#will not say jk bc i am not jk. the minor is a major but that is the only difference between yesterday and today i am still the same amount
jaeyunverse · 1 year
i’m 18 :’)
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sugaglos · 4 months
Do you think jk is overrated and jin is underrated?What do you think about them? And if you look back to 2013 and now who do you think changed the most? I think Taehyung but I don't know him personally.
I just wanna say I am no AMRY anymore and I know they'll come for my neck on this one if they'll see this lol(I don't want to be compared to or put in the same bag with the fandom at all. What I'm saying is from personal observations bc I have eyes and judgement skills and a tint of energy readings). 👌
I remember back in the day Seokjin was quite underrated and got hate for stupid reasons and then #welovekimseokjin started trending to "protect" him from retards. I too jumped on the vagon and made a little appreciation post lol I haven't listened to his music so I can't say anything about that.. I think Namjoon is the one who is the most underrated even tho he's the one who does the most work in the group(I mean Yoongi does too, but if the stats are correct then Namjoon has written the most songs yet he gets trash treatment all the time for no fucking reason at all). Seokjin reminds me of an "iron fist"(which is sth I am too so we wouldn't get along on the long run lol), maybe a bit more materialistic.
If we compare Junggook then&now, he has changed a lot physically and we all know that idols are "loved" a lot for their appearance the most. He has a very good voice too ofc, but back in the day, when he was a minor, he was very much loved for his vocal abilities (and the cuteness act he put up, but the voice was nr.1 bc it was quite unique back then). Now, only a fool would say his physical appearance doesn't play a huge role for fans to "fly around him". He's young, talanted and hopeful, but I really do hope he doesn't cross paths with horrible people for the search of fame(since he mingles with the hollywood and we all know what kind of people the majority of them are). If I'd have to comapre him to sth I'd say it's fire moving in the wind(either it goes out or goes ablaze) and earth cracking(to not say too much).
All of them have become more mature compared to who they used to be. Even their standarts have changed drastically, in a good way. Taehyung has changed a lot, and he mentioned it himself, bc they all moved out of dorms and started living on their own and then the covid bs happened which made them all be sepearte from one another and Taehyung become more mature and down-to-earth bc he couldn't prank and be silly with the others anymore at the time. So to an obvious external and internal change like that he has changed the most, I agree. I personally like how unhinged Taehyung can be.
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keenexpressions · 2 years
Kelly Zhu
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1. Name, Year, & Major
Kelly Zhu, 4th Year, Psychology w/ Human Development minor
2. If you were a luxury brand, what would it be and why?
I would be gucci because gucci girls >:)) aka best line MUAHAHAH
3. Who is your personal hero and why?
My personal hero would be my older sister Grace bc she pushed me to do a lot of things in my life. She was like the tiger mom I needed in order to grow tbh. I don’t think I would have my personality now if it wasn’t for her. I don’t think I would’ve been as strong and independent without her hehe.
4. How do you react after a conflict occurs, and why?
When conflict occurs, I like to think about the pros and cons of taking action. Obviously I get a little frustrated after a conflict occurs so I like to punch my stuffed animals.
5. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would it be?
Marry Eren Jaeger, Marry Eren Jaeger, and M a r r y E r e n J a e g e r.
6. What would you Google about your life?
How to meet Eren Jaeger
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I think I am a very approachable person (after the first impressions bc I heard I was intimidating lmao) and I like having conversations with people! I also like that I am pretty diligent and if I do something, I want it to be the best it can be. 
8. What's your toxic trait?
That I would choose Eren Jaeger over anyone. (jk but not jk)
9. Would you visit the future or past?
I’d like to visit the future bc I already lived the past lol
10. What are the biggest differences between you today/now and five years ago? And what advice would you give to yourself from five years ago?
The biggest difference between me today vs 5 years ago is how independent I’ve become. Also, my work ethic has changed drastically. I used to be very careless of things and I would definitely let my emotions get the best of me. I would laze around and just do things half-assed. But now, I feel like I’ve been touched by the world and have experienced so many things, I feel like I can do anything. I would also say that my communication and people skills are SO different from 5 years ago. I would not have the confidence to just go up to people and start a random conversation. But now I do that with ease and it has really helped me when expanding my network. I feel that I have a pretty strong network ever since I joined many clubs/orgs and have busied myself. My advice to myself from 5 years ago would be to never settle. I feel like things can always be better and that if I settled for sticking with my same routine everyday, I wouldn’t grow. I like myself more now than I did 5 years ago and that’s because I don’t take sh!t from people anymore. I don’t feel the need to rely on people as much as I did before and I can get things done by myself. However, I wouldn’t really wish to change much about myself 5 years ago because whatever happened during those years have led me to become who I am today!
0 notes
serenscarlett-moved · 3 years
some blurbs about my said vathraki legacy. under readmore bc it may long.
1. Kritanta, Aris and Jazz were my three old ocs since 2012/2013 who had been rebooted and redesigned to make them likeable and better for sw universe. The purpose of this was to focus on three ocs and their main Love Interests for this legacy. I am very attached to these three.
2. The rest of my other ocs, such as Savitri, Cadeyrn, Zekk, Neriskha etcs, all were dropped or retired from lineup. Some may appear as cameos within the Alliance and they will not have any connections to my ocs. This included Cadeyrn no longer having connection to Jazz and or being in the otp ship itself due to a personal reason.
3. Darth Vowrawn and Darth Marr are the three main canon characters involved in this legacy. They have major important connections to my main three ocs. Each of them have their own backstories that differs from their canon counterparts, including their ages being tweaked, Vowrawn is transgender, and aswell with Marr is a gnc woman going by she/they pronouns. Update: Scourge was officially dropped and replaced with Tau Idair. The reason for this was because Tau and Jazz have more chemistry within development as they knew each other for ten years and have a strong friendship together. Therefore, Tau was updated to main canon characters.
4. There are other characters acting as important side characters with connections to the ocs and characters. specifically when Jazzeira and Vowrawn have a crew of their own for story reason. Think of them as like companions.
5. Jedi Knight + Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent are all the main class stories with a twist and changes from ingame version. yes, yes call me basic bc you all say 'JK and SW are boring' blah blah. I just enjoyed them and each of them included Emperor Vitiate's cameos. Knight and Consular are merged into one.
6. This legacy verse are heavily linked to KOTOR verse due to the purpose of bloodlines relations to certain main and side characters. Revan is a woman and is related to Kritanta, Aris and Jazz. Bastila is NOT related to Satele.
7. As Emperor Vitiate remained as the antagonist, though Darth Jadus, Darth Lachris, Darth Malgus and some others acted as the main villains in this legacy verse. While Jadus had history with Aris, Lachris does have history and involvement in Jazz's story. Also, there’s strong implications that the Heirs mirrors the Dread Masters.
8. The Revanities in this legacy are not portrayed as the villainous organisation. They have been changed into a good group as a secret organisation working from the shadows inspired from AC's The Hidden Ones. They played major key part into the formation of The Alliance. Yes, this meant Darth Arkous is an ally, but he isn't the only one.
9. Ziost was not consumed into a barren wasteland, though the planet is the main capital homeworld rather than Dromund Kaas. I envisioned Ziost have snowy mountains and vibrant countryside regions, I'm taking heavy scenery inspiration from Ghost of Tsushima and AC Valhalla/Odyssey.
10. The 'Emperor's Children' will be changed as sleeper agents in term of referring them, and it's to avoid clash with the 'Emperor's Heirs'.
11. this legacy is very lgbta+. no one are heterosexual lol. (waves the ace, bi and pan flags respectively).
12. Malgus and Jadus are rumoured to be brothers by blood relations via Vitiate/Tenebrae. It's unclear whether they are fully-bloodied siblings or have different mothers. They are considered as 'Emperor's Heirs'.Updated: Lachris is Jadus’ full bloodied sister through same parents.
13. Much like the Jedi Agent within SIS, there are Sith Agents within Imperial Intelligence. Lana Beniko and Arkous are among those known Sith Agents.
14. The Dark Council underwent minor changes to spheres and who's leading it, but received new members post-chapter 3 in this legacy after a few were fallen during Corellia and Jadus' presumed dead status. This includes Vowrawn does not lead the sphere of logostics and production in this verse.
15. Eleena Daru is alive and well, but she is NOT romantically involved with Malgus.
16. I will say this, Valkorion is not associated to Tenebrae/Vitiate. (zips lip to refrain from revealing anymore)
PS. they/them is the acceptable, default pronouns without assuming genders towards mysterious, masked characters like Marr, Xarion who are using a voice modulator.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
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eehee here it is the long awaited results of my chaotic ass survey about our hornies it’s so long holy heck, but I have seperated it into a couple sections to make sense of it all (omg if you read all of it lemme give you a kith teehee) ahhhh lol its SO nerdy haha but i hope that ya enjoy nonetheless! ✨
In this essay, I will....(hahah jk jk this is just all for fun) 
1. Demographics Analysis 
2. Polls on Fic Content 
3. Member Specific Analysis 
4. Deep Dive into the Juicy Questions (Confessions) 
5. General Thoughts and Conclusion  
6.  Cute shit that ya’ll said that made me giggle
*Unpopular opinions will be made into their own post to give them ample space and analysis!
Other Notes: 
Out of 100 individuals surveyed, 44 were readers, 2 were only writers, and 54 were both readers and writers. 
Statistical significance can be effected by sampling, selection, and response bias (yeah i took a stats class teehee) and personal biases 
All the the opinions and other analysis presented by me (Ro/binniesthighs) are purely my own oponion and are not factual. you are entitled to interpret all of this information however you like! Anything that i analyze is not definitive! 
while this survey is mostly about stay smutblr, i hope that it can also maybe serve as a template for other fandoms as well with the more general questions! this is a survey for everyone! 
i’d love to hear about what you think about anything presented in this analysis! feel free to send me an ask or comment! reposting is permitted within tumblr or on other platforms if proper credit is given! ❤️ (uwu hehe if you could please help me spread this i would appreciate it so much! i worked really hard on her 🥺) 
1. Demographics Analysis:
Gender Identities of those Surveyed 
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~My thoughts: this really came as no surprise to me considering how the majority of kpop fans (especially boy group fans) identify as female! Seeing as I am a Stray Kids/Seventeen blog (both of them boy groups) it makes sense to me that my readers would mostly identify as female! 
Another important thing to note (from a writer standpoint at least) is the wide array of identities that we still have present within the general audience of stay smut blur (SSB)! I’ll get into this later when i discuss favorite pairings to read, however i think that this gives us one more reason to write for a diverse audience of readers who can identify with different types of self-insert fics! 
Top Five: 
Female (81%) 
Non-binary/gender non-conforming (13%) 
Changes by the day (6%) 
Male (4%) 
Demiboy/Demigirl (3%) 
Sexual Orientation of those Surveyed 
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Other identities mentioned: 
????, unlabeled, aromatic bisexual, bicurious, demisexual, “just liking who i like”, experimenting, heteroflexible, sapiosexual, depends day by day, “i just like anyone” 
~My thoughts: okkkkk i see us gays of SSB 😏 these demographics were really exciting for me to see! i think that it’s super cool that we have such representation across the board when it comes to sexual orientations present in our community! As someone who personally identifies as pan, this was super comforting to see that there are so many others like me in this little space of the internet! I think it’s safe to say at least from my lil survey that all the bi cuties out here own SSB 💗💜💙
From a literal standpoint, it also makes sense to me that heterosexuality is strongly present as well considering that often the pairs that we read are male idol x female reader so this is the perfect niche! 
Top Five: 
Bisexual (40.8%) 
Heterosexual (26.5) 
Pansexual (17.3%) 
Queer (7.1%) 
Asexual (4.1%) 
Stay Creators!! 
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~My thoughts: this one i was THRILLED at seeing oml hahaha and i was so interested to see that this was nearly an even split! 
I think that there’s something to be said about how sometimes we can take our hobbies: (movies, videogames, books, kpop, anime etc)--all things which we really like in totally normal and healthy ways but also kinda like....get hornies about them too? if that makes sense? for example, i have a friend who really likes certain video games/characters from these games as a fan and he’s shared with me that he also doesn’t mind watching porn containing those same characters! (ahahah ya all know what i mean don’t even lie haha) 
what this question proved to me as that there are stays out there who practice “being a stay/being a stay creator” who also are interested in the more...horny side of this hobby/interest 😂
what is even more interesting to me is who i wonder if i’ve  have consumed any of ya’ll’s content while you have consumed mine??? this i am DYING to know aha but it think its best for all of us to stay anonymous teehee ;) 
either way, good on ya for doing what ya do!! you are so so treasured in this community too!! <3 
2. Polls on Fic Content (a long section lol) 
Favorite Pairing to Read 
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*other options selected were rankings of favorite pairings so i just added each of them as an entry to the respective category mentioned. 
Top Five: 
Idol x female reader (69%) 
Idol x gender neutral reader (19%) 
Idol x reader x Idol (poly r/ship) (14%) 
Idol x reader, Idol x reader (threesome, not much interaction between the two idols) (8%) 
~My thoughts: once again, this category was pretty self explanatory to me considering that the majority of readers are female identifying, so it would make sense that they would prefer to read smut that aligns with their identity! This is also super present anyway of SSB as i do feel like the majority of writing pieces that I do come along are idol x female reader, and most authors too often disclaim that they are the most comfortable writing this type of pairing as well. 
What’s signficant as well is the interest in reading fics with gender neutral reader self inserts as well! this is my personal philosophy when it comes to writing (specifically with requests) but i think that writing gn!reader is always the safest bet to go as to not make assumptions about readers! for writers i think that seeing this 19% is something important to take into consideration! 
An outlier to me with this demographic was the “poly r-ship” poll garnering a notable 14% in comparison to the idol x idol option which got 10 less votes (4%). what is a little confusing to me about this is how poly r/ships often (but not always) contain idol x idol content, however there is discrepancy with the amount of readers outright saying that they enjoy reading it alone. I’ll get into poly fics later with the unpopular opinions section--however i wanted to plant the seed here hehe. One other caveat to this is the fact that on SSB i feel like idol x idol content is really in the minority and is much more present on a platform like AO3 so this could be another explaination! 
What is kinda cute to me is the fact that readers do really like poly r-ship dynamics more than a threesome (as i defined it, “with less interaction”) so this makes me feel like we are all saps for the fluff that comes with poly r-ship fics ;) 
Favorite Kind of Smut to Read 
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male idol smut (67%) 
i read both! (female and male idol smut) (25%) 
depends on my mood (7%) 
female idol smut (1%) 
~My thoughts: Again, this is super expected to me as well considering the above statistics. Since i am a skz blog (a boy group) --as are my moots-- it really makes sense that those who filled out this survey would be into male idol smut! 
what was cool for me to see as well was the number of readers who also read female idol smut as well as male idol smut! personally, i more predominately a fan of boy groups compared to the amount of girl group content that I consume (note: i do also consume gg content). because of this, i think that its really up to personal preferences and the content that you consume that can be reflective of the smut content that you consume as well and ya know, whoever gets your hornies going ;) 
Favorite Genres...Ranked! 
*so this was my fault lol i totally formatted this question poorly in google forms so i’ll try to summarize the most popular rankings with my words haha 
*bc of the way that i miffed it (lol) i wasn’t able to get exact measurements, but rough ones! 
Top Five: 
Smut, fluff, angst 
smut n’ fluff (with specific emphasis angst is not desired)  
smut, angst, fluff, 
fluff, smut, angst, 
angst, fluff, smut 
~My thoughts: by far, the most popular ranking that i saw was as follows: smut, fluff, angst. i saw this sososos many times haha also...ya’ll got really creative with your rankings and it made me giggle hehe. So! seeing as this is stay smutblr haha makes total sense that the three most popular rankings that we have were lead by smut! since we’re here for the hornies, i totally get this. 
as for the “smut n’ fluff” or “fluffy smut” category, there was a decent amount of readers that expressed that this mixture is their fave! i’m kinda looping this with the “mixture” option that i also provided for this question since this was the most popular mixture that i was able to observe along with angst + smut. interestingly, i saw a couple mentions of “hurt/comfort” fics with this question too so this went well with this preference. as for number three on this list, we dip into that smut + angst category that I just mentioned as well. there were several individuals who said that they really really enjoy reading smut with angst! 
lastly we get to the four and five on the list: four being fluff, smut and angst. i think this category can also properly represent the folx who tend to like more fluffy fics over the smutty ones, but that can also have suggestive themes too! in five, we have angst, fluff and smut which also is representative of another theme that i saw: as far as plot goes, several people mentioned that they liked fics that start with angst, get fluffier, and then end up in smut, so i think that this could be easily compared! 
*there were also several readers who simply said “all of them” or opted not to rank, (lol me) so this really shows the variability in results! 
Cute stuff ya’ll said (kind of out of context too LOL) 
“...I KNOW IT [my ranking] LOOKS TERRIBLY SPECIFIC AND IM SO SORRY and I guess the better way to describe that was one that has all 3 with a happy ending lol my b my b.” 
“ ...it just depends on the mood my dude.” 
“... (the smut doesn’t have to be soft i just want the relationship to be soft and i want aftercare and general affection).” 
“(but almost no angst oops)” 
“angst honestly makes me so sad.” 
“... but long fics with angst and slow burn smut/fluff is just WOW.” 
“ my favourite thing is when it's fluffy smut tbh with a little bit of angsty backstory. that is *chefs kiss*” 
“(I'm a sucker for good angsty fics but I cant seem to find them???)” 
“Smut, Fluff, Angst (I tend to be a bit of a purist so no mixture here).” 
“(i can't read pure angst lol) “ 
“(I love how much plot there is in angsty fics but I personally can't read anything without a happy ending, i just can't take it)” 
“ i literally couldn't rank them bc my mood is always changing lmaooo.” 
“ smut, fluff, angst. i know what i’m about.” 
Favorite Length of Fics 
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Top Five: 
5k-8k words (27%) 
2k-4k words (25%) 
1k-2k words (20%) 
10k-20k words (15%) 
20k words (12%) 
~My thoughts: this one was super helpful for me to see!! and writers i hope that this is helpful for you too! as someone who tends to rambles (lol) it was very comforting for me to see that long-ish fics are actually preferred! what is really cool about this data too is that it is all super well balanced for the most part and nearly edqual in some parts! how i see this, i think that when it comes to preferences of length, its really reader specific so anyone could like anything! this goes into a little bit the slow burn question that i asked as well too, but it’s really cool to see that when readers do read, they kinda like something to sink their teeth into! 
i wanted to look into how long it takes you to read these words, and it appears that on average, a 5-8k fic can take someone 30 mins to read whereas a 2-4k fic takes about 15mins! idk if this says something about attention spans, but as a writer it warms my heart to know that you’re willing to spend 30 minutes of your time reading something that i wrote! 🥺
another thing i wanted to bring up is the “hard and fast” smut readers--those who like to get straight to the point, get right to business and to the juice! they are also a decently large group too! as for readers who like a nice long fic or a chaptered fic, they are super close in numbers! from this, it’s safe for me to assume that maybe those who like reading longer fics are more inclined to strap in for the long haul with chaptered fics too! 
Favorite AUs to Read 
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*the top category that got cut off (thank you google forms lol) is friends to lovers! the one that says “...love” at 48% is enemies to lovers, and the one that has a blanked out title at 35% is strangers to lovers! 
Top Five: 
friends to lovers (65%) 
enemies to lovers (48%) 
high school/college au (40%) 
roommates/neighbors to lovers (38%) 
strangers to lovers (35%) 
Other AUs mentioned by you! 
office au, royal au, vampire au, fake date, idol au, slice of life, boarding school au, childhood friends, soulmate au 
~My thoughts: ok ok so this was RAD to see! i often wonder myself the kinds of aus that my readers would like to see so this was really helpful! circling back on how readers tend to favor fluff n’ smut (friends to lovers) and angst n’ smut (enemies to lovers) i think that we’re seeing some more themes here teehee. 
i like to think that since most of us are of the college age, the college au is super relatable therefore we really like to read it! not to mention that college and high school au’s are super duper cute as well! this is also relatable to the roommates/neighbors to lovers category which is also relatable to us who may or may not have experienced having a roommate or crush on the cutie next door ;) as a couple readers mentioned, they liked more “slice of life” au’s--which both of these categories fall into! i think we as readers like scenarios that feel the most real to us, bc they are the easiest to insert ourselves into :) 
fantasy and thriller, action, more “fiction” tropes are in the minority, however i think that this can be for the exact same reason as i mentioned above where readers like more relatable scenarios. 
Opinions on Slow Burn Fics 
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~My thoughts: during polling of this category, this pie cart stayed basically the same the whole time!! that was pretty cute to see! the important take aways from this survey for me is the fact that slow burn fics are generally really loved! again, lol as someone who writes big ol’ long slow burn fics this made me feel a lot better hahaha basically, the general consensus is that slow burn fics are welcome most of the time, however some readers might need to invest a little more time into them! this is also very easily comparable to the above statistics on the length of fics preferred (longer ones being the ones more popular) so here’s a lil more supporting evidence! 
3. Member Specific Analysis 
Bias Survey 
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Top Five: 
Chan (19%) 
Changbin (18%) 
Hyunjin (16%) 
Jisung (15%) 
Minho (14%) 
~My thoughts: ok ok ok so this is where it starts getting JUICY hehe (also i apologize once more for making you pick LOL) 
the reason why i asked this question was because i wanted to see if there was a correlation with biases and if there was a probability that members who had more people biasing them (or popularity I guess) were more likely to be read more in smut fics! AND I WAS RIGHT haha isn’t this so fkn cool??? (see more in the next section!) 
for comparison, i went to kprofiles to see their little survey on bias popularity and their top five. 
Kprofiles Top Five: 
Hyunjin (15%) 
Felix (14%) 
Chan (12%) 
Minho (11%) 
Jisung (11%) 
SO oh my god my nerd brain is loosing it over this REE so, what i should note that is those who took this survey on my blog are likely generally different based off of the fact that they are here to read smut specifically, rather than the general holistic popularity survey. It is for this reason that we see Felix much higher on this list and Changbin much lower too (as we know Felix is really well known generally and globally and there are *generally* fewer Bin biased fans). What was really interesting to see what that with Hyunjin, Chan, Jisung and Minho, they still all stayed within the top five! Soooo what i’m saying is.... all of you Hyunjin, Chan, Jisung and Minho fans really must like your smut 😏 and I think that it’s safe to assume that the majority of hard stans come from these four members too ooP (and of course our Binnie too! ;) i see all of ya’ll 👀) 
Members That Get Our Hornies Going 
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First off, i would like to acknowledge the all mighty power of Bang Christopher Chan for pooling this most hornies god DAMN while i kind of expected this, it is also evidenced in the fics that i write! recently i’ve been tracking the number of notes that my Chan hard thoughts get in comparison to other members and the differences are usually ASTRONOMICAL. He is most def the most popular member for smut for several different reasons, lowkey bc i think that it’s kind of part of his brand?? hahaha if ya know what i mean? 
As for preference from Minho on, we can see a super obvious trend that as age order decreases, we get less and less interest for reading for the member. I’m fairly inclined to believe that this has to do with the fact that most often fans (especially fans older than skz) have a harder time seeing the younger members in a sexual way, so the lack of interest totally makes sense here! As referenced above too, we found that the oldest five members (Chan --> Jisung) are the favorites for smut reading which we can see here as well when the numbers really drop after Felix (Felix coming in at 6th place on my “popularity” survey). 
Bc of these statistics, i do really feel like as a reader, i tend to see much, much more fics involving our top five! As for Seungmin and Jeongin, I’ve also seen people state that they do not read or write content for these two members bc they do not feel as comfortable, so this can also explain the lack of content. Also as we have heard many times, Jeongin is a bit of a hot topic lol within the SSB community, so this makes sense that his readership would be low as well. 
4. Deep Dive into the Juicy Questions (aka confessions) 
Is the fact that you read smut a seggsy secret? 
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Before I say anything, i wanted to tell you all how all of the juicy questions were totally optional, but i got 100% participation for every single one of them which if find HILARIOUS i guess you all are just as curious as i am?? ;) 
So! for this question, we have an overwhelming amount of readers who said that only their closest friends know which is so cute to me! i love how we can trust our friends with this hehe. i also fall into this category bc like, it’s lowkey kinda fun to talk about? maybe also the fact that i run a smut acct makes me care a little less about it all hahah 
secondly, we have the rather large group of people who said that they wouldn’t dare to tell anyone which is also sooo cute haha idk how to explain it but this was the category that i started out in too until i found the right people! But i totally get ya, reading smut--especially-- kpop smut-- can be embarrassing or cringey to share (not to mention that it is somewhat morally grey LOL) so this is really understandable! 
also my fkn hats off to all of you who said that you didn’t care about who knows that you read smut. here, you dropped this: 👑 you’re much braver than i could ever be. 
When you read smut, do you really feel the hornies? 
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~My thoughts: ok, so this one to me was also very interesting for me to see as well! (also if you get uncomfy reading about personal masturbation habits you can skip this one lol) 
the reason why i asked this question was because i wanted to see if people “get off” by reading smut (whether reading it turns you on, or if you choose to use it for “material” to get off on however this might look, might be more of a mental simulation without any real like, physical getting off) candidly, I use smut to get myself off every once and a while, so i wanted to see who else might be in the same group! since becoming a writer however, i read much less and reading it doesn’t hit the same when i was just a reader bc i have a different perspective of being the one writing the smut so i look at it more analytically--i digress. 
it was exciting (teehee get the pun?) for me to see that others also “get off” on smut too--and that they are the majority! teehee it is an honor for me to provide you with the hornies LOL. at the same time, we still have a large group in the “don’t take to seriously” category which was interesting to me too! i can’t speak for these readers, but i interpreted these kind of readers to be the kind who read smut to imagine the scenes and are like “hm, that’s hot, i like thinking about this.” but it doesn’t extend much outside of these thoughts. 
What is the most popular position pairing we like to read? 
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*smaller slices of the pie represent multiple favorites which i also seperated back into the categories corresponding to get the best count into what was the most preferred. 
Actual Breakdown: 
dom!idol // sub!reader (51 votes) 
switch!idol // switch!reader (32 votes) 
subidol! // dom!reader (11 votes) 
all of the above (5 votes) 
depends on my mood (2 votes) 
~My thoughts: i feel as if there is a bit of a conflict between which position really is “the best” and while we really can’t know the answer to this question since everyone has different preferences, we can at least find out which one is the most popular to be consumed! 
again, going off of the content that I also see as a reader, i see TONS of dom!idol fics, like, left and right. also, if i may come for all of our necks, 👀 but...there’s really something to be said about the fact that the majority of readers are female and historically and socially, women are typically socialized to be submissive, so i can see why this would be why we would favor this among fics--this is even further evidenced by the fact that male idol smut is also preferred, thus further perpetuating the fact that women have been socialized to be submissive to men specifically. i’m not saying that this is the end all be all reason that this trend is present, but i merely offer it as a possible explaination. this is a much larger sociological conversation, but i think that this trend also showed itself in the types of smut that readers seek out as well--according to demographics. 
sub!idol fics are few and far in-between, and i think that this can also be for the exact same reason as i talked about above! 
When you read smut, do you pick faves to read for? 
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~My thoughts: what’s cool about this question is the fact that the “half and half” nature of it also resembles what we saw in the section for favorite members to read! As we see in that chart, 41 out of 100 people said that they read everyone, similar to this question where 48 out of 100 people said that they read for everyone. What this proves to me once more is that when it comes for reading fics, there's a 50/50 chance that the reader will look at, and read it based off of who it is about alone. This is a really powerful statistic, meaning that the members who that a writer might write for really dictates their readership! At the same time, it’s super comforting to know that regardless of what you as a writer might write, there’s always someone out there who is willing to read it! (as evidenced by the 52% of people who read for anyone! this is still a large number) 
Readers: Do you only use Tumblr for smut? 
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~My thoughts: when i first started out reading smut, i was in the “i just look up skz smut” group LOL so i wanted to see again if there was anyone like me--which there is! This was more of my interest in seeing if some people view tumblr as “their smut dealer” AHA so that my initial motivation. I was surprised to see that this is not the case! out of 100 readers, 39 of them have their own non-smut blogs and the second largest group of 26 people use tumblr for smut exclusively. 
idk why, but when thinking of this question, it really got me thinking back to the question where i asked if reading smut is a seggsy secret, and there was the group of people who said that it is for them--i’m assuming that these people might be part of the group have non-smut blogs and read on the side teehee. 
at the same time, there is a combined 40 people who said that they use tumblr for smut purposes only which makes sense to me, as those who filled out my survey are readers of my smut blog if you catch my drift haha  
Writers: Do you read smut, or just write it? 
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*56 responses correlate with those polled who identified as writers/both as mentioned above 
~My thoughts: this survey is really really cute for me to see bc it means that there is a whole support network or writers out there reading, supporting and here to hype other writers work!! if anything, as a writer because it takes so much time to write, it can become hard to find time to read, hence the “when i have time option lollll (*cough cough* me LOL) thank you all for your honesty with this question! 
5. General Thoughts and Conclusion 
Survey on Exposure 
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~My thoughts: i kinda wanna close off this survey by getting on my soapbox for a sec lol. At least for me, the most common ways that readers found my blog were: looking up a tag, and from a repost. i think that this really goes to show the power of exposure and certain tactics that you can use to increate readership of your account! new readers, if you’re reading this and you’re just starting out, tagging your stuff is so so important! 
also, as i have said and so so, many other content creators have said countless times before, reposting is so crucial and it takes little to no effort to repost a creators work so that it might reach others! as a writers, we spend hours, and i mean hours creating content, editing, drafting, creating headers all out own time to publish something that we are proud of and for you to enjoy! it means the world to authors when you reblog their work and even more when you give feedback too because this is our passion! we write for free in the middle of our busy lives so the validation makes it all worth it!! 
~phew! so that’s it! once again, i wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart from participating in this lil study! i really hope that it is helpful to writers and readers alike! i wanna give ya all the biiiiiigest Ro huggies!! 💕💕
as i mentioned above, the answers for the unpopular opinions will be made into their own post bc there is a ton of them and i didn’t want to clutter up this doc lol 
don’t ya ever forget that you are important, loved, and special! happy hornies my cuties ;) 
~R 🌹
6. Cute shit that ya’ll said that made me giggle (and hopefully makes you giggle too)
~you all are the light of my life!! each of these comments brought me so much happiness and i love you all so fkn much for that!! also, to those of you who said, “Ro date me” PLZ haha i will date you too!!! too all of the super sweet comments about my writing, thank you so so very much and thank you for reading! it means so much to me!! to all of the i love yous, ahhhh i love you toooooo  💕
-ro who 
Me, in chan voice: RObber ducky you're the one 
“ I didn’t know changbin’s thighs were of such importance until I saw your username but now?? 👀 I am looking respectfully.” 
“ every time chan doesn’t reply to my bubble message i hold my breath and try to die💆‍♀️” 
“ here are my favorite emoji combos: 😐☝️ 😫🖐️ 😂🤏 (i use that one when i get a dick pick and it's rlly small but the person thinks its big-) “ 
“ you are EVIL for making me choose just ONE bias OT8 EXISTS OK!?” 
“ I hope this survey provides you with a lot of useful feedback! -sincerely a big tiddie committee member (you know the one)” [hehe yes i do hai M ;)] 
“ chan’s tiddies... that’s it.” 
“jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseoyo?“
“ Jeongin is appropriately baby bread because his face is puffy in the morning so it's kinda like yeast rising 👉👉 “ 
“ someone needs to tell hyunjin to put some vaseline or something on his cuticles like I love him a lot but his recent live made me scream sir your cuticles are hanging on for dear life please I'm literally begging you “ 
“ I squeal whenever I get a notification from you and my family think I’m secretly dating someone. It’s nice knowing that they think I can get someone during a pandemic 😁 “ [this one had me SENT] 
“i hope ur dreams are blessed with skz thighs.” 
“ HS Bin supremacy!!” 
“Ro(ses) are red, violets are blue - DaVinci painted Mona, cause he couldn't find you :') “ 
“✨ dInG dOnG ✨ “ 
“You're doing God's work as a changbin stan xD “ [thank you so much aHA] 
“damn gorl, are you a wifi signal? cause i’m tryna connect 🤔🥴✌🏾 “ 
“Good luck with your survey! I hope you get a big response! You know what else is big..? 
 Chan's feet. (I'm sorry, that was my attempt to make you giggle but I'm clearly not a comedian)” 
“What's the internal temperature of a taun taun? Luke warm! (Haha sorry star wars joke) “ 
“just because you’re garbage, doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. It’s called garbage can, not garbage cannot <3 “ 
“Soft-Dom Minho Agenda is the best agenda. I have spoken. Sincerely yours, Javi (@itsapapisongo) “ [this is the way javi] 
“Bang chan daddy supremacy” 
“ro, ro, ro your boat gently down skz’ dick hell yea.” [this also had me SENT] 
“stay smut writers should take “maknae on top” literally“
“idk man i’m just vibing. hope ur day is going well. (changbin voice) da DA da” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @chaangbin​ @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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yeppeudaaa · 2 years
hello i got bored
they say it's a privilege to be bored. i still don't get why LOL.
it's still me-- your tired (100% bc of my current job), silly, emotional, edgelord who's once again turning into writing as a form of therapy. therapy whomst? i have tumblr and my english words...thing. anyway, it's already april aka my birth month! bc i wanna look tsundere or sound like one, i keep on telling people to not really give my birthday that much importance but on the contrary, i really look forward to it that i pretty much chill for the entire month. i really don't want anything else as a gift (bc minimalism, duh!) so that's good. my bf gave me a coach bag and i had asked my mom to pay 2k for the bdo cc for this month so uhh, yeah. i have nothing more to ask for. at 25, i honestly am not looking forward to doing more things (bc i get easily tired of it, be it hobbies, etc.) but i think i'd like to learn more about myself and really take it slow. tbh as of writing, i still don't know what i'd like to do in life. earning money is nice but thinking of something else i'd love to do (perhaps for the rest of my life) that could also be a form of income is hard and terrifying. for me, at least. i am also having second thoughts about college bc lol i already earn decent (??) money so why should i even bother going back? it only looks good on paper imho LMAO. but let me think about it again. also just to praise myself (praise kink LMFAO i'm embarassing) i think i've somewhat managed how to do household chores apart from cooking, which i am yet to explore. atleast i finally got something right LMAO. for my 25th birthday, i would love to find my purpose in life. i've been doing it for the past years but i really can't seem to know. who am i even? LMAO. how many times have i changed myself just to keep people? :( well, let me introduce myself again.
my name is _____ joy _____, 24 years old. i love cats and the color pink. i prefer to be quiet but when i find you cool and nice, i might open up myself (a bit) to you. i do not like inconveniences (be it minor or major LMAO) and i always find ways to make life easier for me, at the cost of...uh...things and maybe, people? :( i am a homebody and i would prefer to stay indoors rather than go outside. i give things with all my might until i'm emptied out. i also do care about how my actions impact the world that we live in so as much as possible, i really try to minimize my carbon footprint. but when i get pissed off (usually over minor inconveniences) i just release all of my wrath. i also am trying to be better at taking care of myself by releasing all the stress and negativity into working out. i have been doing pilates and i'm trying to keep at it by doing it atleast 2 to 3 times a week. and i love reading about horoscopes and all that corny shit (srsly, i should really get back to reading books be it digital or not.) i also do believe in manifestations so here's a list of what i plan to achieve/pursue and manifest:
be more grateful
be more active (physically LMAO)
be more conscious (slow-living and minimalism FTW)
finally let go of my baggages :(
save up for the future
spend more time with my mom
venture into crypto, stocks and freelancing
find a passive income/another source of income
i think that'll be all for now. heh. the ones in bold are what i'm currently anxious about LOL JK. but yeah, i really want another source of income when i haven't even saved up yet. welp.
thank you for not giving up, self.
also, thank you to those who'd always believed in me and what i am capable of.
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honestly the number one (1) thing i loathed throughout my undergrad degree, in doing an english major/philosophy minor, and other arts electives; is the kind of contempt and mockery i got when i would say that my favourite book is Harry Potter, while 18yo fakeass lying first year sally over here says “oh my favourite books are the great gatsby or catcher in the rye. and i love when things sound Dickensian! like it’s an instant heart eyes emoji (😍), amiright????” and the professor’s just croons over them like “oh you’re so well read sally!!!” when in reality sally had to read gatsby and catcher in the rye in english class and she hates them with a burning passion. and she’s never fucking read dickens, but she’s throwing out the term Dickensian for fucking clout just bc she heard a 2nd/3rd/4th year student or the professor use it in one of her other classes one time. like bless her heart, she tried. but it’s still irritating asf.
like y’all, sorry my favourite book is still a piece of fucking children’s literature. i don’t give a single flying fuck bc this series is what actually ignited my passion for reading and writing stories in school. it taught me words like “incontrovertible”, “snide”, “sardonically” (many thanks to hermione granger for that one, as it seems to be her favourite tone of voice, like me) and several other ones that i can’t even think of right now.... it taught me to love words and the dictionary lmao. yet, i always got brushed off with “oh there’s always one of you, isn’t there? 🙄 what are you, 12? grow up.” FUCK OFF, LEVI, YOU FUCK. like i’m gonna say macbeth? or idk fucking middlemarch? fucking ugh. i am not fucking naive, you asshole.
like i grew up with the harry potter books on my bedside table. i grew up with the releases, where i waited in the fucking shop for the drop sometimes, which was usually like 2pm in the afternoon in australia. i grew up with the movies. it was nearly my entire fucking childhood and nearly all of my teens, with the first movie (philosophers stone) released in 2001, when i was 5/6 years old.... and the last movie (deadly hallows pt2) being released the year when i turned 16 (2011). it’s my fucking comfort read when i feel like shit. i will go down fighting for it (except for the extras that JK keeps adding, and the cursed child. those can stay in the depths). like y’all think that ain’t gonna have a massive impact on my fucking life???? get fucked, ya literary dunderfuck. go suck off allen ginsberg and walt whitman in the seedy backstreets of nyc or fondle and make out with some bust of idk lord byron’s head somewhere in europe; if that fucking suits you, grant. sorry that HP is my go-to text for this shitty “getting to know you” class exercise. fuck. im not good at spontaneous answers in these games, you ass.
but yet y’all are gonna trash me for it just because i don’t want to be the fakeass literary wanker of the class? which is literally impossible bc everyone fucking is in an arts course. like i remember one dude said his favourite books were the illiad and the odyssey solely bc we did sections of those books as texts in a course i did on dreams & visions in film and lit. like fuck off victor, we all fucking know you like idk power rangers or some fucking shit. get your head out of your fucking ass and stop sucking up to the tutor. fight me you fucking wank stain. ugh. if i have to go down as the only goddamned honest person in this whole room and entire goddamned course, then so fucking be it.
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #11: “I ain't gonna be a hero anymore” -Sam
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Lmaoooo drew is soooo bitter he’s soooooo Mad 😂😂😂😂😂 not my fault that u were kind of a brick wall to talk too!!!! I hate how these entitled bitches think if your not being flashy your not playing the game at all I know I’m probably not gonna win the game but I’m still trying anyways and outlasting these bitter bitches always makes me feel soooo good. I also have an idol in my pocket and like I feel like I got allies to that will listen to me last round I threw John Coffeys name out and he got out I just gotta let the other people do my dirty work but since it’s near the end I am gonna get More aggressive now to make these people feel sorry that they saw me as a goat it’s kinda pretty hard to make a move pre merge when your constantly on the winning tribe tbhhh I’m gonna take Drew’s final words with a grain of salt because he’s soooo wrong LMAO don’t come for me when ur big three placements are shit.
Honestly I don’t hate him tho I’m not trashy enough to hate somebody over a game I always did like drew he’s cool and he was  my first hosting duo buddy but if he rude to me in ponderosa or FTC I’m legit coming for him.
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Woo F8. (This is all I have in me at the moment. I have a lot going on right now, and it's more of a me problem than anything else.)
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So yeah, I ended up voting in the minority which is a little awkward since ciere is still in the game but I'll survive. I was just tryna save someone close to me and I knew i could trust but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I knew I wasn't going anywhere last vote but it was so important for me cause it was gonna set the whole pace for the rest of my game, and even though things didn't exactly work out, I believe I can recover and still cause some major damage in this game. I tried to play a "real" game, but that's usually pretty difficult to do on a vivor org. The gloves are off now, it's time to play ruthlessly. Who's ready for shit to go down, I ain't gonna be a hero anymore
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Everyone is trying their hardest to be on the opposite side of Andrea sort of double-agent-esque without being caught but it's so freaking obvious. Roxy seems to always dance around the idea of voting Andrea, and Drew just blatantly suggested voting someone else even though Andrea is logically the best boot.
NOW that 4-some of Myself, Roxy, Ci'ere, and Drew are supposedly voting Emma at the moment, but it's like... Why? Also I'd rather not considering Emma is probably the least likely on that side to vote me out, which is why I'd rather keep her, as well as she's in my ideal F3 plans almost always given everyone's perception of her.
Kori wants to gun for Drew T. Purrfect! 😺 Drew H. must have some kind of...sixth sense because destroyed us all in that challenge and I thought I did well! When I got to the puzzle, he had already found & solved the entire thing. A beast.
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Okay, hello! 👽 Since things have finally died down, for the moment, I’m going to reflect on the happenings of last round & this round. This will probably be an obese confessional with a ton of grammatical errors so, sorry in advance lol. Where do I even begin ASDFG
Kori told me that since Drew H. was immune, we should go for Drew T. & I was down for that. I confirmed this with the rest of the Revatis: Andrea, Emma & Loris. That was the 5 we needed for majority.
However, Sam has a different agenda. Drew T. informs me that Sam is coming after me when I just subtly tried to let him know I wanted to go to the end with him... Kori tells me that Andrea said she wasn’t voting for Drew T. & that’s when I realize things are starting to turn against me. There were already 3 votes on Drew T. (excluding myself) so if I could flip Roxy or Drew H. that would be a majority to save myself. I immediately went to them both & told them that I might be able to secure the votes next round for at least a tie because Kori was interested in flipping. I think I mentioned this previously, but Roxy has been telling me that Drew T has been throwing her under the bus which I confirmed to her to be true. I mention this again to her now to turn her against him. Drew T. then explains that he wants for us to vote Andrea & I’m all for this blindside, but how do I know that he isn’t trying to trick me into splitting so then I would be eliminated instead :O He seemed very genuine about this plan tho in which I felt comfortable.
I make an alliance chat for the four of us & we agree on Andrea, but Roxy seemed to be indifferent about the idea in pms. She doesn’t feel comfortable with giving Drew T. power after he threw her under the bus. I ultimately give her the choice because our votes would make-up a majority & I would be able to place the blame on her for picking Drew hehe. With less than a minute left she decides Drew T. & that was all she wrote.
I believe this move definitely strengthens my relationship with Roxy who seemed kind of like a third wheel to the Drews. Had Drew T. stayed he would’ve assumed Andrea’s position as the person with the most connections & Sam would’ve been in his pocket. I guess Drew H, Roxy & I could’ve countered that, but what’s done is done. Sam has now lost his closest ally & me who had his back, so now he’s tied to Andrea (and Loris apparently).
The vote impacted Heuser negatively because Roxy & I didn’t tell him about it...which was a mistake. He said he “would’ve been okay with doing the other Drew & that was probably our only shot at taking out Andrea”. Maybe we should’ve taken out Andrea because she still has several connections & the Revati idol is still floating around somewhere, ugh. Heuser says he’ll win every single immunity challenge from here on out if that’s what it takes for him to get to the end (and so far he’s on a 2-win streak).
After the votes were revealed, Sam was expecting me to be angry & blow up his pms. Nah. I’m going to give you the Dani treatment because boys can’t stand when you don’t respond to them hehe. I kept my composure & was really cool about the situation which I am SO proud of myself for because usually I’d be popping off on everyone and their mother by now lmao.
Loris admits that he has to vote out people he’s gotten close to & since he’s telling me that, he’s not playing me. He wants to take me to the end. That sounds rad! Another person that thinks they can beat me in the end and will take me there. Loris tells me everything about his day & he’s hilarious. Loris is a f u r r y.
Fast forward to the present day. Right off the bat Kori warns me about Andrea coming after me because I’m “mad & hate her.” I legit hold no hostility against Andrea nor did I give her any reason to think that, so I’m slightly offended she would say that. All I said to her was that we agreed to Drew T., but she sheeped Sam and tried acting like Drew T.’s name never came up... I also asked Sam what happened and tried to guilt trip him just a bit. Sam says that he felt closer to Drew & tried to save him by going for what he thought was the easy vote aka me. Well guess what...I’m still here, binch. You thot wrong. I tried socializing more with Sam for the past couple of days and even subtly hinted to him in my last tribal answer that I wanted to go to the end with him. His loss.
When things get slightly spicy in the tribe chat between Andrea & I, she exposes Kori. Kori says that Andrea implied coming after me, but she says she explicitly said my name and she said she didn’t know. I’m starting to see Kori’s game & maybe he’s not as slick as he thinks. He claims to actually want Drea out, but he’s pulled tricks out in the past & I have my eye on him. Oh & someone told Andrea that there was an alliance made to vote her out. Roxy says Andrea came to her about it too so I presume Heuser went to her about, but I already exposed him to her hehe.
So I gather up my messy peers Heuser, Kori & Roxy forming a squad of Rexhars & Bad Binches. We seem to all want something different & the trust there is severely lacking... Roxy wants to vote Loris, Kori wants Andrea, then there’s Drew and I that pushed for Emma.
Here’s our current plan: We’re all in agreement to at least make this tie. We would like to avoid this though by getting Sam to flip. To accomplish this we’re going to pitch Emma because no one’s connected to her besides Andrea probably. Before that though the other 4 will probably vote together for one of Roxy, Kori or I. After the vote initially ties, we lock in our revotes for Emma & get Sam to realize that he’s putting his own game on the line for her. If he flips then we succeeded with Emma being voted out & we have the numbers for next round. No one would use an idol on her either unless this plan is foolishly leaked. If Sam decides to go to rocks then the odds are still in our favor with Andrea, Loris & Sam drawing against 2 of us. And trust me bby, I’m ready for ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS.
Heuser thinks I’m actively trying to get the other side to vote for me because I would be safe in a rock situation. Of course that’s a perk of my plan, but I’m really just trying to do what’s best for us & it would make the most sense to turn them against me. He also gave me this compliment that I would like to note: “you're amazing with numbers in games, you see layouts really well”
I’m being nice to Sam because I like talking to him and hopefully he won’t try to push for me again. If I shunned him then that would automatically lead to him wanting me out, so it’s time to do damage control for the move he made against me. He says that Andrea and Loris are trying to take each other out. :O Maybe me @’ing Andrea wasn’t such a bad thing after all if it means these two big players take each other out hehe.
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HI!!! trIBALS sad and boring and scary bc names are getting thrown and then retracted and I’m gonna fall asleep and then wake up and I’ve gone home??? most likely. Jk I don’t think?? I’ll go??? I love Sam and Emma and Andrea and love ciere ok basically the majority of the cast I don’t have more than 2 f3 deals which statistically means I’d have to betray someone.. no way!! ALSO TWO TRIBALS TIL LEGACY WOOOP WOOOOOP
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As the days go by and the number of people start to dwindle, I feel myself becoming more and more ruthless. ever since john left, I had promised everyone in the game I was with them, and even though I betrayed that trust to a certain zosma last round, I still find myself having to cut someone im close to loose. it's incredibly risky, because all these people claim to be loyal to you and wanna go to the end with you, but you gotta cut most of them off so that never happens. so it becomes a game of, am I cutting people that were truthful to me, or keeping the people that are truthful to me. for all I know I could be voting people that do want to keep their word with me, or I could be saving them. i'm just hoping im making the right call.
so right now I do have a f4 in mind that I would like to see happen, and im gonna do what I have to in order to make that happen. obviously like I said before, it means cutting allies loose and pissing people off. but hey, that just makes the game more exciting, it could end up biting me in the ass if i make it to the end, but least im gonna have fun getting there and who knows, maybe i can pull out a win? man we love being the villain.
so the vote started off with this whole andrea vs kori ordeal, which somewhat bothered me since I wanted to go far with them, but I definitely had a preference between the two. now, it seems like it's gonna be an emma vote, which I don't want to happen yet. so I came up with an idea to get numbers on roxy, because I feel I can beat her if we did go to the end, but I don't trust her as much as I do others, and she isn't in my end game plan, so now seems like a good time to cut her loose. plus, everyone knows loris has been after her, so it was mad easy to throw him under the bus so roxy doesn't flip out on me until the moment she gets blindsided. that'll be a fun time, but if this all works out and she goes over emma, then im set for f4 unless I ended up trusting the wrong people. god I hope im making the right choice here.
so after the results of this vote and roxy screams at me, other people like kori are definitely not gonna trust me anymore. but that doesn't matter, because he isn't in my ideal f4 or even f5 scenario. im tryna get ciere back on my side, which I hope is working. he seems like he could be biting, idk if he really has anyone else or not. esp since his name seems to be floating around again and I told him id let him know if it was, so nows my chance to extend an olive branch of trust again
all of this could end up blowing up in my face and getting me voted out, but the thing is in order to win this game, you gotta take risks. and that's what im doing, im taking another massive risk here. I dodged a sniper bullet last round after the ciere vote didn't quite work out, but ive rebounded hard and back in the drivers seat, and it's time for roxy to go just as drew t predicted. man that'll be a fun time for those two in ponderosa!
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If just once my game could not depend entirely on these absolute fucking idiots that would be amazing. Only thing i'm waiting for at this point is to leave another alliance chat at 8:01
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Well from Ci'ere and Andrea two ideal boots for me to Roxy or Emma two non-ideal boots... this game just knows how to take the most violent of turns.
I guess we'll see if Sam's being even half honest with me if he votes Emma. If he does I think I've got some ideas for moving forward, but we'll see. I just don't know how things are gonna go moving onward, and I just hope this doesn't go to rocks or an idol play that totally isolates or knocks me out of this thing.
I'm also just hoping I don't end up regretting voting Emma instead of someone else.
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Tribal sucks. Idk what going on and idk who i wanna ally/work with.
is how I feel in terms of trust rn w big gap with roxy and ciere~  
but cant have a f5 lmao huh idk i am confused n lost
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Vote Emma they said, it's the best thing they said, Roxy agreed to the whole thing but ofc apparently something happened in the last 10 fucking minutes, and she voted for me in some sort of fucked up attempt to save Emma?
I'm pissed to fucking hell, if I have a chance to cut Roxy I'm fucking doing it, this was bullshit and a half. That's assuming I somehow survive this shit. I think Drew is keeping me, and my understanding is Sam is keeping me.
That's 2/6 so I just need 1 of Roxy, Andrea, Loris, or Ci'ere to keep me. Ci'ere might keep me because the odds of Andrea or Loris going are technically good, and Sam isn't a terrible option gone for her, but I don't know if the others would/will, and it's just UGHHHHHHHH
I hate this, and I hate that it ended up being me that was stuck in this situation, though I likely brought it upon myself trying to kinda play all sides and be in the know for this whole thing. I'm just hoping for the best. (Regardless Roxy's a goner if things go the way I hope.)
Well, I did a LOT of scrambling and clawing, and I've got a F3 deal with Loris and Sam, which I honestly think could have been the best deal for me given the circumstances.
Provided nobody flips and Ci'ere, Drew, Sam, and Loris all vote the way they claim they will, I might actually come out of this alive, and hopefully I get a chance for revenge.
If it goes to rocks then ideally it'll be Andrea that goes, but that's a 1/4 chance and probably knowing my luck it won't go that way.
I just hope that everyone's being upfront at the moment, when there's not shot of an idol play there's no reason to lie about which way you're really voting at this point.
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im going to cry like fuck this game for a minute.. idc ab it... sam is just too 💗💗😍😍😍💗🏋🏾‍♂️😍😍🏋🏾‍♂️😂🏋🏾‍♂️❤️👀 i love him what a soul. idc ab this stupid revote or anything just going far w him hopefully.
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I'm having a very calming moment right now, I'm feeling good about my chances and I think I've overcome this voting situation. Roxy is trying to appeal to my goodside, but the farthest I'll let her go is 6th because if I can take Andrea out first for my own self-assurance I will.
This is just the calm before the storm, it's a storm in my mind, and it's a storm outside, this whole situation has been a storm. Everything is a storm, and I'm gonna ride it to the finish.
Emma is voted out after a 3-3 tie in a 5-1 vote.
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22introuble · 3 years
Broooo I literally can do ANYTHING like I can’t believe all I’m doing. Most importantly I graduate this spring from such a good university with 2 majors and 2 minors. This quarter I’m taking 5 classes again to get my minor in education. I could have graduated last quarter but I wanna graduate in the spring! Ok so because I’m minoring in education I got an internship at a high school in an AP Spanish class which is what I wanna teach! I love it so much like talking Spanish y corrigiendo todos los errores gramaticales y todo eso. Then i have my 2 full part time jobs sksks. The ********** and the ****** and the 2 other lil jobs. Tell me why I thought I’d be overwhelmed but I’m not.. I am enjoying it. When last month I thought things would never get better to now things could possibly not get better. I’m not saying I’ve completely moved on but I can for sure say it’s the **** situation all over again. Except this time I’m moving on bc im doing me and not entertaining myself with men sksks lesson learned (almost kms tho.. no sksks jk) OH AND IM DEBATING GRAD SCHOOL OR SPAIN???
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fmdxjerome · 6 years
hello people from old and new! naomi is back in action with her son jerome. i’ve been stuck in my sisters house for the last weeks of my absence because she went on vacation and i had to take care of a sick rabbit who peed everywhere. i might have a disease now at the amount he bit me but what can you do. im joking. you might ask “but naomi doesnt your sister have wifi” yes she do but i’m an anxious wreck so spending my days on a first floor apartment  with my sister on the other side of the world w an infected foot had me fucke d upppp boiii but now i’m back in my own home and my sister + her boyfriend are safely home!! foot all fine!! and everyone is calm again!! so!! i can return with a good heart. i’ll be sliding in the dms of the people who bear emoticon’ed me 600 years ago and bc i suck w introducing myself to new people i’ll just hi!!!!! i think when i wake up i’m gonna do a “bio reading” marathon as i write bc i need to appreciate. also shit i need more threads wow i suck might see me replying to some open starters and def need to get back to plotting bc there are some people i’ve been dying to thread with ;^;
its like 6am now so i might b heading 2 bed now but under the cut there will be a reintroduction to jerome (one i promised in januari i believe) as im rewriting his bio (no major things change really its just minor things nd its time for an upgrade) so yes! hello (ims will come tomorrow as well ;3;)
also fact. mullet daddy jaebum is jerome rn dont drag him dont @ him its gone before you know it. probs after idolized its a look tho wow i love- a chic farmer (... the short bangs are tragic tho jerome honey i kno u liked them on wren but ur not wren. jerome: but i- me: no. this this not this jerome: :( ok fine me: fuego 
anyway before i pass out here is reintroduction. the triggers are; adoption, racism themes??? like yeah ok!! apologize if this is shit. hope everyone is having a good day though you all are great!
Jerome Gauthier aka Yuddy
-Anti idol
-Has an okay reputation but that’s because he’s smart about things.
-BC eyeing him tho *eyes fake friends with good reputation for him to hang out with* (hmu for fake friend plots. funny the person w the best rep of all actually likes jerome. bless jisoos christ. guess that praying on knees worked out in the end huh jerome. /dont/ sainthood is waiting)
-Talented™. (ask him to write songs for you) (Actually have a few songs in my library i want him to write but not sing so *eyes*)
-Passionate as fuck don’t mess with him in the studio (passionate all over tbh)
-Adopted and in search of his bloodlines
-Hoe but not really
-Actually, scrap that. Nicknames him JerHOEme
-Is actually lovely
-But acts like a shit
-Slips up and is soft to people sometimes before being a complete and utter asshole the next second
-bc soft jerome whOMST i only know deMON
-Suave Fuckboy who’s nonchalant about everything
-Will call you baby at some point in your life
-Signature smirk
-Egotistic???? Narcissistic??? a lil bit don’t stroke his ego
-Secretive™. not much info on his time in france
-Secretly a dad without children (except for his actual biological son insoo aka chorizo sausage who he goes to play ball with- i mean work on songs in the studio. seriously catch him picking up his son from soccer practice i mean shit no i mean- ok insoo is really his son dont fight me on this.)
-And also has a daughter an Oriental shorthair cat called Edith who he is so soft with he kicks out girls to cuddle with her. (one meow and he’s home)
- we support WISH hating jerome in this household. please people who have girls in WISH dont let them like him (or be a rebel and go against the mothers wishes but you’ve been warned)
-Dont let him get in your pants too like ask wren you dont want that (or i mean with the list of kinks i peeped maybe idk who am i to say what your muse wants or does not want idk im just protecting people from satan)
-Unlikely he’ll get in any pants now anyway tho bc he a proud shopper at papa juliens pizza and y’all some other brand type ish domino lookin asses NAH *throws hands up* rome’s in the house (no but guys. this is his soulmate THIS IS HIM. dISgUStiNG- )
-In 2016 interview took him out of context and it looks like he hates all idol rappers but is not true. He just doesn’t like companies making rap out to be like this thing you can do if you’re pretty and you can’t sing and he doesn’t like it when said pretty idols know nothing of it. he gets the grind but will side eye (benjy nd jerome already have a rivalry bc of this shit thank u interviewer)
-Dating scandals?? EHH. He almost had one with a Japanese model called Momo in the beginning of his career but BC did well of spinning them as friends and he legit had one with his ex last october which?????????? shit she touched his *spoiler* and it was *spoiler* . BC about to ban him from fashion shows damn. yoonah and him have to go to paris fashion week quick
-BC has yet to force him into a relationship tho. but damn he gonna be angry when that ever happens yoo. 
-Studied to become a cinematographer. Now is annoying as fuck during recording MV’s bc he butts into everything (BUT thats why his his mvs so AESTHETIC. eye for beauty bois)
-Holler at ya boi if you want a nice mv he’s involved like that
-Also to the girls who have been in an MV with Jerome.. know he probably flirted with you between takes bc during he’s grade a professionalism but he still a ho
-Actual catlady no questions asked (he feeds stray cats and gets cut up by edith when she smells other cats on him rip)
-Actual wife material no questions asked (to quote the great Halit Yilmaz during that time Jerome stood in the kitchen for hours making baklava and other Turkish treats for Halit’s Eid al-Fitr: “Shit, Jerome if you were a girl i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” and its true. we would ALL marry jerome. who says no is lying. )
-Ok the ego thing btw its weird its an act but hes weird about it dont ask
idk what else to write ok short rundown of his bio as again i’m writing a new one and i cringe every time i look at my old one. im probs forgetting a lot but EYO ITS 6AM WHO CARES
CHILDHOOD age 0 to 10
-Born to a single mom who got fucked over by a smash nd dash dad. (we side eye Ok Chanwook in this household.)
-Moms family discouraged her from taking care of him herself so putting up for adoption it is.
-Very emotional not ok mom boram cry a lot pls. (got v angry too like boi if she ever sees chanwook again he can change his name to no dick larry)
-Adopted by a French couple called Lucas and Daphné (previously named Annelies). pretty kool peeps
-JK racist assholes who fetishize jerome a lot. PLEASE. the yellow fever runs deep. take him away from them,
-Raised in a small town in France and knew 0 Asians growing up. so thats nice
-Loves his adoptive grandpa to death tho (who’s he named after u3u)
-Actually hates the rest lol
-Ok uncle Rémy pretty cool bc he laughs at teen!Jerome shit talking his parents and aunt Camille. She a sweety ;3; a bit odd but a sweety #stanauntCamille
-Basically the people on the Gauthier side and born from Jerome and Clemintine are ok, the rest is shit (except for his dad Lucas. He a Gauthier but he shit)
-Junior/Senior relationship w granpda ;3; “Pépé!!” “Junior!!” *tiny jerome swings around grandpa’s neck* LOVE
-Grandma passed when he was 9. (he loved her very much and would always show her his drawings on her bed ;-;)
-Hard time adjusting at first when he was a tiny toddler. had a lisp talking french. ;3; baby rome
-young jerome had a bad case of the abandonment issues he literally held onto his dads leg for like 30 minutes before the teacher finally peeled him away from him. my smol boi
-Elephants. remember this. is important. /sob
-TLDR; biological mom didnt want to loose him. adoptive parents and dad are fucks. grandpa is kool. jerome had a good childhood until he didnt. thank u ignorance
TEEN YEARS age 10 to 20
-middle school very nice
-kids are mean. teens are mean. young!jerome v lonely
-honestly he had no friends. except for like maybe this one kid on his sport called mattheo but he kinda a weeb so uhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-the time comes that he feels uncomfortable with everything korean. he already learned korean along side french and english when he was growing up but now distances himself from further learning. he clings to french culture a lot and even to this day he refers to himself as french and european, and rarely refers to himself as korean or asian.
-feels disconnected from both though. its like.. his parents took his korean culture away from him by using it for their own amusement. it was not his to have basically. and french- a lot of people around him give the vibe he’s not “allowed” to call himself fully french. they see him as korean, korean-french but never just french. he feels very misunderstood. lack of identity and just not fitting in
-around this time (or earlier i’m musing still) his cousin Antonin (moms side) kind of fell out on him. like. wow. not good. fucked jerome up a lil. (issues intensify)
-inferiority complex inbound/ is he ok? no he isnt. he starts writing to get his emotions out.
-Blessed Freddy rolled in teen jerome’s life like: guess we need to do history homework together jerome: aren’t you gonna make a ‘do my homework bc you’re asian’ joke freddy: why would i jerome:
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-they bond over music, freddy is the one who gets him serious about getting into it (we thank our lord freddy for this gift of life we call singer/songwriter jerome. pray to freddy 10 times a day *srry jisoos christ but ur out*)
-literally young jerome would be a great soundcloud artist in this day and age. he was like joji meets rei brown with more of an rnb tinge. he liked ambient because it calmed him.
-in his old bio thats still up bc im a slow writer his old name was some dumb shit like l.only DUMB its romeles now (get it.. jeROME LESlie gauthier. im smart)
-had a big ass fall out with his parents when he was around 15? was like “UHHH FUCK Y’ALL” and moved in with his grandpa (he was very disrespectful like damn boy but you know what. i support)
-best decision of his life because grandpa v lonely after his wife died and Jerome^2 is… so soft.
-Jerome dancing/singing to old tunes and being engrossed with old movies
-Learning how to cook ;3;
-I mean bc his middle and highschool were in Laval he spend a lot of his time w his grandpa already so he already had a bed and ;-; #jerome^2
-Halit rolls into his life. Braces, huge smile, lil prepubescent stash ohmygod. My child.
-BLANC is born. Freddy/Jerome/Halit’s musical trio. Stan the Three Musketeers
-Found his first best friend and a purpose in Freddy. Found a home in Halit. (sob)
-Finds solace in rnb and hiphop. People start noticing him because of it. Writes songs and performs them in café’s. Found his niche. 15 to 19 where his “best”  years
-THE BIG MOVE. After a concerned halit mom, a proud freddy mom and a “WHAT THE FUCK JEROME NO DONT GO” jerome mom they pack their bags and PARIS HERE WE COME
-Enter ex who haunts his life, Seo Yumi aka Marie (now model, v pretty, makes me cry)
-Spots her in the summer doing yoga in the park and boi he an assman so he got fucked up (jk he saw her face and was like wHAT love at first sight
-enrolls in film school, meets her there again and wow falls in love hard like wow calm down boy
-Dating~~~v possessive not good at ALL cALM DOWN JEROME
-ok he got his issues nd marie was the first one who openly listened to his problems and understood and made him appreciate his korean heritige bc she’s korean and showed him cultural aspects without the gross fetishizing that came with his parents and he just- he got intense ok. he already got a v intense personality so- still not good tho he needs to dial it down
-she thought so too and like after a year she was !!!! what the fuck. she is not one for serious relationships but jerome was like ehhh why not in the beginning its v nice to hear nd be seen as the most beautiful ok but then it got suffocating but instead of breaking up with him she kept him around. he a safe haven ya know. reliable. someone to built on later. *i wanna say she also didnt break up w him because his emo stories but marie,,, eh...* (funny tho like she got a thing for bad boys so she just “this is the fifth time you called me beautiful just degrade me lil like choke me idk” and jerome just “w-why would i do that you’re beautiful i dont want to hurt you” ah *looks into the future* ohhowthetableshaveturned.mp4 )
-Marie cheated on him the second she got the chance which was when jerome went to america w his bros
-Got offered a job as a songwriter when in ny. Wouldnt think he’d take it but after getting kicked out of school for beating the shit out of the guy marie cheated on him with and with marie out of the picture nothing held him back from starting a new life.
-TLDR; emo era. silver era. emo era 2 emo harder
ADULTHOOD age 20 to now
-Seoul make way for the rise of YUDDY™
-the name yuddy is from the film days of being wild. the character is kinda yuddy-ish too so he saw the film again and yep. thats my name
-Visits his orphanage. they like “nah boi u aint got no papers boi”
-Parents can give him access to his birthmother btw, aren’t doing it lol
-Drinks. Sleeps around. Gets a reputation. You kno how it is. (gr8 ride tho. highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars on yelp)
-SMASH ND DASH. Chanwook is that u??????
-One girl who he got with multiple times reminded him of Marie tho and that fucked him up for a bit (PSST ITS A PLOT WINK SO IF YA GIRL OF AGE IN THE 2013′S HMU BC ITS DRAMATIC HE GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER)
-Writes a lot of songs, a few for BC (knight baes). BC like *eye emoji* who dat boi who him iz
-Gets sign w BCreate and is like eyy life pretty good
-but lmao he debut and oh who’s that pretty girl promoting that lipstick?? oh.. its marie ;3;
-Joins main label and literally joins w a blessing stream limbo on spotify
-wgm era was a great era of jerome lmty his hair was great, shared cute personal things, manager was happy, slept with his best friend, was married to a sweet beautiful girl ya know the good stuff  👍 no im not crying you are
-triple fantasy era was awful we dont talk about that he looked like his brother and i’m still emotional about him wow. 
-instagram is a great song
-Interviewer: u mention an ex in ur song tell me more Jerome: *SWEATS*  
-Marie: my short hair DOES look pretty thank u babe ur red hair was cute too <3<3
-The fact she linked to him now is spook
-But ok he still flirty, still daring, still yuddy™ but definitely less of the whole “sleeping around” thing now bc he… he uhh closetoyou.mp3
TLDR; he turned into his dad but romeo is rising AND HE IS SCARED!!!!!
also never forget jerome is the messiest king in this ok non y’all are as messy as him. he fucked his ex’s friend oK THERE IS NOTHING MORE MESSY. dONT COME FOR HIS CROWN
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Episode #4: “I am definitely sobbing 24/7” -Gavin
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-okay so dan left eight to one a real... how you say... zzz. and then birch activates the earthquake and gives us... the best swap... ever...? i say us i mean ME so anyway the swap gives me... my alliance members of vi/collin/ruthie which YES. we already are half the tribe eat it UP. then i have cindi who im close to, who im also in a second game with rn. which BAM, and also... og tribe majority mmmmm delicious. THEN from the other tribe i get. BODHI who im also close to outside of this, and am also in another game with rn (where im about to vote to keep him in so woo we love  building trust...?). then i have rachael who is a sweetheart and TIMMY. ONE OF MY OLDEST ORG FRIENDS HELLOOO. this swap is kind of... too... good? all the people i'd wanna vote out are on the other tribe so the MO rn is to just sweep challenges ideally? thats the agenda. because rn the ones i want gone are birch/keegan/zachary/gavin... all of whom are on the other tribe. so we better get to winning even tho it might be bad for austin/jay if we do (but maybe timmy would go first idek)
-okay so... we just won jeopardy? that challenge truly had me weighing up and considering literally fighting a child because that zach is half child prodigy, half robot he was literally bodying the challenges... BUT THEN WE WON ASFJDKSAL. we literally just went for broke on the final jeopardy and it came THROUGH. im so so happy because i want all of my swap tribe at merge, they are all people i want to stick around so even one tribal would be a disaster. i think timmy might unfortunately be screwed just because jay/austin are really connected. also the annie tribe is probably gonna lose... another og tribe member. but HONESTLY what can you do. this is good for my longterm survival anyway hopefully they turn inwards and get rid of one of OG Jack even though its probably unlikely KJFLSAD.
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-well, to start out, i am sorry this is later than anticipated. however, what matters is that i am doing it now... right? ANYWAYS... onto the confessional. i think the main thing i want to talk about this round, is the brilliant move i orchestrated during that challenge that gave us the win... and the fact that i got NO CREDIT FOR IT. OKAY Y'ALL... I SEE YOU. but anyways, i think it is clear that i am basically a mastermind. however, what really matters is that we won... so GO TEAM (me)! following the challenge this round i was added into an alliance chat planned by keegan and zach with rachael and myself. so, when jess wasn't included, i obviously had to go talk to her and subtly expose that alliance... and funnily enough, keegan added jess to alliance with birch! FUNNY. so, we basically figured out that keegan is trying to play everyone and anyone he can--which will definitely be useful information going forward. overall this round, i think i really strengthened some key bonds with birch and rachael specifically. i was on call with rachael for 5 hours straight and talked about personal things with birch for about an hour. so, i honestly feel pretty good going forward. and on the bright-side, if things start to look like they're going south, i always have that idol in my back pocket. until next time... xoxo, gossip girl.
-well, to no ones surprise... we swapped. AND I WAS SEPARATED FROM MY RACHAEL. i’m not crying... (jk, i am definitely sobbing 24/7). but on the bright side, i at least have jess with me. unfortunately due to zachs poor math skills, we lost the challenge that should have been an easy win for us given our lead going into the final jeopardy... but gavin is not bitter. so, unfortunately, we have to go to tribal with a brand new tribe. on the bright side, it seems to be looking in OG jack’s favor numbers wise, so i don’t particularly feel like i am in danger. however, you never know what could happen at tribal council. so, if worse comes to worse, i will have my idol ready to play—but i am hoping it doesn’t come to that. it appears as though austin or jay will be leaving—which is perfectly fine with me (even if i want keegan to go sooner rather than later, it’s best not to make any unnecessary waves right now. so i will continue to let him become a bigger target and try to take charge and snake as he does... and we will go from there.
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-I....am upset. You put me on a tribe with little cutie Gavin and then RIPPED HIM AWAY. I am beyond upset. I am outraged. SWAP US BACK COWARDS. Can't wait for the next earthquake to hit so we can be reunited. I miss him so much. He still sends me tiktoks though so thats cute. we are watching Hamilton together on Friday and I am so excited.
-It’s 1:02PM and I still miss Gavin.
-It’s 5:14 pm and I still miss Gavin. Hope he doesn’t go home, but I won immunity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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So I forced a swap. yay! I also exiled myself, mainly to keep myself safe cause fuck getting voted out, Am I right? So I don't really have anything to report on. uhhhh, yeah. Go everyone!! 
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-When your tribe mates don't listen to your wager advice and you lose the challenge :))))))))))))))))))))))))
-So a swap happened so that's fun.... I can't even lie I  have swap PTSD from my last Survivor. I was swapped into the minority, rocked myself out with an idol for a souvenir. THAT BEING SAID... This swap worked out for me! I think? At least for now? If I didn't have Gavin with me I'd be extremely worried but because I do believe he has an "in" with the bro's Keegan/Zach aka: a duo... I'll at least know if they are up to some shady shit. I also got Chips! SO PARTY. I'm really thankful we got a swap because I don't know if I would have survived a couple of votes on my previous tribe. I wasn't necessarily "in" with people. So a swap was welcomed but I was also scared shitless. This swap has really opened the door for me/Zach? I don't trust him the slightest BUT at least we have some sort of dialogue right now compared to the crickets we were exchanging on OG JACK. This swap also broke up the "alliance" of Zach, Rachael, Keegan...and Gavin. So now they'll need to find a replacement Rachael and I know I'm not as pretty as Rachael but maybe I'll fill the female quota in that alliance? Chips has opened up a LOT to me so far. We've exchanged idol searches but he feels on the bottom of that "alliance" and I don't blame him. I just don't know where we go from here after this vote. He flips? to Jay? Maybe a Jay/Chips/Keegan/Zach majority? He wants me to flip to a Chips/Jay/Timmy/Majority? I have no idea. We also get Birch next round! I do enjoy Birch so much but that's a number for Keegan and that makes me un-easy. Keegan is easily my biggest threat so far. Next round could potentially be a 6.vs. 2 majority and it can't be THAT simple. I'm going to focus on winning... I guess? I'm really enjoying Timmy so far even though he's given me a few red flags or I'm being lied to hardcore. Austin told me he had a vote reveal however, why would Timmy tell someone who he has said "treated him badly" about a power? So either Timmy is playing me or Austin is playing me. Either way they both can go?! Timmy gives me such weird vibes. I want to trust him but I also think he's going to be a super cut-throat player down the line and that SCARES ME.
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Ok.....with the swap that happened and us losing immunity I really feel my game is over. Which really sucks bc i wanna work with ppl like keegan jess jay chips and zach but I dont feel most of those ppl wanna work with me.  I'm not gonna give up tho . I'm gonna try talking and making deals and doing what I can to save myself.  It's not over til tribal and I have plenty of time. Pleaseeeee atomic gods let me make it through this one vote 
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Me never remember what my last confessional was about? The title of my autobiography. So, we swapped which is super unfortunate but the tribe I got swapped into has a majority OG Jack members. JESS, ZACH, GAVIN, CHIPS and myself against JAY, TIMMY Z and AUSTIN. And then we lose the challenge because math is apparently impossible? Like ZACH either threw the challenge on purpose or he’s just the worst person at math. Either way, we’re going to tribal tonight. The current plan is to stay tribe strong and vote out an OG Annie which is fine by me. JAY is saying he wants to work with me because we’re both previous winners which is a good point. But I’ve got some solid alliances already and I don’t want to mess those up this early into the game. As far as I can tell right now, the plan is to split votes between JAY and AUSTIN with AUSTIN being the primary target since he’s pretty bad at challenges and isn’t likely to work with us down the line. TIMMY apparently spilled the beans about a six person alliance that didn’t include himself or CINDI, so we’re trying to keep him safe and pull him in as a number for the future. Who knows what will happen though. There’s idols to worry about which is why we’re trying to split the vote. 
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This tribe swap makes me so happy because I vibe with these people so much better and it gives me a new chance in this game to fix my activity level. On top of that, we are safe!!! Another round of not having to go to tribal is a good round for me. Who knows why the Annie tribe only wagered $3,000 because that made absolutely no sense but I’m not complaining. Overall, A+ round!
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So this round, i find myself swapped into a tribe of people that are so much better then my old tribe. I was on the outs of that 6 person alliance and I am sure I would have been the next to go for sure. I get a really good vibe off of zach and jess, plus gavin and keegan are cool too. Not to sure about Chips but I have to put my trust in these people for the mean time. As for the challenge, we lost and i knew I was going to vote with the old Jack tribe. We plan on splitting the votes 3 vs 3 with austin and jay voting whoever. Of course in true them style, the moment they found out it was them, they threw me under the bus immediately. Hopefully everything goes as planned tonight and Austin goes home, if not it is going to be me. I have had good convos with people tho and hope that can get me through this tribe.
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Well this swap completely sucks. In the complete minority, someone sold out the alliance to Timmy so I doubt he trusts me anymore. I just tried to be honest with him so he'd see me in a better light and I hope it worked. Beyond that, we lost the challenge and I think my head is on the chopping block. Earlier today Chips came and told me that he's pretty sure the votes are coming down on me and they're gonna tell me Austin to fake me out. And you know, that's probably true because Zach, Keegan, and Gavin have all told me it's Austin. What troubles me is that Chips doesn't seem to have a plan otherwise even though it seems like he wants to do something else. So once Zach told me it's Austin, I had more of a chat with him. He really seems to not want me to go anywhere, which is hard not to believe. Either he's telling me the truth or he's a fantastic liar. Same with Keegan, even though I think it's in both of our best interests to work together going forward. At this point it's clear that it's gonna split between Austin and myself so i worry if I don't vote Austin then I'm just automatically out. Shits really hard in the game right now and all I want is to survive another day.
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I am finally not at the bottom. My original tribe has minority and I have prior existing relationships with 2/3 of the og Jack tribe. Plus I have bodhi, whom I absolutely love, on my tribe. I am happy. 
Click HERE to watch the Round 4 Cast Assessment!
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boyswhofellout · 5 years
Lgbt+ ask game
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
Bisexual, she/her
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
Uh well, I always kinda knew I liked both and in my family, no one was really homophobic so I never thought it was weird. My first kiss with a girl I was in 4th grade and she was my best friend. My policy was always “if you’re hot, I like you” and it didn’t occur to me that there was a term for that (and yeah I’m going with the OG term for Bi meaning the attraction to two OR MORE genders don’t @ me) Anyway in high school I had my ‘coming out’ when my friend group consisted of two pansexuals, a straight and another bisexual. They gave me a name for how I felt
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
Since I am FAB I never had to deal with that sort of thing!
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
I guess the first people I officially told were my friends and they didn’t bat an eye. 
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?
When I finally like posted it on facebook and wore shirts around school and didn’t care who heard, it was a great feeling. I was much luckier than a lot of folks because if anyone at my school had a problem with it, they didn’t let on. My family was accepting, my friends obviously were, and the kids at my school didn’t give a fuck.
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
When I told my mom and stepdad they just said they knew and they loved me all the same. My mom actually said she and my bio dad had known since I was like 2 lol
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
The threesome question, unicorn hunters, the like. Turning on your settings to women on tinder is so annoying because every other person is a couple ‘looking for a nice girl who wants to have some fun’
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
Comfy. I live in leggings and t-shirts/tank tops. I also always have an overcoat of some sort, be it a leather (pleather) jacket, my favorite denim jacket, a sweatshirt, a hoodie, I have all types of overcoats. It’s actually a problem
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
Non-canon of course cause most fandoms don’t like us: Ambrollins is probably the top, Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens (is that canon? Whatever), and Mickey and Ian from Shameless
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
Uh well, I don’t wear it super often. If I’m going to a nice event or it’s a nice occasion or even if I just feel like it and have time I wear like foundation and contour the whole nine yards, but I don’t do it every day. 
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
I do not, thankfully.
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
The pretty obvious one: That we don’t need a pride month/parade and on the reverse, since we have one why isn’t there a straight month/parade
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
For the most part, I’ve had positive, welcoming experiences. I went to NYC pride last year and it was just very happy and welcoming and a sense of community
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
GATEKEEPING! Nothing bothers me more than people acting like there are strict guidelines you have to follow in order to be in the LGBT+ community. Just shut up and let people live, dear lord!
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
Well I mentioned NYC pride which was a lot of fun. I’m from PA so it wasn’t my own city’s pride, but it was so much fun! I almost went to Philly pride that same year, but it was supposed to rain so we canceled. It didn’t rain
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
I think Halsey is a big influence for me, she’s doing good work. Also JVN who recently came out as non-binary. He just gives me a confidence I never knew I lacked. I also just a really big fan of Tessa Thompson
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I’ve only dated men as of now, but I have been talking to a girl I matched with on tinder and she’ll probably be the first girl I date
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?
I honestly haven’t read a book that wasn’t for school in literal years, none of which included lgbt+ characters so I can’t answer this tbh. Actually, I’ll say Harry Potter, according to JK that’s suuuuper LGBT, it just wasn’t important to the plot :/
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
The closest I’ve come so far, in my very small town and closed off life, was a girl that I matched with on tinder.
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
Sense8 was cool, big fan of that show. I honestly can’t say I’ve seen any other shows that focus on LGBT characters. Send me recommendations! 
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
I feel like at this point, all the people I see on my dash are LGBT somehow soooo
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?
Queer! I think it’s mostly already been said, but it’s a good umbrella word for those that don’t exactly know what it is they feel or identify as. It also can take place of titles like bisexual heteroromantic or asexual biromantic. It’s just a nice general term to say without having to explain your whole LGBT story to complete strangers!
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?
I have! There’s a place here in Allentown called Stonewall (I know, right!) and on Thursdays they do drag night along with 18+ so in high school, my group of friends would go. It was always so much fun!
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?
I’ve never really questioned my gender, I’ve always known I was cisgender but it is important to me that I live up to the women I look up to like Carrie Fisher and my mom.
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?
Tough question. Yes and no. If I ever have kids it’ll be adopted because I never want to be pregnant, no exceptions. I’m hesitant though bc my parents have instilled in me a reaction that makes me yell and I’m easily irritated and I also kinda practically raised my youngest brother at a young age so I’m not sure I’m cut out the be a parent
What identity advice would you give your younger self?
Advice in general: Go to more pride things. Join the pride+ club on campus earlier, take any advantage possible to go to parades and just be more annoying about your sexuality. Also! Find more lgbt friends, having friends that are allies is amazing, but actually having friends that are part of the community makes a huge difference
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
I think they’re dumb af. Fuck gender roles in relationships and just in general.
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
Not particularly, just be your genuine self!
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?
It’s not nearly as small a community as people think. Like, we’re considered minority which makes people think there isn’t a lot of us, but (and especially in recent years) I feel like you’ll meet more LGBT+ people than straight in some cases. Also that the majority within the LGBT+ community is bisexual, I feel like a lot of people don’t know that
Why are proud to be lgbt+?
Why wouldn’t I be? lol
♡ Happy pride from @hogwartsonline ♡
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #4: "I made James quit accidentally because I rigged a random.org" - Brian
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So.... BC quit. Don't know why (and I am not gonna enquire, I just know he is hella busy). But ya I don't know what this means going forward but im gonna roll with it. If i'm not flexible, then that is not a good winner. so ya looking forward toi see whatever happens, and if Madigan go to tribal again, all i know is that i will still be safe cause james and I will just get Keaton involved
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I’m SHOCKED BC quit because I thought I was going home lmao so now I have no idea what the hell is gonna happen I’m praying we swap tbh so I can meet up with Brian or Bryce who I know sbsbsbs.
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Okay I'm super sad BC quit. They seemed like such a sweetheart. And I always hate to see anybody quit. I'm usually kind of annoyed about quitters but I hope BC is all good and it was just because they were busy... :(
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This game has been really good to our tribe. We havent gone to tribal. I have a majority alliance of 4. Everyone is active and does 100% on the challenges. Its been good. Havent had much luck in idol hunt tho so probably someone already found it. Still nervous for the challenge. I want to keep winning but the bad thing in the eyes for the other tribe.
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The game is always changing... and someone quitting just shows how quickly everything can change in the game. Plans set forward destroyed... alliances ruined just due to what the game might throw at you at any given time. It’s always scary but you know what... sometimes you gotta look at something bad and say hey let’s test my gameplay a little bit... that is what I’m good at and that is what I plan to do!
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So we have swapped. and im not with james. This is hateful huh. first bc quitting today and now this. fuck this. and im with marie and keaton as well. ffs. oh well. time to get socialising and do this shit!
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I KNEW A SWAP WAS COMING!!! I felt it deep in my bones. Do sharks have bones? I actually don't think they do. Oh well. I KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING. Obviously I'm super nervous now because I was in a great spot before. But luckily I still have my #1 Brian. And Charlie who is a part of my Four of a Kind alliance and he has an idol. Plus Anna and I hopefully can work together like we have in other games. I just hope she trusts me. Ugh and I freaking hope we win this challenge. Because OG Dinah members definitely have a target as the last intact tribe. SO much is going on in my little gay brain.
Okay my brain is going a mile a minute with this swap. I'm reconnecting with Anna. She seems excited to see me and she told me she isn't super close with Jayden or Nick so that's amazing. I told Brian about Charlie's idol. So this is good. We're surviving.
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omg so we swapped and im so sad nathan isnt here but thats about it. happy to be away from jayden since he IGNORES me. when i read these after the game im gonna seem so obsessed huh KJDFSHFAKSJD. but anyway. dennis is here and hes one of my fave ppl ever! hes just so nice. we shared idol guesses and i really wanna go to the end with him. matt is pretty cool and we both stan the good place and naomi smalls so i feel like we'll be good allies. marie is a queen and super nice but maybe not super active but we both love ari so yay. naptime maynor isnt really liking my humor JKASDHF but thats ok. and kirby guy is alright too!! nicole seems nice enough if not a little standoffish but hoping for the best :s love this tribe overrall tho and really hoping to avoid tribal
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I got ZType for the duels! Blessed. I can do well in this game and I can't be the reason our tribe loses in the RARE chance we do. So i'm feeling okay.
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Too annoyed to write too much right now. But yet another org, and yet another swap fuck! Honestly, this is ridiculous. We have three members on either 7 person tribe, and even if we do manage to succeed in surviving another non-dinah is going to replace the voted out member... you can't make this shit up.
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I knew the swap was coming. But im with Dennis which is good. He has some connections with Bryce and Nicole so hopefully they work with us. Keaton is also here like oh Boi. 👀 going to see if he wants to work with me this time. Having him around could help me in this game.
James quits by leaving the server and ignoring everyone.
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https://gph.is/1neigCU my mood at my initial alliance members both qutiing time to die?
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Ok so Klick quit which is kinda upsetting cuz I was grinding tf outta that challenge and I lowkey played a game with him about a year and a half ago and kinda wanted to reconnect. BUT Nathan is now on the tribe which is like the nest possible scenario. Also we have Anna so hopefully we have an easy majority. Also I assume Dennis has began running the game over on the other tribe because he is great and will probably end up voting me out at f9 or something. But YAY F14 IM NOT OUT YET ANSNSKDKLZLXKC
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MY IMPACT?  I made James quit accidentally because I rigged a random.org to save Charlie from doing Multitask and then James had a fit because he got it and was sleeping so he couldn't pick... I... can't believe how I'm WINNING this game?  Anna, I hope you get my winner's crown READY because I'm doing the damn thing!  I am sorry I made him quit because I didn't think he would kjHDAJK... but wow...
Although I am in the minority right now based on tribal lines, Nathan is someone I've wanted to work with for like eons, and I feel so much more comfortable with him on my tribe than James and letting Annabelle hold my fate in her hands.  I think I have an upward battle, but I know Charlie has the idol and will warn Sharky in the case I need Charlie to use it on himself.  The two from my OG tribe I got stuck with is by far the only two from Dinah that I would go out of my way to protect in this game and knowing Charlie has the idol... ugh... I don't even have to DO anything and tea gets served to me.  Love Sharky.. love Charlie.. love Nathan... can't wait to thrive in this game now!
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So the swap, i thought would have been really bad for us original dinah people but so far it looks like we might pull through. Nicole told by Dennis to me that she is willing to work with us but im a little sketch because she hasnt really responds to me exept like one message and then it stops. Im trying to get info from keaton and see if he wants to work with me. I have to keep an eye on him cuz he’s messy af. 👀 I think we could be a strong tribe so hopefully we win the next immunity. I rather have my no going to tribal streak going. I need to start talking to our new tribe members as well.
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well james left so we got nathan i'm not upset about it i love nathan he's my person this game i think and we swapped with sharky on the tribe and i just played with sharky and we're in majority so things are really looking up here for me tbvh i feel like sharky might want to get rid of one of my OG tribe people but we'll see how it goes.
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This game is weird man. I was so ready to play 2048, but Kirby Boi #2 was a quitter, so now I'm not playing 2048, both people I trusted QUIT, and Dennis is on my tribe. I am going to lose really soon. But hopefully I can find an in on my tribe and survive.
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i just want an advantage. but oh so now 4/5 of my tribe is together and im just here.. love that! not sarcastic!! miss nathan tho! so far clicking with dennis still and naptime. hes a true carly rae jepsen fan i asked his fave and he said sour candy which is like (bad) but not well known so he must actually like her!! nicole left me on read.. love that! sarcastic!! and yaa wooh loving the new tribe that guy who quit bc of multitask kind of a flop but go off now im closer to merge!
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This morning finding out that James was removed was suprising. It sucks cuz i was enjoying doing the ztype. I got to 7,100 which i think its good but idk if it actually was. But im ready for this challenge and hopefully we could win in it. Definately dont want to go to tribal.
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Okay Nathan is AMAZING. I love him. And I'm totally going to work with him for sure. i'm so glad he didn't flop. And Honestly I'm glad James quit so that I could work with Nathan. This lip sync challenge is going to be silly. I offered to do the editing which honestly is a big undertaking but I like to be in control and It's definitely going to paint a target on my back but if we win it'll be so great.
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OMG SO FUN CHALLENGE THAT I HATE WOOH. i love this but i hate it. idk. i REALLY dont want to do a queen song so i pretended to not know who they are NNN but all that caused was my tribemates shading me... and its like... matt says beyonce is just "ok" and i need to listen to real music.??? just say u hate women and go. JK. maybe. but ANYWAYS. love dennis still and naptime is so funny love his pins! nicole left me on read some more so i sent her demi lovatos GET BACK music video and she finally responded with two 5 word msgs and ghosted again so um really loving that! kirby guy also doesnt reply a lot but thats ok totally loving only talking to 4 ppl!
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edit: quitters are shitters
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Our song is Dont stop me now by queen which is awesome. I just need to find the time to work on it later today or tomorrow morning but have an idea what imma do so thats good. Still talking to keaton but no game talk it. Hopefully soon because im still feeling sketch on this tribe. I dont wanna get voted out pre-merge. *knocks on wood* ✊🌳
Making the video was really fun. Had more fun and felt more comfortable after making the ones before were i wasnt as comfortable. This is one of my fav comps now. Cant wait to see how it turns out.
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UM?? I'm CACKLING?? So Sharky showed me the clips he got from Nick and Jayden, and I'm just so confused how straight men get any sort of action when they're as stiff as them?  I mean I guess they're not ugly so that probably helps, but neither of them are good at using a camera... So I'm just SO ...
I have nothing else to talk about other than how fucking STIFF the straight men are in their lip sync videos, so whew... love visibility…
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worst comp for me ever like i was fine doing 2048 i could have probably helped with that but like a music video? YIKES that's not my thing at all i didn't know what to do or what to help especially since i'm so not gonna get on camera >.< i hate being useless if we lose like ugh lmfao
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Okay so this challenge was...a disaster. I asked everyone to just do the song and then I'd make it look good with editing. That didn't work out. And I had more trouble editing than i thought. I feel like I dropped the ball and I'm not sued to being someone holding my tribe back. I tried to hide our bad lipsyncers. Charlie got sick. And something happened in the rush of uploading it that gave me a weird crop and a couple of cuts that I screwed up but I ran out of time. I'm feeling really disappointed in myself.
Okay we lost. This sucks. two of the judges called out the edit/effort specifically so that doesn't feel great. But I'm going to look at this as a positive. Maynor and Dennis stay safe on the other tribe. And Now I can use this to make some real connections and alliances on this tribe. Like Chad Michaels I will rise from the ashes and be the gayest winningest phoenix you have ever seen.
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Ok so me Nathan and Nick should really stick with Annabelle. Easy majority makes easy game which makes happy Jayden
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So we lost the challenge, but I don't feel too... bad about that.  I mean if I go home, clearly I fucked the fuck up and felt too confident... but I think that I feel... good?
Firstly, thank you to the judges for recognizing my SNAP in the lip sync.  I wasn't sure they were going to do my rap in the challenge, so I'm glad it was in there hehe... Now... going to tribal is a part of the game and the strategy has been lacking up till now, so I'm excited to jump in and finally explore that part of the game.  It'll be a nice start to my resume, following accidentally make James quit LMFAO.
Right now, I think I'm in a solid spot.  Nick said he wouldn't vote for me and I mean.. we haven't talked much, but I expect him to not lie for no reason... and I'm going to make sure to increase our conversation and expand on what HE wants to happen to just have that tea under my belt.  I think Jayden is who I would like gone, and I think I'd be able to gather the votes to get that to happen.  It's not like I have anything against him personally, but I just feel it's hardest to talk to him because him and I are not alike from what I've gathered.  I'm the uber gay and for the uber gay and the Travis Scott fanboy to get along?  Would be shocking.
I like Annabelle and Nathan a lot and I don't think they'd throw votes for me.  I have my little final 2 deal going on with Nathan, but highkey I don't think I'd keep him as my #1 over Marie, if I get to the point where I meet with her, so I have no problem cutting him or Annabelle in the future.  I do think it'd be better to work WITH them, especially for now, and I think they feel similar sentiments, but I don't know for sure!
But now we come to the real people I would like to protect going into this vote, Charlie and Sharky.  I love my OG Dinah babies so much, and I will make sure their names aren't the targets of this vote.  I think Sharky has set himself up well, and since he told me Charlie has the idol, I think we should especially be OK.  I also think Annabelle and Nathan seemingly want to work with us, so .... whew...
ALSO, this is a mid-confessional update, but 2 alliances were formed.  We have the "Tea Party" alliance with Sharky, me, and Nathan (the gays) and then the "Dinah Dudes" alliance with Charlie, Sharky, and me (OG Dinah's) and then I think another sub-alliance with the "Tea Party" and Annabelle is coming to fruition, so kjHDKAS... ya... I think I'm SET.  I can't wait to wreck shit!
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So we swapped tribes and here I am with 3 from my original tribe, 3 from the other tribe and Bryce from the third tribe. Bryce and I know each other, and by that I mean I just blindsided him another org... oops! Hopefully he doesn’t come after me but who knows because I literally did not participate in this challenge at all! We still won though so hopefully I’ll get to redeem myself in the next one
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My arms are SORE from pulling all my best Freddie Mercury moves out for this lip sync, I am SO tired. But I honestly am so glad i gave my 100% effort because I truly needed to pull through for this tribe and show them I’m not just a sitting duck. (Is that the term? Idk.)
Either way I’m glad we all got to bond through this and here’s to being safe ANOTHER round (I’ve never gone to tribal so wooooo!)
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i want an IDOL or sth. but um dennis is so fun love that man. always asks daily to work with me. like idk how many times i have to tell him that he is literally the only person on this tribe to pm me first without me having to (NOT EXAGGERATION). marie and matt? no reply from marie in like 30 hours and matt hasnt been talking to me since i said idk queen. kirby guy? replies with 1 word answers and taste in music offends me NNN. nicole? who. all she does is ignore me and like somtimes she replies and ill reply in the SAME LIKE 10 SECONDS, and she'll just leave me on read JKADSFHAKSJ. comes back like 9 hours later with no reasoning on why she stopped talking and with just a "hi", and thats if im lucky! idk i hope we swap soon or merge. like the whole preswap i was praying for a swap to find some good allies bc all i had was nathan really, and now i just have dennis. maybe by merge ill have a whole 3 allies??? oh wait theres um maynor hes cool i always have to pm him first but hes at least responsive and can hold a conversation! black bear diner goes off and i WILL be eating there the next time in houston
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We lost, which was hardly surprising when I saw the other tribe's video lol. So now it's not looking good for us dinahs... but luckily I have the idol up my sleeve hehe. Gonna tell Brian and Sharky so that we can use it to save us…
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I was so happy that we won immunity. Stil feeling a little sketch on this tribe. Injust hope that the vote isnt charlie, brian, or sharky. And especially sharky cuz he’s my duo. Now dennis, nicole, and i are the only 3 to not go to tribal yet. Its pretty awesome amd kinda scary.
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Down with the straights!  I still think Jayden is going, but if Charlie ends up going I'm JUMPING because that means I've been lied to by people that want to claim to be my final 2... I do trust in Jayden going but we shall SEE!
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So the tribe lost and I’m a bit nervous because I’ve only heard one name... I would have loved to saved my idol until I needed it but I think it’s very likely my name could be the second one going around... we shall see what happens though.
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Ugh okay so I was hoping for a simple easy vote. But as usual there is just a little bit of drama. Nick told Anna/Nathan that he has a legacy advantage to be used at F13/F6 which is trash because that means if we lose next time he'll use that and be safe. But if we vote him out he'll gift it to Jayden and we have the same problem. Plus Charlie is wigging out because he has a bad feeling about the vote, which is totally fair because he isn't talking very much. And Nick told Anna her name got thrown out which is just untrue. This is just kind of messy and not in a cute way.
Jayden is voted out 5-2.
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survivekohsai · 7 years
Episode 5 - I Just Want To Go Chill On The Beach With My Friends ~ Quillynn
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THIS TRIBE IS FUCKING UGLY OH MY GOD  IM GONNA SCREAM. *screams* dana Im going to kill you and yes I blame dana for everything. Anyone, putting me on a tribe IN THE MINORITY  and on a tribe with ryan of all people... well might as well just dig my grave now. Like rest in peace regan. May 28th, 1998- October 2nd 2017 rip
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I'm glad this is happening. We have the comp beasts besides Regan on our side, AND we also have Akito. So it's tit for tat. Hopefully we can have some Yala tribe alliance going. However, I like Jackson. He's seems really nice. Also Jordan can go because he hates us all so bye. And why did Ry block Akito? I now love that they mutinied.
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wow i mutiny'd, blocked this whole tribe, didn't use my idol and still stayed during tribal. lol 
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So I talked big during the voting confessionals. AND GUESS WHO JOINS!!! Bryce... AINT THAT NICE but tbh i talk big yet i cant help myself but now I have to lie about certain people because i need to build trust and relationships.
I swear to god if they send Jordan Means to Exile im quitting because people should want him gone ASAP!!!! He's a target in everyone's radar and if he makes it to the end like god almighty it's like Drew All over again.
*clap* I hope we win!
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Okay havent done one of these since the swap but here goes. I am not happy with this swap because even tho i have raf as an ally im not really liking not being with richie and regan seeing as how they actually do well in challenges. Luckily the other tribe still has a bunch of inactives but regan and richie have shown in the past that they can solo carry a chalenge so im worried. Especially since trixie wanted to go to exile and then wouldnt let us send regan. i was away at the time and it sucks because i really think we should have sent regan or richie so they couldnt compete instead of quinlynn who idk if they are really playing. Luckily the challenge is something im not bad at so maybe I'll do well. Plus we did  win reward by a landslide so maybe the other tribe will bring regan and richie down. speaking of the reward i think some people like erased their names last minute which is sus but w/e!! We still won. But im looking to make something with jackson and raf because i like them both and maybe rtp but i feel like raf and him wont work together idk?
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Im going to miss kelsey and linus but fuck regan and jordan lol! I don’t even care game wise i just want to go chill on the beach with my friends~
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The curse is broken!!!! Final 13 and possible Merge is coming!!
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Hi I'm Jackson and this is my fifth confessional.
I'm not going to to tribal!! Thanks to a tribe swap that basically gutted old Rayong (leaving only me and Akito left), new Rayong won reward AND immunity and THEN we gained Quillynn from a mutiny! this is the best shit ever because now Ryan and Jordan (who i don't want to play with) are stuck on a losing tribe with Regan (who I've heard can be temperamental) and it's going to drive them up the wall. Hopefully Jordan's wasted idol play will come back to bite him and he'll get voted out because I would still prefer that Kelsey and Linus survive. Anyway I've gotten to know pretty much everyone on the new tribe except for Eric and Ryan T., who seem nice but haven't really been responsive to me except for in the group chat. If we lose, I'd kinda like to see one of them go but to be honest I'd be fine with riding a series of wins until the merge. Okay bye I'm procrastinating too much
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i hate..... everything i was on a tribe that didnt lose a single challenge, i didnt have any 1 on 1 private conversations or relationships with anyone on the tribe but we all got along well and had worked well as a group so i was satisfied.... then yall swap and now im on a tribe of 7 where 5 of the people were from the flop tribe so not only am i in the minority but i'm in the minority where the majority was on a tribe that couldnt win a challenge to save their lives so unsurprisingly we lost this immunity and now its time for tribal with people who ive never talked to :) :) :) quillynn mutinied so thats one less person to have to worry about but still it could easily be a 4 vs 2 vote and the 1 person from my original tribe is regan who i love dearly shes truly one of the most iconic people of all time but in my list of people who are reliable game strategists i can count on to come up with plans and bounce ideas off of shes not necessarily someone i can do that with...... i did talk to Ryan a little bc we were on the same starting tribe before he mutinied so i got some light tea from him regarding the dynamics of the other tribe and he said that the alliances on the pther side were a 5 person alliance of akito, Jackson, quillynn, Kelsey and linus versus tyler, isaac and jordan.... tyler and isaac are gone so jordan stands alone from that minority group + its kinda weird that quillyn mutinied onto a tribe where original yala has the numbers especially since she was on a tribe with linus and kelsey who ryan said she was in an alliance with????  but maybe shes closer to akito and jackson + the other tribe is full of the people who kept winning challenges so idk but regardless idk whats going to go down for this vote but im annoyed that im on a tribe with a bunch of people who suck and im miserable
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I AM A CHALLENGE GOD!! NO MATTER WHAT TRIBE IM ON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE BET EVERYONE WANTS TO BE ME HUH. jk omg im so glad to be on this tribe thats winning. people joining this tribe? not cool.... hope Q is nice tho. I feel like jackson is a threat tbh but like im gonna idol myself and vote him when we lose so watch out
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I don't even know what to say. Tribe swap, sure, now that Akito and Jackson are both gone, I'm stuck with an angry Jordan, an unsure Linus, Quill who's just...THERE and these new people. Richie seems very close to me and I do feel confident talking with him and then there's Regan...girl. I feel very shaky around Regan. She's hit or miss, and when she misses, she misses pretty badly...but eh, I'll work with what I've got. Now, going into the tribal, it would be spectacularly easy to vote out Quill because of her absences but I'm the LAST person to judge on that area so...it's hard. Now that Jordan is rather distant from me, I could easily vote him out but I really do want to be in the end of the game with him and I want us to do as swell as possible. Out of everyone...I don't know. I'd rather vote for Ryan. But GOD. I have been to FIVE. BLOODY. ELIMINATIONS. IN A ROW. Geez LOUISE, I hate that this is happening. Girl, I'll do whatever it takes to get the crown, don't get me wrong...but WHY is this HAPPENING?!? I can't keep doing this...I really can't. My tribe has GOT to pull it together. It's testing me, I'm really ready to just go off on everyone for their lack of trying. I know that I TURNED this last immunity out so...WHAT'S the tea??? I just hope that I will just get a week to SIT and RELAX with these people. Because currently, there's no time to talk about life, we have to cut hookers WEEK after WEEK and it's...tiring. Girl, I can't even tell you where I'm going this week. Hopefully, straight back to camp. Let's give it everything we got.... *sigh* And THAT'S all there is to it~! W-We've got to win eventually...right? -Kelsey V Mikaelson
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I am glad we won the challenge because honestly, I didn't really know my position in the tribe and whether or not I could be a target. Everyone seems so social and I wouldn't be surprised that most of them are in alliances without me.
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I am happy Quillynn is back with us? But also I feel like I have to stick with Jackson's Alliance... despite me wanting to make moves but looking at how this game goes on forward. Trixie/Regan alliance is far more powerful then us. So if Linus and Kelsey are still here to the end, I may have to betray Quillynn and Jackson at that time. I hope I can make it through. 
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hi im happy to be on a tribe with jackson and quil. boba tea + fish has arrived!!
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So what the fuck do i even have to talk about...havent lost a fucking challenge yet which is awesome...and now ppl are mutinying to us...its getting interesting...im still being the old gramps and no one is even talking to me...but we will see how this goes lmfao
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I hope these people vote me out because I don't like them and I threw the challenge because I don't like them.
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Here's your confessional stop blowing up my inbox!!
Voting Confessionals
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Meh whatever, I vote for Jordan
Kelsey was medevaced
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 7 "We're Just A Group Of Happy Campers" - Dom
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Is it bad that the reason I love this challenge is because of seeing the suffering its making people go through.......why am i a hero again
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Why is it final 20 but I feel like I've nearly made jury? hmmm? Anyways...I feel good with how I've played up to this point. Being 1 of 3 villains to never receive a vote certainly feels good.....but I still know I have eyes on me since I haven't exactly been SUPER subtle??? Granted, I totally thought they were going to blindside me in the Linus vote given my shady business in the Alex vote (I mean....I can't deny it, I was def shady) but they didn't! Although I would feel much better if I could somehow snag an idol....but I'm not sure how anyone could get one without an idol clue (that was likely received by pure luck...) so for now, I kinda just have to be vulnerable to a successful idol play by someone that hates me (aka Richie) But if Richie were smart, he'd be coming to people besides Tommy/Kage to rally votes against Kage (or maybe Junior?), but he hasn't yet, which makes me believe that either A) There's a group that doesn't have me in it B) Tommy has Richie controlled C) Richie just isn't smart Cuz right now, the only people I'd consider voting are Richie, Kage, and Junior.... here's to hoping I either master Japanese and scam this immunity or survive one last vote before the swap! VL Confessional: I used to think I was pitied upon for my flop of a social game but hey maybe I have one??? or not. i cant tell if these people just tolerate me or like me or are using me. fuck all of 'em. who knew a hero could survive on the villains tribe for so long???
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So it turns out both tribes are going to tribal, which means I actually have to start thinking about who to vote for........... LMAO JK I'VE BEEN PLANNING THE NEXT FOUR PEOPLE TO BE VOTING OUT OF OUR TRIBE SINCE WE FIRST VOTED OUT MIST! Ruthie, it's your turn sweetheart. After ranking all of the people I want out of the game, you're significantly the most dangerous because you play UTR, and you make it super deep every time, and you killed All Stars from what I was told (until you got targeted for being TOO GOOD once it came to merge). You're not someone I can just think about working with because I'm afraid you're going to beat me in so many aspects. It's just a respect thing, no hard feelings hopefully considering you seem like a really stand up girl. I think it's about that time I message you with the "well.... time to go to tribal" message :/
So yea.... Ruthie is starting to spread like wildfire and already I've planted the seed in Drew, Andrew, Pippa and Steffen, and all of them are spreading that around QUICK. Drew and I got added to a bros alliance with Trace, Ashton, Steffen and Dom, which I wanted to happen anyways. Not necessarily with Drew, but Drew being in it is actually perfect because Drew is in my other alliance with Kendall, Alex, Pippa, Isaac, Andrew, which means the ONLY person not in either alliance chat was Ruthie, which made it really easy to rationalize with Drew as to why we needed to take that route. Also, making an easy vote this round, considering there's massive potential for a tribe swap next round, we don't want ANY split votes. We need to show that the heroes are one unit for now. The only downside I can see with this is if I get swapped onto a tribe with minority heroes, and the Villains would want to break up our cohesive team. The only thing I know is that if I go to tribal, I've got at least a second lease on life in this game because I have that idol with Steffen, so after finding the idol, I'm not too worried about swaps anymore because I know there's a very good chance I'll make it out of the swap alive. The swap is going to be where I start making bonds with Villains I've yet to interact and play with; like Junior, Richie, Jonathan, Brian, etc. Players, who I want relationships with, but don't have yet because we're on opposite tribes. This swap is going to be interesting, and I'm really excited to see it play out if we get the chance, and if we don't get the chance, it'll probably be Kendall or Alex C. going home next tribal council because that's what I want to happen, which means it's likely to come true. I honestly don't understand how people don't see that the name I want, I get....... tbh I'm pretty sure Andrew might be onto the fact that I wanted Ruthie gone, when Andrew wanted Kendall or Drew, and all of a sudden people going for Ruthie, it seems that it could easily be traced back to me, but I doubt it. I think i'm good for now, and I hope Andrew knows that he can trust me. Another thing I really need to work on is my long term relationships with Pippa and Isaac because I really haven't had as many conversations with them, but I hope that they both know that it'll be really hard for me to turn on them because they're so nice and also not the STRONGEST of players, which makes for a great goat late game. I'm not sure, but I'm just taking it one step at a time for right now, and if I make it past this one, I'm in the final 18, which actually seems like a big accomplishment just due to the fact that so many fucking people have gone home already, so pat on the back to me, but I'm not even close to my goal yet. 
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uh tommy is fucking hard to deal with because he seems so easily persuaded ...its sad anyways alex and ...linus (rip holy fuck) are gone...i wish richie went when linus did but if i have to sacrifice linus to get to swap then like..so fucking be it. so the tru hunties ( me, crow, jon and tommy) are now in a beautiful spot because the vote is looking to be richie or brian so obv we have majority now tommy wants other things so i just need to give him a lot of attention. TBH I love that boy so much but i can see why andreas says were similar.. because were both crazy and def on the villains for a reason. But im glad hes crazy loyal bc im loyal af to him <3 <3 <3 it seems like either ruthie or someone else is going on the heroes but kendall aka my gf told me shes in a majority alliance with isaac, her, drew, alex, andrew and pippa so i mean like ...GET IT. they will prob save ruthie?!?! because she seems to be like off limits always ANYWAYS BRIAN IS ANNOYING AND IM TIRED OF CROW LOVING HIM BUT IM TRYING NOT TO BE APPARENT ABOUT IT BRIAN IS IN CONSTANT ...annoying mode it seems like..hes such a snake he basically sells anyone out to get further and i mean like theres a difference between doing it to someone who ur not loyal to and who is not loyal to u but crow and i are loyal af to him (at least they think im loyal to them?) jeejejjejeje anyways i want richie gone but if richie has an idol?? then like...i mean idrc because i know i have one so im good hehehehehohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh I GUESS that was my evil laugh dklfhjdskjfh
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hi im secretly fluent in Japanese.
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lol why do i always talk to people before they get voted out just in case they dont ... brian(but pat went instead) ash alex linus and now richie i feel like a bitch but ive been honest with them -but lowkey i feel like this is saving my ass in case they stay so they think im gr8 hehehehohoh plspls swap us soon also kendall is so oblivious about johnny she was like omg keep johnny safe like btich hes talking to all the villains and the boys on my tribes are attention whores so they will love him soon enuf...hes cute and his social game is on fleek so i need to watch out for him heheheoehoh
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So, I just wanna point out that yesterday Drew told me he wanted to get Ruthie out. So of course I was the one to bring it up to the group so that if it comes down to it I can say that I helped push it towards Ruthie. I trust the group but lowkey if I get out I won't be shocked? But once this vote happens, especially if it happens the way I think it will, then I can have a lot more faith in the group I'm with.
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Me: jonathan told me that jr told him he only trusts jonathan LOL 🐦 Crow Jones 🐦: jr is literally such a garden snake 🐦 Crow Jones 🐦: like a real snake would at least do it better crow is so gr8 i love him..he still savage and will prob win over me but i still love him 
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So Linus died last round for no reason other than he was on the outs.  But like challenge strength kiddies !!! And now they're targetting Richie to stay united right before a swap.  Like.. get Kage or Junior or Tommy out thnx.  They're the most toxic to villains unity and WHEN I get fucked by them non-sexually, I will be choking myself.
ALSO, I miss Jaiden so much.  These people are kinda lame-os.  I like them as people, but like 👀
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Phew, I'm glad to have immunity. But beyond that, I'm really realizing that I cannot relate to most of these people. They don't show their true colors and it's annoying af. You wanna know what Crow is thinking? Ask Crow. like caw-caw bitch I'll tell ya! Richie is going cuz he decided to throw my name in the mud. nuh uh. that dont fly with me. since it's been a while, i need to do my weekly tribal roast Junior - Like I told Sarah, he's a garden snake. It's like the one you kinda feel bad for just squirming along in your front yard acting like some mean 'ole cobra. Not subtle or good at playing the snake, next. Tommy - Literally has the same convos with nearly everyone. His social game is that of a robot and it's definitely apparent now that I'm playing with him again. I just hope these other fools don't fall for it too. Kage - I don't know how he's still here cuz everyone he's made an alliance with has gone home (besides Tommy but Tommy's aligned with everyone). That's why I'm keeping my distance. Richie - We went our separate ways. He actually seemed chill until he blew up before the Alex vote. Hopefully his 14 seconds of fame was worth it! Brian - love this boi. I can relate to him a TON but idk how he seems to always do well in ts....if it weren't for people like Sarah and I, he could have easily been 25th this season I think? Maybe he's a mastermind idk, but I haven't figured him out yet as a player.. Jonathan - I love his realness, which is why I stuck by him when his name was thrown out and when I had to pick an alliance. He probably doesn't trust me for shit, but he's been a good asset to my game, particularly this round. Sarah - I wouldn't say she's my ride-or-die per se cuz I know she's werking her social game with a lot of people, but we've been in every alliance together so far, so strategically, I see us going far together until we are separated. But I also know she's a villain. I'm a villain. Villains don't work together loyally 5ever!!
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BRIAN IM SORRY YOU DONT DESERVE THIS!!!! Ugh I hate everything. Last night junior came to me with a plan to save me and I'm like cool and whatever keeps me here idgaf I'm in self preservation mode. Junior says Jonathan is super connected in the tribe and I'm like ya true and goes on this long spiel about it and I just wanted him to get to the point but finally he was like I think Brian would be the easiest vote. And ughhh I really like Brian and he's been the most on my side since the beginning out of the people left. Like literally everyone that I have any game connection with leaves. Ashley Jaiden Alex Linus and now Brian it's enough I'm so over it if he leaves and we don't swap and lose I'm FUCKED. BUT IM ALSO FUCKED RN. So Brian leaving is bad for me moving forward the alternative is that I leave and there is no moving forward so like..... It's not much of a choice there's no way I can flip this game around I spent the last 2 rounds since Alex left trying to shift the target onto Sarah and that didn't work at all I have no traction with these people. So step one was I mention Brian's name to tommy and tommy of course was so ambiguous and like just prying for information and I wasn't trying to throw Brian under the bus but I just wanted to plant the seed that Brian might be the easy vote plus tommy did vote for Brian week 1 so maybe there's some tension there??? So from there junior went and talked to tommy and kage and got them in on the Brian vote so if they're legit we only need one more but that's where it gets tricky because Sarah/crow/Jon are all going to vote together and I literally called Sarah and crow out in front of the tribe and threw them under the bus with receipts and hardcore exposure campaigns to multiple people on this tribe lmao so I'm fucked But I went to Sarah and we had a long talk just small talk and socializing and then moved to game talk where I really played up the emotional aspect where "I've been so alone and I was hurt that I thought I found my people and it all came crashing down and I just feel so isolated and it sucks and I'm sad :(" and I apologized really sincerely and tried to smooth everything over and just like make it so she's not scared of me sticking around because if she's doesn't think I'll come after her then the plan for junior to approach her to vote out Brian is more apt to get rolling because that door has already been opened.   I dont know if I'm going to still be here I can't play the in your face campaign against Brian or try and flip the script outright strategic game rn I have to just be in the background and make the case for why keeping me isn't harmful to anyone's game and let other people take care of numbers and I hate it when other people have any say in my destiny because if this tribe has proven anything it's that they can't be trusted like junior is SUCH a wimp when it comes to making moves he's so afraid of doing anything that if he thinks he's not going to be able to get the votes on Brian I know he'll give up on trying to save me so having him being the leader of the save Richie parade is truly terrifying. Ugh time has passed and junior is heckling out and I'm trying to convince crow now and I'm working my ass off while at dinner with my family and my phones going to die so RIP???????
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http://youtu.be/9ptMGA9SUO0 oooo
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So like nothing has happened on the heroes tribe because we've literally been on this huge winning streak. The streak itself has made things easier and challenging at the same time. We've grown so close that besides Drew or Steffen I don't want to see anyone leave. Had Drew lost immunity I would've tried my hardest to send him home because I have a sneaking suspicion Steffen and Drew have something going on and if we take out Steffen first that'll piss Johnny off, who we need as a number. So Drew has to go before Steffen as lon as they're on the same tribe with Johnny. Because Drew won immunity everyone decided to play it safe and either vote for Ruthie or Kendall and I think everyone decided on Ruthie because Kendall is on the edge of death and Ruthie is a huge social threat. I love her to death like she's the definition of a hero but we can't let her make it far.
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I'm sad, maybe my heart wasn't in it as much this time as it was for me during Arabia? I'm not sure, I really thought I could trust Andrew, Steffen and especially Drew but I should have known better, fought harder and tried to make stronger connections with other people on my tribe.  It was a fun experience and I hate that Richie, Alex and I left so soon and that the three of us didn't get to be on a tribe together but maybe we'll get a chance to play together again one day and the Family will make it to the end for real! Right now I'm not sure who I'm rooting for.  Steffen and Drew seem to be putting out the most effort but I'm bitter that they didn't tell me my name was being thrown around.  We'll see, I'm going to follow the season closely and cheer everyone on though!
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mirandabroad-blog · 7 years
day 10: sick in denmark
hello again! i apologize for not posting, this week has been a blur! I woke up and definitely feel like I have a cold :( this should be interesting. 
class: it was a good class today. We talked more about the photo-documentary side of photography. The way that my professor, Laerke, teaches is a little different. Then again it is a photography class. We talk, watch videos, look at pictures, and then a student presents on a photographer that relates to the topics discussed. She showed us this one video of a photography set that really interested me. It’s titled “Love Me” by Zed Nelson.
I think this series of photos is very moving. There is such a societal mold of what we each think we should look like, and Nelson definitely captured the feeling of people globally. I have to say that I miss this artsy side of classes. My past 2 semesters have been non-stop science courses. This course brings me back to my yearbook and writing days. Don’t get me wrong, I love biology and I can’t imagine having any other major, but I do enjoy this course and I am very thrilled about how much I am learning about photography.
My 2nd Photo Assignment: Ugh. This is oh so hard. I ended up calling, e-mailing, and then finally just walking to 2 veterinarians today in Copenhagen. Let me tell you. Not so easy. There aren’t as many Vets around here like in the USA. I had to use the bus which again, isn’t so easy in a new city! Also, asking random people if you can take their picture for a class, without being too creepy, is also tough. Right on, bc this course is transferring back as a Communication course. How perfect. One of the Vets agreed and told me to call back tomorrow to make sure it was ok. I hope this all works out. 
After searching around, I came back and ended up working on my presentation that is next week. I am presenting on Cindy Sherman, an American photographer who works with mainly self-portratiure. She’s pretty cool so far! 
DIS organized a Session 1 BBQ in King’s Garden. This is a park in the city, and it was so cool! We made it there around 5 and they gave us our own personal mini grill. They gave us weiners, and thankfully they had chicken hot dogs, which looked more appetizing than the normal ones, in my opinion. They also had soy dogs, which were sitting in an interesting liquid. I was honestly just happy to have free chicken in my life. We all put our dogs on the grill and in a couple of minutes, they were done! I see many hot dog stands around Copenhagen, much have these crispy onions on top. So, in my attempt to be cultured~ I put some on my hot dog. It was yummy! THE BEST PART. They had smores to make, too!! We grilled our marshmallows and instead of graham crackers, we had this sweet cracker instead. I honestly like these better than graham crackers! 
I also liked the fact that a bunch of DIS students were around. Besides class and my hall, I don’t really see the other students that much. It was fun seeing other Americans make smores in Denmark :)
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Us making smores. I felt like I was back home with a bunch of college friends. 
Side note: It’s so hard to eat healthy here. Bread is what Danes live off of. But they’re all so thin!!! And our fridge kinda sucks. My roommate’s milk went bad in 2 days. Thankfully I don't buy real milk lol. 
Thoughts on the week: I am finally getting the swing of things. If only I wasn’t sick. Thankfully, it’s only a minor cold and I’m not feverish & in bed because then I would feel super homesick. But, with the mix of no A/C, new environment/allergies, alcohol, reduced intake of H2O or veggies, it’s allll my fault. Gotta suck it up because you only Denmark once (JK I’m definitely coming back to this place)
Everyone is already talking about the fact that we only have a little while longer here. It doesn’t feel like I will leave Copenhagen. It also doesn’t feel like a forever home. I’m indifferent. 3 weeks is weird. It’s short enough to where I’m not going to get homesick but also long enough to where I don’t think the memories I’m making will ever ever end in this country. 
- Miranda
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