#why is there no goddamn art of Asmodeus!Mozart or an Evil Corrupted Mozart
300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Up No. 39: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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Requiem For Death B -> Requiem For Death (Amdusias) B+
Random chance to decrease ATK and DEF for all enemies (3 turns). Significantly restore your NP Gauge. Apply Class Affinity advantage against [Foreigner] class to all allies (5 turns). Decrease ATK for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns). Inflict Curse for all enemies (3 turns).
[Scaling is the same on all pre-existing effects. NP Gauge refill per NP level is 20/25/30/35/40%.]
Once again I’m doing Lore first, Gameplay second.
Hey so remember how the game established Mozart as secretly being an avatar of a Demon God Pillar but they discovered humanity through their music and so rejected the demon god, and the game then proceeded to do literally nothing with that? Ha ha yeah me too - I’m not still angry. Unrelated but did you know Salieri’s animations (the ones that summon little grey gunmen) might be a jojo reference? And if you know what I’m on about then you can already tell where the idea of anti-foreigner cane from. As far as I know the Silver Musketeer isn’t an actual myth. All the myths about Mozart’s death have been disproven over the years anyhow, but that’s never stopped me before so I decided to take a bit of inspiration from Silver Chariot Requiem’s origin and convert it to fate lore.
That is all to say, ‘it was said’ Mozart composed his famous Requiem believing it to be for his own funeral after a mysterious, faceless figure commissioned it in the dead of night as he lay sick, and he only became more ill as he wrote it before dying as it was finished. The latter part is the basis for the NP we already have, as the myth tells it was Death himself who was the faceless figure, but given FGO’s lore let’s twist that to the demon gods’ influence. Thus, it becomes a Requiem for ‘Death’ (Amdusias). Now unshackled from his mortality as a heroic spirit, Mozart is able to tap into the immense mana of DGPs, instantly refunding much of his NP immediately upon use, and as the music debilitates his enemies that same music empowers Mozart’s allies against the very eldritch horrors that tormented its composition. The effect ironically would do little against Demon God Pillars given class affinities, but the music is not an anti demon weapon; it is a conceptual weapon against the aspect of things that are beyond death. When it plays, “even Death may die.”
…Gameplay wise though i just wanted a niche for his terrible terrible NP. Mozart’s NP is incredibly hard to build even with NP chains, and it’s not even worth it so starting NP CEs are a waste anyways. Curse is useless as anything but a proc for other better effects, and the attack and defense were random chance. I left the scaling on them alone because it’s pretty good if both are guaranteed. Even with those no longer random, though, you’re not likely to stack them unless you dedicate a team to it. The staggering 40% battery helps immensely but it’s not gonna be enough; as someone who makes frequent use of all 3 “1-hit-arts-card bronze casters” I assure you of that. Mozart’s thing has also always been niche filling. A massive 1 turn arts burst, a 50 star bomb, even his rank up for his NP strength down (itself a niche but even as far as niche’s go that one is useless) is another niche in Arts Resist Down. So I decided to give him something that’s equally niche, and a niche I think is one of the two most glaringly unfilled among the free to play pool - his lore was what determined which of those two I gave him.
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