#why do you do this cbc why is everything mike and brent made lost.
leo-and-me · 11 months
I know, guys! There is MORE lost media.
#canada #cbcnews #canadianbroadcastingcorporation #lostmedia #justice #WeWantJusticeRightNow.
The Beachcombers was a 19 season long show, spanning from 1972 to 1990. Many people grew up with the show, but similar to many other CBC based projects and shows, it was lost due to poor care and treatment. This CBC-based loss disrespects Jackson Davies, Shirley Milliner, Reg Romero, Bruno Gerussi, Brent Carver, and Michael J. Fox, similar to their loss of Leo & Me (1976) and Witch of Westminster Crossing (1977) just to name more of their faults. The show was a gem for Canadian history and it was by far the longest running Canadian show. Many people loved the series, but are now unable to watch it due to the CBC's lack of care for the show. Many of the actors whom were in the show have since passed away or have gotten fairly ill, which adds much more salt to the wound. The CBC is ruining legacies and will not stop unless we make them. Sign this petition today to show that you care, both to the world and to the CBC. Sign for change, sign to help, sign for respect. Sign for whatever good cause you want to contribute to. We need help. We need it soon. Media-destroying events happen all the time, especially in Canada, such as wildfires and other catastrophic disasters. Any number of unstoppable things can happen, and the likeliness of the show being permanently destroyed is increasing by the minute. Justice for Brent Carver, justice for Michael J. Fox, justice for Jackson Davies, Justice for Reg Romero, justice for Bruno Gerussi, justice for Shirley Milliner, justice for Pat John, justice for Robert Clothier, justice for Rae Brown, justice for Joe Austin, Justice for Cameron Bancroft, just to name a small percentage of the innocent people affected. These people all deserve justice. One signature contributes massively to the cause. Help us make the change.
These people never deserved the loss and disrespect that the CBC brought them. The injustice was never mentioned in the fine lines of the papers they signed. They had no idea this would be brought unto them. Justice for The Beachcombers.
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