#wildred godefory
darklordazalin · 2 years
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Wilfred Godefroy
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Domain: Mordent Domain Formation: 579 BC Power Level:  💀💀 ⚫⚫⚫ Sources: Domains of Dread (2e), Realm of Terror Boxset (2e), I Strahd, The War Against Azalin (Novel) , Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol III (3e) Content Warning: Suicide, violence against women I’ve been to Lord Godefroy’s inconsequential Domain and did not find Mordent to be very memorable. Mordent is a coastal domain of thick, ancient forests, mist shrouded moors, unreliable maps, and uncared for roads. The state of disrepair in Mordent makes Barovia appear modern and civilized. Mordent is an old and haunted land; the perfect home for our ghostly Darklord, Lord Godefroy. The landscape itself is said to shift at the whims of the Mists, making any maps unreliable and travelers are forced to listen to nonsensical directions from the locals. Godefroy’s history is obscured and simple, much like Godefroy himself who’s personality is boiled down to the arrogant, conceited snob that dominates artrocrate society. He inherited the Gryphon Hill estate in Mordentshire and shortly after married Estelle Weathermay. The two had a child, Lilia. Godefroy, wanting a son did little to conceal his disappointment at obtaining a daughter. Little is known on what led to the events where he beat his own wife and daughter to death, but history indicates he was a violent man with a vile temper. Estelle and Lilia came back to haunt him. Each night they reminded him of his horrendous crime against them until he was driven into madness and sought escape by ending his own life. But he did not find the escape he sought and instead found himself brought back as a spirit still haunted by the ghosts of his wife and child. At this time, Mordent had not become an official Domain yet but Godefroy’s actions were noted by the Dark Powers, who just love sticking their nose in other people’s business…But I digress. It was, interestingly, the actions of a far powerful Darklord (myself, naturally) and his assistance (a vampire of no real consequence) who caused Mordent to become an official Demiplane. I had created a portal to Mordent, but when my assistant and I left, the Dark Powers clung to the “most powerful” thing left in the domain and went for Godefroy. In essence, he became a Darklord by default. As a Darklord, he can travel throughout his Domain, but tends to stick to the House of Gryphon Hill. The house is interesting, almost a sentient being with a mind of its own and an aura of evil that many can feel from miles away. Other than not being tied to one place and his immunity to “turn undead”, Godefroy is just like any other ghost except he’s still haunted by his wife and child. Every night they track him down and curse him for their murders. A ghost haunted by ghosts who became a Darklord by default and doesn’t even rule anything. How do I even rate this nonsense? The only interesting thing to come out of Mordent are the Weathermay-Foxgrove twins. van Richten’s latest guide changed some of Godefroy’s tale, which I will address next Thursday.
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