Question 5 for Augustus.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
For the sake of fun, we will include ALL pockets: trousers, belt pouches, and coat pockets...
Coins, engraved pocket watch from Varric, fresh bandages(neatly rolled), a clean rag for wiping ichor off his axe, vials of ichor, a little tin pot of duskbloom unguent, needle and thread for stitches, misc otherworld herbs(crushed), cookies for Belka, cookies for himself(and Varric), oatcakes for Penny and Shade, his sunglasses he never wears, hair tie(s), one of Varric's cravats(the pretty blue one), a little jar of salt, needle and thread for fixing clothes
... his coat has a lot of pockets
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falkewolfe · 3 years
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wightwold · 3 years
Activity check
Good wolding, everyone!
We are holding our first ever activity check on Wightwold! This only affects character accounts that have fallen inactive, which are listed on the page. To pass the activity check, all you need to do is post a quick check-in in the thread by August 11, no explanation or proof of activity required. We completely understand that real life can get in the way, and welcome you to keep your character even if you aren’t ready to return to roleplaying yet. If your account isn’t listed, you do not need to take any action.
If you miss this activity check, your character’s application/profile and plotter will be archived, but we can un-archive them at any time if you wish to return. Ginterghast progress will never be wiped. However, you may risk losing your face claim if you have one.
Lastly, I would like to say a quick thank you to the community. You are the kindest, funniest, most inclusive and talented group of writers I’ve had the pleasure of knowing in my 20+ years as a roleplayer. While I’ve been away due to a difficult work situation, you kept the ship afloat with Judarius’s heroic work at the helm. I appreciate you all more than I can express, and how wonderful it is to have a home in Wightwold.
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grlizzydraws · 8 years
yes hello i would like to see either niall or erek in a kigurumi of their choice please
Bet you thought I forgot about these requests… but all I forgot was my tablet pen over at a friends house!
Niall in a seerjack suit, because. XD
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thenightmareclub · 9 years
♜:Shoulder rubs - Niall and Kennedy!
Hitching a ride to town was certainly faster, but it was a hell of a lot bumpier.  Niall’s feet dangled out the back of the farmer’s wagon next to Kennedy’s while he hung onto the railing.  He glanced over as she adjusted her wooden arm for the third time in ten minutes.  He put a hand on her shoulder to help her steady.  Her back felt like tangled springs.  He rubbed his thumb across the muscles coiled under her arm’s leather straps, pressing hard to knead out the knots.  The wagon shuddered through another washout, and his gesture nearly pushed Kennedy out of the cart.  His hand returned to his lap.  Enough of that.
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shakingherumbrella · 9 years
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Jak and I were being adults and looking at toys and I found Unicorn Princess Grown up Audrey.
“Mysterious Bilara traverses Bayala on her flower-bedecked unicorn. She knows infinite charms and every time she is needed, she appears to heal wounded animals or ill elves. There was a time when elves feared the enchantress, yet this was a long time ago and now everybody is happy when they cross Bilara’s way.”
INFINITE CHARMS! And Zeb counts as a wounded animal right?!
Also, as a bonus
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Reggie. The attention seeking solitary koala thing
“Apalu lives with his friends in the forests of the rainbow island. He spends most of his time high up in the trees, where he plays, eats and sleeps. Sometimes he climbs down and runs into the village of the rainbow elves. There he is the source of much excitement, because all the elves think he is so cute and feed and stroke him. Apalu enjoys this a lot, but at the latest in the evening he returns to his friends in the forest.”
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If Elias was a gym leader. Look at all those tricksy, smarmy, greedy pokemon!
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curiously-chaotic · 9 years
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It’s dead, jim...
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41 for all your blorbos
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Soibhan: Soibhan absolutely feels as if she must earn what she wants. She wasn't always this way, but after making half a lifetime of bad decisions that ultimately hurt people, she now feels like it's her penance almost to make absolutely certain she's earned what she seeks—whether it's forgiveness, understanding, or a piece of freshly baked bread
Killian: The only thing Killian wants is revenge on the man that ruined his life and his family name, and he absolutely feels as though he deserves that revenge. Everything was taken from him by a man that saw him as nothing more than a tool to use and discard and he firmly believes that retribution is not only deserved, but owed to him
Malachi: This is a tricky one, because present day Mal wants nothing—material or abstract—and so has no opinion on whether or not he deserves anything. He is simply going through the motions. As a child, he was raised like any noble heir to believe that he deserved everything he ever wanted as befitting his station, but immediately after the death of his twin, he felt that the only thing he deserved was to be blamed for that death, and the only thing he wanted was to join Matthias in the grave. Anything else was buried alongside his brother and he hasn't thought about wants since
Augustus: Given the abuse Auggie has gone through and the guilt he'd spent the last decade with, for a long time, he didn't bother with wants because he knew they were completely out of reach and he felt as if he did not deserve anything but the pain life kept dealing him, seeing it as fair trade for what he'd done to Zeke(all while ignoring the fact that he was raised on pain and fear and that those were the things that drove his actions). Now though? Now Auggie realizes that he is allowed to want things, but he's still not healed enough mentally or emotionally to feel like he deserves them. Varric would not agree(and Varric is honestly right)
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falkewolfe · 2 years
To Be A Good Man ... To Be A Brave Man
"I'll not argue the point." But in truth, Wolfe did. In truth, Wolfe knew his value and the value of what a good man ought to have been. Wolfe lacked the redeeming qualities that might have made him a good man. He could have been one ... once ... but ... He shook his head. That way lay madness and grief. Now was not the time for maudlin thoughts. Only, maybe now was the time. In the jaws of death and the only prospect of saving their asses dependent upon a hare-brained scheme of extraordinary danger and foolish recklessness. Niall would have something to say about it all no doubt. Perhaps mostly along the lines of: Ye shouldn't have gotten drunk and wandered off out towards the Broken Front and gotten caught up in Nightguard business. Niall would have had a point, Wolfe had to concede, ignoring that he was his own internal monologue berating himself. He sighed and then turned his mood more jovial, perhaps a little forced so, but he clapped his thighs. "I'll certainly not argue the bit about food. Ha!" The food was good but perhaps the prospect of being caged within a tower, surrounded by hordes of wights had that effect of enhancing the flavour of cooked food. The benefit of knowing a last meal is potentially a last meal. With his meal finished, coffee drank and a swig of his hipflask, Wolfe stared at the coals of the nearest fire even as about him the nightguards worked and prepped. Working towards a plan. A fool ass plan, but a plan nevertheless. A possible means out of this. That strange concoction of the nightguard, the one drove off wights was being gathered for the proposed idea, was brought close to the doors, ready to be deployed. The men prepping it, trying not to stare at either of the ginterghasts upon whom the plan to save their lives depended. WAS THERE GUILT IN THOSE CAST DOWN AND AWAY EYES? Not just for the expectation that the pair would place themselves in danger. But guilt at the ill treatment of so many ginters over the years by the nightguard, with ginterghasts scorned and rejected by the Guard, made to sleep in stables when barracks were available with cots in them. When conflicts were sought when they ought to have been partnered together, working for a better result. But so many of them, far too many of them, were young and unaware of the wider world, caught up in a service that expected them to show courage in the face of terrifying monsters and risk their lives for a paltry coin with nary a thanks from society at large more often than not. He thought of Arden, that little wooden figurine whittled and sat upon Matty's shelf. Did it stand there still? Gathering dust in an empty room? How many of these men ought already to be dead but for the leadership and sacrifices of others? How many more would die if he and Grey could not make a difference? That was the moment when Wolfe sat the coffee mug aside and his countenance grew determined. The time for songs, falling away, at an end. It was time to prepare, before it was a time for action. Wolfe took a jar of the wight scaring smell, soaking an old ragged scrap of a nightguard coat in it and wrapped it about the chest containing the skull. He looked up to meet Grey level in the eye. "This ought to mask some of the draw, yes? If I can gain a little distance from the tower and the walls, I can break the horse into a gallop, whilst I unfurl this cloth, then reveal the skull and then draw the wights. If it's bargheists outside... we may be in luck. Not that I ever thought I'd eve say that! Huh. But it means there won't be fallowhaunts lurking on the tower walls ready to drop down on us." By us, he meant he. He would be the bait. But he needed Grey to trigger the trap. Grey was the trigger. The point of the sword. "You ... they all need to be ready to move, once the wights follow. There won't be a second chance to return here. They have to flee. Keep going. So the priests and injured need to be made ready to move and rushed out." Wolfe nodded at Alistair hoping he agreed. But the difficulty lay in allowing all of that to happen first. That
was where Grey and whomever else he tasked to the challenge to assist needed to come in. And this was the bit that cause Wolfe to gulp down fear. He did not understand how men like Grey, like Arden had had the courage to do what they did, more than that, to have the courage and fortitude to ask it of those who served under them, to place people in danger, mortal danger and perhaps make that ultimate sacrifice. Wolfe could make that choice, could take that risk, for himself, but to ask it of others ... he shook his head troubled and uncomprehending of it. "You'll need to act as a diversion. To buy time for me and for the others to line up to make the break and then to hold that line until the wights follow. I can't see how ye get around it without risk. But ... ye'll have to face whatever horrors are out there. Drive them back. Just enough. Pick them off. Have my back until I can get the horse clear. Is that ... is it doable?" It had to be. And Grey had to be the one who would stand against whatever they faced and make everything fall into place. Wolfe tried to discern what the man would say and what his eyes read. But his eyes rested not on Grey's face but on the hilt of his sword. "A man, a man who wore a sword like that one," Wolfe nodded to the famed Blackweald Sword in Alistair's scabbard. His face constricted into a frown, his lips a thin line of sorrow and contemplation, before he came back to his senses and continued the flow of his words. "He ... he ... Arden. He-he- were a Nightguard Captain. I never knew him. But I knew him to be ..." Wolfe teared up slightly, thinking of young Matty's first conversation with him and how he had described his father, the Nightguard Captain, "the bravest of the brave." Johannes turned his face away and wiped the tear away before he faced Grey again. Wolfe raised his shoulders and took a deep, steadying breath as he tried to explain the risk he was willing to take. The why of it. The reasoning behind it. He wanted not to get caught up in memories of years ago, but around these Nightguards, the spectre and ghost of Arden's sacrifice loomed large. And his loss to Caroline and Matty. And how Wolfe had come into their lives, had been embraced and then ... and then he brought calamity upon them. Wolfe's teeth grew into hackles, his teeth dragging across drawn back lips, as he struggled to contain the sudden memory of it. A memory he had to push and shove back down but not without explaining to Grey that he had to do this. That he owed this. "I was supposed to protect his family. I failed. Oh Gods I failed, Grey. And no, fer that reason, I am not a good man. But ... but ... I want to be - they made me better. They made me want to be better, to believe I could be better. And Gods, if only I could be. If only ... if only I could have been. I guess this ... I guess this is a piss poor way to repay a debt - not a debt - a piss poor way to try and make an amends. Even then, even if it helps, even it works and we drive them away, that act - it will pale with my failure. But I owe the memory of that man, at least that much. To try, to try and help. To try and ... try and be brave ... to try and be a good man." To not be the bravest of the brave, simply just brave enough. To try and be a good man.
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thenightmareclub · 9 years
*sits on new wightwold combat intensely vibrating*
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thebravestfell · 9 years
Wanted Characters
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The Gendry to Eden’s Arya - thirty-eight year old apprentice vespertine or civilian bandit leader from the shingles (Suggested PB: Sean Maguire)
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Right Hand Woman - 25-30 year old alchemist/'madam' from bogshead (Suggested PB: Jessica Parker Kennedy)
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Former Damsel in Distress - 45-47 year old civilian or apprentice ginterghast from combe (Suggested PB: Lena Headey)
Characters needed on  Wightwold, a dark fantasy rp with simple combat elements (open for one year!)
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curiously-chaotic · 9 years
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What even are bows
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I cannot get over this art, it's so good and captures them both so well 😌 And I finally have somewhat of a reference for Auggie's scars
Art by oxiente
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falkewolfe · 3 years
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