#wikid rumours
Hello Steph! Do you have any idea where this is from and if it's real? Thank you!
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Hey Lovely!
Okay, so I was REALLY bothered because I KNOW I've seen that image before, and for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was from. Reverse search did nothing. I KNOW it's an official image, though, and I thought maybe it was from the Sherlock Chronicles book... however I just spent an hour perusing every page in the book, and I didn't see this in there unless it was super small or I'm super tired.
Then I thought it was from the Casebook, but that only covers until TRF, so this one is out of the question for that.
BUT now I'm thinking it's a screengrab from one of the official videos' bumpers from the DVD or BluRay extras, OR is from an interview bumper, OR for the promotion of the Escape Room. Pretty sure that's where I've seen it before, and I know people others have too. I think I recall this image, actually, being speculated on... Video screengrabs won't show up on reverse image searches, so it makes sense to me that's what it's from.
I THOUGHT it was from the same video promo we got "John's Alibi" from but I just watched all of it and it's not from that.
UGGGGHH I've browsed my blog up and down... thought I would have found something.
Y'all, is it maybe from one of the videos that used to be on the official character blogs that got wiped? I feel like that might be where it was from and why I can't find anything anymore about it, LOL.
ANYWAY, Lovely, I'm 90% certain it IS official content though.
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