sunclangen · 1 year
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thank gd, a chill relationship moon
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sunclangen · 1 year
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sunclangen · 1 year
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sunclangen · 1 year
Gen 2 relationship tracking 
Branchpaw- mentor is Mudstar, insecure, rivalry with Gardenpaw but overall close with both Gardenpaw and Mushroompaw, likes Goldentooth and Murkyshade, greatly dislikes Comfreydash and somewhat dislikes Rainsun, often feels ignored and not good enough, immensely grateful to Mudstar and big supporter of him 
Mushroompaw- mentor is Daisyflood, likes Comfreydash Goldentooth and Murkyshade, strongly dislikes Juncopaw and generally dislikes Goosepaw, very close with Whorlfern, middle sibling and feels like they constantly have to mediate between Branchpaw and Gardenpaw and that no one’s actually there for them, knows the truth about Junco and Goose’s parentage? 
Gardenpaw- mentor is Goldentooth, likes Cloudyplume, 
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sunclangen · 1 year
SunClan Family Trees- Y2
Tree 1: 
Nectarsnout (141) was the mother of Burrowdust
Burrowdust was the father of Cloudyplume (81) and Stormwing
Stormwing was the mother of Slatepaw and Sporepaw
Cloudyplume and Mudstar are mates
Owlspeckle was the mother of Mudstar (88) and Rainsun (88)
Tree 2: 
Pouncepetal (154) and Mousestar were siblings 
Mousestar was the parent of Flashpelt and Sleetfeather (119)
Flashpelt was the parent of Daisyflood (24) and Tigerkit 
Tree 3: 
Hornetflower and Beeclaw were siblings 
Hornetflower was the mother of Goldentooth (81) 
Tree 4: 
Dahliarain and Lightningwish were sisters 
Dahliarain was the mother of Hazefall (104) 
Tree 5: 
Whorlfern is the mother of Branchpaw, Mushroompaw, and Gardenpaw (6) 
Tree 6: 
Tadpoleshade of WHO was the father of Juncokit and Goosekit (4) 
Tree 7: 
Murkyshade is the father of Heronkit, Rosemarykit, and Pebblekit (2) 
Tree 8: 
Veilfern of BiteClan was the parent of Adderkit, Freezekit, and Buzzardkit (0) 
Comfreydash, Rustbloom, and Littlekit have no known kin 
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sunclangen · 1 year
SunClan Year 2 Update
The clan has grown incredibly since Mudstar’s decision to recruit outsiders into their ranks, with Comfreydash, Murkyshade, Whorlfern, and Rustbloom all joining over the last year. All of the clan’s kits were born to outsiders as well- Whorlfern’s three kits having just been made apprentices. The story behind Murkyshade’s litter remains a mystery to most, however, and the recent adoption of Veilfern’s kits into the clan threatens to restart the brewing war with BiteClan, which seems likely to resume now that the cold has thawed. 
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Allegiances- Moon 12- Newleaf 
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sunclangen · 1 year
SunClan Timeline- Year 2
Moon 12- Newleaf: 
Cloudyplume chases a kittypet off clan territory 
Pouncepetal spends more time with Goosekit, while Daisyflood overhears Branchkit complaining about her 
Whorlfern and Daisyflood successfully fight a fox for more deer meat 
Mudstar and Cloudyplume heckle BiteClan at the Gathering 
Daisyflood separately talks to both Goldentooth and Mudstar about being deputy one day, with a curious Juncokit chiming in for the second conversation 
Mudstar recovers from his stomachache and Pouncepetal’s dislocated joint heals 
Whorlfern trusts Mushroomkit with [truth about someone’s parentage] 
Juncokit and Mushroomkit got into a huge fight about their parentages; Goosekit interrupts- much to Juncokit’s annoyance- and accuses Mushroomkit of lying about something, which she denies 
The kits are forced to make up by the queens, and Mushroomkit is jealous of how Juncokit seems to be getting all the attention 
Cloudyplume catches whitecough, and Pouncepetal falls ill with greencough soon after 
Mudstar and Goldentooth drive off a dog on SunClan territory 
Moon 13- Newleaf: 
Rustbloom recovers from yellowcough 
A moon old kit named Little One is found abandoned on Clan territory, having been apparently left behind by their kittypet mother, and is renamed Littekit 
Murkyshade’s sprain heals 
Branchkit, Mushroomkit, and Gardenkit are apprenticed to Mudstar, Daisyflood, and Goldentooth; Comfreydash is furious and dismayed at being blatantly passed over 
Pouncepetal recovers from his bout of greencough 
Murkyshade tries to talk to Nectarsnout about Pebblekit being a mediator apprentice, but Nectarsnout is uncertain of him training his own kit 
Rainsun’s leg injury heals as well 
Hazefall and Comfreydash run into Veilfern at the border, the malkin actively in labour and panicking- despite the healers’ best efforts, Veilfern dies shortly after kitting, and the healers take the newborn Adderkit, Freezekit, and Buzzardkit to SunClan 
On their first group training session, Branchpaw asks to practice climbing, but the branch cracks beneath them and they fall, injuring a paw 
Moon 14- Newleaf: 
Cloudyplume recovers from whitecough 
Murkyshade travels to WhiskerClan to resolve some herb-gathering disputes, and the meeting goes better than expected; Murkyshade privately thinks Mudstar should be more prudent about clan relations 
Branchpaw heals from their bruising 
Rustbloom announces she is expecting kits 
Mudstar, Cloudyplume, and Branchpaw go on a border patrol and hear a kittypet screaming for their twoleg to come back; by the time they reach the thunderpath, the cat is already dead, having been crushed trying to run after their owner 
Whorlfern and Rustbloom go hunting together and come across a strange scent; investigating the burrow it led to, they are attacked by a wolverine, Rustbloom caught in its claws before Whorlfern races back to save her 
Buzzardkit is discovered to be blind 
Moon 15- Greenleaf: 
Rosemarykit gifts Pouncepetal some catmint leaves, and he decides to wear them in his pelt 
Juncokit and Goosekit are apprenticed to Comfreydash and Rainsun 
Whorlfern reveals she is expecting a second litter 
Mushroompaw catches a cold and has a running nose 
Rustbloom moves to the nursery 
While taking their apprentices to gather herbs, Comfreydash and Rainsun feel a spiritual presence that vanishes as quickly as it appears 
Hazefall comforts Whorlfern over her fears about StarClan 
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