#will elaborate further when I get these doodles done kekekeke
nem0-nee ยท 1 year
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RKGK hell ft. another sona!! (Bc one isn't enough ahahahahaha)
Providing a silly sneak peek of "Nemo"!! Surprisingly not twisted from Nemo the clownfish ๐Ÿ’€
Some little crumbs of trivia:
Nemo is mainly inspired by an old sona design of mine! I loved the idea of obscuring the face with a notebook of sorts.
She's also inspired by a certain DHMIS character >:)) Ironic that she got sorted to Diasomnia of all dorms (iykyk)
Her main schtick is the [sketchpad] on her face. This [sketchpad]. These pages contains her so-called "identities" in which she can use to express herself.
Without the [sketchpad], Nemo is unable to express herself.
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