#why is jona's chocolate so grim??
porunareff · 2 years
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JOJO x Godiva collaboration - chocolate guide
Stone Mask: White chocolate;
Jonathan: Dark chocolate w/ dark chocolate filling
Stone of Aja: White chocolate
Joseph: Dark chocolate w/ cherry filling
Hand Badge: Blood orange white chocolate
Jotaro: Dark chocolate w/ coffee filling
Anchor Badge: Lemon white chocolate
Josuke: Milk chocolate w/ custard filling
Ladybug Brooch: White chocolate
Giorno: Milk chocolate w/ caramel filling
Butterfly motif: Purple sweet potato white chocolate
Jolyne: Milk chocolate w/ milk chocolate filling
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swear not by the moon, but by the stars
Hey, who’s down for a Harry Potter AU, with Constangreen-flavored WolfStar? About three people? @agentmarymargaretskitz and @incendiaglacies and myself. Cool, cool, cool. Ladies, enjoy this first part of what will be at least a three-parter:
Sara wiped her hand on the side of her robe. “That felt good.”
“That was awesome,” Ronnie grinned at Sara as Per Degaton was led to the hospital wing by his friends, blood gushing out of his nose. “You really got him, Sara.”
“Yes, you did,” sounded a stern voice, with the faintest shade of amusement in their tone. Sheepishly, the three of them turned to see Professor Gideon Ryder with her arms crossed, raising her eyebrow at them. “Why is it when there is an incident, it is almost always you three?”
“Honestly, ma’am, I think we’re just magnets for it,” Jonas offered as an explanation with an attempt at a smile, but it was no use, they all had to follow behind her back to her office for a lecture and a detention sentence. Jonas was the last in the duck trail behind her, accepting the door Ronnie was holding before him, giving a last look outside.
And caught sight of a patchy yellow-and-black dog sitting out by the oak tree they had just been next to, staring in his direction. Quickly, he stepped inside and shut the door, pulling Ronnie back to whisper to him, “I saw it again.”
That morning had begun a standard day, as standard as it can be with Dementors hovering around outside the walls. Jonas woke up in the morning, and spent his time working on the Defense Against the Dark Arts werewolf identification essay Professor Merlyn had assigned, and he had neglected the day before. Absently, he looked out the window, and saw the same dog he’d seen for the past three days. It was always looking in his direction, and always close enough by. It was staring up at him through the window, and Jonas hurried to close the curtain.
He chewed on that thought throughout breakfast, sharing his concerns with his best friends. “I think I’m being paranoid.”
“After two years with us, no such thing,” Sara said, picking up her glass of pumpkin juice. “So it never approaches you?”
“It gets close sometimes,” Jonas admitted. “When I fell off-”
“When Degaton shoved you.”
“When I fell off my broom and broke it, it got - close. It’s got a black spot on the left ear, that’s how close it was to me. It ran off when Captain Lance came to see if I was alright. I would think it would try to rush me if it wanted to hurt me, right?”
“According to Professor Darhk, could be a Grim.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “It’s not a Grim, that’s stupid. There’s a reason for it, we’ll try and catch it later tonight. Maybe it’s someone’s messenger.”
The next odd moment of the day was sitting in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Class time had not begun, as Professor Green was running late and Professor Merlyn has his back to the class as he read the morning paper. The students were quietly chattering amongst themselves until Professor Green entered the room, his usual style of disarray present as he rushed to the front of the room with his texts.
“Thank you for covering-”
“You’re late,” Merlyn said icily, turning around in the chair and standing up. He placed the pile of essays onto the corner of the desk and folded his paper back together.
Jonas frowned at the moving picture of John Constantine on the front page, eyes wild as any madman’s trying to claw his way out of the frame, prison number printed cleanly across the bottom.
Still no sign of him, according the headline. Three months on the run, and not a single trace of him anywhere. Jonas felt anxiety creep at his spine. If this man, who had been trusted by his father and mother, who had betrayed them and left them to Savage, was free and in the world again, was he truly safe?
But he put his own feelings of fear aside as he watched Merlyn hold the paper out to Professor Green, Constantine’s mouth open in silent screams and pleads towards an invisible audience. “I thought perhaps you’d like to read this, I’m finished with it.”
For a brief second, Sara noted the start of a frown started to cross Professor Green’s face, before he accepted the paper and thankfully folded it over so the face wasn’t visible. Then he smiled back at the other man’s cool gaze. “Thank you, Professor Merlyn.”
Merlyn scoffed, brushing past him to leave the classroom. Professor Green sat his paper and his case down onto the desk, eyes drifted over  to the pile of essays on werewolves. That frown flickered across his face again before the usual smile broke out. “Well, I’m glad to be back to class today with you all. Please get out your textbooks and turn to page 144, please.”
Jonas couldn’t focus on his work in the library, and Ronnie was busy sorting through his Every Flavor Beans so it wasn't like he was helping. Sara, ever the level one, was sorting through old newspapers and yearbooks until she exclaimed in as loud a whisper as she dared in the library, “Look at this!”
She held out a yearbook page, it was open to the Gryffindor section. Jonas looked and saw his father and his mother moving in their pictures, Rip trying not to smile and mostly failing and Miranda pushing her hair back and smiling. But they weren’t who Sara was focusing on. “Look, that’s John Constantine and Professor Green, they were all in the same year! You said Professor Green told you he knew your dad really well, maybe he knows about Constantine?”
“But WE don’t even know anything about Constantine, Sara, all we know is that he’s a murderer and on the run.”
“YOU two don’t know anything about him,” Sara sighed, pulling out her notes. “Good thing you have me to do research. So, he’s from an old wizard family, but John was apparently estranged from them. At least, he doesn't appear in any family records after his third year at Hogwarts. I don’t know why.”
Jonas picked up Sara’s book on wizard lines, and started flipping through them. He flipped past Ronnie’s family’s page and found the Constantine page. Something clicked when he saw all of the green and silver and the small spot of red tucked in the bottom left corner.
“Look,” he gestured to the page, showing his best friends. “They’re all Slytherin. Every single one. Except - except-”
“John Constantine,” Ronnie finished, pulling the book closer to him. “But that doesn’t explain why he doesn't have any records past third year if we know he’s still alive, and he finished school.”
Jonas shrugged. He’d had so many questions since two years ago when he was told he was a wizard and been whisked to school away from Uncle Nolan and Aunt Delphine, and of course his cousin Theo. But it seemed that the more time he spent in the world he should have spent with his parents, the more questions he had about them and their lives.
After lunch that day, he chose to spend his free period doing extra work with Professor Green since he had had to miss it because of illness. He gave him a piece of chocolate when he fumbled the Expecto Patronum spell again. “I can’t ever get it right.”
Professor Green squeezed his shoulder once, offering him that smile that seemed out of place for a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. “It takes time, don’t worry.”
“But it’s taking me longer than it takes everyone else.”
“Jonas, it took me a long time to perfect that spell. In fact, I knew someone in my year that couldn’t perform that spell at all until their fifth year. Took them that long, but he got there in the end.”
Jonas nodded, playing with the chocolate wrapping in his hands as Professor Green sat back at his desk, working on grading Merlyn's essays.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course, anything you want.”
“So, you knew my - my dad, yeah?”
“I did,” Professor Green tells him with a soft smile. “Very well.”
Jonas decided to cut straight to the point. “Did you know John Constantine?”
Professor Green looked up sharply from his essays before his gaze softened. “Why do you ask?”
“Just - I read the paper from this morning, you know? I - worry, I can’t help it.”
“I can assure you, Jonas,” Professor Green said, getting up to put a hand back on his shoulder, looking him in the eyes. “You’re safe here.”
“But I know he’s out there, somewhere.”
“You - you are safe on these grounds,” Professor Green reassured one more time. “And he’s not - he’s not here, regardless.”
Jonas nodded, managing to smile back at him. “Thank you.”
Now, it would have been a more normal day if Sara hadn’t gone off and punched Per Degaton for calling her a mudblood, but frankly, he had deserved it. So now, there the three of them were, Ronnie and Sara and Jonas, in Professor Ryder’s office and receiving a lecture on using violence when words will do.
“He used words against her,” Jonas helpfully pointed out. “So I think that in that instance, Professor, she shouldn’t be punished for defending herself.”
The corners of her lips tilted up. “That's an excellent argument, Mr. Hunter.” She opened her mouth to continue, but was interrupted by a sharp knock to the door, and Merlyn was asking to speak with Professor Ryder.
“Excuse us,” she nodded to the trio, stepping outside to have a word with him. They sat for a total of ten seconds before jumping out of their chairs and sneaking around for some kind of information they could find on Constantine. Jonas needed to know that he was safe here, and his friends were intent on helping him feel that way.
They really shouldn’t be snooping like this, but tucked away in the back corner, Jonas found a map carefully folded and hidden under years and years of old OWL exams. It wouldn’t open, that was the curious thing. He tried pulling it, it stayed firmly shut. He said ‘open sesame’, and still nothing. “Would you open for me, please?”
What are the magic words?
Still don’t get why it has to say that, mate.
It’s from a Muggle saying, you twit.
Don’t call me a twit, Hunter, you’re a tw-
Sorry, a prat, th-
Boys, stop! What they mean to say is you don't have the passcode, so you cannot enter. Say the code.
Jonas didn’t have a code, but froze with the map in his hands because of the word ‘Hunter’ and the handwriting on the phone picture of his parents he had, his mother’s handwriting.
“Whoaaaaa, guys, guys, guys, look at this!” Ronnie exclaimed. He pulled a picture hidden behind a pleasant meadow scene in a frame, revealing an image of teenagers lounging on the outside back staircase. Jonas’s eyes were immediately drawn to the couple in the left corner, the guy sitting on the rail, playfully pulling at the girl’s hand, and she was laughing at him.
His mum and dad. Younger versions, to be sure, but it was definitely them. That wasn’t what Ronnie was focusing on, however, as he excitedly pointed to the opposite corner of the picture.
Instead, it was obviously Professor Green, holding a textbook in his lap as he sat on the top step, his face was alight in laughter. That would be a surprise, as a younger, saner...happier John Constantine was leaning back against his thigh and blowing the smoke up into his face. He was laughing at the crooked grin on Constantine's face and letting him lean against him like they had no cares in the world.
To add to it all?
Professor Ryder, a slightly younger version, was messing Rip’s hair and moving back from his free hand trying to swat at her.
The trio was silent for a solid minute, then Jonas broke the silence for them. “Professor Green said Constantine was in his year,” he started, pointing to them in the corner. “He never mentioned them being friends.”
“Neither did Professor Ryder,” Sara noted. Ronnie listened to his friends, but flipped the picture over to read I solemnly swear…. before it trailed off into nothing.
Hurriedly, the trio put the room back together and were back in their chairs become Professor Ryder returned. After she finally released them after the lecture, they all scurried outside into the sunlight.
Sara broached the subject first. “So...what does this mean?”
Ronnie pulled the map from his robe. “We work on opening this, yeah?”
Jonas nodded. “We do that, we can figure out what their connection was and is to my parents.”
“What do you think it is?”
Jonas swallowed, fingers tracing over where the words had faded off the front of the map. “I don’t know, guys. I just - I’m worried that there’s something about Professor Green that I don’t know about.”
Sara’s eyes widened for a moment, and she opened her mouth to speak, and then seemed to change her mind. “I have an idea…”
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