#why'd she have to pick the day BEFORE 9/11
alteredphoenix · 2 years
TFW I have to wait until September before I can do any fan art and fics for Michelle’s birthday, so now I’m like:
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saucymalum · 2 years
The Daily Grind pt.22
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coffee shop!au Calum Hood x fem!reader x fem!OC
Originally posted on my Instagram
Summary: Y/N has worked at this coffee shop for almost a year when her coworker makes a group chat. Little did she know that would lead her into so much trouble.
pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11, pt. 12, pt.13, pt.14, pt.15, pt.16, pt.17, pt.18, pt.19, pt.20, pt.21
Today, like most of my days recently is being spent next to Calum on my couch. I’m not complaining, far from it. His presence is comforting, if safety could be a person it’d be Cal. Every day he has off work is spent in my apartment. Honestly, at first, it was annoying how much he refused to be near his roommates but now I don’t think I’d give it up if I could. I’ve come to cherish these days with him. I’m just scared I won’t get these if I choose between him and Lilah. Two people who have given me so much of themselves and put themselves in a situation that could lead to heartbreak just to be with me. I almost feel guilty but then I look at Cal or Lilah and I realize I’ve done the same to myself. If I lost one of them, I might break.
Thankfully I’m pulled out of my quickly spirally thoughts by Cal handing me my cup with his ever-present grin. “A water for the dehydrated pretty lady.”
I let out a giggle as I hold the cup close to my chest, “ I’m not always dehydrated.”
“When was the last time you drank water?”
I look down into my cup looking for an answer and quickly come up with nothing, “Fine, you win.”
“Nope, I only win if you drink all of that and let me get you another one.”
I roll my eyes before chugging the water and handing it back to him as he stands back up. “Thank you, Sunshine. Now pick a movie and I’ll go make us some popcorn.”
I grab the remote of the coffee table and scroll through movies before quickly landing on a horror movie. I smile to myself as Cal returns with the popcorn and groans when he sees the movie on the tv. 
"Why'd you gotta pick a horror movie? This was supposed to be a cute couple day."
"You can cuddle me if you get scared." I tease.
He takes this as an invitation and curls up next to me and wraps his arms around me.
"You're warm, it's comforting." He says before tucking his face into my neck.
"You're cold." I giggle.
"But I also give the best cuddles in the world so don't complain." 
I wrap my arms around his back and snuggle closer into him. Calum presses play and the movie begins. The movie starts out slow and then, like many other horror movies, the characters anger me. 
"Hello" Yeah, because the murderer is totally going to respond to you" I roll my eyes.
Cal giggles into my skin and I run my fingers through his hair. "Why do they always do that?" He asks.
"I don't know-don't hide in the closet! I was in there for years it's not comfy!" 
Cal looks up into my eyes and smiles at me, "Baby they can't hear you." He teases.
"I know that but they anger me, just call the damn cops. I can see why the murderer wants to murder them now"
Calum lets out a laugh and grabs and handful of popcorn before throwing it at me. "Shush, I can't even get scared when you're yelling at it."
I stick my tongue out at him playfully and look back at the tv. Cal rests his head back onto my chest. The movie drones on and just as I'm starting to regret my movie choice I look back at Calum. 
His lips are parted slightly and his cheek squished against my skin. A whisper of a snore leaves his mouth and I reach for the remote. I shut off the tv before snuggling back into Calum's arms. I let out a content sigh and let myself enjoy the bliss of being held by him. 
I know I'll need to make a decision soon.
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zemiraxo · 3 months
Hard life 3
As promised, here is my experience being in a friend group I didn't belong to, ever; I met this girl, N in form 2 in 2022, we clicked despite her loving anime and me kpop(not so much now), she introduced me to her friends the next day, I joined the group. We all became best friends, especially C & I, we were like sisters. However, early 2023, a new girl, R joined the group...she instantly liked me, I liked her as well, we joked about being married, big mistake being her friend. We had an argument in July, about a kpop group NCT, she said she hated the group and is suddenly a fan in 2014 when she's 6 before me!? She didn't know their debut date, so I asked questions being skeptical. I was right, she lied. She took way too long to answer all the questions and I caught her lying when I asked "Which member left NCT in the past?" KEY WORD: PAST. She said I can't remember if it was Shotaro & Sungchan(that's 2) or Lucas(all 3 left in 2023, a few months before, which is NOT THE PAST, I would've asked recently if it was them), the answer was Hansol. She then called me "fakey" as in a fake friend in a group chat with 2 of my classmates. I was hurt, then we reconciled BUT..in August I started stanning some influencers, NSB, and their friends, one of them being leo.wz, I started to crush on him..so I jokingly rizzed him in October on the 28th, when he posted, after I found his account again, he replied, since I was so happy, I sent a screenshot in the friend group chat, instant regret. 11 days later 9-11, R told Leo on tiktok "omg leo i love u" told me on the 15th that she said he's handsome. I didn't believe her so I asked for a screenshot, never got it. A few days later, we were eating lunch and I screamed "ANTS!" as I'm allergic, and she laughed so I was upset and asked her about it, she said it's funny at first as it always has by her. I passed it off, she did it again, passed off again but the third time I snapped. We argued for about 10 minutes and I screamed "R SHUT UP!!!" tears streaming down my face, I was bawling, students around were looking concerned, the others ran off, and only came back when I had a bit of trouble breathing. Then we reconciled, but that day my cousin said she roughed her up and kind of bullied her so I was mad. Bad idea being her friend again, I got the screenshot after I argued with her about it as I get angry easily over lies. I got it, it was not what she said it was, instead she said she meant to she she loves it as in dead eyes filter I told her she would've fixed it, so she lied. I WAS RIGHT, she told the others she meant that u. I was betrayed, so I told her something I have no regrets about despite saying sorry, if she didn't mean hers, I didn't mean mine, she told me I'm the worst person on earth and she hates me and doesn't care about me. Then why'd you kiss me? I told her to ask Santa for a mother for Christmas, and I didn't regret it as she lacks maternal education. And then on Ash Wednesday 2024, another one, S in the friend group called me a pick me girl and attention seeker because I wasn't talking to R, I unfriended them all cause none stood up for me, I told S she's disrespectful. My family only knows some, and my Godsister knows all, and was angry. I don't care about what people will think about me after this. Say whatever you want, I don't care.
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