#will i ever shut up tbh asldkfj
senfinity · 7 years
hi! can i ask u some non exo advice? so i saw that u took a lot of different majors in uni. how were you able to switch between them so easily? also how did you find what you really wanted to do? Im indian (like you! the only other indian exo stan ive found
Hello! First of all, I find that incredibly amazing, since we’re both Indian and my dad was the one who wanted me to go into engineering and I remember not knowing wtf it even was (I literally thought it was a step to becoming a plumber or a car mechanic alkjsdf) but I had the grades to get into it, and literally no path set out for myself so I was like, “Sure, why not!” Little did I know that it would be the cause of crippling anxiety and depression and a complete waste of four years of my life lmao //laughs like it wasn’t a painful memory//
BUT to answer the first part of your question: in my university, when you get into engineering, the first year of engineering is common for all students, and you only choose a specific discipline of engineering in your second year. So the first one I chose was engineering chemistry, but after I failed a class in my second semester (aka the end of second year) I realized that I really hated it, and switched into computer engineering. Since the first year is common for all engineers and there are no actual pre-reqs to getting into a specific discipline other than having those first year courses (which is mandatory, like I said) it was really easy to switch my engineering discipline, and I went back to second year again… But after 1.5 more years of that I realized that at this rate I really was going to end my life soon, so after getting a nudge from my doctor I completely dropped out, which is surprisingly a pretty easy process alksjdf that is ofc if your university isn’t a complete ass… 
Now the reason I was able to easily get into a math major was because, well I took engineering and in the first year we have to do basic math courses plus there’s math courses scattered around in every discipline of engineering, so I had the math grades to get into a second year math major (math is literally the only science I am genuinely good at… I had all A’s in math so naturally my grades for that were an easy in for me ;;). But then I realized that this major made me feel like I was in engineering again which was a big no-no and after my friend roughly nudged me to go to an advisor, I just went and basically asked what courses I’d need to take to get into the linguistics major, and I took those! Sadly I got thrown back into first year but it’s a small price to pay considering what I went through ;; So technically I’m still a second year math major, but if I get good grades in my courses this year (which I am so far) I can finally apply to the linguistics department and that will be the end of that!
I would just like to add that this whole process was made an umpteen amount easier considering it was all within the same university, so credits can easily be transferred and such. But the process will be a bit, if not significantly, more complicated if it’s between different universities ;;
So long story short, in my experience at least, switching majors and all that isn’t too too hard (but like I said, mostly if it’s within the same school), but just make sure you talk to the right people on campus and they can help you out! Unlike in high school, advisers and counselors in university are exponentially more helpful, so don’t be afraid to ask them for help - it’ll lead to the best results~
As for telling your parents, I remember in second year (the first time I went through second year that is) I told my dad I didn’t wanna do engineering anymore and he gave me this look and that caused me to shut up, and just continue on the way I was. But after getting diagnosed by the doctor and having to talk seriously with my dad, I realized that he never actually meant to force me into engineering and he was really supportive of anything I wanted to do. He, just like most dads are to their daughters, are extremely protective and want their daughter to live the best possible, stable life, and was just worried that I didn’t know what I was doing (which to be fair I didn’t ;;) so he came off a bit strongly, but he really didn’t mean it that way. So I would say that, as hard as it is (and trust me I know it’s hard ;;) I would suggest seriously talking with your parents, and tell them the truth. I guarantee you the few hours of awkwardness will definitely be much better than years of self-hatred and the plethora of other negativity that engineering could cause you ;; 
You can even suggest taking a year off to explore more, or even going into a college program (idk if college and university are different where you’re from - in Canada universities give you degrees and are more theory based whereas colleges give you diplomas and are a lot more hands on and get you prepared for the workforce). Just remember that it’s okay to explore around a bit and there is no time constraint for you to figure out what you wanna do - some people take years and years, do multiple degrees, even start families before finally finding out what it is that they want to do so you have so much time, so don’t think you need to finish in four years or otherwise you’re a failure (I used to think that, and it was horrible). You don’t have to know what you wanna do at this very instant (it took me 4 years and 3 major changes before I really figured it out, and even now there’s still stuff up in the air), so just take some time to figure out what your interests are~!
Lastly, as cliche as this is, do something you love or at the very least are content with because being stuck doing something you have no care for is not only going to be miserable for you, but it’ll make you less motivated and that’ll affect your grades, general performance, and make what you’re doing even less desirable as a degree, let alone a future and possible career. As someone who did engineering because it was a good degree, it really didn’t turn out well, but now that I’m in something I enjoy, my grades have skyrocketed and my mood has gotten so much better and the fog finally cleared and I have some insight into where I want to be in life, which is a complete 180 from when I was in engineering, so 10/10 would recommend!
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bangcakes · 5 years
Hello yes it is me Heize is the love of my life and i love all of her songs but i'll try to keep it brief. I think Star is literally my favorite song ever, her songs with Dean (and July and Shut Up & Groove) are bops as is Jenga and Don't Know You, Would Be Better is similar to Didn't Know Me (In The Time Spent With You is too but less so), Sorry is a bop with sad but good lyrics, she has dope piano interludes (Rainin' with You and Wind) and a lot of chill songs and God I Love Her So Much
asdklfjl tbh ur the reason im interested in her in the first place asldfk, ive been like….. WHO is that girl… in ur icon n ur url asldkfj. anwayyy,,, i like jenga !! asdklfja the poor teddy bear in don’t know you aslkdfj, aaaaaaaa i like would be better & in the time i spent with you !!!!! thank you !!!!! so much !!!!!!!!!!!
anonymously send me a song to listen to.
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