#why you should love nikaidou yamato
houjichaya · 1 year

13 + 71, yamaniku, i believe the rest of the details can fill themselves out???
ah, yes, thank you for requesting one of my favorite ships! tbh, it deserves way more traction in the fandom than it currently gets. 13 (detective AU) + 71 (twenty-four hours to live), ft. yamaniku (nikaidou yamato/@stellamancer) -- written in second-person pov because I wasn't sure how well legit yamaniku would be received by the niku in question. note: proper ship name is still up for debate, so yamaniku is being used as a placeholder for the time being! nikudou could be kind of cute, though. nikainuku? nikaiku? niniku? ninniku? the possibilities are endless... (if only yamato's name were written with different kanji. mountain meat would have been amazing!!!)
"Another love letter arrived for you." The envelope that's being offered to you is a soft pastel green, and nothing about it screams love letter, but your partner has taken to calling them that as of late. It's probably because the last letter you received playfully invited you to dinner, as if the sender wasn't a wanted criminal and you weren't the detective hot on his trail.  "Thanks," you say, taking the envelope without so much as a glance in his general direction. It's already been dusted for prints and checked for explosives, you suppose. If you die, it'll come out of Ishida's paycheck.  As usual, the envelope is addressed to my darling detective, written in crimson ink reminiscent of blood. Your brow furrows in irritation as you make your way over to your desk. In one fluid motion, you grab a letter opener and slice it open.  The contents read as follows: As fond as I've grown of our little game of cat and mouse, I must admit that I tire of your futile efforts to catch me. I thought I provided you with a wondrous opportunity in inviting you to dinner last night, so you can imagine my great sorrow when you failed to show up. I had to find someone else to keep me company and ease the pain of my broken heart.  (You almost crumple the letter up right then and there. Another victim will be found soon. Maybe you should have gone with your gut, after all.)  In the past few months, I feel as though we've come to and understanding of one another. It is my hope that you don't refuse me again, although our first meeting will inevitably be our last.  You have twenty-four hours to set your affairs in order, as I imagine you won't be able to do much else after. Remember: if you don't find me, then I'll find you.  Yours, Nikaidou Yamato Some love letter, you think, folding the page up and stuffing it back into the envelope so you can submit it to evidence later. It's more of a death threat than anything else, but you find that you don't mind all that much. Either way, you'll finally get to see him face to face, which means he's as good as caught.
As it turns out, Nikaidou Yamato looks nothing like the image that's been circulating the tabloids in increasing amounts over the past few months. In fact, he bears little to no resemblance to the photos in his file, which explains why no one (read: you) has been able to pin him down. And that's why you never saw him coming. The twenty-four hours came and went in the blink of an eye, and when you finally returned home to clear your head and maybe grab a bite to eat, he made good on his promise to find you instead. He ambushed you in your own kitchen, holding a knife to your throat to keep you in check. He wasted no time in shoving you down into one of the chairs in your dining room and tying you up. Which brings you to your current predicament. "See something you like?" His lips twitch at the corners as he leans back in his chair, eying you over the table that separates the two of you. You're seated directly across from him, hands bound behind the chair's back with what feels like rope. The knots won't budge. He's smart enough that he also secured your legs, which is something you hoped he'd overlook if you didn't put up too much of a fight. How unfortunate. You narrow your eyes but keep your lips pressed tightly pursed. To be honest, some part of you has noticed that he's incredibly handsome, which explains how he's been so adept at getting close to his victims, but you're not about to tell him any of that. "Come now," he says, his voice a lazy drawl. His eyes appear to be glinting with laughter as he watches you, but maybe it's just a trick of the light reflecting off his glasses. "You might as well say what you want now, or else you'll regret it later." You close your eyes for a short moment, open them again. Yamato is giving you an expectant look, and you quickly glance away, focusing instead on his hands. They're folded together in front of him, resting innocently on top of crisp white tablecloth, as though they've never been stained with the blood of innocents. "...Why are you doing this?" He makes a face. "Boring." "No, I mean"--you try your best to motion towards the tablecloth that you're only now realizing you've never seen before in your life--"why are you doing this?" There's silverware placed neatly in line with your shoulders, as one might expect from a fine-dining restaurant: forks on the left, knives and spoons on the right. It takes Yamato a few seconds to understand that you're not inquiring about his terrible life choices, and soon a smile blooms on his face, misleading in it's warmth and delight. "Ah!" He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table, and you instinctively flinch backwards -- as much as you possibly can given your current state -- which elicits a chuckle from your captor. "I thought you'd be exhausted after running around all day chasing dead ends, so I made you dinner." "How romantic," you say dryly, not quite able to stop your lips from twitching in amusement. And it would be, if you weren't tied up and the man sitting across from you wasn't a wanted criminal. He grins lazily. "A woman like you deserves it." "It'd be nicer if you untied me," you say casually, and Yamato laughs. The look on his face now makes your heart drop. He's toying with you. He knows that you're not able to spring yourself from his trap. And regrettably, he's right. "Later," he says, eyes darkening, and your blood runs cold as you remember his promise. His threat. "I'll leave your body somewhere nice so your partner won't have to look too hard. But let onii-san have a little fun with you first, okay?"
--bad end
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kaix-maxi · 5 years
why you should love nikaidou yamato
i love the drunk onii-san of i7, he’s literally hilarious,,, ANYWAYS, why should you love nikaidou yamato?? well if you don’t already, i’m about to tell you now!
one, yamato is the leader of i7!! he literally takes care of everyone, especially the underage group,,, he prepares lunches for them!! he even sticks cute flags into tamaki and iori’s lunchboxes, like that’s literally the sweetest imo,,, he acts like some old geezer that’s not interested in putting in effort and wants to take it easy, but he does all this,,, -cue tamaki voice- ty yama-san.
ALSO,,, please don’t forget the time i7 danced outside trigger’s live tour (after the ban was lifted)! they ended up getting in trouble so tsumugi decided she was going to go off to apologise, and smack bang! yamato is outside!! he knew tsumugi was going to get her head blown off, and decides to come with her, saying he’s the leader of i7 and he should also take some of the responsibility of i7 deciding to dance outside!! he’s literally such a big supporter of i7
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and that leads straight onto my second point!! two! yamato is so supportive of i7 in general,,, like first and foremost, remember at the audition? he was going to drop out because he was going to let the people that actually had dreams go and try to achieve them! like it went straight to everyone else, then himself in that moment,,, what a good boy
also please don’t forget that he is so weak-willed to honest and hardworking kids like riku and mitsuki! and ok ok, he is honestly super weak to mitsuki,,, like it’s occasionally mentioned in the story that when yamato sees mitsuki working super hard, he actually wears this super upsetting expression because he’s in this for revenge, whereas mitsuki’s dream was to be an idol since he was a kid. he has a big heart.
and remember the king’s game?? he just wanted tsumugi’s lap pillow and then,,, he just gets riku. and he’s like “ahhh i want out“ but riku’s just so happy about getting chosen that he relents and decides to use riku as a lap pillow despite how much he doesn’t want to (i mean cmon look at his face, does that look like a face of willingness? yes but look at how happy he’s making riku) he’s so important in making i7 happy
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three, despite how much he cares, he’s so lazy,,, i mean, isn’t that the biggest mood?? if you can’t relate to liking to take it easy,,, i beg you to take a break and just,,, rest,,, like please.,.,.,,., have you just seen him become the laziest human, holding a can of beer in one hand and is just like “you should do what you like on days off” yamato i approve
and yamato doesn’t even want to clean his room, have you seen his pet robot cleaner (roomba) musashi? he treats it like his actual pet though! he even wipes it clean and takes care of it,,, like yamato is so wholesome in everything he does?? and plus, don’t forget that his ideal date is a ‘stay-at-home date’ because he’d prefer being with them in general, rather than going out to places
four, he is incredibly skilled! he learns choreography faster than everyone else and his expressiveness is better than anyone else and he’s extremely observant as well! remember when mitsuki was just like “well crap, idk why i can’t dance as well as the others?? i’m doing everything that the others are doing but i can’t???” and then yamato jumps in. he’s just like “you’re shorter than everyone else (savage yamato strikes again) so your strides will be smaller, that’s why you’ve got to make longer strides to compensate (for your short height mitsu)” and then mitsuki’s just so happy that yamato was able to pinpoint the problem!!
also let’s not forget the music fest incident! when everyone else was lagging behind, super confused and everything, yamato (and nagi) was still smiling and able to dance properly!
plus, his expressiveness! that is one of his best qualities as an actor and an idol! he can actually act really well, even emitting certain auras like bloodlust. like he’s nailed everything about acting, he is practically a god at it! (idk what else to say here so i’m moving onto the next point,,, best face ever though)
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five! let’s not forget how much of a secret worrywart yamato is!! during a rabbit chat (i believe it was the goodnight awesome ones but please don’t trust my memory) he emitted a bloodlust aura to mitsuki when they had to act, and then mitsuki started avoiding him (because he lowkey got scared of yamato). because of that, yamato started getting upset and just says to tsumugi “mitsu’s avoiding me and idk why, this is making onii-san sad”! and then he just gets so happy and relieved when mitsuki starts talking to him again!
let’s not forget when tamaki got into a fight with gaku? yamato just started seeing red, and grabbed gaku and is just “what’re you doing to our tama?!” he’s the true overprotective dad
he’s literally takapapa #2 when it comes to yaotome gaku. he makes sure gaku can’t hit on tsumugi, he’s like “stay away from our manager”, he is so overprotective of everyone!! (omg please look at the rabbit and ribbon yamato has on him)
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but he’s also like this,,, please make up your mind nikaidou yamato (although he knows his boundaries too because like, on his bday, he’s just like [to the manager] “want to go out in secret? jkjk tonight, onii-san’s lovers are the fans”)
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six, anyone that wears glasses should be able to relate to this! yamato cannot see anything without his glasses which is why he noped outta there when nagi tried taking his glasses (”nagi, onii-san needs this to survive in life”). and yamato has canonically confirmed that glasses are,,, his identity lmao!! when someone told him to take off his glasses during sougo’s rabbit parka chat i think, he was literally “are you trying to negate my identity?” it’s hilarious
i found that so funny omg can we not forget the fact that his king pudding chibi literally has glasses like him.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
seven, speaking of yamato’s identity/ image, it’s so important for him to remain inconspicuous (which i guess is also one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to do acting [the main reason is very spoilery so i’m keeping that out of here for now])!! like mitsuki asked yamato to see his family and yamato just instantly went sour and made a bitter laugh THEN there was also the one time he yelled at nagi for asking him about who this acquaintance he met up with was (and then he felt bad right after)
truly yamato, you are more than just a ‘little mysterious’, you are hella shady
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eight, he is part of the wholesome pythagoras trio. let me, once again, elaborate to you how much yamato cares that he’ll go to hell and back for everyone in i7! if you’ve seen yamato’s unit rabbit chats, you’ll know what i mean,,, he was literally like “uwaaaa here they come, here they come” each time nagi or mitsuki was coming at him, because they basically,,, destroyed him! nagi was hugging him so much he thought he couldn’t breathe while mitsuki is destroying each and every one of his bones #ripyamato
nine! i don’t really ship anyone together in i7, but apparently, he’s shipped with almost everyone so +1 for nikaidou yamato for compatibility!!
i headcanon that he learns choreography faster than anyone else since he used to have to remember drama scripts and stage directions to be a part of movies and stuff,,, i guess he would be dragged into that considering his father is a pretty big and famous actor; chiba shizuo
anyways!! yamato literally became an idol just for revenge,,, like he is HELLBENT on getting revenge on his father,,, like i dont remember why he hates his father (i think it was because yamato was a secret love child?? and he was mad about that when he found out) but you know what stops him from exacting his revenge?? he’s worried about ruining idolish7!! literally i7 stops him. he is truly a supporter of i7,,, so good
he ends up getting these nightmares about basically everyone looking at him, and they’re just like “are you satisfied now yamato?? you screwed us over for your revenge, i hope you’re happy”
not exactly a good thing, but yamato is NOT afraid to screw things up,,, he literally strangled yuki at one point when he (yuki) was pushing on all of yamato’s buttons #ripyuki
also to expand on yamato being weak to mitsuki, he’s in this for revenge so i believe his original intention was once they get famous, he’s gonna screw crap up for chiba shizuo on the news or something, which also means he’s going to turn everyone’s idol career into complete dust and ashes - which also means killing mitsuki’s childhood dream which has finally come true (which is also why he gets this super sad expression i’d think)
BUT OK i need to end this because i am once again, getting laggy from how much content is on this one post -wheezes- but yes, i hope you appreciate nikaidou yamato a little more than you already did, have a yamato to conclude
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minimitsuki · 4 years
My first impressions of the IDOLiSH7 members...
Should I do this in their birthday order?? Sure. Why not?
Izumi Iori: My first impression of him, no lie, was “Perfect ™” I mean, I still think of him that way, but not as.. perfect.. I guess?? He’s just tying his best to help IDOLiSH7 succeed. Also, he just has a thing for cute thing, but that is top secret so, shhh. Can we talk about how he is a tsundere?? He’s so cute. I love him-
Nikaidou Yamato: For some reason I didn’t think he was the oldest (?? I’m confused as to how?? They literally said he was the oldest at the beginning of the anime/game-), but I literally called him “That alcoholic old man” Until I finally learned his name... I’m sorry, Yamato, but you just drank beer like an alcoholic old man... does this makes sense?? NO, WAIT. HE”S LIKE AN UNCLE- When he offered to buy a “dirty” magazine for Riku, I just... LEfT the world temporarily.
Izumi Mitsuki: Sunshine. Just pure sunshine. I lowkey thought he was the youngest i7 member-
Yotsuba Tamaki: I don’t know why, but I just got “Hey, I haven’t slept in over 127936 weeks.” vibes from him. I also thought he was the most rElaTAbLE character- Oh, i could’ve just said “King Pudding” and only that.. since, that was my first impression of him. He has an obsession with King pudding. Can’t wait to see him on my strange.... but not that strange addiction.
Osaka Sogo: When I searched him up I got a picture of him holding a knife (From that one scene where he tells Tamaki to peel the potatoes.) So, I thought he was an actual yandere... Turns out, he’s just very fond of... um... k-knives... and... *sweats* When I actually started watching the anime, for the first time, I just thought of him like one of those moms that haven’t slept for the last 37 years... AU: IDOLiSH7 is not an Idol group, but just a fAMilY. I can picture Sogo just holding Tamaki’s hand so he doesn’t do any stupid shit-
Rokuya Nagi: “That foreigner character that every anime has for scenes where they have these weird ass cultural differences.” Sorry, but that was my actual, genuine impression of him. Nagi, baby, i’m sorryyy. I forgot to mention how he just flirts with every and any woman within an inch radius of him... I lowkey think he loves Mitsuki- Not in a “romantical” way, but as “Best friends that everyone thinks they’re dating” kind of way, y’know?? Also, his Kokona addiction. He’s going on the same episode of “my strange.... but not that strange addiction“ with Tamaki.
Nanase Riku: Uhh.. really I still think of him as “Baby”. He’s so cute and he must be protected at all costs. I’m not about to say anything like “hE’s SO puRE” because... he isn’t- he’s literally... what? 18?... let’s save that for another time. He can be so insensitive at times and I lowkey live for it.
Anyways, that’s the end...  Should I do TRIGGER next??
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seigyokus · 6 years
10.5 - Wait for Me
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 10.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, it shall be complete. Midou Torao: What are you talking about? Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, fear not-- I’m referring to TRIGGER, not ŹOOĻ. Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER pulled out of SoundShip at the last minute. The first time is fine-- unexpected circumstances happen all the time. However, once happens a second time, they'll be seen as incompetent and impertinent. Tsukumo Ryou: There’s a shining chance for TRIGGER to repair their image-- neither Re:vale nor IDOLiSH7 will be appearing at the Tokyo International Festival of Music and Arts, a high-brow and formal affair. (1) Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER lose their place at that event-- I’ll make sure of it. Natsume Minami: And how will you accomplish this? I'm certain they are also aware that this is a chance for them to recover from their current predicament. Tsukumo Ryou: You see, before I became the president of an entertainment agency, I used to dabble in trading alongside some rather dangerous fellows. I can use those connections.... Tsukumo Ryou: ...To abduct TRIGGER. Inumaru Touma: ...Hey. I ain't getting involved in anything criminal. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha! Oh, we won't be involved at all. TRIGGER are very famous stars-- it'll be the work of a couple stalkers, so to speak. Isumi Haruka: Hmph. Isumi Haruka: ...I don't care. If that's what it'll take to see that brat and his father in tears, then go ahead. Isumi Haruka: I want him to reject everything he's ever worked for and despair. Tsukumo Ryou: Alrighty then! Who wants to call TRIGGER? Midou Torao: Do you have all of their numbers? I only have Ryuunosuke's. Tsukumo Ryou: About that. My friend Momo is a simple person, you see. He set his birthday as the passcode to his phone-- 1111. And so, I extracted all of their numbers. Inumaru Touma: Oh shit, I should change my passcode.... Natsume Minami: You better. We live in an era where entertainment agency presidents casually glean personal information from their friends' phones, after all. Midou Torao: It’s better to change them periodically. Girls love to sneak glances at my phone screen. Isumi Haruka: Won't you forget your code if you change it? ...Well, I guess this should work. Inumaru Touma: What'd you change yours to? Isumi Haruka: My year in high school, followed by my class number and seat number. Inumaru Touma: Ah. Sure is nice to be a student. Midou Torao: Seriously, though. Using your birthday as your passcode when you're a celebrity? When literally everybody knows what's written on your profile? That's stupid. Natsume Minami: You know, Inumaru-san was also using his birthday to unlock his phone until very recently. Inumaru Touma: I'ma make my password super complicated!! Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now, children. Stop playing with your phones, and listen to me. Midou Torao: Hey, Ryou-san. Got RabbitChat? I’ve got some funny stamps I could send you. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? What are they like? Natsume Minami: We should all add each other. Do you know how to do it, Isumi-san? Isumi Haruka: ...I don't. Do it for me. Natsume Minami: So you shake your phone like this.... Here, everyone should try it. Inumaru Touma: Wait! I'm still changing my passcode so I'm not there yet!!
*phone rings* Kujou Ten: ...Who is it? It's from an unknown number.... Isumi Haruka: It's me. Do you want everyone to stop attacking TRIGGER? I can make it happen. Kujou Ten: ....... Isumi Haruka: I'll give you the conditions. If you agree, then I’ll consider it. Can you meet me outside right now? Alone, of course. Kujou Ten: .....Alright. I'll get ready.
*phone rings* Yaotome Gaku: ...Hello? Who the hell are you? Inumaru Touma: Woah, it's Yaotome Gaku's voice.... I can't wimp out right now.... Yaotome Gaku: ......? Inumaru Touma: You wanna save your dad and TRIGGER, right? Yaotome Gaku: You.... Inumaru Touma: If that's the case, then come outside right now. Alone. If you agree to the conditions, I might consider it. Inumaru Touma: And you better keep this a secret. Got it? Yaotome Gaku: I won't tell a soul. ...Where should I meet you?
*phone rings* Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Hello? Torao-kun, is that you? Midou Torao: Hey. It's been a while, yeah? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I've reached out to you several times about Hanamaki-san.... Also, I didn't know you were going to debut-- Midou Torao: Shh. All of this is part of a deal, and a secret one at that. You're my friend, after all. Midou Torao: There's a way to stop everyone from attacking TRIGGER. It might be a little risky, but do you wanna know what it is? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Of course I do. Midou Torao: I knew you'd say that. I need you to meet me right now, and make sure no one knows where you're going. The place is....
Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm glad everyone was able to take today off! Izumi Mitsuki: We gotta cheer TRIGGER on! I even made a fan for them! Are we allowed to have these at the Music and Arts fes? (1) Osaka Sougo: I've brought a light stick for everyone too! Nikaidou Yamato: Woah, look at that! There's a car all decked out, with TRIGGER's logo painted on it! It's.... (2) *car rumbles* Nikaidou Yamato: ...Stopping right in front of us. Okazaki Rinto: Hello! I see like everyone's matching! Yotsuba Tamaki: What’s this car, Okarin? Okazaki Rinto: It's the Revale Stylish Wagon. The manufacturers were kind enough to gift it to us. Nanase Riku: And you made it into a TRIGGER car!? Yuki: We did. Momo: 'Cuz we're celebrities! (3) Rokuya Nagi: Oh, amazing! How wonderful! This makes want to get a Kokona car! Osaka Sougo: I'm so ashamed.... I can't believe I was satisfied with mere light sticks.... Izumi Mitsuki: I feel ya.... I was so hyped up about my fan.... Izumi Iori: I'm certain the car manufacturers would be very surprised to hear that a model they expressly named after Re:vale was repurposed into a TRIGGER car instead. Momo: Let's all cheer for TRIGGER today! They haven't replied to me yet, but if they're free afterwards, we should grab food together! Nanase Riku: I'd love to go! I invited them out this morning as well, but they haven't read my messages yet. Osaka Sougo: I bet they're putting their all into rehearsals! *phone rings* Momo: Oh, Kaoru-chan's calling me! ....... ...What? Momo: Hey, does anyone know where TRIGGER are right now? Izumi Mitsuki: Where? ...You mean they aren't in the arena yet? Momo: Apparently she hasn't been able to contact them all day and has been trying since this morning.... Nanase Riku: What!?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Anesagi-san, is everything alright? I heard you haven't been able to contact any of the members.... Anesagi Kaoru: None of my calls are going through, and no one I've contacted has found them. Everyone at the agency is looking for them right now, but.... Okazaki Rinto: It's strange that all three of them disappeared. Have you contacted the police yet? Anesagi Kaoru: Mhmm. And they gave me lovely advice. Apparently they won't budge until 12 hours have passed since the last recorded contact. Anesagi Kaoru: It must be that Tsukumo man! He's trying to get in our way and wants to stop TRIGGER from performing on stage! If anything has happened to those boys, I.... Nanase Riku: I'll go look for them at Tsukumo Productions! Izumi Iori: Please wait! If you fixate on that tidbit and just march into their agency, it'll only cause more problems! Nikaidou Yamato: They ain’t stupid either. There's no way they'd do that-- it’s way too obvious. Nanase Riku: But! Momo: I understand your concerns, but we gotta leave this to Yaotome Productions. I don't wanna be in the way, so I think we should give them some space. Momo: Okarin, Maneko-chan-- You guys should stay with Kaoru-chan. Takanashi Tsumugi: I agree. Anesagi-san.... Okazaki Rinto: I'm sure everything will be alright....
Izumi Iori: If they can't perform tonight, then it'll dredge up the SoundShip incident from last year and only further the bashing.... Nanase Riku: This is bullying!! Everyone just keeps hating on TRIGGER, and only them! …...What if Ten-nii got kidnapped!? Osaka Sougo: The event will be over by the time the police start moving.... Even reporting the incident is a bit of a sticky situation in and of itself.... Momo: Don't worry guys, I'll talk to President Tsukumo. I'm gonna make sure he pays me back for everything he owes me, and then some! Yuki: I'll come with you. Momo: You can't! Yuki: Why not? Momo: You know how I run really fast? And you're really slow? Well, if he starts running away and I run after him at full power, you'll be left in the dust. Yuki: I guess you're right. Momo: And because I love you so much, Yuki, I'll have to stop chasing after him and run back to you.... Yuki: Momo... Izumi Mitsuki: I don't really wanna say this to you guys since you're our senpai, but.... Now is not the time for that!! Momo: Anyhow! Yuki, you stay put and keep watch! All of you are good kids, so you better hold the fort down! Got it? Nikaidou Yamato: Let us come with you. We can leave the minors behind.... Momo: You can't! That man is utter poison! I don't want him to pollute my darling IDOLiSH7!! Osaka Sougo: Since when did we become yours, Momo-san..... Nanase Riku: Is President Tsukumo really that scary? What if something terrible has happened to TRIGGER!? Momo: He's not the type to engage in violence. Not directly, that’s for sure. He's a very smart man, but his personality is godawful. Rokuya Nagi: And why in the world are you close to a man like that? Momo: He helped me out when I was stuck in a rut, so I thought he was a good person. Back when we were poor, he gave us really tasty organic vegetables, among some other things.... Izumi Iori: So not only did something similar happen with Chiba-san, it happened with him as well? Re:vale gets baited with food much too easily and way too often…. Izumi Mitsuki: In times like this, we should all charge in! It won't be so dangerous since it'll be all of us! Izumi Iori: We can't do that, Nii-san...! Izumi Mitsuki: Hey. If it comes down to it, can any of you fight? Izumi Iori: Like I said, we can't do that!! Nanase Riku: I can fight! Izumi Mitsuki: No, you can't, Riku. Ossan, you’re up. Nanase Riku: Yes, I can! Nikaidou Yamato: Hold up! This onii-san here can't fight!! Izumi Iori: The mere idea of idols engaging in fist fights is outrageous! Nii-san, this is too dangerous-- Izumi Mitsuki: I said, if it comes down to it! We won't initiate. What about you, Tamaki? Can you fight? Yotsuba Tamaki: So. You know how I'm really tall? Usually if I glare at ‘em like this-- the other dude looks away super fast. Like whoosh. Yeah. Yotsuba Tamaki: But some dudes don't look away, and they're really good at fighting. Whenever that happens, I just go whoosh.... And look away. Izumi Mitsuki: So are ya good or not!? Nikaidou Yamato: I'd say we cast him as an extra. Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun is a minor, so if you must insist, I will go. Nikaidou Yamato: Oh yeah, didn't you do kendo? What was your best move? Osaka Sougo: Stabbing my opponent in the throat. (4) Nikaidou Yamato: Mm, executing that move on someone who doesn’t have any protective gear isn’t exactly ideal, but.... Sou, I'm casting you as our ace-- you’re our secret weapon. (5) Osaka Sougo: Understood. Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi? Rokuya Nagi: Fighting? No problem. However, I forgot my Magical Stick, so I won't be able to unleash my true power. Yotsuba Tamaki: I remember you protected that one tower from a terrorist attack though, Nagicchi! Way back when we went to that TRIGGER concert. Izumi Mitsuki: I’ve said this before, but that joke isn't funny so stop saying it! Yotsuba Tamaki: But it's true!! Nikaidou Yamato: What about you, Yuki-san? Can you fight? Yuki: I may look like this, but I'm actually a black belt. Nikaidou Yamato: ...You're kidding, right? Yuki: Yep. Nikaidou Yamato: ...I'll cast Yuki-san, our local indoors person, as Riku's childhood friend. Together, they'll cheer us on from this bench! Nanase Riku・Yuki: Hip hip, hooray! Izumi Iori: You cannot do this! I will not allow it! Momo: Yeah! If anything happens to you kids, I'll never be able to face Ban-san ever again!! Momo: Oh, man.... I don't think I could live if Ban-san hated me.... Izumi Mitsuki: It'll be okay! We're just gonna look for TRIGGER the normal way! Izumi Mitsuki: But in the off chance that we bump into trouble and there's no way around it, there are a couple ground rules I'd like us all to follow since we're idols! Momo: Rules? Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number one! Even if they try to pick a fight.... Yotsuba Tamaki: No hitting until they’ve thrown the first punch! Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number two! If a civilian sees you.... Nikaidou Yamato: We're filming. Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number three! What do you do with your face? Rokuya Nagi: Protect it with your life. Izumi Mitsuki: We should be okay if we follow those rules! We don't want TRIGGER to have any more trouble, right guys? Izumi Mitsuki: Also, the media might cook something weird up again if someone from Yaotome Productions goes. So, let's give it a shot! Izumi Iori: sigh ...... No roughhousing, okay? Izumi Mitsuki: Gotcha! Don't you worry, Iori! Izumi Iori: ....... I'm filled with nothing but worry.... Momo: Oh God, I hope we don't bump into any trouble.... Ban-san will murder me.... Nanase Riku: Wait for me, Ten-nii. I'll definitely save you!
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
Thank you Bicky (@denego_ on twitter) for betaing!!!
(1) uchiwa are these little round paper fans that people bring to concerts that have messages on them (for the artist) or a picture of said artist's face. (2) ita-sha is like the car equivalent of an ita-bag... think of those cars u see at cons with a massive hatsune miku painted all ovr it ALSO, Revale Stylish Wagon is stylized like that because the original is written as リヴァーレ, which is the romanization of Re:vale’s name in katakana and I am an uncreative fuck so I had no clue what to eigo it (3) i switched the orders of the lines bc english/jpn syntactical flow (4) IM NO KENDO MASTER BUT THE "TSUKI" IS A THRUST AT THE THROAT, SEE ATTACHED VIDEO FOR A DEMONSTRATION-- SOUCHAN IS NOT HERE TO FUCK AROUND  (5) these moves are !!! not to be done on people without the proper protective equipment. In kendo you have a mask, and a lot of other things protecting you from bodily injury, and uh, death, amongst other things hence why that move is okay in the context of kendo and why yamato says this
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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ainana-ao3 · 5 years
by Anonymous
“Yuki, what’s bothering you now?” Banri asked as he turned to face his boyfriend. He wondered why Yuki was frowning. After their love making session, Yuki should only be smiling like a goof, not scowling at the ceiling.
“We have to go to the New Year’s party.” Yuki said grumpily, not at all happy with having his time with Banri cut short. He loved the members of Idolish7, Trigger and Zool, he really did, but he wanted to spend some time alone with Banri. He didn’t care how he was going to do it. He will make up for every day he and Ban had spent away from each other.
Words: 6495, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IDOLiSH7 (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oogami Banri, Yuki (IDOLiSH7), Momo (IDOLiSH7), Okazaki Rintarou, Okazaki Rinto, Midou Torao, Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, Takanashi Otoharu, Yaotome Sousuke, Anesagi Kaoru, Izumi Iori, Izumi Mitsuki, Nanase Riku, Rokuya Nagi, Yotsuba Tamaki, Ousaka Sougo, Nikaidou Yamato, Takanashi Tsumugi, Isumi Haruka, Inumaru Touma, Natsume Minami, Tsukumo Ryou, Kujou Ten, Yaotome Gaku
Relationships: Oogami Banri/Yuki, Midou Torao/Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, Kujou Ten/Yaotome Gaku
Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Established Relationship
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yamamuragaku · 5 years
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Iori Izumi [Valentine] RabbitChat
“Next month, I will make you feel happy and sweet.”
Part 2-5
Read translations for Part 1 here [external link, not by me].
Part 2: Taste of a Kiss
Tsumugi: Good work on the collaboration chocolate sampling meeting with asuco!
Each chocolate was unique and delicious…!
Tsumugi: Since it is chocolate with the image of your kiss, I think the fans will get excited when they eat it…!
Iori: I agree. Since romance and femininity are essential to Valentine’s Day.
It’s good that the president of asuco appointed young male talent.
Iori: IDOLiSH7 has the concept of “youthful sweet chocolate” and TRIGGER has “sexy bitter chocolate.” It’s an appealing concept, I think.
Tsumugi: I think IDOLiSH7’s 7 chocolates will surely become a big hit!
I look forward to the launch!
Iori: However, Nanase-san got drunk again like that time he had Chanmery.
Iori: The chocolates in Nikaidou-san’s image used liqueur that was so fragrant that he got kind of unsteady….
Even though Yotsuba-san and I were all right.
Tsumugi: The person in question looked like he was in the middle of a pleasant dream….
Tamaki-san thoughtfully took care of him.
Iori: I’ll loudly say it 5 more times until he gets used to it.
Does Ousaka-san know the president? He looked troubled.
Tsumugi: It looks like it. By the way, I want to ask you something so I can write an activity report on the blog….
Option 1
Tsumugi: What are your thoughts on your chocolate?
Iori: It was quite delicious with a fine quality of bitterness. I didn’t think it was overly bitter.
My image is that of bitter chocolate.
Option 2
Tsumugi: Whose chocolate was the most delicious?
Iori: Nii-san and Nanase-san’s chocolates were fruity, so won’t they be popular with women?
Option 3
Tsumugi: What food would you compare yourself to?
Iori: You’re always so abrupt….
What is it? Sea urchin? I don’t really like it though.
Iori: Whose chocolate is your favorite, manager?
Tsumugi: I love chocolate, so all of them were delicious!
Still, aren’t you glad when people say your chocolate is tasty?
Iori: It’s complicated.
The product’s concept is the image of a kiss, so I’m kind of embarrassed when people praise it.
Tsumugi: Nagi-san was really straightforward when he talked about his impressions of everyone’s kiss, and everyone got embarrassed! lol
Iori: Don’t say impressions of our kisses, please.
Tsumugi: Sorry! Yamato-san and Nagi-san talked so much about their impressions of our kisses, I unconsciously picked it up…
It’s the taste of chocolate with the image of everyone’s kiss!
Iori: It’s troublesome when you abbreviate it, so even you should be aware of it please.
Saying things like, “Iori’s is bitter” or “Iorin’s kiss is bitter,”
I also got confused at the sampling meeting….
Tsumugi: Sougo-san liked it!
He liked the taste of Iori-kun’s kiss the most!
Iori: I told you, don’t say the taste of a kiss!
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Part 3: Crafty Iori
Tsumugi: Iori-san, good work!
It’s Valentine’s Day at last.
Tsumugi: I’ll bake a chocolate cake for everyone on Valentine’s Day, so enjoy it with everyone if you like!
Iori: Thank you.
Even though you’re busy, it’s not too troublesome?
Tsumugi: It’s only because I’m making it for Valentine’s that it’s fun.
Mitsuki-san gave me advice, so I think it’ll suit your taste, Iori-san!
Iori: That’s because nii-san’s cakes are top class.
This year’s Valentine’s Day is a day off, so Yotsuba-san already received gifts.
Tsumugi: Is that so?!
Adults can spend Valentine’s Day more easily on their days off, but it’s tough for students.
Iori: I heard Yotsuba-san is going to go to the school’s front desk so he can get chocolates on the actual day.
It looked like he was about to tell the dorm’s address to those who wanted to give him chocolate, so I stopped him with all my might.
Tsumugi: T-Tamaki-san does like sweets….
Iori: That person’s gluttony will ruin him someday.
Tsumugi: It’s too bad for the girls who like you, Iori-san.
I think they’d definitely want to meet with you for Valentine’s.
Iori: The fans too.
Since I can only meet the 1000 fans chosen in the lottery for Valentine’s.
Option 1
Tsumugi: I look forward to the Valentine Live!
Iori: Me too.
The final act was yet again taken by TRIGGER, but next year let’s be the final act.
Option 2
Tsumugi: Do you have any Valentine memories?
Iori: It might be a bit strange, but my brother exchanged chocolates with his female friends for Valentine’s Day every year.
Probably because they were reputedly delicious.
Of course, he also made some for me.  
Option 3
Tsumugi: Who do you think will get the most chocolate?
Iori: Isn’t it Yotsuba-san?
A lot of schoolgirls want to give him something, which he himself also wants.
If the theory of supply and demand is true, productivity will also increase.
Iori: Well, even if it’s Valentine’s it’s not like I’ll cut loose.
~A Melty Night for You! Valentine’s Live~ seems like an event that will broaden IDOLiSH7’s scope of activities from here on out.
Tsumugi: That’s right. Even though I have little influence on the staging, I’ll do what I can to help out…!
Tsumugi: There’s one more thing we can’t forget,, Yamato-san’s long-awaited birthday!
Iori: Finally this day has come….
Ever since my birthday surprise, I’ve only been thinking about Nikaidou-san.
Tsumugi: Aren’t you excited?!
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Iori: Of course.
Let’s surprise that cautious onii-san.
Iori: At the live venue, by all means, please turn the camera on him.
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Part 4: Thinking of Riku
Tsumugi: Iori-san, good work on the rehearsal earlier.
I still have work off stage, but please rest easily until the performance.
Iori: I can’t rest. The surprise is also during the performance.
It seems Nikaidou-san thinks the birthday party we had at midnight is all we’re doing.
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san baked a full-fledged birthday cake!
Tsumugi: By the way, it looks like you fought with Riku-san earlier. Is everything alright…?
Iori: I kept the surprise a secret from Nanase-san until today.
That’s why he complained about why I didn’t tell him why.
Iori: I couldn’t tell him!
If I tell the plan to someone with such a readable face, it’s like leaving an answer sheet out in front of Nikaidou-san!
Tsumugi: I-Iori-san, aren’t you exaggerating….
Iori: Besides, I wanted Nanase-san to concentrate on the live.
Many artists’ fans are gathering today.
Iori: The final act is TRIGGER, but what will be etched into everyone’s memory is Nanase-san’s voice.
Tsumugi: Unlike the surprise plan, you have immense faith in Riku-san’s singing voice!
Iori: Of course.
Iori: Is what I want to say, but lately, I’m a bit worried.
Ever since the beginning of the year, Nanase-san’s health seems bad and he seems fatigued.
Tsumugi: I’ve also been thinking so….
Is his condition also bad at the dorm?
Iori: It also looks like he has days he can’t sleep.
When I check on him, Nanase-san smiles, but honestly, it’s difficult to see.
Iori: I heard his condition was worse when he was a child.
Iori: It’s frustrating, so I can’t say much, but Kujou-san’s been supporting Nanase-san when he had much worse symptoms since he was small….
Tsumugi: Yeah….
Iori: Nanase-san’s been looking forward to the live, so let’s make it a success without incident.
There’s also Nikaidou-san’s surprise.
Tsumugi: Yes!
Option 1
Tsumugi: Did you meet TRIGGER?
Iori: I greeted them backstage earlier.
Yaotome-san pressed me on why only my costume had a crown. Saying that to me bothered me, so I flatly refused to answer him.
Option 2
Tsumugi: Your live costume is also wonderful!
Iori: Thank you.
Since we have the same theme as TRIGGER this time, it looks like we were mixed into the same group.
Option 3
Tsumugi: The preparation of the example song was also perfect!
Iori: Thank you.
Heehee. When “GOOD NIGHT AWESOME” played, that onii-san’s day of death….
Iori: Well then, we’ll be ready any time now.
I’m keeping an eye on Nanase-san, so don’t worry.
Tsumugi: Understood!
I’m also headed there!
Part 5: Happy Valentine’s
Tsumugi: Iori-san, good work on the live and the surprise!!
Tsumugi: It was a big success!!
Iori: It was a big success. I feel relieved.
Iori: Nikaidou-san was also happier than anything.
Tsumugi: The reenactment of the iconic scene from Nemesis livened up the whole venue!
When Yamato-san realized Nagi-san was playing the main character and Mitsuki-san was playing the heroine, the venue broke out with cheer…!
Iori: We did it, we did it! I thought.
It’s also because of the permission of the sponsor, asuco.
Iori: Even though it was a corporate event, they let us hold a member’s birthday surprise.
Tsumugi: He told me thanks for letting him make a wonderful Valentine memory.
Isn’t the president a good person? It was also thanks to Riku-san and Sougo-san.
Iori: Nanase-san’s ojisan killer act was going strong.
But I’m getting a little more worried.
Iori: That person, won’t he someday be lured with candy and kidnapped?
Tsumugi: The president also said, “I’m only a president of a chocolate company, but it’s the first time I’ve been shown such favor until now. It’s like having sons!”
I heard I’m going on an industrial review with the president next time.
Iori: You’ll accompany anyone like a balloon….
There’s a school holiday, so I will follow along just in case.
Tsumugi: Yes, please do! lol
Iori: Also thank you for the chocolate cake.
Yotsuba-san and Nanase-san enjoyed eating it.
Option 1
Tsumugi: It’s great that you enjoyed it!
Iori: Everyone scrambled together and ate excitedly.
Nanase-san wanted to savor it, and he was angry at Yotsuba-san who ate too quickly.
Before taking a picture, it looks like he got mad and poked him with a fork.
Option 2
Tsumugi: You’re normally thankful!
Iori: We are grateful. As always, thank you.
Option 3
Tsumugi: Did you enjoy it, Iori-san?
Iori: It was delicious. Thank you for making it while you were busy.
Too bad for to asuco, but your homemade cake felt more like it had the taste of IDOLiSH7, Tsumugi-san.
Iori: The return gift is next month.
Tsumugi: For White Day?
Don’t worry about it, because I feel your gratitude every day.
Iori: Don’t hold back.
Look forward to a present, Tsumugi-manager.
An adult-like one.
Tsumugi: An adult-like one! lol
Understood, I look forward to it.
Iori: Yes.
Next month, I will make your mood happy and sweet.
Thank you always, Tsumugi-san.
Iori: It was delicious.
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seigyokus · 7 years
8.5 - Shall We Begin?
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 8.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Osaka Sougo: Pardon the intrusion. I do apologize for-- Ow, ow, ow ow! Yuki: No. More. Changes. Period. Oh, it's just you, Sougo-kun. Osaka Sougo: Y-yes, it is.... Where is Momo-san? Yuki: He went to go suppress the TRIGGER riot. What's the matter? Osaka Sougo: Um.... Is it alright if I watch you work for a bit? Only if you're okay with it, though. Osaka Sougo: I just kind of wanted to see how songs are made.... Yuki: Ah.... If I recall correctly, your uncle was a composer as well? Osaka Sougo: Yes, he was. Yuki: Sure, then. Go ahead. Osaka Sougo: Thank you very much! Yuki: I know I’ve seen you talk about it on TV before, but your taste in music is quite refined. I heard you're doing a music-related radio show soon too. Osaka Sougo: My uncle showed me all sorts of songs. Some of the things you like are also rather surprising, Yuki-san. Yuki: Perhaps. You know, I think you should do it. Compose, that is. You love music, don't you? Osaka Sougo: No…. I don't think someone like me should be com-- Yuki: There are only a finite number of songs by Sakura Haruki. If you want to make IDOLiSH7 infinite, you should give it a go. Osaka Sougo: ....... Osaka Sougo: I do love music, but.... I don't think I have the skills necessary for that. Yuki: While it’s true you need to have an ear for music, the most important skill for the job is love. Then you can keep repeating. Osaka Sougo: Repeating? Yuki: You know how it's impossible to spend an entire day doing something you hate? On the flip side, you could easily do so if it was something you loved-- as if you were obsessed. Yuki: That's a skill in itself. Embrace your curiosity. The more you do it, the better you'll get. Yuki: As long as you have passion, you’ll be capable of reaching out to the works you would’ve otherwise discarded, even when you’ve lost heart countless times. Yuki: So even if you want to run, even if it gets painful, even if you start to hate it-- you can't stop loving it. That's why you'll keep returning to the same place, over and over again. Yuki: Having a never-ending passion for music is a skill. Osaka Sougo: A never-ending passion.... Yuki: I'm sure your uncle was the same way. Every time he got trampled or crushed by others, he'd come back to life and keep on loving music. It’s just like looping your favorite song. Yuki: If you have all of that inside you, then what more do you need? Osaka Sougo: ......Will it go well, though? Yuki: Of course not. That passion of yours will bring you sorrow. Yuki: But it'll also show you've sights you've never seen before. Yuki: And there's not a thing in the world you'd trade for those sights. That's how splendid they are. After all, those sights are yours and yours alone. Osaka Sougo: ....... Yuki: You love music, don't you? Osaka Sougo: I love it.... Yuki: That's all the reason you need. You might be terrible at first. People may laugh at you, and there might be all sorts of embarrassing things. But.... Yuki: As long as you truly love music, and not the fantasy of being a great composer, all of this should be unbearably fun. (1) Yuki: Let it take you captive. Osaka Sougo: .......
Rokuya Nagi: OH.... The video stopped.... Come on, come on, come on.... Signal, please.... Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi, now's not the time to be slacking off. Rokuya Nagi: Even though you're holding a can of beer in your right hand, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: Haha, I found it in the kitchen. ......Say, Nagi.... I know I can't say shit, but... Nikaidou Yamato: If there's anything troubling you, feel free to talk to Onii-san about it. There's no good in hiding things. Rokuya Nagi: ....... Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Yamato. I'd like to introduce you to my friend. Let’s hop into a time machine and go visit Past Yamato, shall we? Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha.... I figured you'd say that. Nikaidou Yamato: But, seriously. I felt a lot better after talking to you guys about it. Nikaidou Yamato: So if anything ever happens, just tell us. --Hey now, don't film this!! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I've obtained some very rare Yamato content! Nikaidou Yamato: Oh, gosh.... What am I to do with you.... Hm? What are you doing? Rokuya Nagi: OH.... My phone converted the words strangely. Now there's nerdy numbers. (2) Nikaidou Yamato: Nerdy numbers!? Wait, hold up. Those are just the alternative characters for them. (3) Nikaidou Yamato: You use 'em in contracts and stuff so people can't change the numbers willy nilly. See, here's one, two, and three. Ichi, ni, san.... Rokuya Nagi: Oh, right! What about six? The 'roku' in Rokuya Nagi? Nikaidou Yamato: Six was.... What was it again? Uh, try typing it and see what it spits out. .....Ah, it's that. That character. Rokuya Nagi: OH....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Nagi? Rokuya Nagi: ......What a wonderful discovery! No matter what happens in the future, we'll be able to stay perfect as ever. Nikaidou Yamato: What are you talking about? What a weirdo.... Anyways, we better get back soon, otherwise Mitsu's gonna be pissed. Rokuya Nagi: OK!
Yuki: It's finally done....... Yaotome Gaku: We only got the moves down. We ran outta time to do formations.... Nanase Riku: We managed to finish all of the individual ones! We'll arrange everyone's starting now! Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm so sleepy....... Nikaidou Yamato: Man, it's gonna be a rough 24 hours if we keep going at this pace.... The real deal's gonna be tough too.... Momo: I'm worried for my voice. It might be gone for the performance. Nanase Riku: That's really terrifying.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Nevertheless, we're done! Please let us listen to the finished song! Momo: Yeah, of course! Huh...? Wait, Yuki! Don’t sleep right now! Come on, stick it out! Just one more thing! Yuki: I can't open my eyes anymore....... Yotsuba Tamaki: You look like one of those Buddhist monk statues right now, Yukirin. (4) Momo: Heheh. Yuki's still super handsome, even as a monk! Nanase Riku: You can do it, Yuki-san! Please let us hear our song! Kujou Ten: Although we may have rioted, we've been eagerly waiting for this. Yuki: Alright, fine.... Everyone, sit down. All: Woah......!
Yaotome Gaku: It's a great song! It definitely feels like 'Friends Day!' Osaka Sougo: It's magnificent! I can't believe it transformed into this from what I heard yesterday! Izumi Mitsuki: I wanna sing this with everyone as soon as possible! Yotsuba Tamaki: The chorus is super good! I wanna sing that! Nikaidou Yamato: Tama, everyone's gonna sing that. All: Ahahaha! Nanase Riku: I'm even more excited for "Friends Day!" This is the first time all of us are singing together, right? Kujou Ten: Let us overcome the borders between our groups and agencies and just sing. Rokuya Nagi: Charities and music are some of the most splendid things mankind has created. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: All of us can connect through music. It won't just be us-- everyone participating in this charity telethon will be connected too! Takanashi Tsumugi: And just like this, the ultimate theme song, jam-packed with everyone's feelings, was completed! Takanashi Tsumugi: However.... Takanashi Tsumugi: TRIGGER would never get to sing this song.
Inumaru Touma: Congrats on becoming the president of Tsukumo Productions, Ryou-san. Tsukumo Ryou: Thank you. Natsume Minami: The visitor from earlier was someone from Hoshikage Entertainment Agency, correct? Tsukumo Ryou: The agency used to be such a brilliant star, but ever since Chiba Shizuo left them, it has only been glimmering weakly. The visitor was here to propose a business partnership. (5) Tsukumo Ryou: Hoshikage's Minami and soon-to-be-Hoshikage’s Torao have been entrusted to me-- to produce as idols. Natsume Minami: Wouldn’t it have been better for us to transfer over to Tsukumo? It’s not as if Hoshikage has much say in anything right now. Tsukumo Ryou: Well, I think it's best if we feign that ŹOOĻ is the darling child of the Two Great Empires. That way all of you will be utterly untouchable in this industry. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, let's get down to business. We must decide on where to fire our warning shot today so we can finish everything right around when the charity telethon will air. Midou Torao: Warning shot? Sounds dangerous. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, it’s just to give them taste of what will happen if they decide to defy me. Tsukumo Ryou: Fighting here and there is just such a bother. Instead, we'll just smother everyone's fighting spirit in one fell swoop by slaying the hero right from the start. Tsukumo Ryou: As such, the groups in the thick of the idol boom are the most suitable for this venture. After all, everything that begins must come to an end-- including idol booms. Tsukumo Ryou: I'll show them that I can end things on my terms. Tsukumo Ryou: IDOLiSH7 is much too new. We can crush them any time we want to, so perhaps they're not the best group to use as a warning. Tsukumo Ryou: But, Re:vale and TRIGGER…. Who shall we offer as our sacrificial lamb? Inumaru Touma: TRIGGER. Natsume Minami: I say Re:vale. A group with that much popularity ought to exit the stage as soon as possible. Midou Torao: I'm fine with either. The deciding vote is yours, Haruka. Isumi Haruka: ...Isn't it obvious? Isumi Haruka: I vote for TRIGGER. Tsukumo Ryou: Bum-bum-ba-dum! It's decided. Tsukumo Ryou: We're going to seize TRIGGER. Inumaru Touma: Seize them!? This isn't what we discussed! I refuse to be in the same agency as those guys! Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now. You'll see....
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for eng proofreadin as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SORRY FOR THE LONGASS DELAY BTWN LAST UPDATE AND NOW, lotsa Real Life stuff happened so I finally have time 2 sit down and properly tl/edit for the time being o(--< 
(1) yuki technically says 'As long as you truly love music, and not yourself, who is capable of composing really well' etcetc. I went with a slightly more interp-y take on that second part, since he's talking about loving composing because you love music. Not because of ego (of being a good composer) or delusions of grandeur. Because then, even if you suck, it'll still be fun to compose! That’s my take on Yuki-logic (2) When you type in Japanese, it suggests kanji for the kana you type in (ex. もの --> 物, 者). That's the conversion Nagi's referring to. (3) Continuing off of the last point, daiji (大字) are ye olden way of writing numbers (He calls them otaku numbers though LMFAO). ANYWAYS, instead of 一、二、三 for 'one, two, three/ichi, ni, san,' you have 壱、弐、参. If you scroll down a bit here, there's a nice chart of all the numbers. In addition to the functions Yamato mentioned, they're actually on the yen as well!  Anyways, the interesting part here is that the character for six is 陸, coincidentally the same character as Riku's given name (七瀬<b>陸</b>).... And six in Japanese is 'roku,' which is the same 'roku' in 'Rokuya Nagi' (<b>六</b>弥ナギ).... [nagi voice] Hm…. (4) Tamaki's referring to Ojizō-sama, which is frequently seen as this kind of statue. But bc no one would know what th heck I’m talking abt if i dropped ‘Kshitigarbha’ or ‘the patron monk of travelling and etcetcetcetc’ (unless ur buddhist), so i put it in the most tamaki-esque terms I could think of LOL………… (5) This is actually a pun on Hoshikage's name since it has the word ‘hoshi’ / 'star' in it LMAO
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
8.4 - So May We Reach Them
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 8.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Nanase Riku: How about something like 'cheering on the people trying their best' as the theme? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: They've been supporting us all this time, so it'd be great if we could return the favor and cheer for them too. We should sing and dance in a way that'll give them lots of energy! Izumi Mitsuki: I want lots of people to sing the song, so I think we should make it something that'll cheer you up as you sing it! It’ll make you more confident and blow your worries away! Momo: I want it to be a song that you can happily dance to with your friends or your work buddies! Full of love and gratitude! Rokuya Nagi: A great, positive song that will help you take on your love life, studies, work, and travels, and face them with excitement. Izumi Iori: Given the people assembled here, I'd like the song to bring out a sense of opulence and completeness. Within the framework of the charity, of course. Osaka Sougo: I hope it'll be something bright and vivid, with all of IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale's colors mixed in. Yaotome Gaku: All twelve of us will be dancing. I'd like for everyone to show their individuality, and I also want our teamwork to come across to the audience. Nikaidou Yamato: Definitely. Something that'll cheer ya on, like 'You're not alone. Look around you, you're surrounded by friends.' That kinda feeling. Yotsuba Tamaki: That special, fun feeling. Kinda like when you're at a school festival! Kujou Ten: Something that won't bring shame to the charity telethon or ourselves. Yuki: ......That's a lot of requests, but I think I have an idea. Yuki: Let's make it a song that feels like a once-in-a-lifetime anniversary, but brings out the fun from everyday life. Yuki: It'll be special, but also normal. It'll be filled with a wish to cheer on someone out there, or even ourselves. It's our very essence. Yuki: Let's send ourselves as a message to them. (1)
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Osaka Sougo: I remember hearing that we'd have design references in this room.... Nanase Riku: Woah! They've got every single one of our stage outfits here! TRIGGER and Re:vale too! Nikaidou Yamato: Hey, Mitsu! You should put on Tsunashi-san's outfits! Izumi Mitsuki: The hell are you excited for! It's really obvious you have ulterior motives!! Yotsuba Tamaki: Rikkun, you should try on Tenten and Momorin's clothes. You're all the same height, yeah? Nanase Riku: If I remember correctly, you're the same height as Yaotome-san, right? You should try on his Leopard Eyes outfit! I bet you'd look super cool! Osaka Sougo: This is amazing! Just looking at the outfits makes me remember all of the songs. Ah! This is his "SECRET NIGHT" outfit! Izumi Mitsuki: I bet you'd look good in that one, Nagi! Here, put the hat on! Rokuya Nagi: I can pull of any kind of clothing. How does it look? Izumi Iori: All of you are acting like women in the Ladies' Section! Stop with the chit-chat and get to work! Yuki: How is it? Momo: It's really good! I love it! Yuki: That's what you always say.... Momo: If it's bad, I'll tell ya it's bad! I'm a fan though, so I'm happy to hear anything you write, Yuki. Yuki: I see.... Momo: Would you like me to critique you more? Yuki: From time to time, yes. Sometimes, when I'm trying to write a really good song, I lose sight of what makes a song splendid. Yuki: During times like that, I feel like I'm lost, all alone. It's painful. Momo: Oh.... Yuki: But knowing there's someone out there that will enjoy what I make, regardless of what it is, helps me keep my hands moving. Momo: Really? Yuki: Yeah. Stay here, and listen. *click*  Nanase Riku: Yuki-san, Momo-san! I wanted to ask you guys about the song so we could match the T-shirt designs to it! Yuki: What's your question? Nanase Riku: We were thinking of using the Chinese zodiac as a motif since there's twelve of us! So how about going with a more traditional Japanese style-- Ahahaha! (2) Yuki: Do you know what happens to naughty boys when they try to drastically change the composition this late in the game? (3) Nanase Riku: A-alright, then how about playing cards? There'll be one extra, but those are also numbered! Momo: IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER would line up pretty nicely! Wouldn't we be different though? Yuki: What do you picture me as, Riku-kun? The jack? The queen? Or the king? Nanase Riku: Um.... The queen? Heeheehee! Yuki: The theme is love, isn't it? You're going to design it around love, aren't you? You wouldn't put the Chinese zodiac or playing cards into that, would you? Nanase Riku: 'Love' is too abstract, so it's hard to design around that! That's why we-- Ahahahaha! Yuki: I was struggling with the exact same thing! Momo: Yuki, Yuki! Don't threaten our kouhai! Yaotome Gaku: ......I get it, but isn't the demo a little late? When are we gonna start choreographing....... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: How about I send them a RabbitChat about the tempo and mood of the song? Kujou Ten: Wouldn't it be better if we asked in person? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's true, but Yuki-san's probably stressed right now and might pinch my cheeks if I go. .......Ah! He replied. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: He says it's like "RESTART POiNTER." Yaotome Gaku: Huh. Ten, can you dance it out? I'll sing. Kujou Ten: Got it. Yaotome Gaku: Lalala la-lala la-lala la-lala.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Ah, wait. He says it's like "Leopard Eyes." Yaotome Gaku: Isn't that really fast? Ten, one more time. Kujou Ten: .... Got it. Yaotome Gaku: Da-dada dadada dada, da-dada dadada dada.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wait, never mind. He says it's "SILVER SKY." Yaotome Gaku: Man, it's all over the place! Ten, one more time. Kujou Ten: ...... Hah.... Got it. Yaotome Gaku: Dadada bum-bum bum bum, bum bum bum..... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Huh? I guess it's more like "Let's☆SUMMER!" then...? Kujou Ten: ......Can he contact us once he has a more concrete image? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: "By the way, this is because your little brother told me to add in things like the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, the twelve-layered ceremonial kimono worn by court-ladies, the twelve apostles, or magnesium...." (4) Kujou Ten: Magnesium...? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Because it's the twelfth element. Yaotome Gaku: Are our T-shirts gonna explode or what......?
Izumi Mitsuki: Woah! You're really good at drawing, Tamaki! Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it too empty? What should I add? Whatever it is, I want people to be happy when they see it. It's really hard to make people happy.... Izumi Mitsuki: That's such a grown-up thing to say. Did something happen? Yotsuba Tamaki: So like, the other day, I was strolling around on my way back from school. Yotsuba Tamaki: And this random older dude told me, "You've been such a goody two-shoes lately, Yotsuba. It's boring." Izumi Mitsuki: ....... Yotsuba Tamaki: You know how I was like before. I used to think stuff like 'shut up' or 'I'm bored' and didn't really care. Yotsuba Tamaki: But sometimes, you just wanna make the people watching you happy. You feel? Well.... That's me right now. Yotsuba Tamaki: So that's why.... Like.... Umm.... Like...... Yotsuba Tamaki: You know how you're always tryna make your fans happy, Mikkii? Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah..... Yotsuba Tamaki: I thought that was just you being nice, or a good guy, but.... Yotsuba Tamaki: You're not all bright and sparkly like that, it's more like, someone who gives you that really strong gut feeling.... Someone who works really hard.... That's what I think.... (5) Yotsuba Tamaki: Now, I'm just like, 'Wow, he's really got guts. He's really, really strong.' Yotsuba Tamaki: I gotta be a good kid, gotta be strong, gotta be funny and interesting. Yotsuba Tamaki: That's why stopped thinking stuff like 'I wish they'd shut up' or 'what a pain in the ass'.... Because I wanna be all of those things. Yotsuba Tamaki: Man, I wanna be like that.... Izumi Mitsuki: You can, and you will. Yotsuba Tamaki: Really? Izumi Mitsuki: Of course. Izumi Mitsuki: When you try really hard to make people happy and the opposite thing happens, it eats away at you. I was really down in the dumps back then. Yotsuba Tamaki: You, Mikkii? No way.... Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah. I was really, really sad. It was awful.... Hell, I wanted to disappear. I'd think stuff like, 'What the hell are you doing?' or 'What should I do?' Izumi Mitsuki: I was distressed about all sorts of things. But because I love you guys and the fans so much, I was able to stick it out. Yotsuba Tamaki: ......I really love everyone too. Izumi Mitsuki: Haha.... I know. You've become such a great guy, Tamaki. And to think you used to be such a selfish beast back then! Man.... Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh! He praised me. Izumi Mitsuki: You're the coolest! If it were possible, I'd cover your ears so you won't have to listen to all of those mean voices. Izumi Mitsuki: But you're not gonna lose to them, because I know you're a strong boy. Yeah? Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah! Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Aw come on, you can't just draw a pudding on there! Yotsuba Tamaki: Haha! this one's mine.
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofing!!
(1) This is actually what the title is referring to but I modified title since a direct 'Let's send ourselves' would've been... A little....... Strange. 
(2) Just wanted to point out that there is indeed a SSR set where all of the i7 characters are dressed up in zodiac-themed clothing! Also, 'Chinese' is there to clarify that they're doing the animal set and not the virgo, libra, etcetc zodiac. 
(3) translating it directly ("So I guess this the mouth of a bad kid who tries to make drastic changes this late in the game?") would've been kinda weird so I went with my [tamaki voice] FEELING 
(4) juunihitoe = probably easier to visualize than explain, so here's a pic!  
(5) tamaki literally says 'makes you clench your stomach/abdomen really hard, that feeling' and i searched high and low and it's not some idiomatic phrase (Dont Ask Me how many 'how do i flex my abs :c' chiebukuro questions i sifted thru what the Fuck) so i went with my best interp of it?????? chikara wo ireru can also mean to try hard so Classic Me, I put in one line with the stomach part tl'd and another bit without the stomach part tl'd so pls correct me if Im wrong
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
8.3 - A Special Time
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 8.3 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Momo: Alright, let's do it properly! Iorin, lay it out for us! Izumi Iori: Understood. Izumi Iori: Step One: Decide upon a theme. Step Two: Brainstorm more specific ideas. Step Three: Split into our respective groups and attain a firmer understanding of the task at hand.... Izumi Iori: I've calculated the following schedule using the time we have remaining. One hour will be dedicated to deciding on a theme, and we have until the date changes to finish the demo tape.... Izumi Mitsuki: Theme, huh. Since it's a charity telethon, something positive like love would be a good theme! Yaotome Gaku: There are so many types of love, though. Like romantic love, platonic love, familial love, and marital love. Nanase Riku: That reminds me, Re:vale hasn't been doing their married couple comedy act lately.... Momo: Yeah.... We've kinda hit a slump. Izumi Mitsuki: You can hit a slump for that!? Even though Big Brother Re:vale's married couple act is a surefire hit anywhere and always brings in the laughs!? Yuki: There's no need to treat us like entertainers. Nanase Riku: But why did you guys hit a slump? Momo: It got kinda embarrassing, you see....... Nanase Riku: Now, of all times...? Izumi Mitsuki: You're getting embarrassed now, even though you've been doing it for five years......? Nikaidou Yamato: Did you hit a slump too, Yuki-san? Yuki: I didn't, because I'm the one that shoots down the jokes. I am, however, always ready and prepared to shoot them down now. Izumi Mitsuki: So we are talking about you guys like entertainers then.... Momo: If we continue on like this, there's gonna be rumors that we don't get along. How about we lease the act to you guys until we get over our slump? Izumi Mitsuki: So you want us to do the 'Oh, we're super lovey-dovey!' thing too? Sure. Nikaidou Yamato: You're okay with this!? Also, you accepted that way too easily! Who're you even gonna do it with!? Izumi Mitsuki: Someone that won't get drawn in when I say the stuff, but will still get big laughs from the audience? I think if I did it with Riku, it'd just look cute. (1) Izumi Iori: Nii-san, it's fine if idols are cute and nothing more.... Izumi Mitsuki: Honestly speaking, I think TRIGGER would get the most laughs. There'd be a gap, yeah? If I had Yaotome's face I'd totally do it. Yaotome Gaku: Seriously? If you really insist, then....... Kujou Ten: Don't be swayed. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Do you think it'll be funny if I do it? Kujou Ten: Please don't get interested. Yaotome Gaku: MEZZO" should do it, don't you think? They're already a duo, so it works out perfectly. Yotsuba Tamaki: Uh, no....... Osaka Sougo: I don't think we could do it....... Nikaidou Yamato: We'd be the only ones laughing if MEZZO" did it, but I'm sure the audience'd scream their lungs out. Izumi Iori: Listen, it's fine if the audience screams and that's it. We're idols, after all....... Nanase Riku: Why did you decide on that joke in the first place? Kujou Ten: Nanase-san, please don't ask them the same type of questions you'd interview a comedy skit champion with. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Speaking of joke material, I heard you're really good with languages, Nagi-kun. Rokuya Nagi: Why are you bringing that up in relation to joke material? My excellence is no laughing matter. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I was just wondering if people who know a lot of languages are good at picking up dialects too. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I'm from Okinawa, you see. Do you think you can handle Uchinaaguchi? Rokuya Nagi: ....... Rokuya Nagi: There is no language in this world that I cannot learn. Izumi Mitsuki: Really now? Don't force yourself, alright? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Yay! Alright, I'll teach you then. Haisai, chāganjū? (2) Rokuya Nagi: Ha.... Hai-sai? Cha-gan ju? Izumi Iori: And how is this relevant? Nikaidou Yamato: It's love for your hometown. Yaotome Gaku: That's love for your hometown, alright.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I give up.... I'm hungry.... Izumi Iori: See, look! Yotsuba-san is reaching his limit because we haven't done anything!! Izumi Mitsuki: Oh...? "All of this isn't very picturesque and is frankly quite boring, so please decide who will be in charge of making dinner or buying supplies through lots." Momo: Ahahaha! Boring they say, even though there's so many idols gathered here! Osaka Sougo: Oh, thank you very much. I just received the box for drawing lots. Nanase Riku: Wow! It's just like a school trip! Yotsuba Tamaki: You don't really do this kinda stuff on a school trip. Yaotome Gaku: Alright, let's pull in order.
Nanase Riku: I'm in charge of nighttime fun! Osaka Sougo: As am I. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Me too. Are they talking about recreation? How about we do a test of courage? Nikaidou Yamato: So the people in charge of 'nighttime fun' are the ones that don't actually get what it means.... Nanase Riku: What about you, Yamato-san? Nikaidou Yamato: Buying supplies. Man, what a drag. Yuki: What a drag indeed.... I'm looking at the map right now, and isn't the store a little far from here? Izumi Mitsuki: It'll be okay! We'll make it there somehow! Nikaidou Yamato: Mitsu, aren't you directionally challenged though? Yotsuba Tamaki: I'm in charge of making food. Rokuya Nagi: I, too, am in charge of preparing dinner. Momo: Me too. I'm not too good at cooking though.... Yaotome Gaku: I'm gonna be cleaning the baths and laying out the futons. Izumi Iori: So am I. It appears that the baths are hot springs. Nanase Riku: Te-- Kujou-san, what about you? Kujou Ten: ....... Kujou Ten: Background music. Momo: Ahahahaha! That's hilarious!! Do you take requests? Sing a girl idol song! Rokuya Nagi: Oh! I'd like to request anime theme songs. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I'll teach you how to sing Okinawan folk music!
Nikaidou Yamato・Izumi Mitsuki・Yuki: We're home....... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: What's wrong!? Everyone looks worse for wear.... Nikaidou Yamato: Mitsu got lost so we fell into some bushes.... Izumi Mitsuki: And then Yuki-san said he didn't want to walk anymore, so we hitchhiked. But after that.... Yuki: The truck driver said that there was a fourth person behind me. A girl..... Yotsuba Tamaki: Ahhhh!! A ghost!! Nikaidou Yamato: We couldn't exorcise her or anything, so we just went 'Yeah, it's fine. Just let her on".... Yotsuba Tamaki: So you brought her here......!! Yuki: It used to happen to me pretty often. Girls would follow me to my house right after concerts. Izumi Mitsuki: I expected nothing less from ya. Yotsuba Tamaki: This isn't the time to be saying that! Do something about it!!
Rokuya Nagi: Oh! Amazing! A lady has come to visit us, I see? We shall prepare dinner for thirteen! Yotsuba Tamaki: So you don't care if they have a body or not as long as they're a girl, Nagicchi......? Momo: That's a model gentleman for you! Vegetable skins come off once you boil them, right? Peeling them is such a pain. Yotsuba Tamaki: A real pain. Rokuya Nagi: Yes. Momo: Alright! Let's chop 'em up, toss 'em in, and boil 'em! And if we throw in some curry roux, we've got curry! Yotsuba Tamaki: Let's add in pudding as a secret ingredient! Rokuya Nagi: We should add in herbs and spices as well! Momo: Amazing! This is the real deal!
Osaka Sougo: I've never done a test of courage before. Just how should we surprise everyone? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Well, since the villa garden is so big, we could try hiding behind trees and going 'Boo!' to startle them. Osaka Sougo: I'll try hanging upside down. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Looks like someone's pretty excited. Oh? Riku-kun, what's the matter? Nanase Riku: You know how Yamato-san and the others brought back a girl? She said she'd help us out with the test of courage! Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: The girl Yamato-san and the others brought back......? Osaka Sougo: Help us out......? Nanase Riku: Like blowing air on the back of your neck! Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Woah! It's true! That was cold air just now......! Osaka Sougo: As expected of a ghost.... I do apologize, but we don't have anything to repay you with.... Nanase Riku: She says that the curry will suffice as repayment, but it's probably a good idea to peel the carrots first. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's true. Osaka Sougo: Is she still here? Nanase Riku: She said she'd go to the baths to do a dry run for the test of courage....... Yaotome Gaku: Ahhhhh!!
Izumi Iori: Waaah...!! Yaotome Gaku: The lights cut out all of a sudden and water started coming out! Izumi Iori: Someone just grabbed my leg! Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: She really didn't hold back. Osaka Sougo: Yeah, it's definitely different when it's a real ghost.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I can't take it anymore! I'm going home! I'm telling you, that's why I said I didn't wanna do the test of courage!! Kujou Ten: Look, the he hates it. Don't bully him like that. Yotsuba Tamaki: You're the only nice one here, Tenten.... Osaka Sougo: Sorry. I got a little carried away.... Yotsuba Tamaki: Shut up! Stop hanging upside down!! *sob* *sob* Kujou Ten: Don't cry, it'll be okay. Nanase Riku: Sorry, Tamaki.... Kujou Ten: Is she still here? Nanase Riku: Yeah. Kujou Ten: It's getting late, so you ought to go home. Nanase Riku: She says she doesn't wanna go back. Kujou Ten: You mustn't. We live in different worlds. Kujou Ten: We can't stay together forever. Nanase Riku: ....... Kujou Ten: Tell her we said thank you, and make sure to send her off politely. Nanase Riku: She says she wants to hear a song before she leaves. She used to be a fan of Zero's. Kujou Ten: Of course. I'll sing one of Zero's songs for you. Kujou Ten: Thank you for tonight. Nanase Riku: And so, Ten-nii began singing one of Zero's songs. As he sang, both Tamaki and the girl began to cheer up bit by bit. Nanase Riku: 'We can't stay together forever'-- it's almost as if he was talking about us. Nanase Riku: IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale are all chasing after their own dreams, and we all live in different worlds. Nanase Riku: We all might be laughing together tonight, but a day like this might never come again. Nanase Riku: Tonight is special.
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!!!!!!!!
I’ll be gearing up and studying for the GRE for the next few weeks, but expect lots of updates after the 15th! I’ll be Actually Free to do stuff, so until then wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
and now for the real tl notes...
(1) vague subject wrt last part, the fact that yatsu is written in kanji first and then in kana second is throwing me oFF (2) はいさい、ちゃーがんじゅう? (uchinaaguchi) --> こんにちは、お元気ですか? (standard jpn) --> Hello, how are you doing? (english)
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
7.4 - The Beginning of a Dream
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 7.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Orikasa Yukito: ……Why would you go that far? Sunohara Momose: Why…? Because I didn’t want it to happen……. Orikasa Yukito: You’re rather selfish, aren’t you? Sunohara Momose: It was just too sad……. That I'd never hear it again……. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it……. Sunohara Momose: My lifelong dream came to an abrupt end…. I didn’t want Re:vale to end like that too. Sunohara Momose: I don't want your dreams to come to an end too, Yuki-san. Especially when you can still sing....... Orikasa Yukito: I do feel bad saying this to you, since you're a fan, but sickeningly sweet words like 'dreams' just aren't for me. I went along with it, and look at what happened....... Sunohara Momose: There's no way you could've held your ground in such a harsh place if you were just going along with it! (1) Orikasa Yukito: ....... Sunohara Momose: You're bad at fanservice so the audience always trash talks the heck outta you, and even my older sister hated you at first, Yuki-san.... Orikasa Yukito: I see. Sunohara Momose: But you kept on writing new songs. You never ran from it all and kept on singing. Isn't that right? Sunohara Momose: I know you can still run, and I know you can still sing. Quitting despite all of that is just too weird! Ban-san told you to keep on going, didn't he? Sunohara Momose: It's would be bizarre if you didn't listen to his wish when you treasured him that much as a friend! Orikasa Yukito: Shut up! Sunohara Momose: ......I understand....... Sunohara Momose: I'll grovel!! Orikasa Yukito: Hey, we're in the middle of a restaurant! Momo-kun......! Stop it......!
Oogami Banri: I was surprised that Momo-kun became Yuki's partner, but at the same time, it fit perfectly. Oogami Banri: Yuki is selfish and doesn't have any common sense, but he also gets lonely very easily. Momo-kun is humble, but his love energizes him so much that he can even become a mad dog. Oogami Banri: See, both of them are.... How should I put it.... They're both a little off their rockers, don't you think? Izumi Iori: I can't believe he said it with a smile like that....... Osaka Sougo: It's little difficult to comment on our senpai....... Oogami Banri: Ahaha. Oogami Banri: That, and with me, Yuki was a little more dependent and didn't always try his hardest. But with Momo-kun, he's actually been trying very hard. Oogami Banri: Momo-kun's younger and used to be a fan of Re:vale, so I'm sure Yuki wanted to show off a little in his own way. But that's pretty important too, wouldn't you say? Oogami Banri: Right when you're about to relax and let your mind wander, that feeling will help you hold out. I myself try to show off in front of the President, and I'm sure everyone here has felt something similar before too. Izumi Mitsuki: I think I get it..... I always try to stand firm in front of my lil' bro since I don't want him to see me looking pathetic. Yotsuba Tamaki: I've never felt that before....... But I think I kinda get it nowadays. Oogami Banri: They say that when two people are compatible workers, they help each other go at full power. I think Re:vale has that pat down. Oogami Banri: Momo-kun has always been a hard worker and tries his best. He even became a top idol in five years! He's always been a talented kid. Oogami Banri: Even now, that kid's really humble and still praises me a lot. But you guys are pros, so I'm sure you can understand. Oogami Banri: He can get good results, even without doing any vocal training for a week. Sure, I go to karaoke sometimes, but there's no way I could compare to him when he's been singing at the front lines for the past five years. (2) Oogami Banri: That's what it means to be a professional, and that's the true strength of a top star. What do you think? Re:vale, the top idols in Japan-- Aren't they amazing? Rokuya Nagi: OH! Banri's bragging about our rival group! I feel such jealousy. Nanase Riku: R-Re:vale are really great senpai to us, but please cheer us on from here on out, Banri-san! Oogami Banri: Haha.... I'm glad. I'm really happy to hear that. This is where I belong, or so I'd like to think. Oogami Banri: I'm happy to get praised on all of the stuff I did in the past, but on the other hand, it kind of feels like I'm not really needed at the agency right now.... And that makes me a little sad. Nanase Riku: That's not the case at all! I'm sorry for being so insensitive....... I was just so happy to learn that you were such an amazing person back then, Banri-san! Oogami Banri: It's okay. Thank you. Just hearing that you guys wouldn't know what to do without me made me really happy. Oogami Banri: After all, my dream is for IDOLiSH7 to succeed. Just as the fans' smiles give all of you energy, your smiles give me energy. Oogami Banri: I look forward to working with everyone, as inexperienced as I may be. Nanase Riku: Us too...! Nikaidou Yamato: Gladly! Oogami Banri: Ahaha. Man, I was so happy when you guys got jealous! Say it again! Rokuya Nagi: If you praise other groups, I'll feel jealous, Banri. Oogami Banri: That's real nice. I feel like I'm everyone's older brother! Oogami Banri: ......Time stopped for those two, but I hope their clocks start ticking again. Oogami Banri: And I hope that song continues on from where it stopped that day.
Momo: To this day, Yuki still hasn't sang that song, and I don't listen to it in front of Yuki. Momo: Right before we covered "Dis one." he did say that he felt bad for the songs that nobody sings anymore, so....... If that's the case, then maybe.... Someday....... Momo: I do pray that someday it'll happen, but....... Tsukumo Ryou: 'Someday?' Do you want to hear them sing it again someday, or do you want to sing it together with Yuki someday? Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I know you said he was missing, but did you find him? Momo: Yeah....... Tsukumo Ryou: Then it's easy. Why don't you give up your seat? Why are you still working with Yuki? Tsukumo Ryou: If you give it up, then you'll be able to hear it again and your dearest will shall come true, Momo. Isn't that correct? Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Hahah! You don't want to give up your seat. Just like when you sit in the courtesy seats for the elderly or pregnant but pretend to be asleep. 'Please, don't say it!' Tsukumo Ryou: 'Don't tell me to get up!' Momo: ......Ryou-san, you have an awful personality. Like, seriously. Tsukumo Ryou: That man is your greatest obstacle right now, Momo. So, how about this? Tsukumo Ryou: In exchange for hiding him away somewhere far, help me out with my work. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? Are you interested? Momo: ......You really don't get it, do you. Tsukumo Ryou: ....... Momo: Part of me is still scared of Ban-san. That part of me feels guilty about everything and wants to yield to him-- I can't look him in the eye. Momo: But at the same time, part of me still wants to see Yuki-san and Ban-san singing together side by side! Momo: Just like how things were five years ago. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, you can't have both at once. Momo: I know! But even so.... I wanna hear them perform it with all of my heart, but I wanna sing it with all of my heart too! Momo: It's not just me. Everyone's like that. Yuki, Yamato, TRIGGER, and IDOLiSH7 too. Momo: We all have a storm inside our hearts. 'Why can't I act the way I want to? Why can't I control myself?' (3) Momo: We're led astray by things like temptation, pretense, sympathy, loneliness, and attachment-- we can't march forward, straight on. But even so, we all have a wish we hope to grasp someday. Momo: So don't stick your hands in and mess it all up, just because you feel like it! After all, we're nothing like stars....... Momo: We do our damned best to cover ourselves in tinfoil and pretend to be stars, because there's people looking up at us. Momo: We wanna smile in front of those people, at the very least. And even though we can't fly, we're all desperately pretending to float in the cosmos. Tsukumo Ryou: .....Then I'll cut those invisible wires and make all of you fall. Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, the earth will be covered in piles and piles of corpses-- all of them idols. Farewell, those who I admired. Farewell, Momo of Re:vale. Momo: .......I went on a fool's errand. I even fought with Yuki over this.... Tsukumo Ryou: Why don't you stay over? You're drunk, aren't you? Momo: I'm gonna puke at the entrance and leave. Thanks for having me over. Tsukumo Ryou: Come over and visit again sometime! Momo: Like hell I will. Tsukumo Ryou: ....... *slam* Tsukumo Ryou: ......See, that's why I don't like idols.
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
Thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!!!!!!!!!
(1) vague subject but I'm guessing momo's referring to (continuing to) standing on stage. (2) take a shot for every time im like ??? VAGUE SUBJECT/???? bc that's what the first part is!!! also I've never seen 結果に出る before bc i've seen the phrase w/ the が particle so pls correct me if i'm wrong! (3) 'even though it's myself, why can't i be the way i want to be' is the literal so i went with a more interp tl
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
6.5 - The Beginning of the Past
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 6.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Ogami Banri: If I remember correctly, it was just a little before summer break.......
Ogami's Friend: Hey Ogami, long time no see. Haven't seen you since middle school. These guys are my buddies from light music club. Lemme introduce 'em to you. Ogami Banri: Who is he? Ogami's Friend: Ah, he's not part of the light music club, but I convinced him to come. Isn't he a real hottie? He's crazy popular. Ogami Banri: Definitely looks like he's a hit with the ladies. Nice to meet you, I'm Ogami Banri. ???: .......
Ogami Banri: Even though I had just introduced myself, Yuki looked really bored and kept staring outside the window. Ogami Banri: I remember thinking, 'Maybe he's just shy.' But nope, he stayed like that for the next thirty minutes.
???: ....... Ogami Banri: Is this dude a fossil or something......? Ogami's Friend: How about we get to the real issue at hand here? I brought the song Ogami made for last year's school fair with me. Ogami's Friend: Oh? Wanna give it a listen? ???: ....... Ogami Banri: He put in those earbuds like it was a real pain in the ass just now....... Ogami Banri: Oh? Ogami Banri: He finally looked up. ???: Name? Ogami Banri: The song's......? I haven't given it one yet. ???: No. You. Ogami Banri: Well, that was a little rude. Isn't he younger than me......? (1) Ogami Banri: I'm Ogami Banri. I introduced myself earlier, you know. ???: Any other songs? Ogami Banri: I didn't bring them with me. They're at my house, though. ???: Alright then. Let's go to your house. Ogami Banri: What? ???: We're gonna go now. Ogami's Friend: Huh!? Wait, hold up!
Ogami Banri: You sure that was okay just now? Your friends-- ???: They're not my friends. Ogami Banri: ......Name? I mean, what's your name? ???: ....... Orikasa Yukito: Orikasa Yukito. Everyone calls me 'Yuki' though.
Ogami Banri: ......And just like that, I met Yuki through my friends. Eventually, we started to write songs together. Nikaidou Yamato: I can't believe you decided to work with someone with an attitude like that....... Mad props to you, dude. Ogami Banri: Yuki's songs were really good. We both listened to pretty similar stuff, and I was just happy to have Yuki's voice singing my songs. Ogami Banri: We were going to be a band at first, but we bumped into all sorts of trouble....... Nanase Riku: What kind of trouble? Ogami Banri: We were in dire need for members, so we'd get people to help play for us. But all of them would quit, one after another.
Orikasa Yukito: You don't have to come anymore. Bassist: I wouldn't, even if you asked......! Ogami Banri: W-wait......! Yuki! Just what didn't you like about him this time!? Orikasa Yukito: Way too overbearing. Ogami Banri: That's rich, coming from you! Orikasa Yukito: I was talking about his sound. He was terrible, and yet he played so insistently. That's not what you wanted either, right Ban? Ogami Banri: Yeah, but.... You're supposed to talk about these things and gradually get on the same wavelength....... Orikasa Yukito: There's no way he'd understand that. Ogami Banri: ......Guess we gotta recruit people again....... Orikasa Yukito: I'm hungry.
Ogami Banri: We'd always end up in fights because of his face too.......
Man: The fuck are you doing, makin' eyes at my girl? Damn brat! Woman: You've got it wrong! I was just helping out Yuki-kun's band! He said he liked the way I play the bass.... Orikasa Yukito: Precisely. What I'm after is her bass playing. Neither her heart nor her body are my type. Ogami Banri: You.... You didn't have to put it that way....... Woman: ......You tricked me! You're awful! Orikasa Yukito: I didn't trick you at all. What, was there something you were expecting out of me? Ogami Banri: You really didn't have to put it that way....... Orikasa Yukito: What a pain....... Woman: Go! Go kill that brat......!! Man: You fucking bastard......! Ogami Banri: Please wait! Calm down-- *smack* Ogami Banri: Ow-- Orikasa Yukito: .......
Orikasa Yukito: What are you thinking about? Ogami Banri: I was thinking about how we should disband before someone gets shanked because of you. Orikasa Yukito: I see. I thought of a band name. Ogami Banri: Were you even listening to me? Ow.... Orikasa Yukito: What? Ogami Banri: Drinking coffee stings a lot right now. Orikasa Yukito: That sucks. Ogami Banri: Wow, this asshole.... Orikasa Yukito: I think you'll like the band name. Ogami Banri: What is it? Orikasa Yukito: Re:vale.
Ogami Banri: Yuki was absolutely terrible at socializing with people, irresponsible, and overall a slob. But when it came to songwriting, he was sincere and worked really hard at it. Ogami Banri: Worked too hard, even....... He's the type to get completely and utterly attached to his songs. That's how we ended up fighting a lot.
Ogami Banri: Wouldn't it be better if we went with a different phrase here? Orikasa Yukito: ......Why. Ogami Banri: I feel like it’s coming on a bit too strong, in terms of flow. Maybe a little more relaxed would be good...... How about that? That thing from before....... Orikasa Yukito: I'm not changing it. Ogami Banri: I'm absolutely positive it's gonna work better. If you don't lighten it up a bit here, then it'll kill the chorus. And the chorus is really, really good. Orikasa Yukito: Shut up. Ogami Banri: ....... Orikasa Yukito: This song is fine as it is. ......I won't change anything, even if it's just shifting a note half a step!
Ogami Banri: ......And right when I thought that, turns out he's pretty flexible.
Orikasa Yukito: So I tried changing it. Ogami Banri: It changed. Orikasa Yukito: How is it? Ogami Banri: It's great! It's just as I imagined! Heck, it's even better than imagined! You got the refreshing, relaxing feel pat down! Orikasa Yukito: Heheh.... Ogami Banri: While we're on a roll, why don't you complete "We, the Incomplete?" I'm sure the fans will love it if we performed it live. Orikasa Yukito: I won't be completing "We, the Incomplete" any time soon. Ogami Banri: Why not? If you tweak it too much, it'll go bad. Orikasa Yukito: It was the first song I wrote. I'm very attached to it. Orikasa Yukito: If possible, I'd like to keep tweaking it-- forever. It'll change little by little, day by day, into the melody I want it to be. Orikasa Yukito: And then the next day, something else will sound better to me, so I'll change it again. I don't care if it's never completed. If anything, I prefer it that way. Ogami Banri: That's very like you, Yuki. But you know, I want everybody to hear it soon. After all, I was really touched when I first heard it. Orikasa Yukito: ....... Orikasa Yukito: No. It's fine as is. Ogami Banri: Really? Orikasa Yukito: Yeah.......
Ogami Banri: I think there was a lot on Yuki's mind back then. Ogami Banri: As Re:vale put on more and more concerts, we'd get more and more famous. But with that fame came more things that'd exhaust Yuki. Ogami Banri: The cause was pretty simple, though. Nanase Riku: Things that'd exhaust Yuki......? What were they......? Ogami Banri: It was all because of his personality and the way he looked. Ogami Banri: Regardless of how hard he worked and how good the song was, there would always be dudes who'd trash talk it because they were pissed at Yuki, either because of his appearance or his personality. Ogami Banri: On the other hand, songs that we didn't feel too hot about would get rave reviews from our fangirls. Nikaidou Yamato: So people would judge Yuki-san himself instead of his songs? Ogami Banri: Yep. You can't really blame them, though. Not when he looked like that, and had such a sour personality. Yotsuba Tamaki: Well, I mean.... His visuals come flying at you way before his song does, so....... Ogami Banri: Even so, Yuki wanted people to look at the songs we wrote, and not at him. Ogami Banri: That's why he was pretty troubled back then, in his own little way.
Bassist: I'm not playing with you guys ever again! I don't wanna play that nitpicky, lameass song anymore! Not if I get bossed around that much either! Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: You said you liked it! I thought you joined because you heard that song....... Bassist: Yeah, I liked it. Past tense. But after getting chewed out like that, hearing that song makes me wanna hurl! Orikasa Yukito: Oh? So other things can come out of that mouth, then? Not just complaints? Bassist: You bastard......! Ogami Banri: Stop it! Bassist: Tch....... Bassist: Don't get too carried away now, Yuki! Listen guys, your songs won't make anyone happy! *slam* Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: Haa....... Guess we gotta start looking again. Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: ......Don't let it get to you. If it bothers you though, maybe you should consider fixing that attitude of yours. Ogami Banri: You're a downright chatterbox when it comes to music, but you won't talk about anything else. That's why people keep misunderstanding you. Orikasa Yukito: Perhaps. Ogami Banri: Don't 'perhaps' me. Orikasa Yukito: If I change, then so too will the music I write. Just like a kid who stopped believing in Santa. Orikasa Yukito: Do you really want to listen to something that boring? I'm disgusted. Ogami Banri: Hey now, don't take it out on me. Also, if that's the case, then just don't let it bother you in the first place. Fair enough, right? Orikasa Yukito: It doesn't bother me. I never believed in their aesthetic sense, and never will. Not even a single bit. Orikasa Yukito: After all, they think I'm only doing music to be popular. I don't need to do anything to be popular. Ogami Banri: That. If they had just sat down and thought about it for a second, then it would've been obvious. Orikasa Yukito: ......I agonize over composing, and everyone dares to think I'm doing it for my own image? (2) Orikasa Yukito: As if anything good could be born out of those sorts of feelings. How arrogant and conceited. Orikasa Yukito: I don't care if they don't love me. I want everything, from the lowliest of bugs to God himself, to love my songs. Just my songs. Orikasa Yukito: Ban, am I in the wrong? Ogami Banri: ....... Orikasa Yukito: I desperately wrote those songs after so many sleepless nights spent thinking, after hours upon hours, after countless fights with you....... And yet.... Orikasa Yukito: Why.... Why must these good-for-nothings touch my songs with their filthy hands? Ogami Banri: Yuki....... Orikasa Yukito: Don't touch them. That's not what they were written for. Orikasa Yukito: I only want the people who'll treasure my songs to listen to them. As for everyone else, I could care less if bees flew into their ears and built a hive so that they'd never hear again. Ogami Banri: ....... Orikasa Yukito: ......I'm so frustrated....... Ogami Banri: I pray your songs will never get dirtied, even if they get touched by filthy hands. Ogami Banri: I pray your songs will never get renounced, even if people renounce you. Ogami Banri: And I pray that people won't love your songs just because they love you. (3) Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: No matter how terrible you are as a person, you're the only one who can write those songs. And I'll always want to hear them. Orikasa Yukito: Ban....... Ogami Banri: They're the best songs. That's why I wanna listen to them. Orikasa Yukito: ....... Ogami Banri: Got it, Yuki? Orikasa Yukito: Yeah....... Ogami Banri: Let's complete it-- "We, the Incomplete." Ogami Banri: And starting next concert, we should stop playing instruments and just sing. Let go of all of the things you were fixated on. Ogami Banri: You get way too attached to your songs. I think it's best if you let go, and distance your heart and your hands from finished works. That's why we should put some space between you and your songs. Orikasa Yukito: ......So no more live instrumentation? Ogami Banri: Yep. That solves the band problem too. Orikasa Yukito: So you want us to stand on stage and just sing? That's it? Shall I play the tambourine while we're at it? Ogami Banri: No....... Ogami Banri: Let's dance. Just like how idols do. I did it at the last school festival, and it was pretty well received. Orikasa Yukito: ......Won't it look lame? Ogami Banri: We gotta dance well enough that it won't look lame.
Ogami Banri: And that's how Yuki and I became the idol group Re:vale.
To be continued....
Translator notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!
fun fact, my character short hand for young!yuki is ‘orks’ bc o-ri-ka-sa but also bc young yuki is kind of awFUL in terms of personality, definitely a 15 yr old boy
(1) callin someone (esp someone older than you) 'omae' (rude/informal way of addressing another person) is Bad Shit, so yea (2) hyouka means evaluation/how other people assess you/etc but i figured this is p close and easier to integrate (3) ok this confused me a little
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
6.4 - Their Meeting
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 6.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Yuki: ......Momo, I crossed a line last time. Yuki: It's my fault. I'm sorry. I was just worried since you were dealing with someone dangerous. Yuki: You always treat me so well, and I.... You.... You mean a lot to me too.... ......More than the universe, and for all of eternity....... Okazaki Rinto: What are you doing, muttering to a fire extinguisher? Yuki: Woah-- Okazaki Rinto: 'Woah?' Now that's something I rarely hear from you. Yuki: Not really....... Okazaki Rinto: Say it to his face, okay? Yuki: So you were listening.... Okazaki Rinto: What you have down is pretty good, though the stuff about the universe and eternity are a bit much. It's kind of funny. Yuki: ....... Okazaki Rinto: You promised to talk it out with each other today. Make sure you go and do that, alright? Okazaki Rinto: The two of you have managed to come this far even without saying much to each other, and as a result, both of you aren't very good at discussing the important things. Okazaki Rinto: I'll make sure to support you two even more from here on out....... Momo: Good work! I'll be heading out first! Okazaki Rinto: Momo-kun! What about the talk? Momo: Can't we do it tomorrow? I have plans for tonight. Yuki: ......Do you really intend on going? Even though I said all of that? I guess you just don't understand Japanese whatsoever. Momo: I do. I'm gonna go anyways. Yuki: When did you become so unreasonable? Momo: Aren't you the one misunderstanding things here? Momo: You're the one who's been listening to me all this time, Yuki. Ever since we started. Yuki: ....... Momo: It's all because of my ego. Everything, ever since the very beginning. I know that. Even so, I want Yuki-san to stand at the top. Yuki: Even if I end up hating you? Momo: If I was really scared of you hating me, Yuki-san, then I wouldn't have told you that in the first place. I wouldn't have asked you to let me replace Ban-san. Momo: I was well aware of just how close you two were. ......Ah-- I gotta go. Sorry. See ya later. Okazaki Rinto: Please wait! I wanted the two of you to talk it out amongst yourselves, but if you insist on going then I shall also attend. Momo: You can't, you can't! If he makes fun of your hair and calls you Mr. 7-to-3 again, I might just smack him in the face! Okazaki Rinto: But-- ! Momo: You’ll have to take more stomach medicine if I get arrested! It'll be okay! See ya tomorrow! ....... Okazaki Rinto: ......Momo-kun.... Yuki: .......
Yaotome Gaku: ......Ah. I got a RabbitChat from Yuki-san. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I got one too. Kujou Ten: Me too. Yaotome Gaku: 'Since Momo won't listen to me, I want you to tell him not to go, Gaku-kun.' Yaotome Gaku: 'I'm sure he'll listen to you, since you're the Most Desirable Man.' Yaotome Gaku: ......The hell is this? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Mine's pretty much the same thing. 'I'm sure he'll listen to you, Ryuunosuke-kun, since you're both part of the Idol Sports Club and get along swimmingly.' Kujou Ten: 'There's no way he'll shoot you down, Ten-kun, since you go out to eat with him fairly often.' ....... 'Tell him not to go'.... Kujou Ten: To where exactly......? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Who knows....... Yaotome Gaku: I really don't get Yuki-san's messages sometimes....... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: 'I saw. It was good.' ......Yeah, it's kinda boggling when I get messages like that. It's kinda hard to ask him what he's referring to. Kujou Ten: Sometimes he'll send a message that's like, 'You free?' And just when I think there's something he'd like me to do, it was just because he wanted to check. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: 'Don't go'.... I wonder what happened? Did he fight with Momo-san? Yaotome Gaku: Yeah, I remember Momo-san saying something about going back to his parents' house the last time they fought. Maybe this is where we should step in, as kouhai? Kujou Ten: What are you going to do? Yaotome Gaku: Mediate. Yaotome Gaku: 'Dear Momo-san, Yuki-san's reflecting upon his actions right now, so please come back from your parents' house.' Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I'll help you out. 'It's often said that it's not wise to interfere in a couple's fight, so please spare me on this count'....... Kujou Ten: Wait, Yuki-san should actually be reflecting upon his actions. Kujou Ten: 'Dear Yuki-san, please go meet him yourself instead of relying on others'.......
Ogami Banri: ......Ah. I got a RabbitChat from Yuki. Takanashi Tsumugi: I received one too. 'I want you to stop Momo,' it says. Nanase Riku: I got one too....... 'He won't listen to me, but I'm sure he'll listen to you, Riku-kun, since you're just like his little brother.' Takanashi Tsumugi: 'There's no way he'll turn down a girl'....... Ogami Banri: 'He used to be a fan of yours, so he'll definitely obey you'....... Izumi Mitsuki: 'You're also part of the sports club, and he really loves you, so why don't you try asking him nicely'....... Rokuya Nagi: OH....... 'He thought your broken Japanese was pretty funny, so please stop him with your broken Japanese'....... Osaka Sougo: 'He's weak to people who are really serious, so just like that'....... Yotsuba Tamaki: 'I'll buy you King Pudding, so'....... Izumi Iori: 'Please demonstrate just how powerful a high school boy's charm is'....... Nikaidou Yamato: 'Do something about it with your glasses'....... Hey now. This is getting a little sloppy..... Ogami Banri: I guess he fought with Momo-kun. It really must've been something if he messaged all these people, since Yuki's supremely lazy. Ogami Banri: I'll tell him to go make up with him. Nanase Riku: Yuki-san's lazy...? He messages you really often though, Banri-san. Ogami Banri: Oh, he's just excited because it's been five years. Once things calm down, I'll change my number again and he'll forget to register it, since he'll regress to being a sloth again. Ogami Banri: I've been watching them all this time on TV, so there's really isn't any reason for me to get excited over him all of a sudden. I will admit though, that difference in excitement level is kind of a pain. Izumi Mitsuki: If you lost all contact with your best friend for five whole years and they said this to you.... Heck, I'd burst into tears too if it were me.... Nikaidou Yamato: Definitely makes sense to cry at that. But why did he fight with Momo-san in the first place? He's such a good person. Izumi Mitsuki: Sometimes he gets a bit nosy since he's prone to worrying about people, but he'll never raise his voice at you. Hmm? What's wrong, old geezer? Nikaidou Yamato: Nothing, just.... Reflecting upon my actions a bit....... (1) Ogami Banri: Momo-kun's a really good boy. I hope he'll stop holding back soon and just be friends with me like normal. Rokuya Nagi: What made you and Yuki decide to start Re:vale? Takanashi Tsumugi: I've always wanted to hear the story behind Re:vale and Banri-san. Ogami Banri: It's nothing big, but if you insist, Tsumugi-san. Shall I talk a little bit about the past once we get to a good stopping point in our work? Takanashi Tsumugi: Is it really okay? Ogami Banri: Of course. Especially if it'll help IDOLiSH7's own activities out as a reference, even if it’s just by a little. I'll let you guys listen to the song I brought too. Ogami Banri: "We, the Incomplete." It's a song full of our memories-- Yuki's, Momo's and mine.
Momo: Good evening, Ryou-san! Tsukumo Ryou: Why, hello there, Momo! I can't believe you came! What's this? Your phone's going off like crazy. Momo: I'll check it later. More importantly, here! Ta-dah! Momo: It's your favorite, a toy kitchen set! I brought it as a gift! It comes with a cutting board and kitchen knife! And a soup pot, to boot! Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! How splendid! I just love how all the food is taped together in one piece! Tsukumo Ryou: The best thing about this is how you can make new varieties of food! You can give a fish a grape for a head, or stick a fried shrimp tail into a strawberry! Doesn't that look perfect? Momo: I'm glad you're happy! Since you like good food and toy kitchen sets so much, why don't you become a chef, Ryou-san? Momo: You could have a restaurant, all to yourself! I'm sure that's way more awesome than being an entertainment agency president! Tsukumo Ryou: But you see, entertainment agencies are just like restaurants! You spice people up with a little seasoning, put them on plates, and sell them there too! Momo: …..I see! Tsukumo Ryou: Ah......! Why did you close the toy kitchen set? Momo: Ta-dah! Present number two! Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! Is it Christmas tonight? Momo: It's a fossil mining ki! You can find fossils by digging through this lump of sand! Tsukumo Ryou: This is great, Momo! It satiates both my curiosity and thirst for adventure!! Momo: Say, Ryou-san. How about flying off somewhere far, far away-- like Egypt? You should try excavating an archaeological site! How about it? Momo: Maybe you'll find an unnamed king's tomb! Your name will go down in history! And at the very end, you could even get sent off on the Nile River! (2) Momo: Isn't that exciting? Tsukumo Ryou: But you see, entertainment industries are just like big excavations. You dig up a mummy from the sands, carefully unwrap all of the bandages from them, then turn them into a star! Tsukumo Ryou: Speaking of which, my inauguration party is coming up soon. Doesn't that excite you? Are you coming too, Momo? Momo: Ahaha.... Being president is boring! It's a lot to handle, really hectic, and the responsibilities are huge! Also, you have to be in the president's office at all times, yeah? Tsukumo Ryou: No worries, I'll put all of the toys I got tonight in my office. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: You broke your promise to me, Momo. Once my dreams come true, Yuki's on the fast track to getting his bones ground into dust. Momo: You sure you’re not confusing 'promise' and 'threat' with each other? Just kidding! Gotcha. How about this, then? I'll grovel. Tsukumo Ryou: I feel like you're the type to grovel without batting an eyelid, so this doesn't seem all that rare. Momo: Don't make fun of me. I've only done it to one other person. Tsukumo Ryou: To whom? Momo: ......To Yuki-san. When I begged him not to quit singing. Tsukumo Ryou: Why, I've never heard about this before! I might just change my mind if you tell me the story behind your grovelling, Momo. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: But first, cheers! These toy kitchen set cups work perfectly as shot glasses. Tsukumo Ryou: This tequila was born from agave from a moonlit night. The past, present, and future are all intertwined. Cheers, Momo. Momo: ......Cheers.
Osaka Sougo: I'm going to play the CD, if that's alright. Nanase Riku: Yes, please! Izumi Mitsuki: ......Wow! The intro's super cool! Ah.... It's Banri-san and Yuki-san's voices! Ogami Banri: This was the song he showed me when I first met him. It's been tweaked a bunch of times though, so it's pretty different from the initial song. Nikaidou Yamato: When did you meet him? Ogami Banri: I met him when I was in 11th grade, and when Yuki was in 10th grade. Izumi Iori: He wrote this song at that age......? Ogami Banri: Amazing, right? One of my friends in the light music club let me listen to it. I liked it so much, I went to meet the composer himself. Ogami Banri: My friend told me that it was by some guy from another high school that also did music. ......If I remember correctly, it was just a little before summer break.......
Banri's Friend: Hey Ogami, long time no see. Haven't seen you since middle school. These guys are my buddies from light music club. Lemme introduce 'em to you. Ogami Banri: Who is he? Banri's Friend: Ah, he's not part of the light music club, but I convinced him to come. Isn't he a real hottie? He's crazy popular. Ogami Banri: Definitely looks like he's a hit with the ladies. Nice to meet you, I'm Ogami Banri. ???: .......
To be continued....
Translator notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!
(1) the actual word is penitence or smth but that's hard af to shoehorn into a sentence so yeah (2) negl that second part kinda confuses me ALSO that entire banri bit towards the end is kinda vague subject, SO o(--<
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
5.4 - Tear Tracks
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 5.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Rokuya Nagi: Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for all coming here tonight for Round 1 of Yamato's Confessions. Kujou Ten: Thank you for inviting us. Yaotome Gaku: There he is! (1) *applause* Nikaidou Yamato: Please don't clap.... It's not that kind of event.... Rokuya Nagi: I'm sure it'll be very easy to give your talk in this environment, thanks to everyone here.... Nikaidou Yamato: Are you kidding me? I can't do this anymore.... This one's the hardest to talk to.... I bet he did this on purpose.... Rokuya Nagi: Hm? Nanase Riku: Yamato's so flustered.... Izumi Iori: It's surprisingly quite cute.... Rokuya Nagi: And now, the speech, if we may? Go ahead, Yamato. Please. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: Haa....... Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Uh....... Nikaidou Yamato: Er.... It's.... Yeah.... It's not all that important.... Nanase Riku: Even though it was to the point where you were trying to move out? Osaka Sougo: You've been dragging this out for almost a year, so there's no way that's the case, Yamato-san. Nikaidou Yamato: Urgh....... Izumi Mitsuki: Riku and Sougo's big round eyes are downright deadly in times like these.... Yaotome Gaku: What's with the hold up? Come on, just spit it out already. Nikaidou Yamato: ...I'm not a crisp and dry Edokko like you.... (2) Momo: I totally get how you feel! Wet people have their own problems, yeah!? (3) Yuki: Just the right amount of humidity is good for your skin. Nikaidou Yamato: Haa....... Yuki: Looks like he's having trouble talking about it, so how about I go first, since I've talked it out with Yamato-kun before? Nikaidou Yamato: Wai-- Yuki: One day, when I was visiting an important senpai of mine in the industry, I met a boy wearing a gakuran at his villa. Yuki: As I passed by said boy, he shoved a paper gift bag into my breast pocket. It was about this thick, and had the words 'Happy New Year' written on it. (4) Yuki: He said to me, "Hey, you. You new around here? Take this and go to a pachinko parlor. Knock yourself out, newbie." (5) Yotsuba Tamaki: Damn, that's harsh as hell! Nanase Riku: Is this true, Yamato-san!? Nikaidou Yamato: Stop it, just stooop! I'm gonna die of embarrassment!! Yuki: I thought to myself, "Wow, that was terrifying...." But! I was able to make some pretty extravagant dishes for New Years, thanks to that money. (6) Momo: Thanks a bunch for your generosity back then! Yaotome Gaku: But who's this important senpai in the industry you mentioned? Is it someone we know? Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Chi.... Nikaidou Yamato: It's..... Chiba Shizuo....... Yaotome Gaku: Chiba Shizuo-san!? You know him!? Holy shit, that’s amazing! Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Yeah, he’s my dad.... Yaotome Gaku: ...What? Izumi Mitsuki: ....... Yaotome Gaku: Wait.... He had a kid with his wife? That one actress, right? If that's the case, then you should be way more famous-- Ow! Kujou Ten: Absolutely tactless. Yaotome Gaku: But you gotta admit, it's kinda hard to believe.... That man's famous for being a loving and devoted husband, for crying out loud.... Kujou Ten: Gaku. Yaotome Gaku: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: It's fine, I mean.... That's how anyone'd react.... Haa....... Sorry to crush your dreams, but I'm his bastard child, so to speak. Nanase Riku: Yamato-san.... Nikaidou Yamato: So.... Back when I was a kid, there used to be tons of people that would come over to my house. People from the industry. There were also a group of people that were called the 'Chiba Salon.' Nikaidou Yamato: Originally, they were kinda like an unofficial union of sorts. Nikaidou Yamato: Film companies dominated back then, so it was a bunch of people who knew each other one way or another that'd help each other out, vow to do stuff for each other. Nikaidou Yamato: Slowly but surely, our place started to turn into somewhere you could wine and dine people, entertain and do business.... It felt like the whole place was stewing in industry secrets.... (7) Nikaidou Yamato: Chiba's mistress's house.... That's what the Nikaidou household was. Yaotome Gaku: ......You grew up in a place like that? Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah. I.... Haha....... Senpai, you sure are blunt. Yaotome Gaku: I mean, it sounds like such a mess-- Ow! (8) Kujou Ten: Tactless. Completely and utterly tactless. Yaotome Gaku: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: Nah, it's fine. Just let him say it. It's easier that way.... ......You know, even though it was like that, I had a pretty normal upbringing. I did think, "Wow, we sure have a lotta guests!" though. Nikaidou Yamato: Everyone adored my old man. He praised the heck outta me, so they were nice to me too. ......My dad was stupidly sweet on me. Nikaidou Yamato: There was a pretty big age gap between us. If anything, he was old enough to be my grandpa....... I loved my dad, back when I was a kid. Nikaidou Yamato: I think it was around when I was in fourth or sixth grade...? Now that I look back, that was pretty late, huh. I guess my mom and everybody else hid it from me. Nikaidou Yamato: One day, I saw my dad and his real wife standing side by side on TV. Nikaidou Yamato: They looked really close, and everyone said they were a couple of lovebirds.... Happily married....... I didn't get it back then. Like, why would they lie about something like that on TV? Nikaidou Yamato: So I went and looked stuff up on my own, and I finally understood. 'Ah. Officially, he's not my dad. But why the hell didn't anyone tell me about this?' Nikaidou Yamato: ......What was on TV was the real thing. If anything, the very house I lived in was full of liars. Liars who gathered there and made the stuff on TV. (9) Yotsuba Tamaki: Is.... Is that why you told me that being on TV isn't always a good thing back then...? Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah....... Nikaidou Yamato: After that, I stopped talking to my dad. I put on this attitude, one that was like 'I know what's really going on.' And then I waited, waited for him to come talk to me and reveal everything to me. Nikaidou Yamato: I had hundreds of thousands of curses ready, rattling around in my head. But middle school went by, and high school went by too. Never once did he say anything. Nikaidou Yamato: ......He never told me shit, but would keep on asking me how I was doing.... Seeing him like that was so pathetic-- it pissed me off. I remember thinking, 'Fuck this....' I tried to forgive him. Countless times. Nikaidou Yamato: That's when I thought, 'This is just how people are. This is just how families are. That's it. That's all there is to it. I don't care. Everyone can go fuck themselves.' Nikaidou Yamato: So I lied, shut up whenever things got bad, pretended I wasn't really doing anything, half-assed my smiles.... ......Haha. I'm still like that now. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I've never thought of you like that, Yamato-kun. Not even once. ......Don't speak so badly of yourself. Nikaidou Yamato: No.... I mean-- It's the truth. Yaotome Gaku: ......Why didn't you go sock your dad in the face? Why didn't you take it up with him? Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah! You shouldn't have held back! It's only natural that you were pissed! Nikaidou Yamato: I wonder why.... Even though I call him 'dad,' he's already an old geezer. Maybe it's because of that? Or maybe it's because it would've been too frustrating if I was the one who brought it up first.... Nanase Riku: ......Isn't it because you really loved your father? Nikaidou Yamato: Riku.... Nanase Riku: You really, really loved him.... That's why getting betrayed was so upsetting and hurtful.... But you couldn't bring yourself to hate him, and you wanted to forgive him too.... Nanase Riku: ......I was the same. After Ten-nii left the house.... I would dream, over and over again, that Ten-nii would come back and apologize to us. Kujou Ten: ....... Nanase Riku: I was really, really mad at him, but even so I wanted to forgive him.... And there was nothing I could do. I really wanted to forgive him, but at the same time I couldn't. It was really painful....... Nanase Riku: Ah-- I didn't mean to complain about you, Ten-nii! But it's just.... I kinda understand how Yamato-san feels...... Kujou Ten: ......Yeah. Nikaidou Yamato: You're right....... I'm sure I just wanted to love my dad again....... Nikaidou Yamato: I had given up on loving my dad and myself, didn't really give a shit anymore. But there werealso times when I absolutely could not forgive him. Nikaidou Yamato: One of those times was when I got scouted. I remember thinking, 'Are you fucking kidding me? These guys must be idiots. Hell if I'm gonna turn out like those guys.' Nikaidou Yamato: 'Once I get into the entertainment industry, I'm gonna expose it all. I'll throw a press conference and tell 'em everything you never dared to tell me. Suffer, suffer, suffer-- I'll make you 'fess up every last bit.' Nikaidou Yamato: ......See, they had talked about all sorts of taboo topics in the Chiba Salon, and at a crazy speed. Nikaidou Yamato: Like how that one guy actually got that one job.... Or who the real father of that one actress's child is.... Tons and tons of incidents that everyone's respective agencies had smothered out. Nikaidou Yamato: All the people who've come up to me to ask how I was doing were scared I'd leak those stories. Izumi Mitsuki: So.... The reason why you auditioned....... Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah. It was for that. Izumi Mitsuki: ......That's why you instantly volunteered to drop out that time, huh....... Nikaidou Yamato: I didn't think I'd be surrounded by people who were seriously shooting for their dreams. I was only thinking about myself....... Nikaidou Yamato: As Riku continued to sing through his pain.... As I watched Mitsu keep giving it his all and trying his best.... Nikaidou Yamato: And when I learned that Sou wanted to do music so badly he fought with his family.... It was really tough. ......My heart ached. Nikaidou Yamato: I had ulterior motives, and I was downright ashamed of it.... 'I wanna make their dreams come true, I wanna protect these guys.' Nikaidou Yamato: But every time I thought that, I got more and more terrified. My past was gonna get in the way of IDOLiSH7. Izumi Iori: ......So that's what was going on. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... ......If.... If things go to shit because of me....... Nikaidou Yamato: If IDOLiSH7, everything you guys have worked so desperately to make, gets ruined because of me.... I'm really, really sorry....... Osaka Sougo: Yamato-san.... Nikaidou Yamato: I'm sorry.... I really am....... I can't ask you guys to forgive me either....... I.... I just don't know what to do....... Nikaidou Yamato: I've wanted to apologize to you guys all this time....... Nikaidou Yamato: Hah.... ....... I finally said it.... Izumi Mitsuki: ....... You dumbass.... Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Izumi Mitsuki: Why.... Why are you lowering your head to us! Your dad should be the one apologizing first! Nikaidou Yamato: Mitsu.... Izumi Mitsuki: ....... I really wanna punch him......! For making his own fucking child feel so awful! Izumi Mitsuki: You're a damn fool too! Sure you had ulterior motives, but we've come this far together! Izumi Mitsuki: Hasn't IDOLiSH7 become your dream!? Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Izumi Mitsuki: 'It's their dream, I wanna protect them....' No, it's our dream, and you wanna protect us! Isn't that right!? Izumi Mitsuki: Isn't that right, leader? Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah.... Nikaidou Yamato: I wanna keep going forward with you guys.... I want to be somewhere where I learn to love myself.... Nikaidou Yamato: I-- I want to be here. Osaka Sougo: Yamato-san.... Yotsuba Tamaki: You dummy! You're the only one who thought we'd kick you out! Izumi Iori: We've been waiting for those words since the very beginning. Nanase Riku: That's right! I'm really happy you came back! Nikaidou Yamato: --I'm sorry.... Rokuya Nagi: Do not apologize. We know, even without asking. Rokuya Nagi: Yamato, you're happy right now, aren't you? Congratulations. Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi.... Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I'm so glad.... Momo: I'm so happy for you, Yamato.... Izumi Iori: The past is the past. What matters now is how much it'll affect our current situation. Izumi Iori: Chiba-san is a leading figure in the industry, and Hoshikage is a major entertainment agency. There haven't been any scandals thus far, so there shouldn't be issues from here on out as well. Yuki: Speaking of which, that's not the case at all. Nikaidou Yamato: What...? Momo: Yuki, you're gonna talk about it!? Yuki: There's no point in hiding it. Momo: I don't wanna! Not right now, when Yamato's like this. Nikaidou Yamato: ...... I don't care. Please.... Please tell me. Momo: ....... Momo: The truth is....
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
(1) TBT 2014 WHAT LITTLE KABUKI/TRADITIONAL PERFORMING ARTS KNOWLEDGE I'VE RETAINED, this is a kakegoe, or 'audience shout/cheer' for when a performer comes on stage. If you've watched Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, this should be familiar 2 you! 
(2) tbt a previous part where momo and yuki were talking about being dry/wet, so i left the uh 'sensory' definition in??? also Edokko is "a Japanese term referring to a person born and raised in Edo (renamed Tokyo in 1869). The term is believed to have been coined in the late 18th century in Edo. Being an Edokko also implied that the person had certain personality traits different from the non-native population, such as being assertive, straightforward, cheerful, perhaps a bit mercantile, (cf. Kyoto, the capital of aristocratic Japan), etc. Today, the definition of "Edokko" may vary." 
(4) 年賀 means new years greetings but happy new years sounded snappier 
(5) tldr pachinko is a form of gambling, kinda resembles pinball. id link it here but im sure u kno how 2 use wikipedia ALSO I made yamato's line a little ruder in anticipation 4 tamaki's since tamaki's literally means 'sharp as a knife' but that has a positive connotation wrt intelligence in english, which is not quite the thing he's going for (yamato's comment was cutting, like a knife) uhhh i think im just rambing at this point 
(6) osechi = traditional food you eat on new years. momo's line after that is also a formality kinda thing 'Thank you for your kindness on that occasion.' 
(7) 接待場 is how we get 'salon' -- a place to entertain and meet with guests. 
(8) if u have careful ears or good jpn comprehension u will have realized I transplanted どろどろした into this line because i connotation tl'd gaku's previous line but couldn't fit in どろどろした's denotation there 
(9) Second half is lit. "My house was more like TV made my liars assembled (there)." so like yamato's household was more like fraudulent television, then TV itself. anyways yeaH this line gave me hell
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
133 notes · View notes
seigyokus · 7 years
5.5 - The Will to Fight
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 5.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Nikaidou Yamato: ....... I feel like I'm gonna hurl..... Rokuya Nagi: OH.... Would you like to step out for a bit and take a break? Osaka Sougo: Are you okay, Yamato-san? Nanase Riku: Exposing the Chiba Salon........ You refused to record Yamato's confession, right? Momo: I didn't, actually. Nikaidou Yamato: What!? Momo: I didn't record anything just now, I swear! Absolutely nothing! You can body-check me! Should I strip!? I'm not wearing my lucky underwear though! Yuki: Please calm down. Momo only pretended to accept so he could find out who the other people in the plot are. Momo: Yep, yep. Gaku's papa helped me out with this too. Yaotome Gaku: My old man did? Momo: Yeah. There's this one really big actress I don't have any connections to, so he's gonna act as the middleman for me. Stuff like that. Your papa's pretty freaked out about this too. Izumi Mitsuki: What do you plan on doing after he mediates that? Momo: Persuade 'em, even if it means shooting them a wink or grovelling. Yuki promised Yamato that we would protect you guys from a scandal, after all. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... But why would you go that far for me? Yuki: Oh, just killing time. Momo: It's a hobby of mine! Don't sweat it. Yuki: However, there are people who won't be swayed as easily. People who had clashed with Shizuo-san in the past, but still have very strong feelings about it. Yuki: I asked him if he could apologize to those people to quell their rage, but he told me off. Said I wasn't welcome in his home ever again, and to never come back. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wait, are you talking about Chiba-san? You asked Chiba-san to apologize? Yuki: Yep. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's terrifying to imagine.... Yuki: It was pretty terrifying. He was stubborn, through and through. Wouldn't even give me the time of the day. But.... Yuki: I think Shizuo-san might listen if Yamato-kun asks. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Yuki: Try calling him. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Right now? Yuki: Yeah. Nikaidou Yamato: ......I can't. There's no way I could ask him....... Yuki: I'm sure that man wants to do much more for his son-- more than just sending him flowers. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... But-- Kujou Ten: Call him. Nikaidou Yamato: Kujou.... Kujou Ten: He'll spring into action for you. Kujou Ten: I'm sure he wants to go back to being a family, deep down inside. There's no way he could ignore his own son when he's in a predicament, out of responsibility as a father. Kujou Ten: He'll bow his head and apologize if it means protecting you. There's no doubt about it. Nanase Riku: Ten-nii....... Rokuya Nagi: Precisely. When I came to this country, I learned that 'Yamato' was also a word that signified 'Japan.' (1) Rokuya Nagi: That is the name Chiba Shizuo bestowed his child, born in the evening years of his life. Chiba Shizuo, the face of Japan's acting industry. Rokuya Nagi: He loves you-- you're his pride and joy. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ...But what should I tell him? Yuki: Isn't that easy? Just tell him, "It's all your fault." Yuki: The loss of your childhood and the man you admired back when you were in elementary school.... The pain and sadness you've felt up until now.... Hit him full force with it. All of it. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Got it. Izumi Mitsuki: Hey.... You okay? Your hands are shaking.... Nikaidou Yamato: I'm fucking terrified, but I'll give it all I've got. I won't run. I'm gonna face him, head-on. Nikaidou Yamato: So I won't hate myself, and so I won't be ashamed of myself.... Nikaidou Yamato: That 'trying your damn hardest' thing? Yeah, I'm gonna do it. Izumi Mitsuki: Haha.... Yeah! It's gonna be okay! Izumi Mitsuki: No matter what happens, we'll be right by your side!
Takanashi Tsumugi: .....So Chiba-san listened to your request then, Yamato-san? Nikaidou Yamato: ......Yeah, he did. I don't know if the other person accepted his apology or not, but.... Nikaidou Yamato: Turns out he's the same as me. He wanted to be loved, but wouldn't work for it. He was waiting for a kind soul to sympathize with him and figure him out. Nikaidou Yamato: He ended up making enemies because of the way he lived. ......But, he did say that he'd try his best to be forgiven. Takanashi Tsumugi: I see.... Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything for you when you were having such a hard time, Yamato-san....... Nikaidou Yamato: Aw, come on. What are you saying? Things were crazy at the office, weren't they? All of that was for our sake, too. Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Even as I was worrying about my dad, I'd sneak a thought here and there. "Damn, our manager's one terrifying woman." Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh...? Why? Nikaidou Yamato: Because of "IDOLiSH7." The name you gave us works on the assumption that no one will ever leave. Nikaidou Yamato: Maybe I would've been irresponsible and quit early on, had it not been for that name. Nikaidou Yamato: ......It's a name that ties all seven of us together. There are times when that trust is a heavy weight to bear, but now it's my pride and joy. Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm glad.... I came up with it after seeing that everybody's names had numbers in them. Takanashi Tsumugi: It's almost as if it were destiny. Nikaidou Yamato: Onii-san thinks so too. At first we looked like a random mess of seven people, but now we're like seven irreplaceable comrades. Nikaidou Yamato: ......I won't let IDOLiSH7 end.
Izumi Mitsuki: Alright! I'm gonna cook you guys a feast tonight! Rokuya Nagi・Yotsuba Tamaki・Nanase Riku: Yay! Osaka Sougo: Iori-kun, did you enjoy spending time with your brother? Izumi Iori: I guess so.... We were forced into cosplay, though. Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it true Yukirin's house has cushions the size of your ear!? (2) Nikaidou Yamato: No, no. That was a joke. Nanase Riku: It's been so long since we last had a meal together! I'm really, really happy! Nikaidou Yamato: You're right.... Yeah. Izumi Mitsuki: We've got a concert tomorrow! Eat lots so you have stamina! Nanase Riku: Yeah! IDOLiSH7: Let's eat!
Nanase Riku: Good evening! We're IDOLiSH7! It had been a while since all seven of us ate together, but we did it yesterday! It was super fun! Audience: Kyaaaaa......! Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Come on, that's not something you needa report during the MC corner! Nikaidou Yamato: That hijiki rice really hit the spot. You better make it again sometime, Mitsu. (3) Izumi Mitsuki: Sure, but is that really something you should be requesting during a concert? Nikaidou Yamato: I missed my chance to say it yesterday. Onii-san tends to do that, you see. Audience: Ahahahaha! Nikaidou Yamato: It's best not to hold back. No need to take it in moderation. (4) Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Oh, what am I supposed to do with you.... I know, you dummy! You better eat up and fill that belly to the brim! Audience: Ahahahaha! Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Audience: I'm really digging the vibes from IDOLiSH7 today! Audience: Everyone's being so sweet to each other! They must've had a blast during that meal, I guess! Osaka Sougo: I was reminded once more of how valuable and magnificent Yamato-san and Mitsuki-san's existences are. Izumi Mitsuki: Heheh.... Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Aw, stop it. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Osaka Sougo: When it was just me, it was very.... Yotsuba Tamaki: That not it at all! Sure the food was spicy, but I'm glad you were there, Sou-chan. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Nanase Riku: Iori and the others seemed fine, but me and Nagi were pretty lonely! Izumi Iori: Well.... I was lonely as well.... In a way....... Audience: Kyaaaaa! Audience: Wait, why!? Did something happen!? Why is everyone being so sappy all of a sudden!? Audience: And all because of that hijiki rice!? Wow, hijiki rice is a force to be reckoned with! Rokuya Nagi: I love everyone the most! Yamato and Mitsuki ought to sing MEZZO"'s apology song, for my sake. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Nikaidou Yamato: Apology song? Wait, are you talking about "miss you..."? Izumi Mitsuki: Like hell we're gonna sing! What kind of penalty game is this! Audience: Kyaaaaa......! Osaka Sougo: Um, it's not an apology song. Yotsuba Tamaki: Also don't call our song a penalty game!! Audience: Ahahahaha!! Audience: They're all such good friends! I'm so happy!! I'm glad I came here today......!! Audience: This is the best! I love seeing IDOLiSH7 being all friendly......! I love everyone......! Audience: I hope they stay friends forever......!
Director: Splendid, Nikaidou-kun! It's just as I envisioned.... No, this is beyond what I could've ever imagined for the last scene! Nikaidou Yamato: Thank you very much. Director: As expected of Shizuo-san's-- Is what I'm tempted to say, but you've got a different kind of appeal, Nikaidou-kun! Director: The characters and worldview of this movie got a hundred, if not a thousand, times more fascinating. Deeply fascinating. And it's all thank to you. You didn't let him end as some cliched villain. Director: The movie's set to premiere at the end of the year, but I hope you're excited to see the finished product. Nikaidou Yamato: You're praising me too much, Director.... Those words are wasted on someone like me. I do look forward to seeing the finished movie, though. Natsume Minami: I hear you're done filming today, Nikaidou-san. Natsume Minami: I do hope that your success in this movie will be enough to cover up any gossip that arises. Nikaidou Yamato: You know, the only thing I was hiding was the reason why I joined IDOLiSH7, because it would've hurt my friends' feelings. That's all. Nikaidou Yamato: There isn't anything else I'm ashamed of. Natsume Minami: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: Go ahead, you can stare at me all you want. Look me up and down, from head to toe. Alright, any questions? Fire away. I'm just gonna shamelessly laugh, instead of throwing crude words back. Nikaidou Yamato: After all, onii-san's wicked at heart.
Tsukumo Ryou: ......Asamiya Tomoe-san has withdrawn from the plan. Several others have also run off, lured away by something else. Tsukumo Ryou: You're not going to eat? It's filet mignon night. Yuki: Sorry, but I don't eat meat. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, it's not good to be picky. Speaking of which, Momo was the one I invited. Yuki: So you're not satisfied with me? Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, how unthinkable! I am delighted to see you, Yuki. I've always wanted to take my time and chat with you. Tsukumo Ryou: If I recall correctly, you hate sharp objects, correct? And would you look at that, there's plenty of sharp objects in this room! How about I help you conquer that trauma? Yuki: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I was kidding. Momo would kill me. Oh! That reminds me. You met with Asamiya Tomoe in private, didn't you? Tsukumo Ryou: Did you think you outmaneuvered me? Well, you thought wrong. Chiba Shizuo failed to persuade all of them. Tsukumo Ryou: There are still plenty of people eager to expose Chiba Salon. As long as they have Tsukumo's backup, then they're more than willing to-- ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I need to answer this call. Excuse me. Yuki: Go ahead. Tsukumo Ryou: --Chiba Shizuo's retiring!? What kind of tomfoolery is this.... The press conference already started!? Tsukumo Ryou: Understood.... I'll contact you later. Yuki: Oh? So Shizuo-san's retiring? Tsukumo Ryou: ...... Tsukumo Ryou: Now he's gone and done it. An exposé on an active actor would certainly be the talk of the town, but no one would dare to say anything about a retired actor. It's just like how people who speak ill of the dead are despised. Tsukumo Ryou: He sacrificed himself and retired so that his adorable little son wouldn't get scorched by the flames. That's the world's beloved Chiba Shizuo for you! Bravo! (5) Yuki: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Was this your doing? Yuki: It's a secret. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha.... This doesn't pose a problem at all. None whatsoever. While the speed at which I will attain domination has fallen, that doesn't change the fact that Hoshikage is growing weaker. Tsukumo Ryou: After all, Chiba Shizuo was Hoshikage's bread and butter, but now he's retiring. It's like swapping out a fast-acting poison for a slower one. Tsukumo Ryou: ......But, you know what, Yuki? I am very, very irritated right now! Yuki: Why don't you try your hand at a disentanglement puzzle right now? Perhaps it will be for the best, since you might fly into a fit of rage then die an agonizing death. (6) Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, how cold.... I never thought I'd be hated by a star! How shocking! Yuki: I've been irritated for much longer than you have. I've hated you ever since the very beginning. Can I go home now? Tsukumo Ryou: Of course you can. Do come over again sometime, Yuki. I'll have an extraordinary surprise waiting for you. Yuki: ......Surprise? Tsukumo Ryou: It's a secret. Look forward to it.
Isumi Haruka: ....... Natsume Minami: The skies are clear tonight. And the way the stars are lined up forebodes chaos across the entire world. Inumaru Touma: Aren't they talking about us, then? Where's Torao? Natsume Minami: Perhaps he's running late because of a date. Midou Torao: Hey. Sorry for the wait. Inumaru Touma: Don't 'hey' me. Can you at least try to be on time? Natsume Minami: Who was your date tonight? Midou Torao: A lonely, sleepless singer. Minami, how's the song coming along? Natsume Minami: It's almost complete. He and I have been working on this song together, from back when I was in Northmare. Inumaru Touma: Well, I wanna sing it soon. Ya feel, Haru? Inumaru Touma: Huh...? Whatcha lookin' at? Isumi Haruka: All of the fools flooding this town. Isumi Haruka: We'll turn what they see as gems into trash. Isumi Haruka: Kujou Ten.... I'm going to drag you off stage.
To be continued....
Translation notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii as usual for proofreading!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1) Yamato (大和) is indeed what Japan was called before it was called Japan (Nihon). Exact same kanji characters as Yamato's name. (2) THROWBACK TO PART 2 CHAPTER 2.1 MUCH ???  (3) hijiki gohan - rice mixed with hijiki seaweed and other ingredients! here is a recipe and also pictures that make me sad becuase I cannot eat pixels, alas  (4) HODOHODO / 'MODERATION' REFERENCE IM SO EMOTIONAL , so technically yea i repeated mitsu’s line twice but the moderation line alone sounded kinda weird to me so yea (5) technically ryou says "showered in sparks" but i dampened the 体を張って part so i needed 2 up the melodrama elsewhere in the sentence HAHA (6) 知恵の輪 refers to the human knot game thing they make u do as a very uncomfortable icebreaker in college / that children's game OR disentanglement puzzle (wire-and-sticks puzzle) OR literally it means 'circle of knowledge.' kinda interesting to note, since technically ryou was trying to expose/detangle a 'ring of knowledge' (chiba salon). that’s just my interp tho!
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
5.3 - A Call from Nagi
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 5.3 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Yuki: Momo, what is this about? Momo: Uh.... We're talking about a game! One that we've been super into lately! Tsukumo Ryou: He's helping me expose Chiba Salon in order to protect your future position in the industry. To be more specific, I'm having him sell Nikaidou Yamato to me piece by piece. Momo: ......You didn't have to tell Yuki that! Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, but I just want to see you two fight. Yuki: ....... Is this true, Momo....... Momo: ......Sorry I kept quiet about this! But please understand! This is for your sake! Yuki: ...Momo.... My arm hurts. Momo: We want things to go well, right? And there are times where if you can't beat 'em, then you just gotta join 'em! I'm begging you, please don't look at me like that! Yuki: ....... Yuki: Don't touch me! *slap* Momo: Y-Yuki....... Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! This is amazing! It's a shame that I'm the only one here to witness Re:vale fight right before my eyes! What a waste. Momo: ......! Get out! Tsukumo Ryou: Aw, but it's just getting started. Momo: Shut up! Get out......! *slam* Yuki: ....... Yuki: ......Are you okay? Momo: Shh. Wait. Yuki: Huh......? Momo: --I'm so sorry! Forgive me! Please don't throw me away, Yuki! Waaah, ahh, ahh.... Momo: Waaaah, ahhh.... Yuki: Um....... Momo: This should be good. It's okay now. Yuki: When you grabbed me earlier, you whispered to me, "Hit me." Is that correct? Momo: That man's a bully, after all. I just figured he wouldn't leave until he saw some carnage. Momo: I'm really sorry about that. I made you do something so awful, even though you're a gentleman.... Yuki: I'm the one who should be apologizing. It hurt, didn't it? So what were you talking about earlier? You weren't serious about exposing Yamato-kun, were you? Momo: No way! As if I could sell off those kids. Ban-san loves them! But it is true that there's people moving to expose it. Momo: It's not gonna stop at the weekly tabloids. Apparently there's some big names in the industry that are a part of this, so I'm trying to find out who those people are. Momo: The reason why they wanna expose this scandal is because of a grudge, out of righteous anger, or for money. If I get the names of everyone involved, then it'd be possible beat him to the punch and talk them out of it. Yuki: Any guesses so far? Momo: There's a lot of people.... And one of them is a really big name in the industry. Momo: ......Who? Momo: Top actress Asamiya Tomoe-san. Shizuo-san's wife. *click* Tsukumo Ryou: Right! I just remembered something.... Yuki: --I'll fucking kill you! Momo: Forgive me! Please, please forgive me! Tsukumo Ryou: I do apologize for bothering you while you're preoccupied, but Yuki. You may be close to Hoshikage, but I'll instantly know if you squeal to him. Tsukumo Ryou: You see, I've planted a spy in Hoshikage. With that, ding-ding-ding-ding! Let round two begin. *slam* Yuki: ......There's a spy in Hoshikage? Momo: God, he pisses me off! The gong only sounds once at the beginning of a new round! It only sounds four times at the end......! Yuki: I can't believe you put up with that man.... Like I said, don't get involved with weirdos. Momo: That's my line! Shizuo-san works you to the bone! You went to wash his car and shovel snow for him before, right? Yuki: Those were just excuses for him to give me pocket money. Shizuo-san is really good at taking care of people-- Momo: What part of that is good!? It was to the point where I was just like, "If the world's beloved Chiba keeps sending Yuki off on pointless errands, then I guess I'm gonna have to destroy the world!" (1) Yuki: It's better than some overly gaudy man who's insane! Even I knew that he was dangerous from the the instant I saw him. More importantly, why didn't you tell me about this sooner? Momo: You were busy with filming and composing, so I didn't wanna bother you about this.... I was gonna tell you once I figured out who the people doing the exposing were. Yuki: ......I genuinely thought you got corrupted by him and were fully on-board with his plan. Momo: That I'd sell Yamato for your sake? Yuki: Yeah.... Because you tend to worry and brood, Momo. Momo: You wouldn't have doubted it if it were Ban-san though, right? Yuki: I guess so. Ban's really dry, and nothing holds him down. (2) Momo: ......So that's how it is, huh!! I guess I'm sopping wet then!!! (3) Yuki: ......I never said anything about that. Look. Wet wipes are more valuable for cleaning, right? Good job. Momo: Being compared to cleaning goods doesn't make me happy! Even if it's praise! I'll soak you! I'm gonna drench you with condensation! Yuki: Sorry, sorry. Momo: *sob*.... I wanna be a man befitting of fresh laundry like Ban-san....... Yuki: It's fine. It'll just freeze on Mount Everest, after all. Momo: Mount Everest? Yuki: You were the first person to make me work my hardest, Momo. Not Ban. Momo: ......? What are you talking about? Yuki: ....... It's nothing. I finished the demo. You wanna listen to it, right? Momo: You finished!? Even though you were so busy with filming!? That's incredible! I thought you were gonna need more time! Momo: This is great! I super duper can't wait to listen! I knew it, Yuki's a genius......! Yuki: Haha.... I guess so. Momo: Somebody looks happy! I bet you're proud of this one! Yuki: Now I'm proud of it.
Nikaidou Yamato: Hah....... My pulse is racing so fast my heart hurts....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......But I have to go back....... *click* Rokuya Nagi: Hello! Nikaidou Yamato: Ah....... Rokuya Nagi: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: I.... I'm home.... Rokuya Nagi: Welcome back. We've been waiting for you to return. Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah.... Ah.... What happened to the entryway? Is it me or did the security got a lot stricter while I was gone......? Rokuya Nagi: That's not of great importance. Look at me, Yamato. Nikaidou Yamato: But, like.... The windows look kinda grim too....... Rokuya Nagi: Rather than talking about the windows, why don't you talk about yourself? We'll hear all about it tonight. Right, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Yeah, that's what I was gonna do. Rokuya Nagi: OK. Do you know how I feel.... Rokuya Nagi: After urging you, over and over and over again to answer my question.... For you to find that answer at someone else's house, someone who isn't even a member...... Nikaidou Yamato: Huh? Rokuya Nagi: Fine. Bring it on. Nikaidou Yamato: Uh.... Are you mad......? Rokuya Nagi: No, no, no! Do you mind if I inform everyone that you've returned? I'm sure they'll be very, very delighted to hear that. Nikaidou Yamato: ...Sure, but.... Hm? Who are you calling? Rokuya Nagi: .......
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Rokuya Nagi: Hello, President! Tonight's going to be Round 1 of Yamato's Confessions! If you have time, please do stop by! Nikaidou Yamato: ......Hey! Just who are you inviting!? Rokuya Nagi: OH! You have something planned? No worries. Thanks. Next-- Hello, Yaotome-shi! Nikaidou Yamato: Hey! Let's keep it to just the members! Hey, are you mad at me? If you are then just tell me, please! Rokuya Nagi: Hello! Mister Yuki. What are you plans for tonight? Nikaidou Yamato: Stop!!! That man's already given me hell! Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Kujou-shi! Nikaidou Yamato: Are you kidding me? Come on......! *click* Nanase Riku: Welcome back, Yamato-san! I'm really glad you're back! Osaka Sougo: --I heard from Nagi-kun, so I rushed back! Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it true you're doing a confession session? I mean, we've done a lot up ‘til now, but this is the first time it's gotten a legit name! (4) Yotsuba Tamaki: That's our leader! You're so on point! Nikaidou Yamato: Noooooooo......!
*click* Kujou Ten: Good evening. So I heard you guys fought, IDOLiSH7. Is everything alright? Yaotome Gaku: What was the important thing you wanted to talk about? Wait-- No way. Are you getting married, Nikaidou? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wait, really!? Oh no, I came here empty-handed! But, I see.... Today's a lucky day, after all! Nikaidou Yamato: Are you shitting me, even TRIGGER came!? No way, give me a break...! Onii-san can't do this, it's impossible......! *click* Momo・Yuki: Good evening! We're Re:vale! Nikaidou Yamato: Ahhhhhhhhhh.... *click* Izumi Iori: We have returned. Izumi Mitsuki: Sorry we're late! Nagi told me that Yamato-san's gonna tell us everything tonight.... Yaotome Gaku・Kujou Ten・Tsunashi Ryuunosuke・Momo・Yuki: Pardon the intrusion. Izumi Mitsuki: ....... Izumi Mitsuki: ......Damn, you've really steeled yourself. Are you giving a presentation or something? Nikaidou Yamato: Oh no. No. Definitely not.... Let's go to a bar, just the two of us.... How about we quietly reconcile there, yeah...? Izumi Mitsuki: Wow, in tears already?
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
(1) tl’d it at face value but this may or may not be a reference to Sonny Chiba??? not 100% sure 
(2) begin headache: yuki uses an onomatopoeic word for crisp/dry, but it can also mean someone who doesn't get bogged down/is refreshing. casually inserts both meanings 4 emphasis/representation i guess. BUT THE MOMO PLAYS OFF OF THE "DRY" meaning and............. 
(3) idk how the word 'wet' ended up as 'wetty' in Japanese but im dying this metaphor thing runs into ch 5.4 too
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seigyokus · 7 years
5.1 - Mental Preparation
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 5.1 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Woman: Ah! It's IDOLiSH7's Yamato-san! I always watch your shows! Nikaidou Yamato: Ah.... Thanks. Woman: You're filming a movie with Yuki-san, right? The two of you look so cool as a duo! I can't wait to see it! Woman: But I like you and Mitsuki-kun as the older brother duo the best! I hope you guys stay friends forever! Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Thanks. See ya....
Izumi Iori: I'll be leaving now, Nii-san. Izumi Mitsuki: School, huh? Have a safe trip. Izumi Iori: ......What are you looking at? Izumi Mitsuki: Ah.... Just social media. I usually don't look at those sites all that much. Izumi Mitsuki: Our fans are really amazing.... They're talking about how Yamato-san and I never looked each other in the eye during this past broadcast. Izumi Iori: ......There's no need to mind their critical comments. Izumi Mitsuki: I don't see them as critical. I just couldn't help but think, "Damn, they saw right through us." Even though these people have never met us before.... Izumi Mitsuki: They've come to love us, so they'll keep on following our activities. They look forward to seeing us be friendly with each other. Izumi Mitsuki: Even though it's something they look forward to, I can't help but think that we've been kinda dishonest about that.... Izumi Iori: That's not true at all. You're just doing your best, Nii-san. Izumi Mitsuki: Was it really my best, though.... Ah, sorry for holding you back. You better get moving. Izumi Iori: I will. I'll be on my way now. *slam* Izumi Mitsuki: ....... *beep* Izumi Mitsuki: Yamato-san's not picking up....... Izumi Mitsuki: Maybe I should back down and try to reconcile for Yamato-san for the sake of the fans....... Izumi Mitsuki: .......But I don't want that. I don't want what's between us to be nothing more than 'moderate' for the rest of my life. Izumi Mitsuki: I know that if I give in now.... You'll just feel relieved and think, 'This guy's just like the rest of them.' Isn't that right?
Izumi Iori: ....... I'm skipping school for the first time in my life. Izumi Iori: It's because I can't collect data with Nii-san around.... I just hope Yotsuba-san's explanation will line up with mine. Izumi Iori: ......The reactions to our last broadcast aren't bad. Average viewership wasn't significantly different, but the live turnout was fairly good. (1) Izumi Iori: Additionally, the frequency of Nanase-san's name appearing on social media websites has increased.... High School Girl: Hey, did you watch the last episode of "A Lovely Night with IDOLiSH7!" It was super interesting! I kinda wish I was in concert band now.... High School Girl: I saw, I saw! I wanna try playing the trombone! Izumi Iori: ......That's the instrument Nanase-san is in charge of. Perhaps this is a coincidence....... Izumi Iori: ......But why? Nanase-san's playing was neither good nor bad. Izumi Iori: There weren't even any incidents that brought him to the center of attention either. Salaryman: Huh? You're gonna start taking classes? Salaryman: I used to play, a long time ago. After watching them, I just felt like playing again. How about giving brass band a try, senpai? Izumi Iori: What in the world is happening? .......Indeed, this is a very fortunate string of events, but.... Izumi Iori: I've been able to understand everything until now. ......Something feels.... Sickening.......
Staff: We've managed to hide them somehow, Yuki-san, but what in the world were those marks around your neck.... Yuki: I'd like to think I'm doing alright, pretty happy too. I'm an honest man, one you can believe. And yet.... Yuki: Before I realized, my voice was gone and something was constricting my neck. Life sure is hard.... Staff: Haa....... Yuki: It's awfully hot today, isn't it? Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......I have notifs from Mitsu and Momo-san.... Nikaidou Yamato: I should contact Mitsu-- No....... I'll contact Momo-san first.... He can give me advice.... Nikaidou Yamato: ....... It's really hot today, just like that summer day.... Yuki: What is this summer day you're referring to? You mentioned it yesterday too.
Nikaidou Yamato: ....... It was the day you came over to wash his car. Nikaidou Yamato: When I first saw you, I was really surprised that men like you existed.... Nikaidou Yamato: But I was kinda repulsed that even a man like you was sucking up to my dad. That you respected someone like him.... Nikaidou Yamato: That's why I laughed at you. I think I said, "I can't believe one measly call from my dad is all it takes for you to wash his car." ......Do you remember that? Yuki: Very faintly......? Nikaidou Yamato: .......The cicadas were screeching. You were drenched in sweat, and your face was flushed red. Your shirt was soaked through too.... It was just so.... How should I put it.... I thought you looked lame as hell. Nikaidou Yamato: In spite of that, you told me this with a cold expression on your face: Nikaidou Yamato: "He gives me pocket change in exchange for washing his car. I can buy some good meat for my partner with that money." Yuki: Haha.... We were pretty broke back then. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Lately, I.... I feel ashamed that I laughed at you back then...... Yuki: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: I was really, really jealous that you were able to work so hard for someone.... I wanted to give it my all for someone too.... Nikaidou Yamato: I've kept everyone at an arm's distance away. I became an idol on a whim, like I was taking out my anger on something.... Nikaidou Yamato: I've finally met people who give it their all. All of them dream of being an idol, do their best, and depend on me.... But even so.... Nikaidou Yamato: ......I can't. I can't tell them that I dragged all of them into this and then messed everything up just because I wanted to trouble my dad.... Nikaidou Yamato: That's just inexcusable.... They won't be able to trust me anymore after that, or want to see me ever again.... I.... I'm scared of telling them.... Nikaidou Yamato: So I pretended to be a good person instead of telling them. I was kind to them, listened to their troubles.... ......I'm the absolute worst, a complete fraud.... (2) Nikaidou Yamato: ......I'm downright terrified of telling them about what I'm really like....... Yuki: ....... You're finally being honest. Yuki: Give me your phone. Nikaidou Yamato: Huh......? Yuki: Go call your members. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Right now? Right here? Yuki: Of course. Timing is crucial. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Yeah.... But....... Yuki: Aren't you doing that right now, Yamato-kun? That 'giving it your all' thing you've always wanted to do. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Yuki: Yamato-kun is clumsily holding out his phone to me, his hand trembling, even though he hates dealing with me. He's trying his hardest, for the sake of his friends. Yuki: All you needed was courage. You've come a long way. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Yuki-san....... Yuki: Your feelings will get through to those boys. It's not impossible. They're all waiting for your return. Go appease those fears. Yuki: Call them, and tell them you're going back tomorrow. Just that is fine. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... ...I'm so nervous....... Yuki: It'll be okay. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ....... I....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Hello, Mitsu? Um....... It's me....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......I'm heading back tomorrow.... So you guys should come back too.......
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
just relocated to the east coast 4 the summer and started an internship this week, so my life is still a mess!!! I’m trying to get into the swing of things so I can finally work on tling pt3 again bc i dont want another installment to get released before I’m done!!!!! 
ANYWAYS, starting off with the title. The literal is  ‘heart’s preparation,’ like preparing your heart for a Big Thing or something, etc. Also seen fairly often in the context of ‘my heart’s not ready yet!!’ tl;dr just know that mental preparation is p close, but there’s also an emotional/heart-y aspect to it. 
(1) BOY I AM NOT WELL VERSED IN TV VIEWER RATING JARGON, correct me if I'm wrong on this stuff man (2) 偽善者 can mean hypocrite (most common connotation) or 'wolf's in sheep's clothing' and the latter is clearly the definition being invoked here!
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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