#will eventually get some ive been eyeing on etsy and such as well
basaltbutch · 11 months
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[I.D. A photo of a denim vest taken so you can see the entirety of the outside. It is slowly being taken over entirely by dog-related patches. The biggest one is one that takes up the entirety of the back and features a dog walking, staring at the viewer, surrounded by red and underneath a crescent moon. Other patches include "Bite the hand that feeds" , a transsexual pawprint, "Patron saint of one way journeys" , and a pocket labeled "Treats" with a dog bone on it. End I.D.]
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ultrainfinitepit · 2 months
Shop Update May 2024
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It's time for the May update - a little early so UK buyers don't miss the Etsy special (more details below).
Here's everything new on Shopify and Etsy:
New pin designs: Star Harvester and Dominion Angel
New Astrological Putti pins: Leo and Aries
New Zodiac Putti pin: Year of the Pig
Tons of new variants of past campaign pins! Three-Legged Seraph, Worm on a String, Lil Guy Seraph, All-Seeing Eye, Angelic Grim, Siphonophore, Illumination, Marchosias, Colorwheel Throne, and Joan of Arc
For those of you in the UK, Etsy is running a special promotion. From now until April 30, use code SMALL5 at checkout to get £5 off orders of £30 or more.
Just a reminder that if you miss out on pins or are looking for previous colorways, you may find them with my stockists now or in the future. I send a little bit of everything I make to each of my stockists, but when they update depends on how busy they are.
Speaking of stockists: to help free up some storage space, all my items at Mushroomy will be on sale May 1-15, for a big discount of 20% off! And lots of new items have been listed there, including Eldritch Saints pins, stickers, and prints that are sold out in my Shopify/Etsy shops. The discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
This month's crowdfunding news: if you missed the Angelology IV campaign, the preorder store is open but only until May 11. My next campaign Pride Angels will launch in June if all goes well.
I have a few pin designs waiting in the wings to be produced, but only so much budget so, I am running a poll on Tumblr to vote on the next designs to make. I plan to make all of them eventually but you can cast your votes on which ones to make first.
That's all for this update, have a marvelous May ❤️
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cordcorvid · 2 months
hi! i hope this doesnt come off as a bother or anything . but do you have any mask making tips or tutorials you could reccomend ?? (like for materials, jaw movement, and how to see out of there) im planning to do a raven named Goose :D
ive been finding some resources here and there, but i thought it wouldnt hurt to ask !!!
Absolutely not! I'd love to answer all your questions. :D I have not looked at that many tutorials, I mostly looked at pinterest pictures of raven costumes to see what I can come up with. One that really inspired me to get things going is actually another Tumblr user I found on there who has posted some helpful tips that I followed along with! They too have a raven costume and they got their resin base from the same manufacturer (Crystumes, they have a website where you can shop for their blanks) Since this post is awfully long, I'll do a read more from here on:
The tutorials I followed the most is this one by Rah-Bop:
Rah-Bop has some tips about adding feathers, making foam-feathers, adding claws to your gloves, making gloves or feet. In terms of material: I used the hinged resin base by Crystumes which by itself cost me +/- 200USD, they sent me a pair of customizeable glass eyes and a tongue.
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Crystumes has some additional tutorials specifically regarding their masks on their website! Crystumes also lists some of the materials on their website that I used and where to get them (Like the apoxie clay to do the eyelids, the glass eyes etc.) I did mess the eyes up though the first time I did it so I had to order them from delviesplastics.com (As suggested by Crystumes) Since I ordered the base with hinges I'm not sure how to do them myself but I will have to figure it out for the second fursuit I'm cooking! In terms of other material I bought some long rooster feathers and hair jewelry off of Etsy. I bought a pair of long faux leather gloves from Ricardo (which is a swiss second hand online shop) but you can buy the gloves anywhere else or even sew them yourself by tracing your arm and hand on a piece of paper, then trace the pattern twice on any somewhat stretchy material like faux leather or spandex and sew those two together for one glove each. I bought black fur in another Swiss textile / sewing shop named Alja (not sure if it's actually Swiss) since it's cheaper (around 60$ for 4 yards) than to ship fur from America to Switzerland (Which amounts to 100-200 for the same amount). But if you can afford it: Take a look at Howl's Fabrics or Big Z Fabric. Both websites offer samples! I personally don't buy from them as the shipping costs for me are devastating. I suggest looking at general "furring" tutorials or "how to fur a fursuit head" tutorials on youtube. Most of them will tell you to make a duct tape pattern on your base, draw on the patterns then cut those patterns out on fur, sew the fur together then glue to the base. Crystumes once made a twitter post about it as well I think but I'm not sure I'll find it. When cutting fur in general just make sure you keep the scissors as close to the backing as possible to avoid cutting any fur fibers in the process, it will be visible otherwise. I made a fur top / shirt by tracing one of my long sleeve t-shirts onto the fur I bought and went with that. For the back of the head I used an 80s Mullet/Rockstar wig I bought from another Swiss online store. Other fursuit makers mostly sew fur even to the back of the head but my personal Raven fursuit is literally just a mask with a wig to cover the back. Which in turn makes the whole mask less hot. To keep the mask ON my face and to keep it from slipping down I used the adjusteable part of a biking helmet or climbing helmet. and attached it to the mask by using a lot of hot glue, I eventually had to use some stronger glue as it kept falling off. Since the mask was fairly big when I bought it and rather uncomfortable I used thick felt sheets and glued them inside the head as padding material! Foam works as well, whatever floats your boat. I went with felt since I could easily cut some feather patterns into them as a nice easter egg. Not sure anymore what exactly I used to cover the holes by the beak that I see out of, but it was some kind of very fine dark and flexible grid that I bought from the swiss equivalent of home depot. In terms of being able to see: The crystume base has holes between the beak and the eyes that you can look out of or you can even look through the mouth, both works pretty well and the mask allows for a lot of visibility from within- Out of all my fellow furry friends I'm the only one that doesn't necessarily need a spotter since I can see pretty well. In terms of clothing I pretty much sewed nothing by myself and only assembled a bunch of my own outfits that would fit the raven costume. Sometimes I did buy some costume specific stuff from online clothing stores or went into the thrift shop to buy some costume specific clothing pieces. In general, for your first raven costume just go with the flow and try to keep it budget friendly, as your first will unlikely be perfect. And that's about it! Not sure if I missed something but I tried to cover everything as much in detail as I could. Hope it helps!
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