#why isn't she touring in india!?!?!
evermoredeluxe · 1 year
I think being from Central America just like other specific areas of the world gave me a thick skin when it came to anything fandom related, it sounds bad but I don't expect anything from anyone because people don't even call this part of the continent by it's name. Like yeah coming to concerts here makes zero sense if your tour is Taylor sized I get it, I'm also a debut swiftie but how is she ever gonna chose me for anything it makes no sense. I just live in peace, of course I would love to meet her but that's just not happening so I can either be disappointed or accept it.
no i 100% feel you. maybe i feel the way i do because i was originally an indian fan.
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indigoraysoflight · 1 month
“Spicy food in India” | Caryl prompt
requested by @that-left-turn ❤️
Cardamom & Curry
Carol stared at the fish. They’d been in Munnar for three days, and Carol had already gathered three South Indian recipes to take home. She decided to try making fish curry for lunch instead of finding a local restaurant, but there was one problem. Carol had never filleted a pomfret before. Daryl was the one who always filleted fish in their home, but he was asleep, so she was on her own.
Henry and his dad, Ezekiel, had planned a trip to Kerala, South India and wanted Lydia to go with them. Lydia and Henry had been dating for three years, and Carol adored Henry. He was respectful – if a little spoiled – and he loved Lydia. She knew Daryl liked him too but was extra grumpy around the boy who was dating his adopted daughter. Henry and his dad travelled a lot and often took Lydia with them. But Daryl refused to let their kid go across the world by herself, even though their kid wasn't really 'a kid'. So, Ezekiel generously extended the invitation to Lydia’s adoptive mom and her adoptive mom’s platonic best friend, who also happened to be Lydia’s adoptive father. To say their first dinner together had been awkward would be an understatement. 
They’d been saving up for a big vacation for a year and a half now, so the timing worked out. Her catering business was going well this year, but Carol doubted they’d ever be able to afford this expensive rental. The luxury cottage was built with rustic stone and wood, and nestled on top of a hill, surrounded by tea and cardamom plantations. Ezekiel had given them the tour when they arrived, but the space was too big for her taste; she would’ve preferred a cozy but comfortable cottage with a view of the rolling hills. Still, she’d smiled graciously every time he pointed out an expensive feature on the property while Daryl sulked in the back. There was an odd tension between Daryl and Ezekiel, and she'd figured out why after what happened yesterday. Carol thought it best to stay with Daryl today and take some time to think–
“You tryna fillet the fish with your mind? Just gotta use a knife.” 
Carol blinked, realizing she had zoned out and she was still staring at the pomfret. “Is that how it works? I thought if I stared at it sternly, it would fillet itself.”
“Gimme.” He limped over and started filleting the pomfrets with impressive precision. 
“Show off,” she muttered under her breath.
His hair was dishevelled, and he wore cargo shorts and a faded tie-dye t-shirt that Sophia had made for him years ago. She pushed his fringe back to examine the cut on his face, held together by butterfly bandages. They'd been more generous with their touches lately – especially since they got here – but she didn't mind, and she didn't think he minded either by the way he leaned into her touch.  
“I’m fine. It’s just a scratch,” he said without looking up at her. 
“You’re lucky you didn't need stitches.” He looked up at her then, his eyes intense as they flicked down to her lips. She realized she was just running her fingers through his hair now and stepped back. 
She and Daryl woke up before dawn the last two mornings and, in a jetlagged daze, walked along the path through the tea plantation to catch the sunrise. They didn’t expect it to rain on their way back yesterday. She slipped and would’ve tumbled down the path, but Daryl steadied her, lost his balance, and landed in the tea plantation. Besides a large cut on the left side of his face, tea leaves stuck to his elbows and knees, and a sprained ankle — he was intact. His eyes held a fear she hadn’t seen in five years –  fear and something else – as he frantically checked her for injuries and then held her in his arms for a solid minute in the rain.  
“This fish isn't going to marinate itself,” she said in a chipper voice and mixed the spices in a bowl to calm her heart rate before smearing a generous amount of the paste on the fish. 
“That’s enough. Dunno if I need more spice.”
Carol smirked and batted her eyelashes at him. “But I thought you liked it when I’m spicy, Pookie.”   
They fell into the rhythm they had in their own kitchen. She sauteed the onions with the spice mixture while he squinted at the recipe she’d scribbled on a paper pad and started cutting the tomatoes – stopping every few seconds to pop a slice in his mouth. Carol took a deep breath and focused on the onions. Something had viscerally shifted between them on the long flight over here. She’d clung to him on the plane during turbulence, and after they landed, they kept reaching for an excuse to touch each other. She’d been so unguarded in the way she leered at him that Lydia and Henry had given her a knowing look more than once.  
“Where’s the royal family? I’m guessing Lydia is with them?” Daryl casually fed her a slice of tomato and then sucked the juice off his fingers. 
They’re gone, and I’m in trouble. Carol steadied her voice. “Lydia, Henry, and Zeke went sightseeing; they won’t return until after dinner.” It’s just us, and you keep doing that thing with your mouth, she thought.
Carol let the curry simmer while they stepped onto the balcony and lounged on the chairs, staring at the green expanse. The air was dewy and perpetually scented with a hint of cardamom. Sophia would’ve loved this place. She would be perched on the balcony with her sketchbook, scribbling away and absentmindedly picking at her nails. 
“Why didn’t ya go with them? I’m sure Henry’s dad will miss you.” Daryl growled and picked at his nail. 
The tension between Daryl and Ezekiel got worse when he limped on their way back yesterday, and Ezekiel offered to pay for a doctor to take a look at him. Carol knew he would refuse, and thankfully she had packed some first aid supplies because she knew this man too damn well.
Carol rolled her eyes. “I wanted to stay and take care of Lydia’s dad, so he understood.”
Daryl’s lips quirked up, summoning a flutter in her belly. What are we doing here, Daryl? She wanted to ask. They’d been tip-toeing around each other for years now. Or she thought they were. Maybe this is all they’d ever be – platonic best friends who lived together, who raised a daughter and lost another. Two people who let their touches linger too long, reached for each other when they were afraid, longed for each other when they were apart, and sometimes slept in each other’s arms but never crossed that line. Always something more, but never quite enough. 
“Surprised he hasn’t asked ya out yet.” 
Carol blinked at Daryl, wanting to point out the irony in what he’d said. Irritation coursed through her as the curry burbled away, and she decided to come clean about what had happened the previous evening. 
“He did after dinner last night.”
“What?” Daryl looked like he’d been punched in the gut; Carol tried to ignore the twinge of guilt and failed. 
Ezekiel had helped her load the dishwasher in the kitchen and asked her out before they retired to their rooms last night. He’d been a perfect gentleman – charming, respectful, and chivalrous. But all she’d thought about was how Daryl’s eyes had lingered on her lips before dinner when he’d told her she looked beautiful. 
“I told him I’ll think about it.” They weren’t in a position to anger their host, even though she felt that Ezekiel would accept defeat graciously and not put them in an awkward position. 
“Why didn’t ya say yes?”
“Why does it matter?”
Daryl’s behaviour was giving her whiplash. He practically undressed her with his eyes last night and almost launched himself at Ezekiel for complimenting her at dinner. Now, he was pushing her to date the man.
Daryl peered through his fringe, his eyes earnest. “He’s real charming, rich, generous, and clearly has a thing for ya.”
Carol crossed her arms. “If he’s so great, why don't you go out with him?”
“Pfft. Ain’t my type.” 
“What is your type?” Carol raised her eyebrows, ignoring the heat that crept up her cheeks as Daryl’s eyes roamed her face and lingered on her lips before he pried his gaze away.
“Don’t change the subject. He’s corny and a bit pretentious, but he doesn’t seem like an asshole.”
“So, that’s what you want then? For me to date Ezekiel?” Her voice wavered, but she held his gaze, her anger now simmering to the surface and prickling at her eyes. Is that what he wanted? Then why did he look at her like that all the time — like he was afraid of losing her? Had she gotten this all wrong? Did she spend years pining after a man who was finally telling her he was not interested? 
Daryl looked away. “I want ya to be happy. He’d treat you like a Queen and-”
“-I should get started on the appam.” 
Carol went to the kitchen before the tears formed in her eyes, hating the open plan of the cottage where she could feel Daryl’s eyes follow her. Her hand reached for the pink bauble pendant resting on her chest. After Sophia died, they’d grown closer and built a wall between them at the same time. But when Lydia came into their lives, the wall started breaking down. She hoped, in time, they could pick up where they left off. Now, she didn’t know why she thought this vacation would be a new beginning for them. Daryl was never going to see her as anything but his best friend. She’d waited too long. 
Daryl loved watching her cook. Her hair was tied up in a bun; she wore a loose Bowie t-shirt, baggy sweats, and soft fuzzy elf socks Lydia got for her last Christmas. The aroma of cardamom and chilli lingered in the air as she poured rice batter on a pan to make the rice crepes they called appam. He wished he could walk up and wrap his arms around her, kiss the nape of her neck and see if he could taste cardamom on her skin. I bet Ezekiel didn't think this hard before he made his move. He sighed. 
Daryl didn’t know how many days he had left to savour her presence, reach for her hand when they walked up a crooked path and watch the sunrise wash over her freckles. She looked radiant last night in the blue dress that hugged her form and illuminated her eyes. He knew sooner or later, she’d meet a man who deserved her. I didn’t think it would be this soon. To think he’d hoped this vacation would give them time to figure out what their future looked like. Even if Daryl selfishly wished to be with her, Carol deserved someone who could offer her the world. Ezekiel sure as hell checked all the boxes.
Carol deserved all of this. Lavish vacations, a charming partner, and children who adored her – who were safe and in her arms. She deserved a comfortable life after everything she’d been through.  
Daryl’s work as a contractor was unpredictable, and renting a cottage of this size for twelve days was out of the question. He thought the trip he’d taken her and Sophia on to the Grand Canyon had been extravagant because he’d spent a chunk of his savings to upgrade them to a big cabin with a mini-pool. Now Henry’s rich father entered the picture and showed him up with one effortless, generous gesture and an offhanded “We vacation here every summer”. The universe could’ve kicked him in the balls, and it would’ve hurt less. 
Daryl walked into the kitchen and started slicing some red onions to soak in lemon juice because he needed something to do before his thoughts choked him. Carol’s eyes were far away when she held up a spoon so he could taste the curry; the heat from the spices hit him straight in the back of his throat and lingered on his palate. 
“Why did you stay after Sophia died?” 
Daryl coughed. “What?”
“You heard me.”
It didn’t even occur to him to leave after Sophia died. When he’d rented the basement apartment in Carol’s house all those years ago, he only wanted a cheap place to rest his head as he went through trade school. Daryl hadn’t expected to fall so deeply in love with Carol and co-parent her child with her. Before he knew it, he'd moved upstairs into the spare room, and he walked the kid to school every day and helped with her homework. He’d come to love Sophia like she was his own daughter. When she died, he and Carol had anchored each other through their shared grief over the loss of their little girl. Then, another kid walked through the doors, and they were given another chance.  
“I loved that kid. I know Sophia wasn’t mine, but she was.” He didn’t expect his voice to break as his eyes lingered on Carol's pink bauble necklace. 
“I know. But that’s not what I asked.” her voice was soft, her eyes crystal in the afternoon light – she was crying in the kitchen when he was busy leering at her. He wanted to kick himself for being an idiot again. 
Carol pinned him with her gaze. “Why’d you stay?” 
“Why didn’t ya say yes to Ezekiel?” he deflected.
“I’m not interested in him.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t love him.” Carol’s voice was a desperate whisper. “Ezekiel wasn’t the one who held me through my grief. He didn’t take my daughter trick-or-treating or scour ten game stores to find the obscure video game she wanted. He didn’t make her chicken soup with alphabet pasta when she was sick. He didn’t treat me and my daughter like we were the center of his universe-” Carol’s voice broke, and she wiped her tears. 
“-I thought we were on the same page, Daryl, and hoped we’d have a stroke of luck with the change of scenery, but I guess I was wrong.” 
Did she really not know? Had he not been clear enough about how he felt? He loved her so much he’d let her walk into a pretentious rich guy’s arms—shit. As he played the thoughts over in his mind, he realized how they must’ve sounded out loud. I fucked up. Words chased each other in his mind as he struggled to explain. 
“Our luck’s run out,” Carol sighed and turned to leave.
Before he could think too hard, he pulled her close and kissed her. Her lips tasted of cardamom, and her. Carol. A small part of his mind worried about her shoving him away, but instead, she melted in his embrace and drew him in for more. 
His lips were softer than she’d imagined. He kissed her deeply and slowly like he had all the time in the world. His hands were everywhere – caressing her face, gripping her waist, tangled in her hair – like he was tracing her silhouette in his memory. When they came up for air, her mind was molasses, and her thoughts returned to her slowly. He traced her jawline with a featherlight touch and looked at her like he worried she would disappear. Carol blinked away the tears and ran a finger alongside the butterfly bandages on his face. Their eyes met, and he held her hand to his cheek and kissed it. 
“Why’d you stay?” she asked again. 
“I stayed because I belong with you.”
There was nothing else she could say but kiss him again and wonder why she hadn’t done it sooner. 
“Why did you tell me to date Ezekiel?” she asked between kisses. 
“I’m an idiot.” He kissed her back.
After their make-out session, they took a quick break to catch a breath and have lunch – a bowl of fish curry with rice crepes or appam. They’d been eating spicy food for days, and he always regretted it in the morning, but that didn't stop him. He dove in immediately, savouring every bite as the sharp taste of chilli and cardamom hit his palate. Sooo good. He could still taste the fish, and it melted in his mouth. He couldn’t slow down if he tried, so he helped himself to a red onion slice soaked in lemon juice and hummed as the acid cut through the savoury richness of the curry.
Carol watched him with a smile – her gaze soft and open. Most of her hair had escaped the bun, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips looked swollen and kissable. His brain short-circuited; he didn’t know whether to continue eating the curry or kiss her. She solved his problem by scooping some fish with the appam and feeding it to him; Daryl held her gaze as he ate and licked the pads of her fingers with his tongue. 
He didn’t know which one of them closed the gap. He didn’t care because he was kissing the woman he loved. His hands pulled her close, and her fingers grabbed his hair as they stumbled toward her bedroom. The taste of cardamon and curry lingered on his tongue as he pressed openmouthed kisses to her neck.   
“Your lips taste spicy, Pookie.” 
“Thought you like it when I’m spicy.”
Her laughter bounced off the walls as he kicked the bedroom door shut behind him. 
A few notes: 
Munnar: Munnar is a hillstation in India’s Kerala state. It's surrounded by rolling hills dotted with tea, coffee, and cardamom plantations.
Appam: Appam is a thin and lacy fermented rice pancake. Traditionally, it’s eaten with stew or coconut chutney. 
Pomfret: This delicate white fish is a staple in coastal regions of India.  
Fish curry recipe for the curious minds (if you plan on making it, please don’t forget to marinate your protein). 
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petalsmooth · 3 months
PEN fans made this tweet
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Which has brought enormous hate. Along with many others like it. So don't you dare be mad if people who like Colin are fed up with you being Pen-centric resulting in hate for Colin/Luke and that we are now providing context in defense. YOU made this a "thing" by overreacting to that one comment. I sure didn't want to be having this conversation but on top of how Colin got his big speech taken and given to Pen and sidelined at the end I've had it. YOU love Pen and only Pen that's great...then why not campaign for the annulment and have her marry herself? The rest of us would have preferred Colin be given a little more attention so it be an equal partnership.
And having Luke go out there floating trial balloons Colin doesn't need to write anymore and Jess talking about having polin more in season 4 and they love Polin but goes right to Pen and Wd with Colin mentioned NOWHERE in her response don't expect all people to be happy.
If he is so unimportant in your eyes aside from being a lap dog to Pen, then she can have the dog from season one brought back and let him go to India with Anthony and Kate and find a woman who thinks he exists to do more than be her support. Seriously, I am a feminist but not the kind that holds simply role reversal makes everything ok. I don't want Colin as the equivalent of a subservient housewife and Pen the boss lady in the household. I want a partnership. If that isn't what you want, then we are going to be at odds. I want Pen to be successful, but I want HIM successful too and I don't define that as being simply her husband because that is NOT what COLIN himself wanted. DAPHNE wanted to be a wife and mother and nothing else and I'd defend her to death and back for her right to have that life and I did when Eloise put it down but that isn't the life EITHER Pen or COLIN wanted and the fact you all only seem to care that Pen is fulfilled angers me.
As does tossing a live grenade out there as with the entrapment line and not caring the harm done to Colin/Luke just as long as you distract people from talking about Pen's own wrong. you could have provided context or not obsessed beyond all reason and realized that YOUR character got treated better than COLIN and humbled yourself and shut up but no..let's open up another stream for him to get hate because the writers stole another of his best moments from the book and gave to PEN. A moment that his character NEEDED because it closes the circle on the envy sl but instead it's just hanging out there because they decided a big apology tour to her bullies from Pen was a better idea/more empowering than Colin's challenge to the ton to accept, love and take pride in his wife's accomplishments.
The book ending was better. It was Better for Pen, it was Better for Colin, it was better for Polin. The show screwed up badly by changing it.
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
Fic idea
Tenoch is convinced to do a fansigning since that's what people do when they are on a press tour, at least in South Korea anyway. The problem was that they announced it far enough in advanced that the amount of fans that traveled around the world for it was more than expected.
He is assigned an unassuming bodyguard. Always had a black face mask on, female and honestly not very intimidating to look at.
But when Tenoch is basically being mobbed by fans wherever he goes she shows why she's the best in the game. Shutting down rowdy fans with a simple and intimidating command.
One week in SK and Tenoch never sees her face. Sees her when he leaves his hotel in the morning and says good bye when she drops him off. He makes small talk and she can reply in several languages. They become easy friends and develop a rapport saved specifcally for their car rides. But she remains silent in public unless provoked.
The fansign is a success and on the day he is set to leave he finally gets to see her face and immediately falls for her. He gives her a parting gift.
He heads back to Mexico and she heads to her next high profile job in India. Tenoch can't get her out of his head. He tries to find out more about her. Sees that she has her own little fan following since some people have realized she's always there when a big star is having a big event.
Secretly he becomes her fan. As they go about their lives he checks where she is and who she is protecting next. He always hopes he will see her again. One day Tenoch notices in a photo that she is wearing a bracelet he had given to her as a parting gift. He checks all the photos of her since his fansign and realizes she's worn it every time.
Tenoch finally does see her again, at a premier for the newest Avengers movie. But she isn't there for him she is there as a guard for someone else. But when she notices him she can't stop glancing at him.
They somehow find themselves alone and Tenoch confesses that he's been thinking about her.
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lonespektr · 9 months
They aren't addressing money??
baby girl is CLINGING to normalcy
Grocery store is one thing, eggs for breakfast still is one thing baby but PAYING BILS
Sis you had a wonderful time and u mad because he already has a family
Monogamy got you in a death grip sis
Pretending laundry is something people would stop doing seven months to the end of the world is white people shit
This is very white
Carpe diem doesn't mean be FUNKY
Only white people think bathing is optional
The car was moving???
The car was moving by itself
Her poor parents were going to ruin the rest of their living days to hang around while their daughter has a crisis
Her parents are so sweet
I respect a routine and not knowing what to do
I don't respect not having like lobster for breakfast and champagne even if you don't travel (which i can't respect)
Oddly she says her menu is BLANK and honestly i wonder if it isn't OVERLY FULL
It would seem someone on that position has the paralysis of TOO MANY HOICES
Again they haven't addressed money
But it seems like it's largely obsolete
So she can travel
I can't respect Carol for not traveling
That bitch can sit alone on a train in another country
Russia has a big ass train
Sit on a train and have an existential crisis in another country at least
Also the concept that humans in developing countries would play tour guide to white Americans at the end of their world ????
Be fer fucking real
Peak whiteness
I am reserving commentary on the black male nurse and her parents
Oh big question
Why is the military invested in protecting an applebees?
Ep 2
I don't think she had friends before this
She certainly wasn't living life
Life would have to have beat you down so hard (capitalism) to not have any semblance of an idea of what you want to do
Speaking from experience just literally turning off that "i want" section of your brain because you have obligations
How repressed ???
Yikes carol high school year book???
Ooo baby worse than i thought
What's the turnover on this job???
I'm sure they will get to this but they haven't looked at
People trying to survive (get off world)
People trying to document human existence for posterity
And they haven't touched on mass suicides
No one taking to her is weird if this is an office full of people in denialthe cacoon is very litteral
Strong pattern here around silence - pattern of addiction - the inability to speak
I appreciate the desperation about the toner but there was no lead up to a culturally appropriating white woman being so connected to toner
Materialistic? Obvs
Not wanting to be inconvenienced sure?
But toner is something she wouldn't even notice
It reeks of not just aimlessness but full on bootlicking
so depressing
Toner for "next time"
It's seven months out and they are getting no faxes from anyone there will not be a next time
Imagine alarm clocks at the end of the world
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
I'm from India and we have the largest capacity for a stadium in the world and she still won't be able to come here bc that stadium is not built for concerts. Which isn't Taylor's fault!!! I understand that. Or atleast I tried to.
This film could've waited till Dec 2024 when she's done with the tour and very deserving international fans have gotten their fill of live shows and then the countries she genuinely couldn't come to could have had this brand new film. If not in theaters atleast in streaming services. These white swifties keep gaslighting us by saying "she's trying" but it's so distressing to be overlooked again and again even when it's so easy to not be.
This is a blatant display of her prioritizing US fans over others, like you said she could have waited and released it worldwide but she didn’t and wants the US to be entertained.
And I’m aware that, like you mentioned, there’s some technical reasons why she isn’t going a lot of places, a common one being that a lot of stadiums are still too small to fit her whole production… but she also made the choice to make the stage so big she couldn’t go more places. And that was fine with her. Like I think it’s perfectly reasonable to say she shows favoritism and doesn’t value going to international places over having a bigger stage and that’s says something about her priorities.
Even if I’m completely off base and asking too much of her, I’m still not even close to how off base US swifties are telling international fans to stop complaining when they have every right to.
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dandeliononthemoon · 2 years
Era my sunshine how are you?? It's been a while since we talked. How's uni? Did you celebrate diwali? Are hydrated ??
I got you some serotonin here
And some nice vibes
In other news Jackson Wang is coming to India yo!!!!
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Unfortunately he's not coming to my city
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Hiii pixie baby!!
Omg i have been meaning to send you an ask as well cuz it had been a while!!!
I am good, i have lately been realizing i might have adhd after talking with some friends who have it. Like damn, i didn't know some of the symptoms were actually part of adhd, otherwise i might have checked this out ages ago. But yeah, one of them has been helping me make a list of symptoms and going through the questions on the form she's had so that when I talk with the gp i am well prepared lol
Uni is... Well it is going. I have exams coming up in a few days, one of which i am absolutely not confident about and it is the worst course ever. Thankfully i have friends who are in the same shit so it is bearable 😂
Diwali was really nice!!! My dad couldn't be there so we celebrated just my mom, sis and i. My mom and i cleaned up the house and then hung up a bunch of lights and it is still there for Christmas/new year. I was at uni so on the day itself so i couldn't really help with more decorations but my sister (who isn't too keen on creative stuff) did some rangoli with my mom, and it turned out to be really pretty, i unfortunately don't have the pic for it.
Oh but we did try to make a lot of photos of us, but it is always a struggle to have nice pics when it gets dark outside
How was your diwali? How are you? Any interesting updates? Some new fics you are working on? i am not much on this app anymore so i don't know what is going on here. I hope uni is going well for you!!
OMG YEAH I HEARD i think he is only coming to Mumbai. I am in the exact same position. Dude's only coming to Paris and London for the Europe tour 😭 I considered going to one of those to not only visit the concert but take it as a long weekend holiday to hang out in the city as well, but i would need companion for it (i am not coming back from the concert hall to the hotel in the dark on my own in a city i am not too familiar with +plus it is fun hanging out with a friend in a foreign city) but yeah, i have no one around me who is interested his music/his concert so yeah, i gave up on it :(
Btw have you heard his new song Fire to the Fuse? He made it for League of Legends and omg it is so good! This is his live performance . I had seen a video of his from a recent fanmeeting where he rec'd Arcane, now i understand why, dude's been doing research lol (@potato-jem tagging you here cuz i know you like arcane as well, p.s. Jackson said Jinx is his fav character from LoL and it doesnt surprise me one bit)
P.s. here's a jaguar having a bath and tis adorable
Edit: i just realized, @onetimetwotimesthreetimess eeshu you can go to that concert 👀. Do a girl a favor and consider going, let me live vicariously through you
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i dont think you understand how important it is for me to meet teylor swift atleast once in my life
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Impressions of Bride and Prejudice (2004)
I finally watched this movie as it is currently free on YouTube! It's a really interesting "modern-day" adaptation (specifically a Bollywood musical) of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice which takes place in Amritsar, India, London, England and California, USA instead of the English countryside. It stars Aishwarya Rai as Elizabeth Bennet (now Lalita Bakshi) and Martin Henderson as Mr. Darcy (William Darcy).
Bakshis = Bennets
Jaya Bakshi = Jane Bennet
Lalita Bakshi = Elizabeth Bennet
Maya Bakshi = Mary Bennet
Lakhi Bakshi = Lydia Bennet (Kitty isn't included here)
Kholi Saab = Mr. Collins
Balraj = Bingley
Chandra Lamba = Charlotte Lucas
Kiran = Caroline Bingley
Darcy's mother (Catherine Darcy) = Lady Catherine de Bourgh
The Casting:
Aishwarya Rai as Lalita Bakshi. She's captivating and beautiful as Lalita, with intelligence and wits to match. The film understands why Elizabeth Bennet is one of literature's greatest heroines: she has a lot of self-respect, speaks her mind, and refuses to compromise on her values. What's most important is that she achieves the balance between the two clashing cultures: she cares about her family and respects Indian traditions yet is also a strong individual who keeps her dignity.
Martin Henderson as William Darcy. I don't like that Darcy is an American in this movie because (in general) Americans are usually less reserved than British people, so it takes away a key part of Darcy's character (his repressed emotions). He's much more sympathetic than book Darcy because he seems to be more open-minded towards Indian culture the more he learns about it (unlike book Darcy, who is stubborn and insists that his "good opinion once lost is lost forever"). In the book, Darcy's pride has several characteristics (belief in the correctness of his opinions, belief in his social superiority, bad treatment of others he thinks is beneath him). I don't like how the film simplified his pride into imperialism/ethnocentrism, which he lets go of pretty quickly. Plus his "rudeness" can easily be perceived as discomfort in a new cultural environment because he hasn't been exposed to Indian culture, whereas in the book it seems to be intentional (and Darcy acknowledges to Elizabeth that he was taught to treat others beyond his own social circle meanly). Overall I had rather too much sympathy for him because he's too easy to read; he's experiencing a lot of culture shocks which he isn't prepared for, and his imperialistic beliefs (which come from his mother) don't help. One of the reasons book Darcy is interesting is because he's mysterious; his emotions remain hidden and the only sign of his growing love for Elizabeth is his staring at her. This Darcy is just a typical white American boy who is in love with a woman far superior to him in terms of intellect and cultural awareness.
Nitin Ganatra as Kohli Saab. Mr. Collins is one of my favorite cringe characters ever and never fails to disappoint. In this movie, he's an accountant who lives in the Beverly Hills area in Southern California and is very arrogant because he thinks he's a big shot living close to celebrities in a one-of-a-kind colonial home (when in actuality he lives in a cookie-cutter house in a suburb). He peppers his speech with Western slang to show off how "American" (and thus wealthy) he is, yet still clings to outmoded beliefs that women should be submissive housewives. He represents the very worst of Western culture in that he's materialistic and looks down on Indian culture as beneath him. In his quest for riches he has lost his Indian identity and become greedy.
Notable Scenes:
The first dance. Balraj is happy to have fun and show off his awesome dancing skills. Darcy, meanwhile, observes that the mothers are eyeing Balraj for the marriage market and is worried that his friend may be trapped by gold-diggers. He's clearly uncomfortable and out of his element here, so Kiran helps translate the songs for him. It's interesting seeing Kiran as a translator here because it would explain why she's one of the few people Darcy hangs out with; she's a cultural intermediary here to help him acclimate to a strange new environment.
Darcy snubs Lalita. This part in the book where Darcy insults Elizabeth by proclaiming her "tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me" is significant in forming Elizabeth's hatred of Darcy. Not only is he impolite in refusing to dance with Elizabeth, he also shames her by criticizing her looks. In the movie, Darcy excuses himself from dancing with Lalita by saying that he's busy preparing for a conference (in this version, he's a rich businessman who operates luxury hotels). I wish they had kept the original insult in because without it, Lalita's dislike of Darcy has less merit. While it was impolite of him to not dance, he did use a proper excuse and didn't insult Lalita, so unlike in the book, it doesn't make sense why she would hate him so intensely after that one meeting.
A Marriage Has Come to Town song. In this song-and-dance number, Lalita and Jaya are preparing for the wedding to Balraj. The whole town is excited for the wedding and Lalita wonders if life for a woman is all about getting married to be a mere wife: "It seems they had nothing in their lives before today / and why are they so happy to give a daughter away."
Darcy and Lalita conversation #1: Lalita points out most Amritsar residents can't afford to stay at Darcy's luxury hotels; Darcy says standards are necessary, justifying the high price. Darcy says he finds arranged marriages strange and "backwards," hinting at an affinity with Lalita as they are both "romantics." Lalita, still thinking that Darcy is attempting to insult Indian culture, says that arranged marriages have evolved and may not be so evil as he thinks it is.
Lalita and Darcy "accomplished woman" scene. So they have the part from the book where they have Darcy's unrealistic list of the characteristics of his perfect woman and then it becomes a culture clash. Lalita says Darcy's whole hotel business is imperialism (the tourists visit without appreciating Indian culture and the jobs created only benefit the well-off). Darcy replies: "But I'm not British" ("American exceptionalism" is just another form of imperialism).
Dinner with Kohli Saab. I love watching all the "Dinner with Mr. Collins" scenes from all Pride and Prejudice adaptations because it reveals Collins' great arrogance in assuming himself to be of greater importance than he is, as well as his bad manners. This movie does not disappoint; Kohli Saab literally eats with his fingers, shoving rice into his mouth while talking at the same time. Meanwhile, he spews out misogynistic views of women, stating that he came to India to find a "traditional" wife who will serve and obey him; after all, there is "no life without wife." He notes that the Indian-American girls have "a conceited sort of independence" (not what he actually said in the movie, this is a quote from the book which really fits here) and that some of the Indian-American girls "have turned into the lesbian." Lalita later recalls that watching Kohli Saab eat is like observing "a Jackson Pollock painting."
"No Life Without Wife" song. An accurate reading of Kholi Saab: he's "crude and loud" and came to find a wife by flashing his "green card, new house, and big cash." The song reveals what a hypocrite he is; he's lonely and pathetic because there is "no life without wife" yet he won't respect his wife as his equal. I love the "Kohliwood" fantasy sequence where Lalita pictures herself unhappily serving Kohli as a submissive wife. After the song ends Lalita imagines herself marrying Wickham in the English countryside before it turns out Darcy is the groom; she runs away from him.
The Cobra dance. Maya shows off her dancing skills in an awkward dance. Kholi criticizes Indians for being "unsophisticated" (what an arrogant person) while Darcy, in a change of heart, praises how highly they value family.
Kholi's proposal. I love how he tries to train himself to power walk because it's trendy and before proposing stretches himself clumsily, knocking over a pot (he definitely isn't husband material). Lalita mocks Kholi's obsession with physical health, pointing out that many people are physically healthy but don't exercise their minds.
Visiting Kiran. Kiran is arrogant and takes the Bakshis over to her fancy apartment where the mother tries and fails to show some cultural knowledge. I find it interesting that the movie made Lalita and Kiran foils of each other. They are both intelligent women who are "multicultural" in that they can navigate both Indian and Western culture, but they use their cultural knowledge in different ways. Kiran uses it to belittle others and demonstrate her own superiority, while Lalita uses it as a means of gaining respect for herself and others.
Darcy ends up on the same airplane flight as Lalita. This is a cute scene where he gives the first class seat to Mrs. Bakshi just so he can sit with Lalita in economy class (he's totally in love with her!).
Kohli Saab's epic house tour. Love how he pays great attention to the jet tubs and the closets.
Meeting Darcy's mom. She's totally ethnocentric and possibly racist. The first thing she asks Lalita is "tell me about India" and she expresses her disappointment at Darcy's decision (because of Lalita, it's so obvious he's in love) not to buy the hotel in India because "everybody has their hand on India these days" (brings to mind spheres of influence/colonialism since the mother sees India as a place to make a profit). Then the mother reveals that she really isn't interested in India and only knows about its stereotypes: "well, with yoga, and spices, and...wonderful Eastern things here there's no point in traveling there anymore." Meanwhile Lalita retorts that "people haven't stopped going to Italy because Pizza Hut's around the corner."
The first proposal. Darcy's conflicted feelings for Lalita are effectively summed up (perhaps better than in the book, where he begins well but ends with a long account of the inferiority of Elizabeth's connections): "he loves her in spite of the fact that he tried to forget about her, he still wants to marry her in spite of the fact that his family (specifically his mom) will disapprove." Unfortunately, the emphasis on the social inferiority of Lalita's family is left out; Darcy doesn't say anything else until Lalita claims that he thinks her family is inferior and blames him for separating Jaya and Balraj. I don't like this because it seems like the separation of Jaya and Balraj was the only reason Elizabeth rejected Darcy. Also Elizabeth's admission that she did try to overlook her prejudice of Darcy doesn't make sense, because only after the first proposal does she do so.
Plot Changes. The major plot points are all included but the "order of events" has changed:
Lalita and Darcy become friends and she meets his family before his disastrous first proposal. There's a montage where they are traveling alone together, visiting the Grand Canyon and sharing a moment on the beach. I don't like this change because Darcy's separating Jane and Bingley wasn't the only reason Elizabeth rejected him, it was because she hated him (arrogant, proud, doesn't treat others nicely). By showing early on that Darcy is a good person, Lalita's prejudice against Darcy makes less sense because she now has a glimpse of Darcy's true character which in the book doesn't happen until the Pemberley visit.
Their early friendship disrupts Darcy's character journey because it reduces the significance of the first proposal to his character development. In the book, he doesn't start to reform himself until Elizabeth tells him that he needs to behave in a "more gentleman-like manner."
The first proposal is the consequence of all the miscommunication and false perceptions affecting Elizabeth and Darcy, and it motivates both characters to change. Elizabeth rightly scolds Darcy for being inconsiderate; he did the proposal for the selfish reason of purging his feelings so that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore and assumed that she would say yes. Elizabeth rejects him because of his rude manners and lack of consideration, and his defensiveness (where he portrays himself as the victim of feelings and implies he's such a good boy for wanting to marry her in spite of her horrid family) doesn't help. After realizing the extent to which Elizabeth hates him, Darcy writes The Letter to set things right, and Elizabeth realizes that she is not the best judge of character. Thus, giving us a fuller picture of Darcy's character and letting him charm Lalita before the first proposal reduces the significance of the event to the plot and character development.
Wickham and Lakhi have a connection early on, making Lakhi's attempted elopement inevitable. Right after the failed first proposal, Lakhi runs off with Wickham and Lalita and Darcy find out about it at the same time that Darcy comes to apologize and tell Lalita that Wickham is bad. I love that Wickham was punished really badly; after Darcy fights him, he gets slapped twice, once by Lalita and the second time by Lakhi. Even better is that Lakhi doesn't end up with Wickham.
The film uses the culture clash between India (Eastern) and Western cultures to examine what makes a good marriage.
Indian culture as presented by the film is more collectivist ("we" over "I"). It also promotes traditional gender roles, with women expected to be "meek and submissive" wives. In contrast, Western culture in the film is more individualistic and aspirational (careers and love are possible). But at its worst it condones exploitation of others for profit and cultural intolerance.
In the book, there are different kinds of "culture clashes:" traditional nobility versus new money (the Bingleys made their fortune in trade and Caroline is hoping to be an accomplished woman to make up for this), country versus city (Darcy offending Mrs. Bennet by claiming that the society is "confined and unvarying") and arranged versus romantic marriages.
The misunderstandings that propel the story (Darcy's dismissing of Elizabeth as "tolerable," him falling in love with her even though she still hates him, her belief in the legitimacy of "first impressions") are emphasized through the culture clash. Many of the conflicts in the film are a result of cultural stereotypes and conflicting beliefs.
Interestingly the film doesn't resolve the question it raises of how best to appreciate India and its culture. Lalita raises a lot of points about not oversimplifying Indian culture to a few stereotypes, but one could argue that India as represented by the film might be stereotypical. With the exception of the resort scenes and Goa beaches (which are tourist traps according to the film), the scenes in India heavily emphasize the "developing country" aspects of India with lots of pastoral scenes (cows crossing the road unharmed, farmland, dirt, shacks, dirty motorcycles fighting each other in traffic). Plus the "culture" as represented by the film's dance sequences seems to be the dominant Hindu culture with lots of elephants and saris and curry. Yes, I know this film is a romantic comedy, but the assertion that India is a complex, diverse country is contradicted by what we are presented. Presenting the rustic aspects of India would explain why the characters want to get out of India and go to the richer Western nations, but it harms the premise of the story that we shouldn't judge based on first impressions because the India scenes seem to confirm a Westerner's stereotypes of India (exotic people living in a primitive land).
Changing views on marriage: In the film, as in the book, we are presented with traditional and modern views on what makes a good marriage. Mr. Collins' marriage represents the traditional view in which marriage is a practical "economic proposition," much like a business deal where the marriage is made for the securing of material wealth and happiness comes last. Lady Catherine and other members of the aristocracy view marriage as a means of producing heirs (and bringing large amounts of money through dowries) to keep the property (source of power and wealth) in the family. The modern view of marriage is a partnership of equals who love and respect each other; happiness rather than material wealth/power is the priority. It threatens the power of the traditional nobles as it provides the potential for social climbing. Finally, it becomes another part of the culture clash, as it also ties in with the Western value of individualism, putting it at odds with the more collectivist Indian culture as presented by the film.
Elizabeth and Darcy in the book and in the film are united by their belief in a marriage based on love (the modern view). In the film, Darcy says he wants to look forward to starting each day with his wife, while Lalita says she wants a man who is a romantic and respects her for her mind. For instance, Elizabeth states that "only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony" and that Jane and Bingley should have some time to get to know each other before being rushed into marriage. To Elizabeth, mutual love and respect are essential for a marriage to succeed.
As for book Darcy, when Caroline catches him admiring Elizabeth and asks if he will marry her right away, he jokingly rebuffs her for making that assumption: "A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. I knew you would be wishing me joy." Significantly, he mentions love needing to come before marriage, hinting that he shares the same belief about respect (admiration) and love being necessary for a good marriage. In fact, a big reason he separated Jane from Bingley was because he feared that Jane did not love Bingley in return. In short, love in marriage is just as important to Darcy as it is to Elizabeth.
Bride and Prejudice, as shown by the title, focuses heavily on the theme of marriage and uses the culture clash between India and the West to emphasize the importance of first impressions in our treatment of others.
Even if you aren't into Pride and Prejudice, the movie is worth watching for the Bollywood dance sequences. I also liked the songs because they effectively developed the marriage theme.
The characters are mostly true to the book, except for Darcy, who isn't proud enough and is quick to reform his character.
Last but not least, the real villains of the story were imperialism and ethnocentrism.
Tags: @thatvermilionflycatcher @appleinducedsleep @princesssarisa
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Another point that an interest in textiles isn't so random as i (and many others) must have thought yesterday, is that Princess Anne is the President of the UK Fashion & Textile association.
It’s not a random interest at all. It’s not even new. Her wedding dress design came about because of her interest in British textiles craftsmanship, as did the design of the wedding cake. The whole point of the dress was to showcase British craftsmanship and the wedding dress exhibition made a huge deal out of it. 
I think there were a whole lot of factors why they are deciding to focus on it this year (Brexit!), but I think it’s a legitimate interest of hers. You don’t just wake up one morning and decide your wedding will have a  lacemaking and embroidery focus.
 Also, look at the India Tour wardrobe. It’s craftsmanship-heavy. 
Actually, a huge chunk of her wardrobe is. She clearly loves lace, embroidery, and all that stuff. I mean, if “broderie anglaise” is a staple of your wardrobe (in four different colors!), you clearly have a passion for textiles. 
Ditto, brocade. Who the heck wears brocade nowadays? Only Kate.
Are people really surprised by this? After we’ve spent years bitching about the endless parade of lace dresses? 
I would think her interest in this has been amply documented throughout the years. Yes, it’s a bit odd that it’s being highlighted so much, but that's likely because of Brexit, imo. They just want to raise the profile of the UK textile industry.
And I don’t think there’s one celeb (heck, maybe not even one person) out there who wears as many obscure, old-fashioned, and complicated textiles as Kate. She really is perfect for this. And I think she sincerely loves it.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I spammed him with cat emojis on Universe and during the live, I hope he gets the message. I will not let the Hwabun stans win this one!!! Also he apparently wants a puppy... Yunho is right there wdym mate. But tbh a dog would fit him so much, I can't lie and deny 😭 @ Buzzfeed where's that fucking puppy interview with Ateez???
Also this, Hongjoong is like a kid with his sophisticated mother, why is he holding the utensils like that, pls... And eat your veggies Kim Hongjoong! https://twitter.com/cryforhong/status/1518706524234915842?t=KGFiTJ7hsT_WAil2mP7k9w&s=19
Hm, hm, hm I'm gonna go with San I think, I need to pay him so respects I've been neglecting him for a while - haven't read any San fics in a looooong time, but I'm gonna be honest I usually just read for Hwa only 💀 sometimes Hongjoong and Yeosang, but there aren't many Yeo fics that suit my fancy I also can't take Hongjoong seriously sometimes when people write him as very dominant, because he's smol to me. 🥴
Those stans are OBSESSED and so weird, I have them all blocked but people still spread their photos and videos. Even yesterday some Korean fans flew to attend the Madrid FS. LET THEM LIVE?! And let others win fucking hell. Also, money, time? How? The same shit happened during their US tour, seriously that's not normal.
I prefer irl fan signs than video calls, but the only ones I attended happened before my major stan era kicked in. So now I will probably iduskwueujagsyehshw if Seonghwa looked at me with his boba eyes. I was a totally different person back in 2019 😭
Oh, sorry lass I didn't realise 🇬🇧 god save the queen then💂‍♀️
Stop, because I was obsessed with Magnificent Century - a Turkish classic. Sorry bestie we had more important matters at hand such as cat boys, but yes I went to India once for 2 months. I stayed in various places but that filming happened in Jaipur around 2012 👀
I wanna come back one day, because Indian food is literally one of my faves and I always wanted to learn Hindi, but I'm stuck with so many languages my brain can't take more 😩
Yes I re-read that Hwa Yeo one and remembered the hard dom Seonghwa which isn't really my cup of tea (I'm Bri'ish too), but that fic is niceeeee
That bed shitting story is... she needs serious help, cause this is majorly messed up and she's such a manipulator, looking at her makes me sick. Obviously Johnny has his own issues, but for me there's no denying Amber is the abuser. And the fact no one dropped her still?! Her lawyers are grasping at straws though I almost feel sorry for them, such clowns. - DV 💖
I spammed him with cat emojis on Universe and during the live, I hope he gets the message. I will not let the Hwabun stans win this one!!! Also he apparently wants a puppy... Yunho is right there wdym mate. But tbh a dog would fit him so much, I can't lie and deny 😭 @ Buzzfeed where's that fucking puppy interview with Ateez???
Also this, Hongjoong is like a kid with his sophisticated mother, why is he holding the utensils like that, pls... And eat your veggies Kim Hongjoong! https://twitter.com/cryforhong/status/1518706524234915842?t=KGFiTJ7hsT_WAil2mP7k9w&s=19
BFMWBDWNBDMW ITS LUCI AND SIMEON?? hongjoong eating dinner with his big hyung 😭😭😭
Hm, hm, hm I'm gonna go with San I think, I need to pay him so respects I've been neglecting him for a while - haven't read any San fics in a looooong time, but I'm gonna be honest I usually just read for Hwa only 💀 sometimes Hongjoong and Yeosang, but there aren't many Yeo fics that suit my fancy I also can't take Hongjoong seriously sometimes when people write him as very dominant, because he's smol to me. 🥴
BFMWBDKW PAY RESPECTS no bc same, i only be reading for hwa 😭😭😭 like the tag of seonghwa fics is my most searched 😭😭 yEHA NO the hongjoong hard dom thing i don’t dbdbd read at all 😭😭🔫 there’s some members i don’t read nsfw unLESS it’s like written incredibly dhdhdh
Those stans are OBSESSED and so weird, I have them all blocked but people still spread their photos and videos. Even yesterday some Korean fans flew to attend the Madrid FS. LET THEM LIVE?! And let others win fucking hell. Also, money, time? How? The same shit happened during their US tour, seriously that's not normal.
YEAH 10 VIDEO CALLS??? SAME PERSON??? 😭😭😭😭😭 others wouldve gotten the chance to see them pls,,,, oH i respect that but also find that strange in a sense that didn’t u already go to the kr concert 😭😭 hOW MUCH MONEY DO U HAVE AND PLS LEND ME SOME,,,, yeah and quite a few fans r super mean apparently 😭😭😭
I prefer irl fan signs than video calls, but the only ones I attended happened before my major stan era kicked in. So now I will probably iduskwueujagsyehshw if Seonghwa looked at me with his boba eyes. I was a totally different person back in 2019 😭
IRL ?????? id pass out id give my winner entry to someone else if it was ever irl i would nOt look 🔫 NAURRR BOBA EYES 😭😭😭 OMG OMG HOW DID IT FEEL PLS 😭😭😭🤚🏼
Oh, sorry lass I didn't realise 🇬🇧 god save the queen then💂‍♀️
yes bruv im from birmingham innit
Stop, because I was obsessed with Magnificent Century - a Turkish classic. Sorry bestie we had more important matters at hand such as cat boys, but yes I went to India once for 2 months. I stayed in various places but that filming happened in Jaipur around 2012 👀
my sibling and i are obsessed with turkish dramas it’s insane fbdbdb omg yOU WENT JAIPUR??? STOP IT ITS THE PLACE IVE BEEN WANTING TO GO BEGGING TO GO BC OF THE PALACES THEY HAVE I JUST WANNA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ive never been BUT HOW WAS IT???? the pink city must’ve been crazy,,,, wait this is so crazy, when u came in 2012, i was still living there, u were around 9 hrs away from me 😧😧😧 AND there was a movie filming there in 2012,, tho it was a flop, the actors, one of them is like royalty 😭😭😭😭😭 also the second movie i recommended! is also filmed in jaipur in udaipur in one of the palaces and iVE BEEN WANTING TO HAVE AN EXCUSE TO GO 🔫 but youll def enjoy it!! the palace is this ;
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I wanna come back one day, because Indian food is literally one of my faves and I always wanted to learn Hindi, but I'm stuck with so many languages my brain can't take more 😩
AAAAAAA the food truly is so amazing, the street food is my absolute favourite even if i get sick i will eat it <3 VFMWBDKW HINDI IS EASY BUT ALSO SO HARD 😭😭 i used to be able to fluently write it but now i cannot for the sakes of anyone,,, if someone put a gun on my forehead and asked me to write something in it im saying goodbye to everyone 🥰
Yes I re-read that Hwa Yeo one and remembered the hard dom Seonghwa which isn't really my cup of tea (I'm Bri'ish too), but that fic is niceeeee
BDMWHDKS BRI’ISH TOO YES 😭😭😭😭 that fic def is so 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 it’s the only time id ever read a hard dom hwa bc others write him sO aggressively
That bed shitting story is... she needs serious help, cause this is majorly messed up and she's such a manipulator, looking at her makes me sick. Obviously Johnny has his own issues, but for me there's no denying Amber is the abuser. And the fact no one dropped her still?! Her lawyers are grasping at straws though I almost feel sorry for them, such clowns. - DV 💖
yEAH!!!! like i just saw dr curry reveal her narcissistic personality disorder’s and the way she was rolling her eyes 🔫🔫 AND THE HERESAY FBWNDHWKDHWK 😭😭😭😭 no yeah! both aren’t angels, both are toxic to each other and atp it’s about who was worse and clearly amber was YEAH POOR LAWYERS MAN THEYRE SO TIRED 😭😭😭😭😭
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Author Name:- Shreya Mehta
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave 120, 
                Pacifica, CA
Mobile No:- +1 917-668-8461
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