#wild to think there are akihiko stans out there
princekirijo · 4 years
☕️ + The Answer (from p3)
send me ☕️ + [topic] and i’ll tell you my opinion on it!
OK so this is an interesting one. Full disclaimer, I haven’t actually played the Answer (I just haven’t gotten round to it yet). However I did watch all the major scenes so I know the general gist of the story.
I don’t think it’s as bad as some people make it out to be honestly. I think its really cool that you get to play as Aigis and that she inherits the wild card from the protagonist. I hate the way people give out about Yukari’s character in the answer, saying that it ruined her. HER BITCHINESS IS HER WAY OF DEALING WITH THE PROTAGONIST’S DEATH!!!! It does really frustrate me when I see people giving out about this. The best scene in the Answer is easily the scene after you fight Yukari and Mitsuru. Yukari breaking down and Mitsuru comforting her and staying by her side is a beautiful parallel to the Kyoto scene and is a huge win for us Yukamitsu stans. The other thing I actually enjoy about the Answer is seeing why SEES awoke to their Personas. I think my favorites are Akihiko’s and Mitsuru’s because we get to see younger versions of them and they’re adorable. And also Mitsuru’s one is sad because it basically confirms that she’s been fighting shadows since she was 8, making her the youngest person to become a persona user as far as I’m aware my poor baby :(. The final boss Erebus is a cool concept and I like the idea that the protagonist isn’t keeping Nyx in but keeping Erebus out. Also the song during that battle, The Darkness I think, absolutely slaps and is one of my favorites in P3. I don’t have any particular strong opinions on Metis, other than that she could be a bit annoying at times. I liked her design a lot though.
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delicadenza · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @museicaliteacup (thank you Megan! <3), and supposed to tag nine people (YIKES)… I have tagged less than that but the rules say nine if you want to abide by them.
Relationship status: Spoken for, and very embarrassingly so.
Favourite colour: Teal, though I love anything on the blue-green spectrum. Certain shades of green (grungy army green and forest green and pale green that looks like tea), and the very very soft pinks of the blush/old rose variety. Also special mention to white (and the million shades of off-white in existence......), which is my favorite color to wear.
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick. Lipstick is life. I have entirely too many lipsticks haha and putting it on always feels like putting on war paint to me. Which kind of makes it worse that I’m bad about chapstick and lip balm in general; I tend to forget to use it and as a consequence my lips are as parched as the desert.
Last song I listened to: The Campsite Dream remix of Jennifer Paige’s “Crush” which is incredibly boopy but in such an oddly relaxing way; it makes me feel like I’m at the beach (where I would very much like to be in this punishing tropical summer).
Last movie I watched: This legit threw me for a loop because for a good while I literally cOULD NOT REMEMBER....... I think the last movie I saw for the first time might have been (on May’s expert recommendation that I should never have doubted ever even for a second) Ice Princess. As in the really campy Disney Channel movie from 2005 that’s sURPRISINGLY GENUINELY HEARTWARMING AND INSPIRING and has a lot of positive female relationships, so I got unexpectedly invested in it. Although I did also rewatch Pacific Rim recently, for science. I’ve only out and out claimed it as my favorite movie in the last couple of months or so because my family keeps calling me out for loving it a not-normal amount. (MEGAN HI I ALSO NEVER WATCH MOVIES OMG.....)
Top 3 fictional characters: Disclaimer! This is by no means an authoritative list because I attach myself to characters at a pretty wild rate and my fave-rankings tend to be less a measure of actual faveness than of how present a character is in my consciousness at a particular time, so any given day I’m likely to give you a different answer, but anyway: Tenar (The Earthsea Cycle), Death (Sandman), Phichit Chulanont (Yuri!!! on Ice).
Top 3 ships that tbh I stan just as hard platonically so you can literally take all of these as friends or romo or QP and I will have a disproportionate amount of feelings about them any way: Phichit Chulanont/&Katsuki Yuuri (Yuri!!! on Ice), Kuroo Tetsurou/&Kozume Kenma (Haikyuu!!), Kirijo Mitsuru/&Sanada Akihiko/&Aragaki Shinjiro (Persona 3 --> watch me try to break these three up into disparate pairs and fail miserably and resign myself to crying eternally about how much I love them).
Tagging (if you want to!): @mayerwien, @entremelement, @sheep-kiwi-collector, @itskaaaaaaaat, @scissorsandglitter, and anyone else who’d like to do it!
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