dodadamdang18 · 7 years
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I'm not offended no more , I understand why you would send my women friend requests. You ain't got none, you got shabby bytches, notice I sent no requests to anyone that knows u. I see we mutual I be like yuck. No thank u. You can comment u go out to eat but we all know lotta muthafuckers can't cook out their and u wound up paying for some bullshit. #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause
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dodadamdang18 · 7 years
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My Focus.... Some people can say what they gonna do and do it. Member when Nas said niggaz tried to come for em when he was weak but he was tending to more important matters. Yeah da dude fucked up. But if you look closely he followed behind me who left then left who return and who returned shortly after. Dude been a follower. Rakesh brought his own shit. What u call that when a worker gets outta line. #Insubordination Thur all the bullshit I went nope I never thought bout ending it. Who I'm talking bout , oh he joined the Navy after me. And he can't swim, he fucked a retarded in Bok #NellyBelly #GlovesOff #EyeFuckinDareYou #PassDaMessage #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause #ImPetty #EyeDontLie nigga threw a rock when I gotta bag of stones. Go sit your sickle ass down.
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dodadamdang18 · 7 years
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Abracadabra walaa a piece of shit it has become. #HopeHeFoundGodByNow #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause hold grudges like judges don't let me resent u
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dodadamdang18 · 8 years
I ont even have a boss, nor do I punch a clock. I use to wanna be a trashman custodian anything to get my foot in da door. I'm done I helped that guy get the fuckin job. Talk bout biting da hand dat fed u. Ochhh ... #FuckinTrashman I mean ticket writer, you catch em writing tickets on your crib for trash. #ThrowHotWaterOnEm #WhyRakeshSayThat #WhoAmEye #PettyGodPettyWoppin
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dodadamdang18 · 8 years
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#PettyGod #SpreadDaWord #HappyEaster #NevaForget #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause #PettyPettyPetty #ArdImmaStop
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dodadamdang18 · 8 years
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Of all people to pop up in my suggestion box. This why I stopped working at abm... After talking crazy bout how he two hundred plus pounds, I had to inform him he'd never see me. I'm ,178 and blend in every back ground. After seeing me on the corner of 58th and Chester. That bytch went and told them he was threatened I come to work my badge ain't working. Find out he put a PFA on me. Thought bytches only did that. We settled outta court unions are great. I jus can't work for ABM no more weeeelllp. Maybe one day God will alone da stars and I get to fuck his old lady... #PettyGod #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause
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dodadamdang18 · 8 years
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Sucker alert #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause #HeAskedForIt #FuckPeopleAndDerFullOfShytWays #BesidesEyeAmPetty #AntwioneFisher #NeedinAHealing #OhYouSick #GotPettyMeds #CantFoolEveryBody #BenedictArnold #ScrapDaBottomOvPettyBarrel #WantMiAttentionHuh you got the longitude and latitude.
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dodadamdang18 · 8 years
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There's your response B.C. you got the latitude and longitude. Since the Spaniard wants to be entertained. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?? There is a difference in being disgruntled and petty.. we all know what side I'm on. #PettyPettyPetty you can lie to bok and FB world if you want... #EyeWasThere here's the thing u gotta analyze. One gives a fuck bout what you think and hows he perceived. The other guy does what he wants weather you feel it or not.. B.C. Voted for dnaod trump too. So he'll sell u out in da end. Old pasty Bastard!!! #WhyRakeshSayThat #Cause if we was still in da military I'd write your E-2 ass up.. disrespecting a petty officer. Get you some extra duty would've parade rested that ass back to E-1. Let the people know I was waiting on E-5 when I got in trouble while u couldn't get E-3 til ur last year cause ur dumb ass ain't do BMR's E-2 stay in your pay grade. Tell how u were mad ur doe wasn't straight when u went to invest.. got mad cause those who could didn't invest in you!! You got mad and harbored feelings. And dats where we differ. Can't get mad at nobody that don't wanna give you their shit that they worked hard for. Whooopp fuckidy do, you got the your lil trophies and achievements congrats but what's dat when thats incremental to what you and me really know. Really jack ass really stop parade for these people go sit your silly ass down. Stop Trickin OUT THE BAD LANDZ. One week you a nigga next you a rev, you done turned to a fag in your latest evolution!! #YouAskedForIt B.C. Same nigga that found god but tryna cast stones. There's no comparing a pot cheifer to crack head. You call him Brizz I call em DMX 😂
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dodadamdang18 · 8 years
A timeless fact, I ont trust a hoe. #GardenTool #WhyRakeshSayThat #EyeDidntCammDid #EyeJusAgree
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