her warily for a long moment, then groaned, dropping the pretenses. This was exhausting. “Come on, Lily. He only asked you out in front of half the school last year. What do you think?”
“Oh,” she said flatly. “That. That doesn’t count. He was just taking the piss.”
“It was a laugh. An on-going joke that everyone thinks is so funny because—” she stopped herself and shot Remus a guilty look as though she’d just remembered he was James’s good friend. “Well, he didn’t mean it.”
Remus frowned, genuinely uncertain how to proceed. He knew for a fact that James did mean it, but it didn’t seem his place to explain that to Lily, and he wasn’t so sure James would even want him to, since he was, as he’d declared on the train and several times since, “completely over her.”
“He didn’t mean it,” repeated Lily, looking slightly unsettled by Remus’s silence. “Right?”
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