#why cant hiyori be chubby?
natsmagi · 5 months
anon acting as if ur drawings have to pass a “good rep” test as if ur not drawing girl versions of already stick thin anime boys. like ?
RIGHT??????? ITS INSANE!!!!!!!!!! and like i dont wanna be too mean bc genuinely i do understand the desire for more diversity. ive looked at the enstars cast countless times and gone "wow. they should really add some flavor here" but like. at the same time this is an idol game. based on far east asian idols and their beauty standards. Which tend to only really include 1 body type. if u want diversity ur not gonna find it here unfortunately. So, instead of complaining to strangers on the internet, why not simply praise those who do give you the diversity you want? praise those who see and share your vision? and if there is none, then why not simply create it yourself? we're all only here to have fun. and if youre going to be disrespectful towards me and my peers you obviously arent our target demographic and theres no reason for us to cater to you. criticism is fine, and im very open to it! but i think we all know that anon didnt exactly send it in good faith
the enstars fandom feels so entitled to the artists that provide food (FOR FREE) that they never stop to see the bigger picture. the issues youre complaining about are in the game itself. you are barking up the wrong tree here
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