dhmpyre · 6 years
All right, I didn’t want to have to do this, but someone in the Castlevania fandom is going around slandering me, so here we go. Trigger warning for rape mention, pedophilia mention, also somewhat nsfw.
Let me preface this by saying that I don’t give a shit about my reputation. I don’t care if you all think I’m crazy or aggressive or starting drama or whatever else. The only thing I care about is keeping kids on this website safe. You are all within your rights to do whatever you want with the information I’m about to give you. You can hate me, block me, but I’m making this to warn people. And I’m making this because these people have come forward wanting to start shit with me, and I want to give bystanders the opportunity to understand what’s actually been going on.
I didn’t want to make this public, or make a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be, but these people have decided to start shit with me in public, so this is happening now. 
Note, some people are not named due to the people’s comfort level. If they choose to come forward and back me, that’s up to them, but I’m not giving out names for the sake of their safety and comfort. 
Keep reading
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝗋𝗈𝗅𝖾𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗀𝗈𝖽𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖽  
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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‘   YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHICH PARTS OF YOURSELF TO VALUE YET —     your  spittle  or  it’s  syrupy  smell ,    your  irises  or  their  mothish  obsession  with  light .      even  the  trap - caught  fox  knew  enough  to  chew  away  its  own  leg ,    delighting    (  if  such  a  thing  can  be  said  )    at  the  relative  softness  of  its  marrow .    nature  rewards  this  kind  of  courage        — GOD LOVES THE HUNGRY MORE THAN THE FULL .  ‘    — kaveh akbar
indie richter belmont from castlevania. by max :)
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dhmpyre · 6 years
send my muse “we’re alone now, you could kiss me.” for their reaction.
or— send in your muse’s reaction to mine asking.
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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And I’m back with a madness I’m a champion of the people who don’t believe in champions I got nothing but dreams inside, I got nothing but dreams
a trevor belmont rp blog
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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          THE TREES SURROUNDING THEM WERE MOSTLY COMPOSED OF HEMLOCK.    meaning ,    the  wood  fueling  the campfire  was  almost  entirely  made  of  the  same  species .    hemlock  trees  are  notorious  for  having  the  most  combustible  sap ,    leading  to  pops  of  embers  twirling  into  the  night  sky ,    &    landing  on  whatever  they  can  eat  a  hole  into .    there  was ,    of  course ,   the  temptation  to  sit  away  from  the  fire  in  order  to  avoid  tiny  holes  in  clothes ,  or  welts  of  burns  on  the  skin  was  more  than  present .
            but  alucard  remains  seated  next  to  the  seemingly  explosive  campfire .      his  body  was  born  cold .      frigid ,    even .      heart  unbeating ,   skin  bearing  all  the  charm  of  an  open-casket .     the  fire’s  warmth  had  seeped  into  his  skin ,    the  glow  given  his  skin  the  illusion  of  being  flushed ,    &    gave  him  the  so  desperately  craved  image  of  being  human .    &    maybe  if  he  can  be  perceived  as  human ,    just  maybe ,    that  means  trevor  could  love  him  as  one ...
          no  one  has  said  anything  in  a  while .      he  can’t  pinpoint  when  he  stopped  paying  attention  to  the  conversation ,    or  when  sypha  must  have  retired  to  bed ,    or  when  trevor’s  face  seemed  to  drop .    he  takes  it  upon  himself  to  clear  his  throat ,    pulling  his  coat  closer ,   trying  to  make  it  clear  he  wants  to  speak .
         ‘  what  if  we  were  to  tell  stories ?   ‘   alucard’s  voice  is  airy ,   unconvincing ,   betraying  his  own  occupation  with  his  thoughts .      but  every  story  of  trevor’s ,    every  rise    &    of  his  voice  was  more  than  savored  by  his  ears ,    &    sure  to  lift  his  spirits .  ‘    i’m  sure  you  have  those  in  abundance .  ‘ 
@vestigeson :)
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dhmpyre · 6 years
okay netflix trevor is fine but i miss cod trevor’s signature eyebrow raise
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dhmpyre · 6 years
“I’m afraid of the way that I live my life
I’m afraid of the way I don’t
I’m afraid of the things that I want to do but I won’t”
Big Bird- Andrew Jackson Jihad
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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     ‘   DO  YOU  WISH  THIS  WORLD  HARM ?  ‘     stone-faced ,  the  question  is  presented  without  any  emotion  attached .      all  adrian  could  tell  was  this  being  was  certainly  not  human ,    &    far  too  powerful  for  him  to  feel  comfortable  letting  his  guard  down .
@wargod clicked!
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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indie  hector  of  castlevania :  curse of darknes.  by  max :)
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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CHIAROSCURO- noun.  stems from the italian words chiaro   ( “clear” or “bright” ) and oscuro    (“obscure” or “dark” ), used to refer to a mixture of light & shadow, particularly in renaissance portraits. 
alucard tepes aes.
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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            ‘    tell  me ,  what  do  the  speakers  think  of  love ?   ‘      pure  curiosity  motivates  his  words ,   accompanied  by  the  fact  he  could  not  quite  get  a  read  of  who —     or  what —  sypha  would  be  romantically  drawn  towards .    ‘  moreso ,  perhaps ,    what  is  your  opinion  on  it ? ‘
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dhmpyre · 6 years
you died screaming, yet the monster who took your place was silent.
you are a weapon, and weapons do not weep | h.a (via postvoided)
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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i built this castle, now we are trapped on the throne
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dhmpyre · 6 years
please stop talking about my boyfriend like this
trevor belmont is so hhhhhhhhhh hot
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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dhmpyre · 6 years
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