#whumpie 馃槇 nonnie <3
ashiemochi 2 years
Demon馃槇 nonnie apologizes for their absence, Mochi Darling.
Imma break character for a hot second. There's been a terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria, and I'm pretty sure that you live around that area, according to some of your posts. Are you ok? Is your family and/or pets okay?
Will you be alright?
demon nonnie!! Everything is okay on my end! A lot of people are on edge, especially those living in the city. I live 2-3 hours away from the capital so we only felt the tremors of the earthquake - but it was enough to put mom on edge so she's only concerned. Other than all the worry, we're all okay! <3
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ashiemochi 2 years
It is finals week for demon 馃槇 nonnie.
It is not going well.
I'm so sorry I haven't been here lately, but I haven't had any Resident Evil ideas to write down lately, I've been visiting a couple of my old hyper fixations that recently came back with the release of some new games in their franchise.
I don't feel good coming to you and being in your inbox if I don't have some sort of fic or drabble to give you. It seems weird like that, but I just need to know that it's okay to visit you without having some piece of writing to give you, that our relationship isn't just transactional....
Is it okay if I come and visit you every once in a while without having a piece of writing to give you?
demon nonnie!! you dont have to send my a drabble or a fic to talk to me!! invade my inbox with whatever you wanna talk about! <3
good luck on your finals!
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ashiemochi 2 years
A reminder from demon 馃槇 nonnie that you are awesome and demon 馃槇 nonnie loves you!!
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ashiemochi 2 years
Mochi dear, happy new year from demon 馃槇 nonnie!!!
a bit late demon nonnie but you too!! <3 my new year's resolution is to know who you are-
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ashiemochi 2 years
Can demon 馃槇 nonnie politely ask RE4 Leon to beat the shit out of a customer who won't take no for an answer? Pretty please? I'll give the Mochi dearest a present if they do!
(No I'm not asking because this hasn't been my exact situation at work for the past week, why do you ask, what are ya, a cop? Get off my gears.)
(...... okay maybe it has. Demon 馃槇 nonnie wants a little badassery to keep them going through the day.....
I'll bring presents next time Mochi dear. Work has kind of sucked me dry....)
only for you bc you provided so much for me <3
Anyone could see you were struggling with the rude middle-aged man. You had been checking out his groceries - which were a lot - for a while that a line formed behind him. Your co-workers were giving you pity looks and some kept glancing at you if you needed help.
"Okay that'll be $296.75."
The man gave you his credit card, nearly tossing it onto the counter and you brushed it off as him having a bad day (which was true). You slid the card and it let out a disappointing beep. You eyed at him but he didn't seem bothered. He was impatient though.
You had done it again yet still - rejected.
"Uhm, sir, your card has been declined."
And that was about it - which got you to this point. Him shouting his lungs out at you whilst you were trying to keep things civil. You didn't have time for this - you missed breakfast and you were supposed to be on a lunch break now. Yet here you are, wasting your precious time with a psychotic version of a male Karen.
'I'm a trusted member of society! I served in the military for five years!' He yelled.
'You're scamming me because you want my dollars!' He continued.
'Sir, your card is declined. There's nothing I can do about it - you could pay in cash?' You suggested, feeling nervous.
'No! My card works! Your machine's just busted! The customer is always right!'
God forbid whoever came up with that last sentence and you hoped they'd be six feet underground by now.
You stumbled back when he tried to yank you, gasping a little before calling out, "Security!"
Little did you know, another man was silently watching everything unfold as he was the one waiting for this mad fuck to finish his tantrum and leave.
"Hey, hey!" The blond-haired man set his grip on the 'military' man's shoulder to take a step back, "This isn't her fault - just step back."
"Who are you to tell me what to do?! I'm being wronged!" The man shoved the pretty guy away, receiving furrowed brows.
"Sir, just please calm down-" You tried again as you glanced around you and saw your manager calling for security, giving you an affirmed nod that they were on the way.
"Calm down my ass! I deserve to get these for free since you're being such a fucking bitch for no reason! I could get you fired!"
The agent silently set his basket on the counter before tapping the man's shoulder, almost too lightly that it was actually intimidating. The man twisted around with a harsh glare and an open mouth for more cusses only for white to flash in front of his eyes. He fell down onto his back, eyes stinging with tears along with his nose burning in pain.
You covered your mouth in shock, gasping sharply at what just happened, wide eyes settling on the..... Oh god, a handsome man.
"You're holding up the damn line, old man." The agent scowled as he lowered his fist, "So, do everyone a favour - either pay upfront or get the hell outta here."
"Y-you - you," The man stuttered, nearly panicking as he uncovered his nose to see blood coating his hand, "You fucking maniac! You broke my nose!"
The agent rolled his eyes, "Should be nothing if you really served this country."
The man struggled to stand up, hissing and cussing as he wiped his blood with his sleeve (though it was useless bc more blood came out), "This is an unfair crime! I could get you in jail for this! You will rot with all those disgusting criminals like you and this whore!"
The agent's eyes narrowed, almost challenging him as he picked up on the security coming through the doors, "Sure," The agent crossed his arms against his broad chest, "Then you wouldn't mind if they checked the cameras, right? After all, it's all about being fair."
"You mother fucker-"
The security man ordered, eyes glaring at both the agent and the man, "Gentlemen, I'm going to ask you two to leave."
"Nah, man!" A random bystander exclaimed, disappointed as he defended the agent, "That man helped out the lady from this crazy dude! You should take him away - not this guy!"
The security guy looked at you with a trusted gaze, "Is that true, ma'am?"
Eyes widening as you swallowed, you felt anxious under the agent's azul surprised stare and the security's one, "Yeah, this gentleman is okay - he... He helped me."
The security guy nodded and began taking away the crazed rambling man, yelling at how this was injustice and the president will hear about this. Talk about Draco and his line of 'wait till my father hears about this!"
"You okay?" The agent's voice was gentle, sliding his basket towards you and you flashed him a nervous smile, clearly shaken up.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I mean, he shoved you." You began checking out his items almost shakingly because of the little incident and the man chuckled.
"Yeah, I didn't end up on the floor though." He flashed you a grin and you giggled a little.
You finished ringing up his groceries and setting them into their plastic bags. The man pulled out his wallet, "Okay, how much will that be?"
"On the house." You replied with a small smile, earning an amused one from him.
"No, no, I can't-"
"Please? I don't know how else I can repay you."
The man's lips twitched at you before ticking his head to the side, "When do you finish your shift?"
"Oh! Uhm..." You glanced at your watch then back at him, "In about an hour, why?"
His charming smile widened, "You could repay me back with some of your time."
Is he really asking you out on a date?!
"O-oh! Well, uhm..."
"Just say yes, oh my god!" There's that bystander goes again.
The man chuckled when you giggled then you nodded, "Okay."
"Great, I'll wait for you outside." The man took his plastic bags, flashed you a wink and began walking away.
Your cheeks turned red as you faced your next customer only to hear a whistle.
A protein bar landed on your hand (with a bit of fumbling of course but boy can he toss) and you looked up at him with a surprised look.
"That's lunch, oh and," The guy grinned toothily, "Name's Leon."
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ashiemochi 3 years
Happy late birthday from 馃槇 demon nonnie!!! I'm sorry I'm late, but I wanted to wish you a good one!馃巶馃巶馃巶馃嵃馃嵃馃嵃
omg my fave nonnie, hi!! Thank you sm! <33 Only about 3 hours late but still valid bc of the cake emojies <33
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ashiemochi 2 years
Demon nonnie saw the Heisenberg ask... This gives Demon nonnie ideas..... Present incoming shortly, Mochi my dear. :)
hihihihi <3333!!!!
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