#will bria have to come kick his ass? lol
bridgeportbritt · 1 year
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Creeksbrey Palace | Umbrage, SimDonia
Grayson sighs
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Olivia giggles: Grayson, honey. I'm pretty sure that's about the 13th time you've sighed since we started getting ready.
Grayson sighs: Has it really been that much?
Olivia: Quite possibly even more.
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Grayson: I'm sorry. I'm just nervous is all.
Olivia: Grace.. you look super handsome, I promise. That suit... suits you.
Grayson: Thanks, but I'm sure you know that it isn't the suit that's bothering me.
Olivia: Really? 'Cause it's the third one you've tried on.
Grayson: ....
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Olivia: Ohhh, come here, grumpy. Everything is going to be fine, I promise.
Grayson: Your dad hates me, Liv. Probably even more now that I whisked you away.
Olivia giggles: You didn't whisk me anywhere, Grayson. I wanted to come with you. I think my dad is coming around, seriously. We're going over there, aren't we?
Grayson: Yeah... but I still find it very hard to believe that he's come around to the idea of us together.
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Olivia: Well, you shouldn't. You're an amazing, sweet, caring, thoughtful man. No one, not even my dad, shouldn't be able to see how wonderful you are. Unless they're blind or something.
Grayson laughs: That's very sweet of you, Liv.
Olivia: Besides, I think my dad knows how serious I am about us. And about just letting me live my life in general.
Grayson: Watcher, I hope so. I just want everything to go well. I know how much it means to you. And it means a lot to me, too.
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Olivia: It will, Grayson. It will.
Grayson: I love you.
Olivia: I love you, too.
???: Knock knock!
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Grayson and Olivia: Come in!
???: Well, don't you both look amazing?
Grayson: Thanks, mom.
Olivia: Hi, Bria! You look great, too!
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Bria: So, tonight's the big night, huh? The face-off with Big Donny.
Grayson: Yeah, any last minute words of advice?
Olivia: Not that Grayson needs any!
Bria: Yeah, remember your mama is on speed dial and I will be there in a heartbeat to get Ol' Donovan together. Nobody disrespects my child. That includes you Olivia!
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Olivia: Yes, ma'am.
Grayson jokes: You honestly could get a call from me, mom.
Bria: Just don't feel like you can't stand up for yourself. This is your life. As much as we want to write it for you as parents, it's up to you guys to build the life you want. It's our job to just support you.
Olivia: Now, that's great advice.
Grayson: She tends to give the best.
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Bria: It's gonna go great and even if doesn't, you'll be happy you tried. Either way, you two crazy kids and that cat and my near future grand babies are going to be super happy.
Grayson laughs: Alright, mom. Let's get through this first.
Olivia: Thank you, Bria.
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Olivia: Ready?
Grayson: As I'll ever be.
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