#why yes i do hunt bigots for sport
onesaltysir · 1 year
Stop calling them terfs and start calling them what they really are lmfao. They're just bigots. Stop associating them with feminism in any way because if you don't stand with all women, you stand with no women. They're not feminists. 'Trans exclusionary radical feminists' don't exist BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FEMINISTS. THEY'RE BIGOTS. Do not lump them in with true feminists.
Trans women are women. It's not more complicated than that really.
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emospritelet · 2 years
What are CTC!Zelena’s plans for Belle and her friends? Is there a snippet or a hint you can share? And should Zelena be scared of pissing off a vampire!Gold?
#nospoilers but you should assume that a) she does have plans and b) she should be very scared of pissing off Gold but she's gonna do it anyway because she thinks she's cleverer than she is
I can give you a snippet from the next chapter (not Zelena-related)
Gold shook his head in irritation.
“Why are you two always hanging around in alleyways?” he demanded, and Jefferson shrugged languidly.
“We’re creatures of the night,” he said. “Lurking is kind of our thing.”
“Well, find somewhere else to bloody lurk,” he said. “I’m leaving.”
“Oh no.” Cruella shook her head. “We’re not letting you go home to drink alone. You’ve been a miserable bastard for days now.”
“I’ll do as I please!” he hissed, wrenching open the car door, and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re really not handling this break-up well, it has to be said.”
“For there to be a break-up, there would have had to have been a relationship,” he said. “And there wasn’t.”
“If you say so.”
“I do.” 
“Then why are you acting like you want to go home, put on some incredibly dreary music and cry into your whisky?”
Gold slammed the car door, turning to face them.
“Oh, and you have a better offer, do you?”
“Yes,” said Jefferson, winking at him. “You can take us for a drive and join us on a hunt.”
Gold curled his lip.
“Your taste in victims leaves much to be desired. It took me three days to wash that drunken bigot out of my mouth.”
“So pick a better bar,” said Jefferson impatiently. “Somewhere with a bit more class. Sweet young things wanting a taste of danger.”
“Or perhaps that’s too much of a reminder of what he’s lost,” said Cruella slyly.
Gold had been about to refuse, but at her words he hesitated, then opened the car door again.
“Fine, get in,” he said ungraciously. “But if we end up at some bloody awful sports bar again, I’m killing one of you instead.”
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formulatrash · 2 years
hi hazel! your post on max v made me curious, why do you think the media (and i’ve noticed also the fan base) use max as a way to endorse the bad things you mentioned like child abuse and racism? i feel like he’s not the only driver whos made some pretty public errors but he always seems to be the one getting that narrative. it’s something i wasn’t able to really articulate before i saw your post and i’m interested to know what u think since you interact with the drivers!
ultimately it comes down to Jos, I think. would racist gammons who want to say Lewis isn't a manly man be like that about Lando? absolutely not. but they also wouldn't be like that about Valtteri or Daniel, so why are they about Max?
the difference with Max is that all too often he put into the role of a vanity object for his father's ambition and the media enthusiastically participate in this. from the leading questions about how his father made him to the strange thinkpieces that reinforce that, there's a genuinely strange worship
some of it is Red Bull but there's a substantial amount of PR around Jos that's around Max and it's, bluntly, weird. you don't hear about Keke with Nico, say - and Keke actually was a world champion whereas Jos is most famous for being a bit of a mediocre dickhead and uh, a violent criminal.
the reality is there are a lot of people who are fans of F1, who even work in or find F1 aspirational because of a particular sort of conservative, closed values that some people in it used to endorse. the paddock used to be a safe space for horrible views about women, people of colour, LGBTQ+ people, anything really - and that's nothing to do with the sport but it is to do with the way it's so exclusive, closed and why (some) people want to keep it that way.
those people are losing, the old guard being swept away by first Bernie's exit then a worldwide plague that's provided the perfect moment to revise access. but they cling to symbols of how they perceive they could fit into a sport they think they should possess - and so where Max, via Jos, can be marketed that way it resonates strongly with a certain crowd who are craving any way to reinforce their own perceptions of tell themselves they're right.
obviously, they're wrong and it's interesting to see the tide turn. the projection onto some nerd who plays fucking Pokemon is similar to the mistaken way people hold James Hunt up as some sort of godawful Nigel Farage-style figure when he was very much the opposite, a hippie not a bigot.
David Coulthard is a particularly interesting study in this. the way he talks about Max is honestly quite disturbing - and extremely focussed on Jos, who Coulthard knew from his own racing days. do I think DC is actually a horrible person? no, I think he is performatively skeevy sometimes and a showoff to the wrong crowd because it was who he was taught to impress when he turned up as the hot young thing in 1994. outside an F1 context he seems like quite a radically different person. but within it there seems to be layers of behaviour that speak to this sort of clubhouse mentality.
would it be nice if Max actually challenged those views and people who project them onto him? yes. but like all of them he is a people pleaser and I think the confusing experience of not wanting to alienate a fanbase you don't really enjoy having in the first place (Max is quite shy) is not an excuse to not be better but it is sort of a diagram that shows how that tangle becomes a tether.
anyway, it's fucked up and I am glad there is at least some change happening.
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aheavenofhell · 5 years
Nail Polish
Aziraphale was going home from his manicure, and he was feeling a bit—well, confused. The angel had been getting his hands manicured really since manicures came out—he liked the feeling of having his nails properly trimmed and clean, his hands moisturized and soft, it was just. . .nice. It was indulgent, yes, but it suited him. He'd been going to the same nail salon since it opened, and knew most of the regular patrons and workers. They expected Mr Fell on the same day every month without fail, at three o'clock, with his usual routine. This time, however, he had changed that routine. He was feeling a bit spontaneous—he'd gone on a romantic walk around London last night with Crowley, and woke up feeling very content and easy—so he'd decided to get his nails painted. He'd never done it before, though he had seen Crowley sporting black or red nail polish once or twice. It was quite in fashion amongst young women, and he wasn't a young woman, but—well, why not? He liked the way they looked. So he settled on a cream color, matching his pastel clothing. It wasn't anything terribly flashy, but then the woman who did his nails—Veronica was her name—suggested that perhaps some sparkling silver french tips would do nicely. He was hesitant at first, but then he saw the polish—and oh, it was a lovely color. So he agreed. After the clear coat had sufficiently dried, he was thanking Veronica for her wonderful job—excellent as usual—and admiring his newly painted nails. That's when it happened. A man came in—sharp enough looking fellow, if not a bit normal looking. Tousled brown hair and green eyes and a square form. Crooked smile. Rough, large hands. Perhaps in his fifties or late forties. “You almost done, love?” he asked a woman who couldn't have been older than twenty-two, twenty-three. He then caught sight of Aziraphale purely by accident. Suddenly, his face changed. His expression contorted into disgust as he looked the angel up and down, eyes resting on his nails. “Fucking faggots,” he muttered. “C'mon, love. I'll show you a real man's hands, eh?” The woman (his girlfriend?) reluctantly got up and followed. Aziraphale just stood for a moment, befuddled. “Don't pay him any mind, Mr Fell,” Veronica said. “Just some bigot.” Aziraphale had nodded, a bit dazed. By the time he was back at his bookshop, Crowley was already there, lounging on the settee with a glass of wine. “Hallo Angel, been waiting here for you,” Crowley said, popping up to greet him with a kiss. “Sorry, manicure took a bit longer than usual—I—I tried something new,” Aziraphale explained, flushed. “Yeah? Wot's that?” Aziraphale held out his hands, and Crowley gently lifted them. “Oooh. I like that—the color suits you. The tips are nice, too.” “Thank you,” Aziraphale said softly. Crowley frowned. “Something bothing you, Angel?” he asked. Aziraphale twiddled his hands. “It's just that—someone at the nail salon said something rather—well, I don't know, it—it bothered me.” Crowley did not have his sunglasses on, since they were alone. Because of this, Aziraphale could see the demon's eyes grow more yellow with fury. “Who? What?” he demanded. “It was this man—he looked at me, all—strangely. Up and down. And then he—he called me a faggot. Said I wasn't a “real” man.” Aziraphale looked away, suddenly very embarrassed. “People have called me that before, I just—it felt different.” He knew why it was different. It was because he and Crowley were together now, and even if neither of them were really “male” they had male bodies, and people looked at them differently. They always had, but it had never been in a. . .bad way, before. “Oh, I'm going to fucking kill that bastard,” Crowley snarled. “Just tell me who he is, and he'll suddenly find he's about to have a terrible fucking life.” Aziraphale looked up at him. He had seen Crowley full of righteous fury before, and he always thought it would have looked very nice on him as an angel. It still looked rather good on him now. “There's no need for that,” Aziraphale said softly. “Besides, he's long gone now.” Crowley deflated slightly. He studied Aziraphale's face for a moment. “Aziraphale?” “Hmm, dear?” Crowley reached out to tug a frost white curl behind his ear. “You're wonderful, you know that? Heaven, I hate admitting it, but you had me from the Beginning. Because you were just that Good. You've been my best friend for 6,000 years, and now you're even more than that, but you're still the same gorgeous, clever mess that I fell in love with in Eden.” Aziraphale flushed, looked away. “So,” Crowley continued, “don't mind idiots with chickpeas for brains when they say stupid shit. You're nails looking fucking beautiful.” “I—I do like them,” Aziraphale confessed quietly. “Then wear them, Angel. You don't owe anybody anything.” Aziraphale smiled, meeting Crowley's eyes again. “Thank you, my dear,” he said. “I love you.” “'Love you too, Angel. And say the word, I'll hunt the bastard down and incinerate him.” Aziraphale chuckled, patting him on the cheek affectionately. “Perhaps another time,” he said. “For now, I would like to have a glass of that wine you've got.” Aziraphale did get his nails painted again and, strangely, the man he saw never made an appearance there again.
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gotmattitude · 5 years
it will take more than common sense
WHO: Kitty Wilde ( @wildevvitch ) & Matt Rutherford.
WHAT: Kitty and Matt run each other at Undique. They fight, and there is an unexpected break.
WHEN: Friday, 26 April 2019.
WHERE: Undique Stadium.
WARNINGS: Classic Kitty warnings. Racism, violence, homophobia, injuries, mentions of manipulation.
Matt is getting ready to do some training, making sure he's carrying a water bottle and sports towels for later. The past couple weeks have been going... pretty alright, even if he's sort of afraid to admit it out loud. It's like, if he says it, the Aether will find a way to balance it out and just give him some more shit to deal with. So he's been cautious, trying not to enjoy himself too much.... but apparently, even thinking about his good mood attracts negativity. A flash of blond hair catches his eye, and he turns, hoping to see Quinn, or even Sam, but instead... finds Kitty. He openly rolls his eyes and groans, putting his hands in his pockets. "What? Aren't you too busy trying to put collars on people to hang out at Undique?"
Kitty laughed in the loser named Matt Rutherford's face. "Collars are so last November. I'm helping werewolves now regain their humanity as my mission to the Big Man on top." She pressed her manicured hands to pray to Jesus. "I'm not hanging out here. I'm scoping whether or not the Sirens are worthy of moi." Kitty circled around Matt like a tigress and smirked at seeing him so uncomfortable. "Where are your friends? I don't see them around... Oh wait totes forgot. They're disgusting witch hunting Malleys now. Is that what you're doing too? Spying on us real witches, Dumpel?"
Matt narrows his eyes. "You can't do that shit. No one can. You're not actually God, Kitty." He's suddenly nervous, though, and thinks they should probably look into what can be done, and how bad it could be. If there was a way to make it painful, he thinks Kitty would use that. Matt ignores her comment about the Sirens and straightens his back when she starts circling around him, wishing it had no effect on him, but Aether, it does. At the mention of Yejun, his fist clenches, the nails digging into his skin. He remembers what Santana told him about her, about Tina. "Yeah, Kitty. That's what I'm doing. Why? You got something to hide?" Ah, shit. He shouldn't have said that. He shoves away the retort that surfaces next. "You know, for someone that talks about smiting all the time, you got a fuckton of bark but not a lot of bite." The fuck is happening to him? The second Kitty showed up, it's like his anger was turned up to 150%.
"Oh who said I was God? I do what He wills and He wills us Christians to be the masters of all animals on His bountiful earth." Kitty's face shone with patriotic pride as she stared up at Matt. The CWA needed a new project since the members were getting very restless and petty lately. They had been bickering among themselves. Kitty knew a refocused strategy was what the club needed for unity. Alena, her familiar, swam inside the small water jug Kitty had slung on her arm. She gasped when Matt confessed. Jesus I've done it! Kitty thought and pointed at Matt. Commanding his atrocious behavior. "Clean out your damn mouth, Matthew. The Heavenly Father might let you into purgatory to amend your sinful existence if you repent how unholy you are." Kitty was ready to pull the purifying salts from her secret hiding place.
Matt wanted to punch her. He didn't, but Aether, he wanted to. "That sounds like bullshit," he said, shrugging, trying to come across as nonchalant. Kitty gasps when he implies she's in the closet, and he thinks maybe he sank a bit too low. It doesn't matter though, because she opens her mouth again and his chest tightens once again. "What? You want me to clean out my fucking mouth? Does this shit bother you? Unholy fucking words? At least I don't have to resort to threatening to take someone's control to feel fucking powerful," he says, ignorant to Kitty's intentions.
Kitty laughed at Matt's reaction and smirked. "Cheese and rice, when will you heathens understand. I am powerful. The Lord picked me to be powerful." Kitty dug into her shirt and pulled out the shards of cleansed salt to sprinkle in front of Matt's face. She summoned her magic circle. Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence, cleanse this unholy magic!
BOT: Kitty 😼:  1d7  = (6) = 6
BOT: Matt 👥:  1d7+2  = (2)+2 = 4
Matt starts to say something back to Kitty when she pulls out some dust, some of which manages to land on his mouth, but that's nothing compared to the shock of the spell hitting him. "What the fuck," he exclaims, and laughs bitterly. "What? We're doing this shit?" Taking a second to focus, he summons Sydney, and reaches into his bag to pull out a mojo back, which he squeezes until there are specks of cayenne floating out of it. <<She thinks she's the shit, but Goofer knows she's full of shit, >> he casts, and Sydney breathes out a stream of cayenne towards Kitty.
BOT: Matt 👥:  1d7+3  = (4)+3 = 7
BOT: Kitty 😼:  1d7 + 1d10  = (1) + (7) = 8
Kitty said back with glee. "Yes, we're doing this." Alena sighed and swam disapprovingly in a circle in the jug. So the doppel had a new trick did he. Kitty had some too. "Alena! Come on!" She ordered her juvenile angelfish and Alena let out a spew of unhappy bubbles but she followed Kitty's command. Soul Armament! Kitty cast her spell and opened the jug, spraying the water out and sending Alena out. Her fish shone in a burst of light and Kitty pulled out a shiny glaive to swipe through Matt's dumb spicy magic. Kitty hated spicy. "Goofer goofed up." Kitty growled.
BOT: Kitty 😼:  1d7 + 1d10  = (4) + (5) = 9
BOT: Matt 👥:  1d7+2  = (7)+2 = 9
Kitty decided to test her glaive out before getting serious. She splashed a small amount of water at Matt's face. "Repent." She ordered Matt. "Come to the light, Mathieu." She said his name in French to make it sound snobbier. This was fun. This was going to be a trophy win for the Lord.
Matt watched as Kitty's familiar transformed into a weapon and hit him once, and then just sort of sadly spat some water on his face. "What the fuck is your deal? Have you ever stopped to think for yourself, you insufferable little racist?" He scoffs at her. "What do I have to repent for? I'm fucking curious." Reaching in for another mojo bag, the one with the chicken painted on it, he dipped his thumb inside it, and spread the dust in a line from the bottom of his neck upward, as Sydney started hopping around him over and over. <<Headless chickens run in circles, headless chickens, fuck her up.>>
BOT: Matt 👥:  2d7+2  = (7+6)+2 = 15
BOT: Kitty 😼:  (1d7 + 1d10)*2  = ((3) + (6))*2 = 18
Kitty was surprised Matt didn't know her mission. She had been so clear. God had made it clear for her. "The Lord is the only true way. It's written in the Bible. No one shall put any other power before the Lord. I was born to serve His Will, and that means destroying the worship of false idols." She smirked at Matt's bags and his stupid spells. He thinks that will stop me? Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence, freeze and purify the sinner! Kitty shouted and swung her glaive wildly. The water around Matt shot up following Kitty's glaive and then in an instant froze solid to strike into Matt and Sydney like spikes.
BOT: Kitty 😼:  (1d7 + 1d10)*2  = ((7) + (9))*2 = 32
Matt starts to argue, when a shield materializes in front of Kitty and her weapon. He takes a step back, and dismisses Sydney back into her tattoo. She doesn't need to see him whacking at that thing like he's chipping away at an iceberg. "What the fuck is a false idol? And does your god tell you you have to be a fucking dickhead to serve his ass?" Picking up a pair of ugly glasses, he grabs a handful of Goofer Dust, and tries to thin out the barrier between them. <<Fuck that up?>> he casts, almost like a question.
BOT: Matt 👥:  1d7+4  = ((7)+4)/2 = 5.5
Matt laughs, shaking his head. "Who? Elliott? Is he that important to you that you think being his friend is worshipping him?" He wipes off the excess dust off his hands, and prepares his next spell, rolling a sigil between his fingers. "You're no one to correct a man that does more good for everyone than you could ever do. And it's fucking sad. Maybe if you had a mind of your own, you'd be less of a fucking bigot." The paper between his fingers is tiny now, and he mimes throwing a dart at the shield. <<Forces of hoodoo, break apart the shield around.>>
BOT: Matt 👥:  1d7+2  = ((6)+2)/2 = 4
BOT: Kitty 😼: 1d0 = (0) = 0
Kitty rolled her eyes and swore under her breath, "To hell with it, you guys need a re-education on the vileness of demons. The nameless and faceless lameities which give you your magic are nothing but soothsaying demons, you foolish fool!" She crossed her arms and gave Matt a bitchy staredown. It pained Kitty to admit Matt's last words stung. The last time she had a mind of her own, she had been punished by the Lord. She had been deemed foul by her own parents. "What does this fake witch know about a mind of one's own, Lord?" She asked the Heavenly Father loud enough for Matt to hear. Then she clasped both hands around her cross pendant. It was time to end this. Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence, let my spirit be yours, my body nothing, let it bear all wounds, all pain, all death, for my place is with you in Heaven, shed me of this mortal sin… 
Kitty felt the power of the Lord flowing inside her. This was what God wanted. To make sure every sinner knew he wouldn't forgive them unless they admitted to their wrongdoing. The blinding white light shone from her body and Kitty grabbed her soul armament. She was aiming her glaive straight at Matt. No, Kitty, this is wrong! Kitty heard Alena in her head and the handle beneath her hand was swirling like rough waves.  'Aleana, stay put!' Kitty grabbed the glaive with both handles. Why was her familiar freaking out now? This isn't what our power should be used for, please, you know that! The glaive was shaking in Kitty's grasp. 'Our power?Don't think so highly of ourselves. This is God's power and you LISTEN to me, you dumb fish!' Kitty broke through Alena's struggle and forced the glaive to swing just as the holy energy burst from her. And let my body burn up in your light of Justice, oh Heavenly Father! Kitty shouted, shooting the light from the glaive's crystal tip with a mighty swing. Kitty's vision flooded with white after she saw the tip of her weapon crack before the soul armament exploded in small shards and disappeared into the aether.
Matt shakes his head. "No, our demons look more like you, you foolish fool," he mocks, trying to reflect Kitty's glare, but if it's purposeful he just kind of feels like it's dumb as fuck. He would've found something to hang on to when Kitty maybe reacted to his retort, but hers was a punch in the gut. Is he his own person? Will he ever be more than a ghost, a shadow? "Oh fuck off--" he starts, but interrupts himself as Kitty begins to cast. He has a bad feeling about it, and his stomach coils into itself. He thinks to cover himself with his hands as a beam of light hits him, and agony burns through his stomach, his chest, his throat, before the white turns black. His legs buckle underneath him and he falls, unconscious.
Kitty coughed as she wobbled up to stand. Her arms were covered in black soot and she felt like she did 700 cartwheels in 2 minutes. "Alena, come out." Kitty called out. But there was no response. Kitty sniffed and stopped because even breathing hurt. "Whatevs, be a pouty bitch! Like I care! Stupid fish." Kitty muttered under her breath and grinned when she saw the lump in the distance. That used to be Matt Rutherford. 'See? See how strong I am, Lord? See how never question Your will?' Kitty wondered if God was watching. If God would finally show her that He was listening and cared about her. She was walking past the doppelganger and saw he was passed out. Kitty looked around. There was still no one. "Ugh. Don't you have someone coming to check in with you?" She asked. Matt of course didn't say anything back that unconscious jerk. "Alena, come on, we need to help this doofus." She called out to her familiar. Still no reply.
BOT: Kitty 😼:  1d36 healing Matt = (11) = 11
Kitty extended her hand over Matt's head so he'd at least wake up. Because it was weird to leave someone unconscious. That was it. Heavenly Father, I’m but your humble servant, lend me your power. Fill your holy vessel with your magnificence. Mend his body. Bring his mind back. She saw some of the wounds on Matt close up. "There, you happy now?" She was asking Alena. But there was no reply from the juvenile angelfish. 'Cheese and rice, you hold a grudge.' Kitty thought. After healing, Kitty limped away. She'd have to go heal herself later when Alena came back.
Matt took in a sharp breath, and found that everything hurt. Groaning, he pushed himself up so he was sitting, and muttered a reply akin to 'I'm happy I'm fucking alive,' before blinking a couple times. When his vision came back to focus, he pushed himself up, and realized that Kitty was gone. "Tina deserves way better than her," he mumbled under his breath, then summoning Sydney back into this plane. "C'mon. I gotta get myself to Penny. Better check if I'm really curse-free while I'm there."
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shinobixshaw · 7 years
explaining Shinobi to someone
thecorteztwins ok so. Shinobi. shattered-catalyst yes tell me thecorteztwins He's Sebastian Shaw's son, we meet him when he shows up to kill him. Which he does with a hand thru the chest via intangibility. Ok so far so good. then for good measure he...blows up his house. He knows his dad can absorb kinetic energy and he DROPS A HOUSE ON HIM like was ANYONE surprised when it turns out he survived? And apparently he didn't yet learn to phase his clothes with him because the explosion also blew those off and he basically moons the 'camera' thanks Shinobi these themes---stupidity, incompetence, daddy issues, and nudity---pretty much define him from here on out it turns out he's a member of the Upstarts, as is Fabian, which is a competition in which rich young bored mutants hunt other mutants (mainly powerful, prominent ones) for sport. they get points. the one with the most points gets some kind of prize but they all think it's something different....so while Fabian is leading a mutant supremacist cult, he's also secretly part of a "kill ur fellow mutants 4 fun & profit" club on the side jfc shattered-catalyst motherfucker thecorteztwins but Shin is...not really into it. After his dad (which was much more about abuse and neglect than points) he NEVER KILLS ANYONE ELSE literally the other Upstarts MAKE FUN OF HIM FOR THIS AND ALL TALK ABOUT LAZY HE IS shattered-catalyst omg thecorteztwins The Gamesmaster (the referee who assigns targets and points) literally has to be like "sigh look if you can just...manipulate someone into doing it...I'll give you the points ok that way you don't have to work" which Shin tries at but also fails at because HE FAILS AT EVERYTHING like he tries to thwart Fitzroy (another Upstart) from killing the X-Men (so he won't get points) ENDS UP SAVING HIM FROM THEM. HAS NO IDEA. GLOATS ABOUT IT. shattered-catalyst XDDDD thecorteztwins TV Tropes points out he seems to see the whole thing as "an exotic way to make friends" which makes sense as Shin is very lonely (and with a personality a lot like Fabian's without the sexism, it's not hard to see why) and he like, clearly wants to be Fitz's friend/boyfriend pretty bad. Like even tho it's a competition, he offers Fitzroy help and has him over at his pool (he takes him on a Thailand cruise in the '92 series and DOESN'T EVEN TELL THE OTHERS, LET ALONE INVITE THEM) but Fitz just insults him. And throws the head of DOnald Pierce in his bed. And cuts one of his fingers off and leads him to bleed to death (it's fine, he's ok!) And Shinobi still sticks up for him in Upstarts meetings when it's his turn to talk DX ....also we never really find out how long Pierce was just a head in Shin's room so there's that. And he's like, drunk all the time. He shows up to an Upstarts meeting in his underwear holding a bottle of champagne. No one comments on this. it is clearly not unusual He once tried to drunkenly seduce a mob boss into killing the X-Men. I shit you not he answered the door in a tiny towel, full frontal flashed the guy while changing into his robe, and tottered around drunkenly talking about "my wants and your needs" The dude calls him "unsubtle". YEAH I WOULD SAY SO he's also established as canonically bisexual in only his second issue, which is pretty neat for a 90s character...even if it was just used in a super shitty way to play up how hedonistic and depraved he is. also he has an ACTUAL harem that obviously WANTS to be there :P https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/2/26925/1619669-a5ko4g.jpg
he's basically always surrounded by hot people of both sexes not wearing much and the implication is he's probably having 24/7 orgies NO WONDER HE DOESN'T BOTHER WITH SUPERVILLAINY https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/4/4d/Shinobi_Shaw_%28Earth-616%29_from_X-Men_Vol_2_21_0001.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/121?cb=20100703214213Oh 
and Gambit put his pole between his legs this one time https://www.popoptiq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Picture11.png shattered-catalyst holy fuck well at least he has more decency and success than fabian thecorteztwins OH MY GOD THAT IS THE SICKEST BURN EVER SAYING SHINOBI HAS MORE DECENCY AND SUCCESS THAN SOMEONE FABIAN WOULD BE SO UPSET shattered-catalyst ITS NOT A BURN ITS A POINT thecorteztwins also speaking of Fabian, Shin couldn't stand his diva bullshit. Probably because SHINOBI is a diva too,BEHOLD. THIS HAPPENED: http://thecorteztwins.tumblr.com/post/159502659706/wildtsukai-replied-to-your-post-one-day-i-will
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onesaltysir · 11 months
Hi yes I am a HUGE antinatalist however I'm REALLY going to need the insane side of tumblr to stop interacting with my posts please 😐 Terfs, radfems, so called pro life people, evangelicals, etc this means you thanks. I am antinatalist for my own reasons and to be associated with their lot in any way feels like a punch to the gut.
This is just a reminder: No I am not and will never be part of their group. To any of the bigots in said group, stop interacting with my posts for gods sake I want nothing to do with you or your rancid views.
My hands are tired from blocking so many blogs before typing this up. Bigots, leave me alone 🖕
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