#why did this make me laugh so hard sjsjsjs
cthomashoodstory · 3 years
Best Years but Not in the Same Way (19)
Calum Hood x Reader
Previous Part
I’m sorry english isn’t my native. And also i got pictures from google and if one of it is yours and you want to take it down pls let me know. I’m so nervous to write this part sjsjsj i hope someone is reading. And btw if you found this post for the first time, i suggest you to read the entire parts i gave the link below! And so sorry if u get bored :(
”It’s literally 8 A.M in the morning, you better be have a good thing to showed me or i will hate you.” Calum called you in the morning saying that he had something to showed you and you have to come and now here you are. “What?” You asked him when you were in his room.
Then he pulled out a very cute floral dress. “I bought this for you last month for Ash birthday party today. I don’t know if you like this or not, but here it is. I hope you like it. And also the heels, i love it so i bought it to you.” He gave it the dress and heels and now you were just speechless because this dress is hella cute and expensive.
“I forgot it’s Ashton birthday...,” you paused. “Do you have something to be give to him?” He shooked his head. “Let’s get out then?” He nodded an you two headed out.
After 5 hours went out to store by store and had lunch, you and Calum finally arrived at home at 2 P.M.. You bought a Leather Lace-up Ankle boots for Ashton as present because he said he love wearing boots and he kinda collecting it right now so it might be a good gift for him. And Calum bought an electric guitar for him.
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“Hey i think I’m gonna get ready, since i took an hour to do make up so... bye.” You waved at him and ran to his bedroom to get ready.
An hour later, you our from his room and you saw him stood waiting for you. “You were ready? Since when? Damn you look so hot!” You said it out loud and he blushed.
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“Since 30 minutes ago i think? And you look so beautiful.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. “I think we should stay at home rather than go to Ash’s party.” He gave you a serious face.
“Why?” Suddenly you felt so disappointed because you just prepared for an hour, you got a very beautiful mini dress from him and now he wants to canceled it?
He laughed. “I don’t want any men to steal you away from me. I mean look at you right now.” He teased you and put his hand on your waist. You were inch away from his face and now you wanted to to something but you afraid. You were still afraid until today.
“Should we go?” You asked him and he nodded while pulled his hand away.
You went out and he drove fast. You didn’t interact with him on the car. It was just too awkward for you both.
An hour later you and him arrived at Ashton’s place. It was just 4 P.M and his house already crowded. You held your present for him and Calum also did the same. You and him went in and looking for Ashton. You finally met him. He was stood at the corner with Luke and Michael and Mitchy Collins.
“Aye my favorite couple.” He hugged Calum first and then Calum gave the present. And then you hugged him. “Awh thank you so much, Cal and Bar. Enjoy the party.” You walked away from them and joined Kaitlin, Crystal and Sierra on the counter.
“Oh my God, look at your dress, you really stealing the spotlight!” Crystal complimented your dress. “I knew it Calum has a taste.”
You frowned. “Oh Calum showed us the dress after he bought it last month. Oh virtually of course. Don’t worry he didn’t cheat with us. His heart is belong to you.” Sierra explained and you smiled while rolling your eyes.
“So how’s the progress with you and Calum? Are you guys kissed already?” Kaitlin asked you excitedly. You knew she’s a bit drunk since she held the red glass.
You shook your head and nodded at the same time. “We are not dating, we’re still friends but we ever kissed and thats it. No more further explanation.” You grinned and poured beer to your glass.
After hours you’ve been mingled with everyone, you decided to go to the bathroom to freshing up. While on the way you pulled out your phone from your sling purse and you shocked you got 20 missed calls from Mike and you got so much message from him, your mom, Julia, Tranter and other friends. But one notification that caught your eyes was a missed call from Justin at 3 P.M.. What the hell is going on? You could feel your face is pale and you panicked and ran fast to the bathroom. You locked the door and sit on toilet. You called Mike Immediately and you scared to death. Your mind flashback to when he called you 30 times because he worried when Justin and Selena got back.
“Saara Palvin are you okay? Why you didn’t pick my call?” He sounded so worried, exactly like 3 years ago.
“My phone went silent and I’m fine I’m at Ashton’s birthday party. What happened? Nevermind i will find it by myself and i promise you i will be fine, i won’t hurting myself ever again. Okay? Bye.” You hung up the call and searching on Safari about Justin Bieber. That’s really what you searched because deep down in your heart you knew if Mike, Julia and Tranter texted or called you at the same time, it really had something to do with Justin. And coincidentally Justin did called you and it really ruined your mind. The search came up and you saw a news about Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin engaged at Bahamas today. Wait what? Engaged? Justin is engaged? With Hailey? You read the headline again and locked your phone. You don’t care. You don’t care at all. He could do anything he wanted.
Then the bathroom door is knocked. “Saara? Are you okay? It’s me Kaykay. I saw you running to the bathroom worriedly. Are you okay?” She asked yo politely and you unlocked the door so she could come in. “Hey girl, what’s wrong?” She wiped out the tears that feel down to your face. You really managed to not cry in front of her but you failed.
You tried to breath slowly. “I think I’m going home now. I’m not feeling good right now. Justin is engaged with his girlfriend.” You finally confessed to her and she hugged you. “I don’t want people to know about it. What is my excuse then?”
She pulled the hug. “Just said that your mom needs you right know and they would understand. Calum would understand. You had to lie to them for your own sake. You need to rest, Miss B. And when you talked to them just thinking about a funny moments so that you wont cry.” You nodded and put the lipstick on your lips and out from the bathroom. You were separated from Kaitlin and walked towards the boys who sat down on the chairs laughing together.
“Hi guys i think I’m going out now, my mom is need my help right now and i will go to her place now. Bye guys, once again happy birthday Ashy.” You hugged Ashton, then Luke and Michael.
“Let me drive you there, Bar.” He held your arm but you brushed it off.
You looked at him. “No, you need to be here for Ashton. I will be fine okay? Have fun baby.” You kissed his cheek and left him as fast as you could because you were about to cry if you still there with him. You ordered Uber and headed home.
You finally at your bedroom and lean on the wall. You cannot cry because what’s the point of it? He has a good life and so are you. You are happy with your life, you surrounded by a very good people, the best friends who always support you, you’re happy.
You changed your clothes into pajamas and you sat on your living room. And you saw Calum texted you.
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You felt bad for lying to him but this was the only thing you could do. He might get hurt if he knew the real answer. You really try hard to move on from Justin. It was harder than you thought. The past still haunts you until today. The memories still haunts you.
You turned on the tv and watch a random show but you didn’t really paid attention to it. Your mind kept thinking about Justin over and over. and you decided to keep your mind busy thinking about other by watching a criminal tv show.
It surprisingly distracted you for hours until you heard a message notification.
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Ah these big mouth guys. Why in the hell they told Calum about it? So that why he asked you if you okay twice. He probably hated you right now. You couldn’t do anything but sighed. Calum must be hurted right now. Why all of this happened?
Then you heard your door being unlocked and you saw Calum walked in with flowers on his left hand and a totebag on his right hand. Wait what was he doing here?
“Cal?” You were so shocked when he showed up. He smiled to you and you knew he was hurted judging by his expression.
“Hi Bar,” he greeted you and handed you the flowers. “I just want to be here with you to cheer you up.” He signaled you to sat on the couch with him. And then you sat with him and put the flowers on your lap. “I bought you chocolates, lots of chocolate,” he pulled it out one by one. “Then a red lipstick because i know you love to wear it, and a tiny teddy bear. I honestly suck at this so thats the only thing i bought for you.”
You smiled to him and hold his hand. “Thank you, Cali. You really cheered me up.” “And i want to-“
But he cut your talk. “I know what happened, Ashton told me.” He held your hand tight. “I want you to be honest with me, i was so confused when you said you didn’t want me to drove you. I thought i made a mistake.”
You sighed. “Im sorry i didn’t want to hurt you, i didn’t want you to know that I’m hurt, I’m messed on the inside. I didn’t want you to hate me just because I’m still trying to find my way out from my past. I hate myself for keep hurting you until today.”
“Hey hey please don’t cry.” He hugged you and you cried on his chest. “I know moving on is the hardest thing to do, but i know you can do it. I trust the process, Bar. I trust us.”
You pulled the hug. “You can always find and fall in love with another brain, another soul, rather than stay and wait for me to heal the feeling.”
“No.” He shook his head. “I love you and i only want you in my life. I will always love you no matter how hard this situation is. I will wait for you.”
To be continued.
Next Part
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august-d-the-d-boy · 4 years
Hii, first off I’m sorry for what happened to your blog. I hope it’s okay I resend my request. I would like a written ship for EXO and Twice. Honestly all three options sound nice, but to pick maybe an imagine or reasons why you ship me with them. I don’t remember exactly what i wrote last time tbh sjsjsj. I don’t approach others unless they seem friendly or we have something in common. I’m good at giving advice and helping people with their problems. Once I start to open up, I’ll feel more comfortable saying what’s on my mind. I also like making people laugh. Most of the time I’m pretty laid-back. I love playing games and I pester my friends or sisters to play with me. I daydream whenever I’m bored or when I’m trying to fall asleep. Giving gifts and making playlists is how I express my love, since I’m not good with words. If you need more info, feel free to message me :)
of course it’s ok. I’m happy that you found me again <3   
From EXO I ship you with Suho♡
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How you two met:
Suho has been a Fan of the girlgroup that you’re in since you debuted. He always tried to watch your stages on TV when he could but unfortunately you two never had a comeback at the same time so he never had a chance to meet you. 
You heard about him liking you from a member. She was really excited. She found a clip of EXO on Knowing Bros where he revealed you were his ideal type.
You felt yourself smiling as you watched it, a blush coloring your cheeks. You’ve been a fan of him too but you always were to shy to reveal your ideal type. You only gave a light description while thinking of him when asked in inteviews.
A few month passed and you and the girls worked hard for your next comeback. You heard that EXO was having a theirs two days before yours so you definitely had a chance to meet Suho at some of the music shows your going to.
A one week later...
You were breathing heavily, sweat dripping of your forehead as you and the girls made your way of stage, chattering amongst each other excitingly as you suddenly felt a hand lightly tapping your shoulder, making you turn around. 
Your heart speeding up as you saw who was infront of you.
‘‘Hello.I’m Kim Jun Myeon’’ he said smiling streching his hand out.   
From TWICE I ship you with Jungyeon♡
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Your first Kiss:
You’ve been friends with Jungyeon for years now. She was your best friend and always there for you when you needed her even though she has a busy schedule but of course you did the same for her ,making time if you could.
You realised that you’re in love with her a few month ago. She was showing you one of their new dance routines.
She was looking so beautiful and smiling at you as you watched when you suddenly felt your heart speed up.The pounding sound so loud you could hear it.
You thought about telling her but you didn’t wanna risk your friendship so you keept it a secret and said nothing.
It was on Jungyeons birthday when things finally took a turn. You and her were meeting at your apartment in Seoul. You prepared a cake and lit some candles and she was really happy with your suprise and thanked you as you ate. 
A while later you two were sitting on your couch giggeling and laughing with other, talking about stories from your childhood. When you pulled out the present you prepared and hid behind your back while making your way to the couch earlier. 
‘‘Here for you’‘ you said feeling nervous wanting to know how she liked it as you held it out for her.
Beaming at you she quickly unwrapped the gift, excitement on her face. The wrapping paper now out of the way she held a slimcase in her hand and opened it. 
It was a CD with songs you chose for her, a note written on it. ‘’For the best thing that happend to me. Love, Y/N XOXOX’’ and a list with the songs.
Silently she stared at the CD an unberable expression on her face.
‘‘If you don’t like it-’‘you started.
‘‘No. That’s not it. I love it’‘ she interupted you now intensely looking at you.
‘‘Really because I won’t be mad’‘ you rambeled on ‘‘I can buy you something els-’‘
When you suddenly feel her lips on yours shutting you up. Your eyes going wide in shook bofore you manage yourself and start to melt into the kiss, your hand falling to her waist.
‘’No.’‘ Jungyeon repeated as she pulled back ‘‘I really love it’‘
___________________________________________________________ Hey i hope you like it and that I got your faves <3<3
requested by @wjnterchild​
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i-numaki-remade · 5 years
Why do u hate people who have canon URLs?
sjsjsjs i dont hate them. i dont like the whole culture . ive wrote/written(?) ranted about it before behind like the selling and that they get held to such worth when they are meaningless. perhaps that frustration does leak out in first impressions when i see someone w/ them if that makes sense. and then me saying its meaningless and getting mad over smth is stupid right ? but im a dumb bitch so i do get frustrated other it. it is mostly when i see ppl selling when i see ppl say they worked so hard for it. in a sense like urls shouldnt be so hard to get and the only reason they are is bc theyre hoarded up and then held to like god tier? but like i hope you arent expecting a coherent answer. i guess maybe its the association ive made in the old brain. there are blogs that ive had bad vibes from and that clouds my judgement. shouldnt judge at all really but i cant help it i do.
also everyone keeps swapping around and its starting to confuse me . but thats hypocritical of me to say bc im sure anyone who follows me at this point is ready to kick me in the face if i try changing again. thats besides the point.
i say things that make it seem that way, yes, i do have a prefixed impression in my head idk , also yes i admit, very wrong of me but i do. most ppl are very nice tho obviously idk i dont interact w/ most ppl honestly, i probably dont hate anyone w/ one in all honesty. except maybe ppl charging like big money for a word on this website and then laugh at ppl who pay for themes. saying that i did acknowledge last time that like if someone needs the money than giving a url seems a good thing to give back if you wanna give smth back but dont particularly have anything else to give.
but to answer your question, i dont actually hate anyone w/ them. i do think however i have built a bit of image towards which i kinda dont trust, for lack of better words. i do however seriously dislike the selling and like almost marketplace like thing that comes from it. of course you may see nothing wrong with it, which is fair.
sorry for the long reply. thank you for asking and giving me smth to think about. i hadnt really thought about the preconceived? image i have idk where it originated but i'll have to reflect on it.
have a nice day or night ! ^-^💖
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nctverse · 6 years
♥*♡+:。.。soft bias tag 。.。:+♡*♥
i was tagged by @wlwjisung i love her 
most of mu mutuals have already been tagged but ill tag @flossytae and @angierosalic
i'm really sorry for not putting any writing out today but i promise boyfriend!jisung is coming tomorrow!!
1. who is your bias?
okay so i was debating hella hard on who to do bc biases are so ughhhh in nct bc how do you choose one smh.. but ill do ten and haechan. they're my main boys hhh
2. what made you notice them?
Ten; his facial features  that he makes when he dances. hes very expressive and he looks like he throughly enjoys what he is doing bc he is fully immersed in the routine.he captivates me every time. also he looks so light on his feet and its just effortlessly beautiful.
Haechan; his voice, i heard him singing and since im a singer too i started to harmonize with him and i realized that our voices sound good together (some voices just dont mix well with eachother but i felt like ours sounded really nice together) ive noticed this with other nct members as well, he has a really flexible voice. also he's a really good dancer
3. what’s your favorite thing about them?
Ten; his personality. hes very outgoing and goofy. he reminds me tmyself in the way he interacts with other people.
Haechan ; he's very funny and outgoing, i love his interactions with people bc he's the kinda friend i gravitate towards since i'm more introverted
4. who would initiate skinship more?
Ten; honestly i'm not sure sjsjssh  we are both pretty equally as touchy but maybe me LMAO im really affectionate and i love cuddling and hugging so yea i think maybe me.
Haechan; both of us pretty equally bc he's also vvv clingy and cuddly and i'm just as bad sjsjd
 5. who would hog the blankets more?
Ten; he seems like a blanket hogger tbh lil shit  i never really hog blankets 
Haechan; i feel like he'd do it just so your basically forced to cuddle with him to be covered by the blanket
6. who would be more clingy?
Ten; hhhh we are both clingy and whiny sjsjsj i think he would be more shameless about it so ill go with him
haechan; i already mentioned this but both of us bc we both affectionate 🤧
7. who would say I love you first?
i think both ten and haechan would say it before me bc i'm a pussy so i'd wait until they said it first
8. who would be more easily flustered?
me for both again but this time for a different reason , ten is a pretty confident gay guy and although he gets flustered sometimes, it's just not the usual for him but Haechan, i feel like he lives to make other people flustered and i get flustered easily jsdjsj
9. what cuddling position would you two have?
lord why i'm cring-
for both of them i like ether facing eachother, or them with their head on my chest and arms around my waist so i can pet them especially with hyuck bc i feel like he'd like it more
10. what colors remind you of them and why?
Ten; Purple. lmao my whole theme is purple because of him it's a colour that hold a pleasant mystery in my opinion. a colour that is cold but also warm at the same time in a way
Haechan ; Yellow, it's a warm colour that makes you think of the sun him and it's the colour that instantly makes you think of happiness
11. which season would you like to spend with them?
both- winter/autumn bc i like the cold and wearing hoodies and stuff like that
but with hyuck i feel like the summer would be extra cool bc he's a really fun boy
12. who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
i would both bake and steal
but for real i think i'd bake and we'd both steal lmsododnd
with hyuck tho he'd do more stealing lil shitface i love him
13. which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
with ten it's equally as bad pun making jsjdj
with haechan it's me making bad puns and him roasting me for it
14. who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats
both of us bc ANIMALS
15. which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who would come to the rescue?
i feel like they are both awful in the kitchen and i'm a major cooker so i'd be saving them all the time
16. who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
ten- he'd probably pull me back or just push me off idk
haechan; we'd both be leaning over wHOOPS
17. what would watching a horror film with them be like?
ten; he's a lil baby so he'd be scared and ill get occasionally scared but not that bad
haechan he'd pretend he wasn't scared but he'd be shitting
18. who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
ten is both cheesy and smooth at the same time
haechan is the cheesy flirt that end up making you laugh so did he win or did he win?
19. who is more competitive?
ten; is trump his ass for sure
haechan we are both fiery shit heads so the iTS ON SJDJDJ
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders?
both of them bc they are both cHILDEREN smh
21. who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3am?
they are both pretty soft so i think they'd both do it, and i would too so it's just a sappy mess :)
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