#why is it that roksoo is always the older one
sapongpiepong-blog · 6 months
correct me if im wrong but og!cale is older than og!roksoo, right?? bcs og!cale is technically 40 yrs old when he regressed and then transmigrated and og!roksoo is only 36 yrs old when he transmigrated,,
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idontknowmyownmind · 9 months
Modern AU OG!AlCale; slight RokCale
Cale is someone who is unable to love and feels empathy. Emotions are something hard to grasp for him.
Cale always curious about human emotions.
Alberu is a black sheep in his family. His mother died when he was 5. No one in his family care about him because he is an illegitimate child.
Alberu always long for attention, love, and recognition from someone.
The first time they met was when Cale was 5 and Alberu was 7. Their parents are bussiness partner.
Since then, they have been together as playmate. Cale is blunt, especially when he was kid. He told Alberu that he is fake and he want to know why.
Alberu thought that he was being mocked but when he lool at Cale, he could seen genuine curiosity.
Cale is a sharp and smart kid. It's not long for him to realized that he is not, by any means, a normal person.
At the age of 10, he proposed to Alberu a deal. The content is, he will provide Alberu with 'love' and attention, he will give him recognition and 'care' for him. In return, he will help Cale satisfied his curiosity on human emotions and become his 'experiment' partner.
At first, Alberu just indulge him on this but as time goes by, he kinda became dependant on Cale because if he doesn't know any better, he will believe that Cale is genuine and sincere.
As they grow older, they still keep their 'agreement'. Cale might 'experienced' on many people but Alberu will always be his last stop. And Alberu become obsessive and possessive over Cale. They know each other deepest secret and only when it's the two of them they can be themselves.
They are each other first in everything
How Roksoo fit?
Well, no one know about their 'relationship'. Everyone know that they know each other since kid because of their parents, but they think that their relationship is not genuine and more professional. No one know about the intimacy of their relationship.
The 'heroes', the Soos, and Alberu are a group of friends. They are young and stupid, so CJS proposed a bet to Roksoo. He has to date Cale for three months.
Cale is known as a blunt and rude person (rude in a way of he talk without filter, not in a way of picking a fight with anyone). And he is known to have a long list of dates that not last more than a week, the longest is probably only two week top.
Alberu doesn say anything, he's actually encourage it. Cale told him that he is bored because no one is fun to 'play' with, so why not he send him a new 'playmate'?
He told Cale about the bet to pique his interest because it will be his 'first' time to be a betting subject. True to his expectation, Cale is interest and willing himself to stay for three months.
On the way to two months, Cale is bored but he endure it so Alberu will win his bet. And Roksoo started to developed feeling in a month they are 'together'.
After three months, Roksoo need to come clean to Cale about the bet. He feels guilty but he also planned to confes for real this time.
But before he got the chance, after he told Cale about the bet, nonchalantly Cale said that he know about the bet all this time. He told Roksoo that he stay because he thought it would be fun. Cale even told Roksoo that he actually started to get bored in their two months together.
He said all that with straight face and even voice. Cale even has the gall to look confuse when Roksoo looks upset (because he think that shouldn't it be him who feels upset? Hm..)
After that, Roksoo leave with a broken heart.
At the night, he told Alberu everything during the three months and what happened after and Alberu need to explain to him why it happen. During three months, they were not met or call each other.
Alberu feels bad for Roksoo because he know that Roksoo has a strong yet also fragile heart. But he also feels glad that Cale is not actually develop feeling to Roksoo. Watching them together is such a torture for him because with Cale, he never know what he actually feeling.
He know Cale's condition, but he also afraid that someday he will feels genuine love for someone and that someone is not him. He is afraid that Cale will leave.
Sometimes he forgot how good of an actor Cale is. It's a good thing he got bored of Roksoo.
Seeing Alberu seems to be upset, he 'comfort' him and shower him with a lot of 'loves'.
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rokcale · 2 years
Angst au idea:
Deruth always knew that one day cale would leave them and be replaced ( jour told him even though she wasn't sure whether he would regress or transmigrate) and that was the reason he never tried to bridge the gap between them , have him meet violan before marriage or try to get him to bond with his family.
So to protect himself from the pain later when he leaves , he decided to just forget about his own son and wait until he felt that cale has changed, and then love and care for the one that was there to stay with them , making himself believe that since this was always supposed to happen, this one is his son too ( just older , he still likes to think it's cale ) and cale died (when forced to accept krs isn't elder cale)alongside jour . He mourned for both back then.
Because he is a coward and did not want to get close to someone who might leave one day.
That didn't happen coz krs got transferred instead and found out about the truth while reading the tboah ( there was an extra side story by nelan Barrow so if roksoo gets transmigrated, he won't get caught up in that shit.)
So he came , observed cale for a while , came to his canonical conclusion that cale ain't no trash , observed some more , got to know him , found out the reason why cale acted trash, realized the shit going on with the cute little sweetheart who is too good for his own good and just went :
Nope. U r coming with me , then runs away with him 😃❤😂
So now the tables have turned and the angst is for Deruth, coz cale happily ran away with krs since his job as trash was done 🥂 they lived happily ever after , since no wars or anything ever happened.
Reason? White shit went to the world tree to cut it , slipped and impaled himself like the idiot he is. He is dead dead. RIP💀
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idontknowmyownmind · 1 year
Idk why but I want a twin AU between WS and OG!Cale and younger brother KRS by 2 or 3 years
An AU where WS is indifferent toward his family, he doesn't have an ounce of affection for his family
But there are expectation
He loves Jour, his mother, and his twin brother, Cale
Same with WS, Cale also loves him and doesn't have a strong affection toward others
The affection is there, but they are hazy like a thin fog that can dissapear at any moment
Different from WS who openly show his indifferent and lack of loves toward others beside his twin, Cale still respond them and 'interact' with them
Such as nods when he walk pass Violan or when their eyes meet, patted Lily and Basen absen absentmindedly, let Roksoo just sit or be near him when he feels down or just want peace and someone presence, listen to Deruth, and so on
But Cale also seen as indifferent, just like WS who want nothing or pretend that the only one exist in this house is him and Cale
When they are together, they're more relax and smile often to each other
WS like to ruffles Cale's hair, while Cale like to rest his head on WS's shoulder or back
WS's face default is cold indifferent, sharp intimidating eyes, and down-turn lips as if he is rather be somewhere else
His words are sharp and cutting, he doesn't care if he offense someone, and threats flow easily from his lips
Cale's face default is unapproachable indifferent, sleepy yet sharp eyes, and thin-line lips when no one talk to him but it change into /mocking/ smirk when he talk to someone unpleasant
He just exude that aura that make people hesistate to get close, it's so easy for him to make others feels like they are unwanted in his presences
Different from WS who spew direct insult and threat, Cale talk in riddle and his words seem like they implied on many things
Roksoo has been longing for his brothers /real/ affection but got almost nothing
Cale still give him 'attention' and 'affection' and although he want more than what he got, he doesn't want to be greedy as he affraid he'll lose what little he got from one of his older brothers
He try to accept the reality where both of his older will never actually care for him as family, he try to fool himself that he is okay with that, but who is he kidding, he still want that love and affection
Roksoo know that there is no hope for WS, but there is still Cale who never push him away, so he suck up what all he can get from him
Funfact: WS and Cale unable to loves anyone but each other is /maybe/ a curse. Since it's (kinda) a peaceful timeline with no WS as the final boss
Same universe but different element:
Twin WS and OG!Cale, but Cale is a girl
Little habits between WS and Cale:
- When they just meet (such as after waking up, before meals, before taking a walk together) WS always kiss Cale's cheek. When they talk to or be with each other and the opportunity is there, WS often kiss her cheek. Before they part away, it's Cale's turn to kiss his cheeks
- When they are in the mansion, you'll likely see them together. If you can't find them anywhere than they're more likely in one of their room together
- Cale like curled up beside her twin brother while he read or do something. And WS like to petted her hair
- When they sleep together (literally), they gravitated to each other and often facing each other while holding hands
- Cale like to rest her head on WS's shoulder while he rest his on her head
(Please note!! This is purely a really close twin sibling relationship with boundaries. I'm tired reading something purely close siblings relationship AU but others interpreted it differently, not only from this fandom but also other fandoms I follows)
Cale also has a habit to rufling Roksoo's hair, and in a reaalllyyy rare moment she also kiss his cheek
lol, I include Roksoo but it's mostly about WS and Cale. Idk, I just have to include Roksoo and Cale when it come to sibling or twin AU, WS is only an additional side hoe lmao
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 years
Sibling Cale and KRS AU 1.0
‼️No Twin AU‼️
Older KRS & Younger Cale
Reincarnated KRS
Brown hair KRS
KRS is attached to Jour
Love his little brother the most
Even tho he is mentally older, he still flinch and unable to see Cale for him remind Roksoo to a mother he come to love
Distant himself from Cale
Cale is sad and heartbroken
He try to get his big brother attention, but Roksoo didn't mean to snap at him
After that, Cale is not trying anymore
He feels more secluded when Roksoo accept their step-family
He feels more alone when he watch Roksoo spend time with Basen when he refuse Cale whem he asked if he can accompany him to the library before
Roksoo always want to mend their relationship, but he assume Cale still need time (time for what he doesn't know. That's an excuse as he is a coward)
Cale drive off from his family more
He rarely leave his room
Nothing is much known about him because he become a hermit
The only company he has is Hans
In this AU, Cale is the one who brought Hans in and since then he always there for his young master. Hans loyalty is to Cale and not the Henituse
Cale often spend his time in Vicross's kitchen. Just in the presence of his other hyung make him calm
Then Choi Han come
He still beat Cale but not that severe
Cale wake up with not only Ron and Vicross following CH but also KRS
Roksoo think that he can protect his family better by present near CH and his soon to be comrade
And for the first time since his mother death, Cale is crying
Oh, he is only a year older than Basen
Hans stay by holding his master. Trying to calm him down
After Roksoo leave, but he still visit once or twice a month, Cale often out somewhere with only Hans
Cale ia not on a speaking term with Deruth. Violan, Basen, and Lily don't know what to do or say around Cale and he treat them as strangers
Sometimes he only out for a few days, but it become more frequent and longer each time
Cale build himself a little family he cheerish
He create a network web around the whole contnent
He help Roksoo through shadow
Roksoo know about Cale 'outing' (but not the real reason why) and keep an eye on him because he want to keep his baby brother safe
After the war, Cale completely leave their life
No one realized at first because he often out
But he never came back and Rok Soo didn't hear back from his tail on Cale
And that's how they don't see Cale for years
Roksoo is not giving up on searching for his brother
[An AU inside AU
A/B/O verse
Submisive Alpha Roksoo
Dominant Omega Cale
Cale already has a mate before he decided to dissapear
Cale life in a really secluded area, only with the family he gather
This is how I pictures their reunioun will be like:
A little girl resembles Cale bumb into Eruhaben
She smell similar to Cale
Roksoo was with him and the kids
They let the kid go but follow silently
Lo and behold, they see Cale pick up the little girl and kiss her cheek and beside him is his mate (not like they know it)
The rest is history]
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