#relaxed whumper
otherworldly-whump · 2 years
Casual whump and my favorite syndromes
Following up from some recent reblogs and since im back on my shit again. and by shit i mean, my soap box about causal whump dynamics, Stockholm and Lima syndrome, my love of remembering that both whumpers and whumpees are real people again. Give me whumpeers that take advantage of having a captive audience.
Whumpers who get bored or lonely when they have down time, or who realize they want someone to play a game with instead of playing alone when their resting. Give me whumpers who force their whumpee to learn how to play their favorite video games so they have someone to play with. Maybe they teach them just enough so they can push them around in game, or maybe they train them to be exactly what they need, a perfect teammate for hard content. Whumpers that teach them card games and board games because fuck does it suck to have a pile of the around the house and no one to indulge with! Whumpers who force their whumpees to watch their favorite shows, so they have someone to watch them with. Force them to learn everything about it so they have someone to ramble at about the newest episodes, someone on call to debate lore and theory with. Whumpers who teach their whumpee how to listen and ask the right questions, so when they get to excited about something and want someone to share with, they realize they dont have to wait, they can just go ramble and whumpee! Whumpers who keep their captive audience close so they always have someone to info-dump to! who during downtime or rest days just casually shares their favorite topics because why not! They're there, there still someone to share with, even if you don't see them as people their perfect listeners. And its just nice to have someone to share with on short notice whenever you need.
And hell, whumpees that are absolutely thrilled by this. It give enrichment, social interaction, putting whumper in a good mood means better days, or more affection or soft moments to rest. It means less time alone or understimmed or without an outlit. Sure its a bit weird or a bit fucked up in context but? why not embrace the short moments of reprieve or the chance to improve how whumpeer sees you and improving your treatment just a bit.
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whumpitisthen · 8 months
They crouch in front of him, drawling his name like a melody, all sticky and sweet like honey. His back presses that much harder into the stone wall behind him.
"Do you want me to gouge your eyes out?"
The nonchalance of their delivery has his shaky lungs gasping for air.
"N-No..." — He doesn't, he doesn't, please don't.
"Then be a dear and keep those pretty things closed." — Their hand lands over his eyes, gently guiding his eyelids closed. — "Don't let me catch you sneaking a peek, okay?"
They smile still; he can feel their teeth grinning through the void enveloping him. He nods against their hand cupping his cheek as they watch him intently, swallowing down every word that claws at his throat to escape him in case they decide letting him keep his tongue should become a luxury too.
They give a couple light pats, then stand, purring, — "Good boy."
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whumpshaped · 1 year
live person asmr but the other person is there against their will either drugged, unconscious, or restrained. whumper uses them as a prop <3 all the gentle touches.. forced tingles
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echo-goes-mmm · 2 years
We don't have enough vampire caretakers in whump
Think of the possibilities! Sure they may or may not feed off of whumpee, but that's a very small price to pay for safety in a thoroughly hurt whumpee's mind
Vampire Caretakers can tell with a taste or even smell that whumpee needs more calcium or iron in their diet
Vampire Caretakers can use their Charm ability to help soothe whumpee
Vampire Caretakers who have all the time in the world with many resources to make whumpee as comfortable as possible
Vampire Caretakers that no whumper would Dare cross bc Caretaker could CRUSH them
Vampire caretakers Will Kill for their whumpee and god help Whumper when Vampire Caretaker gets ahold of them
Idk I wanna see a person capable of great harm being the kindest, gentlest person in a whumpees life
And maybe Vampire Caretaker has been lonely for far too long and now? A Friend! And they Will Love and Cherish their new companion damnit
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letitbehurt · 2 years
The whumper forcing the whumpee to dig their own grave.
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bedtimescenarios · 4 months
There's something so terrifyingly beautiful about mind control.
Just imagine- a Whumpee who knows about Whumper's ability. As soon as they end up alone with them and realize what's going to happen, they panic. They attempt to get away, to stay out of Whumper's reach, to fight.
When that fails, they resort to choked pleas, backing away though they know it's futile. Their eyes warily scan the grinning Whumper, who is walking towards them at a painfully slow pace, aware of the fact that they have them cornered. As their back presses against the cold wall, and Whumper's hand delicately makes its way towards their face, Whumpee freezes.
Whumper's fingers gently brush against their face, the cold touch causing them to shiver.
"Don't fight me."
Their voice is sweet as they speak, so much so that, if they didn't know better, Whumpee would think this was their medium. But as Whumper's hand settles on their cheek, and their mind starts becoming foggy, that idea is discarded.
"You'll feel so much better afterwards, you'll see. Just let me in."
Whumpee grimaces, desperately trying to hold onto their thoughts. their thoughts. their, their, THEIR-
"There we go."
As Whumpee's facial features relax, their breathing slows down, and their expression goes blank, Whumper knows they've won.
Whumpee's mind is theirs now.
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defire · 11 days
Living weapon PTSD
Content: punishment aftermath, scars
(stoic whumpee vibes)
Sees someone pick up a long thin object, immediately winces and takes a rigid, chin-up posture like a soldier in line
Or (if severely triggered) yanks off their shirt in one fluid motion, turns and faces the wall, bracing their hands against it for support
If they see a weapon they watch it, and whoever has it, like a hawk
Trying to figure out who's in charge no matter what situation they're in. Using a formal tone with them even if they're TRYING to just be normal
Tensing up around people that act/speak like whumper. They don't want to embarrass themselves by flinching every five seconds so they're just going to flex every muscle until they are gone.
Self aware of their stiff posture. Sitting down and forcing themselves to relax into a couch and put on a fake smile
Caretaker seeing their scars and covering their mouth.
In that event, whumpee flushing and covering them because they're still ashamed of "earning" the punishments that left those marks
Or if they're from combat, smiling and telling the story proudly because they made their owner proud that day and they weren't punished
Trying to explain what happened and then suddenly going quiet
Answering questions like they're being interrogated by a superior
Refusing to speak because they're flashing back to a time they were interrogated in an enemy compound
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There's a flavor of whump I'm always craving that I don't see very often, I think because the possibilities are so context-specific. You can do some things in some universes that you can't in others! You can do certain things with non-human characters that you can't with others!
But hear me out:
Whumper making physiological changes to Whumpee's body.
Could be through programming for robot characters, dedicated brainwashing for humans, magic for fantasy settings, weird biology for aliens...
A few examples off the top of my head:
Alien species that instinctively responds to neck squeezing by going limp like a scruffed kitten, because this helped them survive encounters with predators. Delicious all on its own -- now throw in a quick surgery to permanently clamp the nerve responsible. Whumpee wakes up in a permanent state of relaxed submission and can't even show how terrified they are.
Obedience programming/training that's wired directly into a character's brain. When the system detects unwanted thoughts, it applies pain. Even after rescue, Whumpee can't think of themselves as an autonomous being because their mind is desperately protecting itself.
Characters with magic having their magic corrupted or bound so it either hurts them to use, or it can only be used to serve Whumper's purposes. Bonus points if Whumper has full control over their magic AND the use of it hurts them.
Characters given a brain implant or parasite that stimulates the reward center of the brain, which would be great, except they can't turn it off. They're kept in a constant state of bleary euphoria... with just enough sense of self left to know they want it to stop.
Characters being spelled or programmed so they physically cannot function independently. Characters who very literally NEED to be given permission to do things like relax or take a walk or even use the bathroom. Not being given this permission leaves them in a state of locked stasis -- fully aware of the time passing. Bonus: Caretaker can't reverse it, so they just HAVE to navigate All Of This.
Alien species that will a develop chronic physical illness if deprived of touch for too long. Said illness can only be treated through regular physical touch. Defiant Whumpees will often be locked in solitary confinement and fed through a slot in the bars until symptoms start to manifest. Sometimes they'll be left even longer, to make sure they end up a severe case. And now, oopsie, the only way to ease this horrible pain is by letting your captors put their hands on you!
Just. Physiological whump. The horror of someone else controlling your body or your mind. Betrayal of body. Etc. Do you understand.
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crimsons-whump-pile · 1 month
hi hello, may I suggest some nice exhaustion whump for tonight’s soirée?
a whumpee who tries so, so hard to keep going until they’re falling apart at the seams and struggling to even keeping drawing breath, let alone stay conscious?
a whumpee who’s so thoroughly wrung out that they collapse to the ground (or into caretaker’s arms… or into whumper’s) the second they let themself relax even the slightest bit?
a whumpee who just has no more energy left to fight? barely enough left to live? who’s spending every last ounce of their strength on counting their breaths and making sure their heart is still beating?
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a-crumb-of-whump · 3 months
Content: Recovery, past torture, PTSD/trauma, chronic pain.
"I want you to ask for something," Caretaker gently requested. "Anything at all. Ask, and it's yours."
"I don't know what to ask for," Whumpee whispered. "Everything I had- everything I was, was something Whumper gave me. That's all I know."
Caretaker sighed from their spot on the floor. Their arms were draped across Whumpee's lap, their side pressed into the couch that they were sitting on. "Okay. Let's work with that, then. Did Whumper ever do anything for you that you enjoyed? Do you have any... not-so-bad memories while you were there?"
There was some silence, only broken by the occasional sniffle as Whumpee attempted to think back. They could feel Caretaker's warm gaze focused solely on them, waiting ever so patiently for a response.
"Sometimes... sometimes, if they pushed me past my body's limit, they'd lie me down and massage my joints until the pain wasn't so bad. I liked that." They were embarrassed to be telling Caretaker anything. It was hard to get the words out without their breath catching or their mind stumbling over certain syllables. "Everything always hurts now. I want... I just want some relief."
"You're asking for a massage?"
Whumpee tilted their head further down and nodded. "Yes."
"I can do that." They felt Caretaker intertwine their hands together in an effort to reassure them. "There. Your first request since you got back. That's good, right?"
Caretaker was smiling when Whumpee finally glanced back up at them again. It helped their own muscles to relax just a little, feeling less as though they were preparing for an attack at any moment. "You'll really do it?"
"Of course." Caretaker gave them a friendly pat on the leg as they stood up. "How about we grab some food and then you can show me what hurts, yeah?"
Unable to help themself, Whumpee gave a teary nod and smiled. "Okay."
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 3 months
Dude I see so much of average drugged whumpee just being spacey and out of it, but I raise you, a drugged whumpee that’s happy. A whumpee dosed with a euphoria drug that has them wonderfully higher than a kite, laughing, looking at streaming shimmering hallucinations around them, blissfully relaxed and unaware that whumper is behind it
bonus points if whumper flees from wherever they’ve been hiding, leaving a happily drugged whumpee behind as a “present” for caretaker
(content warning: nudity, the vague references to non-con touching)
I ADORE happy little drugged out whumpees! And Caretaker finding them like that? Especially when it’s such a far cry from whumpee’s typical personality? I could explode.
It’s all about the dichotomy between their behavior and their situation. Anything would be more fitting. Helpless terror as they shiver in the corner, hiding from horrors only they can see. Numb listlessness because their body is overburdened by exhaustion. Those all make sense, they fit.
But joy? Near manic euphoria, a smile stretching across their pale and dirty face? They’re not screaming or crying, but laughing, a drunken giggle that bounces against cold walls.
I think there’s an extra layer of helplessness there that is absolutely amazing. They’ve been stripped of their freedom, their dignity, and even their ability to properly respond to their situation. They’re not even given the right to anger or sadness. They’re trapped in an unthinking joy, and they can’t even begin to understand why it’s a bad thing.
And left as a prize? Absolutely. I love the idea of Caretaker finding them like that, at their most vulnerable. Presented like a trophy. Wrapped in thin silk and rope too weak to bind them under normal conditions, bruises peppering otherwise bare skin.
It’s humiliating, it’s painful, but Whumpee has no awareness of that. They simply feel good, relaxed and peaceful in a way they haven’t been for months. They’re barely aware of the exposed state they’re in, too out of it to even feel shame. They can’t remember the mocking words Whumper spoke as they pushed the needle into Whumpee’s skin, can’t remember the sicking mix of fury and terror they felt in those first few minutes, laying there with nothing to do but wait for the drug to kick in. All that’s left in their head is pink, sparkling joy.
Finally, Caretaker arrives. Whumpee doesn’t register the look of horror on Caretaker’s face. They barely respond as they’re searched for injuries, barely respond to Caretaker’s presence at all. When they do respond, it’s with slow, slurred speech, the words incoherent and muddled with uncontrollable laughter.
It sends a chill up Caretaker’s spine. It’s a state they’d neve expect to find Whumpee in, a state Whumpee would never allow themselves to be found in. It's frightening, seeing Whumpee act so unlike themselves.
Knowing that Whumper was around them in this state makes Caretaker sick. Knowing that Whumper had them at their most vulnerable, was free to mock them, touch them, do anything, and Caretaker wasn’t there to stop it, makes them feel sick.
It makes them sick to think this is all part of some game to Whumper. It makes them sick to think that they’re playing along, that saving Whumpee is somehow part of Whumper’s plan. But there’s nothing else Caretaker can do.
Caretaker removes their coat and drapes it over Whumpee’s body. Carefully, they pick Whumpee up, not trusting them to walk in their state. Whumpee’s body is warm despite being left on the cold floor, skin flush as the drug works through their system. Whumpee’s shivering, though they don’t seem to notice that either.
Whumpee presses themselves into Caretaker’s chest, humming contently. Caretaker holds them close with trembling fingers, and swears to never let them go again.
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jordanstrophe · 6 months
Whumpee woke with a sobbing shout. They quivered and panted, memories hit them as if they were still on the floor at whumper's feet. They felt arms wrap around them and beeping heard overhead; the sound worsened the pounding already in their head. 
"Hey hey hey! It's okay. You got a lot of injuries, you've got to take it slow." Caretaker touched whumpees forehead and put them back against the pillow. They tightly gripped whumpee's hand and the other rested on their chest.
"Wh-where am I? How did I get here?" Whumpee panicked. 
"You're in a hospital. I'm here with you, everything's okay. You're going to be fine..." Caretaker sadly smiled. Whumpee stared up at them with wide eyes, breathing like a wounded animal, gripping the back of caretakers hand with every ounce of strength, which was hardly holding them at all.
Despite caretaker's calm demeanor, whumpee could feel caretaker's hand shaking as much as their own.
"You-" Whumpee breathed, trying to raise their hand to them, but they couldn't.
"Yeah, it's me," Caretaker smiled, collecting their collapsed hand in their own. "I'm here, I'm taking good care of you. You can keep resting, okay?"
Whumpee shook their head no, their body still in fight or flight mode, wanting nothing more but to jump up and assess their surroundings. Caretaker could see their legs twitching and slowly inching off the bed as they sighed and scooted on the bed with them, pushing their legs back to the center.
"No hon, it's too early to be doing that." Caretaker soothed, laying whumpee's head on their shoulder.
It was almost as if as soon as whumeee's cheek settled, they relaxed and their heart rate slowly returned to normal beat by beat. Caretaker looked up at their monitor and sighed with relief watching the numbers stabilize. 
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whumpshaped · 1 year
tw intimate whumper, implied captivity, noncon touching (nonsexual)
"Don't- don't touch me-"
Whumper smiled, self-assured and utterly condescending. "Oh, don't be like that." They reached out despite the protests, making Whumpee go from angry to panicked as they tried their best to get away.
The worst thing was that Whumper's touch was gentle. It was all Whumpee wanted and needed, but they wanted it from anyone but Whumper. Unfortunately, they didn't have a say in the matter. Slender fingers carded through their hair, softly scratching their scalp, making them whimper. Their eyes fluttered closed against their will, tingles running down the length of their spine.
"See? Isn't it better if you just let me make you feel good and relaxed?" Whumper cooed. Whumpee didn't have to look to be able to imagine the smug look on their face.
But they just couldn't fight kindness anymore. Not when they were so tired. Not when they so desperately wanted it.
@ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump
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mj-iza-writer · 8 months
Whumpee kneeled off to the side of Whumper's feet, listening to their conversation on the phone. Whumper didn't seem to happy when they hung up.
Whumpee silently groaned. Hoping and praying they could just disappear, or Whumper would forget about them until they cooled down.
"Don't move, stay quiet", they told themself, "don't be noticed."
"Pet", Whumper sighed.
"Shit!", Whumpee yelled inwardly.
"Pet come here", Whumper laid down on the couch and snapped their finger.
Whumpee crawled to Whumper's hand and waited for the next command.
Whumper patted Whumpee's head, which came as a surprise to Whumpee. They were completely ready to get slapped or something.
"Jump up here and lay on top of me", Whumper commanded, "I need some deep pressure, that conversation upset me."
Whumpee climbed on top of Whumper. This was a new command, and Whumpee was terrified, not knowing where this was going.
"Ok, go ahead and lay on top of me. Your head can go on my chest, yep just like that", Whumper patted their head again.
Whumpee could feel themselves shaking in fear. They were lying on top of Whumper, and their head was resting on their chest.
"No need to be nervous. You're not in trouble", Whumper sighed, "I need some deep pressure. My weighted blanket is not heavy enough for what I need, so you are going to help me with that. Am I clear?"
"Yes master", Whumpee whispered trying to calm the shaking.
Whumper started to run their fingers through Whumpee's hair, and scratch and massage their scalp and neck. They even went as far as to massage and scratch under the collar.
Whumpee didn't want to admit it, but they would stay there forever if Whumper would keep doing this.
Whumper started to rub Whumpee's ears. They laughed a little when Whumpee moaned during the ear massage.
"I guess I know how to get you to melt into my hands", Whumper glanced down as they rubbed Whumpee's ears, "are you enjoying yourself?"
"Y-yes master", Whumpee sighed, "thankyou for your kindness and mercy."
"I've been thinking about doing this for a while, sometimes that blanket isn't enough", Whumper looked down again, "this is actually helping."
Whumpee relaxed their body.
"Oh yes this is definitely helping", Whumper smiled, "I guess you have a new use pet, weighted blanket 2.0."
Whumper started to get heavy eyed, as did Whumpee. Whumper's hand stilled while scratching under Whumpee's collar, so their fingers held onto it. Whumpee rested their cheek against Whumpers chest, and dozed off.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary
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bloodybloody · 7 months
Whumper who records the process while the experiment is occuring✨✨✨
Whumper is checking the equipment and medical devices after tying the whumpee down to the operation table. They gaze upon the camera, which is in the corner of the room, and start the voice recording. They plainly state the date, time, whumpee's number, which is determined by whumper when they are captured, and the experiment's subject. Then they inject muscle relaxants in order to hold the whumpee still.
Despite the medications they've taken, whumpee is in excruciating pain. They can't save themselves or even move; they merely cry and scream in pain. Whumper is unable to record their voice properly because of whumpee's wails, so they shush and calm whumpee down with comforting words, caressing their hair and holding their hand. Whumpee is barely fighting the urge to scream; all they can do is sob and whine while clutching whumper's hand tightly.
Whumper leaves whumpee immediately after finishing the experiment to examine the record while whumper is writhing. They notice whumpee's desperate but resigned gaze at them while watching the record. 
They thank whumpee for being a good lab rat while treating, headpating, and kissing them.
Whumpee watches whumper for a couple days studying the results of the experiment while they wait for whumper to finish their work on their knees. Whumper randomly asks questions about what they've felt in specific moments and makes them remember the pain they've felt, intentionally or unintentionally.
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whump-galaxy · 17 days
Somewhat unusual sounds that the whumpee needs to sleep/relax peacefully.
A half working, droning air conditioner, reminding them of the more comfortable environments they slept in? Sure!
The sounds of heavy footsteps on wood floorboards above them, telling them the whumper is too busy with company? Alright.
The distant sounds of sobbing and screaming, assuring them they’re not today’s target? …why not?
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