#will make john and paul competitive for the sake of 'boys being boys' like a coward
amclennonblog · 4 months
people will make Beatles biopics and pussy out of mclennon, telling their story in the most heteronormative way they possibly can - boooo boring
we only respect michael lindsay-hogg in this house
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if u want to talk any more about ur fic PLEASE go ahead <3 i mean this lightly bc i dont want to hurt anyone but kind of THE only valid beatles rpf imo!!! (this includes all biopics)
Anon this made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and is also insanely kind and I love how it says Fuck Nowhere Boy rights to top it off. So thank you, you just made my evening with that <3<3
Anyways OKAY FINE. I'LL TALK ABOUT SOME BITS IN MY OWN FIC WHICH I LOVE. But I'll put it in a read more both for spoilers and because it's ridiculously self-indulgent (and I'll label bits in order by chapter so if someone's interested but not up to date they can stop reading dgdhjklhgj)
Chapter 1
I think the moment I was sure my story was worth telling, was after I wrote this bit:
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This bit legitimately encapsulates SO MUCH of the entire essence of I'm Looking Through You to me. The plot sounds like a goofy, cartoonish gimmick, but at its core, I write it as a character and dynamic study and a huge part of the story is a reflection on the situation John, Paul and George found themselves in by 1966 and how drugs specifically played a role in it. I think it's generally a super under-talked about period of theirs, because there weren't any full-on fights yet, as there would be two years later, but a lot of the tension that eventually led to their fall-out is already sown by this point. Also, with Yoko and Linda not yet in the picture, more focus can be put on the way they interconnect, instead of it being sidelined for competitive Bringing-Girlfriend-To-The-Studio, if that makes sense (not that that wasn't a major factor IRL)
Chapter 2
Okay, so a thing I've discovered that I ADORE writing is John/Cyn scenes. And I don't even ship them, like I'm not writing it cause I find it especially cute, I just think there's so much THERE and we don't talk about it! I love this part so much:
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The DEFENSIVENESS y'know? Mouthing off from shock but accidentally implying something low-key terrible. I feel like adding any words to it will do it less justice than it deserves because it makes me feel a type of way that John feels the need to insist that he loves Cyn but I can say no more…
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Also when he nearly faints upon finding out about Julian and is entranced by the pic but ALSO Paul being a Little Too Into John's child. GOD!!!!!!!! (I've said this before but: the way Paul passively participated in the Kenwood family dynamic is insane and we should talk about it ALL THE TIME actually!!!!!)
Chapter 3
There's something tender about the moments when the rest of band get to see John wide-eyed with wonder at things they've long taken for granted. Not all of it has to be sad.
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Also Paul, always focusing on the music, not only for the sake of itself and because his priorities aren't quite straight though, but also as his main tether to John as a person. I legit find it so strange when people talk about their musical connection (and their musical disagreements as well to some extent!) as if it was just a sexual proxy of some sort, when it was in fact their entire world since they were sixteen. "We could always sing."
I also actually love the entire Cyn-narrated bit in this chapter because I think it really balances her feelings for John well. (I love when she is first angry at him for having been neglectful for years, but then suddenly misses the old him, when John asks to see Julian though Julian's obviously in bed by now and even neglectful old John would know that, because he wasn't totally inconsiderate and oblivious!) One of my favourite bits from her perspective though is this one, when she bargains with herself about how John feels and felt about her. IDK it's so real and also interesting to think about the parallel she draws between her and John & Paul and Dot (one I've thought about a lot while thinking about John's feelings for Cyn tbh).
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Chapter 4
(also the moment I remembered Tumblr sets an image limit lmaooooo so I'll try to tone it down with the screenshots)
The entire beginning of this chapter, with Julian and later also Paul is so *gestures vaguely*. There's just so much going on, and even though it divolves into John feeling like an inadequate parent, forced to rely on his best friend who doesn't even have kids of his own, I think the most touching part is when John realizes Julian genuinely doesn't care that he's forgotten things and how that radical acceptance is the moment he falls irrevocably in love with his son. I just 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Also this is the first chapter that incorporated a really elaborate interpolation of song lyrics with the plot and I was so NERVOUS to get it right and soooooo happy to see people responding positively to it, because I've always known it was a more fringe thing to be writing about. Also, I love John just... Appreciating that he gets to play on nice instruments now. Playing on nice instruments is Everything in fact.
Chapter 5
I really like the crowd scene in the beginning of this chapter, and capturing a true mob mentality; how John giving them one second of positive attention tips everything out of control, how the fans burst into tears the moment they do reach him.
Also, I truly adore Paul at the beginning, feeling helpless in the face of John's grief driving him to madness, but snapping back out of it the moment he believes John to be in danger, while not being able to shake his sense of responsibility as a Beatle for the sake of his friend. Helping isn't always easy. Doing the right thing can feel like an impossible option.
And then, there's this John/Cyn moment:
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I really didn't write this to be cute. There's so much going on under the surface here; Cyn is in complete control – and very desperate to keep it that way – and John is only vaguely aware of it and has no idea of the extent to which she's in control. But he doesn't care because he's just that torn up about everything, so he's more than willing to let it all happen.
Also, in a way the heart of the chapter is John's debate-turned-fight with Paul over the reverse guitar solo. I talked about John's perspective already here, but Paul's view on it is so dripping with… dare I say it? Grief, where he's not only deeply in love with the idea of Lennon-McCartney – Genius Duo but also desperately trying to carry out the wishes of a "recently departed". (Paul is an ass in this scene towards the end, but CONSIDER he is also a meow meow.)
Chapter 6
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Paul is so often just… At a loss of words and I love pushing him into the uncomfortable position of having to find them. But it's tragic, too; that John used to be so in sync with him that it had never been necessary before. And also Paul, always teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown and hating himself every time he shows it.
I love how he realizes that smoking weed with John is in a way a betrayal of Ringo and George, because at their root, friendships are all about the experiences you have together. And it makes perfect sense for him to rationalize it away, thinking about how being "locked out" of the first LSD trip damaged his relationship with John.
Also the little tiny nudge at the less sunny side of Paul's childhood (and how John was very much to some extent at least aware of it, as we know from interviews he gave in the 70s) and how he somehow had to reconcile that with how John treated Julian. I just … :(
Chapter 7
The little hints that maybe John Was Not Fine before he hit his head either.
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Yeah. Also, also, also John throwing himself into something he thinks is the one-size fits-all solution ag– I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF!!!!!
Also, John's Paris lament was conjured out of me OUT OF NOWHERE and I was sooooooo genuinely upset after writing it. I think it really encapsulates why the story is relatable to me despite having a ridiculous plot; it really drives home how confusing life can get during young adulthood, when everyone else seems to be dealing far better than you.
And the other relatable side of this, to me, is Paul at the end of this chapter, because I have felt real anguish like his, when people close to me failed to share in a passion I was so sure they would love. It seems silly but it's genuinely one of the most upsetting and alienating experiences imaginable to me.
I think I'll stop now because GODDAMN what the fuck lmao, and also I believe I've run out of screenshots but TLDR: this story means the woooooooooooorld to me!!!!!!!!
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~The Edge of Heaven~
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|| Chapter One || Chapter Two ||
Edited to add new chapter/Moodboard/Faceclaim swap
So I did a new thing lol I know like I don’t have enough of those already BUT, I got this wild Gatsby themed idea while listening to some Lana Del Rey and then I got the idea for the moodboard and it just kinda snowballed from there. ANYWHO, I’ll keep this short. I hope you guys enjoy, and if you would like to be tagged, please let me know! 
Word Count: 5,184
Pairings: Thomas Shelby x OC 
Face-claims: Emily Rudd as Aurora - Paul Wesley  Luke Evans as James))
Moodboard Credit: Myself @badwolf-in-the-impala
Rating: Mature/18+
General Warnings: Spousal abuse, verbal abuse, violence, general Peaky related things...I’ll trying and tag appropriately as I go! 
Arrow House - Warwickshire, England - 1925.
Many years had come to pass since Aurora had been back to England; namely, the small industrial district of Small Heath. It was the place that she had called home for the first fifteen years of her life, until the untimely death of her father prior to the start of the War; by four years. But despite the fact they didn’t having much money and despite his drinking habits, her father did his best to be always be part of her life. Teaching her how to love the life she had been given, no matter how desperately her mother tried to teach her how to hate it.
And when he had finally managed at last to drink himself into an early grave; that was when her Mother took her chance. Scraping together every last bit of money she had managed to save over the years and making the decision to move them to America in hopes of giving them both a better life. But at the stubborn young age of fifteen years old, Aurora had fought tooth and nail in protest of her Mother’s idea, even going as far to try running away in an attempt to stay behind. Not wanting to leave her life or her friends. She spent three days hidden away in Ada Shelby’s room at the Shelby family home before finally being discovered and taken back to her Mother.
A sad smile tugged at the corners of her mouth at the thought of the memory.
The Shelby’s had been like a second family from the time she was no more than a mere babe; her father having been a dear friend to the family. She remembered spending all her time as a child and young teen, running the streets of Small Heath with the Shelby siblings. Aurora, Ada, and John -- being closest in age -- were always getting up to some kind of mischief, but once Thomas was thrown into the mix? Well, let’s just say it was a miracle that Small Heath was even still standing!
Aurora and Thomas were a lot alike in many ways, especially when it came to being hardheaded. Factor in the five year age difference between the pair and suddenly everything their group did was a instant competition to see who could do it better. There were many times over the years that Arthur would joke about not knowing who was more stubborn out of the two; especially when it came to the argument of who came up with the better plans. Aurora arguing the point that it be her, given that she was a girl and her plans and ideas were always more detailed and precise than any Thomas came up with. But in the end, Arthur would just laugh and call it a draw to make things fair. Knowing it would only add more fuel to the fires of competitiveness between the two.
But one thing was always for certain back then; no one messed with the Shelby’s, nor did they mess with the Calahan girl who ran with them. All else aside, they were thick as thieves back in those days. Back when times were simpler and their biggest worry was explaining to Aunt Pol how they got picked up for fighting that time some older boy punched John when they were ten. Aurora leaping in too defend him before Thomas or Arthur even had the chance to blink. That had always been something that they admired about her; Thomas especially.
And despite how much they butted heads and bickered over the most ridiculous things on a regular basis growing up, Aurora and Thomas had always been more fond of each other than either of them would ever admit to...especially when it came time for her to leave England. Not knowing when or if she would ever return.
Aurora had been heartbroken to say the least when she had been unable to convince her mother into letting her stay behind. Especially to be leaving behind Ada who was like the sister she never had. She could still remember how much she cried as she hugged each of the siblings as they said their goodbyes; but Thomas had been the one who held onto her the longest as she cried. Their last conversation still fresh in her memories like it had happened only yesterday.
“I don’t want to say goodbye.” Her voice was muffled as she sobbing quietly against Tommy’s chest as the Conductor made his final announcement for the departure of her train. Her mother clearing her throat impatiently a few feet away, causing Tommy to tighten his grip on Aurora reflexively.
“Aye...then you don’t have to.” Tommy had replied softly as he pulled her away from his chest slightly to look down at her. “It’s not really goodbye anyways.” He reassured her whilst brushing a few dark curls behind her ear and away from her face. “Not forever a’least.”
“Aurora, we’re goin’ to miss our train.” Her mother sighed, tapping her foot loudly against the platform as she waited on her daughter. Making them the last two people to board before departure.
Aurora choked back on her sobs as she hugged Tommy tightly for the last time before pulling away and drying her tears. Her emerald green eyes filled with a sadness that he had never seen in her before, during all the years he had known her. A little piece of his own heart breaking as she forced a smile before addressing the siblings as a whole; though her gaze never left his.
“Till next time then…” Her voice wavered as she gave her final farewell before boarding the train alongside her mother and taking their seats. Tommy’s gaze never leaving hers, even as he held onto an inconsolable Ada as the train began to roll out of the station.
“Till next time…”
Aurora had kept in contact with the Shelby siblings for several years following her move to America. Faithfully writing each of the siblings letters as often as she could find the time; especially once she learned of the boys’ departure to War. She heard from Ada the most obviously, and would also receive the occasional letter from Aunt Pol. It was rare that she heard from John, or Arthur, but they tried their best. Thomas however would always write back, even while was away at War, he always made the point to write her whenever he had an available chance...and there were days where those letters she sent were all he had to hold on and look forward too.
Letters were few and far between after that as the years passed and eventually as their lives started to move in different directions; they soon ceased entirely. Though there wasn’t a day that went by that Aurora didn’t think about the Shelby family. Tommy especially. And now here she was nearly Fifteen years later, Thirty years old and married to a wealthy American businessman, about to enter the home of none other than Thomas Shelby himself.
Aurora and her husband, James, had been in England for only a few days when she finally got the chance to venture out and make a trip up into Small Heath. Visiting all her old favorite sites, her home, and checking out what was new and what had changed. She had been in the Library when she had the unexpected pleasure of running into Ada, and after a very emotional reunion, they sat and talked over tea for several hours. Catching up on what they had missed out on in each others lives since the last time they saw one another.
It was during this time that Ada invited Aurora and her husband to attend a party that was to be had that weekend in celebration of Arthur and his wife Linda’s anniversary. And while Aurora was insistent on not wanting to impose, Ada wouldn’t take no for an answer. Insisting that everyone would be more than excited to see her after all these years and reassuring that she was still more than welcome among the Shelby clan no matter the occasion.
It took a great deal of convincing on Aurora’s end of things, but she finally managed to talk her husband into attending. Insisting that it would be more than beneficial to his business dealings to befriend and get to know them. He had been less than willing to agree but eventually caved -- a rare occurrence -- when he realized she wasn’t going to give up on the subject.
“I still don’t understand what exactly so special about this family.” James griped as they pulled into the drive. Thomas’ house where the party was being held only a few miles away from their own.
“They all but run Birmingham, James.” Aurora gave a sigh as he helped her out their 1925 Bentley 3 - Liter. “If ye wan’ to make friends with anyone over ‘ere, it’s the Shelby family.”
“For your sake, Aurora, I hope that what you’re telling me is the truth.” He replied as he closed the car door behind her, grip tightening on her upper arm hard enough as he pulled her close that she knew for certain it would bruise. His breath was hot on her ear as he spoke to her in a low, menacing, tone. Making sure that his point was made clear.
“And if these people are as important as you say they are, than I expect for you to be on your best behavior tonight. Do not embarrass me. Am I Understood?” James added.
Aurora nodded stiffly in reply, breathing a quiet sigh of relief as he loosened his grip finally, allowing her to take his arm properly as they neared the main entrance to the house. Their pace slowing behind another group of couples who were entering the same time they were.
“Aurora fookin’ Calahan!”
A small squeak escaped her lips as she was suddenly swept up into a bone crushing embrace upon entering through the door, and despite not having even a second to glimpse who this person hugging her was; she would recognize that voice anywhere.
“It’s Turner now, actually.” Aurora chuckled softly as she was placed back on her feet, looking up to greet the eldest of the Shelby siblings. “And it’s very nice to see you too, Arthur.”
“My apologies.” Arthur gave a sheepish grin as he held her out at arms length, taking her in carefully with a shake of his head. “Christ, ye’ve ‘ardly changed one bit!” He added giving her one more hug before releasing her back to her husband. “This is my wife, Linda.” He proudly introduced the lovely Blonde woman standing beside him, Aurora greeting her with a warm smile.
“A pleasure to meet you.” Linda returned the gesture, giving a warm smile of her own as she shook both Aurora and her husband's hands in greeting. “I’ve heard many stories, and I’m so glad you an’ y’er husband were able to make it!”
“The pleasure is all ours.” Aurora turned to look up at her husband, who stood  beside her, waiting a little patiently for her to introduce him with a tight lipped smile. “This is my husband, James Turner. James, this is Arthur Shelby, oldest of the Shelby siblings, an’--”
“A pleasure, truly.” James cut her off as he stepped forward to shake Arthur’s hand. Arthur studying him carefully, gaze briefly falling to Aurora before speaking.
“American bloke, eh?” Arthur started to inquire, wincing as Linda jabbed him in the ribs sharply with her elbow before shooting him, ‘Don’t be rude’ look. Grinning as she caught Aurora stifling a laugh. “Wha’? I’s jus’ askin’.” Arthur grumbled.
“It’s quite alright.” James replied, his eyes dark and his tone just a little to friendly. “Any questions you have, I’m an open book.” He assured.
“Aye, see?!” Arthur gestured to him as he turned to his wife who simply rolled her eyes before apologizing for her husband's behavior, but they were soon interrupted as Aurora was suddenly blindsided by an enthusiastic Ada.
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she hugged Aurora tightly before taking a step back to look up at James. “And this must be your husband!”
“Yes, this is James.” Aurora introduced as he reached out shake Ada’s hand.
“Ada Thorne!” She introduced herself as she shook his hand with a smile. “Do you mind if I steal your wife for a few minutes?
“Oh, well, actually we were  jus’--”
“Of course not.” Aurora looked up, slightly taken aback as her husband cut her off and agreed to willingly let her go with Ada. The gesture causing a knot of anxiety to form in the pit of her stomach, but she smiled nevertheless as she reached up and kissed him quickly in return before turning to Arthur.
“Well, since tha’s settled,” She gave a soft chuckle as Ada looped her arm together with her own. “Arthur, would you mind keepin’ him company for a bit? Maybe introduce him to some people?” Aurora asked hopefully as Ada began tugging her into the crowd of people just a few feet away.
“O‘course!” Arthur hollard back as he clapped a hand on James’ back, giving Aurora a reassuring wink before he and Linda ushered him off in the opposite direction. Though Aurora could still feel her husbands stern gaze boring into her back; watching as she disappeared into the crowd alongside her friend.
After finding themselves each a few drinks, the two woman continued to make their way through the throng of party goers who mingled about the large home. And though it did little to quell the anxiety that twisted and tied her stomach up in knots, the Whiskey in her hand was welcome distraction as they moved towards an unknown destination that Ada was dead set on getting them too.
“Where exactly are we goin’?” Aurora questioned as they pushed through another set of doors and into yet another room that was slightly less crowded. Her question soon answered as she spotted Polly at the far end, standing alongside two youngman she didn’t recognize but was fairly confident she knew who they were.
“Christ, is tha’-- is tha’ Michael an’ Finn?!” Aurora asked in disbelief as they grew closer, Polly’s face lighting up as she turned and caught sight of her and Ada.
“Aye!” Ada nodded quickly in response before all but throwing her into Aunt Poll’s waiting embracing. The boys beside her exchanging a brief confused look amidst all the excitement of the long awaited reunion.
“God, look at you!” Polly beamed as she took Aurora’s face gently between her hands, taking her in. “Even more beautiful than the las’ time I saw you.” Aurora hugged her tightly, trying her best not to cry and ruin her makeup. “Oh how we’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, Poll.”
“Well, don’ just stand there!” Polly turned around and waved the boys over. “Not tha’ you probably remember her, but, say hello--”
“Bloody hell, is tha’ our Rora?!”
Suddenly Aurora was being crushed into yet another bone crushing hug by one of the Shelby men as John came bursting through the crowd, all but shoving his sister and Aunt out of the way as he scooped her up and twirled her.
“I thought Ada was makin’ up shite stories -- Ow!” John yelped as Polly’s hand connected with the back of his skull, knocking his hat off in the process.
“Y’er overwhelmin’ the poor girl!” Polly scolded as she pointed her finger at John. “An’ don’t be rude, introduce your wife!” Aurora gave a laugh as she watched John turn red out of embarrassment, grumbling under his breath at Aunt Poll as he picked up his hat, putting it back on before turning and bringing a young dark haired woman forward in front of him.
“Esme, this is Aurora.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Aurora greeted and shook the hand that Esme offered. “An’ I am terribly sorry this is the one they made you marry.” She joked, earning an amused laugh from Esme and a very confused look from John as everyone else quickly dissolved into laughter along with them.
“Wha’s so fuckin’ funny?!” John demanded, still not getting the dig Aurora had just taken at him.
“Nothin’ love.” Esme chuckled as she began ushering John off in the other direction for more drinks, ignoring his protests. “Lovely ta’meet you!” She called over her shoulder to Aurora before disappearing.
“Still as dense as he was when we were children.” Aurora sighed thoughtfully with a shake of her head before turning back to the other two boys as Polly introduced them to her before allowing them to be dismissed finally.
“Some things never change.” Ada joked playfully in response. “‘Ave you seen Karl?” She asked Polly, who in returned pointed towards one of the other doors as she took a sip of her own Whiskey.
“Playin’ with the other children still, I assume.” Polly replied with a shrug, catching Aurora by the arm gently before Ada could drag her away entirely. “Come an’ find me again when she’s done draggin’ you aroun’?”
“Of course, Poll.” Aurora smiled, giving her one more hug.
“Good, we’ve got a lot to catch up on!” Polly called after her as Ada began dragging her from the room in search of her son, Karl, so she could introduce them; giving up after ten minutes of searching and coming up empty handed.
“They’re probably mucking abou’ the stables.” Ada gave a frustrated sigh as they checked the backyard, finding it absent of children. “I should go check, I’ll be right back?”
“Take y’er time!” Aurora called after her, letting out a relieved sigh once Ada was out of ear shot. Taking a moment to lean against the pillar beside her, closing her eyes and drawing in a deep breath as she relished in blissful silence for a moment. The knot in her stomach that had gone ignored after a few drinks, quickly returning as she realized how dark it had gotten and just how much time must have passed since their arrival. Remembering that her husband was still milling about inside somewhere, likely drunk by now and searching for her.
The thought alone was enough to make her dread going back into the party...she hadn’t meant to stay with Ada for so long, but they had gotten so wrapped up in this little reunion of sorts and conversation that she had lost all track of time. And while he would never show it in public, she knew James would be furious, especially if she didn’t go find him, and soon.
With that thought in mind, Aurora downed what was left of her Whiskey before turning to head back inside in search of her husband; her mission interrupted as she ran straight into someone else who had just come through the door behind her, causing her foot to slip off the top step. But instead of falling to the ground as she had anticipated, she was pulled backwards and away from the steps into a strong embrace that was quick to steady her.
“I am so sorry!” Aurora apologized profusely as she knelt down to pick up her clutch and the remnants of her whiskey glass that now lie shattered on the steps, but the other person beat her to it as their hand grabbed her clutch before she could. Aurora was about to apologize again as she gathered up the shards of glass when his voice stopped her.
“You’ve no need to apologize. Entirely my fault, not yours.”
Her green eyes quickly snapped up to meet his in an instant as she stood, nearly losing her balance again as she did so. The glass shards clattering back to the ground as she all but leapt into his arms, her excitement getting the better of her. A deep laugh rumbled through his chest as he hugged her back.
“It’s good to see you too, Rora.” Thomas added.
“Oh Christ, I’m sorry!” She quickly apologized for a second time as she realized just how ridiculous she was being, taking a step back and smoothing her hands over the front of her dress as she tried to compose herself. Failing, miserably, as she ended up hugging him again a second time, just a little more gently. “It’s just so wonderful to see you, Tommy.”
“You needn't worry ‘bout tha’, eh?” He assured her as he pulled away, giving her that signature half smile of his as he stared down at her, taking her appearance in carefully. Her dark curls were pinned up neatly, and she was clad in a long, elegant blue and black beaded evening gown. “I’m happy to see you too...was beginnin’ to think you were avoidin’ me, actually.” He teased.
“Of course not.” Aurora replied sheepishly. “Ada’s jus’ been a little...excited.”
“I know. I’m jus’ givin’ ye a hard time.” Thomas assured her before handing her back the clutch he realized he was still holding onto. “But speaking of our dear Ada, where’s she gone off too?”
“Out to the stables--”
“Lemme guess, lookin’ for the boys.” Thomas finished for her as he let out a sigh. Clearly this was somewhat of a regular occurance. “Suppose I should go help her…” He started down the steps, pausing when he reached the bottom and noticed she wasn’t following. “Care to join me?”
Aurora was more than reluctant at first, weighing her options as she turned to look over her shoulder at the party that was still going  full swing inside. On one hand, she really needed to be getting back to husband, but on the other she very much so wanted to spend a little time catching up with Thomas, and at most, this would only take a few minutes; returning to the party afterwards. Her lack of better judgement won out in the end as she gave him a smile and descended the steps, taking his arm as he offered it to her. Leading them down the path to the stables.
“So, how was America?” Thomas inquired curiously a few minutes into their walk, watching her closely out of the corner of his eye.
“Well…” Aurora drew in a deep breath through her nose before letting it rush out in a sigh past her lips. “Aside from Prohibition? It’s not entirely horrible…’least not all the time. It has it’s perks, jus’ like any other place.”
“Yeah? Like wha’?” Thomas teased.
“Like it doesn’ fuckin’ rain all the time.” She snorted sarcastically, earning a laugh from Thomas as he nodded at her answer.
“Mm. Suppose y’er probably right.” He chuckled as he patted her hand gently.
“Course I am. I’m always righ’.” Aurora teased back in a serious tone. “Or did ye forget tha’ while I was away?”
“Aye, well I haven’ had anyone to argue with on the subject in abou’, oh, fifteen years? So it’s quite possible.” He mused as they approached the stables, noting the dramatic eye roll she thought he hadn’t seen. “Still as stubborn as the day ye left.” Thomas shook his head lightly.
“An’ y’er still an arse...how’s tha’?” Aurora retorted as she turned up her nose, pretending to be offended by his comment.
“I’d say y’er not wrong.” He replied truthfully with a shrug of his shoulders, Aurora about to make another sarcastic comment when they heard Ada’s voice coming from inside the stables. And from the sound of it, she was fighting a losing battle. They picked up their pace a little and rounded the corner into the open archway, spotting Ada and small group of rambunctious boys who were hellbent on not listening to a word she was saying.
“Aye!” The boys stopped instantly at the sound of his voice, two in particular turning to face Thomas and whatever punishment was to be received. “Listen’ta Ada, ‘fore she tans tha’ lot of ya!” There was a chorus of ‘Yes Sir’s’ before a few of the boys started back toward the house, one boy staying behind with Ada, while another -- not much older than three or four -- came running up to Thomas with his little arms outstretched to be picked up.
“Stop givin’ y’er Aunty Ada such a hard time, eh?” Thomas stated firmly as he pressed his forehead against the little boys’, making him giggle as he nodded.
“Yes, Da.” The little boy replied quietly, the sound of his small voice making Aurora’s heart clench in her chest tightly, even though a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she watched the interaction between the two. The boys curious little blue eyes soon fixed to hers as he rested his cheek against Thomas’ shoulder. “Who’s tha’?”
“That,” Thomas turned so that they were facing her. “Is my friend. Ms. Aurora.” He introduced, the little boy picking his head up to study her closely as she smiled warmly at him. “An’ this, is Charlie. My son.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Charlie.” Aurora greeted softly, smiling as the little boy looked away shyly for a moment; burying his face in the crook of Thomas’ neck.
“She’s pwetty.” Charlie mumbled quietly before stifling a yawn and closing his little eyes, making Aurora chuckle softly.
“Aye, tha’ she is.” Thomas gave a soft laugh as she shifted the boy in his arms. “But more importantly, innit past y’er bedtime?”
“It’s past both their bedtimes.” Ada chimed in with sigh as she ushered her son forward, introducing him to Aurora before suggesting they start back for the house and get the boys up to bed. Charlie struggling to keep his little eyes open as they walked along the path, pausing when they came across Linda.
“There you all are, I’ve been lookin’ everywhere!” She breathed out a sigh of relief, hand pressed to chest. “Speeches.” She pointed between Thomas and Ada before turning to take off before stopping again as she remembered something else. “Oh! An’ Aurora, y’er husband has been lookin’ for you.” Linda smiled before taking off down the path ahead of them where she disappeared from sight.
“Husband, eh?” Thomas quirked an eyebrow as he looked over at her, watching her cheeks turn pink as she nodded, fidgeting with the ring on her left hand -- that he hadn’t noticed until now --  but remained silent on the subject. Suddenly absorbed in the throws of internal worry once more as they drew closer to re-entering the house, spotting James as they rounded the corner, standing near the entrance chatting with Arthur while they had a cigar.
“He a businessman, from America.” Ada piped up in answer with an excited smile. “Seems like a nice fellow. Haven’ gotten to talk to him much yet--” She droned on, going mostly unheard as Aurora remained lost in thought and Thomas watched her closely; noting that something seemed off, all of the sudden.
“There she is!” Arthur exclaimed drunkenly, shoving James lightly as they watched the group approach the stairs. Aurora forcing a smile as she climbed the stairs quickly to take her place beside her husband, avoiding his dark gaze that hadn’t wavered from her for a second, about to kiss him when he stepped past her and approached Thomas. Aurora felt like her heart was about to leap straight out of her chest, not knowing what James’ intentions were. But she did her best to keep her composer as to not give anything away.
“You must be the infamous Thomas Shelby I’ve heard so much about.” James extended his hand out in greeting as Thomas came up the steps, shifting a now sleeping Charlie around in his arms before shaking his hand. Blue eyes drifting briefly to Aurora who was breathing a sigh of relief.
“Aye, an’ you are?” Thomas answered dryly, eyebrow raised in an unimpressed manner as he looked James up and down, taking in the almost too perfect appearance of the man that stood before him; discreetly sizing him up as Thomas turned to pass Charlie off to Ada so she could take the boys inside.
“James Turner. Aurora’s husband.” He gave a tight smile and he took a step back, snaking an arm around her waist as he pulled her possessively into his side. “Isn’t that right, Darling?” Aurora nodded with a small smile, trying to contain her embarrassment as Thomas slipped her a skeptical look, but did his best to remain civil as they talked.
“Pleasure to meet you.” Thomas replied.
“Please, the pleasure is all mine. It’s nice to finally put a face to the man my lovely wife spends so much of her time talking about.” James insisted with a grin, his grip tightening ever so slightly as he turned his attention to look down at Aurora. “It is getting rather late though. We should probably get going.” Aurora gave an obedient nod, knowing that protesting would be an unwise choice as she caught the strong whiff of the alcohol on his breath as he spoke to her.
“Of course.” She replied softly, turning to thank Thomas for his hospitality as Arthur and Ada had already disappeared back inside. “Thank you so much for having us.”
“Any time.” Thomas gave her a smile. “In fact, the two of you should come over sometime. We’ve a lot to catch up on,” His eyes fell to Aurora briefly before locking onto James. “An’ I would be very interested to ‘ear abou’ y’er business ventures over in America.” Aurora could feel James tense beside her, jaw clenching as he forced another tight lipped grin and shook Thomas’ hand one last time.
“I’ll be in touch.” James assured, not waiting for a reply as he started down the steps. “Come along, Darling.”
“Goodnight, Thomas.” Aurora spoke softly as she looked up at him, giving him one final warm smile -- the one he remembered from their childhood -- before starting down the steps after her husband, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, though she gave one final pause. “It really was wonderful to see you again.”
Thomas watched with a heavy heart as she hurried off into the night behind her husband. Gone just a quickly as she had arrived. Fifteen years he had waited, hoping that he would see her once more; and while a lot had happened in her absence, it didn’t change the feelings that seeing her again had suddenly brought rushing back...along with good dose of jealousy at the thought of her being married to that pompous prick he had just had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting.
Letting out an irritated sigh, Thomas pulled his cigarette case from the inner pocket of his Tux and placed a cigarette between his lips. Lighting it before tucking the small tin back into its rightful place as he took a long drag, leaning his shoulder against the pillar beside him as he exhaled; watching the smoke as it trailed past his lips into the darkness of the night.
Disappearing; just like Aurora.
Tagging anyone I think might be interested from my other Tommy Shelby fic ((which I’m hoping to get up soon...my ass is struggling.)) 
TAGLIST: @jacksonroth @liiv0urlifee @londoncharlotte88 @theworld-is-ahead @zazasblogxx @readsalot73 @ly--canthrope @harjumus @theskinofmyemotions @sympathyfortheblinderdevil @juuliaa-gooliaa @feyrearcheron44
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Don’t let John Daly demean golf with a buggy at The Open
The year Tiger Woods returned to major tournament golf, the event was wickedly parodyed by Saturday Night Live. Tina Fey played Ashlyn St Cloud, " Las Vegas area convention model and our new Tiger expert, joining Nick Faldo and Jim Nantz presenting the US Masters.
" Hey, I'm Ashlyn St Cloud, "she announces," and if you get me in the bedroom I like to get looouud … "
What follows is the perfect take-down of CBS's staid, respectful, hushed, coverage, set against the reality or what the world knew by then was Woods' life. Whispering, Faldo opines Woods is 'absolute in thinking or one shot at a time'. St Cloud contradicts, saying he's thinking about sex.
John Daly should not be allowed to demean golf with a buggy at The Open
"With all respect, Ashlyn," Faldo insists, "to compete at this level you have to focus entirely on the matter." "Well, maybe he would have to focus if he was playing a sport – like basketball or football," she replies. "But, come on, this is golf."
Nantz is outraged. St Cloud points at Tom Watson. "How old is he?" "He's 60." "And he could win, right?" she continues. "If this was a real sport, he'd be on a gurney. PS: if Asians and Indians can compete with black people, it's not a sport… '
On it goes, each line more riotously inappropriate than the last – but SNL were onto something. St Cloud's view isn't far removed from some perceptions of golf. Not just the snobbery and elitism, but the absence of athleticism, too.
Cynics look at old golfers, unfit golfers and contrast that with the ever leaner, muscular physiques found in other sports. For years, golf's authorities have battled this subjectivity; and with the latest generation of athletes appeared to be winning.
Then they let John Daly, at 53, ride the PGA Championship on a buggy, smoking cigarettes and carrying a large soda cup from McDonalds while shooting 11 on par. That is the image that could be presented at the Open in July, if the R&A allow him to do the same around Royal Portrush.
Daly's application for a buggy is currently being reviewed, one hopes, out of a sense of care and politeness more than the will to make it happen. The arthritic knees that might otherwise prevent him competing are most unfortunate.
Anyone who has followed Daly's career, however, will agree that lifestyle choices do not always have left him in the best physical shape to be child on load bearing joints.
Maybe Daly would have suffered arthritis anyway, even with the physique of Dustin Johnson. Golf takes it out of you like that, as Tiger Woods will acknowledge.
Nobody worked harder on his fitness than Woods; few ended up in worse condition, physically. Only a miracle operation has kept the man playing into his forties.
At first it was thought he would never be able to swing a club again, not just for fun, but never was it suggested Woods should receive artificial aid. Indeed, he was among the players most offended by the decision on Daly.
Tiger Woods was among the players left most offended by the decision made on Daly
"I walked with a broken leg," said Woods, referencing his triumph at the 2008 US Open, achieved with two lower leg fractures, that kept secret, in the belief it might embolden his rivals. Oh, and a anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee.
Still, no buggy. Woods knew the score. Injured, you can't play. If you want to play, and you're injured, you limp. It's a sport. The athletic challenge is part of it. Yes, Ashlyn, there is one.
In 2001, the US Open went south for the first time in 24 years. The 1977 edition at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma, had a particularly torrid experience for the USGA. The temperature had risen to the extent the greens became close to unplayable. Landing was like trying to get a ball to stick on glass.
On the final day, players had to hold before their approach shot to allow the green to be watered, before being called through. The crowd were being regularly sprayed, too. Hubert Green, the leader, received a death threat and was escorted around the final holes by a posse of armed US marshals. At the tournament's conclusion the rattled head of the USGA vowed he would never bring the competition south again.
That threat did not last and in 2001, Southern Hill hosted once more. The par five was a 653-yard monster, the longest hole in major championship golf for many years, and June in Oklahoma is hot. Right there, is the physical test of golf. Players might not carry their bags as amateurs, but they are playing for considerably higher stakes, and the concentration required is huge.
It is a long walk, in searing heat, while staying laser focused. While that's not a marathon, or taking the full force of a tackle, there remains a vital athletic quality.
In 2001, the best British golfers were not known for their fitness. At Southern Hills, Darren Clarke finished 12 shots back, Colin Montgomerie 16, Lee Westwood missed the cut. Those near the top of the leader board were all lean. They had to be. This was golf as a physical contest, and it has become more so since.
One of the keys to the rise of Brooks Koepka is his emphasis on building physical strength. His fitness program targets major tournaments and he has replaced fat with muscle to meet the challenge of huge hitters, such as Dustin Johnson.
Modern golf is increasingly athletic and the sight of Daly's buggy does nothing for the sport
Yet this isn't just about driving distance; modern golf is becoming increasingly athletic. At Bethpage Black, where Koepka won his fourth major on Sunday, the errant from the tee often had to play from tall fescue grass.
Tall fescue is a bunch of grass with a deep root system. It is phenomenally hard to play through with a propensity to wrap itself around the club head, almost snatching the momentum from the player's hands.
Time was, a player in the tall scene accepted his fate, and scrambled back the shortest distance to the fairway. A club handicapper certainly would; but not these boys. If the lie and route to the target permits, they try to blast out. That needs huge upper body strength.
It's why the new generation look ripped, why Faldo – the real one, not Bill Hader on SNL – wryly recalls criticism he received for trying to build muscle nearly 30 years ago. Woods became so obsessed with physique it is claimed he toyed with giving up golf to join the Navy Seals. Johnny Miller chopped so much wood he became musclebound.
So this has been a long process and golf has worked very hard to shed its reputation as the refuge of fat, wealthy, old guys – and then along comes Daly in a buggy with a large one from McDonalds? Are they mad? There was a very simple response to Daly's request for assistance last week, the PGA had it.
Buggies are not allowed for golfers around Bethpage's black course. Exceptions are made during tournaments for service workers and broadcast media – and without a buggy in the tent, where some of the rounds took place, was a 40-minute hike from the clubhouse. If the PGA had decided to uphold Bethpage's rule on the course itself, for the golfers, there could have been no complaints.
No buggies are permitted at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland, either, where this summer's Open will be hero. It is not discriminatory to expect professional competitors, therefore, to abide by the same rules as club members and guests.
The R&A, then, have a very straightforward way out, and should take it for the sake of golf, its status and reputation.
Your physical ability to compete is the root of all sport , whether you sweat or not. Controlling the steadiness of a hand in archery, darts or snooker requires athletic ability. Nobody sweats but it's still sport. Golf is the same.
"Walking is an integral part of being a professional golfer," said Faldo. Anyone with a feeling for the soul or the game would agree. Even, by the sounds of it, Ashlyn St Cloud.
The R&A have a very straightforward way out, and should take it for the sake of golf
Too much baggage at United for Bale
There was a time when Gareth Bale to Manchester United just seemed the obvious move. He was one of the finest players in Europe, United were among its biggest clubs.
That was before the acquisition of Paul Pogba, Romelu Lukaku and Alexis Sanchez. That was before the shallow recruitment of expensive marquee names on astronomical wages became the symbol of everything that was flawed about Manchester United.
This summer, a move for Bale will not be a statement of intent, but further evidence of a club lacking or fresh ideas. That's a pity. Bale could be a game-changing signing, even at 30 when the new season starts.
Whatever has soured his relationship with Zinedine Zidane and Real Madrid, he remains a player that could still have a hugely positive impact in the Premier League. Just not at Old Trafford.
As a superstar insisting on a stratospheric salary, Bale's timing could not be worse. There is simply too much baggage. Theirs, not his.
A move for Gareth Bale from Manchester United is starting to look more and more unlikely
Vincent Kompany didn't just turn his back on the most successful club in English football by electing to become player-manager of Anderlecht – he rejected one of the biggest contracts in sports broadcasting.
Kompany's retirement would have seen him snowed under with offers from major television networks – as the first big name out of Sheikh Mansour era Manchester City, he would have been able to name his price.
The problem with City's success is that it is all too new. They have now won as many trophies in Mansour's tenure as they did in the 114 years before he arrived. Meaning those free to discuss City are from a bygone age.
Mike Summerbee, Shaun Goater, Richard Dunne – what do they truly know about City as it is now? Kompany was that missing link. Plus, he's an urban black man, strong-minded and intelligent, qualified to speak on all major issues in today's game. It was as if it was built to specification at punditry central.
He's turned his back on it all, for Anderlecht. One imagines, privately, City will be as frustrated as anybody. Not for the first time, he was going to be their main man.
Vincent Kompany rejected one of the biggest contracts in sports broadcasting
Luke Shaw is said to be the highest profile omission from Gareth Southgate's Nations League squad.
Really? He hasn't had a better season than Ben Chilwell or Danny Rose, and Joe Gomez can play full-back, too.
That Shaw is Manchester United's player of the year says as much about their campaign as it does his. Shaw wasn't omitted by Southgate in any controversial sense. He wasn't good enough. There's a difference.
Luke Shaw's omission from the England squad wasn't a surprise – he hasn't been good enough
Euro elite give Parish a glimpse of contemptible future
A fascinating article by Crystal Palace chairman Steve Parish at the weekend. The reported attending the annual meeting of European leagues, the association of European professional football leagues, involving 244 clubs from 38 countries.
The event took place in Madrid over two days. Also there were members of the European Clubs Association, an increasingly elitist group, whose richest members are pushing the idea of ​​a Champions League with a super league format – an all but closed shop, as good as guaranteeing qualification for the biggest, however useless they May Parish's account of one discussion:
'At the end of a long session, questions were invited and microphones passed around, everyone dutifully waiting their turn – except our ECA attendee, who somewhat symbolically eschewed the microphone and instead walked to the podium to make the following speech.
Steve Parish's article shows that FFP has always been about guaranteed success forever
'He explained his club developed a lot of young players but one year they are in the Champions League, the next the Europe and for two years did not manage to qualify at all. His solution was that the rules changed so his team always qualifies because they must have stability. I kid you not, in a room full of instability, worry, risk and jeopardy, this guy wanted to be a special case forever. "
At the risk of sounding like a scratched record, some of us called this a decade ago. That's all FFP has ever been about. Guaranteed success forever; guaranteed income forever; no matter how useless, lazy and complacent we become, we must eat at the top table.
It's disgusting, the most contemptible entitlement, and the death of competition. Now, can anyone think of a club with a reputation for producing young players that gets in the Champions League some seasons, the Europa League others, and sometimes doesn't qualify at all?
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