#why must homestuck permeate EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE
thirtyskeletons · 7 years
i just saw someone refer to the sbr/jojolion universe as "post-scratch" i hate this
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ditheringluminary · 4 years
Could I have a session analysis for a Taurpia Maid of Light, Gemnius Witch of Hope, Caniborn Page of Rage, Libza Rogue of Mind, Virsci Sylph of Life, Scorgo Heir of Space, Caprimini Prince of Doom, Pilo Mage of Heart, Leus Bard of Breath, Aquacen Thief of Blood, Arittarius Seer of Void, and a Sagirist Knight of Time?
First big fella! Here we go!
First off: Time and Space? Bingo! In fact this is one of the most stable Time and Space players so far! Usually we get Knights who hide from their aspects or... destroyer classes :p
Maid of Light (Bronze sign, Dersite): Your session will be negatively affected by a force of Light. Ironically this may just mean that you be extremely unlucky when things need to be more fortunate. Hence why the Maid of Light is supposed to create more luck and fortune with their great power.
Witch of Hope (Gold sign, Prospitan): Your players hope to win... Hope! Given the previous classpect, its likely that your players are aware that the odds are really not in their favor, and feel rather upset about it. It’s the Witch’s job to regulate these hope levels so people don’t feel so trash.
Page of Rage (Lime sign, Dersite): Your session will WIN.... Rage... Almost the exact opposite of what you guys seem to want <:B. However! Rage often represents truth, or is at least associated with it. When you win your session you’ll win true insight and the truth of your life story, even if it doesn’t sound very glamorous.
Rogue of Mind (Teal sign, Dersite): Your session’s greatest resource will be Mind. You’ll all be great at working together as a group! Your Rogue will make sure that every idea is used to its absolute fullest and is polished to a shine.
Sylph of Life (Jade sign, Prospitan): Your session will be positively affected by a force of Life. An outside force of healing and betterment (oftentimes simply another Life player/npc) will arrive to help you out. 
Heir of Space (Blue sign, Prospitan): Your session is ultimately about Space, meaning creation, the endless expanse of a story, and physical space. It’s likely a lot of creation is going to happen in your session, however since Space is often associated with loneliness, your players may feel lonely even if they’re around tons of people. A special and unfortunate kind of disconnection.
Prince of Doom (Purple sign, Dersite): Your session has too much Doom. Fits in with the Maid of Light classpect’s role. Your session is going to be riddled with unlucky br8ks and likely quite a few deaths. The Prince must use what are effectively Life powers in order to combat this and break a few rules.
Mage of Heart (Fuschia sign, Prospitan): Your session’s lifeblood will be Heart. Even if this doesn’t involve romance like it did for Meulin, it does kind of fit with the other classpects. The loneliness that the Heir of Space indicates that you will be disconnected, but still able to hold your own when you guys are alone. The Rogue of Mind indicates that while Heart will permeate the session, your real aspect to focus on should be Mind, and this permeation might distract you from being mindful. Similar to the alpha trolls session of a Mage of Heart and a Knight of Mind. You have more heart, but need to focus more on Mind.
Bard of Breath (Olive sign, Prospitan): Your session’s greatest challenge will be Breath. I see this mostly in the sense that you are all too detached from one another, and while you are okay with being separate, you’re too separate for Skaia’s liking. This can be connected to the Heir of Space again. Your session is about a lot of unique people but not many that know how to plan things together efficiently.
Thief of Blood (Violet sign, Dersite): Your session will have Blood taken from it. Given how disconnected this session sounds, its likely this will be your session’s “low point”. Your doomed timeline, your horrorstuck, whatever you call it when your last sliver of connection to one another is cut, nothing would stop you from hurting one another, intentionally or not. 
Seer of Void (Rust sign, Dersite): Your session will attempt to reach their goal with... nothing. Think of it like the Fistkind strife specibus. Sure, it’s literally nothing, but its pretty damn effective isnt it? You guys will mostly be roughing it for your session, brute forcing and being solo. At least until you realize that you should be using your brains, together.
Knight of Time (Indigo sign, Prospitan): Your session will lack Time. A classic classpect, belonging to one Dave “Coolguy” Strider. As seen in Homestuck, this involves a lot of countdowns and limited time to complete the actual game. You’ll be racing against the clock most of the time in this session.
Warnings: Don’t let the Thief steal your bonds. At least not too many, or else you won’t have any left! Blood and Mind are intensely linked in the way of cooperation, and you won’t be able to have your session cooperate properly. Likewise don’t let the Bard destroy and cut off all the friendships they have in a fit when they leave Blood into their true aspect of Breath. The Prince should have someone watching them, as they might go nuts eradicating Doom and replacing it with “betterment”. Don’t let the Heir of Space isolate themselves, either. Heirs inherit their personality from their aspects and so the Heir of Space may do this on instinct. The Page of Rage sounds a tad dangerous if they are allowed to grow strong and ends up resenting their friends, as Pages are extremely powerful and Rage is an awfully confusing aspect. Finally, the Witch of Hope has a lot of power under their belt. Treat them well and they won’t be a powerhouse with no filter.
Goodies: Not to toot my own horn but the Rogue of Mind will be a great asset! They’ll be the one to rise up and link everyone together, or at least helping them with not being so alone. The Mage of Heart, despite not exactly getting something out of their aspect, will be able to see the uniqueness and love in others, and hopefully will use that to help their friends. The Knight of Time weaponizing time as we’ve seen IN homestuck is a valuable classpect, able to make absolute bank and help out others who have passed (as long as the time loop is stable).
In summation this sounds like a very solid session! Rather focused on interpersonal relationships between players, much like the Alpha kids session. Still, it sounds pretty successful and even has a Knight to help out the Space player! You’re golden!
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