#will I get back into dcst? Yes when shit happens
sobashahzadi · 1 year
yeah so babygirl right here
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indigosabyss · 4 months
DCST X Naruto: Automobile Fever
(Note: Kikumaru is Ukyo)
"... Do I wanna know what this is about?" Kakashi asked as he took in the remnants of a large cart that had been dismantled in the middle of the training ground he had begun taking Senku to.
Said cute little inventor paused from fiddling with metal pipes to fix him with an excited look, "Yes. You absolutely do. Ask me anything."
Kakashi knew a threat when he saw one, "I'd rather not, thanks."
"It's the automobile, take two!" Senku continued, uncaring.
"Maa, when'd you have time to do take one?" He was starting to realize that he was also assigned to Senku to monitor him. And if the bratling had started going behind Kakashi's back to make more inventions... Well. The consequences wouldn't be good.
"Oh, shit you're making another one of these??" A voice spoke up from the treeline as a figure dropped down, more weirdly shaped pipes in one hand and a bag of coal in the other.
"Hey, Ta- Person I've Never Met Before." Shisui backpedaled horribly.
"Shisui, your ex-teammate Kikumaru introduced us, if you've forgotten." Kakashi replied drily, "And care to tell me what the first one was like?"
Shisui's smile suddenly became a lot more wooden.
Compared to Shisui's meteoric rise through the ranks, his genin teammate Kikumaru had gone a slightly more sedate route - not before getting promoted to chunin before Shisui though, which he still wasn't over.
His lack of promotions was probably because of taking long-term in-village posts which someone had to do, but had little chance of proving your merit.
On the upside, though, this meant that they could catch up anytime Shisui was cooling down between missions. Even if Kikumaru wasn't free, no one cared if an elite jonin hung by the entry gate for an hour too long.
Until he came back from his most recent one.
"Sorry, Shisui." Kikumaru looked at least a little apologetic as he adjusted the mess of pipes on his back, "Working on something."
"Training for jonin exams?" Shisui asked, falling into step beside him, because even if he hadn't managed it as fast as Shisui, Kikumaru still could pass the exams.
"I've told you, I prefer providing security for the Village." Kikumaru reminded him mildly, "And this is a project I'm helping a boy with. Shiraishi Senku, you'll like him."
They were on the outskirts of the commercial district, where the crowd had petered off until there was no one but them.
And a little boy who looked barely old enough to be in the Academy, sitting on some sort of weirdly made cart. (Which meant he was older than Shisui when he made his first kill.)
"Aw, hi kid!" He skipped forward to greet him. He couldn't help it, they were just so cute and innocent and he wanted them to stay like that forever.
"Shisui's a friend of mine." Kikumaru explained, setting the contraption down on the cart.
Senku nodded, thoroughly distracted by fixing random ends of the pipes to axles of the cart, "That's cool."
Clearly he wouldn't listen until he was done with this, so Shisui settled for watching intently.
He was now pouring water into some part of this mess.
And then he was putting coal into a separate part.
And then, he brought out the matches.
"What's this project exactly?" He asked at that point, because he desperately needed to know.
Senku beamed at him, "It's an engine! I'm powering it out of steam, but later on we can make a more efficient power source. For now, though, we can use the one billion percent reliable Wobbler design, which works by-"
His excited rambling was cut off as steam began to belch out of the chimney part of the metal contraption. Shisui took a step back, ready to grab the kid in case it exploded.
The cart rocked, and for a moment he thought exactly that was about to happen. He pulled Senku away to a semi-safe distance, waiting.
The cart did not explode. And neither did the 'engine'. Instead, it moved forward.
Wheels turning, with neither horse nor man pulling it, the cart began to crawl down the road, gaining speed rapidly.
"Awesome." He praised reflexively, as it jerkily turned a corner, "...Can you disable it?"
"Not without being on board." Senku replied.
Possibly possessed cart was now fully out of sight.
Kikumaru and Shisui chased after it over the rooftops in unison, not a word having to be said between them.
Even if they were elite ninja, it seemed they had been too slow on the uptake. Through the whole commercial district, there was a trail of destruction. Animals running loose, produce squashed. Inconceivable amounts of damages, all leading up to...
"That's the Nara compound." Kikumaru noted faintly, landing on the ground in front of where there should be guards. Seems they had abandoned their posts to chase after the possibly possessed cart.
Shisui activated his Sharingan, just to figure out where it went next, but it was pretty obvious, given that it had been going in a straight line since it broke down the Nara clan compound's gates.
"It's gotten into the forest." He confirmed solemnly.
"-as far as we can figure, either the deer ate it. Or it integrated seamlessly and now lives amongst them like the beast it was meant to be." Shisui finished.
"It wasn't alive, it didn't even have a logic unit!" Senku argued from behind them.
"I know a living breathing thing when I see one!" Shisui insisted right back.
Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Okay, Senku-kun, I'm going to have to know exactly how this works. And we'll be starting this with smaller tests first."
He hated having to be responsible.
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