#Alfie Enoch x Reader
Playing The Game
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Summary: Y/K and Dean have been secretly enjoying a friends-with-benefits arrangement for some time now, relishing in the pleasure and excitement that it brings. But when Dean unexpectedly reveals his feelings about someone else while under the influence, Y/K is left reeling and wondering where their relationship truly stands. Y/K must decipher between her newfound emotions and unspoken desires what she really wants: lust or love?
Word Count: 9k
Warnings: Whole lotta’ ANGST, little bit of fluff, swearing, sexual objectification kink, SMUTTY AF, unprotected sex, quickie, public sex, unholy dirty talk, NSFW, interactive
DISCLAIMER: Every original Harry Potter characters in this story is 21+. My Hogwarts stories are always and only written as a university universe with grown ass characters.
Notes: This one has been sitting in the drafts for awhile. I’m thinking of turning it into a 5 part series because I’m too attached to this Dean at this point (Just like Y/K lol) - he’s so cheeky, I love it!
*Gifs and images were not created by and do not belong to me. All rights go to owners and creators!!
(Not edited | proof-read)
You sleepily reach for your phone underneath your pillows and sit up against the bed frame. 
You check your notifications; still no text from Dean.
Tired and irritated, you let out a groan of frustration and slump back underneath your covers. All you could think was how much you missed him, it was an unfamiliar feeling borderlining on uncomfortable. You never ached for a response from him, since you always had access to him. You were each other's person, but that now seemed called off. It felt almost unfair how easily he was going on with life without you.
It was a long night of tossing and turning, you were unable to get any sleep. Once the birds began their routine songs at dawn, you knew there was no point in trying to get some shut eye, class begins in a few hours.
You couldn’t even think about studying today, you were bitter and strung up. It was all his fault. If he just reached out to you, that would’ve put your racing thoughts at bay. At this point, even an emoji text would’ve been fine. But no, he was radio silent.
Your argument aside, Dean ghosting you was so out of character for him. Dean always made sure to check in with you, you guys were basically joined at the hip. You and Dean have been good friends since your first week at Hogwarts University. You took up the Magical Fine Arts class as an elective in the 1st year. It was Dean who asked you to be his model for the end of year project, to which you agreed to and along the way, you found yourself spending more time with him than you were studying. Dean was funny, charming and adventurous, just your kind of fun. It seemed he had a strong liking for you too because over time, the two of you were inseparable; wherever you saw him, you were always by his side and vice versa. 
But over the last summer, your relationship with him developed into something more physical. It started platonic and friendly but as the semesters passed, your body couldn’t deny his sex appeal anymore. One night at your studio dorm after 2 and a half bottles of red wine, you were both wasted and bonding over your love of muggle music since the both of you were half-blood. That night you went from bestfriends to lovers in private and there was no looking back.
You both agreed to keep it under wraps in consideration of not rocking the boat that was your friend group with Blaise, Lee and Alicia. The odds of awkwardly tinting the group dynamic with your situationship was too much to take a chance on. So for the sake of secrecy, all emotions and entanglements was off the table. It kept your friendship balanced. It was simple and you liked it that way. 
As for Dean in the bedroom, he’s incredibly cocky and is well aware of the power he has over you. Although you’ve never casually talked about your attraction to him, he remembers every moan and moment of begging that left your mouth while he turned you out. He always finds a way to remind you just how needy you are for his dick. Most late nights you’d get a text from him, saying, “Can’t sleep. Come over.” and you already knew what time it was the second you got the notification.
Hooking up with him had become a weekly - almost daily ritual so you didn’t usually approach Dean for sex but by now it had been close to three weeks since your last conversation with him and you were almost feral for his face between your legs. He would never go this long without asking you to come over, it was so unlike him. 
There was once a whole month where you couldn’t get off eachother. You’d get a quickie in before and between classes, in any private room you could find in the castle. The astronomy tower, the room of requirement, the House Elves restroom. Even in Filch’s office once, which you left in absolute shambles, even staining his desk with dry cum - from the both of you. It was hysterical when he reported the scene in the great hall during dinner. You and Dean forced back fits of giggles with mouths full of food, knowing it was you two who defiled his office while everyone else in the hall was completely oblivious. Sneaking around with him had its benefits, one of them being you had a massive secret that only you and Dean shared, as if it was an inside joke that only you and your favorite person knew the origin of. You could call it special. Sure, hiding the truth sometimes felt like a burden but most times it felt electrifying.
While Dean was AWOL, something fierce was brewing in you this morning. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself but you were edging on desperation. You were fine with not hearing from him the first couple of days, you figured he was just busy. But once you saw him actively going out his way to dodge you, that was all your mind needed to start jumping to conclusions. 
Why was he ghosting you? Did he not wanna hook up anymore?  And if so, why? 
You blankly stare at your phone while your mind wanders off and pictures all kinds of scenarios for his weird behavior.
You recall the last time the two of you spoke, a late night from a few weeks ago….
3 Weeks Ago…
Everyone had just sat the OWLS exams and it was finally done with. This year's OWLS was making up for 40% for your final grade of the semester, the stakes were high. It even ripped Granger a new one. And if Miss Know It All is anxious about a test, you should be terrified. Which of course, everyone was.
Yet somehow you came out the other side of the exam alive, along with your friends, and what better way to celebrate the end of a stressful and anxiety producing test than to get absolutely wasted? 
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That’s exactly what you and your friends did. Lee and Alicia went off to Hogsmeade bar to celebrate, but you, Dean and Blaise was too tired from a long day of studying to make the trek to town so the three of you shared a bottle of Don Julio in the Griffindor dorm kitchenette. The night was still young and you spent it vibing to music, taking shots and swapping scandalous stories that were only for your friends group ears. It was always good times when you linked with Thomas and Zabini, the three of you were the bestest of bestfriends. You all just naturally clicked with each other and could yarn for hours, which was something worth looking forward to in your day. The night was going good and your stomach was in pain from how much the boys made you laugh, but along the way, the three of you landed on a subject that would change the trajectory of your relationship with Dean…for the better and worse.
“Can we please talk about Fred and Angela? I’ma be all the way real, Fred is punching hardddd man.” Dean exclaims.
Blaise lets out an annoyed moan and perks up from the bench, throwing his hands in the air.
“Finally somebody fucking said it!”
You smirk and raise your glass. Angela Johnson is an etheric goddess walking amongst mere wizards and witches. And Fred is…well, he’s Fred Weasley. Nuff’ said.
“Right?! I’ll bloody drink to that.” You throw back the rest of your mug only to have a few drops hit your tongue. Time for a top up. You scoot off the kitchen top and walk to the fridge, getting some soda to mix with your tequila.
“Look, I love Fred. He’s my best mates brother, Maker bless Ron - the little shit. But how Fred even got a chance with Angie? That’s surely one of Hogwarts greatest mysteries and this school’s packing loads of them cunts.” Dean voices.
You chuckle while fixing yourself a drink, listening in on the boys being messy.
“I’m saying, like? He don’t even know what to do with that, he can’t handle all that.” Blaise says, reeking of jealousy. It was hilarious, you couldn’t hold back the giggles.
“No Weasley can handle a baddie, let alone a black goddess like Angela.” You chime in.
“Exactly. He needs to go for someone like Luna or Pansey, someone in his lane! No offense to them but that’s more Fred’s avenue. Not Angelina Johnson for Merlin's sake!”
You gasp, followed by a chortle. The gossiping behaviour between these two grown ass men was worse than you thought.
“Oh my god Blaise! I know you did not just say that! Not too much on Luna now, that’s my girl. I love that little weirdo.” You insert, jokingly death staring down Zabini. He stares back at you with knitted brows, challenging you. After a few seconds, he blinks and child-like laughter echoes throughout the kitchen from the three of you, laughing at the silly game.
Then Dean loudly clears his throat. 
“No but listen, on the topic of Angie…I mean, shiettt, put me in coach. I can handle that.” Dean lowly blurts amongst the laughing. 
Silence falls in the room, especially from you. You go mute, processing what he just said.
Blaise snorts.
“I mean you know what I mean? She need someone equipped for the job.” 
Blaise daps Dean up in agreement. Both the boys cackle.
Your eyes unintentionally squint and you clench your grip on the bottle of liquor, completely thrown off guard by Dean’s comment. He sure knew how to get a raise out of you. You could hear he was joking, but still, your body reacted on its own accord, knotting up your stomach. You loudly puff out a sigh and plop the bottle back on the bench with a bang. 
“Fuck, that was loud. My bad.” You stifly apologize. 
“You’re alright.” Dean replies.
“You were saying?” You ask, then clear your throat.
Of course you didn’t want him to. But a sabotaging part of you wanted to see how far he’d take it. 
“Look, Angela’s a ten outta ten. Peng as fuck, her body is crazy, and she’s got great banter. I’m first in line when she drops the dead weight that Fred is.”
Wow. He’s playing with fire. You couldn’t believe he’d froth over Angela like that right in front of you. It stinged to say the least.
The two boys cheer glasses and talk more about their thoughts on the couple.
You stir your drink, quietly wheezing to yourself hysterically. Nothing about what Dean said was funny to you, you just couldn’t believe the sheer audacity of him gawking over Angela whilst you were in the room, drunk or not. 
Dean glances over to you with the utmost cheeky smirk, cocking up a brow. He was doing it on purpose and it was some kind of emotional torture he wanted to commit to you.
Why was he doing it? What is he getting out of this shit? you thought.
A smug look was locked on his face as he listened to Blaise carry on, but his gaze was focused on you. He watched you closely, seeing if he’d you’d give him any reaction at all, all while stifling back chuckles. Your silent rage of envy was amusing to him it seemed.
As Dean's eyes lingers on you, you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and anger. You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself. You remind yourself that this is just Dean being his usual flirtatious self and that he probably didn't mean anything by it. But it still hurts and there was no refusing that.
You take a long sip of your drink, trying to distract yourself from the uncomfortable tension in the air. Soon the boys stop talking and you can feel Blaise and Dean's eyes on you, waiting for a response. But you don't give them the satisfaction. Instead, you change the subject.
"Talking about the Twins, did you guys hear about the prank that the twins pulled on Filch last week? Filch went off his head, it was hilarious!"
Blaise and Dean both laugh, relieved that the tension has been broken. They eagerly listen as you recount the details of the prank, and soon enough, everyone is laughing and joking again.
The rest of the night you barely spoke. You chuckled here and there, showing face in front of Blaise. But you were distracted, lost in intrusive thoughts. You couldn’t shake off Dean’s opinions about Angela. You were salty as fuck, so by the time it hit 2AM, you bowed out. 
“As much as I’d love to stay up with you guys, I need to sleep. OWLS kicked my ass. I will see you wonderful people tomorrow.” You slide off the bench and grab the Tequila.
“Yeah shit, it’s almost 3. I’ll head too.” Dean checks his phone and stands up.
“Fair. But first, cuddle before bedtime.” Blaise drunkenly pulls you into a tight hug and pecks the top of your head. Blaise is the biggest softy, you had no idea how he was sorted into Slytherin.
“Okayyy mummy. Night Blaisey. Love ya” You tease, squeezing your arms around him.
“Night bub. Love you too.”
You pull away and head for the dorm hallway. The two boys hang back and say their goodbyes. You soon hear Dean catch up behind you, following you to the dorms. It was a quiet stroll to the rooms. There were many things you wanted to say but your pride had a tight muzzle on your mouth.
Dean breaks the silence, “He’s a good one, that Blaise.”
“Yeah, he’s the best. Love him.”
The rest of the way to your room was silent. You pass the corridor to the men’s dorm but he stays on your route, following you to the women's dorms.
You scoff. 
If he thinks he’s getting some tonight, he’s got you all the way fucked up. You don’t mention him following you though, you figured you’d pop off at him in the room. And boy, was he in for a storm.
Dean laughs, catching your attitude. But he doesn’t say a word because he knew you wouldn't turn him away, you never do. Usual overconfident Dean behavior.
You were steaming all the way up to your door. Your blood wasn’t boiling, it was burning. You were contemplating blowing your cool and letting him have it right now and here out in the hallway. You couldn’t understand in the moment why he had you so vexed over banter but you didn’t care, you were hurting and he needed to know. But instead of blowing up on him, you decided silence was the best treatment to handle Thomas. 
You huff back the emotions that were flooding to the surface, your face was heating up with rage - tears were sure to follow soon. You just needed to get inside your room before you let it all out. 
You take your keys out of your jeans pocket to unlock the door and place the key to the hole but it doesn't budge. Your hands were shaking and you were on the verge of crying out of pure frustration. You already had a mountain of unexplainable feelings that was rocking your shit, this stupid key was just the cherry on top. Pursing your lips together, you swallow back the rogue wave emotions on your heart while staying faced to the door. You couldn’t let Dean see just how miserable you were over something so minor and stupid.
He closes in behind you. The warmth of his breath tickles your skin as he bends down and leans his chin in the crook of your neck. 
“Give it here you goose.” He chuckles.
Taking the keys out of your hands, he unlocks and opens the door on the first try. You grumble cuss words under your breath. Even when helping you, you couldn’t stand him. Not right now, everything he did irked your soul. 
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You step into the apartment and head straight to your kitchen cabinet. There was a heavy weight of feelings on your chest and drinking it away was the only option. Yes, you were already drunk, but definitely not drunk enough to forget how crossed up he has you.
You slam open the kitchen cupboard door, grabbing the biggest cup you own and quickly fill it up with the Tequila in your other hand. Dean closes the door behind him and walks over to you.
“Woah there, fairy. I think the only thing you need to be drinking right now is water.”
He grabs the bottle and glass out of your hand, chucks the alcohol in your cup down the kitchen sink and fills it with water from the sink.
“Oh, so now you know what I need?”
He turns his head to you, furrowed in brows and squints his eyes. He studies your face, the way he looks at you makes you feel exposed. He knew what you were poking at, he could read every subliminal between your words.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t want you to wake up with a hangover in the morning.”
A soft friendly smile forms on his lips, which only riles you up more. Can he not read the fucking room? 
“Yeah well, maybe I like waking up with hangovers.”
He snorts and turns off the tap, walking back over to you with the glass of water.
“Maybe you do. Looks like I’m learning something new about you everyday, beautiful. Drink this.”
You place your hand on your hip and stare back at him blank in the face. You weren't doing anything he wanted you to do.
“No, you drink it. And choke for all I care.”
You turn on your heels and head to the bathroom with the bottle of Don Julio still in your hand. He chortles, amused.
“Only if you’re the one doing the choking, baby.” 
You grunt at his chirpy attitude, absolutely done with how witty he is. Usually you like it, he always says the right things to make you swoon over him, but now it was just ammo to get under your skin.
You turn on the showers, letting it run hot to steam up the room. As you undressed, you couldn’t help but feel stupid for letting Dean get to you. You take a gulp from the bottle.
With every clothing piece you took off, memories of him kissing that part of your body flooded your mind, accompanied by visuals of him doing that to Angela. It was tormenting. You take another sip from the bottle.
You step under the streaming water, letting it wash over your face. Finally, the tears fall. It felt good. You knew you were crying over something so silly but you didn’t want to compartmentalise, the only way you were getting through this was by letting yourself have a sook and feel everything, something you never did when it came to Dean. Feeling anything emotional towards Dean was something you put off limits from the beginning of your situationship with him, it kept your feelings safe in case things got ugly between you two. But now you were feeling the burn of setting that rule in the first place.
As you stood under the hot water, you let your mind wander. You thought about everything that had led up to this moment. You thought about how you and Thomas had started off as friends, and how things had escalated so quickly. You thought about the passion and the intensity that you had shared, and how it had felt like nothing could ever come between the two of you.
But now, as you stood there alone, you realized that things were different. You couldn't ignore the fact that Thomas had been with other people and could be hooking up with other girls right at this moment, and that he might not have been as committed to you as you had thought, even if it was just friends with benefits. You couldn't ignore the feeling of betrayal that had been gnawing at your heart since you had found out how he felt about Angela.
When you began hooking up with Dean, you had no idea it would cause so much pent up frustration and desire in your body. Sex would help release this energy from the system, but there was an emotional side to things that had you questioning everything. Surely after some time, you began to ask yourself:
“Do I have feelings for Dean?”
Just hearing those words in your thoughts made you angry.
“Fuck!” You yell, “What is wrong with you?!” you ask yourself in frustration.
How could you let it get this far? How could you let Dean work his natural love potion on you? You thought you were better than this. Better than all the other girls who fell for his stupid addictive charm.
Three knocks tap on the bathroom door.
“Are you okay?” Dean asks, concern in his voice.
“Yes.” You sniffle.
You see him in the reflection of the bathroom glass, taking off his clothes and shoes, all he was left in was a singlet and boxers. He walks towards you and opens the shower door and leans his arm up against the shower frame. You face towards the shower head, not giving him any form of attention.
“The waters getting out.” You protest.
“I don’t care. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
He pulls his singlet over his head, tossing it aside and kicks off his briefs, stepping into the shower and closing the door.
Tears were still streaming from your eyes, you stood underneath the flush of the water. You didn’t want to let him see you in tears. A few painful minutes go by and you hesitate to tell him off. Although you were mad with him, you loved sharing showers with him, it was one of the few intimate things that you did with him that wasn’t sex.
You sniffle and clear your croaky throat, it was a dead giveaway.
Dean steps closer under the water, saying a wandless spell to the soap, which placed a dollop of cleanser in his hands. He places both hands on your shoulders, lathering up and covering every inch of your body with the suds.
Dean dials down the water temperature and makes it a sweet warm stream and sways you by your waist from under the water. 
He was smooth, even in instances like this. He didn’t need to use spells or charms, he just intuitively had a way with you that always got to your core. He observes you, adjusts his approach and works his magic on you. 
“Y’know,” He pulls the hair in front of your face behind your neck and plants a soft kiss on your shoulder, “You’re allowed to tell me when I fuck up.”
“I know I said something that made you uncomfortable, you can tell me.”
You turn your head to look at him, surprised by his admission. He was usually so confident and self-assured, it was refreshing to see him vulnerable like this.
“I just don’t know what to say,” you admit, feeling ashamed of your own emotions.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he reassures you, “We both can just be silent for all I care. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, always.”
He leans in and kisses you gently on the lips, his arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace. For a moment, you allow yourself to be held, to feel safe in his arms. But then reality hits you like a ton of bricks.
You push him away, suddenly feeling claustrophobic in the small shower space.
“No, you’re not here for me. That’s not what it felt like when we were with Blaise,” you accuse him, the anger rising up in your voice, “You just want to keep me around for when you’re bored or lonely. You don’t actually care about me.” you exclaim, accidentally revealing your resentment.
Dean looks hurt by your words, but he doesn’t back down.
His hand slides up from your thighs to your waist.
“I knew something was wrong. You don’t have to act with me. Just tell me what I did.” He calmly says.
His touch goes over your stomach, just above your nether regions, but he doesn’t go further, Dean knew to be gentle with you in the moment.
“Forget it. I’m just trying to shower.” You say, pulling away from his grasp, retreating back to icing him out
He goes to speak but he pauses, you could see on his face that he was calculating his next words. Lost in his thoughts, he says a spell to the body wash again and goes over his body.
You lean against the shower wall, arms crossed, bottle still in hand and looking up to the ceiling. Tears still falling from your eyes disguised as droplets of shower water.
Dean grabs the bottle from your hold and pulls you into the water with him, tilting your head up to his.
“I wasn’t born yesterday and I know you weren't either, so there’s no point in either of us playing dumb. I’m sorry– please believe me.”
You clench your jaw.
“About what?”
“What I said about Angela. It was stupid. I only said it to get a rise out of you.”
Is this shit a game to him? Your emotions just a ploy for him. And for what? Just so he can feel better about himself? You wanted to hear an apology from him but you didn’t expect it to come with the harsh reality of the situation.
“You’re right, it was stupid. I don’t care though.” You lie through gritted teeth, “What does it matter? You were only speaking your truth.”
“That’s the thing. I wasn't. I was saying all that shit just to get a reaction outta’ you and it was beyond wrong to do that. You don’t deserve that.”
You meet his eyes, he looks completely sincere and open but you quickly look away, feeling a small sob build at the bottom of your throat. The liquor had taken over your emotions and was ready to let it all pour out.
“Why Dean? What's the point?”
“I don’t know. I guess I thought if I said that, you would’ve said something, anything. Maybe I just wanted to hear you claim m—”
“No, Dean. You didn’t hear me. What’s the point of us?”
He stares into both of your eyes, trying to figure you out. Under his gaze, usually you would melt but right now, all you felt was a sense of grief. 
“Right…oh, righttt.” He sternly responds.
He loosens his grip on you and tilts his head, squinting his eyes and licks his bottom lip, a grim smile forms on his lips as he starts to sarcastically laugh. 
“Oh. Message received.”
He leans down and places his lips on your forehead, chuckling against your skin while giving you a kiss then exiting the shower, taking no time to dry himself with the towel from the rack. 
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“When you’re done with whatever this is, let me know.”
You stand there, feeling a mix of confusion, anger, and desire all at once. You can hear the sound of the bathroom door closing as Dean leaves, and you're left alone in the shower, still processing everything that just happened.
You take a deep breath and turn off the water, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel from the rack. You take one last chug of tequila before placing it on the sink. As you dry yourself off, you can't help but feel disappointment. You didn’t know what you wanted. You were torn between giving him the cold shoulder, letting him feel your anger or to give in, let him right his wrongs and lay up in his arms where you wanted to be. 
You swipe your hand across the foggy mirror above the bathroom sink and look back at your reflection, red eyes and puffy eyelids from crying. You knew what the reasonable thing to do was but somewhere deep down, you knew this was an internal issue. You longed to be consistently chosen, whether you wanted to admit it or not, it was an inner turmoil that you had and Dean just happened to be the person who you wanted to act on it. It was unfair to him to put him in such a position without him knowing, but you wanted him to just know what you wanted and to provide it instantly. It was selfish of you but you couldn't help it.
The bitter truth stands - he’s wasn’t your boyfriend, you weren’t in a relationship with him and he wasn’t officially yours. How could you possibly ask him to do boyfriend things without actually being your man. Which posed the next question:
“Do I want to be Dean’s girlfriend?”
You wince again at the intimate ideas flooding in. But the wonder stayed with you this time, replaying back memories in your mind of Dean’s beautiful smile before he laces you with kisses all over your face. You wanted that, all the time. You wanted him all the time.
You finish drying off and walk to the bedroom, still lost in your thoughts. As you approach the bedroom door you see Dean sitting on the edge of your bed, scrolling through his phone.
He looks up as you enter the room, and his expression softens. "Hey," he says, patting the seat next to him. "Come sit."
You hesitate for a moment before taking a seat next to him. He puts his arm around you and pulls you close, and you feel a sudden rush of warmth.
"I'm sorry for how I acted in the shower. Actually I’m sorry for everything," he says, his voice gentle. "I didn't mean to upset you, I was acting out of line this whole night. I just wanted to make things right."
You turn to look at him, and his eyes meet yours. You can see the honesty in his stare, and you feel yourself start to soften. Just as you open your mouth to apologize, he speaks.
“And look, if you don’t want to be around me right now, I understand. I’ll leave-”
He goes to stand up but you pull him by the hem of his shirt. By now you were more wasted than you anticipated and didn't want to be alone with your intrusive thoughts.
“No. Stay.” You slur out.
Relieved, he sits back down and looks at you in silence for a few moments, a flicker in his eyes.
“God, look at you. You’re so cute.” 
He squeezes your cheeks between his hands once before getting up from your bed and walking towards your drawers, opening them and shuffling clothes around. 
“What are you doing?”
“Pyjamas. It’s time you go to bed, you.”
You giggle burp. You didn’t want to go to sleep, you still wanted to talk about your feelings to him. But for some reason you found it endearing he wanted to put you to bed without sex being in the context.
Dean picks out a set of comfy clothes and walks back over to you.
“Up.” He orders you. Your towel drops to your feet and he fits your shirt over your head then continues to dress you in your clothes.
“Somni Modus (Bedtime mode).” Dean says a wandless spell which dims the lighting, lights the candles, puffs your pillows and pulls back your covers. You crawl to your side of the bed and Dean joins you on the other side, pulling the covers over you.
He leans on a pillow and props himself up on an elbow, facing you, watching your dizzy drunk self get comfortable in bed, cuddling a small pillow. He smiles, looking at you in awe. You roll over and feel the urge to pour your heart out to him, 
“I probably wouldn’t say this to you when I’m sober but I think I-”
He cuts you off.
"Darling, you’re way too intoxicated right now. I promise we can talk more when you’re in the right state of mind. Just come and find me, and I’ll listen, okay? But for now, you need some rest.”
You pout, slightly saddened. There were still some things you wanted to get off your chest. But you don’t argue with him, your eyelids was feeling heavy and the room was spinning the more you tried to stay awake.
Dean tucks you in and kisses your forehead, then heads towards the door.
As he's about to leave, you reach out and grab his hand. "Please don't go," you say, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
He pauses, then smiles softly and sits back down next to you, pulling you into a soft embrace. "I won't go anywhere," he says, stroking your hair, "I'll stay here with you until you fall asleep."
You feel a wave of gratitude wash over you, and you snuggle closer to him, feeling safe and protected in his arms.
As you drift off to sleep, you realize that maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay with him after all.
That was the last you heard from Dean. Your memories of the night had a few blanks, considering how much you drank, though you definitely remember how you felt. You spent many days, wracking your brain over why the night panned out like that and why he would promise to listen to you if he was just gonna ignore you in the first place. 
You decided when you fully woke up, that was it. No more using your voluptas wand (Pleasure wand) and pretending it was Dean. You needed an explanation, a good fuck and to be on talking terms again and he was the only person who could give it to you. You flicked open his school schedule on your phone, which he had previously sent you so you would know his free periods for quickies or some head in the Elf janitor closet. You two were just that ravenous for each other.
You scrolled to his classes for the day and saw that he had a morning quidditch game against Slytherin. Dean had to be already up at the field, stretching and preparing for the match, he was an early bird. 
You stand up from your bed and commit to your decision. You take a brisk shower and dress for the occasion - not showing too much so it shows you mean business but leaving out a little skin for a subtle hint of slutty to show him what he's been missing. Perfect.
It was a cold lengthy walk down to the Quidditch field. No one was awake except for the winter birds, owls and the sun kissing the sky with orange hues. As you neared closer to the male Quidditch changing tent, you went over in your mind exactly what you were going to say to him.
“So, no text? No. That’s lame. Okay, so when were you gonna tell me we weren’t doing this anymore. Ew! that too mushy for 5AM in the morning ,Y/K.” You thought to yourself.
Every sentence that came to conception only made you sound needy and that you wanted him more than you were willing to let him know. But you missed him badly, and you wanted him again for crying out loud! it was the truth. Him finding this out was a risk you were gonna have to take.
You stop out the front of the tent opening and release a big heavy sigh.
“Here goes nothing.”
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You lift up the material of the tents doors and see the man of the hour. Butterflies swarm your insides. This had to be the first time you’ve ever felt anxious around him.
He pauses his stretching and turns around. His beautiful cinnamon brown eyes travel from your legs, up to your eyes. He starts walking over to you with rush in his step.
“Right, so I don’t what’s happening between us but I–”
“Well, look who decided to come around.” He finally speaks.
Dean grabs your face into the palm of his hands and pulls you into a haste kiss. His tongue took no time finding yours. The tense from your body drops as you find yourself seeping into his pull, right where you want to be.
The feel of lips and touch felt like feeding an addiction you’ve been weaned off for eons and you’re getting a much needed hit again. But you still had questions. You pull from his kiss and ask away.
“First of all, why didn’t you hit me up? And ignoring me?”
“I was waiting.”
“For when you’d make the first move.”
Your mouth opens wide as it forms into a smirk. From the sounds of it, he wanted to be chased by you. So the man has emotional needs and wants besides getting a load off. Who knew? 
“Dean Thomas playing the waiting game? Seriously?”
“Oh shut up. I missed you.” he gives you another deep kiss then comes up, “That’s the last time I’m waiting for you to make the call. You almost drove me mad, woman.” his hands slides underneath your skirt and palms your ass cheek in his hand.
You press your body up against his, feeling his member already bricked up. And just like that, gasoline was thrown into the fiery tension between you two like it never left and it felt like pure electricity.
“Please tell me you didn’t jerk off. I want you at your best.”
“Like I said, I was waiting for you. Nothing can satisfy me the way you do.” He says, his lips trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and bites.
You moan in response, feeling the heat rising between your legs. You pull him closer, your hands gripping his biceps tightly.
“We’re gonna need to have a serious talk but I need this first.” You breathe out as your hand slips down to his 9 inch member over his shorts while his hands explore your body.
“Of course. We can talk things over. Do me a favor first, pretty girl? bend over.” He takes your hand, spinning you around and positions you over the stacked bat trunk. You oblige to his request and bend over the case, exposing all of your sex to him.
Dean wastes no time, pulling up your skirt and pulling down your panties, revealing your wetness. He smirks at the sight, knowing he's the only one who can make you this soaked. He takes a moment to appreciate the view before teasingly running a finger over your folds, making you gasp.
“Please, Dean. Don't tease me. It’s been too long, I can’t wait anymore” You moan out, your body trembling with need.
He chuckles and slides a finger inside of you, pumping it slowly. He adds another finger, hitting all the right spots. He was pumping your pleasure button to new highs, making you buck back against his long strong fingers. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body starts to shake.
“Dean baby, I'm gonna cum.” You whimper out, unable to hold on any longer, and just before you feel the eruption of bliss, he pulls out.
He places a kiss on the back of your neck, “Wait for me baby. I know you miss it.”
And just like that, Dean’s Gryffindor jersey shorts and briefs drop to his ankles, you feel his member hot and hard rubbing against your ass cheeks. He takes his time and slides the tip down between your cheeks, against your asshole, to your hungry flesh. He pushes in slowly and immediately you feel the evidence of his absence. His size hurt like hell but it hurt so good, it already sent you over the edge into climax.
“You kept it nice and tight for me baby, hmmm?”
He dips in deeper, filling you up wholly, hitting your pleasure spot at the back of your pussy, driving you wild. You were gushing all over his dick yet as he pulls back, you feel the friction of your walls wrapped around him like a fitted glove, as if your pussy was designed just for him to fuck in.
He holds the hem of his shirt through his gritted teeth so it didn’t block the view. He wanted to see every motion of your needy cunt taking him whole. He paces himself while adjusting his tip at your entrance again. The tension and anticipation between the two of you was thick and vicious. Both of you knew what was about to go down, once he starts stroking, it’s game over for your precious walls. 
Leaning down to you, he grabs a heap of your hair and twirls it in a fist, pulling your head back so his cheek was gashing against yours while he busts his first thrust into you, making your body jerk in intense euphoria. He goes again and again, until he picks up a rhythm. Your bodies rub together in heated unison, stimulating your senses to the nastiest levels possible, as he shoves kisses to your mouth, sucking on your tongue and leaving sloppy kisses on your cheeks and ear, thirsting for your affection. With every stroke, you’re sent into an oblivion of pure ecstasy.
Muffled grunts and mumbles of pleasure was all you could hear. It was killing Dean not to talk his shit. He’s a vocal lover, he knew all the right things to say that would brings out the animalistic freak in you. But in this tent, soft moans and whispers was all he could give you.
You rock your core back against his length, making him damn near lose all control and grip your hips with a tight hook as if he was cautiously trying to steady you. Throwing it back on him was a dangerous game, the control you had over him in the moment was unbearable. He desperately slows down his rhythm, nears your ear and mutters through his breath, “Oh, so you wanna play like that, huh?”
A devilish smile grows on your lips and you catch your breath in the quick spell he’s giving your walls. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You cluelessly respond.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.”
He pants on top of you, nestling his face in your hair, taking in your scent and licking up the droplets of sweat on your back.
“Two can play that game, sweetheart.” He mumbles into your skin.
 A half smile forms on his lips as he slams back into you. He chuckles as you begin to lose it under him again, the sight of your unraveling was pure entertainment for him. He was well aware of just how good he puts it on you.
He stands up and spreads your cheeks apart while observing the view.
“I love seeing your pretty pussy take this dick. Why’s that pussy so good, hmm?” He grunts out.
Dean halts and draws back so only the tip is in.
“I said, why is that pussy so good?” he squeezes your face between his hand and turns your head to him, making you look up at him in the eyes as he rams in and out of you, leaving you silently gasping for air. Rolls of the orgasms he gave you just moments ago were still coming over you.
“I think I need to fuck you before every match.” 
He picks his pace back up, filling you entirely. Bending down, his lips swipe across yours, teasing your desperate mouth.
“I bet you’d like that. Wouldn’t you? Tearing that pussy up every game.”
You look back to find his eyes piercing into yours as he strokes you down. He had you exactly where he wanted you: under him, stretched and slutted out. He was driving you insane.
You moan in response, feeling his wood flesh you out like there was no tomorrow. The idea of being fucked by him every match was both exhilarating and dangerous. You knew it would be hard to resist him before every match, knowing he had pent up aggression for the quidditch field. It was intimidating how easily he dominated you like this. But right now, all you could think about was how good it made you feel, being his little cum bucket.
“Yes,” you gasp out, “I want you to fuck me every game.”
“That’s what I like to hear. You always spread your legs for me like a good fucking whore, no matter the time or place.”
His features soften and his eyebrows furrow in. He closes his eyes and crashes lips to yours, groaning in your mouth. His strokes deepened inside you to the back of your walls, he wouldn’t dare to pull back a single inch, he wanted to feel all your tightness around him. You clench your pussy lips as he rests balls deep inside you, the pleasure mixing in the pain of his shaft hitting your cervix sent you over once more. You bend further across the trunk, trying to process all the sensations he was giving you, shying from his stroke.
Dean pulls you back, burrying his cock deeper than he was before. You whimper through another nut with teary eyes and slippery sweat all over your body. There wasn’t any words you could fathom that could explain the bliss he was fucking into you. 
“Don’t run, baby. Be a good girl, take it.” he whispers, watching your face go through levels of rapture.
He pauses and strokes one more time, steadying himself before giving you another row of toe curling plows. Retracting out and immediately ramming right back in. He continuously rips into you, not giving you a single moment to gather yourself. 
“Take it. Take all this fucking dick. I missed this pussy too much. I missed you so much baby!” 
His voice cracks into a deep tone, moaning out all his nasty thoughts to you, “You feel so good, you always do. My pretty little whore.”
And just like that, hearing him talk nasty to you sparks the freak in you to life. You start fucking him back, applying all the pressure to his cock.
“Yes baby. I’m a fucking whore. I’m your whore.” You screech out.
You were gone, completely lost in the heat of passion. Dean bought out filthy taboo in you that you didn’t even know had a place in your desires.
“Use me like a fucking toy. I’m just an object for your cum. Nut inside me.”
“Oh fuckkkk.”
His cum shoots against the back of your core. As much as he tried, he couldn’t hold back the roaring moan that left his mouth. You felt his load fill you to the brim as it oozed outside your slit and down the back of your thighs.
“Damn girl, what the…fuck. I haven’t nut that good in a minute…” He weakly pants, his body going limp against yours.
You tiredly chuckle, too exhausted to try to speak, basking in all the high sensations still running through your body.
He doesn’t pull out, he smiles and moves the strands of hair that were slicked against your face behind your ear.
“So that’s what you like? Being my toy?” He inquisitively mumbles between huffs, leaving soft pecks against your bare skin.
You freeze in embarrassment, wanting to hide from his grasp and gaze.
“Oh my g- I don’t even know why I said that. I say stupid shit when we fuck.”
“Well hold on now, who said it was stupid?”
You cover your face in embarrassment with your hand. Sure, the thought of him using you like a fleshlight is enough to make you cum from the thought alone but you couldn’t admit that to him, that was sensitive information for only you, your toys and your spank bank to know. Plus, it would only make him more arrogant knowing how much power play gets you off.
“If you’d allow it, I think you’d make a perfect beautiful tight toy for me.” He caresses your thigh,  soothing over the indented marks of his fingers from digging into your skin.
He brings your hands from your face as he hardens inside you, already ready to make a slut out of you again.
You gasp and look at him with widened eyes. “Already?” 
“Baby, you actually feel like heaven…can you blame me?” He tilts his head and smiles that cocky all knowing smile.
“You’re such a slut.” you laugh off.
“That makes two of us, sweetheart.”
He gives you a kiss accompanied by slow strokes. You coo from the soreness of your walls being worn out but you ached for another round, his sex was a pleasurable craving you would never get enough of.
From a far distance, you can hear a crowd of people chatting and laughing. 
“Fuck. Shit. What time is it?” Dean abruptly tugs his full length out of you, pulling up his shorts.
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“I’m not sure? I lost track of time ages ago.” You frantically look around you and over the trunk for your underwear.
Dean helps you look around and remembers he put it in the pocket of his shorts when he was undressing you.
“I think you’ll be needing this.” 
He gets down on his knees and helps you put the panties back on, wiping his cum away from your thighs with a gym towel from the equipment basket. He slows his pace when he draws his touch up to your hips. You raise your brows, wondering why he stops rushing.
He lays a kiss on you clit against the fabric and looks up at you with bright eyes and a smirk, caressing the back of your thigh.
“You free after the game? I have a feeling I’ll be needing to use my toy.”
“What? You ask now with people right outside? You know you can just text me after the game.”
He stands up and pulls you by your waist into him.
“I could, but I wanna hear you say it.”
He bites down on his bottom lips, waiting for the magic words. You antsily look at the exit of the tent, ready for players to start rolling in at any moment.
“Dean! They’re right outside.”
He raises his brows, not budging to let go of you. Either he didn’t give a fuck that anyone knew you were fucking or he was just that naturally bold and stubborn. You were sure it was the latter. Either way, you couldn’t resist his charm.
“Yes, I have a free period after your game to fuck.” You submit, coyly smiling and rolling your eyes.
Satisfied, he presses his lips against yours. “Good girl.”
“Okay, now I’m leaving.” you say against his kiss and step away to head for the exit.
“Yeah, get of here ya’ weirdo! Why are you in the male changing tents anyways? Pervert!” He exclaims loud enough for even the people outside to hear.
You halt and turn back at him in disbelief, breaking into laughter.
“You’re fucking annoying, you know that?”
“You love it.” He chuckles and gives your ass a quick slap.
You scoff. Before you could give a proper reply, the male cohort of the quidditch team enter into the tent.
“Morning Dean…and Y/K?” Ron approaches.
“Left my phone in the common room last night. Good thing Y/K is like totally obsessed with me and knew I had a game this morning.” Dean jokes, mimicking an American valley girl accent, “She came and dropped it off for me first thing.” he shoots you a wink as he makes the sneaky innuendo.
The balls on this guy. Unbelievable. You had to admit, it was fucking sexy though.
“Well that’s the last time I do that. I’ll just let the house elves take it to lost and found next time.”
He laughs. “That’s fair. Thanks anyways bro.”
Bro. Oh he’s really selling it, this guy needs an academy. You’re aware he’s only showing face but for crying out loud, it’s too soon, his cum is still warm inside you. No matter the fuss though, it’s him who’s gonna be moaning baby when you ride the brakes off him later.
You look once over at Ron then shoot Dean a thin lipped smile.
“Don’t mention it, bruv. Just focus on winning, we don’t need any more house points to Slytherin. Knock em’ dead.” 
His brow cocks up as he squints, catching all the shade you’re throwing his way. It was written all over his face, he didn’t like that. 
“Cheers.” Ron exclaims with a big grin.
You turn on your heels and make for the exit. The way you keep up antics to hide your affair in front of others was Oscar worthy at this point. Although it kept things on the hush-hush, it was exhausting. But my oh my, did Dean hate it. He was a poor example for a fuck buddy. He talked a good game but at the heart of it all, he was sensitive, needed reassurance from time to time and to be claimed out loud. If you knew what it would take for him to stop ignoring you, you would’ve acted on that weeks ago. At least that was the one thing you had over him, you knew Dean Thomas’s secret longing to be wanted and loved. 
As selfish as it was, now that you knew his little secret, you now have the upper hand over this situationship. He’s not the only king of hearts anymore; you’re right besides him, sitting pretty on the throne for the queen.
As you leave, you raise your skirt higher, leaving a little cheek out and sway your hips as you exit, giving Dean a cheeky tease. Just enough to make him stiff in his shorts and sexually frustrated. You glance back and see Dean adjusting and tucking away his wood. Laughter erupts from you as you walk out the tent, it was actually hilarious how easy you make him fold.
You were sure you’re gonna catch some heat for it later.
But now after this morning, you realized you like how vexed he gets from your stunts of the need for attention.
Well, solely because it makes him fuck you harder.
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Title: Tell Me What You Like {One Shot} **
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Alfie Enoch x Reader
Warning: Cursing, NSFW, SMUUT, Teasing
Words: 3.6k
Summary: You and Alfie have been together for nine months, and he’s been respectful of your vow to finish out the year celibate. That does not mean he doesn’t get off on teasing the f**k out of you.
Note: Thank you to the person who suggested number 77 with Alfie. Hope you guys like this. The inspo line is in bold. Also, Italic text is something that happened in the past.
Thank you all so much for reading, I appreciate it.
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***NOT Edited/Proofread***
The feel of his large hands as they cupped your ass was phenomenal. Your back arched sending your spine inward and your ass out. He groaned on your lips making you unintentionally buck against him. As soon as your core nudged against the hardness in his lap, he groaned. The vibrations rocked you to the bone and awoke such a hunger in you that made you drop right into his lap. Alfie’s hands enveloped you so perfectly that you knew this was the only place you were truly meant to be. When his teeth sank into your bottom lip, you knew that he could take whatever the hell he wanted from you, no matter what it was.
 His voice was rugged, raspy, and filled with lust.
 “Who’s tempting whom now?”
 You smiled before you doubled down kissing him as if his lips were the long-awaited rain after a drought. Alfie moaned against you and allowed you to rock your heated core against his rock-hard erection. The only sounds in the living room of your apartment were your combined moans and the steady tick of the clock on the wall behind you. No matter how long he kissed you, you couldn’t get enough. You knew you were tipping on the verge of insanity from your chosen celibacy, but it was this moment you realized how close you really were.
 Before you’d met Alfie, you’d broken up with you lying, good for nothing but a mediocre fuck boyfriend, Troy after catching him with one of your friends—or so-called friends. Turned out they’d had a thing going on for months without you even suspecting because you were so wrapped up in him and the sex. The night of the breakup, your friends had taken you out for drinks which turned into bottle after bottle of liquor down your throat. In no time, you were fucked up and when it came time to go home, the four of you had chosen to walk.
 You walked past the cathedral on Simmons Street, St. Bartholomew of Ignatius, and in your drunken haze you felt it calling to you, telling you to come in. Your friends tried to pull you away, but you slipped inside without them knowing. From the moment you stepped inside, you found yourself in awe of the architecture and ornate designs that depicted the story of Christ. The so-called story wasn’t what gripped you it was the quiet you felt in your head and heart. It was a quiet that you hadn’t had the entire day because you were so heartbroken.
 You didn’t feel the pain or hear the screaming voices of your insecurities telling you all the reasons why he’d cheated, the reasons why you weren’t good enough. You’d only meant to sit for a few moments but that had turned into a full thirty-minute gawk fest. It was there on that night of your breakup in that cathedral that gave you silence that you made your vow. You’d vowed that you would forgo any and all sex for a year to properly heal and rediscover yourself and own your worth and power. You vowed to never allow sex to make you so hooked on a man that you didn’t see what was right in front of you. You’d vowed it out loud and with conviction behind every single word.
 Then you bawled right there for the last time and when you looked up there Alfie was holding out a packet of Kleenex for you with the softest look in his eyes. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought twice about that vow you’d just made, or if you said you didn’t think about reneging and proposing to start tomorrow, after you rode him into the sunset. You’d thought it all in the minute he stood there with the Kleenex. Then he spoke.
 It wasn’t a dignified reply, but neither was what he’d said.
 “Wanker. It’s the new name of the complete dolt that hurt you because that’s what he is, a wanker.”
 And that was how it started. You talked for an hour in the cathedral then he put you in a taxi. The next afternoon you found his number in your pocket. It took you two days to muster up the courage to call and then you’d had lunch. You couldn’t get over how gorgeous he was, couldn’t get over how much you were attracted to him but really enjoyed sitting and talking with him. One lunch turned to two, then dinners and finally breakfasts. When you’d found yourself at an art exhibit as his plus one weeks later you already knew he was a danger to your vow. The next night you brought it up.
 “This is probably going to suck to hear, and I probably should have told you sooner because I would hate to have been galivanting with someone for weeks without knowing--,”
 “You’re rambling.”
 “I know.”
 “I’m nervous, it’s a—thing I do when I’m—nervous.”
 “Why are you nervous?”
 He took your hands and held them between your bodies as you stood in front of your apartment door. His smile was warm, and those same soft eyes gazed at you with nothing but tenderness.
 “Because I have to tell you something.”
 “Tell me. It’s okay, you can tell me anything.”
 You took a deep breath and prayed you didn’t fuck this up. “The night we met--.”
 “In the cathedral.”
 You nodded. “Yes.”
 “What about it.”
 “Right before we met, I’d—I made a vow swearing off sex. I made a vow of celibacy for a year.”
 You stared at him trying to read his face, trying to get any clue that he was upset, or disappointed from hearing it. He didn’t look upset or disappointed. He was smiling.
 “I know. I was sitting across the pew from you. You made your vow out loud—pretty loudly in fact.”
 Your eyed widened.
 “I did?”
 Alfie nodded. “Yep. The priest who was sitting beside me looked very proud of that vow you made.”
 You busted out laughing then. Of course, a priest would look proud. He probably thought another one was returning to the flock. Sike, whatever, you thought!
 “Is this why you’ve been weird all night? Were you worried about telling me this? Did you think I’d be angry?”
 You nodded again.
 Alfie pulled you a little closer toward him. “Y/N, I’m not interested in having sex with you.”
 Your eyes widened as you scrunched your nose. “What?”
 It was his turn to laugh now, “That came out wrong. I know about your vow, and I respect it. I respect you. I didn’t approach you or spend all this time getting to know you to make you break your vow. I wanted to know you; I still want to know you. I don’t care about the sex. Matter of fact, I’ve been thinking about that and I’m going to join you on that vow. No sex for a year.”
 Your jaw dropped.
 “W—wh—why would you do that?”
 Alfie smiled then brought your hands to his lips where he brushed them against your knuckles. It was such a simple move, but it was also the sweetest. It was also the first time he’d made any intimate contact with you. No cheek kiss, no hug, no leisure arm around your shoulder, nothing. This being the first meant so much more. He was respecting your body and the boundaries that you’d put in place but was still showing you his intentions.
 “Because I truly want to know every single thing about you before I know your body. I want you to know me inside long before you know me outside. I want you to be so certain about me and my intentions and feelings for you that there is no doubt in your mind that I’m a good man for you.”
 You stood there for so long just staring at each other allowing the moment to press to memory. It was perfect.
 Alfie’s hands moved to grasp your thighs holding your firmly.
 “You’re driving me crazy, love.”
 You loved when he called you that. It always made you feel like a giddy schoolgirl. Stifling your giggle, you bit your bottom lip.
 “I like to drive you crazy.”
 Alfie’s smile was predatory, dangerous but oh so sexy. “Let me return the favor.”
 “Do you trust me?”
 Your heart skipped a beat from his question. You already knew the answer to this, he knew it too.
 “I do.”
 His smile told you how much he loved hearing you say it. He kissed you once then swiftly flipped you onto your back on the extended length of your sectional.
 “Let me make you feel good.”
 Oh god you thought as your heart sped up.
 “Alfie--,” you cautioned.
 “I’m not talking about sex, Y/N. Remember I’m on the same page as you, the same sentence even. I just--.” He stretched dropping his lips to the crook of your neck. “Want to make you--.” He kissed your jaw. “Feel--.” Placing another kiss right on your sweet spot you zealously moaned. “Good.”
 His voice was so deep the rumble from him washed over your entire body. It wanted him. You wanted him. These nine months had been wonderfully torturous. You felt things for him you’d never felt before both romantically and sexually. Of course, neither of you ever crossed that line but it was easy to be tempted and tempted you were. You’d gone to bet with plenty of blue bean from how badly you wanted more from him.
 “Can I make you feel good, love?”
 You nodded. Alfie smiled again before he kissed you sucking your bottom lip before nibbling it. Your moan quickly escaped you. The man was so good at kissing it was unbelievable. He could kiss you to orgasm, kiss you until your knees were weak. When his lips moved to your collar, your back arched off the couch. You could feel his hand slowly skimming up your leg, over the back of your calf, around to your kneecap, then to your inner thigh. His soft fingers sent chills through your body and molten lava in your panties.
 “Fuck,” you whispered.
 Alfie moaned as he watched you writhe underneath him. All he could do was admire every clothed inch of you. He’d had plenty of dreams about you, plenty of daydreams that ended in him rock hard from just the thought of your what your moan sounded like, or how you looked with your lip trapped between your teeth. He glanced to your face and lost it then. He had his answer to that question. You were breathtaking.
 “You’re so gorgeous.”
 You smiled and reached your hand out to him cupping his jaw. He placed a kiss in your palm then trapped a finger in his mouth. Using both his hands, he dipped under your dress to hook his fingers in the waist of your underwear. Slowly, he pulled them off never breaking eye contact with you. The level of trust you were giving him was intoxicating and he loved you even more for it than he already did. When he came away with your underwear, he held it up and watched you watch it as he dropped it. He could smell the sweetness waiting for him between your thighs, the sweetness that was beckoning to him and he prayed he was a strong enough man to give you everything you needed, everything you deserved.
 When the backs of his fingers swiped across your core your back sprung off the couch as if you’d felt an electric spark that pulled you upward.
 He wanted to look at the treasure you held for him, but he fought the urge and kept your dress right where it was. He swiped his fingers back and forth, back and forth each time he went across your clit he added a little flick of his middle finger which put you in overdrive. Each time he did it, he sent himself closer to the certainty of him not getting any sleep once he was home.
 “Alfie,” you said barely above a whisper. He could hear the need in your voice and God did he want to taste it on your lips.
 Unable to resist, he snaked up your body to claim your lips just as you said his name once again. You wrapped your tongue around his and moaned kissing him with everything you had. The sloppiness of how you kissed him snapped something in him, something he was grasping so tightly. He was intending to tease your pearl and make you whimper and wail before you begged him for more, but he just wanted to feel you clenching around his fingers as you came apart.
 Nudging two fingers into you, your head angled back as you gasped. He slowly slid deeper and deeper until he retreated barely having made it halfway. When he pulled them out, you grunted. He dipped in again and repeated the action this time curling his fingers slightly, you gasped loudly but when he felt you clench, he retreated. This time you groaned.
 “Alfie,” you whined.
 He kissed your chin and kept his eyes on you. There was no way he could look away he was that transfixed by you.
 “Yes, my love.”
 He circled his fingers just at your opening keeping you empty even as you wriggled in an attempt to take what you needed from him.
 “More,” you whispered.
 “More? More what love?”
 “More everything. Please.”
 He groaned dropped his forehead to rest on your ribs. If your moans did something to him, you begging for him ruined him. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to control his breathing and his own desires. When he felt he was strong enough, he wanted you to have this. He hovered over your face then kissed you once then twice.
 “Mmm, tell me what you like,” he whispered.
 He dipped his fingers in once again but stilled waiting for your words. You lifted your head and locked eyes with him and what he saw there would have destroyed a weaker man, but he held tight to his own control. Was it easy? In no way shape or form. Were you worth it? Without a doubt.
 “More,” you whined.
 Obeying, he slid deeper an inch then stopped.
 He continued then hesitated as he felt you clench around his digits. A throaty moan escaped him, and he watched your pupil blow out. Fuck, he thought. You wanted him as much as he wanted you.
 Your voice was shakier, more desperate and he decided to give you what you needed. Plunging his fingers to your depths, he bottomed out. Your head lulled back but he cupped your skull bringing your eyes back to him.
 “At me, love. Keep those beautiful eyes on mine. I want to see the moment you cum on my fingers. I want to see the moment your body gives in to me and declares me its master.”
 You bucked on him as your thighs closed together trapping his hand.
 He released your head and used his free hand to easily pry your thighs apart. Pressing one to the couch, he began retreating his fingers only to plunge them right back inside of you.
 “Oh god! More.”
 He pressed his thumb to your clit, then circled it using your own wetness to ease his glide.
 “Fuck, you’re so wet, mm. So wet and so tight.”
 You gasped as his fingers curled inside of you. He massaged the ridged mass inside of you and watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
 “Fuck! Faster Alfie, faster!”
 He plowed into you faster speeding his thumb in the process. Your moans poured from you, but they couldn’t drown out the squelch of sounds your wetness produced. He was going to lose his mind and cum right in his pants, he knew it. He just hoped you wouldn’t judge him for it.
 “More. Yes! Right there, faster. Deeper. Fuck me.”
 Your body rocked along with his hand helping him fuck you, helping him bring you to your precipice. The way you clamped around his fingers told him you were close and no matter what happened around him there was no way he could look away from you as you barreled closer and closer to your release.
 “Yes Alfie. Oh my god.”
 He added a third finger and moved at such a pace your body jerked with the force of his movements. Your core dripped sending your juices all over his hand tempting him to lick it clean.
 “Such a good little pussy you have here, love. It’s so greedy. So wet and needy for me.”
 You nodded your head agreeing implicitly. The look in your eyes said you were so far gone, but when you yanked him to you to claim his lips, he knew just how close he was too. You moaned together, writhed together, ran speeding together to your shared release.
 “This pussy wants you so fucking much,” you whimpered against his lips.
 Holy hell that was all he needed to hear before he was release spurt after spurt in his pants like a bloody amateur. You screech, clamped down on his fingers then arched your back before you sent a gush over his fingers. He didn’t stop he fucked you through it, curling his fingers and pressing on the nerves there sending you further over the edge. When your body convulsed, he slowed his movements to steady rocking as he slowly withdrew from your drenched core centimeter by centimeter.
 Again, he pressed his thumb to your numb and slowly circled it making your body break out in small tremors as you slowly came back to yourself. He was mesmerized, utterly and completely. How could he not be?
 When your head lifted to find him, you found his eyes on you and those amber eyes were so different now than they had been before. You couldn’t place what it was, but you wanted to know. You watched Alfie lift his hand from between your legs and the way it glistened caught your eye. The tendrils of embarrassment tried to grip you but when you saw him place the very fingers that had been inside of you moments ago into his mouth those tendrils shooed away. Alfie sat there sucking his fingers clean.
 “I think I’ve found my new and last favorite flavor, love.”
 Holy shit, you thought as you came again. What the actual fuck?
 When he realized what had just happened, he groaned. “You’re trying to send me to an insane asylum, aren’t you?”
 You sat up and started moving to him, but he held his hands out. “Stay there.”
 “Why? What’s wrong?”
 “I don’t want you to see what you’ve done to me.”
 Your brow quirked from the confusion you felt, but he didn’t attempt to clarify.
 “What do you mean?”
 Alfie sighed then shook his head as he pointed at his lap. You inched lower and looked. There was a large wet spot on the front of his jeans right below a rather large imprint that was still very much hard. Your eyes widened as realization washed over you.
 “Did you--.”
 “Cum all over my bloody self like a twelve-year-old boy? Yep. Am I embarrassed? Absolutely.
 Your smile was soft. “Alfie don’t be embarrassed. Christ you just made me cum all over myself, like a lot.”
 He smirked. “Still, I thought I had more control.”
 You slipped off the couch and sank onto his lap right over his granite sword. Alfie groaned while his eyes went lazy, and his cock lurched underneath you against your clit.
 “Fuck this is dangerous, love.”
 You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
 “Do you know what it feels like to know you want me so much that you couldn’t control yourself and had to cum all over yourself?”
 He snorted and shook his head at your candidness.
 “So, so good. These last months you’ve kept yourself so tightly wound that I didn’t even know if you were attracted to me. I didn’t even know if you wanted to have sex with me.”
 He cupped your jaw then holding you still before him. “Don’t ever doubt how attracted to you I am or how much I want you. I do, I just--.”
 You kissed him stopping his words because there wasn’t a need for them. You knew what he meant.
 “I know baby, I know, and I love you so much for all of this.”
 The way he looked at you made butterflies flit in your belly. “I love you too.”
 You wrapped in each other enjoying the closeness you felt to one another after what you’d just shared. Somehow, it felt like so much more than anything you’d ever shared with another man. It was right now you both realized that waiting to be together was the best decision you’d made.
 “Safe to say in three months I am going to tear that ass up and own it the way you were just begging me to and you’re going to tell me just how you like it,” Alfie muttered his voice husky, and filled with so much promise.
 After tonight you had no doubt he could more than deliver and you couldn’t wait though you knew you weren’t going to be able to sit right for a week.
@caramara3 @chaneajoyyy​ @caplover22​ @lovebittenbyevans @mauvecherie @momobaby227 @disaster-rose @ovohanna24 @suchahautemess @po3ticb3auty @shar74nett @sweetst24 @queenoftheworldisdead @dersha89 @pricklypear @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @1andonlytashae @judymfmoody @keytodespair @kenequa @triton08 @skyesthebomb @shipatheart
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chaneajoyyy · 1 year
More Alfie Enoch???
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Hey hey tumblr world! I’m a new fanfic/imagine writer!!!
My request box is open and ready so plz send ur requests my way!!
I’ll write for mostly any fandom so don’t hesitate lol I’m new to this so please help a girl out 😂
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The First Night In Rio (Oneshot)
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Summary: Last year you had more losses than wins, so when the opportunity to go to Carnival in Brazil came along, it was the healing getaway you needed. Along the way, you meet a beautiful stranger at the club who provides you with the sexual healing you also needed.
**I’m terrible with summaries but you get the gist. 😉
Warnings: Drinking, Swearing, Peeping Tom Behaviour, Unprotected sex, SMUT, interactive, public sex, cheating
Word count: 7.7K
Paring: Alfred Enoch x Reader
(Only slightly edited | only proofread once!)
Thank heavens, the year was finally over. 2022 was filled with nothing but heartbreak, worrisome regrets, and waves of pain that kept you up every night, leaving puddles of tears on your childhood plushies that always knew how to soothe you. Without your plushies, your go-to sappy playlist on Spotify, and your favorite California red wine, you were sure the earth would've swallowed you whole.
In March, your fiancé of two years, Elijah, called off the engagement without explanation or closure. He left you standing there speechless, surrounded by the half-empty apartment the two of you shared, with just a brief goodbye and dirty dishes in the sink.
 "I think it's best this way. We were never gonna make it," he said bluntly.
As Elijah's belongings were already packed and out of sight, you were left to cancel the wedding invitations and hires alone. Elijah didn't even bother to help cancel the suppliers and planner, leaving all the nitty-gritty, heart-aching tasks to you. Your best friend of ten years, Iyana, was by your side the entire time, helping you tick everything off the wedding disaster checklist. That was the easy part.
Administrative tasks come naturally to you, but the hard part was the inevitable loneliness and continuous questioning of "Why?" when you slept on his side of the bed at night, smelling his cologne in the sheets and trying to hold onto what was and the remnants of his love that was no longer there.
The endless headaches from crying and lack of self-care due to the cold sting of depression left you in a mess.
In November, you finally received an answer to your "why" about Elijah. It was during a wine and movie night with your friends, and you were beginning to forget about him, even if only for the moment. That is until Iyalna asked you to call her phone because she thought she had left it in her car.
"Got you, girl. I'll call it now," you said, tapping open your phone and dialing her number.
"Thanks, lovely," Iyalna said as she headed out the door.
You could hear muffled buzzing coming from the kitchen. "Iy, I think it's here!" you called out, but there was no response. "Oh, she can't hear me. She must have gotten on the elevator already..." you thought, following the sound of her phone.
You peeled back a bag of chips that was hiding her phone and pressed down on the home button to turn off the vibration.
Elijah - 2 Messages
Wait, Elijah? Your Elijah? Why would he be texting her?
Two seconds hadn't gone by, and your curiosity got the best of you. You usually respected boundaries and were not a nosy person, but this called for investigation. You unlocked her phone. You didn't know what to expect, but nothing could have prepared you for what you saw next.
"Can't you just cancel on Y/N tonight? I swear she asks to see you almost every week. She's so needy, like a sad little puppy 🙁"
"I miss you. Come home soon."
"Also, I'm staying up for when you get back. I may or may not have bought you something that I want to use on you. 😏"
Hell broke loose when you confronted Iyalna with the texts. Extensions were pulled out, and blood was drawn that night. Your other girlfriends had to pull you off of her. 
It was a nasty sight but you felt no regrets. A good ass-whooping was all the closure you needed. In a way, you were grateful for the falling out. It answered all of your questions and remedied the painful nights you experienced daily. From that moment, you were completely done with fiances, dating, best friends, and overall letting people into your vulnerable and annoyingly soft heart. 
Although you were satisfied with the end result of the whole situation, you felt the burn of two heartbreaks double-time over. You painted on a happy face every day, but you were subconsciously in agony, mourning people who you thought were your soulmates.
Something as devastating as what you experienced called for a life cleanse. By December, you challenged yourself to enjoy life without dating or romance, and without allowing people to toy with or manipulate your heart behind your back. Your emotional wall was up like a barricade on a battlefield.
Sure, this choice of yours had some toxic holes, but it kept you safe. And that's exactly what you wanted: a sense of comfort and "peace".
The agreement you made with yourself did have its perks, you must admit. You learned the beauty of saying "No" to things you had no desire to participate in, whether romantically or platonically. But this boundary was bittersweet; friends started inviting you out less and less, and eventually, you forgot what it was like to be touched by someone with the desire to connect with you on a deeper level.
January was kicking off with a bang. You had taken all your energy and put it into your job at Beleza Do Mar, the most prestigious beauty and wellness company in North and South America. As a social media marketing manager, you spent day and night pushing out magnificent results that exceeded expectations. So much so that work had become your crutch, a rewarding replacement for any kind of relationship.
In fact, you were working so hard that your boss took note and became both pleased and worried. You were working from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., beyond the usual hours. Psyched up on caffeine and adderall, you sometimes even forgot to clock out and return home. But your presence and dedication were definitely noticed.
One afternoon, after another sleepless night at the office, your boss, Maya, called you into her office.
"So, Y/K, your performance has been phenomenal," she said.
"Thank you. I just want to make sure everything is perfect," you replied, your finger jittering with the hem of your skirt due to the five black coffees you've already downed that morning.
"Yes. Everyone appreciates all the work you've been doing. You've raised our sales numbers just from your insight." A thin-lipped smile formed on her lips. "But..." she lingered, her smile slowly fading into a stern gaze.
"Yes?" You knit your eyebrows together in confusion.
"But at Beleza Do Mar, we can't possibly - or legally - allow you to work more than 38 hours a week. I looked at your clock card online, and you've been working 45 hours per week."
"I don't see the issue. I've been acing every project that's come my way, plus handling the extra tasks of everyone in my team and picking up slack in Communications."
"That's the problem. You're working seven hours beyond our full-time employee bandwidth, and that's not even including the wellness seminars and out-of-office engagements that have been assigned to you." She showed a downward smile as her brows narrowed together. It was as if it was painful to present you with this news.
"So...am I...fired? Please don't tell me I'm fired." Your stomach churned. "This job is all I have left." you say, feeling a teensy bit pathetic, but you couldn’t help being so transparent, it was the truth. This job was your be-all and end-all at the moment.
Your boss quickly jumped to your relief. "Y/N, I know you've had a difficult year. I share my sympathy with you. I know things haven't been easy for you. Beleza Do Mar is a wellness company, and we don't find pleasure or joy in overworking our staff..."
You stared at her, eyes wide open and heart racing, waiting for her to continue.
"We are giving you an all-expenses-paid holiday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with three extra invitations for guests of your choosing. It's a yearly trip that the higher-ups go to for Carnival. One of the vice presidents called in sick and couldn't go, so it's been passed down. I figured, out of everyone, you would benefit from the trip the most." She paused, breathing in, and a fixed grin grew on her face. "This is off the record, but my love, you need a break. You've been working yourself to the bone. This would be an enlightening time to go to Rio, smell the flowers, and connect your feet to the welcoming soil of the mother..." She smiled with a glint almost shining off her holy teeth, "Mother Earth, that is."
Of course, she would say that. She's a homeopathic vegan doula turned executive president for a company that was in Forbes' "The Global 200" list. This was something that you could never quite get your head around. She's a product of the company, you guessed.
"I understand...and am extremely grateful. I just can't up and leave my job. I have bills to pay," you said, mumbling the last bit.
"No need to worry about that, flower child. We are covering all the days you are on holiday. You'll be paid for every workday, limitless room service, plus per diems that are quite gracious, if you ask me."
Your posture relaxed in your chair as you heard this. This sounded like a dream. Almost too good to be true.
"What about my projects?"
"Not your problem while on holiday. I'll have Jennie in Socials take care of everything. All you have to worry about is what you're wearing for Carnival and lathering up on Beleza Do Mar 50+ sunscreen while you're there. The South American sun takes no prisoners, trust me." She cheerfully informed you.
You let out a sigh of relief while pondering over your options. Though you had arising work questions and tried to fix made-up dilemmas to protest about, you took a minute to sit on the idea of a holiday. You looked back up to Maya, who had her computer screen turned around to show you the five-star resort you'd be staying at.
A plunge pool and limitless room service didn't sound too bad. You hesitated to respond, quickly gathering your thoughts.
"I mean...I have nothing to lose. Why not..." A thought of consolation eased into your mind as you eyed the kind luxurious bed shown in the photos on the laptop.
You couldn't help the goofy smile as you gave your answer. "Okay, I'll take the holiday."
Maya let out a high-spirited "Fabulous!" followed by reassuring elements about the trip that were sure to put your anxiety-driven mind at bay.
Carnival in Brazil? That was an event you'd always wanted to go to. Once you put your over-eager girl-boss demeanor aside, you were shyly beaming with joy.
What were the odds of this trip falling into your lap? If you needed a sign from God that you deserved some sense of calm after the storm, this was it.
"Okay, and are you wearing the skin-toned sheer tights I bought you with your carnival outfit?" your mom blissfully asks.
"No, Mom. My legs look fine just as they are," you say.
"Sweetie, I told you your cellulite looks like a striped Bengal tiger. It's beautiful, I just love it! Nature, gorgeous. But don't you think you'll catch more bees if your honey is hidden? Or however that saying goes," she blurts out, not even thinking once to mince her words.
"What? I'm only saying what I think is right. Plus, it's your father's fault you have that backside. Those Y/L/N genes are too potent."
"Oh my god, I'm not speaking about this right now," you blatantly state while shaking your head as the bellboy at the luxurious hotel you're staying at packs your bags onto the luggage carrier, guiding your group into the entrance of the accommodation.
February whined around, and eventually, you found yourself in Rio, ready to get blind drunk, dance until your hips go numb, and practice the Portuguese that you've been learning on Duolingo for the past month. Unfortunately, with the price of unbreakable boundaries, you've burned more bridges than you could count on your fingers, so those three extra tickets you were given were going to waste until you mentioned the trip to your family in a group Facetime. By the time you accidentally mentioned that you didn't have anyone to attend Carnival with, your little sister and mother already volunteered themselves to fill the spot, along with your mother's best friend, Tamara. There was no turning back when they decided they were coming, plus you could use the familiar company. You've been lonely in the city for what felt like centuries.
You near the front desk, tapping the bell as no one is around to attend to you.
Your little sister, Nia, already has her phone out, capturing every second to post on her Instagram story.
"Nia, delete that. Now."
"What? No way. This is funny as fuck. It's only going on my close friends."
"We just landed like 30 minutes ago, and you're already airing out my business? You are unbelievable." You aim to take her phone, but her hand slaps your movement out of the way, and suddenly, the two of you were squabbling over her phone, making a scene in front of everyone watching.
Embarrassment was an understatement, but you were more embarrassed at the thought of her friends in your hometown reporting to their older siblings that your whole derriere was up for shits and gigs.
"Girls stop, you're being ridiculous," your mother says as she takes selfies with Aunt Tamara, already basking in the vacation vibes.
Who would have thought you and your 20-year-old sister would already be bickering over Instagram posts at 7 PM in the afternoon of the beautiful paradise that is Brazil? You were grown but not too grown to put your little sister in her place.
From an earshot, you hear the concierge clear their throat and speak out loudly.
"Boa tarde senhorita (Good Afternoon, miss), how may I help you?"
You instantly end the debacle and give your attention to the front desk, straightening out your clothes and readjusting your hair.
You force a toothy smile as you respond, "Hi, I'd like to check in. We are under Y/L/N. There are four of us."
"Si, let me just check…alright, we have you in our presidential suite. I'll just have to grab identification, and I can get the keys for you."
Presidential suite? Maya wasn't lying when she said this was 5-star, damn!
The handover happened swiftly, and soon you and your family were unlocking the door to the suite.
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All you could hear were gasps as you stepped into the room. Soaking in the rich greenery and smell of sea salt water, you run to the deck outside and take in the beautiful scenery. Your heart welled with lovely goodness; this is exactly what you need.
You were a 10-minute stroll from the beach, the sun was setting in a pink-hued orange bake, and the sound of early festive parties for Carnival was all happening on the beach. You were speechless, just in complete awe.
"This is better than I expected. I'll give it to you. This is amazing," Nia says as she comes up from behind you, joining you at the rail of the suite.
She was right; this is beyond amazing.
"Thanks. I'm just happy we're here." You childishly raise a brow and look over at Nia, not being able to hide your giddiness; a smile creeps up on your lips.
"What? Not mad anymore?" She asks.
"How could I be? Do you see this? I'm just…grateful." A single tear escapes your eyes, exhaling out all the stress, worry, and heartache that you carried with you to Brazil, in complete gratitude.
"Aweeee, look at my big baby. It's okay, let it out." Nia wraps her arms around you, embracing you in a tight squeeze as the two of you look out to waves crashing on the shore.
Feelings stirred and brewed in you; you didn't know what it was, but everything coming into place just made you emotional.
"Y'know, even though you're a bitch sometimes, I'm happy you're here. And I love you," you mumble into her hair, hugging her back.
"I know."
"And I know we might both be jet-lagged, but how does 'First night in Rio, getting fucked up off some shots and funk carioca' before Mom and Aunt Tamara crash our night sound to you?"
"I don't know what funk carioca is, but I heard shots, so I'm in." Nia laughs, resting her head on your chest. "And it's better we fuck off before they start getting into the bar. I don't wanna hear Mom singing any Prince to us tonight."
You and Nia giggle to yourselves at the memory of your mom doing karaoke whenever she gets drunk.
"Let's unpack and take showers. Tonight we get fucking scattered." She exclaimed and cheekily smacks Nia's bottom before heading inside to the suite.
Thanks to Nia's research on the best nightclubs in Rio for young people from Tiktok, the two of you were able to find a hidden gem that played tasteful R&B tunes and served delicious cocktails. As most tourists did not know about this club, the Y/L/N girls were able to stand out, and locals were dancing with and buying drinks for you all night.
After three margaritas and three shots, you were feeling your skin and your confidence was skyrocketing in the outfit Nia picked out for you. She suggested ditching the heels for some flats, as this is something true Brazilians would wear to the club. Thank god you listened to her, as all the girls sported sneakers or sandals.
A local boy who had been buying you drinks all night asked if you wanted to dance, but you declined, saying you were taking a break and feeling tired. He nodded and went to dance with his friends. Although he was cute, he was young, and you would pass him off to your sister. Meanwhile, Nia was preoccupied with a girl with sun-beached curls pressed against the wall of the club, trying to lay some game despite not speaking an ounce of Portuguese. You chuckled to yourself, watching the interaction like quality comedy television.
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After a few songs the girl leaves and you mindlessly watch Nia approach the bar, crossing your legs as you waited for her to get you both a drink. A man with a fine muscular build stood next to Nia. He was tall, rocking a bleached platinum blonde buzz cut, wearing green cargo pants and a fitted singlet with a singular necklace hanging off his neck. He was fine.
He said something in Nia's ear, and she laughed. It seemed that this girl was on a roll, as she had almost every good-looking person at the club trying to make a pass at her. Nia listened to him with a look of confusion on her face, turned, and pointed to you, replying back to the man. He nodded and glanced over at you, a sly smirk on his face. You felt heat rise on your cheeks, wondering what they were talking about.
You awkwardly look down at your phone and press away at random apps, distracting yourself from the handsome strangers gaze. Moments later all you hear is rows of drinks being placed on the table in front of you. They looked like nice fancy cocktails, not the cheap stuff. It turned out that the tall guy Nia met at the bar, who was now sitting in VIP, had ordered every cocktail on the menu for you and Nia. He asked Nia what drink you liked, and she told him cocktails so now you were getting a taste of everyone. You were flattered by the gesture.
Looking up at the sexy stranger, you caught him staring you down with a smug smirk on his lips. It was like he knew his attention had you feeling a type of way. You smile and raise one of the drinks up to him, chucking him a thumbs up as if to gesture that it was a good choice. He licked his lips and nodded his head, not sparing you from his effortless sensual gaze.
You clench your thighs together, already feeling your bud starting to buzz. You glance up at him again, but he was no longer sitting at his table. You look around the club, trying to spot his platinum cut, but you couldn't see through the crowd of people. A sigh escapes your lips. "Well, that was nice. For the short time it lasted," you thought.
"I gotta pee, can you mind the drinks?" You ask Nia.
"Of course!" She says, sipping away on a blue cocktail.
You get up from your seat and head to the restrooms, only to find a long line outside the ladies bathroom. You’ve had too many drinks to wait for 20 minutes; you’re just about ready to make a puddle in the club right now.
You decide to make your way to the male bathroom and barge in, throwing the men in the quarters off guard. 
"I’ve seen it all before, there’s nothing you have that could shock me. Eu eu? Eu só tenho que fazer xixi! (Me me? Me just have to pee)" You exclaim as you walk in. You were 100% sure what you said didn’t make sense, but that was the least of your worries.
The male clubgoers in the bathroom remark sentences to you in Portuguese that you couldn’t make out, but they clearly weren’t pleased, apart from the flirty foreign catcalls and whistles in the mix.
Most of the men clear the room when you entered and you lean against the wall next to a urinal, waiting for a free stall. Out of the corner of your eye, you can just make out the frame of a tall somebody.
You dare to look, finding that tall somebody to be the sexy stranger who bought you the row of cocktails. "Oh…my…god. Fuck." You think, as he lines himself up with the urinal right next to you.
You knew he was attractive but didn’t know he was this fine. It was almost criminal how beautiful he was up close. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your core starts setting off fireworks. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to snap yourself back to reality, but your eyes remained on his beauty.
He lifts his shirt, revealing his marbled abs. He was cut to perfection. A body so heavenly sculpted, it would put Michelangelo’s work to shame. Your eyes fall to his curled snail trail as he unbuttons his belt, peeling the hem of his boxers down. 
He stands completely oblivious to you gawking, as if you blended in with the neon lights and concrete restroom wall. A breeze of his vanilla musk cologne sucks you right back in, and that’s all it takes for you to go feral. Your eyes shamelessly flock down to his manhood, catching a glimpse of just how much wood he was packing.
A low gasp leaves your mouth. You couldn’t hold it back. His member was a shocking 9 inches of lust and astonishing girth. Even on soft, he had a weapon that could demolish your walls, which were already flooded with your slick. Your heartbeat begins racing, matching the beat of your pulsing clit, which had become its own entity at this point, yearning to be fiddled with and sucked on by him.
You look away to hold on to whatever was left of your dignity. Yet when you look ahead, you automatically glue to his reflection in the bathroom mirror, his back muscles flexing as he takes care of his business.
You tightly press your thighs together, trying to put a damper on waves of juices drenching your thong. He chuckles, a sly smirk on his lips. You quickly look away, knowing damn well he caught you out. Heat flushes your cheeks as you throw your hand over your face in embarrassment.
“Shit.” you murmur.
"Eu te mostro o meu se você me mostrar o seu. ('ll show you mine if you show me yours.)"
His voice was deep and warm, inviting even. You didn’t understand what he was saying, but whatever it was, you liked it. 
“Oh- I…shit. I’m sorry!” You apologize, not able to find words for your behavior.
He tilts his head and finally looks at you, smug written all over his face while putting his goods away and zipping up.
“I didn’t mean to look.”
You definitely did.
“I’m just waiting to use the toilet. The line for the women's toilet was packed. I, ah… eu preciso urinar? (I need to use the toilet.)”
He shakes his head, laughing at your attempt to speak his language. He walks over to the sink, not saying a word nor responding to your dramatics. Judging by his silence, you can only assume there was a language barrier.
Going off the fact that he or anyone else in the restroom wasn’t processing a single english word you were saying, you thought, “Fuck it. No one's listening anyways,” then went on to babble your train of thoughts out loud.
“Why? Why do these things happen to me? Why couldn’t I just mind my business? No, I had to be nosy.” 
He watches you in the reflection of the mirror while washing his hands with a pleased look plastered on his face. You want to run away and hide, but his gaze is pouring unholy thoughts into your mind and you like all the nasty things he was making you think.
You just want him to take you to an alley behind the club, pull your skirt up and put all his 9 inches inside you. You know it would hurt, he's too big, he’d leave you creamed with rug burns for days - you're sure of it.
You snap back to reality when a door to one of the toilers opens, and a man exits. Still thinking out loud, you drunkenly narrate to yourself, burping out giggles here and there as you enter the stall.
You relieve your bladder and wipe multiple times, having to thoroughly clean up the vat of slick on your slit. The disgustingly horny effect he had on your body was evident. You were a mess. Drenched panties, swollen clit, and stained inner thighs from your juices. Even your asshole was lubed up enough to pop a plug in.
“What the fuck? I must be ovulating because how did he make me this wet?…There’s so much, so much…”
After using a week's worth of toilet paper, you flush and head out. The nameless sex god was still present, adjusting his chain in the mirror.
You sigh in frustration, walking towards the sink furthest away from him. You can’t help but feel the nasty sting of regret from your sloppiness. He was by far the most attractive person you’ve seen in your entire life. You're sure any chance with him is out of the picture, all because of your cocktail-fueled actions. You're gutted. Although, it doesn’t hurt to look at him. Shit, if anything, it feels good to look at him, you thought.
Pressing the dispenser for soap, his reflection in the mirror is all you can focus on. Your mindless narration isn’t done; you still have thoughts that need to be spoken out loud.
“I just know that dick is crazy. I would’ve fucked the breaks off him.”
You hear the beautiful stranger snort.
"For what it’s worth, I’d rate your Portuguese pretty good for a foreigner." He says, this time in clear English, looking back at you in the mirror.
Your muscles tense up, and your breathing comes to a hitch. God, no…he understood English the entire time? What the fuck.
You can’t believe it. The possibility of him listening to every crazy thought you word vomited out was too much to process.
“And,” he walks over to you, nearing so close you were engulfed in his cologne and could feel heat radiating off his body, “I’d fuck the breaks off you too.”
An English accent drips off his words like honey. You're just about filled to the brim with surprises, but you’d let him fill you even more if it meant hearing that sexy accent moan your name.
“I didn’t mean to say that. I thought you didn’t speak English.”
He places his hand on the wall behind you and leans his face down to yours.
“I beg to differ. I think you did mean it.”
“It was an accident.”
“Right. I think I recall hearing, “How’d he get me so wet?” Was that also an accident?”
You swallow hard, feeling the pulse in your core pick back up.
“Acci-Yes. Accident.” You stutter.
His eyes wander down to your nether region.
“Well, I’d love to taste this accident.”
Fuck, he was smooth.
He retracts his hand from behind you with a fist of paper towels and dries his hands.
You're speechless. So much happened in a matter of seconds that you were lost for words, your mouth fell open but not a single word came out.
He laughs and leaves for the door, leaving you there standing in a state of shock. Your gaze shifts back to the mirror, your face was red and you were almost shaking of pure embarrassment. Before you could debrief and gather yourself, you hear his voice again.
“So, you coming or what?” He leans against the door with an awaiting look on his face.
You look around the bathroom to see who else he would be talking to. There was no one else in view, only you. He wanted you and he was making it obviously clear. You point towards your chest and mouth, “Me?”
“Who else, a namorada? (Sweetheart)”
Goddamnit. That's all you needed to hear.
You take no time to jump to the opportunity and follow the stranger out of the bathroom. He takes your hand which was twice the size of yours and leads you through the cramped crowd of the club. You didn’t bother to ask where he was taking you, you’d follow this man anywhere, anyday.
He guides you to a red VIP queue barrier and nods to the security guard.
“She’s with me. Also another girl.”
He scans the crowd behind you and points out Nia in the crowd to which the guard nods and heads in amongst the dancing bodies towards Nia’s direction.
He whispers in your ear, “Your sister, right?”
You smile. How sweet of him to remember Nia, you like that kind of consideration in a man.
“Sim (Yes), little sister. Thanks for inviting her too.”
His hand was still clasped with yours, he gently squeezed it and flashes you a wink.
You wave at Nia who was now following the guard towards the VIP area you were in, she waves back at you and starts giggling once she sees you with the sexy stranger from the bar. She knows your type, so she knows you’ll be glued to him all night.
You bring you attention back to him and he continue walking down a hall behind the section, and guides you to a room. It was empty besides the aisle of liquor on the wall and couches and seats. You let go of his hand and walked in the room, it was much more fancy and well decorated compared to the rest of the club.
“So what’s this room used for?”
“Depends on the occasion.”
“Is this a part of the package for the section you were in?”
“No.” He clicks the door locked.
You walk to the bar, eyeing down your drink of choice.
“So we’re stealing rooms tonight, are we?”
“My best mate owns the club. We can go to any room of your choosing. I just thought a pretty lady like yourself deserved the best one.”
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at his words. He was charming, but there was something genuine about the way he spoke to you that made you feel special…and seen.
"Well, I appreciate the gesture. So what do you recommend we do in this fancy room of yours?"
"I can think of a few things," he murmurs.
Before you could grab yourself a glass, you feel his body near behind you. You were stuck between him and the bar and it felt amazing to be against his body.
Your heart races as he leans in closer. He clearly wanted you right now but you weren’t gonna give it up that easily, you already made it too well known how eager you were in the bathroom, it’s time to slow down this burn. His breath is hot against your ear.
"But first, let's have a drink. What can I get for you?"
He grabs the glass you were going for and digs into the ice bucket in the sink with it.
“Tequila. And let’s start with the basics...names. We don’t even know eachothers names.”
“I mean I was fine with callin’ you a minha rapariga.”
He grabs the bottle of 1800 on the top shelf.
“And that means?”
“My girl. But I’d love to put a name to your beautiful face”
You snort.
“Good one. It’s Y/K.”
“Y/K? Oh Y/K. I like the way that feels on my lips.”
He pours the 1800 into the glass, no mixer.
“And yours?”
He rotates your hips so you were now facing him, a smirk on his face.
“Alfie, my mates call me Al.”
He moves closer to you, his hand resting on the bar beside yours. "You know, I've been watching you all night," he says, his voice low and seductive. "And I have to say, I've never had anyone steal my attention like you."
Alfie pulls your hips closer to his and lifts the drink up to your lips to which you swallow. He doesn't pull away, he continues feeding you the alcohol until it was finished. You shiver at the sensation, feeling a rush of desire wash over you. 
“All, all, all of it. Good girl.”
The alcohol burned your throat but you didn’t wince, there was something about him talking you through it that gave you all the motivation to stomach the tequila.
Alfie places the glass on the counter and leans in, his lips hovering just inches away from yours.
You feel his breath on your skin and your heart races in anticipation.
"Can I kiss you, Y/K?" he whispers, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
You nod your head, unable to find your voice as your eyes lock onto his. With a gentle touch, he cups your face in his hands and presses his lips against yours.
The kiss is fiery, sending a jolt of desire through your body as his tongue traces your lips, seeking entrance. You open your mouth, allowing him to deepen the kiss as he pulls you closer to him.
His hands roam over your body, tracing the curve of your hips and the swell of your breasts through your clothes. You moan softly into his mouth as he pulls away, his eyes dark with desire.
"God, you're so beautiful. I’ve been wanting to do this all night to you" he murmurs, his hands trailing down your body to the hem of your dress. With a swift motion, he pulls it up and over your head, leaving you standing there in your underwear.
You blush at his intense gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable in front of him. But his eyes soften as he takes in the sight of you, his gaze tracing every curve and dip of your body.
"Perfect," he says, his voice filled with admiration.
He steps forward, his hands tracing the outline of your body as he presses his lips to your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. You let out a soft moan, arching your back as he moves lower, his hands trailing down your sides to your hips.
He hooks his fingers into your underwear and pulls them down, leaving you completely exposed to his gaze. You feel a rush of heat between your legs as he dips his head down, his tongue flicking over your clit, overwhelming you in waves of ecstasy.
Your back spans against the bar as you let out a cry of pleasure, your fingers going over his buzz cut hair while he continues to pleasure you, his tongue and fingers working in perfect unison, slurping on your clit and tugging on your g-spot in perfect movement. You feel your body start to tense, your orgasm building as he brings you closer and closer to the edge.
"Alfie," you moan, your hips bucking against his mouth as you finally fall over the edge, your body shaking with pleasure.
He stands up, a satisfied grin on his face as he takes in the sight of you, sated and blissed out.
"Ready for round two, Bebê (Baby)?" he asks, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You nod, unable to resist the allure of this gorgeous stranger as he picks you up from the bench and places you on one of the couches, eager to explore every inch of your body.
You lean in, pressing your lips against his ear, "I want you to make me cream," you whisper.
He grins, "I can do that," he replies before capturing your lips in a kiss.
You can feel his hands sliding down your body, his fingers trailing over every curve and dip. You moan into the kiss as his fingers, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
He breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down your neck as his hands continue to explore your body. You feel his teeth graze against your skin and you let out a whimper, your body already tingling with pleasure.
He pulls back, a wicked grin on his face. "You like that, don't you?" he asks, his voice husky with desire.
You can only nod, lost in a haze of desire and lust.
He leans in, his hot breath caressing your inner thigh before his tongue makes contact with your core. You gasp, your hands gripping onto the cushions as he begins to work his magic.
You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure building inside of you. And just when you think you can't take it anymore, he stops.
You open your eyes, looking down at him with a pleading expression.
"Don't worry, baby," he says, his voice low and seductive. "I'm just getting started."
He stands up, his eyes locked on yours as he starts to undress. Slowly, he removes his shirt, revealing a toned chest and abs that make your mouth water, the way he’s built he definitely had to be an athlete, his arms were chiseled to perfection. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you watch him, feeling a delicious anticipation building inside of you.
He climbs onto the couch, positioning himself above you as he leans in for another kiss. This time it's deeper, more urgent, and you can feel his need for you as his tongue takes over your mouth.
His hands roam over your body, teasing and caressing as he works his way down to your pussy, before positioning himself at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, his body pressing against yours as he begins to move in a steady rhythm. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through you, and you can feel yourself building towards an explosive orgasm already.
“I’m already cumming!” You moan.
“I know baby, I know.” He groans while his eyes are closed shut, lost in the pure pleasure of your sex.
He picks up the pace, his movements becoming faster and more intense as you both reach the brink of release. And when you finally come undone, he's there to catch you, holding you tightly as you ride the waves of ecstasy, grinding against each other's bodies together.
When it's over, you lay there, panting and spent, wrapped in his arms. You look up at him, feeling a deep sense of connection and satisfaction that words could never fully describe. He leans back and looks down between you two, at the mess you made on his dick
"Look at that. That’s all for me, huh?" He says, a smirk spreading across his face.
You look away smiling, feeling vulnerable and whisper, “Yeah, only you.”
He chuckles, his hand stroking your hair. "I aim to please," he replies, a contented look on his face.
Just as Alfie leans back into your slit for round 2, there’s an abrupt knock at the door.
“Fuck!” you mutter under your breath, reaching for your panties and dress which was scattered across the floor.
Alfie stands up and fixes his pants which had a sight of hard pulsating wood. He quickly fixes it so it was tamed down before checking in with you.
“You alright?” He asks.
“Yes, who’s at the door?” You say fixing up your shoulder straps.
Alfie walks to the door, unlocking it to find a security guard waiting.
“Estamos fechando quartos. Só verificando os quartos. Tudo bem Al? (We're closing rooms. Just checking. You all good Al?)” The security asks.
“Sim, estávamos prestes a sair. (Yeah, we was just about to leave.)” Alfie responds while motioning for you to come over to him.
You follow Alfie out the room back to the open space of the club to the VIP area which was filled with Alfie’s friends and Nia, who was busy chatting up with a boy on the couches. This girl was on fire! Well, who are you to be judging, you just got your cat demolished out by a man you just met.
As you walk towards the VIP area, you sit yourself down next to Nia.
“Girl, I know you didn’t just do what I think you did.” Nia says in your ear.
“What are you talking about? We just talked and drank.”
“Oh really?”
Nia catches your eye and gives you a knowing smile, “Babe. Your dress is on inside out.”
You feel a little embarrassed, but more so exhilarated at the thought of people knowing he gave you probably the best dick of your life.
“Oh my god. Okay you got me there!” You laugh off the awkwardness. Nia rubs your back, laughing too.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been there before.”
Alfie makes his way back over to you and introduces you to his friends, who all seem friendly and welcoming. They offer you drinks and chat with you about Carnival and asked questions about America. Most of them spoke English along with Portuguese which made it easy to connect with them, they were lovely and easy to get along with. But your mind keeps drifting back to the intense chemistry you shared with Alfie just a few moments ago.
As the night wears on, you find yourself getting more comfortable around Alfie's friends. They share stories and jokes, and you can't help but laugh and enjoy yourself. But every time Alfie touches you or leans in to whisper something in your ear, you feel a jolt of electricity course through your body.
Eventually, it's time for the club to close. Alfie offers to walk you out, and you gladly accept. As you exit the club, It was almost sun up outside and the nearby cafes and business’s were beginning to open for the day. He takes your hand and pulls you close. "I had a great time tonight," he says, looking deep into your eyes, “I hope to do this with you again sometime, a minha rapariga (My girl)”
"Me too," you reply, feeling your heart rate increase.
Alfie leans in and kisses you, and for a moment, it feels like the world fades away. It's just you and him, lost in each other's embrace amongst the rest of the noise. And as you break the kiss, Nia calls your name.
“Y/K, our ubers here!”
You pull to let go but he hesitates to release his grasp, squeezing your waist tight.
“I have to go…” You shyly say, pulling from his arms. Feeling giddy, you run to the car Nia hopped in and get in the back seat
“Get home safe.” He says, waving you down before throwing his hands in the air and yelling, “Wait, I didn’t even get your number! What’s your instagram?!”
You stick your head outside the window, “It’s Y/KsWorld!”, hoping he heard you. By the smile on his face, it seemed he did because he quickly pulls out his phone and tapped away. Not even 2 seconds later you felt a buzz on your lap and there was a notification: LewisAl88 followed you.
You fall back into the seat, smiling to yourself. You was exhausted and it wasn’t just from the jet-lag, he blew your back out into another time-zone himself. Sure it was just a hook up at the club, which is something you’ve never done before in your life, but you couldn’t deny the tension between the two of you. 
You feel another buzz from your phone.
LewisAl88 sent you a message
When am I gonna see you next? 
You laugh to yourself, here you thought you were the thirsty one yet he was just as keen to be all over you. Ahhh, that feels like balance to me, you thought.
“What’s got you smiling so hard?” Nia asks.
You show her the notifications on your phone screen, she covers her mouth and joins you in laughter.
“Oh he wants you…bad!”
You roll your eyes, but can't help the smile that creeps onto your face. "I don't know," you say, "I just met him. But there was definitely something there."
Nia nods, understanding. "Well, whatever happens, just be safe and have fun," she says, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze.
You nod, grateful for her words of encouragement. As the car drives away from the club, you lean back in your seat and close your eyes, replaying the night's events in your mind.
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Title: OverRuled: Indecent Liaisons {2}***
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Title: OverRuled: Indecent Liaisons {2}***
Alfie Enoch x Reader/OC “Nova Joy” x Wes Gibbins AU
Warning: Plot, Cursing, NSFW, 18+ Mature Content, PLENTY OF WORDS, 
Words: 6k
Synopsis: What started as a way to escape her controlling father and suffocating family legacy turned into a real liberating and eye-opening experience for Nova Joy. Now she has returned from her travels as a travel lawyer who contract worked at some of the biggest named Law Firms across the world for the last three years and is home in Washington where she will join the G&E Group, the best firm specializing in nothing but everything. It is also the home of the two most famous attorneys in the biz who happen to be hot as hellfire, two attorneys who most women would kill for to become a client of theirs just to get close to them no matter if the risk of prison was on the table. To them it would be worth it.
In Nova’s life she has two goals, live her life for herself and no one else no matter what and never compromise her morals no matter what for no one. However, in Washington where scandal and crime run in the same circles can she do that while being the daughter that she is expected to be especially when her worldwide view is blown wide open by two of the most unexpected forces who show Nova, she may not know herself as well as she thought, and one’s morals are ever changing.
There is a very fine line between indecency and propriety and it all boils down to the bedfellows you keep.
Note: And we’re here with something that was not planned and is completely experimental. I could not get this idea out of my head, so I stopped trying to. I hope you enjoy it.
Note II: Italic text is a memory.
 As always, thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!
 ****NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL****
Previous Chapters: {1} | 
Chapter Two: If It May Please Me
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Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun- Dah-Dah-Dah.
 The climactic suspenseful music started off soft. It was so soft it barely broke through your subconscious enough to pull you from your sleep. Though it wasn’t incredibly loud, you still felt your body stir. Flipping onto your belly, you sprawled your arms out across the bed and moaned.
 Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun-Dah-Dah-Dun-Dun, Dun- Dah-Dah-Dah.
 The sound became much louder which prompted a groan, then a mumble.
 However, it didn’t stop. It got really loud breaking through every subconscious barrier. Your brain knew this tune, your body immediately tensed knowing just who had called you. Like some creature of the night, you sprang from your bed ignoring that your body actually had a spine. You crouched into some ungodly position as if ready to pounce like a wild animal listing to the call of the wild which was in fact, Wagner’s “Ride of The Valkyries.” You stared at your phone on your bedside table but didn’t move.
 After another round it stopped and slowly you began to relax. Lowering yourself, you crawled along the length of your king-sized bed to the headboard where you leaned your back against. Feeling as if you’d dodged a bullet, you let out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, the universe had a stellar sense of humor. “Ride of The Valkyries” began again. You groaned. The plan wasn’t to talk to him until at least the day after tomorrow or even the end of the week when he’d gotten wind of where you’d winded up. However, true to his personality and his aggressive assertiveness he didn’t want to wait. The man was insufferable. How you’d come from that tree, you didn’t know.
 After one set of ringing, it ended. The quietness in your bedroom stretched on for thirty seconds, then a minute. Once you’d reached two whole minutes without a call you sighed, confident he wouldn’t make a third attempt. One thing your father was if not a hard ass, was predictable. He was now under the assumption that you would be the one to place the next call. He was in for a rude awakening when he realized he had to be the one to call so he could berate you for going against him yet again.
 A smile stretched across your face as you pictured the large vein he had in his forehead popping out as his right eye twitched from how angry he was. Unable to control yourself, you snorted out then laughed. You wondered if he had any idea who you were those years ago when he gave you your first ultimatum which prompted your leaving Washington to spread your wings. He didn’t then, but you guessed he was beginning to see the fibers of what you were made of. Soon it would be crystal. He’d started a war.
 You sank down into the still warm sheets and stretched, allowing every vertebra and muscle to elongate fully. As your joints cracked and body opened up you became aware of the aches and soreness throughout your body. You paused and took note of them one by one. Tight thighs, aching back, tender abs, sore nether regions.
 “Oh my god,” you said through a smile that grew with each passing second.
 When you were full on cheesing from the memories of the night before you rolled onto your belly and kicked your legs as a you squealed into the plush sheets. After ending your gleeful freakout on a scream, you flipped back over and stared at the ceiling.
 “Fuck. You are pure art. I could never have my fill. You are wonderland.”
 Your smile grew.
 “How is it possible for every inch of you to be absolutely gorgeous?”
 You clenched your bottom lip between your teeth as you dove further down the rabbit hole of your memory.
 “Please don’t stop.”
 The feel of your hand between your legs took you by surprise. A soft gasp escaped you as your back slightly arched off the bed.
 “Have mercy,”
 You moaned. Though most of his features were cloaked in shadow, you remembered his amber eyes. They were absolutely unforgettable. He looked at you in a unique way. It almost seemed as if he were looking through you, seeing all the way to your very heart and soul. The entire night you were enraptured by that look and the ease he commanded your body to his will. Your fingers sped and the room filled with the sound of your breathy pants.
 “I’ve never tasted anything as delicious as you.”
 The memory of his face between your thighs fueled you on and within seconds you were chasing your released. Your fingers mirrored what you remembered of his mouth’s movements. Though it wasn’t a perfect match it was enough, as long as you didn’t lose the memory of his shadowed face. Your panting grew louder until you were whining.
 “You looked like you liked to ride,”
 You dipped two of your fingers inside of your core. Rather than tense up from the discomfort of soreness you felt, your body erupted, sending you over the edge and into the soft clouds of your climax.
 It was a shriek that echoed throughout the room, but you weren’t present enough to care if anyone else heard it. Through the haze in your brain, you heard your phone ringing again. Without looking you reached for it and placed it to your ear.
 Your eyes snapped open, instantly recognizing the masculine voice. You didn’t move one inch, instead you stayed as still as a corpse as if they were now somehow in the room looking for signs of life.
 You didn’t answer. Your body’s weight returned to you as did every other weight you carried daily.
 “I—I know you’re there Nova. You don’t have to say anything, just listen. I’ve been calling for months; you don’t answer my calls. I wouldn’t have had this number if it weren’t for Georgie. Look, I know you probably don’t want to hear from me but—I—I miss you No bear.”
 You shuddered at the nickname and every memory it brought back. As you opened your mouth to speak you heard a hissing sound inside your head. It was the hiss of a snake.
 “I know I fucked up and I’m sorry. I swear it never meant I didn’t love you.”
 It was a snake you knew. Pulling the phone from your ear you ended the call and flung the phone across the bed. Your brain fired off like fireworks going over multiple things at once. Your history, the last several months, the reason for your recent celibacy and the epic end of that celibacy. Annoyance filled you so suddenly you sprung up. Just when you were beginning to let it go like Elsa and keep rolling on the river like Tina here this came.
 “I’m going to fucking kill Georgie.”
 You grabbed your phone again and shot a message off.
 MSG: What a way to throw a bitch under the bus. You’re fucking dead to me.
 You walked to the bathroom while stripping off your long lace chemise and leaving it on the floor. Once inside, you turned on the water in the shower then went about gathering your things. It was day two back in D.C, but you still hadn’t unpacked. You knew it wouldn’t be gotten to until damn near close to the middle of next month. Unpacking was the worst. Your phone went off on the bathroom counter bringing your attention to it.
 MSG Georgie: *Dramatic gasp* Wow. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
 Snorting, you tapped out your reply.
 MSG: I have better people to be kissing, like a particular brown eyed brit from last night but you’re dead to me.
MSG Georgie: No, back it up, back it up. what brown eyed brit from last night? Is that why your ass didn’t call or text me back? were you on your knees for some rando?
MSG: On my knees, back, side, elbows, shins, fuck fingertips and toes too. 😝
MSG Georgie: Aaaaaaaaah! WTF, WTF? Who? Also how does one get on fingertips?
 Your giggle echoed in the bathroom.
 MSG: Downward dog bitch!
 The gif of Cardi B that came in was a bit of an insider joke that never got old.
 MSG: Getting in the shower, meet at Knox on Perth in 40 minutes. Make sure you wear what you want to be buried in.
 With that, you placed your phone down and got in the shower, you planned on getting some answers from Georgie.
 -One Hour Later-
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“What!? I most certainly did not give that miniature dick having piece of shit your number!”
 You raised a brow as you took her in. You’d known Georgie since day one of law school. She’d actually been one of the many to know who you were and resent you for it. However, after the first four months of school and being paired together for a major moot court that you ended up winning, she learned a lot about you, mainly how much you weren’t anything like how she’d thought. Since that day you’d been besties and after graduating she accompanied you on your international spread your wings law trip. She’d been in D.C for almost eight months now since joining a different firm with a very lucrative wooing package.
 “You didn’t?”
 “Hell no! Why would I do that? I hate his ass too.”
 “Do you? Then why did you sing his praises for a good three months after we broke up?”
 “I wasn’t. He came off like a good guy. It totally blindsided me when he turned out to be such an ass.”
 A few seconds later, Georgie gasped. “Wait, I think he did get your number from me. He’d been at the table with the party I was with, turns out he knew them too. I went to the bar and left my purse hanging off the chair. I thought it would be safe especially since I would only be gone for five minutes. When I came back my purse was resting on the seat and my phone on the table. I didn’t even think about it, I thought I’d just drank too much to remember. Oh my god, Nova, I think he went through my phone for your number.”
 She looked so guilty, but you instantly reached your hand out to rest on hers. “It’s okay Georgie. How were you to know?”
 “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
 “It’s fine. I’m not mad now. I’ll just block him.”
 “And if he keeps calling?”
 “Change my number. It’s all good. Let’s move on.”
 You dropped your eyes to the plates that had just been delivered to the table and tried to decide which one you were going to start with.
 “This avocado toast looks amazing.”
 You grabbed a slice then moaned as your teeth sunk into the thick brioche bread that was topped with diced tomatoes, fire roasted corn, cilantro, and crumbly blue cheese. As the flavors burst over your tongue you moaned and nodded your head.
 “Try it,”
 Georgie grabbed a slice, as you made a plate with a few options from the plated scattered around the table. The two of you ate in silence for a few minutes, both getting lost in one of the many things you had in common—food. Before long, Georgie piped up.
 “So how long until you spill your unholy guts and tell me who was in them guts last night?”
 You busted out laughing fighting hard to keep the food in your mouth and not splattered over the table or her face.
 “Really, Georgie?”
 “What? He wasn’t in the guts? The colon?”
 She slapped her hand across her mouth emulating faux shock.
 “Finally dabbling in the multiple ways of pleasure you’ve neglected and written off?”
 “Oh my god, Gigi!”
 Her laugh would have made Gru proud because it was definitely on evil mastermind level.
 “Spill it! What’s his name?”
 Fighting a smile, you took a long sip from your glass.
 Georgie gagged. “What a horrible name. Is it short for something?”
 You shrugged. “Maybe.”
 “Eooow, no talking just straight f--.
 “Aht, aht, aht! Behave.”
 After another bite of food, you told her everything with censor. You knew she could read into the censored parts, that’s how well you knew each other. With every detail you revealed her eyes widened more and more. From the smile on your face, she got even giddier. By the time you got to the haiku he recited, she’d melted and remained a complete puddle until the very end.
 “Holy shit, Nova! That’s fucking hot!”
 Nodding, you took another sip of your drink.
 “When do you see him next?”
 You shrugged. “We didn’t exchange information.”
 “He obviously lives in the complex. Find out which one.”
 “What? No. It was clearly a one-night thing. If I just show up somehow out the blue, he’s gonna think I’m a nutjob and run. Also, there are like four penthouses, I’m not gonna go knocking at each of them.”
 “Why? Girl, clearly last night was amazing for you and even more so for him.”
 “How do you know that?”
 “Uh hello, my best-fren knows how to put it down, that I have no doubt of.”
 You smiled then sat up straighter as you waved around to an imaginary audience of admirers. She was always hyping you up.
 “So, I am sure he is having the best memories today. This could be an opportunity for you to officially move on from--.”
 You lifted your hand holding it up while shaking your head.
 “I’ve been way over that. I just wanted to focus on work.”
 “Right, so now that you’re back maybe a relationship could develop.”
 She knew she was just wasting her breath at this point. Months ago, the thought of a relationship made you anxious and break out in hives, now not much had changed. It wasn’t something you felt you wanted to put yourself through. There were too many variables, too many things that could wrong. Facts were the cornerstone of your life, facts and the truth. Relationships didn’t have any of those. One’s facts could be different for the other party while the truth was always subjective, everyone always had their own version of it. What was the point.
 “Let’s just leave it at an amazing night, a night that is long overdue. Be happy I’ve gotten back on the horse.”
 She snorted.
 “Sounds like he might actually be a horse, ol’ Seabiscuit looking ass.”
 “He was big. It’s been a long time since I woke up sore.”
 The look Georgie gave you made you laugh so hard—too hard.
 “I’ll let you rejoice in your one night of slutdome, but I want it known that I think you should see him again and see where things go. Now that I’ve said my piece let’s drink to you finally wiping away those cob webs off your cooch.”
 Your loud laugh echoed around the restaurant and brought plenty of eyes. Rather than caring, you and Georgie tapped glasses and drank your cocktails. For the remainder of brunch, she gave you the rundown of her firm—Malooney, O’Rourke & Norwood which was a big-name firm in its own right. They took plenty of high profiled criminal cases and their track record was always impressive. They managed to stay on the right side of ninety percent which was relatively unheard of in criminal law.
 After brunch the two of you went shopping. While you had enough clothes you wanted to update your D.C fashion so you’d fit in while standing out. You’d learned long ago that being an attorney your appearance mattered almost as much as the law you were representing. Your appearance could win the case for you by intimidating the opposing counsel while impressing the judge. A good outfit had never steered you wrong.
 Once you’d spent a small fortune on more than enough outfits complete with shoes and accessories you and Georgie split up with promises to meet up that night. You then proceeded to knock out a few errands on your to do list that would jumpstart your work week. Mostly everything had been handled over the phone or online, so it only left things that required a more personal touch. At the grocery store, you filled your carts then set up home delivery for later that evening, then stopped by the florist to pick out and schedule a few bouquets to also be delivered that evening. Once those were complete, you zoomed through your visit to the pharmacy and the bank to ensure everything had switched seamlessly.
 By the time you got back home, you were just in time to receive the deliveries. It took more time than you’d expected to pack them away and set up the flowers just where you wanted them. You finished just in time to watch the sunset over the Potomac which again took your breath away. You sat in front of the large panoramic windows with a glass of wine and lost yourself in the serenity of it all while using the quiet to look over the final paperwork in prep for your first day at G&E.
 You’d lost track of the time by the time your phone chimed.
 MSG Vi: Are you gonna be late? I feel like you will be. You’re always late? Has that changed about you?”
 You glanced at the time then sprang to your feet.
 MSG: Nope. I will be on time thank you very much!
 You closed your laptop and hurried around tidying up after yourself, then hurried to get yourself together. You had forty minutes to get to the location that was just pin dropped to you. If you were honest, it would be a miracle if you weren’t late.
 -Two Hour Later-
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“I am so glad you’re back; it’s been too long since we’ve done this,” Nadine said as she threw her arms around your neck for the fifth time.
 “I missed you too Didi.”
 She’s changed a lot in the last three years. You didn’t know if it was the job or your parents. She’d managed to get away to a degree but that didn’t mean she your father still didn’t pull his strings like he was the puppet master.
 She smiled wide and hugged you again. When you’d gotten there five measly minutes late, they were already on round three of drinks. Now you all had ingested your fair share of alcohol and it was beginning to take effect. None of you cared what you drank, the only policy was the stronger the better. The drinks flowed, the music blasted and the four of you including Georgie danced your asses off not caring who wanted to watch or snap pictures. Most knew what the Joy sisters looked like, for all your lives you’d been harassed by paps and your pictures had been posted in several newspaper as well as blogs. The only time you got a reprieve was the last three years as you traveled. No one cared about an American judge’s offspring. Now being back you loathed to think it would start up again.
 After losing rock, paper, scissors you trudged through the crowd to the bar to claim another round of drinks. As you waited for your large order you scrolled through your phone and took a few selfies. Across the bar on the opposite side, you caught a pair of eyes on you. Pretending as if you didn’t know, you struck another pose and took a few more selfies. Slyly, you glanced across the way but could barely make out who you saw. The very dim lights in the club made it impossible to make out anything but a strong jawline, full lips, and a trim nose. Somehow though, recognition scratched at the back of your brain.
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Squinting, you focused trying to stave off your foggy vision to try to make out more of the stranger who was wearing a tie in a club. Who wore a tie in a club? Fighting back a laugh, you leaned forward but your view was blocked by a body in front of you.
 “From the gentleman across the way. He says if you want to see more all you have to do is come over.”
 You smirked as you looked inside the glass that was before you. It smelled like gin.
 “What’s this?”
 “Negroni—says you look like the sweet and spicy type.”
 You peered around the bartender’s body and found a smirk on his lips, but it didn’t look like one of cockiness, it looked like amusement. You lifted the glass to your lips and took a hearty sip then moaned. The sweet of the orange and the spice of the gin worked well together. Tonight, he was right.
 “Tell the gentleman that no matter how much I’d like to see more, I go to no man.”
 You knocked the rest of the drink back and raised the empty glass to him before placing it on the bar.
 “Thank him for the drink though.”
 Before walking off with your trey of drinks, you dipped your fingers into the empty glass and popped the orange wedge into your mouth. As you walked away, you could feel his eyes on your ass which only made you swing it more.
 Two hours passed with you enjoying your life. You drank, danced, laughed, and mingled and the entire time when you looked out you found his eyes on you. It didn’t matter where you were, you found him. Whenever your eyes met, they lingered but no matter where he was, the shadows still embraced him, the same they’d done last night. You never got a clear view of his face and the longer it went on the more you liked it. You could feel the electric chemistry between you from across the club, it was astonishing.
 A while later when your song played, you jumped up and backed onto the dancefloor with your sisters and Georgie. While lost in the music and having the best time out you’d had in a long time you felt an arm wrap around your waist. Shock overtook you, making you spin around ready to throw a punch but when you gazed into the pair of amber eyes several inches over you, you stopped. Those eyes, you thought.
 Again, recognition picked at you. He looked familiar, but not at the same time. His clean-shaven face gave him an almost youthful barely out of law school look, but his eyes spoke of years of pain, love, experience, and knowledge—so much knowledge. He looked so familiar. Those eyes brought you back to the night before with Al. The features you’d made out were similar.
 “Do—do we know—.”
 “Dance with me?”
 The assertiveness in his voice came across as he pulled you toward his body. You didn’t fight him because it felt familiar, but different. You couldn’t understand how. One thing you understood was it must have been Al, but his accent was gone. He sounded American.
 The music changed to some sultry house and hip hop mix, and you allowed him to put his hand on your hips. Slowly, you swayed to the rhythm, slowly you moved your body along with his, against his and in perfect harmony. Your eyes locked and everyone else faded away. It was just the two of you in a smoky room swaying your bodies against each other, communicating in a primal way. It didn’t take long for your faces to make it to each other’s. His forehead pressed to yours while his scent enveloped you. He smelled like cinnamon, cinnabar, orange, jasmine, and something spicy like turmeric or cloves. He smelled good enough to eat.
 “I’ve been unable to keep my eyes off of you all night.”
 “Sounds like your misfortune.”
 “And yours,” he replied.
 His hand wrapped around you pulling you more against him. You could feel his palm pressed to the small of your back, with his fingertips digging into you. It was a power hold.
 “Because no one else has my attention, only you. Like a tiger, once I have something I want in my sights it’s impossible to let it go.”
 Shit, you thought. What a line. You snaked your tongue out and darted it across your lips. His eyes dropped to them and watched as you did it.
 “So you want me?”
 “Can’t you tell?”
 You shook your head.
 “There are so many beautiful women around.
 Pulling you closer, your chest pressed against his as he brought his lips to your ear. “I only have eyes for you.”
 You didn’t know what the hell was wrong with you. It was like last night had kicked off the covering of a geyser—the geyser of desire you’d kept covered over the last several years. Now you were insatiable. Last night you’d done something so out of character with a practical stranger and here you were tonight wanting to do it again, though deep down you knew he wasn’t a stranger, he couldn’t be. This was Al. Perhaps he’d used a fake accent, or maybe tonight he was covering his accent. Maybe he was toying with you and wanted to roleplay like strangers.
 It didn’t matter, you crashed your lips to his but his felt different, he tasted different. You wrapped your arms around his neck and opened for him to take control. Though slightly different from last night, he kissed with power, authority, and demand. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go after it. It was a quality that turned you on. Moaning, you delved your tongue into his mouth and took control.
 “Would you like to get out of here?”
 You smirked on his lips but bit the bottom one. His groan made you hotter.
 “Bathroom five minutes.”
 With that you walked off disappearing in the crowd pushing your way through to the bathroom you’d gone to earlier. Thankfully, it was empty by the time you got there. You looked yourself over in the mirror the best you could in the room that was darker than the club itself. When the door opened, you watched through the mirror as he walked inside and locked the door behind him.
 “The bathroom? You know I can take you somewhere else—somewhere better.”
 You smirked and turned to face him.
 “Been there, done that.”
 You grabbed his tie and pulled him and his lips to yours. Instantly the fevered way he kissed you took your breath and the way his large hands cupped your ass brought you back to the night before. There was something when you bit his lip again, he groaned and pulled you from him turning you to the mirror before he latched onto your neck.
 From behind, you could feel the urgent press of his hardened length against your ass and anticipation filled you. Long gone was the reality of your soreness, long gone were the thoughts of the aches of your body, all that remained was your ever mounting desire for the man behind you. You wiggled your ass against him rubbing his cock as your eyes held his in the mirror.
 “What a tease.”
 You smirked then raised your dress so he could see the thong you wore. His groan was guttural as his eyes feasted on the exposed flesh before him.
 “So perfect.”
 He squeezed your ass then slapped it making you toss your head back. His large hand gripped your shoulder then pushed you down, so you were sprawled across the counter before you. Feeling him pull your underwear to the side you prepared yourself for him but instead you felt his tongue slice through your folds until he sucked your bud into his mouth.
 “Oh yes”
 His tongue was gentle, soothing but maddening all at once.
 “Mmm, delicious.”
 “Fuck you’re gonna drive me insane.”
 “You’ve been driving me insane all night. I’d say it’s payback and it’s entirely fair.”
 Again, he slurped your flesh, making your back arch upward like a scared cayote.
 He slowly increased the pressure of his lips making you see spots of light before you. Your breathing became raspy and short and when he dipped his tongue inside of you your knees turned to jelly.
 “I gotcha.”
 His large hands held you in place, pinned between the sink and his mouth. He didn’t give you any reprieve, instead he licked, sucked, and nibbled bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Just when you thought you were going to shatter into a million pieces, you felt him slide inside of you. Your body stretched to accommodate him as he nestled himself right where you wanted him.
 The strain in his voice spoke volumes. He was also close to the edge. His lips pressed along your back to your neck before he moved inside of you. His movements were slow, and deliberate. You sank your teeth into your bottom lip and let the pleasure build until a mewl escaped you. He felt so good.
 “Mmm, yes, right there!”
 His thrusts sped and soon your body was jerking from the force and speed that he was plowing into you. You threw your hand out to brace yourself on the mirror and locked eyes with him.
 “Yes, fuck me!”
 That was just what he did. His pace went between fast with shallow thrusts to slow with deeper thrusts, he never let you get used to either before he was switching it up. You didn’t know if it was the pace, the depth or the constant eye contact that was making it impossible to breathe. From the look on his face, you knew he was feeling it too.
 Suddenly, he turned your body so you were facing him then he lifted you in his arms and sank you down his length. You threw your head back and held onto him letting him do what he pleased. His lips kissed across your neck before he made it to your chin.
 Your eyes locked again and that was when his thrusts slowed. You bit his bottom lip, and he stilled letting you do what you wanted. It was almost like he wanted to see how far you’d go. Wrong move, you thought as you dropped your lips to his neck and bit making sure to leave a mark. For some reason, you wanted to brand him, to stake your claim. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he groaned loudly and slammed into you. By the time you realized it he’d cotched himself at the edge of the sink, leaving you dangling in the air with just the tip of his intrusion teasing your core. You were impressed by his strength. His frame did not allude to any obvious muscleman strength but right now he was exhibiting it and turning you on wildly.
 With your eyes locked on one another, he slowly lowered you, so you took him in inch by inch, and he watched every little face you made. When he’d sheathed himself fully, he groaned. You balanced your heeled feet at the edge of the sink with your arms around the back of his neck hanging on like he was the horse and you the cowgirl. The angle was perfect enough for you to feel everything no matter if you moved or not. Using his neck as an anchor, you rolled your body up then down rocking like the ebb of the ocean tide and the flow of free water.
 “Awwwwww fuuuuck!”
 His head lulled back exposing his neck to you. Again, you lowered your lips and bit where his Adam’s apple was. His strong hands squeezed around you as his hips forcefully nudged up. Your head dropped back which gave him access to your neck and he took full advantage. His lips worked perfectly to tease your flesh, heightening your pleasure. As your body rocked and rolled on him using him as you pleased, he held you tighter and tighter. You soon began to realize that it wasn’t from his fear of you falling it was him trying to maintain some form of composure.
 “Jesus, you feel so good.”
 Pulling yourself up, you brought your face to his and kissed him. “You too!”
 Putting your knees to the sink counter you changed trajectory and bounced on him, loving every second. Before you realized it, the ball of tension in your gut had expanded taking over everything making it harder to remain composed. All you wanted was your release. He must have sensed your urgency and how close you were because he took control then and within seconds, he was slamming into you sending you closer and closer to ecstasy. Gripping his tie, you pulled just when the ball within you exploded.
 Joining you moments later he held on to you so tightly you were worried you’d bruise. For several long moments, the two of you panted wildly trying to catch your breaths and return to your bodies. For the second day in forever you found yourself at a complete loss for words for a rationalization for your behavior. You were completely stunned but felt no regret or remorse. Chuckling, you leaned your head back.
 “Mm, something funny?”
 “No. this was—amazing. You’re amazing. I just—I don’t do things like this—ever ever.”
 He nodded and dropped a kiss at the nape of your neck. You took a deep breath, inhaling his scent that was so familiar and new at the same time.
 “I get what you mean. This is new for me too. I’ve never lost control like this.”
 You smirked. “Is that your way of saying I’m—special?”
 He chuckled and nudged upward once again making you suck in a breath.
 “I think you should feel just how special you are.”
 Just like that you could feel him hardening once again inside of you.
 “Oh my god. Seriously?”
 “What can I say, I can’t seem to get enough of you.”
 He circled his hips lighting the spark of a flame within you. Before your lips met again, the banging at the door broke the two of you out of your haze.
 “Looks like round two isn’t in the cards,” you said.
 Scoffing, he nodded as he lowered you to your feet. While you adjusted yourselves the silence in the room was a comfortable one, one that didn’t speak of expectations or awkwardness. Everything felt normal as if you’d done this before and could do it over and over again. Once you’d fixed your makeup and dress to relative perfection, you have him a look and a nod then the two of you walked to the door to unlock it. Once it was, a line of people barged in giving you both quizzical looks that both of you avoided keeping your heads low.
 Once out in the bustle of the crowd you felt his hand on your hip. He pulled you back right against his hard chest then lowered his lips to your ear.
 “Thank you.”
 “Giving me a challenge I think I will enjoy for the foreseeable future.”
 “And what challenge is that?”
 His lips pressed to your neck again and the graze of his teeth against you sent such a powerful electric charge through you that you thought about dragging him back to the bathroom for round two, fuck an audience.
 “The challenge of making you all—mine in every possible way.”
 He pressed another kiss to your ear then walked off leaving you standing there stunned. You looked in the direction he walked but he quickly got lost in the crowd only giving you the view of his perfectly broadened shoulders and trim athletic frame. He looked good up close but walking away was just as nice. Biting back the smile on your lips you played his words over in your head. Did you hear him right?
 “What the fuck?”
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@dumbchick @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita @raveviolet @lokonnie-blog @amennariee @briellableu @sadishdelray @28miw-inkpsycho @rororo06 @bugngiz @valkryienymph @yourwonderbelle @queenbetter @melaninhawtie​ @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls​ @valkryienymph @babyflowa07 @est1887 @halfrican-heat @nunya7394 @lovebittenbyevans​ @gardenwonders2 @sweetlikecoffy @dillie60 @ olabelle757 @ophiaedits @kenequa @triton08 @skyesthebomb @shipatheart @keytodespair
@xsweetdellzx @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @ak329 @shar74nett @youremysuperstar @whore-like-behaviour @alookintohersoul @asiaaisa77 @jd-now-jq @naturalthrone22 @mrsbarnes-rogers @beyourownkindofbeautiful @beccacupcakesxo @toni9 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison00 @queenoftheworldisdead @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @richonne4life @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita
@raveviolet @dumbchick @amennariee @briellableu @leebabe444     @31miw-inkpsycho @rororo06 @disaster-rose @bugngiz @valkryienymph @yourwonderbelle @queenbetter @melaninhawtie
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Title: 3 Days, 4 Nights: Day One {Three Shot}
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Title: 3 Days, 4 Nights: Day One {1}
Alfie Enoch x Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Plot
Words: 1.8k
Synopsis: You’re getting ready to start filming your latest project, the much-anticipated remake of “The Blue Lagoon” but because you’ve been hustling so hard, you’ve taken a much-needed vacation to recharge and cut loose. The vacation package brochure said, “Come to Brazil the land of beautiful people, beautiful beaches, and captivating architecture and experience all the country has to offer, we guarantee an unforgettable stay.” So that’s what you did. You had no idea just how unforgettable your stay would be. Day one a beautiful stranger with haunting eyes captivates you.
Note: Yaaaaaay, more Alfie!!!! Expect plenty more as I’ve discovered new to me pics of him and new-to-me facts about him. Fell deep in the rabbit hole of him the other night. This will be a 3 parter following each day.
Note II: There will be Google-translated Brazillian Portuguese in this fic. The text that is highlighted beside the Portuguese is the English translation. If it is incorrect, I apologize, and let’s all blame Google. Hopefully, it isn’t wrong.
Thank you guys for reading, I hope you enjoy this!
If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG.
***NOT Edited/Proofread**
Chapter One: Welcome to Rio-Day One
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“Eu espero que você aproveite a sua estadia.” {I hope you enjoy your stay}, the hotel front desk attendant said with a bright smile as she handed you back your passport along with your room key card and a folder.
“Muito obrigado.” {Thank you so much}, you replied returning her smile.
The lobby of the hotel was in full festive swing. Across the way to the left, there was a group of musicians playing instruments which filled the lobby with the sounds of steel drums, something that looked like a tambourine but slightly different, a musical bow looking contraption and a guitar. Altogether it sounded very close to samba music but with a tropical twist. You loved it.
“Your Portuguese is sufficient but I speak English,” the attendant said.
You released a breath. You’d been practicing for the last month and a half in prep for the movie you were going to be filming around the smaller islands and locations but you were nowhere near confident in yourself to proclaim yourself fluent or even conversational.
“Thank goodness. I’m sorry if I’m butchering your beautiful language.”
She giggled then waved you off. “You aren’t, I promise. I’m impressed you even tried. Portuguese is not an easy language to master.”
“Tell me about it. I’m trying though.”
A man in similar garb to what the attendant wore approached you with a warm smile.
“Eu tenho suas malas, por favor, siga-me.” {I have your bags, please follow me}
You glanced back to the attendant knowing when you were out of your depth. She smiled then translated for you. Nodding, you thanked the man and followed him as he wheeled you through the lobby and around the many guests standing around and watching the musical performance. Once in the elevator, you got lost in your phone checking your emails and messages. You’d been getting plenty of emails from your agent the last few weeks as filming for “The Blue Lagoon” drew nearer and nearer.
You’d seen the originals and had always loved them for their simplicity. When you heard they were remaking them you jumped to audition but didn’t hold your breath that you’d be called back or even selected. If history was any indicator you expected the role to go to some tall, slim, little to no melaninated actress who had more star power and more of a stronger backing. You’d been in LA for three years and had done mainly commercials, modeling gigs, and C-level sci-fi movies.
So when you’d gotten the call back you were shocked. Then the second call back stunned you even more. By the time your agent called to give you the news that you’d been chosen you were speechless. The news had come mere days before you were going to make the decision to throw in the towel, leave LA and go back home to figure out your next move.
“Esse caminho por favor. Este é o seu quarto.” {This way please. This is your room}
You understood maybe four words but it was enough for you to follow him as he used your key card to open your room at the end of the hall. You thanked him then walked in first and couldn’t help but gasp.
“My god.”
The view before you was incredible. The lush green of the palm trees framed the picturesque blues and sandy browns of the beach and the Atlantic. From this high up it was enough to leave you in awe.
“Bonito não é?” {Beautiful, isn’t it?}
“Sim, muito muito bonito.” {Yes, very, very beautiful.}
A few moments later, the man handed you back your key card then bowed his head before he left. Walking closer to the nearest window, you opened the sliding door and stepped onto the balcony then took a deep breath. The salt from the ocean mixed with coconuts and the sweet smell of pastries and you sighed.
“Three days and four nights of this. Just what the doctor ordered.”
An hour or so later you found yourself wandering around taking in everything you could. The city was so lively and loud you knew that there had to be tons of pockets of culture and normalcy for you to take in. You’d read an old interview of one of your favorite celebrities where they said they wished they would have soaked up traveling like a local rather than a tourist when they could because getting to know a city for what it really was couldn’t be beaten. That had stuck with you and whenever you traveled you preferred to do the less touristy things.
From the corner of your eye, you spotted a fruit cart and hurried over to order an assortment of the top local fruits. You watched as the cart owner prepared sliced pineapple, guava, papaya, and mango and placed them into a large plastic cup. She then drizzled a mixture over the top then held it out to you. Smiling, you accepted and handed her the money then went on your way. Upon first bite, you realized the drizzle was a mixture of lemon and lime juice and salt. You moaned as the sweet fruit juices washed over your tongue then melded with the tang of the drizzle. You already didn’t want to leave.
Soon, you got lost going from cart to cart looking at crafts, tools, clothes, accessories, fruits, foods, and even masks. You were like a hummingbird flitting all over the place inhaling everything about the city that you could. If one was to judge a country based on its food alone then Brazil was top-notch.
“Garota linda! {Beautiful Girl!}”
The shout was so loud it boomed over the chaos of the street. You glanced in the direction of the voice and found a man in a colorful mesh top and white pants waving you down with one hand while his other hand continued beating against the pad of a drum. You approached the man and watched as the ones with him expertly played their instruments. The sound was beautiful and easily made you feel like you were right where you were—in one of the music capitals of the world.
He smiled and said something else you didn’t understand before he motioned to your lower half.
“I’m sorry I don’t—.”
“He said dance.”
You spun around to find a tall man towering over you by at least a foot. His hair was a neat but messy curled afro that matched his beard and mustache. Hypnotizing amber eyes stared at you with a glint of humor in them. You felt like you’d seen him before but you couldn’t place from where. There was something familiar about him in an unfamiliar way. One thing that could not be missed was his attractiveness.
“You know how right?”
“Well—I do but--,” you protested.
“But what? You either know how or you don’t.”
“Mova esses quadris!”
You looked back to the man beating the drums then back to the newcomer who’d translated moments before. He was also smiling.
“Move those hips,” he translated.
Without you realizing it, a crowd had formed and they were now clapping trying to motivate you.
“Oh garoto, siga minha liderança, {Oh boy, follow my lead.}” the tall dark and handsome man said before he approached you holding out his hands
“May I?”
Slowly, you nodded then he placed one hand at your waist and the other on your back. He then pushed your waist inward while thrusting your back forward.
“You’re too stiff. The first thing to learn in Brazillian dancing is in order to have any rhythm you have to feel the music and always be fluid.”
“Rotate your hips like you’re hula-hooping.”
He smirked, “Trust me.”
“I just met you.”
“Exactly and I’m the one who stepped up so you don’t make a fool out of yourself and have them making fun of you in a language you don't understand.”
He nudged his head to a group of older women who were watching you with nothing but amusement.
“Okay,” you conceeded.
You imagined a hula-hoop around your waist and you began circling your hips. First slowly then you got into the rhyme of the instruments. When your eyes met the man before you he looked impressed.
“Wow. Not some stiff americana tourista I see. You know you have hips. Next are the steps. Follow me.”
You watched his feet as he did a cool two-step that turned into a slightly complicated four-step. He did it again and again and again until you slowly caught on.
“Good. Keep your hips moving letting your legs lead. The dance is important to the music, it tells a story. Think you have it?”
You nodded.
“Let’s see.”
You mimicked everything he did while trying your best to keep your hips in motion to the rapidly changing music. The crowd around you began to cheer and clap and that was when you knew you had it.
“Good. Now faster.”
You tried your best to keep up with him but when his legs moved like he were some sort of otherworldly creature you knew there was no way to keep up. The crowd laughed but applauded you. The amber-eyed man chuckled and joined in applauding you. You smiled and spun around feeling like you’d just put on an award-winning performance. Suddenly, you felt heat by your ear and you probably should have been a little put-off, but you weren't.
“I see there’s hope you just might get some Brazillian into you while you’re here.”
You didn’t know if it was the depth of his voice that elicited the reaction or his wording choice but an intense shiver ripped through you making your stomach drop but not in disappointment. This was something else. When you turned to face him, there was no one. Your eyes scanned the street but the sea of people made it impossible to find him. The only thing in your mind was a question.
Who was that?
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@xsweetdellzx @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @ak329 @shar74nett @youremysuperstar @whore-like-behaviour @alookintohersoul @asiaaisa77 @jd-now-jq @naturalthrone22 @mrsbarnes-rogers @beyourownkindofbeautiful @beccacupcakesxo @toni9 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison00 @queenoftheworldisdead @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @richonne4life @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita
61 notes · View notes
Title: One Very Bad Oh So Good Drunken Decision DUO {Comes To Light}{2}***
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Alfie Enoch x Brother’s Best Friend Reader AU
Words: 8k
Warning: Cursing, Comedy, 18+ Mature Content, Excessive Alcohol Use, Weed Use, NSFW, SMUUTT, PLENTY OF WORDS, 
Summary: You, Alfie and your brother Bash grew up together. He was always known as your second brother, with your relationship mimicking that of siblings. However, after one bad good drunken decision things get done in the dark. Now they come to light.
Notes: Here we go again! 😊 There is some Portuguese in here. Hopefully, the translation is correct, and Google didn’t do me wrong. If it is wrong, I apologize.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!!  ❤️❤️  
***NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL***
***Slightly Interactive***
Previous: Part I 
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All was still. All was quiet. You softly moaned then shifted your body hoping to get into a more comfortable position. You didn’t know why but your left arm was numb and beginning to ache. Groaning, you tried again to shift but found yourself unable to. You mumbled your frustration as you tried to fall back to sleep. A gruff mumble followed yours and again you mumbled as you nestled deeper into the comforter.
 When you stilled, you felt movement behind you and a deep moan. The movement stirred a scent you were familiar with. Inhaling deeply, you moaned. It was a pleasant smell, one you actually liked—a lot. You felt movement under the comforter and then felt a hand grip your breast. You moaned and smiled while burrowing deeper. That was when you felt the hardness pressing against your ass. Another deep moan came from behind you then a hand on your breast massaged while you were squeezed tighter in an embrace. This is a good dream, you thought with a smile.
 The pulsating member on your ass slowly became more and more persistent.
 “Mmm, I want you,” a gruff voice sleepily mumbled.
 “Me too,” you replied.
 A large hand lifted your thigh and seconds later you gasped feeling yourself being filled to capacity.
 The rock of your back was a slow and steady one and with every move you felt the ach of being stretched and filled.
 “Yes,” you whispered then moaned.
 Your throat was dry, hoarse and aching. Cautiously, you opened your eyes realizing you were not in your own bed. There was no movement now, but you still felt full. From the corner of your eye, you saw a sight you recognized—a picture of you, your brother Bash and Alfie when you were kids. Your stomach fell as it dawned on you where you were. You could now hear your heart pounding in your ears. It was deafeningly loud. As you slowly turned your head, you found Alfie’s eyes on you.
 It took several seconds for it all to come sink just below the surface. It was an inward to outward realization, an inward to outward reaction. Your body tensed and your sex clenched, and you felt it then. There was no mistaking what you’d felt and the realization of how intimately you were connected. You screamed in your head before it came out of your mouth. When it did it was loud, and terror filled.
 Alfie then began screaming as well. You felt him pull out and you both screamed even louder then.
 “Aaaaa fuck!”
 Alfie leapt from the bed at the same time you did. He rolled off to the floor before springing to his feet. Now standing on the other side of the bed completely bare, you noticed he was also very naked and very hard.
 You slapped your hands to your eyes so hard you saw spots.
 From the pain, you blinked your eyes and every time you did you saw his naked hard on sticking right out begging for attention. It was then you got a flash of that very large and hard dick in your mouth. You gaged as if you still felt it lodged in your throat, then you screamed again. In your panic, you took note of your nakedness. Fresh horror filled you and both you. Alfie leapt for the comforter that was across the bed, but you got it first and yanked it from his hands to wrap around yourself. He then fumbled with the sheet on the bed that probably knew every act that was performed on and between it from the night before, then before he wrapped it around his waist. It did nothing to hide his body and the fact that you took notice of his body and felt a way, made you panic more.
 “Ooooh my gooooood! Whaaaat the fuck!”
 Alfie covered his face grabbing his forehead.
 “You’re---I’m---we’re---. Oh god,” you stuttered in disgust.
 “I was—my---,” Alfie started pointing down to the tent in front of him. “Your---,” he added pointing below your waist. “We--.”
 The look on his face was straight up terror.
 You both screamed again.
 “Oh fuck no. I had sex with my sister.”
 You felt the bile in your stomach rising and you turned and made a beeline to the bathroom. Behind you, you heard Alfie shouting in a torrent of Portuguese. Some of it you understood, some you didn’t. Once in the bathroom, you rushed to the toilet and released the contents of your stomach. Putrid and bitter vomit cascaded from you. Once you were done you felt the overwhelming need to get in the shower. 
After dropping the comforter, you got in the shower but found Alfie already completely naked as he stood under and in front one of the many shower heads. Your eyes looked over his wet form, taking in the defined muscle of his shoulders and obliques. When your eyes dipped lower, you had a memory from the previous night of him standing on the bed in all his glory as you looked up at him. His head snapped to you at the same time the memory resonated and again, the two of you screamed and panicked. In your rush to both exit the shower as quickly as possible, your limbs tangled and down you both went on the wet floor tiles of the shower. Alfie was on top of you and your legs were wide open with his still hard cock pressing against your mound.
 “Oh for fuck’s sake control that fucking thing!”
 “How, Y/N?”
 “I don’t know! You’re the one who has had a lifetime with a dick!”
 Alfie scurried off of you but only managed to roll onto his back beside you while trapping one of your legs under his back. It was a mess. As you tried to stand, the only way was to do it was over him. You only made it a few inches up before you slipped and slid the entire time until you slipped again and this time you landed on him sending that hard dick he’d had for a lifetime right inside of you at full gravity and force. You gasped loud cumming then and there while clenching around him. Alfie arched backward bringing his hands to your hips then squeezed. The pleasure that swept through you was unexpected and completely crippling. You didn’t know if you should get off or ride him. Your body moved of its own accord sending you bucking once then twice on him. it was like it was instinct. You remembered doing this very thing last night. Alfie moaned then groaned out your name.
 That brought you back enough to make you roll off of him and into the realization you’d just cum.
 “Ewww, uugh, I’m gonna be sick!”
 You crawled out the shower then cautiously climbed to your feet before hurrying out the bathroom. Once in his room, again your eyes found the bed and its tussled sheets. On the floor at the foot of the bed, you found the dress you’d worn last night only now it was useless and in pieces. Had he ripped it off of you? Desire filled your gut again, but you used it as fuel to get the hell out of there. You hurried into Alfie’s closet and grabbed a t-shirt, sweats then a pair of his sandles.
 Getting dressed faster than you ever had in your life, you then ran out of the bedroom and to the door but stopped realizing you had no purse. Luckily you found it in the corner amongst a mess of broken glass. You saw one of your shoes nearby but said fuck it, opting to run for the door before he came out. You needed to get as far from here and him as possible so you could bury this entire experience and purge it from your mind’s memory as well as your body’s.
Hours later, he was still naked and in his room sitting in a chair just staring at the bed that was in complete disarray. The whole room was actually. The bedside lamp was on its side, his undershirt on the other bedside table, your underwear somehow hanging off the top of the wall art behind his bed, even the expensive telescope that was off to the right of the bed looked like it was traumatized from all it had seen the night before. 
 “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
 It was the only thing that he could say for the last few hours. He hadn’t been able to formulate a coherent sentence since or been able to come to terms with what he’d done. He’d fucked up. Oh he’d really fucked up. For the last several hours he’d played over every detail of the previous night—well every detail he remembered which wasn’t a lot. No matter what he did he couldn’t remember much. He remembered drinking with you, letting his competitiveness get the better of him. He’d remembered the wagers.
 “The wagers.”
 “That chain.”
 “That silver sequin dress. I get to rip it to shreds.”
 His eyes found that silver sequined dress, or what was left of it. Had he actually ripped it to shreds? After that he didn’t remember much of anything else. He knew somehow he’d managed to get you back to his place and tucked you into his bed to sleep. He didn’t know how sleep turned into sex. His head went back to hours ago when he’d thought he was having a wet dream which turned out to be very real. Then again in the bathroom. He was certain he felt you squeeze around him, certain he felt you---. 
As the thought dawned on him, he sprung to his feet hoping to stop his thoughts. He looked down at his still hardened dick.
 “Why are you still hard? Now is not the time!”
 Deciding, or more like hoping a shower might help, he walked back into the bathroom and kept his train of thought on one thing, a shower. While he did just that he tried to piece together the events of last night and how either of them could have made such a colossal mistake. You were practically his sister. He’d always treated you like one and never saw you as anything else. Not even when every boy around you noticed you changing. It never altered how he saw you. While he knew you were a girl, you were always ever only one of the boys to him.
 He had to talk to you. It was an odd thought because usually after his one nighters, the last thing he wanted to do was talk to that person. He always wanted to move on because he didn’t care enough to discuss anything. With you, it was different. You mattered to him. You mattered so much to him that he knew he had to get his head on right before any talking happened.
 Two things nagged at him, not understanding how this had happened, and fear in how either of you could move forward while remaining the same. Everything had changed—right?
 -That Next Night-
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The sweating tumbler in his hand had his attention. He watched the condensation fog the outside as the water slid down the glass to make a rim of water on the glass and wooden top of his office desk. He’d forgotten a coaster which normally drove him nuts but the only thing driving him nuts was his thoughts. Over the last twenty-four hours as he’d buried his head in work, all in an attempt to not have time to think about the events of the other night or feel anything about it, he’d failed. Miserably.
 It didn’t seem to matter what he was doing, inevitably memories started to come back. The first memory hit him in a full meeting. It was the memory of just what had happened to that low cut, short and tight silver metallic looking dress he hated. He had ripped it right off of your body as you straddled him urging him on.
 “Didn’t you say you’d rip this dress to shreds?”
 “Rip it off me.”
 He could even remember the intense heat radiating off of your body as you rocked your core against his erection. He couldn’t remember ever being harder than he was in that moment. With that one memory he became just as hard right in the middle of that meeting. That should have made him steer away from memories and keep his head in the meeting, but that one little detail was like cracking open Pandora’s Box. That little sliver was all the opening he needed. Your breasts. Good lord your breasts were incredible. At that thought, he lurched forward and made an audible gagging sound. He just barely stopped himself before he stood and revealed his erection to everyone in the room. Everyone was on their feet asking him if he was all right or if he needed help or if they should call 911. All he could do was decline while sitting there in an excruciating mix of pain, disgust, confusion and arousal.
 When the meeting was done, and he was alone in his office he’d tried placing cold bottles on his junk in hopes that his erection would get the hint and read the situation but after fifteen minutes it didn’t work. He then proceeded to pace his office as he reprimanded himself for his stupid drunken actions. He couldn’t understand how he’d even gotten to that level of drunk to go that far especially with you of all people. He’d never thought to kiss you let alone undress you. Now here he’d done all of that and then plenty more.
 Throughout the day the memories bombarded him at the most inopportune times. Meetings, teleconferences, physically working on a project, in the middle of coding, working with manufacturers, etc. It seemed that no matter what, a salacious memory was never far from his mind. Now at seven, fully dressed in a four-piece suit, he’d remembered it all and he was completely distraught and confused. In less than an hour he was supposed to arrive at a banquet for tech companies, venture capitalists and funds. It was an event that you were supposed to be at as well and he couldn’t stop seeing you lying on his bed with your legs spread and the moonlight bathing you making you look like some ethereal goddess.
 Another swirl of vomit hit him making his gut burn. He swallowed it down then guzzled the remainder of the whiskey in his glass. The fire that traveled down his throat lit a path to his belly and erupted into an inferno. He dropped his head backward and stared into his ceiling.
 “Get a grip Alfie.”
 A text from his assistant lit his phone up.
 MSG Chao: Change of plans. You’re going to head right to the banquet.
MSG: Is Y/N meeting me here instead?
MSG Chao: No. She says she is running late and doesn’t want to make you late as well.
 He thought for a moment if that was a lie or the truth. Were you avoiding him as he was avoiding you?
 MSG: Got it. Coming now.
 Ten minutes later, he was well on his way. Though he wanted another drink, he also knew that he needed to not drink so much tonight. He needed to be present. Instead, he had his Baoding Balls in hand. Every time they softly chimed, he found himself release another centimeter of tension. It had been a long time since he’d needed to use them. Keeping his eyes on the scenery that passed by as his car zipped through city traffic he got lost in his thoughts and of course they were thoughts of you and the numerous un-sibling like things you’d done to each other.
 When the car pulled up and he stepped out. The flashes from the cameras momentarily blinded him. He smiled and waved as he walked down the carpet. Every few steps he stopped and posed for a few pictures as well as shook hands that eagerly greeted him to the event. After an interview or two and fifteen or so minutes he finally made it inside the bustling lobby of the luxury hotel the event was being held at.
 “There is about enough time for ten or so minutes of mingling,” Chao informed as he walked beside him toward the ballroom.
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Once he walked inside the room, he scanned it taking in the sea faces he knew and those that were new to him. He tried to not think he was searching for you but deep, deep down he knew he was. Chao let him to a group who were looking at him with smiling faces. It was time to start the schmoozing and networking. It was something he and Bash took turns on. Some nights it would be him and some nights Bash. Since Bash was currently still out of town, tonight was all him. It wasn’t his favorite part of being co-CEO, but it was something that had to be done. He worked the room, greeting people, shaking hands, taking pictures and exchanging pleasantries while sliding in talk about the company and new and noteworthy things that were upcoming. He liked to brag about what he and Bash did. Their company was a true labor of love.
 “Mr. Enoch.”
 He spun to see two women with wide smiles and kind eyes. He retuned their smiles.
 “Ah come on now ladies, I thought we were past last names. Alfie please.”
 “Good to hear but we don’t want to be given the green eye of envy to be in your inner circle,” Kellandie joked.
 “She isn’t kidding. Everyone wants a piece of you,” Anita followed up. “We’re lucky one of our own forms a bridge between you and our fund.”
 He smiled. The owners of the fund you currently worked at were good women. He admired their work ethic and everything they had to do to be not only be a women helmed fund company but also a black women helmed fund company that was banking millions a year. It was almost unheard of.
 “Speaking of out bridge. Is Y/N mingling?”
 “I’m not sure. We didn’t arrive together. I’m not sure she is here yet.”
 “Fashionably late as always,” Anita teased.
 “Tell me about it. I’m glad you’re here I thought of a project that we can collaborate on. I was going to bring it up to Y/N to then pitch it to you but maybe we could schedule a--.”
 From the corner of his eye, he saw you and enter the room and if conflicting emotions was a person, it would be him. His gut lurched but this time it wasn’t entirely from burning bile there was something else too. His heart skipped a beat while his head sent the message to smile and smile he did. Your eyes were locked onto each other, but he noticed you bring a hand to cross your chest and fidget with your bare shoulder. It was then he took in your figure.
 The gown you wore fit you like a glove hugging your waist, hips and thighs accentuating the curves of your body he now knew of. The flowy sleeves that hung off your shoulders put your shoulders and cleavage on display. He didn’t know if he was frustrated with your chosen outfit because of all the attention he knew you’d receive in it or appreciative of it because of his attention that was now captivated.
 “Ah, there she is. Y/N,” Kellandie said beckoning your over.
 You smiled then walked through the crowd and sure enough the eyes flocked to you. As you walked, he tried not to take notice of the way your hips rhythmically swayed or the way the tight bodice of your dress pressed your breasts higher for his gaze.
 “Jesus Christ!”
 Smiling, you joined them just as he shook his leg hoping to loosen any fabric that may bunch up in a particular area he could feel awaking.
 “Wow, Y/N, you look incredible just like a fairy,” Anita said.
 “Oh, uh—thanks. I’m glad it didn’t turn out to be too much for the event.”
 You’d shown him a picture of the dress beforehand which was why he’d gotten his suit to highlight hints of the same color, so you looked complimentary standing beside each other.
 “Oh, did you two coordinate?”
 The group around you got bigger and the attention shifted to his suit that highlighted hints of light peachish pink.
 “Ehm, sort of. We were to arrive together so we thought it would be fitting,” he explained.
 “Oh, you make a gorgeous pair,” a woman in a blue gown said.
 “Yes, yes. A beautiful couple.”
 A dry heave came from your direction, he looked up to find your hand covering your mouth.
 “Are you ill?”
 “No, I’m—I’m fine.”
 “She’s practically my sister,” he blurted out, regretting it as soon as everyone’s eyes turned to him.
 He didn’t know why he’d said it. God knows that shit wasn’t true anymore. Circumstances had changed greatly and now the two of you were like flapping leaves in the wind barely hanging on to the mother tree. Suddenly, conversation changed, and everyone enveloped themselves in it, but you stood silent with your hands crossed in front of you almost creating a barrier, or a gate. He kept one ear on the conversation and one eye on you while fighting his whole-body cringe. It was like his body came alive around you now, so much so that it too precedence over everything but in his head your entire childhood and what you meant to each other overrode that which left him in the center of this chaotic, confusing bubble that was so tight it threatened to burst. He didn’t know if when it did burst if it would spell the end of the way things were or the beginning of a new normal.
 When everyone took their seats the two of you had no choice but to sit beside one another. The seating arrangements were impossible to change now. After he’d pulled out your seat the two of you sat there quietly waiting for things to officially begin with the dining experience. Thirty uncomfortable minutes passed with your perfume wreaking havoc on his senses. It was the same scent you’d worn that night and now he associated it with something else. A memory of your mouth wrapped around him overtook him and he released a jagged breath before pinching his nose bridge. Grunting he clenched his Baoding Balls letting a soft chime echo out.
 “Didn’t know you still used those.”
 His eyes snapped open to find yours on him with concern etched on your forehead.
 “I—uh—I don’t usually use them. I’ve been particularly more—stressed.”
 Your eyes dropped to his lips then your head snapped forward.
 “Y/N—we have to talk,” he said so only you could hear.
 Through gritted teeth you replied, “Not here.”
 Switching his Baoding Balls for his phone in his pocket he began a message.
 MSG: Yes. Here and now. We should have talked right after before this went too far.
 He watched you check your phone then sigh.
 MSG Y/N: Do you really think now around all these people is the best time?
MSG: Yes. You like texting. We can talk over text.
MSG Y/N: There is no need to talk. We made a mistake. A drunken stupid mistake.
 He closed his eyes wondered why he felt so strange reading that you thought it was a mistake.
 MSG: Yeah.
MSG Y/N: It was the alcohol and the sleeping pill combo. We’d never have in any other circumstance.
MSG: Yeah. Still I’m sorry.
 You sighed again but your fingers hovered over your phone.
 MSG: No need. It wasn’t your fault. Well not entirely. We should just forget it and act like it never happened.
 His ego shouldn’t have been injured but it was. He cleared his throat then straightened.
 MSG: Exactly.
MSG Y/N: Okay. Good. It never happened.
 He hesitated for a moment but replied.
 MSG: It never happened.
-Four Days Later-
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“What the fuuuuck! It did haapppen though!”
 You dropped face first into your couch then screamed allowing the cushions to suck the sound, burying it so no one could ever hear it. It had been four days since the banquet event with Alfie and five and a half since your very bad so good drunken decision and since then shit had been weird. You could barely stand to be in the same room anymore. It was excruciating to be honest. Your body tingled, heart raced, core came to life. It didn’t matter if he were talking to someone else, or if he was walking. Your eyes found him, and your eyes adored him. Before, you never really saw attractiveness on him or knew why so many women threw themselves at him but since that night you saw the attractiveness, and you knew why they threw themselves at him. On top of everything you knew about him, this new tier proved he was a catch.
 That realization was as terrifying as it was unsettling. When you thought about your night together you wanted to run in the shower to scrub your skin and stick your fingers between your legs. When you were drifting off to sleep you had so many filthy thoughts about him and you usually woke with your hand between your legs and his name on your lips. It was torture. Part of you knew it was wrong, but your body debated how right it felt, how effortless it was, how satisfying it was and you knew how badly you wanted to do it again. That was when everything became confusing.
 It shouldn’t be like this. It was all weird. On one hand your body was sending completely different signals and your brain was struggling to accept it, struggling to believe it or believe in what it possibly meant. The worst part of it was that you’d been on your own for the last few days. You couldn’t tell your friends about this and couldn’t vent to Alfie for obvious reasons so that meant you kept it all in and everything festered. You were now at a boiling point and ready to burst.
 You’d told him to forget it happened but here you were unable for forget it happened. You couldn’t forget how he touched you, couldn’t forget the look on his face the first time he’d seen your body. It was impossible to forget how his lips tasted and felt against yours, and more impossible to forget his expertly he’d made your body soar with so little. It was as if he knew how to not only handle you as a person but you as a woman. He knew what you needed, knew what you liked and even now you couldn’t get the vison of his body rocking into yours out of your mind. It had become something you thought of often.
 “What do I do?”
 Flipping onto your back, you stared at your ceiling for a few silent moments before springing up again. 
 “What does this mean?”
 Frustration gripped you and you let out a scream that emulated everything you’d been battling for the last week, your frustration with what had happened, frustration with your thoughts over your actions, frustration with your unexpected desires and frustrations with the numerous conflictions of the entire situation.
 All of a sudden, your door banged open and in came a concerned look on his face holding two knives in his hands ready to strike while looking around.
 “Are you okay!?”
 Your eyes widened. “Alfie?!”
 You quickly sprang to your feet as it registered, he was actually standing in your living room with weapons like he was Rambo 2.0. His eyes lowered and looked over your body and it was then you remembered that you weren’t wearing anything at all.
 “Oh god!”
 You made a mad dash for cover but thanks to the open concept of your apartment, there was nowhere to really go so you jumped behind the high back of your couch and cringed while screeching.
 “Alfie! What the shit fuck!”
 “Shit, I’m sorry.”
 “What are you doing barging in here!?”
 “Me? What are you doing just chilling naked?”
 “It’s my apartment. Hello!”
 You groaned as you stayed where you were slowly dying in a bottomless sea of humiliation.
 “I’m sorry. I heard you screaming and thought something was wrong or someone was hurting you. I’m sorry.”
 Half of you wanted to throw something at him but the other half melted at how sweet the reasoning was.
 “For fuck’s sake!”
 “I’m sorry,” he repeated before he kissed his teeth. “Why were you screaming in the first place?”
 “Because I’m frustrated!”
 “About what?”
 With your back flat on the wooden floor your top flipped and the pressure that had been mounting for the week shot out like a whisteling kettle.
 “Why the fuck do you think I’m frustrated? Are you fucking kidding me? I had sex with my brother.”
 Alfie audibly groaned.
 “Well someone who is damn near my brother. All he’s missing is my DNA. Someone who has seen me at every stage of my life. Acne, flat chested era, new boobs, new ass, my period, first boyfriend, after I’d lost my virginity, heart breaks. Oh my god. Like do you grasp this? I know I said forget about it and that it never happened, but I can’t fucking forget about it. Okay!”
 You slapped your hands over your face then continued, “All I do is think about it. I think about the way you touched me, the way you looked at me, the way your hands cupped my breasts, the way your mouth knew just what to do to make my back arch. I think about the look in your eyes, how my body felt, how I—felt. I—I can’t stop thinking about it all, especially how good and how perfect and how—right it all felt.”
 You laid there for a few moments. He didn’t speak and the silence stretched on and on just as your thoughts went on and on. Suddenly, you sprang up staring out.
 “Like what the fuck does that even mean? That morning as I ran outta there and home I kept saying two things over and over. What the fuck, what the fuck and it’ll never happen again, but for the last week all I’ve wanted was for it to happen again. How the fuck did this happen? I went from laughing at all these women throwing themselves at you and laughing wondering what they saw you in to seeing it, understanding it and fuck me wanting it.”
 Forgetting your state of undress, you stood and began pacing.
 “What does that mean? What does it say about me? What does it say about us? Are you still my brother? Or are you just this---one-night drunken mistake years in the making?”
 You suddenly stopped as a new thought dawned on you. A loud gasp came out as you spun to him. His eyes were on you but the look on his face was so unreadable, so confusing that you couldn’t even begin to guess what he was thinking.
 “Oh my god. I’ve become one in the ridiculously long line of your one-night stands.”
 You slapped your hands over your mouth and then looked down realizing again that you were naked.
 “Fuck my life!”
 You turned and ran from the room, upstairs to your bedroom then dove in your bed wrapping in your comforter. After five or so minutes, the embarrassment wore off especially when you thought that he’d already seen your naked so it shouldn’t have been a big deal. When you thought that any quick relief faded when the knock at your door came.
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“You’re kidding me. Now you knock?”
 He snorted then chuckled. “I know, pointless now. Let’s talk.”
 “About what?”
 “Everything you just off loaded back there before you ran away.”
 “I did not run.”
 “You sure did. Those ass dimples sure deepened over the years.”
 You gasped, flung the blanket off your face and glared at him. The look on his face was contentious defiance.
 Again, he snorted. “They’re cute, like a baby’s face.”
 “Alfie stop it!”
 You covered your head again and whined which only made him laugh more. When you felt the foot of your bed dip you balled tighter and waited for him to speak. You’d rambled enough and were starting to feel really self-conscious with everything you’d revealed. Several minutes passed before he spoke.
 “I’m sorry.”
 He sighed. “I’m sorry for all of this. I know you said it’s not my fault, but I feel like it is. I should have had stopped, should have had enough control to know what the hell I was doing. I still don’t know how I didn’t guess, didn’t know that--,” he said.
 You could hear the struggle in him. He really was feeling guilty. You didn’t want him to beat himself up over it. Yes, neither of you’d meant for it to happen, but it had happened. It couldn’t be changed so dealing with it was the only option the two of you had.
 “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
 Again, the silence stretched btu it wasn’t minutes this time.
 “I say all of that to say—me too.”
 You waited for him to continue but he didn’t. Confusion filled you.
 “You too what?”
 “Me too. Everything you said just now. Every reason you just listed off as to why you’re frustrated—me too. I’m frustrated too and for all the same reasons.”
 You’d began shaking your leg as a way to deal with nervous energy but hearing those words you stopped. You silently begged him to keep going because you didn’t trust your voice. When the silence was too much to take, you began chewing your bottom lip.
 “I can’t stop—thinking about that night too. I know I should and move on from it but at the times when I least expect it, I’ll remember something, and I get lost down the rabbit hole reliving it over and over until I’m sitting behind my desk hard as granite. Then I feel guilty because you’re my sister or--.”
 As your heart began pounding out your chest, hanging onto every word he spoke, you were slowly dying with the implications each of his words carried. However, once you heard the word “sister” you sprang up while revealing your head.
 “I am not your fucking sister!”
 You then dropped back down covering your head again. Alfie kissed his teeth them yanked your comforter.
 “I can’t talk to you like this. Be an adult right now, Y/N.”
 You held tight to the comforter but allowed your head to peek through. “Okay, okay, stop pulling. I’m naked.”
 “And I’ve already seen you naked. Twice.”
 He had a point. Sliding back to the headboard of your bed, you secured the comforter under your armpits and took a breath. “How can you be so calm about that?”
 “Trust me I am not cool right now. I’ve had a week to freak the fuck out and go through the stages.”
 “What stages?”
 “Shock, horror, disgust, confusion, disgust, intrigue, calm, acceptance, and--,” he hesitated.
 “And what?”
 “Desire,” Alfie whispered.
 Your eyes met and locked. Your belly fluttered making you groan and knock your head back. “This I weird. Isn’t it?”
 “It is, and if you were anyone else, I’d just let it keep being weird but you’re not anyone else Y/N. You’re my---.”
 “Don’t you fucking dare call me your sister again.”
 He snorted. “You’re my family and I don’t want to lose you because we’ve taken a side street which brought out something unexpected.”
 “When did you become so levelheaded? You were always the hot head, the irrational one. You were the one initiating the beat downs on all the guys who showed me any attention. It was you who purposely batted his baseball into the crotch of Malcom Woods because he’d confessed his love for me in the eighth inning.”
 Alfie chuckled then laughed loudly. “The dickhead deserved it.”
 “Was it worth it though? You lost the game in the ninth and didn’t qualify for the post season playoffs.”
 “Yep, fully worth it. Knocked his ass down to size and he never dared confess shit else. Plus, we still made it to the playoffs.”
 “That was because the third-place team was disqualified. It was because of that your guys’ spot was moved up,” you clarified.
 “And we still won and held the title for six years. As I said, totally worth it. I regret nothing.”
 You smirked and tried to fight the urge to laugh. If you did, you’d only vindicate him. You shook your head. “You’re hopeless and shameless.”
 “Always have been.”
 Again, your eyes met and again the same energy blossomed between you as it had since that night. It was this unexplained entity that didn’t feel foreign now.
 “Maybe because I’m shameless--,” he began to stop. He looked down to the bed then back at you. “I have the nerve to want you in ways I shouldn’t.”
 “What wa—in what ways do you want me?”
 His eyes dipped to your lips then lifted back to your eyes. “Physically—emotionally--, I want you period.”
 Your breath caught.
 “Since Vanessa I haven’t kept anyone around me for more than a few days only as a pass time or distraction. I’ve had no interest in taking things past casual. That night—it was new, and a shock and I don’t fully understand how it happened or why it happened. Like why now and not decades ago? I just know that now—there is this thing here--.”
 He motioned between you.
 “I thought long and hard about if it was purely physical and if it’s because it’s new—you’re new and forbidden.”
 “Is it?”
 Your eyes dropped as you fiddled with your hands.
 “No. I wouldn’t be here if that was the case. I would never allow myself to hurt you like that or treat you in any other way than how you deserve to be treated. I may have been a dick to others, but I’ve never been that to you.”
 You nodded.
 “Though I am seeing you as a woman now, this isn’t physical.”
 You stared for a long time. You knew he was waiting for you to put on your big girl panties. Sucking on your bottom lip for a few moments, you still waited trying to find your courage.
 “Do you want me, Y/N, in any way?”
 You blew out a breath and slowly nodded. You saw the flicker of life in his eyes. Was that hope?
 “I’ve spent the last week wanting you.”
 A ghost of a smile flickered on his lips. “How do you want me?”
 “The same ways,” you whispered.
 Alfie smiled then dropped his head back and sighed. “This is wild.”
 “What do we do?”
 He looked back to you then stood and peeled his white t-shirt off, flinging it to the side. Your eyes drank him in. He looked good as hell at night with the moon as light but in the daytime he was delicious.
 “What—what’re you doing?”
 “I want you in every way. You want me in every way.”
 He went to his pants and began undoing them. Your eyes widened as you watched him peel them off and kick them to the side proudly showcasing the eager bulge between his legs. You swallowed harder than you’d intended and the sound of it made Alfie snort.
 It was the same question he’d asked that night. You were hella drunk then and saw it as a challenge. Now you were painfully sober. Though you wanted to take him up on everything he was offering, you were afraid. When you didn’t speak, he must have seen that fear radiating from you. The smile on his lips faded and so did the cocky demeanor he’d been showcasing. He slowly crawled to you before coming right to your face.
 “Talk to me lil’ baby.”
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He’d called you that ever since you were kids. It had always been in a teasing way in some form but right now it was spoken softly, tenderly.
 “What’re we doing?”
 He softly smiled.
 “We’re going to do what we did that night in my bed again right here in your bed,” he said then kissed your forehead. “And again,” he kissed your left cheek. “And again,” he then kissed your right cheek. “And again,” he kissed your nose. “And again,” this time he kissed the corner of your mouth. You were damn near breathless by then.
 “After, we’re going to shower and do it again,” he kissed your neck.
 “After that we’re going to go out to dinner for our very first date,” he whispered as he kissed along your collar. “Then we’re going to eat, maybe hold hands, fight any awkwardness from a lifetime of habit and create new habits. Habits where we don’t call each other brother or sister.”
 He was now looking at you. “Habits that include me picking you up every morning to take you to work, then sending your flowers every day at your job, us going to lunch together, then me picking you up after work to go home to one of our houses where we cook dinner together and argue while we’re doing it and kissing in between arguing over doing it, maybe making competitive bets over who can chop the onion faster until one of us wins and has to pay up all night. Habits that include traditions, birthdays, anniversaries—a future.”
 You felt the tears in your eyes. Alfie swiped his thumb across your cheek wiping them as they fell.
 “What if—what if we fuck this up? What if we ruin this friendship?”
 He scoffed and wiped your cheeks again. “Then I say we ruin the shit out of this friendship because it’s not enough---not anymore.”
 You rolled your eyes. “Alfie,” you whispered.
 “As for fucking this up, we won’t. I know everything about you. The good like how you’re the most caring, giving, considerate, loving and genuine person I know. The bad, that you are way too competitive for your own good, and too stubborn, and that you can even be too trusting of people who you allow near you, and that you’re a horrible drunk and sleep way to fucking wild for your own good. I even know the secrets, like you are afraid to fully love anyone because you’re afraid of making a mistake you have to live with forever, and that you’ve never given your heart to anyone and have always liked every man you’ve been with less than they’ve liked you because making connections is hard because of you keeping yourself guarded. I even know that the reason why you’re afraid of making a mistake you have to live with forever is because you regret the person you chose to give your virginity to. You regret the experience and have tried to avoid repeating history.”
 Your lips trembled hearing his list every secret you had buried in your heart. He didn’t miss not once. Alfie continued to wipe away your tears with a gentle hand.
 “Because I know all of that and I know you know mine as well, I know we won’t fuck this up. I love you Y/N. I’ve always loved you. the only difference now is that I love you for more reasons and that love has morphed into something else and transitioned to a whole new plane of existence. How can we fail?”
 He looked so sure of everything he was saying, but no matter how sure he looked, you could hear the quiver in his voice.
 “I don’t want to lose you—lose us.”
 “Me neither.”
 You studied his eyes for a moment before you slowly closed the space between you pressing your lips to his. Both of you moaned softly. Bringing your hand to his jaw, you held him as he took control of the kiss. This one was not rushed, he took his time coaxing you, comforting you, assuring you with every lip graze, and swirl of his tongue. It didn’t take long for him to moan. When he pulled away, he kept his eyes on yours as he flicked the blanket off of your body revealing you to his eyes. Languidly, Alfie took in every slope of your body. When his eyes met yours again, you saw the desire in them.
 “Flat chested no more.”
 You snorted and the both of you laughed together before he kissed you again this time rolling onto his back. As you straddled him, you kissed him then moved to his neck taking advantage of him. Alfie’s hands cupped your breasts as he mumbled against your lips.
 “You’re beautiful.”
 His eyes left yours and went to the jewelry that was dangling between you from your neck. A grin stretched his face.
 “What’s mine looks good on you.”
 “Boy please, what’s yours is mine. Run dat!”
 Alfie laughed then flipped you onto your back pinning your hands to the bed.
 “Say that shit again and I’ll prove what’s mine. I dare you!”
 Unable to turn down a challenge, you stuck your chin out. “Bet!”
 Alfie’s slow smile was full of mischief. A few seconds later, he flipped you over so you were on your knees. He brushed his hardened length against your ass before he slapped it.
 “Flat ass no more either.”
 You moaned as he slapped it again then spread your thighs even more, bending so the only thing in the air was your ass.
 “Mmm, what a fucking view.”
 He dropped his lips to your back and brought kisses down to your tailbone before he kissed across the swell of your ass. The next thing you knew he was lying between your thighs pulling your clit to his lips.
Alfie’s moan was muffled, and the vibration had you gripping the headboard. Thankfully the velvet material protected the wood underneath, otherwise you probably would have She-Hulked out. moan after moan fell from your lips as he licked and sucked your flesh as he wished. When you felt him nibble your clit, you jolted up, but his hands wrapped around your thighs keeping you where you were to take what he gave.
 “Shit, shit, shit!”
 The storm in your belly began and you knew that you weren’t going to last long. That was when you felt his tongue slide into you.
 “Oh god, Alfie!”
 “Mmm.” Alfie tore his mouth from you. “Say it again.”
 You looked down and locked eyes with him and repeated his name, this time on a whine. You were not unable to stay still. Bucking your hips against his mouth, you gave into the pleasure that was building within you.
 “Fuck I’m gonna cum.”
 Alfie then pinched your nipple and within seconds he’d ripped your orgasm right out of you.
 “Fuck, aaah!”
 The next thing you knew your back was again pressed into the bed and your legs wide open.
 “You’re too perfect for words.”
 You watched him swipe his still impressive dick across your soaking slit and bucked every time he connected with your sensitive clit. When he circled your entrance then avoided it, you grunted out.
 “Someone feeling greedy?”
 “So you want this dick?”
 “Yes. I want it. Fuck me Alfie.”
 He looked shocked. “I always knew your mouth was dirty but who knew it was filthy.”
 “Filthy mouths do the best jobs.”
 He chuckled, shook his head then snapped his hips forward startling you so much that your entire body spasmed and morphed.
 “Shit fuck, you’re so tight, so fucking tight.”
 Every thrust was a struggle for him. He looked like he was fighting against something as well as trying to keep himself in control. Your moans matched, desperation matched, and desires peaked. You angled your head back relishing the sensations he was giving you while admitting you’d missed this. You’d missed being like this with him. When he brought your head back to his face his brows were knitted and eyes focused.
 “At me.”
 The pressure in you built so quick that you doubted you could hold on much longer. Looking him in the eyes while you shared something so new, so intimate was really making you hot.
 “Oh my god, Alfie.”
 “Say it again.”
 Hi thrusts sped and became rougher, but you took it all.
 “Again,” he strained out.
 You clenched around him and dug your nails in his back as you came completely undone at the same time, he released filling you up.
 “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!”
 His voice quivered every time he said your name until it was a mere whimper as he dug his face into your neck. You clung to him as tightly as he clung to you while your bodies shook together, neither of you wanting to let this moment pass, wanting to press it to memory and keep time frozen for however long you could manage.
 When Alfie moved, you didn’t know how much time had passed. Slowly, he pulled himself back gazing down at you, the only thing was this look was something new.
 He shook his head. “Nothing. Just accepting what I’d always ignored.”
 “Which is?”
 “It’s always been you.”                                                                
 Slowly you smiled as his words marinated and seeped into your heart. There was no way to know if this was where you’d always been going this entire time, no way to know if some twist of fate had caused this detour to make this path appear for you, or if you’d just created a whole new fate for yourselves.
 One thing was certain, it all began with one very bad oh so good drunken decision.
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Title: One Very Bad Oh So Good Drunken Decision DUO {What’s Done In The Dark}{1}***
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Alfie Enoch x Brother’s Best Friend Reader AU
Words: 7.7k
Warning: Cursing, Comedy, 18+ Mature Content, Excessive Alcohol Use, Weed Use, NSFW, SMUUTT, PLENTY OF WORDS, Drunken Antics, 
Summary: You, Alfie and your brother Bash grew up together. He was always known as your second brother, with your relationship mimicking that of siblings. However, after one bad good drunken decision things get done in the dark.  
Notes: Here we go again! This will be two parts. 😊 There is some Portuguese in here. Hopefully, the translation is correct, and Google didn’t do me wrong. If it is wrong, I apologize.
 Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!!  ❤️❤️
 ***NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL***
***Slightly Interactive***
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“Last night was so annoying,” Ferraz huffed as she dropped down onto your bed with her drink in hand. Her long dark hair fluttered around her like a veil made from the finest silks.
 “I know.”
 You rolled your eyes as you took a sip of your own homemade watermelon and pineapple prosecco mixer.
 “Like, how did he know we were going to be there anyway?”
 Roxanna’s questioning eyes were on you. It was like she thought you had the answers. You didn’t. You didn’t know how he’d known you’d be there; he didn’t know how he even found you in that massive crowd.
 “Does he have a tracker on your phone?”
 This time all your friends’ eyes landed on you. The weight of all three pairs of eyes on you made you crack. You quickly grabbed your phone and scrolled through your apps double checking if there was a tracker that he’d—your twin brother’s best friend who both of you had grown up with doing everything under the sun with—had secretly installed one.
 From the beginning you, Bash, and Alfie had been inseparable. Not only were you neighbors but your mothers were best friends since high school who’d done everything together. The same was the case for you, Bash, and Alfie. You were thick as thieves since preschool and practically inseparable through elementary school. When middle school started Bash and Alfie’s friend circle increased in the male population while yours in the female population. Though you didn’t spend every waking moment together, you often hung out.
 The summer before sixth grade was the summer you grew boobs and with the emergence of said boobs was the beginning of your experience with the male gaze and treatment. While it was an interesting year for you where many days often ended with you having an arm full of little presents and secret admirer letters, for your brother and Alfie it resulted in weekly trips to the principal’s office and many, many poor boys in the nurse's office with bloody noses and black eyes.
 That resulted in them hanging out with you and your friends a lot more. Your friends were overjoyed because two of the hottest guys in school were always eating lunch with them, waiting outside of their classes to pick you up and walk you to your next, walking home with them and hanging out around town together. In high school, your dating life was practically nonexistent. Ninety percent of guys were too afraid of Bash, Alfie the entire football and baseball teams to dare approach you to ask you out and five percent didn’t want to deal with your two overprotective “brothers”. That left the less desirable five percent, the real bad boys and super students who would rather do homework, play videogames, or work on tech than date a girl.
 By college, you were finally able to break free. You’ve chosen the university that was the furthest from home at the last minute so neither Bash or Alfie could get wind of it and choose your college as theirs. That resulted in you going to Stanford while your brother and Bash went to MIT. While you were overjoyed, they weren’t and no matter how hard they tried to change their choice it never worked. You didn’t hide your joy, you rubbed it in every chance you got. It was a curse in disguise as a blessing.
 The culture and vibe of Stanford didn’t fit you one bit. While you easily stayed on top of your studies even adding on extra classes you could never mesh with the preppy sort of stuck-up vibe of the university and the people around you. There you had much more of a dating life, even the event of losing your virginity to a good guy, probably the only one you meshed well with; however, the rest of the guys weren’t really your style. It never worked out. So, after a year and a half you found yourself transferring to MIT. Instead of them following after you, you’d followed them.
 Throughout college you maintained your connection and they’d even found a moderate balance between overprotectiveness and sibling protective. They still hounded any guy who showed you interest but they weren’t throwing punches unless someone deserved it. Which meant every breakup resulted in them threatening or punching your ex, either it was for being stupid enough to break up with you or not being good enough to be with you. At MIT, was when you kicked it up to show them how it felt. Any girlfriend or one nighters always got your death glare and a mildly psychotic warning not to break their heart. That had never happened though, every breakup was always initiated by Alfie or Bash. You found yourself being the shoulder the girls cried on while begging you to help them get back together.
 Once out of college, and several years of hard work, the three of you were finally settled in your own respective careers. You a Jr VP venture capitalist at an all-female fund whose goal was to get more women owned businesses on the Forbes 500 list and Alife and Bash as co-owners of their own Tech and App company. The meddling in your personal life had leveled out to a slight annoyance. You’d gotten them to understand that your life was your own to live and them butting in all the time was not helping you. You also threatened to cut them out of your life if they didn’t cut the shit which is what you did for a whole month when they’d overstepped their brotherly boundaries and was what Roxanna, Ferraz and Judelka thought was the wake-up call.
 They’d gone from seeing you all the time to not at all. You’d taken it so far as to block their numbers and rearrange your entire daily and weekly schedules to avoid them. After that they shaped up and began respecting boundaries. That was why you were utterly confused by Alfie’s actions for the last month. He’d been everywhere you were—everywhere. He showed up at your gym in the morning rather than nighttime like he preferred, come to your nightly jog session, been at your supermarket, your chosen restaurants, bars and clubs whenever you were there and even been spotted at the same places you were at while you were on dates. Every time he made himself known and each time, he’d played the domineering and intimidating brother role to any potential love interest.
 “There is no app,” you said placing your phone down after scrolling through your apps three times.
 “You sure? He does have an app company, Y/N,” Judelka voiced.
 “He could be masking it,” Ferraz added.
 “No, he wouldn’t do that to me. He knows that would be a major breach of privacy and my trust,” you said shaking your head confident Alfie wouldn’t pull that on you.
 The four of you sat there wracking your brains trying to understand how he’d been everywhere. The other night was the worst. Every time you went to the bar, he was a few seats away sipping a drink. If you were on the dancefloor, he was a few feet away watching. When someone approached trying to get closer, he found a way to get in between you and them. The four guys who’d tried to give you their number he’d blocked. You were sure it was him who’d convinced the guys who had approached to claim you were their girlfriend and start a fight. It was too far and by 2am you knew there was no point in staying. When you confronted him, he always feigned innocence and claimed it was pure coincidence you ended up at the same place.
 “Maybe--,” Ferraz began only to stop when all eyes were on her.
 “Maybe he--,” she began again.
 “For the love of god, spit it out Ferraz!”
 “Maybe he’s in love with you.”
 You choked on the sip of your cocktail and damn near spilled the entire thing in an effort to put the glass down. Roxanna lurched for you and patted your back immediately getting into doctor mode. It took a few minutes and a sip of water for you to stop coughing.
 “Oh fuck no!”
 “Eww, Ferraz, that’s Alfie. He’s my brother for fuck’s sake!”
 “Actually,” Judelka began stretching the word. “He’s definitely not your bother. You share no blood.”
 Your face scrunched in disgust as you felt the water you just sipped coming up.
 “You’re disgusting.”
 “What! You share no blood; your parents are not his parents. His last name is Enoch yours is Y/L/N. Completely different. Ancestery.com would not find any connection with your DNA. He’s not your brother,” she stressed.
 While Ferraz and Roxanna looked to be giving her words more thought your face scrunched more and more.
 “I mean technically she’s right, Y/N. He’s not your actual brother and you’re not his sister. He could be in love with you. I’ve heard stories of lifetimes friends realizing decades later that they’ve loved the other the whole time,” Ferraz said.
 You sprang to your feet. “No!” you shivered trying to stave off the thought. “No. He does not—he’s not—eeck! He may not be my brother by blood, but we grew up that way. Eww, guys he’s seen everything, my acne, my flat chest, then my new boobs then new ass and my period, oh god. No, just not!”
 You dropped back into your seat unsure why you’d stood in the first place.
 Silence stretched for a few minutes and in those minutes, you took plenty of gulps from your cocktail. After a few minutes, Judelka’s voice emerged again.
 “Can we all at least agree that he is finer than fine?”
 Ferraz and Roxanna both nodded.
 “Alfie has always been hot. He’s tall, sleek, sexy and those dimples---uugh.”
 Your head snapped to Ferraz. It wasn’t shock you were experiencing; they’d voiced plenty of times how hot they thought he and Bash were.
 “You have to admit it, Y/N. You’ve had plenty of women at your job ask about them and even a few have thrown themselves at them only to be turned down. The last girl I heard Alfie being into was years ago like fresh out of college,” Roxanna said.
 You went back to sipping your drink refusing to take part in the conversation. It was so interesting over the years you never felt uncomfortable listening to women voice their attraction to them. Matter of fact, it always humored you because you’d seen everything, you saw all the girlfriends and the one-night stands. You knew everything about them, every favorable and unfavorable trait they possessed. You also knew their potential if they ever met the right woman.
 “Maybe he’s still nursing a broken heart,” Judelka guessed.
 Alfie’s last steady girlfriend, Vanessa, was four years ago. Though not many knew, she’d done a number on him. Not only was she controlling and super problematic she proved to be a gold digger as well after scamming nearly two hundred thousand dollars from him throughout their relationship. It was a relationship that she didn’t have the decency to officially end before getting caught bent over a balcony by the owner of a rival tech start up who’d had beef with Alfie for years. It broke him but what broke her was when Alfie and Bash’s company made it huge raking in millions while her new “trophy” got indicted for intellectual theft & fraud. He'd been caught stealing ideas regarding apps and tech from rival companies. He was now serving twenty to twenty-five in prison which left her penniless after he stole what she’d scammed from Alfie. When she tried to come back you were the one to beat her ass, something Alfie had prevented you from doing when you’d first found out what she’d done to him.
 Was it possible he was still heartbroken over Vanessa? When you reached for your phone to send him a message, one came in.
 MSG Alfie: Wanna catch a movie?
MSG: Tonight?
MSG Alfie: Unless you got plans.
 You could use it to check on him and gauge if he was really okay.
 MSG: Okay. I’ll meet you at the theater.
MSG Alfie: I’ll pick you up.
MSG: It’s okay Alfie. I can get there on my own. You can drive me home.
MSG Alfie: Okay.
MSG: Gimme 40.
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When you got out of the taxi almost an hour later, you hurried inside the theater knowing you were late. Unlike your brother, Bash, Alfie never made a huge deal about your lateness to almost everything. He always shrugged it off. When you got inside you spun around trying to find him. When you did, he was sitting in a lounge chair with his phone in hand and eyes glued to it. He looked like he’d just left the office, which was probably true, the man was a workaholic. You stood in front of him and decided to wait to see how long it took for him to notice you. After two whole minutes Alfie’s head rose to meet your eyes. A slow smile spread across his lips and then the dimples took over.
 Unexpectedly, your stomach clenched making your smile falter and you take a step back. When he stood to his full height, he towered over you.
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“Still always late? I don’t know how you haven’t gotten fired yet,” he joked with a shake of his head.
 “Shut up. maybe I’m late on purpose. It does take time getting this flawless.”
 Alfie snorted then bent to the seat where he picked up a bucket of popcorn and a mega large cup. A sentimental smile stretched across your face.
 “Is that razzle dazzle cherry limeade?”
 “You know it. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t get you your favorite movie drink?”
 “Some brother, you forgot my butter--.”
 “Finger bites?”
 Alfie pulled a large box of your favorite snack out of his trench coat pocket shutting you up. Pinching your lips together, you turned your back to him.
 “Uh-huh. I do love shutting you up. Let’s go. I chose the movie and it’s not some lovey-dovey rom-com,” he said walking ahead of you leading the way.
 Once you’d found the theater, then your seats and settled, you both pulled out your phones to check if you’d missed any messages or emails. With his company he was always working and with yours, someone always needed something, if you missed ten minutes you missed a lot. After following up with Anita, the co-CEO of the company you worked for, regarding one of your high-profile projects, you looked over Alfie who was still glued to his phone. He looked focused but not distressed. You had to figure out a good way to breech the topic. After a minute or two of contemplation, you cleared your throat.
 “Hey Alfie.”
 “Hmm,” he replied not taking his eyes off his screen.
 “How are you?”
 Again, he was not looking at you. you waited until he realized you were staring at him. It didn’t take long. When his eyes met yours, his brow crooked. “What?”
 “Are you?”
 “Am I what?”
 “Are you okay—really?”
 He studied you for a few moments with complete confusion on his face. “Uh—yeah. Besides some major deadlines approaching and a few launch dates that I need to make sure go off without a hitch I’m good.”
 Slowly, you nodded and turned to the movie screen.
 “Are you—okay?”
 You nodded as well then reached for some popcorn.
 “I have a question though.”
 “Why have you been everywhere I’ve been for the last month?”
 Alfie snapped his head forward then raised the cup to his lips.
 “We don’t live too far from each other. It’s normal to go to the same places.”
 “Bullshit. You don’t go to the gym in the morning, you prefer late at night. You don’t jog outside you prefer the treadmill. You also hate Shanti and Luxum, you said the DJs and vibe is always off. Tell me the truth.”
 Alfie sighed then took a handful of popcorn.
 “Bash asked me to make sure you were good while he was gone. I’m trying to do that.”
 “You can do that without being under my ass. Did you pay off those guys at the club to cockblock?”
 He snorted then pinched his lips trying to stifle his laugher. Unable to, he turned his head from you and released it.
 You slapped his arm in the process with full strength. He didn’t even flinch.
 “It’s not funny.”
 “I’m sorry.”
 “No you’re not. Alfie what have I told you about interfering in my life like that? I swear I’ll drop your ass again without remorse.”
 The look he gave you was unexpected. It wasn’t a fearful one or an apologetic one, it was more daring. Was he daring you, calling your bluff?
 “You don’t think I would? I’ve done it before, and it was easy.”
 “Those guys were douches anyway. You don’t meet quality men in clubs like that. It has a reputation for attracting assholes,” Alfie explained.
 “Which is why you were there. You should have felt right at home.”
 “I’m not going to apologize for steering you from a mistake. I will apologize if you feel like I overstepped.”
 It wasn’t an apology. He didn’t feel he overstepped.
 “You do know my mistakes are mine to make, right?”
 “I do, but if I can help you make one less and avoid the things I’ve been through then I’ll do whatever it takes.”
 Your stomach clenched again. His heart was in the right place, you knew that, but you were still frustrated.
 “Alfie, I love you for trying to protect me, I really do. I’m lucky to have you and Bash as brothers, I know, but how am I supposed to date if you’re scaring everyone away?”
 He scowled at you as he clenched his jaw. You knew the move. He had plenty more to say but he was holding himself back. Sighing, he looked back to the screen and at that moment the lights dimmed, and the screen came to life with the theater’s intro. Any more conversation would have to wait. As expected, he’d picked a guns blazing, blood spilling action movie. It wasn’t bad at all. You laughed and chatted as you normally did. Even though you were frustrated with him, and he was probably frustrated with you, neither of you allowed it to show. It never impacted how you interacted. It was a comfort at this point.
 After the movie, you went to one of the best restaurants in town and talked about what was going on with each other’s work each actively listening and showing genuine interest. Every time he talked about the company you always felt proud of him. He and Bash had worked their asses off hell bent on never working for anyone and deciding to only make apps they would be interested in that would also help people. The fact that they’d achieved their goal had you feeling like you were the one whose hard work had paid off tenfold.
 By 2 am, he had you at your door, safe and sound.
 “I’m sorry.”
 You didn’t speak, instead you waited for him to continue. It took a minute, but he did.
 “I don’t mean to overstep—I never mean to do that. I’m sorry if it feels like I’m butting in.”
 You waited, expecting him to add “but I just want to protect you” however, it never came. Glancing at him, you found his eyes on the neon lights of his speedometer.
 “That’s it?”
 He nodded.
 “Wow. Um—th—thank you for the apology.”
 You reached over and put your hand on his that was resting on the stick gear. Alfie looked to your hand then at you.
 “I know you mean well, and I know you have my back no matter what, just like I had your back when I beat Vanessa’s ass until she needed new plastic surgery.”
 Alfie snorted then laughed tipping his head back. It was then you knew he wasn’t still nursing any broken heart. It may still hurt, but not because he still loved her, it was because she’d made him look like a fool. It was his pride he was nursing, not his heart.
 “I’ll back off,” he said. “And to prove it I’m taking you to the good spot tomorrow night, you and your friends.”
 “My friends? You sure you can handle a night of being objectified?”
 “Can you handle a night of watching me be objectified?”
 “God, you sure know how to bring the thirsties to the yard,” you teased.
 Alfie cocked a brow then smirked making his dimples appear deeper than ever. That was how he caught his fish. “I get it from my daddy.”
 You laughed and shook your head before slapping his shoulder and getting out the car.
 He waved then watched as you made it inside.
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 Everyone clanked their shot glasses together before knocking them back. The lemon and grapefruit flavors filled your mouth as the burn engulfed your tongue.
 “Oh my god, that was lemon grapefruit!”
 Everyone cheered as they got the signal you’d guessed right. Laughing, you jumped up and down. You’d guessed every single one right. You’d even lost track of how many shots you’d had or how long you’d been at the bar with a crowd surrounding you.
 “Looks like you have a good tongue,” a good-looking guy on your right said.
 On your left you heard a deep gruff. You knew it was Alfie without looking, but he didn’t speak or make a move. The man who’d said it averted his eyes, but he didn’t move away.
 “Next round. Who’ll challenge her?”
 “I got this,” Alfie said.
 “Ooooh. You’re in trouble. Alfie holds the record here. His taste buds are better than yours,” the bartender shouted.
 You raised your eyebrow as you looked at him. “Oh, is that right? Your tongue is better than mine?”
 “I don’t wanna brag but--.”
 You rolled your eyes then turned to him giving your full attention. “I accept the challenge.”
 His smile was wide as if he already expected your defeat. His competitiveness matched yours and anyone who knew you knew you’d never go down without a fight. The bartenders behind the bar began working on mixing up flavored shots in various shot glasses while you and Alfie evil eyed each other.
 “What do I get when I win?”
 “If you win. What do you want?”
 “You to officially take your nose out of my dating life and--,” your eyes dipped to his neck where the gold and diamond chain rested. He always wore it, smirking you continued, “That chain.”
 Alfie’s eyebrow rose. He knew just why you wanted it--because it was his. You smiled widely waiting for him to raise to the challenge.
 “You want this?”
 He raised it between his fingers, and you nodded. “I win, its mine.”
 Alfie scoffed. “What do I get?”
 “What do you want?”
 “That silver sequin dress.”
 Your eyes bugged and when they did, he smiled in the most mischievous way. He knew that was your favorite dress and he knew you loved to wear it to irk him and Bash because it brought all the boys to your yard. It was the dress you were currently wearing.
 “I get to rip it to shreds. Dare to play?”
 Narrowing your eyes, you held out your hand for his. When he placed his hand in yours, you shook it and squeezed. “I know that chain will look good with my silver sequin dress,” you added before pulling your hand back.
 The bartenders placed the first shot glass in front of you both. Alfie readied his hand at the same time you did. When you both heard the “go” you grabbed the glass and knocked it back. Ignoring the burn, you searched for the flavors.
 “Ew, grape,” you shouted first.
 When you got the indication that you’d won that round everyone cheered. Alfie nodded and clapped his hands.
 “I gave you that one. Let’s go!”
 Glass after glass was placed in front of you and you gulped every single one down trying to out shout him. The first six or so were easy but as the flavors piled on top of each other and the liquor began to take effect Alfie began to sneak up on your lead. He barely looked phased. You didn’t know how he didn’t need a liver transplant yet. He and Bash had always partied hard while keeping you sheltered. When you’d gotten to Stanford, you made up for the time lost and then at MIT you kept the same pace as they did but you doubted your tolerance was up to par with them.
 Sure enough by the time the glasses began to pile up you were seeing doubles and hearing multiple echoes, hell even the lights were beginning to blind you. The score was now tied, and your tongue was practically numb. Across from you, Alfie looked almost the way you felt.
 “Ready—to—give up little sister?”
 His words were slurred. You rolled your eyes, “You are only—threeeeeee weeeeeeks olderrrrrr.”
 You cringed hearing how your words slurred a hell of a lot more than his.
 “Come on don’t beee a sore looooseerrr,” Alfie shouted.
 Both of you began laughing together hearing how ridiculous you sounded.
 You shot up and stumbled. A pair of strong arms held you.
 Alfie shot up across from you too. He swayed but stayed upright.
 “Hands off! Get your hands off my sisssssteer!”
 The arms released you so quick you swayed as you grabbed for the bar to steady yourself. “Hell no tie,” you shouted.
 “No tie!”
 “Treeee threeee more. Winner want all,” you said.
 “Takessssss all, Y/N.”
 You snorted then giggled as you shook your head trying to get your head in the game.
 The bartender placed three shots in front of each of you. “Go.”
 You didn’t move, and neither did Alfie.
 Again, neither of you moved.
 “Go, Y/N!”
 You lurched forward and grabbed one and knocked it back. You couldn’t taste anything. “Red—it red.”
 Laugher erupted around you.
 “Pink. It’s pink, bubblegum,” Alfie shouted.
 You dipped your tongue into the glass trying to get every drop. “It red—it—apple!”
 You laughed but Alfie grabbed his second glass as you did.
 You grabbed your glass and gulped it.
 “Pineapple,” you both shouted at the same time.
 You glared at each other and quickly took the last shot. This one almost made everything come back up. You fought the urge to puke and tried to focus on the taste.
 “Toothpaste. Eeck! Mint.”
 “Yes! Y/N wins!”
 Cheers erupted around you but instead of celebrating you dropped into your seat and your head dropped to the bar. “I win.”
“Y/N? Hey!”
 You opened your eyes and looked around as everything slowly came into focus. Alfie’s face was the one in front of you. “Alfie.”
 “You’re drunk. Let’s get you home,” Roxanna said as she and Ferraz helped you up. In front of you, Alfie staggered out the door to the sidewalk. The sight made you giggle. Once outside you took a deep breath and sighed. “We go home, I won,” you said looping your arm through Alfie’s.
 “Yeah, yeah.”
 The next thing you knew you were crawling into the back of a taxi with Alfie behind you.
 “Are you sure you can manage her? You’re drunk too,” Judelka said.
 “I’m fine. She’s a terrible drunk and will cause trouble. I’ll take her,” he said as you cuddle close to him.
 “I’m not drunk!”
 You heard laughter but soon the sound of the wind drowned it out. The cool breeze beat against your face helping to clear some of the haze in your head. By the time you got to Alfie’s place you both were singing some nursery rhyme and doing hopscotch through his lobby not caring who wanted to look. The elevator buttons posed a problem and the two of you proceeded to push every button then laughing like children when the doors opened on each and every floor.
When it finally opened on the 50th floor, you both were on the ground. Rather than standing again you both crawled out then used the wall to shimmy up.
 “Why did you drink so much?”
 “You drink so much,” you countered. He had some nerve. “You sore loser!”
 “You shhhh!”
Both of you went back and forth trying to make the other shush all the way to his door. Once he opened it, you both staggered through. You’d been there so many times you knew your way around with your eyes closed. Once in the living room, you kicked your feet sending your heels in different directions. Both of you laughed at the sound of something breaking.
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“You break you buy!”
 You flung your bag and again the sound of something shattering followed. You staggered to the large window and stared out at the full moon. Somehow it looked larger than life.
 You pressed your hands to the cool glass and stared in wonderment. “Alfie look!”
 He came up beside you and stared at it too. Neither of you spoke for a several moments. It looked like the milky white of the moon was twinkling. When you looked at him, he was staring at you.
 “That fucking dress.”
 You snorted then giggled and walked to the couch before toppling over the back and landing on the cushions.
 “Mmm, bed.”
 “Not bed. Couch. Come.”
 Alfie came around but knocked into something as if he didn’t know it was there when it was his place. Grunting, he climbed over the back of the couch then sat beside you. He took a few breathes then stood. “Come.”
 You didn’t move.
 “No. I like this bed.”
 “Y/N come on.”
 He bent and the next thing you knew you were thrown over his shoulder. His arms held you right at your upper thighs. As he walked you slapped his back over and over.
 “Giddy up horsey! Go horsey! Woooo!”
 You giggled the entire time he walked. When you felt the softness of sheets underneath you, you moaned.
 “Mmm, soft.”
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As you cuddled deeper into the sheets, you moaned inhaling his scent that was enmeshed in every fiber of the material you were cocooned in. Something rough scraped your arms making you groan. You brought your hands to your chest and began tugging. “Uuugh, rough. Off. Off!”
 “You are such a horrible drunk. You turn into a baby.”
 “I’m not a baby. I grown,” you said while still trying to free yourself from your confines.
 He snorted. “Whatever. Stay still.”
 You didn’t and fell back onto the bed. A heavy weight landed on top of you making you open your eyes. You smiled then brought your fingers to his face.
 “I’m not the baby. You are. You have dimples to prove it.”
 You dug your pointers into his dimples. They were impossibly deep. “Is this how you trap women?”
 He snorted then lifted off of you.
 “I don’t trap anyone.”
 You lifted yourself up then continued to fuss with your clothes. “They willingly fall for those dimples and deep eyes and—” your movements stilled as you looked over his face. “And those full lips, chiseled jaw.” You splayed your fingers across his face feeling each of the details you’d just listed. “You’re—you’re handsome.”
 Alfie snorted. “Shocked.”
 “I am.”
 You both stared at each other for a few moments then you smiled before dropping back to the bed. “It’s your face. I see it now.”
 Alfie snorted then stood. “Open your mouth, this will help you sleep.”
 You obeyed and opened your mouth. When you felt a pill drop inside you sat up and took the sip from the bottle Alfie held out. “Mmm.”
 The rattling continued then a gulp. “Go to sleep.”
 You watched him take a few steps from you and something had you lurching for his hand. When you held it, he stopped and looked at you.
 “No. You sleep bad. I don’t want a black eye.”
 You giggled and held his hand tighter. “It was one time. I promise no kick no punch.”
 He didn’t move.
 “Pwetty pwease. Pwetty, pwetty pwease with a chewee.”
 He snorted then shook his head.
 “Fine, but there will be a barrier and the second you cross it I’m kicking you out.”
 You smiled again, but your smile slipped the second you saw him unbuttoning his shirt. At the first sight of his skin, you couldn’t look away. Instead, you watched him undress down to his men’s tank. Keeping his pants on he walked around to the left side of the bed and got in. Before he lied down, he placed a few pillows between your bodies.
 “No punch, no kick,” Alfie said again.
 You nodded then imitated a stiff stick. Both of you lied there stiff and still for several long moments. You shifted onto your left side then right before going back on your back. When none of those gave you comfort, you flipped onto your stomach then screamed into the pillow.
 “What? Uncomfortable?”
 You nodded. “I need my body pillow.”
 “You still need that?”
 You sat up onto your calves and heels then pouted. You could feel the tears.
 “Oh god, come here lil’ baby.”
 You scurried across his king-sized bed and kicked the pillows away getting close enough to lay your head on his chest.
 You nodded and moaned snuggling closer until your entire side was pressed against his. Even then you weren’t comfortable. Flinging your leg over both of his, you nestled yourself closer.
 A few moments passed but you groaned. “Wait.”
 Turning your back to him, you grabbed his arm and wrapped yourself in them while wiggling closer. When you were firmly pressed against him and his arms tight around you, you sighed.
 You nodded.
 “Who knew you were little spoon,” he whispered.
 “You make a good big spoon.”
 The two of you settled and fell silent. His body felt good behind you. Somehow, he always had a way of making you feel safe and sound. It was a feeling you came to crave when you weren’t around him. Alfie adjusted himself and the new angle sent his nose right onto your neck and his hand down your arm to rest right at your waist.
 “You smell nice,” you said.
 “You too,” he moaned taking a deep whiff at your neck.
 “You feel good.”
 His hand flexed at your waist. “You too—so good,”
 The deepness of his voice had your eyes opening and the feel of his hand moving to your hip made you turn to him and snuggle closer. With your head nestled on his neck Alfie held you closer. While his hands roamed your body yours did as well taking in the broadness of his shoulder and back. Your skin was so hot and the feel of his flesh on yours only made you hotter. It was becoming unbearable.
 When you tipped your head back, you found his eyes hooded but on you. You brought your head back to his chest but soon you rose it again and his face was a lot closer, and your lips grazed his. The hottest and most thrilling electric shock zapped across your lips then through your body coming to a peak in your belly. Neither of you moved for a few moments, but when you did, he did as well. Rather than pulling away, both of you pressed your lips together more firmly, then finally intensifying the kiss.
 That first electric shock was nothing compared to what coursed through you now. It was like seeing fireworks for the first time but having them go off inside of you. A moan echoed around you, but you didn’t know who came from. Within seconds, you both were moaning and kissing as if there was a gun to your heads. A strong hand slid from your hip to your ass and cupped it pulling you closer and flush against an intimidatingly large ridge of hard muscle.
 You bit down onto his lips then dug your fingers into his coiled and curly hair. The way he kissed you made you feel like he was sucking all the breath from your lungs and using it as his own. The harder he squeezed your ass the tighter you gripped his hair. Suddenly, he lifted you and turned himself, so you were straddling his him. Neither of you stopped, you continued kissing and exploring the sensations that were washing over you one by one. His hardness was now impatiently nestled between your legs fueling a desire you’d never experienced before.
 You brought your hands from his hair to his chest then you roamed them taking in every ab ripple. Grabbing the hem of his tank you lifted it up urging him up. When he sat up, you lifted it off of him. Your eyes dipped down and took in his torso. He was ripped and made for the female gaze.
 You smirked, then kissed him more fiercely. Somewhere in your head a scream echoed telling you to stop and leave, but there must have been some sort of disconnect because your body was not receiving that message. It did the absolute opposite. You wrapped your arms around him digging your nails into his back. Alfie bit your bottom lip then sucked on it before he pulled back. You tipped your tongue out and licked his lip before your bucked against him. His groan filled the room and filled you with so much want you couldn’t believe you were still this much in control.
 The universe in its ultimate sense of humor chose that moment for that very desire to erupt.
 “Didn’t you say you’d rip this dress to shreds?”
 A spark lit Alfie’s eyes and a smirk followed on his lips. Without saying anything else, his large hands gripped the low back and pulled it apart. The sound of ripping fabric filled the room and with every inch that ripped you moaned feeling pleasure from the act. Your eyes were locked, and you could tell he was also fully enjoying this moment.
 “Rip it off me.”
 Alfie obliged and pulled the remainder of the dress apart and off of you.
 “Like that?”
 You bucked again and nodded making him moan.
 You now sat on him in only your panties. Alfie’s eyes dropped to your bare breasts, and you watched the rapid rise and fall of his chest listening to the heaviness of each breath.
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“Fuck you’re gorgeous!”
 He licked his tongue along your sternum to your collar then to your neck where he sucked and nibbled until he dipped back down to pepper kisses across the swell of your breast. His hands rose, then cupped your breasts taking them fully in his large hands to massage them. When his thumbs circled your nipples, your moans turned to whimpers and when his mouth finally closed around them a high pitched sighed escaped you.
 “Fuck yes!”
 Alfie licked, sucked and nibbled your skin as he continued to massage your globes. Every move he made sent goosebumps all over your body. The more you moaned and mewled the more your hips bucked against him until Alfie grunted then flipped you onto your back.
 “Fuck you’re gonna make me cum.”
 He kissed a trail down your body stopped at the waistband of your underwear. In seconds, he peeled them off and spread your legs. However, he didn’t move after that. Instead, he sat there staring at your sex as if it was the first one of its kind he’d seen.
 “Do you taste as good as you smell?”
 You reached down between your legs and rubbed yourself shocked with how wet you were. Bringing your fingers to your lips, you licked them clean and moaned.
 “Mmm, even better.”
 It didn’t take him long to dive in. The first feel of his touch you nearly levitated off the bed, however his hands were there gripping your thighs keeping you right where you were so the only thing you could do was take everything he gave. From a few tentative licks, he’d now turned into a starving man at his last supper. When he slurped your clit into his mouth and sucked you lost control of your body. It was now him commanding, him dictating what it would do, him pulling every string, him making you see stars, and fireworks.
 “Oh fuck! Yes, yes, yes!”
 Alfie moaned but never relented. It didn’t matter what you did, push him back, bucking your hips, pressing your thighs together to trap his face. He didn’t stop and was clearly on a mission. The quick flicks to your clit that followed, sent you over the edge.
 “I’m—I’m—I’m cumming!”
 You screeched as your body shook unable to escape the onslaughts of pleasure that attacked you. biting your bottom lip, you watched Alfie emerge from between your legs. You needed him now! You grabbed him by the loop of his pants then fumbled in your attempt to undo them. The two of you worked together and, in a few seconds, he’d managed to peel them off with his boxer-briefs.
 “Fuck you’re big.”
 “Do you know me?”
 Alfie snorted then dropped to his knees between your legs and pulled you down to him with such little effort it made your belly flutter. Fuck, he’s sexy you thought.
 “Speak now or forever hold your peace,” Alfie teased as he stroked himself once, then twice then lined his cock up with your entrance. While he looked playful, he also looked nervous.
 You used your foot to gently push him back, then turned your body so your face was right in front of his bobbing and perfectly crafted dick.
 “You afraid?”
 You didn’t wait for him to continue; you slid your mouth onto his need taking him fully and deeply.
 “Oh fuck!”
 With him nestled at the back of your throat you swallowed. Alfie groaned long and loud as his head dropped back. A few seconds later, he was looking down at you watching everything you did. Not finding a need to be cute, you withdrew then repeated the same action again and again. On the fourth descent you slurped, in inhaling him like a vacuum and letting the excess saliva in your mouth slicken his member.
 “Oh god, Y/N!”
 You felt his hand at the back of your head holding you in place as he pushed himself further into your mouth. You moaned and took every single inch he offered.
 “Fucking hell!”
 When his hips began moving you kept his pace. Soon globs of spit dripped from your chin as your name and curse after curse fell from Alfie’s lips, even then you kept up, determined to make him cave first. When he pulled back, he brought your face to his and kissed you so fervently and thoroughly it left you speechless. Alfie slowly lowered you to the bed never taking his eyes off of yours then hovered over your body before he swiped himself across your wet and aching entrance making you want him even more.
 Words failed you but when you felt the first bit of him slide into you, your body clenched around him. Alfie gritted his teeth but continued sliding through you making you feel every single inch as his eyes greedily drank in every reaction. When he snapped his hips forward and filled you the rest of the way, you exclaimed out.
 “Shit fuck you’re so tight.”
 “Spread me out!”
 The way he looked at you made your belly flutter. It was a look you’d never seen before, a look that made you wonder what was in store for you. Alfie slowly withdrew then slowly slid in again. This time he circled his hips, and you clenched tighter around him. He pulled out then snapped his hips forward filling you completely again.
 Every time he did it your back arched off the bed and your legs tightened around his waist. Soon he’d set a slow pace, a pace that maddening because it made you want more of him in ways you were afraid to speak because you didn’t want your desperation to shine through.
 “You feel so good, Y/N!”
 Alfie rested back on his haunches and watched himself slide in and out. Wanting to see what he saw; you inched onto your elbows and watched the show.
 “Mmm, you see that? You take this dick so fucking well. Tão bom. Você está me deixando louco. (So good. You’re driving me fucking crazy)
 Over the years you’d heard him speak Portuguese countless times. He’d even taught you quite a bit but hearing it now was so much different. It made your belly flutter; sex clench and heart skip a beat. It had a whole new effect.
 “Sim ali. Foda-me, papai. (Yes, there. Fuck me daddy/papi.)
 Alfie bit his bottom lip then sped up. The force of his thrusts sent your body jerking back and forth and breast swinging. He grasped one and held your hip steady as he lost himself in his pleasure.
 “Você é linda pra caralho Y/N. Tão bonito, Tão bonito. (You’re so fucking beautiful Y/N. So beaitiful, so beautiful.)
 The sounds of your moans and pants blended together as you both raced closer and closer to the point of no return. There was no way to stop now and to be honest you didn’t fucking want to. This felt too good. He felt too good. Everything was so heightened that it didn’t seem real. It felt like a dream, a crazy beautiful wet dream that you wanted to get lost in.
 “Alfie, yes, yes, yes!”
 You screamed at the same time he shouted and as you came you felt him fill you with every bit of the essence that could reproduce those dimples and eyes in a mini replica of him.
  “Fuck,” you both exclaimed in unison.
***Part II coming tonight when I get home. ***
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Just a lil sumthin' to get your imagination running. 😏
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Hi darlings, this post here captures everything I’ve published and plan to put out in the future. I write for Alfred Enoch, Dean Thomas, Legolas and Will Turner - though I'm always open to other sources of inspiration, recommend me someone!
Okay my loves, let’s get down to business!
🍰 Angst | 🧁 Fluff | 🎂 Smut 
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Title: Playing The Game 🍰🍰🧁🎂 🎂 🎂 
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Summary: Y/K and Dean have been secretly enjoying a friends-with-benefits arrangement for some time now, relishing in the pleasure and excitement that it brings. But when Dean unexpectedly reveals his true feelings about someone else while under the influence, Y/K is left reeling and wondering where their relationship truly stands. Y/K must decipher between her newfound emotions and unspoken desires about what she really wants: lust or love?
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Black Reader
Warnings: Whole lotta’ ANGST, little bit of fluff, swearing, sexual objectification kink, SMUTTY AF, unprotected sex, quickie, public sex, unholy dirty talk, magic usage
1📖  |
Title: Tequila & Love Potion’s 🎂 🧁🍰
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Summary: It’s the year of 2022, and Hogwarts University is open for the first term. You have enrolled and are all set to go. Settling into the foreign environment has been a joy. Though you’ve been thrown off guard by continuous unplanned meetings with a new seductive acquaintance. 
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Reader
Series Warnings: Fluff, Supernatural themes, Angst, Mature Sexual Content 18+
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Title: The First Night In Rio (Oneshot…possibe Threeshot?)🎂🎂🎂
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Summary: Last year you had more losses than wins, so when the opportunity to go to Carnival in Brazil came along, it was the healing getaway you needed. Along the way, you meet a beautiful stranger at the club who provides you with the sexual healing you also needed.
Pairing: Alfred Enoch x Reader
Warnings: Drinking, Peeping Tom Behaviour, Unprotected sex, SMUT, public sex, swearing, NSFW
📖 Read here...
Title: Practice *ONE SHOT 🎂🎂🎂
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Summary: You landed the job of being Alfred’s personal assistance while he films a raunchy romance film that borderlines softcore porn, surpassing 50 Shades of Grey and 365 Day’s. He knew what he signed up for when he put his name down on the project but now that’s he on set, he’s getting performance jitters. There’s only one person that can prepare him for the lustful scenes he has to take on, and that person is you.
Pairing: Alfred Enoch x Reader
Series Warnings: Boss/Employer dynamic, Mature Sexual Content 18+
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I was re-reading this smut oneshot I wrote for Alfie while tipsy last night and oh my god y’all. I’m straight up embarrassed, this shit is FIL-THY. i’m a little bit hesitant to post it on here because the material is so nasty but I freaking love it. the places my mind goes to with this man, wheww....
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chaneajoyyy · 3 years
@royallyprincesslilly !!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been wondering if there was even gonna be fanfiction for him!
My sister is feeding us!!
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