#why so much vitriol towards ace people i don't GET it
shadowxamyweek · 1 year
I know this is a Shadamy blog but what is your opinion on Sonamy? Like, do you think the two ships are capable of coexistence? Maybe a live triangle kind of thing? Do you just tolerate Sonamy or like it just as much as Shadamy? Or do you just not enjoy the ship at all? I guess the same question could be applied to other Amy or Shadow ships that aren’t Shadamy.
Ah ha ha oh boy. (ಡ▽ಡ*)ゞ
So, fun fact (and part of the reason why I took so long to get back to you- I had to find this) @madeofchocolate asked me about SonAmy a while ago. I answered here, but I want to expand upon it for your question since you go beyond just 'what do you think of SonAmy). I will also note that my observations and headcanons are based on games alone. While I like enjoying other aspects of the franchise, I don't consider things like Sonic the Comic, SatAM, or IDW canon to the core lore, if that makes sense (And if it doesn't, that's okay. It's just the way my brain works, so understand that's how I'm coming into this.) 1- From a fandom perspective: Yeah absolutely all ships can and should coexist. The fact that ship battles were even a THING blows my mind. I don't understand why such vitriol could come out of something like, you know, fake hedgehogs, but whatever.
There are very few ships that I actively dislike. SonAmy isn't one of them.
I also don't dislike most other Shadow or Amy ships. Been seeing a lot of SurgeAmy and BlazeAmy which are super cute, and SonAdow has gotten much gentler and sweeter over the years, which is nice to see.
It's not like I don't read other ships either, or look at art for them. When someone is able to take the character and, in what I perceive to be a good application of canon, make a ship concept work? Oh I'm always thrilled. Plus, it's nice to look at something from a new angle, you know? I think the thing that would make me turn away would be, 'Are they still in character.' If they're not what I would perceive to be, 'in character,' then I'm no longer interested. It just loses the fun for me, you know?
Basically, I like watching people take the puzzle pieces of different people and make cohesive sculptures out of them, if that makes sense. If what they come up with isn't cohesive to me, then it's just... not for me 〜〜(/ ̄▽)/ That includes SonShadAmy. I've seen a lot more art and writing about them in recent years. In fact, past two years I think there's been a ship week for them, which is awesome! Again though, not really my cup of tea. I just don't gravitate towards that.
2- From a canon-compliant point of view. I just- I think Sonic is Aro/Ace, and in such a way that they experience no sexual or romantic attraction.
That's really the core of it. That's why I don't intrinsically ship Sonic with anyone.
Furthermore, I really don't believe that Sonic is the partner that would benefit Amy best (as stated in the linked post above) or, for that matter, Shadow.
Specifically about SonAdow, like, Shadow and Sonic to me have a really cool relationship built off of parallels and perpendicular, working as foils for one another beautifully in that way, but I don't necessarily see the romance of it (unless, again, someone does a fantastic job of showcasing that, and even then, I will like that artist/writer and be indifferent about the ship.) _(:3 」∠)_ You might laugh, but of all the people I would personally ship Sonic with, like if I HAD to pick someone, it would be Knuckles. Like- you go and listen to their Frontiers dialog for a second and you too will be going (O.O) I... (wow I typed a lot) I hope this answered your question XD If not, feel free to send another message, and I'll try to parse down and focus on what you were asking. I hope I didn't overwhelm you with this wall of text XD
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tadieshi-hotmada · 2 years
i love y’all 2 death but if i ever catch any of u hating on asexuals i will climb thru this screen n clock ur fucking lights out i swear to anime
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