sunclangen · 11 months
BiteClan’s Beginnings (TBC)
Siblings Deer and Hare have always been close, but the two have never really belonged anywhere, never had a place to call their home. And, when Hare learned she was pregnant, the two decided it was time to move on and find somewhere a bit safer than their current twolegplace for her to have her litter. The siblings arrive in the territory searching for a safe place for Hare to have her kits, but the two struggle to establish a den and adjust to the fraught relationships between the cats of the area. 
Elsewhere in the territory, Jaybird begs her brother Lakeshore to stay with her and help her care for their aging father Crane and her young son Spiderweb. Jaybird’s previous kits had all died before their first seasonal cycle, and her pleading convinces Lakeshore to stay, if only for a little while, despite his desire to wander and see the world. 
A moon later, while sharing prey with her brother after a successful hunt, Hare realizes her kits are coming. Deer is a complete wreck and not helpful whatsoever, but Hare safely delivers a single healthy kit, a son she names Striker, to encourage him to grow big and strong. 
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sunclangen · 11 months
BiteClan Family Trees- Y1
Group 1: 
Deer (80) and Hare (80) are siblings 
Hare is expecting kits  
Group 2: 
Mistle (187) has no known kin 
Apricot (55) is the mother of Yarrow (4) 
Group 3: 
Crane (120) is the father of Jaybird (81) and Lakeshore (81) 
Jaybird is the mother of Spiderweb (2) 
Group 4: 
Rattlesnake (63) and Lancer (35) have no known kin 
Flutter (84), Clouded Leopard (75), Gill (65), and Dawn (20) have no known kin 
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sunclangen · 1 year
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sunclangen · 1 year
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with Rattlegale injured, Rootleg volunteers to take Bloompaw out for the day 
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sunclangen · 1 year
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sunclangen · 1 year
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sunclangen · 1 year
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thanks king 
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sunclangen · 1 year
The Dead of BiteClan
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sunclangen · 1 year
BiteClan Introduction
Clan Origins (TBA) 
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Allegiances- Moon 8- Leaffall 
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sunclangen · 1 year
BiteClan Timeline- Year 1
Moon 0- Newleaf: 
Lakeshore agrees to help his sister Jaybird look after their aging and injured father Crane and her young kit Spiderweb, despite his urge to wander 
Siblings Deer and Hare arrive in the forest, looking for somewhere safe for Hare to have her litter 
Moon 1- Newleaf: 
Hare safely has a single kit, a son she names Striker
Moon 2- Newleaf: 
A kittypet named Lady has two kits named Billy and Luna, and she is then abandoned by her twolegs 
Deer meets an elderly molly named Mistle while hunting 
Mistle introduces Deer and Hare to Apricot and her kit Yarrow; Mistle and Apricot have been helping each other out recently and have become good friends 
Moon 3- Greenleaf: 
Deer is attacked by a trio of unfamiliar cats while hunting in the forest; Mistle warns him about SunClan 
Mistle, Apricot, Deer, and Hare decide to help each other look after their kits, agreeing to work together and moving to a new den site 
Moon 4- Greenleaf: 
Lake leaves to wander, so Crane starts venturing out more often 
Crane meets Apricot and Deer 
Moon 5- Greenleaf: 
Rattlesnake and Lancer, two toms traveling together, run into a SunClan patrol and realize its a fight they can’t win 
Hare meets Rattlesnake and introduces him and Lancer to the group 
Deer and Hare spot Lady’s body on the thunderpath while hunting and rush to rescue her kits, but Hare is killed trying to save an already-passed Luna 
A devastated Deer brings Billy back to Mistle and Apricot 
Moon 6- Leaffall: 
Mistle peacefully passes in her sleep 
Moon 7- Leaffall: 
A large aggressive dog is chased out of the forest by SunClan, where it hunts the kits in Mistle’s den; it kills Hare, Yarrow, and Striker before finally being driven off 
Apricot dies from her injuries a few days later 
Devastated, Deer takes Billy and leaves 
Moon 8- Leaffall: 
Spiderweb stumbles across WHO and begs for help- he and Jay were attacked by a dog and he got separated from her 
BiteClan is formed 
Deerstar renames each cat: Crane becomes Cranerun, and Spiderweb becomes Webpaw 
Leopardcloud and Gillpuddle tire themselves out looking for herbs 
Cranerun, Rootleg, and Dawnspeckle intimidate a rogue off their land 
Moon 9- Leafbare: 
Leopardcloud and Gillpuddle's soreness abates 
BiteClan sets off in search of Jay, but they are unable to find any trace of her 
Webpaw is named Webpounce for his passion 
Cranerun steps down as deputy, with Rattlegale chosen to take their place 
Bloompaw has a running nose 
Webpounce cuts their paw while helping Leopardcloud 
Deerstar, WHO find a sick kittypet named Eda wailing for their twoleg to come back; she agrees to stay with BiteClan for now 
Moon 10- Leafbare: 
The weather has turned the camp into a muddy mess; Rattlegale sprains a paw slipping in the muck 
Webpounce's cut stops bothering him 
Eda recovers from whitecough 
Rootleg takes Bloompaw out for training while Rattlegale is injured 
Eda suggests that Jay could’ve been taken by twolegs, so BiteClan ventures into the twolegplace looking for her; WHO finds Jay trapped in a twoleg den with another kittypet named Veil 
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sunclangen · 1 year
gonna be real silly and go make a BiteClan save file... this will not have consequences 
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sunclangen · 1 year
Rustbloom’s kits Cottonkit and Fumblekit are half clan :eyes:
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sunclangen · 1 year
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thank gd, a chill relationship moon
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sunclangen · 1 year
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good job goldentooth 
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sunclangen · 1 year
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there is so much going on at all times 
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sunclangen · 1 year
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someone’s being difficult this moon lmao
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sunclangen · 1 year
Gen 2 relationship tracking 
Branchpaw- mentor is Mudstar, insecure, rivalry with Gardenpaw but overall close with both Gardenpaw and Mushroompaw, likes Goldentooth and Murkyshade, greatly dislikes Comfreydash and somewhat dislikes Rainsun, often feels ignored and not good enough, immensely grateful to Mudstar and big supporter of him 
Mushroompaw- mentor is Daisyflood, likes Comfreydash Goldentooth and Murkyshade, strongly dislikes Juncopaw and generally dislikes Goosepaw, very close with Whorlfern, middle sibling and feels like they constantly have to mediate between Branchpaw and Gardenpaw and that no one’s actually there for them, knows the truth about Junco and Goose’s parentage? 
Gardenpaw- mentor is Goldentooth, likes Cloudyplume, 
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