#whumpe and whumpeer roommates
otherworldly-whump · 2 years
Casual whump and my favorite syndromes
Following up from some recent reblogs and since im back on my shit again. and by shit i mean, my soap box about causal whump dynamics, Stockholm and Lima syndrome, my love of remembering that both whumpers and whumpees are real people again. Give me whumpeers that take advantage of having a captive audience.
Whumpers who get bored or lonely when they have down time, or who realize they want someone to play a game with instead of playing alone when their resting. Give me whumpers who force their whumpee to learn how to play their favorite video games so they have someone to play with. Maybe they teach them just enough so they can push them around in game, or maybe they train them to be exactly what they need, a perfect teammate for hard content. Whumpers that teach them card games and board games because fuck does it suck to have a pile of the around the house and no one to indulge with! Whumpers who force their whumpees to watch their favorite shows, so they have someone to watch them with. Force them to learn everything about it so they have someone to ramble at about the newest episodes, someone on call to debate lore and theory with. Whumpers who teach their whumpee how to listen and ask the right questions, so when they get to excited about something and want someone to share with, they realize they dont have to wait, they can just go ramble and whumpee! Whumpers who keep their captive audience close so they always have someone to info-dump to! who during downtime or rest days just casually shares their favorite topics because why not! They're there, there still someone to share with, even if you don't see them as people their perfect listeners. And its just nice to have someone to share with on short notice whenever you need.
And hell, whumpees that are absolutely thrilled by this. It give enrichment, social interaction, putting whumper in a good mood means better days, or more affection or soft moments to rest. It means less time alone or understimmed or without an outlit. Sure its a bit weird or a bit fucked up in context but? why not embrace the short moments of reprieve or the chance to improve how whumpeer sees you and improving your treatment just a bit.
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