#wij2022 day4
builder051 · 2 years
Whumpmas in July 2022 day 4: Share a TV show, movie, story, or any media that gives you the whumperflies
I am very guilty of “perfect searching,” you know, messing with settings on AO3 or even google with the site search and the must include and the banned terms and everything… I learned how to do that around age 12, and when I need a story (fanfic, usually on AO3), that’s how I go about finding my stuff. New things, old things, various fandoms, various categories are all ok, as long as they fall under the frozen dessert genre, and more specifically, the popsicle selection.
Now, some of my favorite, deliciously satisfying lemonade popsicles, representative of my favorite fics and bits and pieces on AO3 are:
sahwen’s various works in the Supernatural and MCU fandoms
Mohini’s fic Dancing in the Dark (Captain America AU)
shyday’s multitude of Daredevil h/c content
As far as other media goes, I love both the book and movie versions of The Outsiders (author SE Hinton, director Francis Ford Coppola). If you look up the film, make sure you get the director’s cut, subtitled titled “the complete novel.” It’s full of first-person whump, and it’s just all around an amazing story for relatability and realistic simplicity.
I also adore the movie First Man, which is about the process leading up to apollo 11 and the first moon launch with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. If you’re into angst with a small amount of physical whump, you’ll like this one a lot. And if you’re a cinema buff, you’ll notice the impressive editing that really makes the film stand out. It’s a Damien Chazelle production, and he’s such a hit-or-miss genius. I can honestly tell you that this is the most perfectly made film I’ve ever seen in my life. And as a wannabe critic, I think that’s really saying something.
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