#will i lose it all if someone doesn't take mobius gently in their arms to tell him how important and beloved he is? even more so i'm afraid
mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
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I think there’s one or two who will.
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mimisempai · 3 years
The evidences of our love are everywhere
Thor is worried about his little brother's happiness and spies on Loki and Mobius in a more or less subtle way.
Tumblr request : Thor spying on Loki and Mobius.
As usual I got carried away and added most of my favorite tropes :p
1643 words - Rating G
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"I know it, that you are watching us Thor."
Thor wanted to protest at first, but even though he hadn't known Mobius long, he knew the man was perceptive and there was no point in trying to lie to him.
He sighed, "I admit it."
"I suspect you have no malicious intent," Mobius said kindly, "but I would like to know why."
Thor thought about what he would say in response.
He could see that his little brother was happy. That he had changed, or rather that he had become the best version of himself.
And this was partly thanks to Mobius, but he needed to see it with his own eyes. In their daily lives. So he had been watching for every moment he could spy on them during their stay in Asgard.
One evening, he had overheard a scene he never thought he would see.
Mobius with a brush in his hand was sitting behind Loki and asked him softly, "Should I start brushing your hair?"
Loki nodded and closed his eyes, as if he already knew he was going to like it. Like it had become something familiar.
Mobius started at the bottom, taking care not to pull, then slowly worked his way up. After a while, Mobius' fingers replaced the brush and it was clear that Loki was enjoying it. He did not startle or protest. He turned his back to someone and let them touch him. This showed how much he trusted Mobius.
Not so long ago, such contact would have been unimaginable. If it was anyone else but Mobius, Thor thought, Loki would never have allowed it.
Thor could hardly tear himself away from the scene since he was so fascinated.
Mobius stopped and his hands slid over Loki's shoulders and Loki held his head back with a gentle smile on his face. Mobius leaned over and kissed him gently.
Thor thought it was time for him to retire.
" Tell me candidly, is there anything in me, except my ugliness, which displeases you? Do you object to my birth, my temper, my manners?”
“No, truly,” replied the princess; “I like everything in you, except”—and she hesitated courteously—”except your appearance.”
Thor had just entered the living room of Loki and Mobius' suite and stopped in front of the incredible scene he had before his eyes.
Loki was lying on the couch, his head on Mobius' lap, Mobius had one hand in his hair and in the other hand a book that he was reading aloud.
Thor held his breath, because the two men had neither seen nor heard him.
Mobius continued reading.
“Then, madam, I need not lose my happiness; for if I have the gift of making clever whosoever I love best, you also are able to make the person you prefer as handsome as ever you please. Could you love me enough to do that?”
“I think I could,” said the princess, and her heart being greatly softened towards him, she wished that he might become the handsomest prince in all the world. No sooner had she done so than Riquet with the Tuft appeared in her eyes the most elegant young man she had ever seen.
Loki sneered, "Of course, to be happy, they both have to be beautiful and smart. I know it's a fairy tale and doesn't fit reality, but frankly, I'd never read that to my kids."
"Sweetheart," Mobius said softly while stroking Loki's hair soothingly before continuing, "Listen to the end, I think you'll enjoy it more."
Loki harrumphed, but remained silent as Mobius continued, " Some people have said that this was no fairy-gift, but that love created the change. They declare that the princess, when she thought over her lover’s perseverance, patience, good-humour, and discretion, and counted his numerous fine qualities of mind and disposition, saw no longer the deformity of his body or the plainness of his features. However this may be, it is certain that the princess married him; that either she retained her good sense, or he never felt the want of it; and he never again became ugly—or, at least, not in his wife’s eyes, so they both lived very happy until they died. Morality, all is beautiful in those whom we love, and those whom we love are witty and intelligent"
Loki turned on his back and looked at Mobius.
Thor stepped back into the doorway, he was no longer able to see but he heard Loki, "Mobius, it's kind of like the two of us in the end," he chuckled before continuing, "except that we're both princes. But what I mean is that you have seen beyond what I have shown the world."
Thor heard Mobius nod before answering, "And you, Loki, have opened my mind.  So there is nothing to stop us from living very happy until we die."
The only thing Thor heard again before walking away was his little brother's undoubtedly happy laughter.
Thor had not often had the opportunity to see Loki in his Jotun form. He knew that even after all this time it was still an extremely sensitive subject for his brother, so he was surprised to see him like this, sitting on the balcony railing of their suite, looking at the sky.
He was about to join him, when Mobius appeared next to him bringing what appeared to be some refreshments.
When Loki was aware of Mobius' presence, he began to revert to his Aesir form. But Mobius protested, "Loki, you know you don't have to hide from me, Sweetheart. If you want to take on that appearance, I have no problem with it."
And as Loki returned to his Jotun appearance, Mobius put down the tray and approached him, gently touching his face, as if he was used to doing it, knowing that if he lingered too long, the cold sensation would be too much.
Loki said in a voice Thor didn't know, "Do you really not mind touching me while I'm like this?"
Mobius shook his head and replied, "No, the only downside is that I can't touch you or kiss you like I want to, but otherwise I have no problem with this shape. I told you before, I love you, I love everything about you and it's part of you so I love this form too."
Then Mobius sat Loki down on a small bench that was on the balcony, put a pillow on Loki's lap, and lay down next to him resting his head on the pillow then said softly, "And you see, even when you are in this form, it is possible for us to be close."
As he walked away, Thor thought to himself that he would not soon forget his brother's amazed expression.
The next time, Thor had first heard just laughter, as he went to knock on the door of Mobius and Loki's suite.
"No, Mobius! Stop it! You're scratching! I don't want you to kiss me if it scratches like that!"Then Thor heard Mobius reply in a sulky voice, which was quite rare, "Loki..."
"No, no, no your itchy skin will not come in contact with my delicate skin!"
He heard Mobius cough before he replied, "Then would you please shave me?"
Then the two men seemed to be gone, and Thor couldn't help but be curious and slowly opened the door. The living room was empty, but Thor heard voices that seemed to come from a small adjoining room. He knew he shouldn't, but he peeked through the half-open door anyway.
Mobius was sitting with a towel over his shoulders, shaving cream on his cheeks and chin. Loki had rolled up his sleeves, and was holding a razor. He leaned over to Mobius, and with a serious look on his face asked, "Do you trust me?"
Mobius answered firmly, looking him straight in the eye, "Intimately." before stretching his chin forward and closing his eyes.
Thor once again baffled, discreetly turned back and left their suite.
"I'm sorry Mobius. Of course I had no malicious intent. I guess I just wanted to make sure that Loki was happy. It was something I didn't expect to see. I think I wanted to see it for myself, I'm sorry I was kind of a stalker, I-"
Mobius stopped him by putting a hand on his forearm, "It's okay Thor, you don't have to justify yourself. I know Loki's life, his whole life, so I understand perfectly well the need to reassure you, but I can promise you one thing, that I will always do everything to make him happy. That will always be my priority. Loki is the only family I have so I will always take care of him."
Thor nodded visibly moved as a voice echoed behind him, "You see, brother you don't have to worry. My happiness is truly real."
As if to prove what he had just said was true, Loki approached Mobius and put his arm around his waist before kissing him on the cheek.
"This man Thor, is the person who allowed me to change what I thought was my destiny, he saw the good in me, and in doing so I finally believed that I was capable of doing good."
Thor answered softly, "I always knew you were capable of doing good, little brother, but I'm glad you believe it now too."
Then he stepped forward and took the two men in a strong embrace before stepping back and adding, "Mobius, there was only one thing that was wrong with everything you told me before."
Mobius and Loki looked at him in surprise.
Thor added with a gentle smile, "You said Loki was your only family, but that's not true, it's not true anymore. Welcome to the family. We are your family and you are ours now."
Series of Oneshot : Together, for all time, always
Fairy Tale used : Riquet and the tuft, oft underrated or shallowly interpreted. Shaving scene, inspired by Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle shaving scene in CSI
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you 1/3
Loki would like to express his feelings to Mobius but doesn't know how to do it, he finds a sympathetic ear in Miss Minutes, without knowing that Mobius is suffering from the same problem...
Chapitre 1/3 - Chapter 2/3 - Chapitre 3/3
A little story, of love, of friendship, of two idiots in love...
1374 words - Rating G
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"Good job Loki!" Mobius smiled at him before continuing, "I'm really going to start thinking you're trying to steal my job."
Loki, once again touched by the praise more than he should, followed him with his eyes as he returned to his office.
"I can see that..."
Loki snapped out of his contemplation at the small voice of Miss Minutes who seemed to have taken up residence on his desk. He had formed a rather curious bond with the small animated clock.
"What? What can you see?" replied Loki, turning to his desk.
"That you're making eyes at him..." she smiled at him knowingly, making Loki realize that there was no need to deny it. He didn't feel like it either.
"So what? Why should I deprive myself of it?"
"Oh but don't deprive yourself for me, my little Loki, though don't you think you should tell him?" she came to sit on the edge of the desk, looking a little more serious.
"Tell him what?"
"That you love him."
"I don't -" Loki paused, because he didn't feel like denying that either. It was the truth after all.
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
"This is difficult."
"I know I'm not the best one to talk about feelings, but I've seen a lot of things, so why not just tell him?" asked Miss Minute gently.
Loki sighed again.
"I... I've never actually said those words to anyone, well once to my brother, but that doesn't count. It's not the same thing, obviously. And this time especially I-"
He slouched on the desk and took his head in his hands.
A few seconds later, he felt a small tap on his forearm and he looked up to see Miss Minute settling comfortably against his arm.
"I hope you're comfortable at least?" he asked a little offended to see his arm relegated to the role of chair back.
"It's not bad, but it lacks a bit of fluff, you should think about filling it up a bit, my little Loki."
"Hey, you cheeky little thing!"
"Anyway, let's not change the subject, smart ass! What were you going to say Loki?"
"This time I have everything to lose." he exhaled before continuing, "Mobius is probably, no he's definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm not even sure I deserve it. In fact it's impossible for me to quantify how I feel about him."
"That my little Loki is love, it's impossible to know the width and depth of it. At least that's what I read somewhere."
"I feel like just telling her 'I love you' isn't enough. And besides I don't even know if he feels the same way about me."
He was interrupted by the sight of Miss Minutes writhing in laughter on his desk.
When she got serious again she asked him, "Seriously? It's clear to everyone how you feel about each other, believe me, if you're smitten, he's as smitten as you. You guys are anything but subtle. Mobius and Loki's devotion to each other is probably known on every time line!"
"I can't believe you're laughing at me! Watch out or I'll turn you into a pocket watch!"
"I can't help it, you're so cute when you get mad."
"You're starting to get too cheeky for my taste Mimi!"
"Admit it, you like it."
Loki pouted, not wanting to give in.
"Let's get back to the topic at hand, you say that just telling him 'I love you' isn't enough, how about you tell me why you love him?" asked Miss Minute as she resumed her seat, sitting against Loki's arm.
Loki reflected for a few seconds before he began to speak, "I think the first reason is because he challenges me to be a better version of myself.  Because from the beginning, he kept trying to make me understand that I didn't have to be what others wanted me to be. And despite the times I failed, he was able to forgive me and he continued to believe in me."
"You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
"Hm I see," Miss Minutes replied, "What else?"
"He's not intimidated by me, by the entirety of who I am, by my past mistakes, he doesn't lie to me. If I screw up, he tells me, if I react badly, he tells me, but never makes me feel inferior. And in the same way he tells me when I do something right, and that's super new to me, to the point where I'm a little embarrassed at how much it makes me feel good."
"That's just because you're not used to it. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being happy knowing you're doing something right." she replied with a little wink.
"Sometimes he annoys me, because he has this know-it-all side, because he can read me. And for me who spent my time hiding, even from myself, it is sometimes heavy. I want to wipe that little smile off his face! But that's what also makes him understand me perfectly, and since it's also a first for me, well, we'll say it makes up for the annoyance."
"You've learned to compromise, bravo, I'm proud of you my little Loki." the little clock smiled at him again in a cheeky way.
"So you told me about what he did for you, what he's doing for you, what else? I don't know, his appearance for example, some might say, and this is not my opinion so don't hit me, that he is far from your type physically..."
Loki looked offended and replied heatedly, "What do you mean not my type physically?"
He transformed into his frost giant appearance for a few seconds before resuming his appearance.
"What is my type physically? First of all what does that mean, what is that concept? What does it have to do with feelings?"
Miss Minute stood up again and patted his arm, "Loki, don't get upset, I told you that wasn't my opinion. We're friends, right? I like to think so. Imagine Loki, the god of mischief is friends with an animated IA in the form of a clock."
Loki cooled down a bit and smiled at her, seeing what she was getting at, before resuming more calmly this time.
"If the question is whether I am physically attracted to Mobius, and more importantly what is it about him that attracts me, I would say yes I am attracted to him. His eyes, the way they sparkle so much that they light up the rest of his face, the way his smile starts in his eyes. That smile he has only for me. And his hands, Mimi, his hands! They are so strong, any excuse to touch them or to have them touch me. They excite me and make me feel safe at the same time. And I'll let you in on a secret, I'm glad no one knows him in anything but a TVA suit, because I assure you the way the jeans fit his beautiful beh-hmph."
The little watch had jumped up to close Loki's mouth with her two little hands.
"It's okay, it's okay, I think I got it and the rest will be too much for my pure little chaste ears!"
"But it's true! I swear! It makes me want to take off those jeans every time!"
"Lokiiii! That's enough!" Miss Minutes gave him a little kick.
Loki laughed out loud.
When they had both calmed down, Miss Minutes added, "Loki, tell Mobius, tell him everything you just told me, I don't know anyone in the world who wouldn't like to hear everything you just told me."
Loki looked a little sadder and replied softly, "But what do I have to offer him? I am not a good person for him. And I'm still waiting for the day when he can't stand my kind anymore and tells me I have to leave."
"A couple of idiots, that's what I'm saying." said a female voice behind him.
Loki turned around, Sylvie was standing in the doorway of his office, his lover just behind her.
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it.🥰
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