#why you gotta be nasty to people who dont like the same chars as you and instead share in your mutual like of the game
tacogoats · 5 years
Followed someone for their really awesome art and then they started mass reblogging character hate and tagging it under the character’s name... 
NGL I keep seeing this in the dragon age fandom and it’s pissing me off. I ranted about it last week and it’s really annoying to see it some more. Like it’s one thing for it to be a joke but it’s another for it to be like, “This character is fucking awful and here’s 20 reasons why I hate their guts and everything about them and anyone who likes them is stupid” #(character name)
Like personally I reallllyyyy do not like Dragon Age 2 Anders; but I don’t shit on him at every post I see??? I’ve been reblogging art of him too because the art is gorgeous. ._. People are so nasty sometimes. Like I just wanna see cool art of x characters or just dragon age in general and instead I get a wall of text on why I’m apparently a horrible person for liking x character. Like OK. COOL. THX.
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I am 110% aware each character has flaws but they are C H A R A C T E R S. I feel like if I met half (probably most honestly) of the Dragon Age characters IRL I’d run in the opposite direction immediately. Cullen included for a lot of reasons despite him being one of my favs and Iron Bull. Hell, I really dislike Sera too and she’d probably be one of the few that would be approachable! 
Anyway rant over just tired of logging on and seeing bullshitery (that’s totally normal of tumblr...........) 
I’m sick as fuck so I’m probably more irritable than usual (yay flu). Maybe I’ll go play bloodborne *-* 
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