#why is prismo so tall
zella9012 · 11 months
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Prismo: Pfft! Are you wearing my shorts?
Scarab: OH shut up. I couldn't find mine.
P: you pulled the string so tight *chuckling*
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blenselche · 3 months
I downloaded Keep Yourself to reread during the ao3 downtime. Did you add some stuff? I feel like there was new stuff. Anyway you keep saying your requests are open so will you draw more genderqueer/fem Fern? I like how you make him taller when he's a girl because of the time difference between the worlds, I only caught that on my second read. Or am I overthinking it and you wanted to make a joke about Finn's thing for tall women? Maybe draw Jermaine's visit? I never really thought about Fern being a demon when Joshua was a demon hunter, if I wind up writing an angst drabble about that in fucking 2024 it's your fault.
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I did add some stuff! Depends on when you last read it but I've added whole paragraphs since it was finished. I still go back in and fiddle with it when I'm like... the passenger in a car or whatever.
Yeah, you called it! That's why fem!Fern is taller. The wish not effecting him when he swaps between the two "Finn variant" vessels is supposed to be a hint at what's going on. I was hoping people would pick up that Fern's vessel takes on its actual age, or at least wonder why she's so much taller and let that fester in their heads until the reveal of Prismo slapping him into Fionna World Fern/Flora so that they can talk. Finn's hang up with tall women sort of just compliments everything/is a happy accident lol.
And dw. It didn't really occur to me for a few years after the show finished either, so you're not alone. The potential for drama there not being explored is a big loss imo. I hope you do in fact write a Fern fic in current year, it's good for you.
Thanks for being so attentive! and for enjoying my writing enough to go back and reread it~
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anoopsiedaisie · 1 year
My Fionna and Cake episode 7&8 tangent
Lets start it off with the score. 20/20 it was fantastic. my stupid theory post will happen eventually, and I will ABSOLUTELY TALK ABOUT PETRIGROF
The star - Cake thinking Fionna was upset cause her fling died was silly, Fionna was clearly upset before about the candy people. The fight with the vampires was funny but intense, I love how Cake and Fionna care a lot about eachother. Also why does Simon know what holy water taste like. Pb and "Star" was so cute, and I was so right when I talked about us getting more Bubbline on tiktok (Tiktok account is not linked anywhere btw) The vampire world is super sad though, cause they had really been eating for so long, that a potential thousands of people died. Marshall and Gary really lit up the episode from the sadness once again, Gary's tangents of his candy kingdom are so cute. AND HIS HAMBO THINGY IN HIS CAR. Marten and baby Finn are so cute, I wanna legit cry cause HES MEANT TO BE A GOOD DAD BUT HES SO STUPID IN THE OG UNIVERSE. Also imma say this now, Prismo gets in trouble for breaking the rules once and ignoring a few beeps, BUT Scarab ignores several beeps and his entire job and doesn't get in trouble, that boss better have a good reason. Second date (potentially) and Marshall already introducing his boyfriend to his mom, damn. Marshall's mom matches og Hunson perfectly somehow, duche parent club. And Marshall's little blush of embarrassment from his mom acting all weird infront of Gary. Billy's corpse is messed up, like reall messed up, and the reminder of how tall he is is also crazy. I was also wondering the entire time if Pb was human in this universe until she bit off half her arm basically. The Star's outfit is so good, but I wonder how she turned into a vampire now, maybe she was bit in front of that worlds Simon's body and thats why she screamed at something. Already long section so I'll end it here with, I LOVED THIS ENTIRE EPISODE, Huntress dying was sad though, and Gary Marshall kiss was adorable. Closing thought of this episode, Bubbline but toxic yuri. Jerry - Simon and Betty better get a happy ending or I will legit be so sad, they love each other so much, and Betty just legit became part of a god over her Fiance once celebrity crush. I love how gorgeous everything is in this show, Orbo is also a funny character. I feel like someone could narrow down where things and places they go in this Lich's wish universe it'd seem fun at first then spiral though. Simon does NOT know how to draw though get this man an art class. The tree house being naked though, all its leaves gone. Lich's wish to kill all life, really just unironically killed ALL life, down to plants. Fun little references to old episodes, and including one that revolved around Ice king, hmm. Also I wonder the age gap between Betty and Simon, I like to see it as they're like a year apart but Simon just skipped grades cause hes a smart cookie. Also Simon had slides ready for people to be loud, HE WAS READY. Nerd girls in love. I am also guessing Bmo has been alone for awhile now, at least since season 5ish times since thats when the Lich would have made this wish. All the references in Ice King's junk from the melted ice kingdom. Ninja guide books, kunai, vhs tapes and the camera, the pink diary, his bed has the wishing amulet that Gunter used to break bottles. I was RIGHT
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Fionna see's how unhealthy Ice King was, and changes her mind and wants him to not become this sad sad man again. Simon would genuinely be such a sweet and wonderful parent, he loved taking care of the babies in the baby universe, and he sees Fionna get happy when he tells his story with Betty and keeps doing it to keep her happy. Neddy is also guaranteed dead, already obvious but the candy kingdom doesn't have the juices being produced. Bmo has done a lot in his isolation, a lot of stuff is changed or moved, I feel so bad for bmo. But the lines "Help me zip up my bra" and "Ooo, butt stuff" Wow. The Simon and Betty stuff makes me so happy, they're so cute and I love them, they need to have a happy ending or I will be so sad. The lesbians ever, I love these lesbians, let the lesbians be happy. Simon struggling to say he loves her is so CUTE. Poor Bmo, I feel so bad, but he was probably so sad being alone, sad in someway. Petrigrof moment was so cute and adorable please, I want them so happy, they deserve to be happy. Now for the bombshell, Jerry. The Lich's wish monkey paw aspect is that he gets depressed and has nothing to do now that all life is gone. Billy's body decomposing as the Lich parasites it. SO, imma theory my reason for the portal finally opening to GolBetty, either it was because the Lich was used as the battle and influenced it in a way to allow it to finally work, OR Betty's wish to keep Simon safe truly included the crown being worn. Like the crown really did trigger GolBetty like "BITCH, NO" or the third that makes probably the most sense, The Scarab was literally about to kill Simon and go against what Betty wants, meaning she is going to interfere. I saw someone say that GolBetty likely wont remember Simon and this could cause something. BUT I REALLY HOPE THEY DONT DO THAT, I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY
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inbarfink · 11 months
About Prismo’s boss, do you like that they are still shrouded in mystery? Or would you have liked it more if their identity had been revealed on the finale of Fionna and Cake?
Yeah, to be quite honest, I just really don't see the point in 'revealing' the Boss, at least not right now.
I mean, at least back during 'Prismo the Wishmaster", when people were speculating that the Boss was actually GOLB, I... really didn't like that theory. I thought it really didn't fit in with any of the established lore about GOLB and I'm happy to see that it got very unambiguously disproven. But... I could at least see the appeal of it. I mean, if the Boss did turn out to be GOLB, that would be a Reveal with a lot of meaning and impact behind it! It would have changed and recontextualized so much of the narrative and even the cosmological rules of the AT setting!
But right now it seems like we're out of any Notable Previously-Established Cosmological Characters who could be the Boss. We really are talking about just... revealing the Canon Character Design to this new separate character. So I think it's worth considering... What Are We Doing Here? What would 'revealing' the Boss mean for the narrative?
Is it just about showcasing a Cool New Character Design? I mean, nothing wrong with a Cool New Character Design, but establishing something properly suitably epic and original for what seems to be the Actual Literal God of the whole AT Multiverse is quite a tall order. That might be why they decided to characterize them primarily by their lack of visuals.
You know, both in the sense that nothing the AT artists can create and animate can come close to all of the collective imaginations of all of the fandom. And in the sense that the lack of visual itself is an element that characterize them and makes them stand out against all the other Cosmic Beings under them.
And while a canon design could theoretically pack in a lot of Cool Visual Symbolism that could have interesting implications for the nature of the AT Cosmology.... their lack of visual ALSO has it's own set of implications. You know, there's a reason why so many religions love the idea of 'the Divine as Undepictable'.
I mean, Cosmic-Level Nonsense are already kinda standard-issue for Adventure Time at this point - so the lack of visual is a good way to quickly establish the Boss as so far beyond the reach, or maybe even comprehension, of our main characters and even other Cosmic Beings.
And even the little hints we get of their visual identity via the Winged Star Motif and the use of a corded phone has it's own interesting implications....
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Now, 'Revealing' the Boss also means we could get to see a bit more of their personality, and to hear of their own motivation and reasoning in their own words - and not just implied via the actions and reactions of their subordinates. But I dunno how much this would've been necessary for the narrative of 'Fionna and Cake'.
I mean, the personality and motivation are just implied right now - but all the implications have been painting a pretty consistent picture. It's not like Prismo and Scarab's dialogue give out two totally contrasting views of the Boss that require the audience to get a look of them themselves to know what they're really like or something like that.
And it is possible that the Boss could still turn out to be on some level very very different from how both Prismo and the Scarab view them and you could do some interesting stuff with that? But again, we're talking about it in terms of the plot of 'Fionna and Cake' - so you have to consider if you can implement that idea into the narrative in a way that works with the existing story and themes which of course means that the Boss will have depression
And.... actually this is why I said at the start that I don't see the point in revealing the Boss 'right now'. Because I really don't think it would've added more to the current Fionna and Cake narrative.... but if we're talking about the Hypothetical Fionna and Cake Season 2, well, that's a different story.
And by that I mean, literally, that's a whole new different story that could, theoretically be woven around the idea of revealing the Boss and have it actually mean something in the narrative beyond just updating a character image and a voice actor on a Wiki. You know have an actual plot point around the idea of finally getting to see them explain themselves in their own words. Or even just use their reveal to showcase how grand and epic the current adventure is (we need something to raise the stakes after the last season was about saving a whole damn World, after all).
It's not a surefire thing, and honestly.... I think I am still more content with the idea of the Boss being the one AT Cosmic Character that is constantly beyond our reach. I am just offering it as the one way I can see this could work right now.
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finnsword · 6 years
like extending that Again im not the at crew so maybe theres a reason they went with gumbald
but i think the first half of s9 having fern as the antagonist be interesting and im saying this as ferns biggest stan and someone who believes hes not a villain at all where we don’t really know what or why he’s doing shit other than his grudge against finn just really teasing the rising along with keeping the filler episodes, fern shows up he acts like fern probably not....edgy 12 feet tall fern just him being emo and cursed and he keeps saying cryptic shit
like teasing it like the comet from s6 so the pacing flows better
then uhhh maybe king man/betty or prismo eventually are like ‘dude ur gonna have to deal with the big leagues’ and its golb And there, a season build up to the finale where it actually matters
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