#why did i think there was a christmas song about adultery and everyone was just okay with that
angelgrace003 · 4 years
sanders sides, a summary
ep 1
thomas: i’m complicated
logan, roman and patton: yeah
ep 2
thomas: i don’t wanna grow up
patton: adultery
ep 3
virgil: hey
thomas: what, why
roman: eww nooo afgsjdgkafafh
lily: heyo
ep 4
thomas: new year new me
patton, roman and logan: lie
virgil: agreed
patton, roman and logan: actually-
ep 5
thomas: i wanna talk about disney
roman: yeah!
virgil: me too
roman: unyeah!
ep 6
thomas: i was on disney!
roman: agsjdkdha
logan: clickbate is good
virgil: *is good accidentally*
ep 7
thomas: you too need to stop
patton: wat
logan: wat
ep 8
thomas: valentine’s day, i’m lonely
roman: let’s practice
valerie: *appears*
patton: *ships prinxiety*
ep 9
thomas: i don’t wanna
logan: larp time
ep 10
thomas: qna time!
roman: yes!
thomas: *asks logan patton and virgil*
roman: unyes!
ep 11
thomas: ideas pls
roman: cReAtIvE mOdE
logan and virgil: ??
patton: ur doing great kiddo
logan: *insults virgil*
virgil: *is actually hurt this time*
ep 12
thomas: i messed uupppp
logan: eh
virgil: u did horrible
logan: debate time
thomas: *ships analogical*
ep 13
thomas: i don’t wanna grow up.. again
patton: we’ve been over this
logan: have u tho
ep 14
thomas: i miss my friends
roman: shape shift time!
patton: should be fun!
logan: if it will help
virgil: literally just call them, i’m begging you
ep 15
thomas: cartoon!
sanders sides: *is a cartoon for less than 10 minutes*
ep 16
thomas: ahhhhhhahahaha
logan: what
roman: he’s fiiiinnneee
patton: WhErE iS aNxIeTy
thomas: i don’t fear death
roman and logan: fine let’s go get him
ep 17
virgil: wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg In My RoOm
thomas: to get you
virgil: but y’all don’t want me
logan: yerkes dodson
patton: spooder
roman: u can like, actually be good too
ep 18
thomas: harry potter, and unity
roman: *stereotypes everyone*
thomas: no
roman: project runway!
logan and patton: k
(virgil: i AcTuAlLy DiG tHe PuRpLe)
ep 19
thomas: i’m thinking about guys
logan: what else is new
thomas:.... and dolls
logan: patton, u need to let go
patton: no!
ep 20
virgil: *is not ok*
patton: *is not ok*
thomas: *is not ok*
roman: i on’t wanna be part of the problem buuut...
ep 21
thomas: christmas!
roman and patton: and sweaters!
virgil, and logan: noooo- actually not bad
roman: song time!
thomas: oh lord
ep 22
not patton: sup
virgil: somethin wrong here
thomas: wat
logan: dEcEiT
janus: why hello there
thomas: who tf are you
ep 23
thomas: ahhhhh
roman: nerd!
logan: prep!
ep 24
thomas: logan u have ur own jam now
logan: *dies*
roman: ... i like jam too
thomas: no offense, but stfu
ep 25
thomas: confusion
patton: puppets!
roman and logan: no
virgil: tf, he’s already made a good point today, listen to him
ep 26
thomas: christmas!
virgil: no! halloween!
virgil: *uses thomas’ phases to be all deep about his past n shit*
ep 27
thomas: guys! i got the call back!
patton: but wedding
roman: but call back
janus: i’m back bitch, ur morals are fucked
(logan: listen to meeeeee)
ep 28
thomas: tf was that dream
remus: hey bitch
virgil: y’all really just gonna keep letting the dark sides in?
ep 28
roman:...... disney?
everyone: sure
also everyone: ......
ep 29
thomas: god the wedding sucked
patton: but like,, we did the right thing right??
thomas: idk ur my morality
janus: looks like back again bitches
(i would say i’m sorry but i’m really not lmao)
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souzoushin · 7 years
[Translation] IDOLiSH7: Rabbit Chat [Yuki - Bunny Hoodie]  Part 5
Title: "Happy Birthday” From Everyone
Participants: Momo, Tsumugi, Yuki
Source: Unlocked in game from Yuki’s limited birthday (2016) card, pictured here.
**Note: This will only be part 5, since I’m just aiming to complete the card. The previous four are available as translated by someone else; you can see @i7rabicha for a record of this (here).
*** [Previous: (see i7rabicha -- note: not my translation!)] *** [Next: N/A]
Yuki, happy birthday!! *゚ロ゚)*゚ロ゚)*゚ロ゚)ノ~★celebration★\(゚ロ゚*(゚ロ゚*(゚ロ゚*
And, little miss manager, thank you for being such a wonderful guide! Trying to lead Yuki around is a real pain, no?
Yuki-san, Happy Birthday!
Not at all...! We had everyone’s smooth lead-ins, so we somehow even got him to arrive early!
Thank you both, really.
It was fun in a different way from the surprises I’ve helped with.
I felt like a mother watching her child set foot in the outside world for the first time! ww
I managed to go outside on my own, so keep me company next time we’re free. ^^
It’s good to just do it once in a while! Didn’t it give you time to think about a lot of stuff? While walking along such nostalgic streets.
It did. I kept remembering things, like how we’d buy meat buns at this convenience store and split them in half, or how we’d stay at that one cafe until it was closing time, working on songs.
Amazing, Yuki!! You remembered, I’m so happy.
I always remember everything about you, Momo.
Now you’re lying! You totally didn’t remember the anniversary of the first time I took a bath together with you!!
Isn’t that one a bit too difficult?
It’s not difficult!! You just lack enough love!!
You’re such a harsh judge.
It surely just means that’s how much Momo-san loves you, Yuki-san!
That’s right~! And it was super difficult trying to rent this place starting midnight, they only let us have it for the sake of old friendships!
Just goes to show how talented you are, Momo.
Still, seeing everyone that came to greet me wear T-shirts with our faces printed on them was quite the bizarre experience.
We prepared them specifically for this day! They were all really excited to wear them!
They were super into it. In fact, it’s the first time I saw TRIGGGER that into something. So much that I promised to treat them to lunch later on.
I bet it went more like, “We’ll wear them for you, so you owe us lunch.”
That’s not true! That’s not how I wrote that scenario in my head! ww
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Still, TRIGGER put on a show for us yet again.
It was such a passionate session...! I want to play guitar with them again!
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By the way, Momo-san, I heard that you kindly taught Iori-san and Riku-san how to play accompaniments...!
Well, I only taught them one that used to be popular among girls back in the day, though! w
That was its own brand of interesting too, just like the seiyuu concerts that Nagi-kun goes to watch in secret.
Also, having Yamato-kun pour me a drink yet again felt really satisfying. That begrudging expression on him just gets my heart racing.
The fact that you keep bullying him like this is why he doesn’t like you! w
I just can’t stop myself from picking on him.
Speaking of IDOLiSH7, and that aside, I’ve been entrusted with everyone’s birthday messages yet again! May I post them in here again, just like last time...?
Show us, show us! Everyone’s messages of love towards Yuki!
I’m counting on you, little miss manager!
Iori-san: “Yuki-san, I wish you a happy birthday. I heard that you and nii-san have made plans to become cooking buddies. I will continue to look up to you as a model senior when it comes to both personal and professional matters. We’ll be in your care.”
Yamato-san: “Happy Birthday, Yuki-san. It is true that we’ve been in your care and we owe you for a lot of things, so I chose to attend today. Please continue to get along with Momo-san.”
Mitsuki-san: “Yuki-san, Happy Birthday! I was worried that just veggies might not have enough protein, so I tried cooking with a lot of beans and seeds. I apologize if that was uncalled for! For next time, please tell me about your special vegetable menu!”
Tamaki-san: “Yukirin, hbd. You’ve taught me a lot of stuff. It’s always fun to spend time with you, Yukirin. I wanna say you don’t feel like a senior, but like not in a bad way. Let’s eat pudding together again.”
Sougo-san: “Yuki-san, I wish you a happy birthday. I’m glad to have been allowed to celebrate with you, so differently from how we did with Momo-san. It honored me to get to wear a printed T-shirt of the two of you and to be permitted at such a nostalgic location. I will treasure the memory for life. May you have a wonderful year.”
Nagi-san: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. YUKI! I look forward to seeing what forms of entertainment we can expect from you next. Also if you watch Cocona, you might become even happier.”
Riku-san: “Yuki-san, happy birthday to you!! I think it’s really great that your birthday is on Christmas Eve, because it feels like one amazing thing after another. I’m glad I got to celebrate your birthday, Yuki-san. I’ll work hard so that I can also become someone like you, who is able to convey such wonderful feelings to everyone!”
This is nice.
It feels as if the whole world is revolving around me.
Yuki, did it make you emotional!?
I wonder. Maybe it did.
Momo-chan can totally tell! You’re giving a really soft smile.
It’s the same face you made earlier when Okarin was singing on stage!
I really didn’t expect Okarin to sing, so it felt moving to see.
If it made you happy, then that’s all that matters...!
Momo is one thing, but I never expected to receive this kind of celebration, myself.
What’re you talking about! Our juniors know all too well what a kind person you are, Yuki!
If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have gathered to have a party like this!
TRIGGER worked their hardest to celebrate too, and didn’t they send a message just earlier?
It says: “Looking at Re:vale, it’s easy to tell just how much you treasure each other, and that you mean the most in the world to each other. Please continue to be a model to us from now on as well, and to show us the greatest view as we walk in your footsteps.”
So this time it wasn’t a declaration of war.
Well, they already did that last month after all!
Then, should I take this chance to do an impression of Momo?
I’m so happy I could seriously burst. Oh, let these feelings of mine fly out into the entire world~
That’s no good--!! That lacked any flair, start all over!
What’s flair.
Yuki-san, could I have a little bit more of your time for something? Lol.
>> 1. Was there anything you had particularly much fun with while celebrating?
Was there anything you had particularly much fun with while celebrating?
When we kind of had a karaoke competition with everyone. Okarin was trying so hard while singing it was adorable. He never even goes to karaoke with us, so I felt moved.
>> 2. Was there any part of the celebration that really surprised you?
Was there any part of the celebration that really surprised you?
Maybe, how into it TRIGGER were. They were wearing sunglasses and those T-shirts. and even had a jam session with Momo. I think it’s best if TRIGGER fans never get to see that.
>> 3. Was there any part of the celebration that you found difficult to handle?
Was there any part of the celebration that you found difficult to handle?
Not me, but there was a part where Sougo-kun kind of had this passionate outburst, as if some hidden side of him went rampant, and Tamaki-kun was desperately trying to stop him. Does his personality change depending on the place he’s in too, just like it does when he’s drunk?
Oh right, Yuki, did you get to see Ban-san!?
No, I think I caught a glimpse of his ponytail from a distance at some point, but we didn’t get to meet face to face.
I wonder if he’s still being cautious...
Isn’t that just Ban’s way of being thoughtful? We didn’t see him on your birthday either. So he can’t go showing his face just for mine now.
I see... Ban-san is so kind and considerate, I really like him...
Momo, adultery is bad.
It’s not adultery!! Also, this feels like déjà vu wwwww
Um... Actually, just like last month with Momo-san, I have been entrusted a message from Banri-san as well.
Of course, part of the reason he wasn’t able to meet you today was also how busy everything got, but... May I deliver the message...?
I’m sure Ban must have known it would come to this, too. Would you be so kind, then?
Yes, let’s see the birthday message from our beloved Ban-san!
Roger that!
“Happy birthday, Yuki. I never imagined I’d get to take part in both Momo-kun’s birthday and yours. This has honestly been a really great day for me. I listened to your new song, and rest assured that I’ll still be cheering you on from now on. Also, keep the rabbit chats to no more than one every three days.”
Isn’t this message way too cold compared to what Momo got?
Eeh!? Yuki, but can’t you feel the strong love overflowing from this message!?!?
It has to be as direct as how you say it, Momo, or I can’t tell.
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You say that, but I saw you screencap it!! ww
Well, because it’s one of Ban’s very rare affectionate moments.
Yuki, that’s a bit creepy wwww
Momo, my mental stability isn’t infinite either, you know.
Sorry wwww
After I’ve calmed down, I won’t forgive you unless you keep me company for an entire day.
That’s a really easy task, you know.
Oh really, it’s that easy. Then, I’m sure you won’t mind writing me a passionate message right here either.
I already have one prepared, of course!!! I copied it from the memo and kept waiting for the right time to paste it!!!
So your love for me is just copy paste level?
Don’t start stealing my lines, that stuff is what I usually say!! w
I was joking.
I was, too. I don’t have any copy-paste, you know!
I know.
It’s a birthday message from Momo-san to Yuki-san, so I’m sure it will be full of love!
Little miss manager saying that just raised the bar even more, but I’ll do my best to live up!!
Let me hear what you have to say, Momo.
Getting cornered like this sure makes me nervous.
Hey, Yuki.
Happy Birthday.
Even now, I’m still so unbelievably happy that I actually got to celebrate with you like this again.
Yuki, lately you’ve been doing your best to express a lot more of your feelings to me than just three simple words ever could, in a lot of ways. And you have no idea just how grateful I am, so much that I sometimes feel like my heart will burst from my chest.
I’m so glad and grateful that you exist.
Thank you for being by my side.
Thank you for letting me be your partner.
Please let me celebrate your birthday next year, too.
-- From Momo, who really loves you!
I don't know what I'd do if you didn’t celebrate with me next year.
I’ll say it however many times it takes.
I swear we’ll still be together, even 100 years from now, or even 1000.
Wait, was it my birthday today...?? Why are we making me happy here......?
No, you’re the one making me happy.
Because today is my birthday.
So please smile, Momo.
I’ve witnessed yet again just how deep your bond runs... Also, your birthday has become quite the passionate topic on social media as well, Yuki-san!
She’s right! Here, Yuki, look how many birthday messages you got from the fans!
We really ought to post a reply from you for them. What should we write!!
That’s true. Little miss manager, this thank-you message is addressed to you as well, so please let me type it.
Thank you for celebrating Momo’s birthday and mine again this year. I feel as if Momo and the fans are what gives meaning to my songs.
I would like you all to keep loving us, and only us, forever from now on.
And I’ll make sure that Momo’s and my Re:vale will keep charming you.
Note: I do not own this card, so this translation was never intended to cover the rest of the parts, and it never will. I was just aiming to complete it because it was left unfinished before. The screencaps I used were kindly provided by KirakiraDenka on Twitter, and I received them via lli-luz-ill here on Tumblr. Thank you both!
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