#wildifre records
goodproofingwater · 6 years
Wildfire Records - Chapter Twelve
Word Count: 3806
Warnings: slight non-con (although not really)
Playlist: Dear Prudence - The Beatles
press play when you see the *
It had been exciting to get up early to do something other than work. She had showered and blow dried her hair before 8am, knowing that Josh wanted to get going early so they could spend as much time in the studio as possible.
When she walked out, dressed in skin-tight jeans and a black denim jacket, her tucked in tank top allowing her to be comfortable but look good at the same time. After admitting to Juliet that she liked Josh, she was excited to be spending some time alone with him. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as he came down the stairs in jeans but shirtless, and she couldn’t help but bite her lip, eyes running over defined abs that she had not expected to be revealed.
“Morning..” he smiled with a hint of confidence as he watched her check him out. He had been unsure if she felt anything for him until that moment. It may not be feelings in the same way, but he was sure by the way her eyes devoured him that she was attracted to him. “I won’t be long, just had to get a shirt from the pile the cleaner left upstairs..”
Victoria nodded, forcing herself to look into his eyes and smile, a slight blush washing over her as she realised how obvious she had just been.
“I’ll wait for you upstairs with coffee..” she grinned, “want me to make us some breakfast?”
“Sure if you want something quick? I think Danny left some pancakes in the refrigerator yesterday, should be good to just heat them up.”
She nodded, walking toward the stairs and biting down on her lip as she let her eyes wash over him once more. He couldn’t help but smile at the turn of events, and he did everything he could not to think about what could have happened if he had bought her into his room…
She kept her mind on the pancakes as she flipped them to reheat, and tried her best not to remember how his hands had felt around her waist, his breath on her neck, his lips so close to hers. But then he was there, his fingers gripping her hips. She closed her eyes as she ran her fingers over his arms, letting her head lull back against his shoulder as his lips caressed her neck so softly.
“Mmm..” she moaned, pushing her hair to one side and biting her lip as his teeth grazed softly against her shoulder, his fingers moving to play with the zipper on her pants, his hand running over her breasts through her shirt in bold moves she hadn’t expected but fully endorsed.
“Why don’t we take this back to my room hm? And  I can make you cum till you can’t move like I used to...” The unexpected voice caused a shiver to run down her spine and her eyes ripped open as she elbowed Andy hard in the stomach.
“Fucking give up!” She screamed at him, turning and pushing him away, “I don’t fucking want you, I hate you!” She shouted in his face and he reached out to her, holding her arm.
“Come on babe please…” his eyes looked almost pained as they looked deep in her own, “please forgive me I… I didn’t mean to hurt you I was just trying to do something good for us...I miss you...”
Victoria shook her head and slapped him hard around the face, “I told you not to touch me, so don’t fucking touch me. If I didn’t have to work with you I wouldn’t even talk to you ever again.”
Andy stepped back, looking more hurt that Victoria had ever seen him, and she gulped as she turned back to the pancakes, putting them on the plate and pouring coffee into the two mugs she had waiting.
“I’m.. I’m sorry..” Andy spoke, gulping and taking another step back, pulling his cigarettes from his pocket and making his way to the roof.
Moments later, Josh happily jogged into the reception room, this time fully clothed.
“Mm that smells delicious!” He grinned, moving to pick up one of the coffee mugs and frowning when she flinched, “hey… hey what’s wrong? It’s just me…”
Victoria shook her head, pulling syrup from the cupboard and placing both plates on the counter.
“No.. come on..” Josh spoke, moving to stand closer to her, a hand moving hair from her eyes and her chin up with his forefinger, “tell me...what’s wrong?”
“Andy just tried something..” she muttered, and Josh was immediately angry. Eyes darted to the smell of smoke on the roof and he was about to make a move to go up there when he felt her small hand on his wrist, “just don’t.. he’s not worth it..”
Josh looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and nodded, then wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head once more, holding her like she was made of glass, and he never wanted to let go. She smelled of coconut and her perfume, and her arms wrapped around her waist just felt so right.
“No tears today, alright?” He pulled back to look down at her, moving her chin up with his finger once more and her stomach once again erupted with butterflies. She so desperately wanted to stand on her tiptoes and kiss him, to wrap her arms around his neck and feel those gorgeous lips, that sharp tongue moving against her own, but she knew she shouldn’t. She was too scared of losing him.
“Okay..” she nodded with a smile, resting her forehead on his, her breath shaking as she inhaled deeply and bit down on her lip.
It took everything in him not to close the gap between them, her gorgeous painted lips were sitting so close to his own but he didn’t want to confuse her, didn’t want to hurt her if she wasn’t ready. So he pulled away and sat down at the breakfast bar, sipping his coffee and clearing his throat.
“We’ll leave once we’re done, it should only take like 20 minutes on the bus so no rush..” she nodded, sipping her own coffee and licking her lips. Would this tension be there between them the whole day? Would they be walking around abbey road and seeing all these amazing things and all she would be thinking about is where she could pull him into a dark corner? This was so stupid, she knew that it could never happen now that she had been with his friend, knew he probably didn’t even like her, just cared about her because they had been close and liked the same things.
They are their breakfast quickly and he packed up their plates and put them in the sink, grabbing his denim jacket from the side and chuckling at their almost matching outfits.
“Well I’m not changing..” she grinned, picking a bottle of water from the fridge and sipping it before she placed it in her bag, glancing up at the spiral stairs for a moment before she moved toward the stairs to the front door.
It took them 15 minutes to get to the studio, getting the bus when they really could have walked, and Josh was practically bouncing as they walked across the famous crossing. She had been spending so much time with the boys that she forgot that they weren’t from here, that seeing Abbey Road was probably one of the most exciting things about being in London for two musicians who had barely been here (she didn’t count Andy as he was here every summer as a kid). She felt immediately bad for taking Danny’s ticket until Juliet sent her a text asking if she had any condoms that she could steal.
Walking around, the studio really was amazing. Andy’s dad's studio was impressive but this was something else, the mixing desks were easily three times the size of the one at their house, and that was just in one of the many studios that were housed within the complex. The most famous studio, the one where the Beatles, architects, and oasis had recorded, was bigger than the studio and the study put together, and Josh was so in awe of the guitars in there that she left him to it. Clicking open her Instagram, she took a few photos for her story and a video of Josh who had sat down and was playing a soft Beatles tune on a guitar which was apparently worth tens of thousands.
He looked adorable sitting there playing a song that she found out was called Dear Prudence. His fingers moved carefully and expertly across the guitar, his tongue running along the inside of his lip as he concentrated. She was so focused on him and recording him playing for the bands Instagram, that when he looked up at her with that devastating smile she was caught off guard. Her stomach did the now familiar backflip, and she bit her lip as he watched her as he played, licking his lips before he looked back at the guitar.
She grinned as he set the guitar down, “that was so nice, I’ve never heard that song before..”
He mirrored her smile and moved over to her, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ll have to play it for you more often..” he smiled softly, biting his lip as his eyes ran over her features, wondering if he could make a move. He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, wanted to take her mind off of everything that had hurt her, so instead of offering her his hand as he wanted, he offered his arm.
She smiled up at him and took it, spending the rest of the day entwined in him and it just felt right.
After the tour, they went to a pub just down the road for some lunch, and after they had finished eating they sat drinking pints of beer together, grinning at the dogs that came in with their owners. This was so perfect. She realised that this was the life she wanted more than anything. Sitting in a pub in the middle of London dog watching with this beautiful man beside her.
“So tell me,” she started, setting down her pint glass and resting her hand on the table, “was it everything you expected and more?” Victoria grinned, watching as he licked his lips after taking a generous gulp.
She had forgotten that beer was mostly served in bottles in America, and had likened the moment in which she ordered them pints to the scene in Lord of the rings were Merry and Pippin find out about pints.
“It was amazing wasn’t it?” He grinned from ear to ear, “so cool to see where the Beatles did it all, and to play one of the guitars that they used.. amazing!” She was sure that she had never seen him so happy, and the only thing that caused her smile to falter was his hand resting close to hers.
“Did uh.. did you have a good time?” He asked, looking up at her with an innocent look in his eyes, his hand moving closer to hers, his fingertips grazing slowly over the back of her hand as he listened for her answer.
She could barely think for the gentle touch taking over her, his calloused fingertips causing goosebumps to erupt all over her body, the intimate action making her bite down hard on her lip, “I did…” she spoke, nodding and then she moved her hand to pick up her glass, resting it down where he couldn’t reach it, a small smirk on her face. “Particularly when you played that song for me…”
From the way she was looking at him, it seemed like she was playing hard to get and it drove him crazy. He grinned at her, sipping his pint and licking his lips before he ran a finger over the rim of his glass. “I’ll play you some more when we get home if you want?” He looked up at her through his lashes, the innuendo not lost on him and she gulped at his dark eyes.
She wanted him, wanted to feel those lips against her neck, those deft fingers running through her hair, but she immediately felt a weird sense of guilt and sadness. It hadn’t been so long since she had been with Andy, and what if Josh was going to hurt her in the same way? She knew that he would never be so ignorant as to sleep with someone and try and justify it but what if he only wanted her because he couldn’t have her?
She gulped, sipping her pint once more and nodded with a small smile.
He was about to respond when his phone buzzed, his face lighting up as he read a message and she quirked her eyebrows as she watched him tap away eagerly.
“Danny’s planning a camping trip” He spoke with a smile that lit up his entire face, “do you wanna go? Juliet’s coming?”
Camping was not something that would be Victoria’s first choice, and it seemed odd to her that it was something that someone who had only been in the country a few months would suffer, but she supposed it was a very California thing to do.
“Where will we camp?” She asked, sipping her drink once more and licking her lips.
He was trying to focus on the messages that his friend was sending through to him but it was difficult when Victoria was sat in front of him looking as good as she did just then. Everything about her drew him in in a way that he had never experienced before.
Not only had he had one of the best days of his life because he got to tour abbey road, but he could also see how much it was helping her. Of course, he wanted to get closer to her, but he wanted her to be happy more than anything and the smile that she had given him when he had played those twinkly guitar tones had been incredible. He felt his heart race at the thought of them alone in a tent together, their bodies inches away from each other as they huddled up for warmth.
“Um…” he started, looking down at his phone and waiting for the reply to come through to that exact question that he had sent before she had even asked, “He says apparently there’s a campsite at a place called Lee Valley? We can rent a car to drive us up there but it doesn’t look too far away, have you got a tent or anything?”
Victoria shook her head with a small laugh, “does everyone in Cali have camping gear stored away?”
Blue eyes glanced up into her own as he looked up from his phone, and there was something in them that she hadn’t seen before. He smiled that cute smile which changed his whole face again and nodded, “I guess I didn’t realise that that was a Cali thing..” he chuckled.
“Me and Danny used to hike up to the mountains and go camping all the time when we were kids. One of the reasons we’re such good friends I think..”
It had been therapeutic for both of them to get out of their small town when they were younger. His mom hadn’t been the best after his dad had left, to the point where he had stayed at Danny’s house almost every weekend. It was okay when he had the distraction of going to school, but Saturdays with his mom drinking and smoking were the worst. It would be good to get back out into the open even when he didn’t know the landscape nearly as well. He also slept better outside than anywhere else, and it had been difficult to get a good night's sleep with all the partying and drama that had been circling their group as of late.
“It’s alright, we can buy a tent for quite cheap..” she spoke, and his smile widened
“You really wanna go?” She couldn’t help the smile that slipped over her features as he grinned up at her, the excitement in his eyes almost as much as it was when he had seen Ringo Starr’s drum skin.
“Of course, let's get out of the city. I’m sure I can handle not having hair straighteners for a day or two..” she chuckled and he sipped his beer, the excited grin never leaving his face.
“That’s more than Andy will do.. he will flat out refuse to come by the way.” She let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding and felt immediately more excited about the trip. After that morning she never wanted to be alone with Andy again, and the possibility of being alone and in the middle of nowhere filled her with something akin to fear.
“Oh thank God..” she chuckled a little in relief, and he bit his lip before he sipped his beer again, the realisation that he would be alone with her in such a small space washing over him again.
“Do uh.. do you wanna talk about what happened this morning?” He asked, eyes narrowing slightly as he broached such a sensitive subject, and by the way her face fell he immediately wished he hadn’t bought it up.
“It’s.. it’s nothing.” She shook her head and then realised that she had to tell someone, and why not him? He had looked after her so well and could speak to Andy to ensure that it didn’t happen again, “He just came up behind me and started kissing my neck and stuff…”
Josh let out a short breath of frustration and shook his head, and was about to respond when she continued.
“I let him for a little...I...i didn’t realise it was him until he spoke..” she licked her lips, her stomach filling with butterflies in apprehension of her next words, “I uh… I thought..” she gulped, “I thought it was you..” she looked up at him under painted lashes, heart beating at a thousand miles a minute as a blush blossomed in her cheeks.
He felt his stomach lurch as she spoke, his hands shaking momentarily as excitement and nerves ran through him. She had thought it was him? And… she had let him kiss her neck… God did he wish it had been him.
“Oh yeah?” he spoke, a confident smile forming and he let his eyes dart from her eyes to her lips as he licked his own,
“Yeah..” the blush on her cheeks as she looked up at him with a shy smile was more than adorable, and he moved closer to the table, running his fingers along her hand again.
“Well, it’s good to know you wouldn’t mind me kissing your neck… although it’s totally wrong of him to do that. I’ll make sure he doesn’t do it again..” his fingers slipped to the spaces between hers as he looked between their hands and her still blushing features.
She bit her lip and turned her hand gently so their fingers ran along each other, her entire body feeling like it was electric at his touch. She daren't admit that Andy's hands had touched more than her waist and that she had been more than happy when she had thought it was Josh. It was enough to admit she wanted his lips on her neck.
“Thanks…” she grinned, picking up her pint and finishing the last of it. She chose to ignore his comment if only to stop herself from getting closer to him. What she would give to feel his lips on her neck for real...
“Want another drink here or do you wanna go home and chill on the roof?” He asked, finishing his own pint before he looked around. It was a nice, typically English pub and he was having a good time, but he was craving a cigarette and they had beer at home.
“Let’s go..” she smiled, and after they had grabbed their jackets he moved closer to her and slipped his fingers into her own as they walked out of the pub.
His palm against her own was warm and comforting, and she felt giddy as they walked down the road with their fingers entwined. It felt natural to be walking along like this, and neither of them brought any attention to it until they approached the door and they both hesitated to let go momentarily. He knew that he couldn’t show that kind of affection to her in the house, that he was lucky to be able to hold her for the twenty-minute journey home, but he wished he could. He wanted to be close to her in any way he could, and it was going to be difficult to go back to how they were now that he knew how it felt to look into her eyes and know that she wanted him.
He almost fumbled the keys when his mind drifted to the thought of his lips on her neck, and as they walked into the apartment, he watched her walk toward her room with a desperation that he knew he had to snap out of. This was madness. Above all, she was his friend and he didn’t want to do anything to ruin that. He was also acutely aware that her previous relationship hadn’t ended that long ago, and that it had been entirely about sex. She had seemed happy, but judging from how it had ended she had wanted more, and there was nothing Josh wanted more than to give her happiness, to show her that affection wasn’t just drugs and sex and partying. She deserved more than that. Victoria Sanderson deserved the world, and he wanted to give it to her.
She looked over her shoulder as she shut the door to her room, and as she placed her bag on the bedside table, she couldn’t stop grinning. This was something else. This feeling, this warm, giddy little school girl feeling was like nothing she had ever felt before. She had been so happy just to hold his hand, so happy to let him run his fingers over her palms, and even though it hadn’t been long since she had been with Andy she couldn’t bring herself to regret the thoughts running through her mind.
She tapped a text through to Juliet telling her that they needed to catch up and laid back on her bed, closing her eyes as she imagined his lips, how they would feel pressed against her own as he held her close and made her feel safe.
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freshmusicfreak · 7 years
Nonsens Debuts a New Vocal-Bass Sound with "Wildifre"
Nonsens Debuts a New Vocal-Bass Sound with “Wildifre”
Nonsens makes a massive return to the scene with their new release “Wildfire,” which debuts a new sonic direction for the Danish producers on :labelmade: records and disco:wax. “Wildfire” opens with muted, silky basslines that hang subtly behind vocals from The Palliative; the track slowly builds heat up until the drop, when effervescent melodies and futuresque synths take the spotlight,…
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tune-collective · 7 years
Nonsens Debuts New Sound with 'Wildifre'
Nonsens Debuts New Sound with 'Wildifre'
Nonsens makes a massive return to the scene with their new release ‘Wildfire,’ which debuts a new sonic direction for the Danish producers on :labelmade: records and disco:wax. ‘Wildfire’ opens with muted, silky bass lines that hang subtly behind vocals from The Palliative; the track slowly builds heat up until the drop, when effervescent melodies and future-esque synths take the spotlight, complemented by the singer’s emotive high notes. Nonsens breaks new ground with this type of vocal bass-electronica, drawing upon their strengths as veritable producers of heavier music and creating a sound that is subtler and yet more sophisticated and poignant than anything they’ve ever done before. ‘Wildfire’ has been a long time coming – Nonsens started the track as a demo nearly two years ago, but it took many revisits to perfect the sound.
“The release of ‘Wildfire’ marks a new era for us, where our music embraces a larger audience with the vocals and our signature sounds,” said Nonsens. “The mix of our underground background and our work with many different artists in different genres has played an important role in creating ‘Wildfire’.”
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goodproofingwater · 5 years
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