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              He kneels at the cell a red gloved hand holds tightly to the bar. Like seeing the other has shaked his world. He did not know that this is where he'd see that broken boy again, his soul a wall of thornes!
              Lavenza said that all of his teammates would be here. And in the depths of the Trickster's soul he knew he knew. Akechi was a teammate too. That will of rebellion that laid on his skin. It's found it's way to him.
             " There's a story somewhere about a boy with wings who falls. "
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p5rpappreciation · 7 years
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whtcts is such really good akechi! whenever i see them write i feel like i’m reading a part of the game, they’re really good at writing and you can tell they really put their heart into writing akechi! i’m blown away every time!
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spookywhipped · 7 years
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   ❝   IT  all comes down to this... !   ❞ 
              Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy; she’s nervous, but on the surface she looks calm and ready. Her eyes glimmer with sheer determination, a spark delightfully common these days --- directed squarely at her opponent. He was certainly a worthy one... Ann’s hard-pressed to recall a time she’s ever seen so much as a stray speck of dirt or fuzzy piece of lint anywhere near Akechi. It’s only reasonable to assume he expected the same results of his little helper. Perhaps it was their destiny to eventually face one another in battle... Or rather, for their humble warriors to face one another. 
              She taps her fingers in steady rhythm along the sleek, circular surface --- hers a customized pink-and-silver model. Much like Ann, Roomba-san was unassuming... But deadly, and unafraid to clean with extreme prejudice. 
   ❝   Ready, Akechi... ?!   ❞  
⟨ @whtcts ⟩ MISSION : START ! 
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adrnin-blog · 7 years
Give me hte k mishima
twenty - one. && then there’s tongue !!  (selectively accepting)
yuuki mishima likes goro akechi— likes him progressively more, in fact, with time elapsed. it's over time that the carefully constructed, cultivated veneer which akechi armors and obscures himself with lapses too. subtle imperfections come close though they're never allowed to breach the surface, veins of obsidian in the body of a gold mine, and mishima is captivated by the contrast.those that akechi is ill-prepared for are the most enlightening moments of all – mishima does wonder if he manages to surprise him only because the prodigal detective doesn't expect very much, but can't fault him for it, if so, unextraordinary as he is ... but regardless; akechi is at his most guarded under the hot glare of a studio track and in interviews reveals exactly the information he intends to, not one iota greater and absolutely nothing of substance. granted, as his acquaintance (he thinks of him privately as a friend when he's feeling particularly optimistic), mishima finds more value in akechi's personal quirks than the dozen tv stations that broadcast his face to boost their ratings. the manufactured personality is to be admired, but only from afar, and no more familiar than to the professional extent required for cracking jokes.before mishima met him, he'd been smitten, as intended. perspective had suddenly divorced the entity of tv akechi from his physical counterpart and placed it squarely into an uncanny valley, and mishima couldn't recall afterward what had once so charmed him about the affect; that of a mannequin with handsome features, as attainable as he was really ... real. the mass appeal curated by the version of akechi that unsettles him now, though, whose empty smile is made up of miniscule pixels, is undeniable. as mishima's overheard his classmates state it plain: for the prince's heart, competition is stiff.how many of akechi's fans remain, with steadfast devotion, as the popularity of the phantom thieves rises with an indicated polarity to akechi's own? a very small part of mishima vindictive on behalf of his idols wouldn't mind telling him that he'd started the the fire and fanned its flames himself but that's neither true nor fair, and he expects akechi's probably heard or read it before. mishima remembers him saying ... something, once, implicating an awareness of the online chatter about him. mishima won't pretend that the canceled specials and guest appearances haven't been a boon to their budding relationship, though he sympathizes with akechi's feeling of being unwelcome wherever he goes. ... hell, he's only hanging out with akechi now because a handful of hours from his busy schedule once dedicated to something or someone else have fallen through.would even akechi's die-hard supporters continue to soldier on if they were to witness one of those rare occasions that ugliness contorts his pretty face? in breaking out of a role that could be performed honorably by a loaf of white bread– behavior less universally palatable, when he neglects to censor himself for the sake of onlooking cameras, he defies their expectations. those seeking to protect idealized versions of akechi might turn their backs on the real one. that ... relieves mishima somewhat, and as uncharacteristically cruel as it sounds, it's a shocking admission even to himself. unlike schadenfreude, his pleasure stems from the confirmation that despite his fame-turned-infamy, akechi is all too human.he's human, not a symbol. his negative traits don't, could never outweigh those mishima perceives as his good. akechi shouldn't have to go to the lengths he does to suppress them, but yuuki has an inkling of why he might. most importantly, as the issue at the forefront of his mind right now (and all the time, lately), to act upon the affection he harbors for akechi would not make akechi profane, because he already is– because he's just a person ... and there is no such thing as a perfect person. akechi may be imperfect, then, but all that that really means to mishima is that he can reach out to and touch him without committing sacrilege.but none of that – the long-winded explanation and its validating conclusion never ascend past mishima's unconscious where they're processed. instead, when he looks across the table seating two and sees goro, whose expression is slightly sour, he throws some electric impulse to his brain. having lost the thread of whatever arbitrary conversation they'd been having as soon as he laid eyes on akechi (whatever the topic is, anyway, it's just an excuse for two outsiders to seek companionship), if he had to guess, mishima thinks he must have said something pretty stupid, and now akechi is preparing to deliver a suitable retort. with little bias toward either polite disagreement or hurtful condescension akechi looks ready to choose his next words, and at the same moment, mishima's brain fires off a response to his earlier query; go for it.abruptly mishima stands, straightened legs pushing out the chair that makes a harsh noise when its legs scrape the floor, but the sound is one he barely registers, so caught up in the moment. he braces himself on one palm and leans across the table, his other hand moving to cup one side of goro's face and his own face coming close enough for goro to feel breath on his skin (it's warm and smells like strawberries and chocolate, something shared between them, mutual). he hovers, for a fraction of a second with eyes narrow from concentration before his parted lips zero in on the space where he'd spotted a fleck of whipped cream on akechi's chin. it's not quite a kiss, though his cupid's bow briefly greets the flesh of akechi's mouth itself while the tip of mishima's tongue finds the remnant of a vanished dessert, and claims it. his eyelashes tickle the other boy's cheek before he withdraws, from all fronts, and yuuki all but collapses back into his chair before he thinks to explain.❞... you had crepe on your face.❞
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pantherdyne · 7 years
whtcts replied to your post:        “You know? – like nya? Nya ~!”
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        “You have to put more heart into          it Akechi-kun, then it’ll be perfect, NYA ~!
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willbeshot · 7 years
                         Reaver knew the world of business like the back of his hand. He had been alive for centuries upon centuries, and had become so familiar with industrial corporations that running them had become as easy as breathing. But with each decade that has gone by, Reaver’s heart had become colder and more corrupted-- He had come to Japan for a vacation, but as greedy as he was, he just couldn’t pass up the oportunity to show off just how heartless he really was. And with the downfall of Okumura foods, Reaver Industries had no issues taking root and bleeding the average person dry.
                        With his perfectly pressed suit, matching sunglasses, and an air of ‘ I’m far richer and more important than you ever will be ‘, Reaver would walk through the subway station; everyone seemingly giving him a great deal of space as he walked by. That was, of course, until he came across a group of squealing high schoolers who seemed to be fascinated by a young man who clearly wanted nothing to do with them. Such a thing wouldn’t trouble the Hero normally, but they were in his way! That just wouldn’t do.
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              “Whatever you lot happen to be gawking at cannot                possibly be more important than moi. Move.”
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maidlove · 7 years
❤️ :0
positivity meme! 
       i’m being predictable here but idc.  fight me.  gonna shed some spotlight on Lawrence / @picarexque / my main motivation for this blog.  i first followed Lawrence on Mark’s blog, like… a year ago, and i haven’t regretted a single second of it.  he’s been developing Tadashi  ( which i still have to remind myself isn’t p5-kun’s canon name )  for… what, two years now?  fuck, i don’t even know.  but that’s a long-ass time to be writing for a character, especially for one who, until two months ago, we knew virtually nothing about.  
     he’s such a chill dude, tbh, and so kind and welcoming towards everyone he meets.  i was nervous about coming back to the Persona community, but he was just so encouraging the whole time, and i’m glad i decided to follow through with it bc i’m having a goddamn blast on this blog, even if my activity’s sporadic bc of work and other issues.
      almost jokingly, i recently asked if his affiliated oc group needed another member, and he was just??  so cool about it??  like i was totally prepared to get a gentle ‘no’ or smth but nah man he and the rest of the group were super excited at the concept and i’ve been having a great time with them on discord and Isaac’s blog.  overall, Lawrence is just… such a great friend, honestly, and the excitement and passion he brings to our ship keeps me going and makes me smile on days when it’s a real struggle otherwise.  
    xoxo pls go follow him i love lawrence 
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ebonyfalsities-blog · 7 years
whtcts replied to your post: whtcts replied to your post: ...
’ she is anime mr. krabs ’ I SW EAR TO GO ,
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mispyre-blog · 7 years
@whtcts /
                  ❛  ah , say , akechi - san ... if you have a moment , could i ask you something ... ?  ❜      curious boy , planning to present query regardless of whether or not such could be deemed a nuisance , unable to help himself and at least he manages to look sheepish in doing so , apologetic for wasting what must be a temporary teammate , a media star’s precious time  /  something else glints in the back of peridot irises , rests in the subtle curve of his lips  /  not malicious , but quite innocent either. 
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                 ❛  what would you say the difference is between justice and revenge ?  in the end , aren’t they both an attempt at making someone pay for what they’ve done ?  so then ... what makes one worse than the other ?  ❜      pause.  laugh bubbles out , awkward and embarrassed.      ❛  ah , i’m sorry.  that must be a strange question to be asked by someone you barely know , right ?  but still ... i’m interested in your opinion.  ❜
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benoir-blog1 · 7 years
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       ❛    still  too  bitter  ?    ❜     disappointment  can’t  always  be  curbed ,  and  while  she  does  her  best  to  upkeep  her  sunny  disposition ,  her  disdain  is  made  apparent  by  the  deflation  in  her  tone.      ❛    hmm  ..  maybe  i  need  to  talk  to  the  plants  more ?   maybe  then ,  my  veggies  will  taste  better  ..  what  do  you  think ?    ❜    /   @whtcts
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grimidol · 7 years
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“You’re always tagging along with... Fuck, what’s ‘is name?” ... Masoyoshi Shido, right. Instead of appending the realization to his aborted statement (which had been in his native tongue anyway-- unless the one who’d caught his eye happened to understand Arabic the clarification would hardly matter), Robin takes a drag from the cigarette clenched between his fingers. His brows are knit, and he, deep in thought; Validar’s just as deep in sketchy shit with numerous politicians, but Shido specifically gives Robin chills. The question of where Robin recognizes Akechi from may be answered, but another arises. He isn’t sure what the other teenager has to do with Shido. Maybe it isn’t really his business. Validar’s political aspirations aren’t his business, either, but that doesn’t stop Robin from knowing all about them, even going so far as to occasionally manipulate their course. Of course he’s going to try digging his talons into this boy. He drops the butt of his smoke and grinds it into ash beneath his heel before holding out his hand for a shake. “Hey, I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m the ambassador’s... protege. Or a trouble-making nuisance, depending on who you ask.” His Japanese is accented, but essentially fluent.  “Robin Yusuf.”   @whtcts // sc.
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hekigankiseki · 7 years
Three Blogs Meme
@whtcts is another blog that I absolutely admire, and have been admiring for years on end. Like he mentioned a while back, he and I go way back and are long-time mutuals. Doesn’t matter what character he portrays, I know that in-depth writing style from anywhere; reading through his stuff is always a joy to do. Ask him about his previous and current blogs as well-- if I remember right, he tends to run more than one blog at a time.
Speaking of people who holds multiple blogs at a time, lemme talk about @relcel. Sese, as I’ve been nicknaming her for the longest time, has been another long-time mutual with me, and I haven’t recalled a time where I haven’t had fun talking to her, whether it may be in character or out of character. She loves her characters to death, and it shows throughout her writing. Absolute joy to communicate with, and a real sweetheart to boot-- with a hint of deadpan snarkiness that Minato and Akira would be proud of, tbh.
And if we’re talking about sweethearts, I need to include @jewelcrest in the conversation. Ley is an absolute angel to her followers, and has this innate ability to write the most eye-catching plots with her partners from seemingly any time. She also does livestreams of stuff that she watches from time to time, bringing this sense of community as we go through a flashback trip of angst (I still remember the whole Fate/Zero stream chaos my goodness). Probably one of the friendliest people I know of; very committed, an absolute pleasure to see on the dashboard. Can’t wait to write with her sometime soon.
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ebonyfalsities-blog · 7 years
whtcts replied to your post: celestia is the fucking mr. krabs of dangan ronpa ...
i deliver quality content for all of my followers for a low cost,,,,,,
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spookywhipped · 7 years
whtcts : you : understands akechi and cries about him me : i am so glad i am so happy i knew amanda would be on my side
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pcnthcrmoved-blog · 7 years
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akechi && ann aesthetics requested by @whtcts
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